오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100326


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 40개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 어제는 에서 기자회견에 참석하고 집으로 귀가한 탓에 무료 어플에 대한 글을 올리지 못했다. 따라서 오늘은 조금 빨리 소개하도록 하겠다. 먼저 3D Converter은 무료 어플이다. 다만 카메라로 촬영한 사진을 3차원 사진으로 만들어 주는 어플이라 소개한다. Quran Hakim는 아랍어로 쓰여진 쿠란이다. 평상시 4불에 판매된다. SwipeBall은 평상시 2불에 판매되는 게임 어플이다.

Glint는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 GPS 기반 속도 측정 어플이다. 얼마나 정확하게 동작하는지는 시험을 해보지 않아 알 수 없었다. blockhead는 평상시 1불, 오늘만 무료로 판매되는 게임 어플이다. 칠교판과 비슷한 게임으로 보면 된다. A Pictogrid은 평상시 2불, 25일까지 무료로 제공되는 퍼즐 게임이다. KungFu U는 글, 그림, 동영상으로 쿵후를 배울 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다.

Facebook Card는 평상시 3불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 이름처럼 카드를 만들 수 있는 어플이다. Shoot On Sight Pro는 조금 재미있는 어플이다. 마치 사격을 하듯 촬영을 하면 사진에 총을 쏜 자국이 남아 저장되는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 27일까지 무료로 제공된다. Private Dialer는 국내에서 개발된 어플답게 디자인이 뛰어난 전화걸기 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 오는 자정까지 무료로 제공된다.

NetWorker는 12불로 가격이 가장 비싼 어플이다. 간단한 네트워크 퀴즈 어플로 그만한 가치가있는지는 의문이다. TownTalk는 4월까지 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 해당 사이트에 회원가입해야 이용할 수 있다. RepTrainer는 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Magnetic Sports Hockey는 평상시 3불, 오늘만 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 3차원 하키 게임이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

3D Converter 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: Free

3D Converter is intended for 2D to 3D conversion. The program can generate stereoscopic images with a finger and share them with friends on Facebook.

  1. Take an image from Camera or Photo library
  2. Touch and hold your finger on screen
  3. Draw region of object to generate a stereoscopic image
  4. Change the value of depth using slide bar on "Control" (and you can change the brush size)
  5. Select stereoscopic style (Anaglyph or Wigglegram)
  6. Click "Save" to send your result image to Photo Library or FaceBook


  • Taking image source from camera or photo library
  • 2D to 3D conversion using a finger
  • Ability to send stereoscopic image to Facebook
  • Color anaglyph creation
  • Wigglegram mode for a fun, simulate 3D effect

If you have any suggestions to improve this application, feel free to send email us. you can contact us directly at:

iQLights 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iQLights, a unique puzzle game, it's ultimate goal is to "Light All The Lights".
It's so easy to play that you just need to drag any light wilfuly,then all lights around it could move clockwise or anticlockwise accordingly. Once a light is in a correct position, it will be lighten. You need to illumine all the lights in 3 minutes .

It sounds very easy, isn't it? However,make all the lights in positions within limited time may not be as easy as you think. This is a test for IQ and logical reaction speed. Don't hesitate, smart guy, start challenging!

Left-drag -- move counter-clockwise
Right-drag -- move clockwise


  • Ranking list supplied
  • Three difficulty options

'stachetastic 3.7(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Stachetastic in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be FREE today and today only!

'Stache is a smash! But don't just take our word for it...

Thanks for the 'stachetastic love Lauren Graham!

"'Stachetastic on the iPhone – The Best $2 I Have Ever Spent" - WIRED.COM

"10 Best iPhone Apps That Do Photoshop Tricks" - DVICE.COM

"An incredibly stupid and entertaining app..." - ESQUIRE MAGAZINE

"Official iPhone App" of The American Mustache Institute and Mustache March

Do you feel like your weak facial hair genes are holding you back from achieving that sex symbol status? Now you can fast forward right past the awkward stage, and go from BARE to BEAR in one easy step!

Introducing 'STACHETASTIC! Guaranteed to instantly increase your sex appeal through the power of Super Totally Awesome Cranial Hair Enhancement (S.T.A.C.H.E.) technology.

Don’t let your weak facial hair genes hold you back anymore! 'Stachetastic can give you that bad mofo beard or porn star mustache you’ve always wanted without the weeks and months of growing and maintenance.


ORDER NOW and not only will you get a lifetime supply of 'Stachetastic, but we’ll throw in over 40 sweet beards, hairdoos, and other facial enhancements.

'Stache your friends, your co-workers, your kids, even your pet monkey!

It's 'stacherageous, no – it's 'stachetastic.

With this easy to use photo editor, you can take a new picture or select one from your photo library and instantly add a mustache or beard from a selection of sweet facial hair.


  • Patented S.T.A.C.H.E. technology guaranteed to make you look sexier with facial hair
  • Over 40 'stacherageous mustaches, beards, 'doos, and other facial enhancements
  • Resize, rotate, crop and recolor your 'staches
  • A public gallery to show of your creations and humiliate your friends
  • Email, tweet and facebook your 'stacheriffic photos

It's 'stachetastic!

Crazy Farm 1.08(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Bring back order to Old McDonald's Farm!

Young McDonald needs your help to keep his Pig and Sheep happy at his Pop's farm. The future of the farm depends on your skills in clearing the farms of obstacles and bringing the animals back safely to their respective pens!


  • Easy and Fun to pick up and Play!
  • Contains the normal mode that easily allows the player to get acquainted to the game.
  • Drag the sheeps and pigs into their respective pens!
  • Interact with numerous objects in the game
    • Utilize walls and rocks to prevent your animals going astray, or simply throw them away!
    • Drag poo out of the farm so that the animals can get happy!
    • Discard of Banana peels that are dangerous!
    • Place magnets into strategic positions!
    • Get rid of fires by stamping them out before they burn your animals!
    • Clear waterholes so that your animals won't drown on them!
  • Crazy, Fun, and Zany non-stop action in the Marathon mode!
  • Online Hi-Score and Facebook Feature in the Marathon mode!
  • Challenge with your Facebook Friend's with Farms Friend in Marathon mode!

