
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 37개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 소개할 어플이 많기도 하고 건질만한 어플도 많다. 에 대한 글을 올리며 오늘처럼 건질만한 어플이 많을 때가 가장 기분이 좋다. 얼마 전 아이폰에서 사용할 수 있는 카메라 어플을 소개했다. 모두 좋은 어플이지만 이 네개의 어플은 애플의 공식 API 문제 때문에 지오 태그를 지원하지 않는다. 그런데 지오 태그의 지원을 카메라 어플의 최고 가치로 두는 사람도 많다.

그래서 지오 태그(Geo Tag)를 지원하는 카메라 어플을 따로 소개할 생각이었다. 현재 지오 태그를 지원하는 카메라 어플은 내가 알고 있기로는 두 가지이다. 하나는 Phonegrafer이고 또 다른 하나는 오늘 소개하는 10X Camera Tools Pro이다. 올 1월에 출시된 어플로 3불에서 현재 2불로 할인 판매하고 있으며, 조만간 5불로 다시 오를 것이라고 한다. 앱 스토어에 올라온 어플을 확인해 보면 알 수 있지만 좋은 어플은 가격이 떨어지는 것이 아니라 반대로 시간이 지나면 점점 올라간다.

10X Camera Tools Pro도 그럴 가능성이 많다. 기능으로 보면 얼마 전 소개한 Camera Plus Pro에 비해 분명히 떨어진다. 그러나 기본에 충실한 카메라 어플이다. 자체 폴더에서 지오 태그를 지원하는 것은 Camera Plus Pro와 같지만 사진 폴더로 내보내도 지오 태그가 그대로 유지된다. 따라서 사진을 그대로 올리면 자연스레 찍은 위치가 나타난다. 아울러 기본 카메라 어플에서는 지원하지 못하는 여러 가지 기능을 지원한다. 따라서 지오 태그를 지원하는 카메라 어플을 원하는 사람은 이번 기회에 구입하기 바란다.

두번째로 소개할 어플은 오늘만 무료가 아니라 원래 무료인 어플이다. 바로 다. 증강현실을 이용한 주변 찾기 어플로 최고의 어플이다. 2.0에서 3.0으로 판올림한 뒤 메모리 문제로 앱 스토어(App Store)에서 사라진 어플이다. 예전 부터 아주 유용하게 사용하고 있는 어플로 주변 지역 검색, 트윗 검색, 유튜브 검색등 주변 검색 어플로는 최고다. 국내에서도 증강현실을 이용한 주변 찾기 검색 어플이 있지만 오로지 이 어플 하나만 사용하는 이유는 이 어플이 있으면 다른 어플이 필요없기 때문이다. We're back!이라는 설명이 이 어플에 대한 모든 것을 말해주는 것 같다.

TweetPhoto Pro도 무료 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 사진으로 트위팅을 할 때 상당히 유용한 어플이다. 또 잡은 화면을 보면 알 수 있지만 이 어플을 이용하면 트위터를 꼭 포토 앨범처럼 이용할 수 있다. 다만 어플의 잡은 화면에 과 맞먹는 거짓말 장이 안톤 오노(Oh! No)가 나오기 때문에 싫어하는 사람도 있다. YogaBeauty는 평상시 4불이나 하는 요가 어플이다. 설명을 보면 알 수 있지만 따로 회원 가입을 해야 하는 어플이다.

hanjanote는 한자를 공부할 수 있는 어플이다. 획수, 급수로 한자를 찾을 수 있으며, 고사성어도 지원한다. 따라서 한자 검정 시험을 준비할 때 상당히 유용한 어플이다. 어제 트위터에 소개한 뒤 아주 좋은 반응을 얻은 어플이기도 하다. 평상시 2불, 3월 7일까지 무료로 제공된다. Mole는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 게임 어플이다. 앱 스토어의 평이 꽤 좋은 어플이므로 게임을 좋아하는 사람은 내려받기 바란다.

Chess Game은 따로 설명할 필요가 없는 어플이다. 말 그대로 체스 게임 어플이기 때문이다. 그래픽이 떨어져서 3불에 구입할 사람이 있을까 싶지만 체스를 좋아하는 사람이라면 무료로 내려받을 가치는 있다고 본다. Blackjack Revenge는 평상시 3불에 판매되는 블랙잭 게임 어플이다. 블랙잭이라고 하면 워낙 유명한 카드 게임이라 따로 설명할 필요는 없을 듯하다.

Unit Converter는 단위 변환기 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다. 그러나 와 같은 다기능 어플이 1불에 판매되는 상황에 이런 어플을 2불에 구매할 사람이 있을까 싶다. Gotcha는 평상시 2불, 61시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 경보 어플이다. Kid's Space Puzzle은 아주 어린 아이들을 위한 퍼즐 게임 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

10X Camera Tools Pro 1.0.1315.1(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> $1.99

★★★ For a Limited Time Only - $1.99 ★★★

10x Camera Tools PRO adds the most critical missing tools for your iPhone camera & photo management. Get more than 10 of the best add-on camera features in one app. Turn your iPhone into a full digital camera, well organized photo library and photo action center.

  • Launch Special $2.99–price goes to $4.99 soon!!
  • check the demo video http://bit.ly/10xPro

◎ Add 7 camera modes to iPhone camera
◎ Digital zoom, timer, full-screen shooting, & rule of thirds guide.
◎ Add Interactive Photo Notes & tags
◎ Geo-tag to map and route, direct dialing via photo, URL links to browser
◎ Show photos by tags and keyword search
◎ Password lock protection by category tags
◎ 6 Levels of image shooting size
◎ Snap multiple photos with continuous taps
◎ Full size image swipe & zoom preview
◎ Rotation lock for constant full-screen photo browsing
◎ Upload photos to Facebook, Flickr, & Picasa
◎ Multi-photo select, edit & share

★ On-screen display puts the tools right where you need them.
- Digital Zoom
- Self timer & Beep
- Full-screen shooting
- Geo tag switch
- 8 Scene shooting modes
- Rule of 1/3's Guide line
- Big button shutter snap
- Tap, one-touch focus

★ Add Notes & info to photos
By adding a memo to a photo, you don't need to worry about forgetting where you met your new friends or their names, or what delicious food you had in which restaurant.

- Add text notes
- Date/time, file size, resolution, and GPS Tag location
- All meta data is saved in the JPEG image in EXIF

★ Photo Action Center – Interactive Photo
- Embedded interactive geo-tag mapping with geo-tag reposition
- Use the route feature to see map directions
- Call contacts from phone numbers noted in photos
- Open email from email address noted in photos
- Open webpages from URLs noted in photos

★ Organize your photos by tags and Keywords
Tags easily organize your photos for fast-access search. Tag photos with contact names, office projects, special events or travel locations to name a few.
- Keyword search
- Create your own tags
- Tag all selected photos
- Filter display by tags
- Password protect by tags
- Multiple tags, retrieve the same picture from different tags
- Sort by date in descending, ascending order
- Tags go to Picasa or Flickr when uploading photos

★ Add Security to your photos
Enhance photo privacy by tagging your photos in categories to hide a specific group. Simply enable the Lock Album setting with the owner's password.

★ Auto-enhanced camera modes
- Night Shot: add flash light to the night shot
- Backlight : Compensate the light to the foreground subject
- Portrait: auto-detect human face & vibrant color enhancement
- Landscape: auto color enhancement for natural scenes
- Sepia
- Black & White
- Twilight

Shoot, compare with original and save.
* you can turn off the comparison mode for auto saving.

★ Custom Size & Rapid Shooting
Shoot the size you need: Supports 6 levels of image size from 320x240 to 2048x1536 Repeat tapping snaps multiple shots.

★ Easy browse & Rotation Lock
The best view of your captured photo library with photo notes and complete at-a-glance list view.

Sometimes annoyed by the iPhone built-in auto photo rotation feature? Rotation Lock allows you to always view photos in full screen, even when you lie down or change the camera angle.

★ Import, Export, Upload & Share
Import photos to tag or note for archival. Export shares photos to other iPhone apps or sync to PC or Mac.

Save time with notes directly added to e-mails or uploaded to Facebook descriptions when sent. Photo tags will be automatically sent to Flickr and Picasa.

For detailed product info, feedback or view demo video, go http://iPhone.reallusion.com

Layar Reality Browser 3.0.2(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Important note:

  • If you upgrade from v3.0 (the version that was shortly in the App Store December 17-18th 2009), you need to uninstall the app first to avoid a crash on Favorite layers.
  • You need an iPhone 3GS to download Layar, because the app makes heavy use of the compass to display the Reality View.

The Layar Reality Browser displays real time digital information on top of reality in the camera screen of the mobile phone. While looking through the phone's camera lens, a user can see houses for sale, popular bars and shops, touristic information of the area, play a live game, etcetera.

How do you use Layar?
Select a layer in the featured or popular section. Or search for a layer using any keyword in the search tab. Select a layer. Hold the phone in front of you. See information being displayed on top of the camera display view, by turning around you can point your phone toward the various points of interest. Adjust settings (filters) by clicking on the button in the top right corner. For all points of interest which are displayed on the screen, information is shown at the bottom of the screen. By clicking on the little arrow you will see how you can interact with that specific Point of Interest (POI). Use the map and list views to see all points in one screen.

What is Augmented Reality?
Wikipedia says: "Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real-world and computer-generated data (virtual reality), where computer graphics objects are blended into real footage in real time."

What are layers?
Layers are the equivalent of web pages in normal browsers. Just like there are thousands of websites there will be thousands of layers in our application. A layer is the digital view that is added to the camera view. This is the first time that so many brands use one application to provide an augmented reality service on the mobile phone.

The Application

Why use it?
Layar is a tool to browse the world. It enables exploration, more informed decisions, serendipity and fun.

How does it work?
The Layar application works with GPS and compass to determine location and the direction the Phone is facing. The camera input provides the reality. The location is used to retrieve the layer information with coordinates and other relevant data. This is retrieved from the Layar server where all partner Layar information is collected and processed. This then is the combined, computated and displayed in the 'active' layer of the application. Still confused? On our site http://layar.com is a demo movie showing how Layar works in detail.

TweetPhoto Pro 2.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Download today the ultimate photo sharing app for Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare.

Stay instantly connected and share photos with your friends across the social web with the click of a button.

See your friends photos and what is popular in this easy-to-use app.

Features Include:
Photo Uploading
Viewing Friends Photos
Commenting, Favoriting and Voting
Seeing Recent Viewers
What’s Popular Feed
Public Photo Feed
See Comments on Your Photos
Find & Follow New People
Zoom Photos
Sideways Mode
And Much More!

There is no other photo sharing app like it. Download it now!

Developers: This application was written using the the Obj-C library within the TweetPhoto API. This app is open-source and available on Google Code.

Arcade Solitaire: TriTowers 1.15(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

✩✩✩ FREE TODAY ONLY!!! As part of OpenFeint's Free Game of the Day!! Get it NOW before it's too late!! ✩✩✩

AppAddict.net - ★★★★★, AppGirlReviews.com -★★★★★, TouchGen.net - ★★★★, iPhoneInCanada.ca - ★★★★
"Buy it. Love it. Surrender to it." -- SlideToPlay.com

Featured by APPLE as a Staff Favorite!


Ranked #2 Card Game in Netherlands
Ranked #5 Card Game in Canada & Mexico
Ranked #6 Card Game in US & UK
Ranked #7 Card Game in Belgium

★★★★★ "Arcade Solitaire: TriTowers is one seriously addictive game and is easily our top choice for solitaire on the platform." -- AppAddict.net

★★★★★ "This is such a fantastic game... the presentation is absolutely flawless...it’d be a bargain at four times the price." -- AppGirlReviews.com

★★★★ "Arcade Solitaire: TriTowers is one of the most addictive games I have encountered for the iPhone." -- TouchGen.net

★★★★ "One of the most addicting and amusing solitaire games on the App Store." -- iphoneincanada.ca

"Buy it. Love it. Surrender to it." -- SlideToPlay.com

"Arcade Solitaire: Tri Towers is the best version of Tri Towers in the App Store" -- AppAdvice.com

"It is a great game to pick up and play... be prepared to play a few levels or you'll have to keep going back for more!" -- AppsAndHats.com

"Arcade Solitaire is an intense and challenging game." -- MustTap.com

"For the iphone Arcade Solitaire is the best tri-peaks so far" -- freedog, TouchArcade.com Forums

"One of the best TriPeaks so far" -- Carlos-Sz, TouchArcade.com Forums

"I have bought every Tri Peaks game so far for the iphone and as of now Arcade Solitaire is the best" -- RaiderRich721, TouchArcade.com Forums

"The look and feel, the smoothness of the game, the unlockables, and the instant up-to-date high scoring feature are absolutely perfect." -- Uhgii, TouchArcade.com Forums

"digital CRACK!" -- Neil Warner, Beta Tester

The BEST, ADDICTIVE, UNIQUE, FAST-PACED Solitaire game ever! Once you start, you won't be able to stop!