Fun game made for all ages!
iPhoneFootPrint (http://www.iphonefootprint.com/2009/06/crazy-farm-is-a-simple-animal-stacking-game-iphone-game-review/)

Quran Hakim 2.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free


SHL systems brings you Quran Hakim the Mus'haf Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyah right on your iphone. This application will provide you the experience of reading the Quran as if you were reading it from the Mushaf itself.

A lot of effort has been put into the navigation capabilities in this app and this particular feature makes the app stand out. The user can navigate to a page based on the page number, surah - aayah combination or juz by selecting it from the picker list (See the 2nd snapshot). He/She can also simply type in the page number to go to. Further more, the user can go back and forward 1, 10 or 25 pages at a time.


  • High quality images
  • Easy navigation by Juz, Surah, Ayah or Page.
  • Type in the page number to go to.
  • Go backward or forward 1, 10 or 25 pages.
  • Pinch to Zoom
  • Double finger tap to zoom out.
  • Tap top or bottom of screen to show navigation options.
  • Remembers last page on exit.
  • Continuous back light.
  • Auto-rotate for landscape or portrait mode.
  • Multiple bookmarks with bookmark management.
  • Shake the phone to bookmark the current page.
  • Double tap to bookmark or show bookmark history.

Checkout our other applications:

  • Tajweed Quran
  • Quran Karim
  • Quran Mark
  • Quran Bookmark - Arabic
  • Quick Mark

SHL Systems is committed to deliver quality applications.

Suggestions for improvements are welcome.

Avoid-Em-Up 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

--==FREE for a limited time==--

Think you have the skills to "Avoid-Em-Up"

Use the unique controls of your I-Phone/I-Pod to take control to avoid the ever present onslaught of enemies.

Features :
Smooth, responsive accelerometer controls
Hardcore arcade style action
Retro themed pixel geometry graphics
Original Drum & Bass and retro chip soundtrack
Local hi-score saving
Pause cat!

Holding your phone/ipod parallel to the ground, tilt and twist to move around the screen "Avoiding-Em-Up". The longer you last, the bigger the payoff. Keep an eye out for the power-ups to help you out, but also be aware of the homing enemy that comes to hunt you down from time to time.

Get tilting.....get Avoid-Em-Up

Future updates to include :
Global leader-boards
New enemy and power-up types
New exciting game modes

V. 1.1 is now a lot more forgiving. the bonuses appear much sooner, and more regularly. Seems the game was a little to hard for you all? ;o)

LifePatterns 1.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Create a pattern that lives and grows to exhibit life-like complexity. You can draw an initial sprinkling of life with your finger, and watch it evolve over time as it changes and adapts to the conditions it experiences. Will your pattern grow and thrive, freeze into a dormant state, or dwindle and die off?

The game seems superficially simple, but the principles have intrigued mathematicians for decades with their complexity.

The classic rules allow life to continue when it is "just right" in terms of crowding, but die off when it is too crowded or too alone.

Turkey Cam - Are you a turkey? 1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Point. Snap. Gobble Gobble!

Are you a turkey? Are your friends? Find out with Turkey Cam!

Turkey Cam is a fun little app that scans faces and sees if they match a live or cooked turkey. Which one are you?

Just in time for Thanksgiving!

Note: Turkey Cam works with the camera and the photo library. Using the camera is only available to iPhone users, but iPod Touch users can easily use Turkey Cam with existing photos on their device.

SwipeBall 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

SwipeBall is fun and addictive yet simple to learn and play! Light up bulbs by bouncing balls off of walls and lines that you draw by swiping your finger on the touchscreen!

SwipeBall is a must have for any user looking for a fun game that gives hours of entertainment and interaction and yet is quick to learn. Different levels of difficulty make it a perfect game to get started on and hone your skills and show off to your friends as you get better. Don't tell us we didn't warn you it's addictive!


  • Multiple levels with different wall colors and layouts
  • Touchscreen to create your own barriers while you play
  • Sound effects to indicate you have lit a lamp and countdown as time runs out
  • Increasing levels of difficulty as you get better
  • Twenty-five levels for non-stop fun and action

Blop 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Blop is an addictive and tricky puzzle game about making shapes with blocks of colored tiles.

Using a combination of skill, planning and luck you must clear away the brown game board tiles in order to complete the levels and be rewarded with an animation.

To master the later levels of the game you must use wit and cunning to correctly place your colored tiles, to avoid getting blocked in.


  • Simple and addictive gameplay
  • Easy to use touch controls
  • Help and instructions included
  • Hand-drawn cartoon graphics
  • Three different animations
  • Automatic save game feature
  • Difficulty increases with each level
  • Sound effects with settings toggle
  • Good for all ages

iAllosaur 2.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

150 million years in the making - we at idvance LLC® are pleased to introduce iAllosaur®! iAllosaur lets you step back deep into the time of dinosaurs and brings to life a lost world. You might be tempted think of iAllosaur as a virtual pet application... except that you are presented with an Allosaur as a real wild animal who may or may not react to you... And other creatures who share his world will prove independent as well... We at idvance wanted to develop an app that delivers an "experience" rather than gameplay, requiring little of the user other than to enjoy being transported... iAllosaur is meant to let your iPhone immerse you in an more ancient and darker world...

Buzz Kill - Social Networking Hub 2.1(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Buzz Kill - Social Networking Hub is a simple way to quickly view all the most popular social networking/media.

Multiple apps in one.

Features included:

  • Simple UI 5% of screen space
  • Practically full screen browser 95% of screen space
  • Web to text button allows fast reading of web page content.
  • Google buzz
  • Google gmail
  • YouTube video
  • Twitter
  • FaceBook
  • Digg
  • Favorite site bookmark

Buzz Kill - Social Networking Hub relies on an internet connection.

Glint 1.2.9(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Glint - Free & Easy GPS Tracker

Up to date information at-glance

Glint keeps track of your running, bicycling, kayaking and other sports activities. The home screen gives you a clear overview of your current performance, distance traveled, current and average speed, and course.