Combining the classic Tri-Towers / Tri-Peaks solitaire gameplay with a unique leveling system, achievements, live in-game leaderboard tracking, great visuals, sound effects, and fast responsive controls, Arcade Solitaire : TriTowers is the BEST and ONLY Solitaire game you'll ever need or want to play again!

Fully integrated with OpenFeint 2.2!!

♠♠ Tracks all your high scores, career score, and other fun statistics!
♠♠ Compete against your friends and the World using OpenFeint online leaderboards
♠♠ Unique online in-game live leaderboard tracking (see who's got the next highest score and how many more points you need to catch them - while you're playing!)
♠♠ Over 30 unlockable background skins and card decks!
♠♠ Close to 50 OpenFeint Achievements!
♠♠ Visually stunning graphics and sound effects
♠♠ Extremely polished, FAST and responsive gameplay
♠♠ Pick-up, put-down gameplay (saves your game whenever you quit so you can resume later on)

What's New

  • Changed Friends Only Leaderboard to be enabled by default for all new installs.

If you haven't already enabled the Friends Only Leaderboard option on the Extras screen, please try it out as it can improve performance dramatically!

Thanks for playing Arcade Solitaire: TriTowers! If you like this game, please check out our latest game: Bankshot!

Bankshot is Paper Toss meets TRON and best of all, it's FREE!!!

iTweetSong 1.3.1(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ iTweetSong is the quickest way to share what you are listening to your followers at Twitter. iTweetSong lets you quickly and easily tweet your listening music in a single click. The most easy to use social networking tool.

== Features ==
♪ Support iPod/iPhone Music and Podcast
♪ Auto get the playing song and artist
♪ 5 Stars Rating
♪ Auto save Twitter username and password
♪ Allow change Twitter username and password
♪ Single-click to publish what you are listening
♪ Editable message
♪ Design with the KISS ("Keep it Simple, Stupid") principle
♪ Shake to reload playing song detail
♪ New screen design
♪ Auto load album artwork

It is used to solve a problem every iPhone + Twitter user facing everytime when they want to let other know what are they listening.

Sample Tweet:
"I'm listening to Billie Jean by Michael Jackson."

"I love it because the one-click share function! Super fast & easy!" - Johnnath Elkins

"I have tried different Twitter apps, but really, simple is the best!" - Michelle Hartman

"The challenge is finding a simple way to share nice song with my friends. Using original Twitter app is just too much typing..." - Celeste

"I listen music like crazy and I use iTweetSong over 10 times a day" - Michael Levitt

"うん。iTweetsong のが手軽かつポストも簡潔。" - a_ichijo @ Twitter

"itweetsong from the app store lets you tweet which song your listening too. You don't have to type it in it collects info itself." - laz0rw0lf @ Twitter

It's easy to use:

Just start the application and click the POST button. Done!

iTweetSong works on the iPhone, first generation iPod touch, and second generation iPod touch. ONLY WORK WITH OS 3.0+.

Send your comments and ideas to support@iTweenSong.com


YogaBeauty 1.0.1(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free

FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! Bestselling author of "Yoga to the Rescue" brings you 16 new, fabulous yoga poses that will beautify your skin & your soul!

"I love this charming little book...the instructions are absolutely reliable." —THE DAILY MAIL on Yoga to the Rescue

Practicing yoga will make you feel beautiful all over, from your mind to your behind. Yoga lights your self-confidence on fire and gives you a radiant outlook. It also does these amazing things: Firms and tones the skin • Diminishes cellulite • Improves mood and emotional well-being • Flushes toxins out of the body...and so much more!

APP DETAILS: 16 abundantly useful yoga poses.

EACH POSE CONTAINS: Helpful & fun illustrations; Easier version of the pose; Easy-to-follow instructions; Benefits; Focus points

ALSO INCLUDED: Great yoga tips and informative, brief introduction.

This clever, user-friendly app brings so much levity to a typically somber subject, that it might just turn yogaphobics into yoginis and entice the sedentary into Virasana!


Join our fabulous FanClub—includes really cool FREE GIFTS, GIVEAWAYS & CONTESTS! (http://rescuegirl.com/fanclub.html)

RescueGirl \ res-kyü•gurl \ n: 1. A woman young in spirit and generous of heart. 2. A woman who knows how to rescue herself. 3. A woman who doesn’t need validation because, regardless of her age, shape, size,status or handbag— she knows she’s fabulous!


Check In : The 5 Tools of EBT 1.01(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Check In V2.0 Has been submitted to the app store! Will cost $9.99. Download this version and get the update for free!!!

Check In is a revolutionary new way of providing daily emotional support for you when ever and where every you need it.

Check In is based on the Patent Pending 5 Point System of Emotional Brain Training (EBT). Emotional Brain Training is the only method focused on changing how you process stress in the moment by retraining your emotional brain. So instead of dealing with stress by thinking too much, getting anxious, overeating or people pleasing, just open the Check In app and determine your current stress level or "Brain State" and use the corresponding tool to get your self back to balance.

EBT was developed over the past 30 years by clinician and New York Times Best Seller Laurel Mellin.

If you decide you would like to become an expert in using the tools and experience the effect in your life, the EBT program also offers an Introduction to the 5 Point System Telegroup which prepares you for the 6 EBT Kits which assist people through the process of healing past hurts and obtaining lifes richest rewards: balance, integrity, intimacy, spirituality, vibrancy and authenticity.

Features of Check In:

Brain State Finder:
Go through a series of question that ask you to describe how you are feeling in terms of your Relationships, Thinking, Behavior, Spiritual Connection and Stress Level.

Get to One:
Once you have determined your "Brain State" you can then use the tool that corresponds to that state. Their are 5 Brain States and 5 Tools: Sanctuary Time, Feelings Check, Emotional Housecleaning, The Cycle Tool, Damage Control. The Cycle tool is the most difficult to master and is best used in an EBT Coaching session.

And More....

Timeloop 0.0.4(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free



"As far as puzzle games go for iPhone or iTouch it doesn’t get much more creative then word search or chess. Well forget those boring games and move into the future! Introducing TimeLoop, from Connect2Media. A puzzle game that revolutionizes the category." iPhoneFreak.com - 5/5

The graphics are slick and the sound effects are quite interesting. Tack on the great gameplay and you’ll want to sit and play as many levels as you can in one go. Have fun!

148apps.com - 4.5/5

"this game is ingenious...This formula of frenetic, mutli-genre gaming is a success." - TouchMyApps

"a brand new game that has a neat twist." - MobileGame FAQ's

Ever wished you could be in two places at once? Well in TIMELOOP you can! Those crazy scientists have invented a time machine but it has malfunctioned. Now they are trapped in time and rapidly running out of oxygen, only Nik, the janitor droid, can save them! But one Nik isn’t enough, so he uses the time machine to TIMELOOP, sending himself back in time, repeatedly if necessary, to save the day! As the game progresses the puzzles become increasingly difficult, strategic thinking becomes essential and timing is everything. With multiple Niks working alongside one another there is always more than one way to rescue the scientists. With 32 levels to solve, most with multiple solutions, the game is stuffed with cunning puzzles, unique wit, and some very cute cats to save along the way!

  • 32 Increasingly mind, and time, bending puzzles
  • Multiple solutions to almost every puzzle mean that the challenges keep on coming
  • Gold, Silver and Bronze Award categories
  • Discover and use tools including a spanner, blowtorch, mobile phone and even a hair dryer
  • Command robot Nik to clear toxic leaks, weld broken doors, hack security computers and much more

Tap Run 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Bhuio.com presents >>Tap Run

hanjanote 1.1(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

한국시간으로 3월 5일 부터 3월 7일까지 한시적 무료 배포 합니다.

한자 시험을 위한 정리 노트

한자를 쉽게 공부하고 싶은 분들, 한자능력검정을 준비하시는 분들에게 도움이 되었으면 합니다.

현재 지원 데이터

  • 한자 3500자(1급 ~ 8급)
  • 단어 2440건
  • 고사성어 1616건
    추후 한자 5000자 까지 업데이트 예정

강력한 검색기능으로 간이 옥편으로 사용할 수 있습니다.

  • 음으로 검색
  • 획수로 검색
  • 부수로 검색
  • 급수로 검색

단어 및 고사성어를 검색하여 공부할 수 있습니다.

  • 음으로 검색
  • 급수로 검색

자동으로 4가지 유형의 문제를 생성하여 공부한 내용을 확인 할 수 있습니다.

  • 한자 음 맞추기
  • 단어 음 맞추기
  • 단어의 뜻을 보고 선택하기
  • 고사성어의 뜻을 보고 선택하기

Mole - Quest for the Terracore gem! 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


To promote Mole at the Game Developers Conference. Roo Games is giving away
MOLE for Free!
Available starting from Friday the 5th to Sunday the 14th!


Games Uncovered "This title is so easy and so rewarding that it will manage to keep you playing until you’ve completed it, and it absolutely has enough content for the $1.99 price." - B "Great!" rank.

Apps Patrol Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Appera "Mole is a fun twist on the I Dig It concept. I liked it, it has some advantages over I Dig It. Although I wouldn’t go as far as say it’s better, Mole is a pretty cool title and should make Dig Dug proud."

Touch Reviews "Mole – Quest for the Terracore Gem is a single player game but there are also 4 ranks for your mole to move through and 10 medals to earn as you progress through the game. It’s a fun unique challenge and well worth the $2 that the game costs. Check it out in the App Store now and see if you dig it!" 4 out of 5 stars!

Game Connect Asia Pacific 2009 - Indie game finalist

The Game

Mole - Quest for the Terracore gem!

Mole is a fun, new indie game made by Roo games. Take control of Mark the mole as you dig your way deep into the earth to search for the fabled Terracore gem!

Using the touch screen to help Mark on his journey deep into the earth. Mole is a fresh take on the classic digging game genre. Every dig is a new adventure as you use your brain and fingertips to guide Mark to wealth.

A digging game intended for both a quick 5-minute stints and hours of play. You can’t go wrong with Mole!


  • An easy to play touch based game with no complex and cloggy fake controllers. Simply touch any location and Mark will dig to it!
  • Explore the deep underground and dig through randomly generated levels. Each dig is a new bite sized adventure!
  • Collect metal to upgrade your mining tools so Mark can dig deeper, faster and longer!
  • Auto-post your best scores on twitter and ranked online leaderboards!
  • Work your way up through 4 different mining ranks and unlock 10 challenging achievement medals!
  • 100% Original music, sound and vibrant artwork made just for Mole.
  • Customisable GUI for left and right handed users.

StripeCam 2.0.1(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

100% OFF SALE for a limited time
As a sign of thanks to Camera People for iPhone Vol.1

This app makes stripe image by take a camera or from photo library.
I think that it becomes a very impressive stripe image if it goes well.

iPhone 3GS users will be fully available to save the full size image.
iPhone 3G, iPod touch 1st/2nd users is 600x800 is recommended.

Please enjoy.

Look & Listen On The Farm (bilingual) by StoryBoy 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE FOR LIMITED TIME Enter the world of StoryBoy with this great offer! Let your preschooler learn farm animal names in two languages! This interactive book teaches basic sight and sound recognition in English and Mandarin Chinese. Toddlers will also delight in touching the animal to hear the sound that it makes.

“Kids will respond to the playful and humorous images and sounds. It will embrace their inquisitive and curious minds charming them with relevant knowledge and healthy content.”

David J. Peter, Ed.D
Principal, St. Stephens the Martyr School


Enter the world of StoryBoy and bring stories to life for your kids!

StoryBoy Kids’ Books are a wonderful way to entertain and educate kids anytime and anywhere. It’s an instant portable world of stories for kids and parents to enjoy together

Our stories are beautifully illustrated, animated and narrated. The library includes familiar old favorites and well-written original stories.

The simple navigation function makes these books easy to use for the youngest readers.

We hope your family enjoys this book. Please drop us a note anytime with comments and suggestions at support@storyboy.net.