Compete against yourself

You can race against any previously recorded track. When racing, Glint shows how far ahead of or behind the recorded track you are, in time or distance.

Energy efficient

Glint takes care of turning off the display when the phone is in your pocket, to conserve battery life. If you set the recording interval (time between recorded waypoints) to at least 30 seconds, it lets the GPS sleep in standby mode between measurements and doesn’t update statistics more often than the recorded waypoints. This makes for a full day of GPS tracking.

Highly configurable

Speeds and distances are configurable for metric, nautical and imperial units. Required precision and recording interval can be set to a wide range of values.

Tracking and export

While showing current statistics, Glint can record your progress. The recording is then exported as a industry-standard GPX (GPS Exchange Format) file and emailed to your account. You can then analyze the track in programs like TrailRunner (Mac) and Google Earth (Mac & Windows).

Stack 'em Up - Taste or Health 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

!!! Free for a limited time. !!!

In a land consumed by soda and energy drinks humanity has been enslaved by a need for sugar and caffeine. They have lost touch with the benefits of hydration and health. Can you free them from their addictions to instant energy? Free them from the tyrant that is the beverage conglomerate. You must find a healthy balance between hydration and energy as you ride the roller coaster of ups and downs.

Use creativity and puzzle skills to stack and balance the different types of cans. You must mix fun with health to earn points and progress to new levels of enlightenment. How hard will you push back? Can you withstand the sweet taste of sugar or are you too jittery to Stack Em Up!

Stack 'em up integrates full Social Networking support from Agon. The features include:

  • Online leaderboard
  • Brag about your high score on Twitter and Facebook
  • Find what your friends are playing and their high scores

blockhead! 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

In collaboration with OpenFeint's
Free Game of the Day,
blockhead! is Free for TODAY only.

Blockhead is a fast-paced puzzle game designed to challenge your brain and improve your spatial abilities.

Playing a round of Blockhead is quick. Your job is to match a scrambled design with a given set of tiles. To make things a little more tricky, some of the tiles may be rotated.

Blockhead is fully customizable, allowing you to set the level of difficulty. It also allows you to pick one of several tile sets and backgrounds to suit your current mood. Experiment to see if your performance improves using different combinations.

Blockhead is integrated with OpenFeint, allowing you to track your scores on any one of its twenty-five different leaderboards.

Easter Bunny Tracker 1.20.00(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Happy Easter! You’re invited to help keep track of the Easter Bunny and all the fun characters on Easter Island as they prepare for Easter.

Several times each day, you will receive new blogs with beautiful graphics and entertaining audio as the characters present a tale of friendship, pride and forgiveness. An interactive globe and radar map add to the realism as you track the exact whereabouts of the Easter Bunny as he travels thousands of cities the night before Easter. Using your iPhone’s location, you will know how long until the Easter Bunny enters a tunnel near you. You will be also able to communicate with the Easter Bunny via text.


If you can't hear sound, please check the following:

  1. Make sure sound switch is on (upper left side of iPhone.
  2. Make sure iPhone volume is all up. (upper left side of iPhone..
  3. Make sure YouTube volume is up. Open YouTube and slide volume bar to the right.



Easter Bunny Tracker is a fun but large application. Due to this fact,you must download this app when in wifi or directly through iTunes on your home computer followed by syncing your iPhone.

If you have any further questions, contact us at www.talusmedia.com.


A Pictogrid 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Thanks to your votes on www.freeAppCalendar.com, A Pictogrid is the Featured FREE App of the Day for March 25, 2010!

Challenge your spatial imagination, fun puzzle game, do not miss!

In Pictogrid, you are given a number of pegs inside a grid. There are three types of pegs that all act differently. You must manipulate this grid in order to match the image you are given.


  1. There are 40 challenging levels to complete!
  2. Simple operation of the game.
  3. Great game interface.


  1. Add more levels.
  2. Add global rank.

Holiday ~ Postage 2.3(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

★ Now on sale for 50% off the regular price ★
Holiday ~ Postage is the perfect way to ring in the holiday cheer with your iPhone. With Holiday ~ Postage you can create the perfect season's greeting with your own photos and messages and send them to your loved ones from anywhere you happen to be.

Dress-up your portraits as Santa Claus, garnish your favorite photos with seasonal ornaments and decorations or spotlight your family Christmas photo in a charming snow globe. Delight your friends and family with a digital holiday card this year!

The high-resolution postcard designs in Holiday ~ Postage can be customized with your own photos and messages. No other application on the phone comes close to the quality of greeting cards you can create with Holiday ~ Postage. When you are finished with your creation share it easily by email, Facebook or Twitter right from your iPhone.

Features include :
★ Choose from ten professional postcard designs
★ Create gorgeous, high quality e-cards
★ Select a photo from library or take a new photo
★ Move, zoom and rotate photo for the perfect fit
★ Choose a photo effect
★ Style your message
★ Share postcards on Facebook
★ Send to one or more email recipients
★ Send postcards with MMS using Copy and Paste
★ Save postcards and original photos to library

Turn your iPhone into a realistic holiday snow globe with snowflakes that react to gravity and the movement of your iPhone.


Postage ~ Postcards
Holiday ~ Postage is part of the award-winning Postage suite of applications. Be sure to also check out the premium edition, "Postage ~ Postcards". It contains a variety of these seasonal postcard designs and many, many more. There are over 70 designs in 13 categories to choose from in "Postage ~ Postcards".


KungFu U 2.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Five High Quality Instruction Video Demo Included! NO CONNECTIVITY IS REQUIRED!
Start Kung Fu Practice From Scratch! Best For Kung Fu Starters and Lovers Alike! It's the MOST AFFORDABLE One in App Store!

Learn Kung Fu basics with Kung Fu U!
Start Kung Fu practice from scratch!
BEST for Kung Fu starters and MOST affordable one!