Visit us at www.storyboy.net for more information on what we have available!

iSink U 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time ? March 5 - 7

“Complete with decent animations and great graphics, this is the best ship battle experience that one can buy for the iPhone.” - AppVee

Featured in “NEW & NOTEWORTHY” and “WHAT WE'RE PLAYING” (2009)

Other Reviews:

  • “Artificial Life has built its battle ship world around an impressive 3D engine…The AppSmile team has fallen in love with the game.” - AppSmile
  • “It’ll keep you amused for a few hours and will keep you coming back when all your other apps get boring.” - iPhone App Reviewer
  • “It’s similar enough to the original Battleship to evoke nostalgia, yet updated and enhanced enough to warrant playing on your iDevice.” - TouchMyApps
  • “The soundtrack is very military! You are welcomed to the main menu with a marching drumbeat, and during the game, you get a different type of music to spur you on during your battle.” - APPMODO

Artificial Life presents iSink U - a new approach to the classic naval strategy game. Command a squadron of well-equipped and ready-to-destroy aquatic machines with an arsenal of weapons, and even more ammo! Strategically take turns attacking your enemy because that’s the way true captains of the sea do battle! Victoriously cry out “iSink U” when you destroy the enemy fleet in battle! Bombs away!

Game Features:

  • Command a squadron of 4 boats and 1 submarine in exciting battles that won’t end until Poseidon himself surrenders the sea to your might!
  • A new attack system factors skill into this classic game by introducing decisions based on action points
  • In each round choose to move a ship, fire a primary weapon, or unleash the latest breakthrough in naval technology
  • Unique battle experience offered by the multi-touch function of the iPhone and iPod touch creates a user-friendly setting for you to zoom in, zoom out, and pan across the screen
  • Strategically command a battalion of advanced fighter ships including the Cruiser, the Battleship, and more
  • Commence sea assault on your friends using the Head 2 Head Mode
  • Claim victory in all levels to unlock a hidden map
  • Earn three prestigious medals and prove your superiority as a sea commander!

Try other exciting games by ALife: Adult Swim's Amateur Surgeon, Amateur Surgeon Christmas Edition, Five Minutes to Kill (Yourself) & Meowcenaries, BMW Sauber F1 Team Racing 09, BMW Z4 Experience, iDroidsMania™, iSoccer Backstreet™, PANDORUM, Red Bull Air Race World Championship, Red Bull Racing Challenge, ROBBIE WILLIAMS RACING, Spartacus: Blood and Sand and VERMINATOR™

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news: http://twitter.com/alifegames

Join us on Facebook: http://www.botme.com/ref/alife-fb

Check out our videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/alifegames

iReading - Three Little Pigs 1.1(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Try it when it is FREE!

Featured by Apple in "What's Hot" !

Brand-new Reading Experience!
Animated Audio Story Book!


"My 4 years old son loved this book very much, can't wait for more in the series."

"Highly recommended! A great product in everyway. Engaging voice actors, nice interactive pages, pretty graphics,vivid animation, easy to flip through for children! My children read it every day! We want more, please!"

"It's an amazing book! As a mother, I think this is an awesome reading experience. My children love reading this story by iphone. Thank you for the amazing app keep on working!!! WANT SOME MORE!!!"

AppleTreeBooks™ has been inviting excellent illustrators across the world to create illustrated stories for us. Exquisite pictures, vivid dubbing as well as animation and interactive procedures will present wonderful stories and enable you and your children to experience brand-new reading. We have elaborately selected various stories, including the well-known classic fairy tales and brand-new originated stories, so that you will have many options and will absolutely find the ones you love. Additionally, we will continuously update the books on our online bookshelf, so that you can read our illustrated stories at any time. AppleTreeBooks™ will enable you to experience brand-new reading and funs in it.

★ Dubbing in both English and Chinese;
★ Animation in each page, make it more vivid.
★ Touch the character in each page to make it sound, increase the fun of reading process.
★ The mode of CoverFlow enables you to start with any page in the books;
★ Function of online bookshelf enables you to read new books that have been or will be published at any time;
★ Function of automatic and manual page turning;
★ Function of automatic bookmark allows for automatic entry of bookmark into the current page when the procedure is interrupted by accident; you may choose “Restart” or “Continue” at the time of next entry.

Three Little Pigs is a well-known classic fairy tale. We have adapted the original work so that the story becomes more vivid and lively. Illustrators Snow Fishes have created an extremely relaxing and joyous atmosphere for this story by using awfully brisk and bright colors. We believe that this multimedia electronic book will enable you to experience brand-new reading. You and your children will absolutely like it!

If you are an illustrator or a writer, welcome to cooperate with AppleTreeBooks™, so that your work will be published and shared by the whole world! If you are a reader, you are welcomed to advice your precious opinions on our books and tell us what you like to read. We will continue to make effort in creating more stories you like.

Email: dam516@126.com
URL : www.appletreeapp.com

S2 NoAds: ShooterScreensavers 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

NowSale!! Free!
It is possible to download it free of charge until March 15.

Please use a free version previously. There is no difference for the function. When this application is bought if it liked a free version, it is glad. This is a version without the advertisement and a part of achievements. Therefore, the starts are earlier than free things. My best regards.

search "sumyapp" in appstore.
It is a shooting game that can choose the background and BGM for myself.
It corresponds to the operation with the acceleration sensor.
It corresponds to Achievements and the ranking by OpenFeint.

Start S2.
Push the picture button, and select picture.
Push the music button, and select the one's favorite song.
-Music start-
Let's start!! Please push to start button.

It operates by OS3.0 or more.

Unlimited Dating Tips 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Follow the unlimited dating tips for greater success.
Have fun!!! Good luck!


  • Attractive user interface for easy exploring.
  • No 3G/WiFi connection required.
  • Shake your iPhone and get random one.
  • Select and copy option is enabled for SMS sharing.
  • From “all” section you can see all tips and select any tip you like.
  • You can mark any tip you like as Favorite.
  • Sharing any tip from this app through e-mail is available. Spread the fun to anyone in the world!
  • More apps/games are available on “more” section.

Also check out our other apps: *** We recommend some cool iPhone games: Tap Tap Ants, Tap Tap Love , Tap Tap Bubble, Bubble Tap ? most addictive, iWarehouse, Flying Insects.

DISCLAIMER: This application may contain some explicit material, but does not intend to be defamatory, racist or offensive in any way. In no event shall the creator of this application be liable in any manner for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of your access, use or inability to use this application, or any errors or omissions in the information on this application.