App Features

  • Support In-App Purchase.
    Download Two Additional Kung Fu Apps Conveniently
    Tai Chi Chuan And Pa Kua Chang (Exclusive).
    Both Share The Same Feature of Kung Fu U:
    High Quality Video Demo,
    Thorough Into to The Craft,
    Basic Moves and More!
    Best Value For Money!

  • 5 Video Demo of Basic Kung Fu Practice.
    4 Step By Step and 1 Complete.

  • High Quality Videos To Ensure Smooth Playback.
  • 200+ Clear and Easy To Follow Illustrations of Basic Kung Fu Moves.
  • Warm-up Guidance to Prevent Injury During Practice.
  • Concise Instruction of Hand Forms,Stances and Kick Techniques.

Have you ever got Kung Fu fancy in your life?
Wanna learn some cool tricks like side kick and back sweep?
With Kung Fu U, you finally get a chance to impress your friends with your Kung Fu maneuver!

Kung Fu is practiced by millions of people around the world and has become part of their daily life! Countless movies (like Kung Fu Panda) are inspired by this beautiful art!

Kung Fu practicing is BETTER than other forms of exercise for

  • Promoting HEALTH and FITNESS.
  • Improving flexibility.
  • Increasing your muscle tone.

Plus,the ability to DEFEND oneself is great asset from kung fu training. It also offers an excellent outlet for STRESS RELIEF!

If you decide to learn kung fu,yet find the DVDs cost WAY too much and don’t wanna spend even a dime on the hard-to-understand books, then this app would be your best fit!

Special Tips

If you have a big mirror in a place where you can practice,
you can check your postures according to illustrations and videos.

If you have a friend that has your same enthusiasm, it would be best!You could both practice the movements by following the demo, and try to correct the other's mistakes. You’ll progress faster in this way!

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twitter.com/GoodCode (Search GoodCode)

Fan Us for Upcoming Update Info!

AlphaBot Flash Cards 1.02(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free



Apples, Lions, Queens, Trains, Zippers and more! AlphaBot Flash Cards is a fun and engaging interactive flashcard learning app for little ones ready to tackle new sounds, pictures and letters.


Every slide has a picture, a letter and a word that animate or flash when touched. The pictures make a noise (a lion roars, a shiny red firetruck with big wheels sounds its siren, a harmonica plays), the letters sound (“A”, “B”) and the words are spoken (“Apple”). AlphaBot Flash Cards will entertain your young one while teaching new words, images, letters and sounds that they can find in the world around them.

WHO'S IT FOR? AlphaBot Flash Cards was created by parents for toddlers, pre-schoolers, and children of all ages who love having fun with letters and sounds. Our kids love to hear the parrot squawk “Hello” and the cat “Meow”. Our 5 year old has even begun quizzing our toddler on the sounds and letters. We even plugged ours into the car radio for a family quiz game!

FEATURES - AlphaBot Flash Cards includes twenty-six interactive slides with pictures from A to Z. Each picture has its own SOUND and each letter dances with the push of a button. The trumpets sound for the queen, the dog barks, the jet roars, and more! The controls are intuitive and the actions, sounds and visuals captivate developing minds. Most of all, AlphaBot Flash Cards is fun.

LEARNING - Both parents and children can learn to identify the pictures and letters from AlphaBot Flash Cards that surround them every day. AlphaBot Flash Cards develops simple motor skills and teaches young ones about the alphabet and words. Parents can turn any airplane, bus or car ride into a game. AlphaBot Flash Cards helps them learn and makes them happy. And that makes us happy.


SUPPORT - For support contact us at: [email protected]

ABOUT METRAPPOLIS - Metrappolis is a parent-owned company, looking for creative ways to engage children through technology. Metrappolis: "Busying chubby fingers, enlightening little minds."

Touch Bang 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Touch Bang was in the Top100 free apps in more than 30 countries!
Get it now!

You have become a member of special forces. Your mission is to rescue the hostages and exterminate the terrorists by bombing.

In the survive mode, you have to wipe out all the terrorists by using limit bombs during every stage. If any enemy remained alive after you use the bombs out, you will lose the stage. You have a chance to retry and continue (not endless). The key point to clear the game is good judgement of the environment condition, good use of the sceneries and precisely casting of the bombs.

Hostages and bonus boxes will bring you high scores and retry chances. Of course remained bombs of the cleared stages will also be added to your score. So cast the bombs efficiently!

Cleared all the stages does not mean you have finished the game. It will be harder and you will have a new challenge.
You can practise to cast the bombs in the practice mode,

So COME ON and Rush now!

Munchies 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free until 3/27!!!

You are a mysterious pet from a land far far away. Imagine a green field where apples grow wild. Strange bugs are attracted by the food that keeps you alive. In this quick-paced action game, you must use tactics to eat these delightful apples before the devilish worms do. You must also avoid chubby green worms that will explode on contact. Various items will appear in the game to help you survive. An apple count will keep track of your score and a health meter will display your life.

This game features:

  • A variety of apples with different side effects
  • Items that include: bug spray, antibiotics, mini-nuke, ice, and heart
  • 3 evolutionary stages of pet

Facebook Card Standard Edition 2.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Free download for limited period

Whenever you need a greeting card, use Facebook Card.

Facebook Card is a greeting card application, give you the power and convenience to make your greeting card in just clicks. You can select theme from 98 pre-build themes and basic photo processing function. Further more, allow you tag your location map to the card so your friend know where you are sending this card.

Major Features:

  • Design Card: 12 card type with hundred of card theme, photo processing function, customizing topic and message.
  • Location Map: Allow you to define your location precisely or roughly. It's all depends on you.
  • Enable putting signature on Card through in-app purchase.
  • Upload your greeting card to Facebook.
  • Send card by Email: Directly send your homemade greeting card to your family and friend at anytime, anywhere.
  • Favorite contacts: Allow you to define your favorite contact person, will use it as the default email destination.
  • Configuration: Allow you to define what kind of location content will be send out.