Email us : info@riseuplabs.com
Follow us : www.twitter.com/riseuplabs
Subscribe us : www.youtube.com/riseuplabs
Join us : www.riseuplabs.com/facebook

Pokemon EV Helper 1.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

★ Free for a limited amount of time! Grab it while you can! ★

Pokemon EV Helper will help you quickly reference EVs (effort value) for all Pokemon up to #493 (in other words, all Pokemon that exist to date).

Natioal Dex #s
EVs obtained from defeating each Pokemon
Search for quickly looking up EVs
Easy to use interface

Legal Notice:
This app is an unofficial version and is not endorsed by or affiliated with the creator of this video game or its licensors. This application complies with the US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use". All characters, their names, places, and other aspects of the video game described within this application are trademarked by their respective owners. This application does not copy any portion of the game(s), nor does it contain screenshots of the game(s). If you feel there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that doesn't follow the "fair use" guidelines, please contact us either via our website or our support forums.

This app is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo or GameFreak.

iDivide 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

********The winner of honor in Orange StartAPP contest!!!********

iDivide is an addictive arcade game. You will get a random number according to the level.

iDivide will improve your skills with numbers and fast reading!!

THE GOAL - get to the number 1.

The ways to achieve the goal are:

Increase the number by 1#

Subtract the number by 1#

Divide the number by 3#

Can you get to 1 at the fastest time?

Updates are always free!

iDivide is OpenFeint enabled.

---FEATURES--- * Random mode: You will get a random number with digits according to the level. * 18 Levels for the Random mode!!! * Custom mode: You will choose your own number (TIP: You can try divide your phone number, ID, etc.) * Tweet and Update your facebook status with your last result! * Over 30 OpenFeint Achievements. * OpenFeint leaderboards and achievements. * Over 18 OpenFeint Leaderboards: Compete with your friends and the world for the highest score in the level you choose. * Cool background music!

Follow us on Twitter for more news: http://www.twitter.com/iDivide

Chess Game 1.5(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

"How about a nice game of chess?" -- Joshua, in WarGames

Current version has these features:

  • 5 Levels
  • Undo/Redo
  • Move history
  • Load/Save games
  • Play by email
  • Play One on One
  • Swap side
  • Show valid moves when playing level 1

...delete games with a standard swipe gesture. This is, in the game list, place your finger on a games name and swipe right and a Delete button will appear.

The emails sent with the Play by email feature should be read on a iPhone/iPod touch and when receiving an email one only need to tap the link in the email.

Eagle 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Make a perfect landing on the moon with Eagle. With only one button for the thrust you have to land careful and close to the landing spot. Do you have the right stuff?

On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in one of the world greatest achievements. Their lunar module was named Eagle .

The final approach from the un-docking with the Command and Service Module took approximately 2 hours and 47 minutes. Near the surface of the moon Neil saw a boulder field and switched of the auto pilot and landed the lunar module manually in a safer area. There they stayed 21½ hours before heading back to earth. During their visit they spent more than 2½ hours outside the lunar module collecting 21½ kg rocks and soil that was carried back to earth.

This is a fun challenge and it does not simulate a real moon landing.

For those with the right stuff there is a global highscore list to compete on. The 10 best are shown in the game and the 100 best is shown on the support page.

Caribbean Racing : sailing 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for this weekend!

Finally real sailing regatta on iPhone and iPod, worldwide competition trough online high score ranking, each race with changing weather conditions, full boat control, animated sea. Race against time and compare your results with competitors.

  • 9 Caribbean sailing locations
  • sport sailboat simulator
  • 2 game views: aerial and map
  • challenging weather conditions, wind shifts, wind gusts
  • accelerometer control
  • beautiful animated sea
  • KOS Picture Source sailing pictures
  • learn how to sail
  • 10 minutes time limit

AND MORE TO COME: (one 2 one match racing, against your friends and sailors from another side of globe)

Join great racing on Caribbean Seas. This game will give you real taste of sailing regatta. Races take minutes. Variable wind conditions will let you test your skill and luck. Whether you are a novice or seasoned captain Caribbean Racing will satisfy your appetite for mobile sailing.

Free Rome 3.2(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Rome, also known as the eternal city, is one of the founding cities of Western Civilization. Let the Free Rome application guide you through a city whose rich history and culture spans over two and a half thousand years.

We provide over eighty entries of free things you can do. Take advantage of nineteen different free museums whose collection ranges from, art and artifacts from the mysterious Etruscans, who predated the Romans; to the largest collection of works by Italian painters and sculptors of the 19th and 20th centuries, to oriental art from Asia from Persia to Japan, over the period from prehistoric times to the present day - and much more.

Rome’s monuments and cathedral’s document the lives of saints pay tribute to kings, queens and emperors that ruled this ancient city, from the Sistine Chapel, to the Roman Forum to the majestic Arch of Constantine; to the Colonna Traiana a column that consists of 19 blocks of marble, to name just a few.

Rome is also the city of festivals. Find out about Mardi Gras in Rome or shows, concerts and art during the Enzimi Festival or meet your favorite author’s during Rome’s Literature festival. In the past writer’s such as Banana Yoshimoto, Paul Auster, Salman Rushdie, Susan Sontag, Doris Lessing, Jonathan Franzen, and Gore Vidal have all appeared.

For each listing you will find the phone number, address, web URL and other relevant information to help you plan the free trip or visit. With a touch, you can dial the phone number on your iPhone, open the address in Google Maps and browse given website URL in Safari.

The app lets you mark your favorite items and go through just the favorites in a separate tab. Just touch the star in the list or on the details page to add to the favorites. You can make new suggestions (please do, it is much appreciated) and report errors/updates to information. Periodic updates will include newer listings and corrections to the listings.

Free Rome is a matter of providing you valuable information, not price. To understand the concept, you should think free as in free speech not as in free beer! That is why Free Rome is nominally priced!

Free Rome is part of a series of apps that includes Free San Francisco, Free New York City (NYC), Free Los Angeles (LA), Free Boston, Free Toronto, Free London and Free Paris. Also coming soon: Free Hawaii.

Best Value - Compare costs and save money 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

TODAY ONLY - LEAVE A REVIEW AND GET IT FOR FREE!!! Fair and constructive reviews would be appreciated. Of course you can get it without leaving a review but that is not the deal!!!

NOTE: This app is not usually free.

Best Value lets you easily compare the cost of two products no matter their package quantities, sizes or units. The perfect tool for price-conscious shoppers!


  • Single screen interface with custom keypads
  • Display costs per unit (using either items unit)
  • Display discount and premium percentages
  • Supports both Metric and English measurements


  • Mass: g, kg, oz and lb
  • Volume: mL, L, fl oz, pt, qt and gal
  • Length: mm, cm, m, in, ft and yd

Works best with currencies that use decimals

Touch Bang 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

You have become a member of special forces. Your mission is to rescue the hostages and exterminate the terrorists by bombing.

In the survive mode, you have to wipe out all the terrorists by using limit bombs during every stage. If any enemy remained alive after you use the bombs out, you will lose the stage. You have a chance to retry and continue (not endless). The key point to clear the game is good judgement of the environment condition, good use of the sceneries and precisely casting of the bombs.

Hostages and bonus boxes will bring you high scores and retry chances. Of course remained bombs of the cleared stages will also be added to your score. So cast the bombs efficiently!

Cleared all the stages does not mean you have finished the game. It will be harder and you will have a new challenge. You can practise to cast the bombs in the practice mode,

So COME ON and Rush now!

Math Tap 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Math Tap is a fun math-based puzzle game where you have to calculate the missing number in each equation.

You are racing against the clock to answer as many questions as you can in before the timer runs out.

Aim to get the highest score without losing all your lives.

Go for it!

Alice in Wonderland Storybook 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE until March 8, 2010!

Based on the original Junior Elf edition, this iPhone adaptation combines beautiful vintage illustration with a new audio narration enhanced with music and effects. Read on your own or enjoy the beautiful illustrations -- even in a two-page spread view -- while listening to the narration.

Listen to a sample narration on our website: http://www.artamata.com

Flying Furball 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Edgar and 13 team up in Flying Furball. Control 13 as he jumps and ducks to collect fish bones and avoid the nasty obstacles. Collect loads of bonus points for every bone you collect in sequence. Flying Furball will put your reaction times to the test with three exciting levels.

If you enjoy this game be sure to check out Stack Master, Snack Attack, Stunt Wagon and Arctic Shuffle.

The Zimmer Twins is a fun children’s website that invites kids to create and share their own animated stories.

Dejavu 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Seeing is believing?
What is truth?
Is that a lie?

Even the word "believe" there is a "lie" in it.

Sometimes your eyes will not work so perfectly, and your mind not that clear.

This app provide you the illusion images which have drawn carefully and cleverly. Do you think you can see through it? Or you will confused?

Blackjack Revenge 2.4.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Are you sick and tired of getting a 19 or 20, only to have the dealer turn over a blackjack or draw to a 21? I know we were so we did something about it!

With Blackjack Revenge, every time that happens, you get a REVENGE letter. The next time you get a blackjack, all of your payouts are multiplied by the number of REVENGE letters you've gotten. Combine that with the other bonuses in the game and you can really take the dealers to the cleaners!


  • Ask the dealer function helps introduce new players to rules of the game and strategy with suggestions on when to hit, stand, split, double down and surrender.
  • Play three simultaneous hands of blackjack and split up to seven hands on-screen at once.
  • Save your scores and come back to the game later!
  • Register for the Juju Play community and you can chat with other players, earn badges to show off your pro skills and build up your personal profile of achievements across other games in the Juju Play Community.

Great for fans of Solitaire, Poker and other casino games.

All Power Pro (Plasma battery) 1.4.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Check the juice in your battery like never before. Accurate times join a stunning physically simulated plasma engine - World's first iPhone plasma battery engine!


  • Fast charge support (switch between fast & full charge)
  • Displays iPhone & iPod fast charge feature
  • Configurable full charge alarm (on/off/loop)
  • Plasma flows with accelerometer
  • Remaining times you can rely on
  • Battery age settings
  • Initial percentage display, recall with double-tap
  • Intelligent Multibuttons

"COOL APP OF THE DAY" by Leander Kahney, cultofmac.com

What users say:
"All Power Pro is the new standard for battery monitoring..." - Dave Burrows, Technical Evangelist

"Very cool idea to turn something mundane into something clever..." - Leander Kahney, Cult of Mac

"All Power Pro is no ordinary battery app. It's full power management under your fingertips." - Nel Hoffman


  • Filling shows battery level at etched scale
  • Plasma changes color (red

Unit Converter 1.2(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

UnitConverter allows you to convert for practical purposes units of Weight, Temperature, Length, Volume & Speed form the Imperial Unit System (used in English-speaking countries) to the Metric Unit System (used in the rest of the World) and vice-versa
This is a very easy to use app.

According to the US CIA World Factbook in 2006, the International System of Units is the official system of measurement for all nations except for the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong-Kong, Burma, Liberia

Imperial units or the imperial system is a system of units, first defined in the British Weights and Measures Act of 1824, later refined (until 1959) and reduced. The system came into official use across the British Empire.

The metric system is an international decimalised system of measurement, first adopted by France in 1791, that is the common system of measuring units used by most of the world. It exists in several variations, with different choices of fundamental units, though the choice of base units does not affect its day-to-day use. Over the last two centuries, different variants have been considered the metric system. Since the 1960s the International System of Units ("Système International d'Unités" in French, hence "SI") has been the internationally recognised standard metric system

Gotcha! Pro Alarm System 1.2.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


Gotcha! Pro is the first and only iPhone Security Alarm System that runs in BACKGROUND and watches out while your device is in REAL sleep or locked mode. With GPS logging, a unique motion alarm feature and multiple ways to notify you.

— Works while iPhone is asleep and locked
— Blocks Volume keys and silent switch for 100% full blast
— GPS Position Tracking + Logging with Google maps support
— Email & Twitter GPS notifications with timer
— 16 professional Alarm Sounds + Vibration + Silent Alarm
— Adjustable sensitivity to fit your requirements
— Changeable settings for delay, arming sequence and more

Lock your device with system's passcode lock, arm Gotcha! Pro and press the iPhone's power/lock button to prevent unauthorized disarming of your burglar alarm. This means REAL SECURITY, unlike other anti theft "Stealth mode apps" which can easily be disarmed via the Home Button.

To protect your iPhone from unauthorized access or a pickpocket, it is recommended to set up a passcode lock in your system's settings. The best protection against a thief or someone you don't trust, of course, is to always keep an eye on your device.



Take it to the next Level [61]

ALL POWER PRO - World's #1 Plasma Battery Checker
DOODLE DIAL - Just doodle, and your iPhone dials
SUPERMARKET - Never again pay too much

Attention Supermarket 2.1(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Compare Prices in seconds. The most common trap with buying in bulk is the fact that on some products, the higher volume version often has a much higher cost per unit than the smaller package.