Usage scenarios:

  1. Keeping update your season's greeting to Facebook. You can allow you fans or friends see where you are.
  2. When you are traveling or for business trip, you can update your position as well as a post card to your family or friends.
  3. When you join party or meeting or dining somewhere, you want to invite your friend to participate immediately, may sending invitation card with GPS& the scene picture, let him know where your party is.
  4. When you go traveling, you may send a holiday card or love card whenever you are without missing the important day.
  5. When you are in emergency, for example:the mountaineer becomes lost or meet the scoundrel, may send your location and the nearby scenery for rescue.

Important Notices:

  • GPRS, 3G or WIFI are required if user want to update information to Facebook.
  • allow user to queue the email until network is available.
  • For iPhone 3G and 3Gs users, detect the user current location and move it to the center of map. Then user can change his location or adjust the map scale by multi-touch at map. will send the new location with new map scale to Facebook or email.
  • For iPod Touch 2G or iPhone users, since these devices without GPS components, so will show the whole world map and allow you to manually define location. Then will update this information to Facebook or email.

Shoot On Sight Pro 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Now Free until Saturday 27th March! Grab your copy now!

Innovative Single Player and Mutliplayer shooting game for your iPhone.

Real life harmless shooting

Shoot On Sight is a unique game that lets you virtually shoot any thing you can see, so you won't have to shoot meaningless characters and 3d figures like other games. With several different weapons and wounds you can customize your shots for more fun and creativity.

Shoot your Friends, Relatives, Colleagues, Celebrities and even your Boss. Use your imagination and share it with the world.

Facebook Connectivity

Virtual shooting at other people has never been so much fun, with Facebook connectivity you can share your shots with everyone you know.

Shooting Skirmish (Multiplayer)

With Shoot On Sight's multiplayer mode you can actually play a real time skirmish game with your friends, family or anyone you like or hate. No more going to far off places and paying heaps of money to play paintball / laser skirmish. Just sync all your iPhones together using bluetooth and start shooting at each others teams.

Perfect to settle an old score (put your shot on facebook)
Perfect to pick up a new War
Facebook connectivity
Realistic Weapons and Filters
Heaps of customizable options
Real Life Weapon sounds
Multiplayer Skirmish mode
Option to shake your iPhone for shooting sounds
Option to save the Shot or discard
And much much more.........

Burpy 1.5(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Burpy is a entertaining little application where you have to make a man burp.
All you have to do is rub his stomach until he makes that rude noise we all know and love.
Burpy has four different sounds to choose from and remembers how many times you've 'burped' the man.

iQuickLoan 1.1(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

######## New Version Released! #######
######## Free for two days! #######

Looking for a quick preview of monthly refund for different refund period and vice versa? iQuickLoan is the right tool for you. Compare in seconds the different solutions of loan with iQuickLoan.

iQuickLoan is a very simple and handy application who can help you to built a simulation of loan with your finger just in seconds.

You can then change the Remboursement Mensuel / Durée de remboursement dynamically to see how that affects one another.

If you like it or have questions about it, please mail me and I'd appreciate it.

Trouball 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Search the iTunes AppStore for 'Tim Kahane' to see all of my apps!

Your job is to get your 'TROUBALL' out of an enclosed and complex environment, while trying to battle the effects of gravity!

Pit yourself against the obstacles to make your way through each puzzle level, picking up power ups which could either help or hinder your progress. Can you make it out without getting trapped?


  • 30 Challenging and puzzling levels to conquer
  • Ranging difficulty from easy to hard
  • Sequentially unlockable levels
  • Relaxing music to ease your mind in tough spots
  • Two control schemes - On-screen and tilt

Private Dialer - 비밀주소록 1.2.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"고객이 만족할때까지 업그레이드하는 AppleNamoo의 Private Dialer입니다."

금요일 24:00까지 무료 이벤트 합니다. 많은 다운로드부탁드립니다. 피드백도 많이 주세요. 감사합니다.


  1. 그룹폴더를 꾸욱 2초정도 눌러보세요 (그룹 속성 편집이 가능합니다.)
  2. 연락처를 꾸욱 2초정도 눌러보세요 (연락처 편집이 가능합니다.)

숨기고 싶은 연락처가 있으신가요? 옛날 애인 전화번호? Private Dialer를 사용해보세요. 암호 입력시에만 비밀 그룹이 나타나는 비밀 주소록 기능이 탑재되어있습니다.

주의/NOTICE !!!
비밀 연락처를 통해 통화를 해도 기본 통화어플의 통화목록에 전화번호가 기록됩니다. (이름은 기록되지 않음)
또한, 수신 통화 정보 및 SMS전송, 통화종료후 iPhone기본 통화어플로의 전환등은 수정 개발이 불가능한 점 양해바랍니다.

Private Dialer에 대해 발견된 버그, 질문 또는 요청사항이 있으시면 [email protected] 또는 twitter @applenamookr로 알려주시면 피드백 드리겠습니다.


  1. 비밀그룹
    숨기고 싶은 연락처가 있으신가요? 옛날 애인 전화번호? Private Dialer를 사용해보세요. 암호 입력시에만 비밀 그룹이 나타나는 비밀 주소록 기능이 탑재되어있습니다.

  2. 그룹
    세련된 디자인의 Tab형태로 그룹을 표시하고 선택할 수 있어서, 간편합니다. Group 생성, 편집, 삭제 및 그룹 구성원 선택이 가능합니다. Tab형태로 Group이 UI에 표현되어 그룹 선택이 간편합니다.

  3. SMS편집
    자체 SMS편집기도 탑재하여 입력한 글자수를 확인하실 수 있습니다. iPhone기본 문자App은 글자수를 표시하지 않죠? 80바이트를 넘기면 MMS로 전송됩니다. Private Dialer에서는 몇 글자를 입력했는지 표시해주기 때문에 불필요한 MMS요금을 절약해줍니다. (다음버전에 KT의 무료문자와 연동할 예정입니다.)

  4. 빠른검색
    초성검색은 기본, 전화번호 뒷자리 검색 기능이 보강되었습니다. 또한 단축버튼 및 최근 통화 목록도 보기 쉬운 아이콘 형태로 구성되어 있습니다.

  5. 다양한 연락 방식
    이메일, 문자, 통화 및 Twitter로의 연결도 지원합니다. (상대의 트위터에 메시지 남기기 기능은 다다음 버전에 지원할 예정)

  6. 변환툴
    연락처의 이름과 전화번호등을 한국식으로 변환해주는 기능등이 포함되어 있습니다. 이름을 성과 이름으로 분리해서 저장할 수 있습니다. 성과 이름을 합쳐서 성이나 이름 영역에 저장할 수 있습니다. 전화번호를 (604) 099-9999 또는 604.099.9999등의 형태로 변환하는 기능도 포함되어있습니다.

NetWorker 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $11.99 -> Free

Standalone quizzes on networking and telecommunications - unlimited practice for your Network+ (or equivalent) exam.

Based on Ossidian' proven quiz program (see our other products such as the PMP Quiz), NetWorker app allows you to practice exam questions on the move. No Internet access is needed (after the initial download).

From a bank of 300 questions, NetWorker randomly selects 20 for each round. It stores your hi-score, average and current score. Reset the hi-score at any time.

This is way better than any web-based quiz, or PC-based one. Study on the train, in the air - or even in bed ! Painless. Proven.

Jounce 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Full version FREE til 3/29/2010 to celebrate PAX East.

Jounce is a nearly infinite Music Puzzle Game, featuring over 32000 music generating levels and Open Feint support. Read on, as I try to find a way to explain it in text.

First off, the most requested feature, deleting Bouncers, is in the next update which is currently going through our final QA and will be submitted soon (yes, I do listen, I'm just a bit slow at times)

So what is Jounce? It is the result of my boredom. More specifically, it is a Musical Puzzle Game, so let's call it an MPG (yay, new acronym!) Balls fall from above, and you place bouncers with a flick of your finger to direct them around obstacles towards the goal somewhere along the bottom. Technically, there's no music in Jounce though. So where does the M in MPG come from? Each time a ball hits a bouncer, it plays a sound, there are about 2 octaves worth of sounds the bouncers select from when you create them, so you end up with this cool generative music thing going on.

If you've bothered to read this far, I guess that means you're probably at least somewhat interested in Jounce, so if you haven't yet, why not go ahead and buy it now? I'll wait till you're done to continue...ready? Ok.

I don't care for games that have you trying for the fewest moves, because that puts a hard cap on just how good you can be. With Jounce, I took the opposite tack: each bounce increases a balls value by one point, so to really rack up a high score, besides getting the balls to reach the goal, you have to make them bounce. A Lot. Like an entire room full of kids on a massive sugar high.

The controls are pretty simple: Just tap and drag to place a bouncer. Want to remove a bouncer? Now you can! Just tap on one once to select it (turns red) then tap again to remove it. Tapping or dragging anywhere else will unselect it.

Oh yea, there are just over 32,000 levels...so let's see that's somewhere around 1000 hours of play time if you wanted to play every single level, just one time (you'll get a shiny Open Feint Achievement if you actually manage to do this!).

I want to improve Jounce even further - I think multiplayer could be quite fun in it, and I'd like to try some other stuff out like a music creator mode, and maybe a more structured arcade mode. But I admit, I tend to be far more productive when it appears ya'll are playing jounce, and the easiest indicator I have of that, is the number of downloads it gets. So please, get everyone you know to purchase Jounce, and help me be productive!

TownTalk 1.0.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

4월말까지 한시적으로 무료배포합니다.

타운톡은 위치정보를 기반으로 주변 사람들과 실시간으로 이야기를 주고 받을 수 있는 어플리케이션입니다. 타운톡을 이용하여 언제 어디서나 주변 사람들과 이야기를 나눠 보세요, 타운톡 웹사이트 http://www.itowntalk.com 으로도 친구들의 글을 조회하고 쪽지를 보낼 수 있습니다.

타운톡 소개

  • 타운톡은 위치정보 기반 어플리케이션으로 내 주변 사람들의 이야기를 듣고 볼 수 있습니다.
  • 여러가지 다양한 주제의 이야기를 선택하여 나눌 수 있습니다.
  • 원하는 주제의 이야기를 거리를 조절하면서 이야기를 나눌 수 있습니다.
  • 이야기를 나누던 유저를 친구 등록 하실 수 있고, 등록된 유저들과 무료 쪽지도 타운톡으로 보내실 수 있습니다.


  • 위치기반 글 조회 기능
  • 주제별 글 조회 기능
  • 유저 프로필 조회
  • 유저 친구 등록
  • 유저간 실시간 쪽지 전달 기능

- 한글


  • 아이폰 호환 기종
  • 권장 사양: iPhone OS 3.1.3

RepTrainer 1.1(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


RepTrainer is a repetition measuring application which finally puts the armband to good use! Simply strap in your iPhone / iPod Touch and start perfecting dozens of supported exercises to maximize your training efforts and get the body you have been waiting for!

Please note: RepTrainer can only be properly used in conjunction with an armband and/or legband. Please visit www.chezinteractive.com to find where you can buy these accessories.

Customer email #1:

"RepTrainer has been a highly beneficial compliment to my training regime. Just when I thought I had good technique on the bench press, RepTrainer showed me that I was dropping the weight a lot faster than I should have been. In just a week I managed to add an extra 10 pounds to my bench press after being stuck on lifting 200 pounds for 3 weeks. Thank you RepTrainer!"

Customer email #2:

"I decided to download the free version of your app because I thought it would have been just another novelty iPhone application, but boy was I wrong! After using it twice I immediately bought it while I was at the gym and finished my entire workout using it. It's so useful even without the personal trainer feature. I'm glad I bought my armband when I did!"

RepTrainer is primarily designed to help you perform and control your weight lifting or body lifting technique. Lack of control can cause serious injury when exercising and also reduce the effectiveness of your workout, meaning it will take a lot longer to achieve the results that you desperately want.

The RepTrainer aims to keep you in control of your exercises, allowing you to perform quality sets that maximize muscle stimulation while minimizing injury.

• Can support dozens weight lifting and body weight exercises so whether you are in the gym, at home or on the go, you can use RepTrainer to motivate your mind and body and stay fit!

• Versatility over the duration of each repetition and number of repetitions in a set so you can target power, strength and endurance muscular fibres to condition yourself to become a human powerhouse!

• Pause counting in the middle of a set to take a break from pushing yourself to the limit.

• Rotate the screen upside down to easily and conveniently navigate the application whilst on your arm.

• Activate personal trainer Mike to help you complete your reps and provide feedback on each repetition. He will tell you whether you are moving too fast or too slow for each repetition, so you can be sure you are completely working each available muscle in your body.

• Vibrations are felt at different stages of each rep to help you keep time, allowing you to mentally count each stage of the repetition and start pushing perfect reps!

Current list of supported and tested exercises:

  • Squats, Deadlifts (Legband only)
  • Bench Press (Flat, Incline, Decline)
  • Dumbell Flyes (Flat, Incline, Decline)
  • Push-ups
  • Chin-ups
  • Bent-over back rows
  • Cable Pull Downs, Cable Rows
  • Upright rows
  • Back Extensions
  • Lateral Dumbbell Raises
  • Shoulder Press
  • Military Press
  • Shoulder Flyes
  • Tricep Dips
  • Bicep Curls (Armband on wrist)
  • Ab Crunches, Bicycles, Sit-ups

Please visit the website http://www.chezinteractive.com for more information regarding RepTrainer updates, supported exercises and accessory purchases, or please email [email protected] regarding issues and concerns with RepTrainer.

Stephen Colbert Heroes Quiz 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Are you a true American Hero? Does your day peak at 11:30pm? Do you have an irrational fear of bears? We do. It is for this reason and so many more that we introduce the most important trivia app in the long storied history of the iPhone.

Complete with tons of questions in six wildly different levels of difficulty. You’ll be sure to see exactly how your “Gut IQ” compares with other members of The Nation.

Best of all: A portion of all sales to BENEFIT REBUILDING AND RELIEF EFFORTS IN HAITI!!!

Choose from the following levels:

  • Baby Eagle
  • Citizen of The Nation
  • Minister of Truthiness
  • Aspiring Pundit
  • Borderline Stephen Stalker
  • Willing Concubine

So what are you waiting for….facts?!? Go with your gut, strap on a pair and get your capitalism on…it’s the best dollar you’ll spend this month.

Free updates included and compatible with iPhone AND iPod Touch.

This app was is in no way created, approved or endorsed by MTV, Comedy Central or The Colbert Report.

Get Out GLBT 2.7.4(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Coming out when your are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender can be a (reader may insert any adjective in the English language here) experience. :-)

So share your stories -- the good, the bad and the ugly -- with others who have been in your shoes, or those thinking about coming out. Questions or requests for advice are also welcome.

Stories are organized by Coming Out To...

  • Parents
  • Siblings
  • Other Family
  • Classmates
  • Coworkers
  • Myself
  • My Kids
  • Other

The environment is meant to be supportive and helpful. (Any offensive comments can easily be blocked with the integrated Abuse button.)

And if you find a particular story especially touching, insightful, or just funny, you can recommend it to other users.

So have some fun, and share your coming out stories and experiences with others in the GBLT community.

What's New

** Push Notifications for New Stories **

  • Significant update
  • The format of the app has been changed to allow users to create profiles and share images as well as more efficiently share information.
  • Accounts will have to be re-created on this app.
  • Much of the old content will remain, but the format transition will make it difficult to maintain the precise meta data
  • Look it over and feel free to provide feedback.

Zenflation 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Use your skills as a zen master to keep balloons aloft while avoiding the various pitfalls you will encounter. Gravity is not your friend!

Challenge the Spears

A key aspect of Ninjutsu is the skill you gain with a katana. Before you are allowed to use a live blade (a real sword,) you must first master the wooden bokken. Bokkens allow you the leeway necessary to learn the proper skills before using a real sword. In Zenflation I have employed the concept of bokkens through spears that come in from the ceiling. If your balloon touches the tip of one, your challenge (and game) is over.

Challenge the Wind

To add a twist to the standard practice of balancing balloons and your score, you face the challenge of wind and air. In this challenge your balloons can be thrust across the dojo uncontrollably. Do you have what it takes to reign them in and continue the challenge?

Challenge the Throwing Stars

Once you master the bokken and the balloons you move on to the most challenging zen experience. In this challenge you stant at one end of a room with your opponent at the other. Your opponent throws the tsuba from the bokkens in the same style as a shuriken. If one strikes you, your challenge (and game) is over. Avoid these!

Some features of Zenflation:

  • Easy, Normal, and Hard Difficulty Levels
  • 10 Challenges to master from spears to shuriken
  • Play against the clock to make it to the next round and reach a higher score
  • Increase your bonus level by bouncing balloons
  • Score extra points by knocking lanterns to the floor
  • Balance increasing your bonus versus obtaining points
  • Complete social networking support via Agon for Twitter and Facebook
  • Global leaderboard with scores
  • Unlock awards
  • Listen to your own music
  • Pause the game at any time
  • Complete physics simulation using the Ageia PhysX™ engine
  • Play to obtain the highest score, or the highest round, or most time aloft if in casual mode
  • Takes full advantage of the accelerometer and touch-screen

YouTube's Extreme 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Limited Time Only -- Download this app for FREE!!

Watch and be amazed on your iPhone or iPod Touch at some of YouTube's most extreme videos available. With many extreme categories of videos to choose from you will blown away by crazy stunts, cringe at explosive accidents and wonder how people could survive in some of the videos you'll see. See some of the most dangerous stunts filmed. Watch intense police chases unfold on your iPhone and be amazed at some of the most destructive events captured on camera!


  • Extreme videos divided into categories such as: Accidents, Criminals, Destruction, Disasters, Sports, and Tricks & Stunts
  • Ability to share your favorite extreme YouTube video via SMS or email
  • Search by the YouTube video's keywords, its title or the video’s description

Only the most extreme videos are included with new ones added each week.

Download now for some intense action!

Note: CodeBeam Technologies, the creators of "YouTube's Extreme" app, is charging the user to use this app. YouTube does not collect any fees to view videos using their website API.

Disclaimer: The videos shown in this app are videos submitted to YouTube by the YouTube community and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, opinions or view of CodeBeam Technologies or its employees.

Since iQuit 1.2(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Since iQuit is a very simple app to keep track of the time since stopping smoking. It also provides an estimated financial saving and acts as a motivational aid.

I wrote a version of this programme on the 25th March 2009... The day I stopped smoking.

Perhaps it's just the Scot in me, but I found the fact that I was saving my money as well as my health to be a great motivator through the cravings and during my weaker moments.

It also became a little like an unbroken chain of 'good days' - the more they accumulated, the more determined I was to not break the chain!

I hope that this simple application can help you to stay smoke-free as it has for me.

Good luck,

Hugh Williams

The Creeps! 1.4.4(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The Creeps! in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be FREE today and today only!

There are Creeps living in your closet! Defeat the things that go bump in the night with toy blasters, glue bottles, flashlights and boomerangs. Summon a giant spider to slow your enemies, or a UFO to sap their energy!

***Secret guest appearances from the Pocket God Pygmies and the Doodle Jump Doodler!

Battle Ghosts, Zombies, Aliens, Dinosaurs and more!

"This is quite possibly the best tower defense game on that app store!"

Featured by Apple in "Best Tower Defense" (twice!)
Featured by Apple in "What's Hot"
Featured by Apple in "What We're Playing"

Rated 5/5 Stars by FingerGaming.com!

"The Creeps! is one of those few perfect titles." - ThePortableGamer.com

"The Creeps! is a grade-A game" - 148Apps.com

"Challenging and Fun" - TouchArcade.com

"a lot of fun that kept me coming back for more" - NoDPad.com

EBT : The Emotional Brain Training iPhone App 2.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The Emotional Brain Training iPhone App is a revolutionary new way of providing daily emotional support for you when ever and where every you need it as featured in the upcoming book "Wired for Joy : A revolutionary method of creating happiness from within" by Laurel Mellin, NY Times Best Selling Author of The Pathway.

We are so confident that you will see value in the teachings of EBT that we are giving this app away for free. All we ask is when you download it and find yourself in a stressful situation, try clicking Get to 1, use the brain state finder to determine your stress level and then use the corresponding tool.

EBT has been developed over the past 30 years and is currently practiced by mental health professionals nationwide.

If you decide to experience more of the effects of EBT on decreasing your stress level, please visit our website www.ebt.org and take our online e-course to learn more.

The Emotional Brain Training iPhone App is based on the revolutionary EBT 5 Point System of which provides optimal methods for processing stress in the moment. So instead of dealing with stress by thinking too much, getting anxious, overeating or people pleasing, just open the EBT app and determine your current stress level or "Brain State" and use the corresponding tool to get your self back to balance.

Features of The Emotional Brain Training iPhone App:

Brain State Finder:
Go through a series of question that ask you to describe how you are feeling in terms of your Relationships, Thinking, Behavior, Spiritual Connection and Stress Level.

Get to One:
Once you have determined your "Brain State" you can then use the tool that corresponds to that state. Their are 5 Brain States and 5 Tools: Sanctuary Time, Feelings Check, Emotional Housecleaning, The Cycle Tool, Damage Control. The Cycle tool is the most difficult to master and is best used in an EBT Coaching session.

Grind In:
From neuroscience we have learned that the brain changes with repetition. Use the Grind In tool to repeat reasonable expectations that will over time replace the unreasonable expectations that are the source of the majority of stress.

Magnetic Sports Hockey 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

In collaboration with OpenFeint's FreeGameoftheDay.com, Magnetic Sports Hockey is Free for TODAY only.

Enjoy again the hockey experience of your youth, this time with added dynamism in a beautiful and detailed 3D environment, such that your children can enjoy it too.

Magnetic Sports Hockey is based on the classic table game where players were mounted on a spring right in the middle of a shallow pit. We implemented magnetic forces together with the shallow pit for a more dynamic and spectacular game. More, now you can move your goalkeeper and even tilt the board.

Customize your team and start playing!

Challenge your friends everywhere (using WIFI, Bluetooth or 3G network), Magnetic Sports Hockey is the ultimate way to create and play ice hockey championships. You can even chat with the opponents online.

Share your results and achievements on social networks using Openfeint.

Who will be the best Magnetic Sports Hockey team! Come on and join us to try to be the one!

Full 3D arenas, players and physics.
Customized matches

  • Select duration of the match
  • Select to play up to a certain goal number
  • Choose if the ball can go out or play inside a box
  • Pick arena
    Play against the AI and choose from the 4 levels of difficulty
    Play to win the challenges or full length championships similar to Winter Olympics schedule.
    Challenge your friends
  • on the same device
  • on Bluetooth
  • on local WiFi
    Compete against the best in the world on WiFi or 3G and chat online
    Play your iTunes music in game
    Magnetic Sports Hockey is OpenFeint Enabled.
    Unlock 30 achievements.
    Publish your results on Facebook.

Published by BulkyPix
Developed by Revo Solutions

관련 글타래

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운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/03/26 13:09 2010/03/26 13:09
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  1. Subject : 추천 아이폰 어플, 미드, 일드, 영드... 드라마 매니아를 위한 아이폰 드라마 관리자 '드라마니아'

    Tracked from morelog - beta 2010/03/27 01:22 del.

    아이폰이나 스마트폰으로 인해 라이프스타일이 아무리 많이 바뀌어도, 닥본사(닥치고본방사수)를 외치며 드라마를 즐기시던 분들의 드라마 사랑은 달라진 것이 없겠죠. 특히 미국 드라마나 영



  1. 雨Beer 2010/03/26 13:29

    좋은 정보 감사합니다.

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  2. 뉴벨 아리스토크라티 2010/03/26 15:59


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  3. 하이룽 2010/03/26 17:55

    오늘도 감사합니다.

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