Do you remember finding yourself in your local grocery store and wracking your brains as to whether 14 oz ketchup for 4.49 $ or a bottle of 24 oz for 7.99 $ is the real deal? Is the big pack of 12 ounce tuna really cheaper than the 5 ounce standard can?

Supermarket has the answer and is your machete in the jungle of various package sizes :-)

Save yourself laborious mental arithmetic and compare all the prices in a matter of seconds. The basic prices of both products are automatically calculated and indicated in colour.

With the tiny ultrafast Supermarket app you avoid misleading packaging in the twinkling of an eye and save yourself money. With Supermarket you will expose quantity surcharges as quick as lightning - and never again pay too much.


  • Quicktap® buttons for amounts with 99, 49 and 50
  • Fast one-handed operation
  • Display all basic prices immediately
  • Results are additional indicated in colour


  • Tap on one of the two glass screens
  • Enter price and confirm
  • Enter quantity and confirm


  • Shake to clear the screens
  • Tap and Hold "Quantity" to choose between units
  • Input in different units (lb. oz. gal. floz. g kg l ml pcs.)
  • Conversion between units of the same class
  • New intelligent calculator for very small ml and g amounts
  • Improved displayed accuracy up to 4 decimals

The basic price is immediately displayed. Repeat the steps for the product to be compared. Both amounts appear in the summary. The more expensive price is displayed in red, the cheaper price flashes green. Checking prices was never that easy.

To set up your favourite currency, please go to your iPhone's / iPod touch'es SETTINGS - SUPERMARKET.

English, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian

Take it to the next Level [61]

GOTCHA! - World's first really secure iPhone security app
DOODLE DIAL - Just doodle, and your iPhone dials
ALL POWER PRO - World's #1 Plasma Battery Checker

Kid's Space Puzzle: Rockets, Planets and Stars Sliding Slices 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

FREE. Limited time offer.

Do your kids love rockets, planets and everything space related? Then they will love this fun app. It uses 23 amazing NASA pictures to create puzzles by scrambling the images into slices. To solve the puzzle simply drag and drop the slices into the right order. When the puzzle is solved they will see a caption describing the image.

15 difficulty levels means fun for kids from older toddlers to teenagers and even adults (from 5 slices to 20).

There are images of craters, rockets, the space station, the moon, earth, the sun, the milky way, nebulae, black holes, the space shuttle, the solar system, and more.

Tap the puzzle once and press the show image button to take a peak at the completed image.

Tipitap Apps
Learning fun, fun learning.

Write to us at spacepuzzle@tipitap.com

Try our other kid’s apps:

Kid's Art Puzzle: Sliding Slices
Kid's Animal Puzzle: Sliding Slices
Toddler Tapping Zoo
Toddler Jukebox: Classic songs
Toddler Car, Ship and Rocket
Toddler First Spanish
Toddler French
Toddler Italian
Toddler Magic Colors with Chuck

Green Genie 1.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Green Genie is free for a limited time to celebrate the launch of our new green app- LitterBug!
LitterBug! is a fun game for young children that introduces them to the concept of recycling. Check it out here:


Read our reviews and see what other users think.


  • “The is the most complete and comprehensive green app on the market!!” 5 STARS
  • “A must for anyone interested in sustainability or just interested in saving money!” 5 STARS
  • “Great interface. Tons of information. Get it.” 5 STARS


The Green Genie is your complete guide to a sustainable lifestyle.

This app pays for itself! Even the most basic tips in here will add up to hundreds of dollars saved.

Developed in collaboration with a LEED Accredited Professional and a professional Sustainability Consultant, the Genie is more than just green tips- It's a massive collection of Green projects and resources.
It's like getting a master's degree in sustainability.


  • Over 100 projects and tips (and growing), each one telling you the environmental benefits AND how much money it will SAVE you.
  • Links to various carbon footprint calculators (rub the lamp to go there!)
  • A breakdown of certified green products
  • A full glossary of green terms
  • A collection of essential reading
  • Links to the best green websites (just rub the lamp!)
  • An explanation of the different kinds of plastics and their recyclability
  • A list of green organizations
  • An open-source user submission tool for submitting ideas, projects and resources to the Green Genie
  • Every single green project and resource has a link to more info on web. We’ve tracked down the info and brought it to you. Rub the lamp and the Genie will take you there...

The Genie has also sorted the projects for you to make it easy to find the ones that fit your lifestyle and budget. And when you rub the Genie's lamp, you will be transported to a specifically selected website for more detailed information on each project.

And since we believe that there are always more great ideas out there to be shared, we've included an easy way for users to connect with HEISTDEVICE to contribute ideas that will be added to the app database. There's a ton of information to be shared out there, and the Green Genie's open-source platform is designed to grow and evolve as users share with each other. If you include your name and we use your submission, we’ll even give you credit in the app!

Update 1.1 includes improvements based on user feedback as well as new content submitted by Green Genie users JEFF PERKINS, DREW SULSKI, and FEZKIN! Thanks for the great tips!

Traffic Ninja 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Absolutely FREE for 24 hours!

ELITE LEADERBOARD -Do you have what it takes?
Win a $25 iTunes card!!!

Desert Highway

  1. Gamexcb 1370
  2. mhennemeyer 1115
  3. Crazybreadman 1035

Stormy Bridge

  1. NeoTheOne 985
  2. LaurelH 785
  3. cookiemonster 730


  • top 3 scores on elite mode will win a $25 iTunes card
  • contest will end 3/24/10

What the critics are saying...

  • "Running into traffic has never been so fun!" - AppAdvice.com
  • "This iPhone app has simple down to an art. Perfect to play in those random free moments..." AppSafari.com
  • Finalist at MacWorld 2010 Expo - Gamesalad Challenge

Are you ninja? You must have clever timing and quick reflexes to become a Traffic Ninja! Face oncoming cars, vans, and buses as you leap over them or use them as moving platforms. Watch out for evil ninjas who will slice you in half if you're careless. Overcome these obstacles and prove you are the Traffic Ninja!

1.2 coming soon- includes new & exciting challenge stages!

관련 글타래

author image
운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/03/06 10:50 2010/03/06 10:50
오늘의 글
인기있는 글
조회수 많은 글 | 베오베
댓글 많은 글 | 베오베


Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/3076



  1. 뉴벨 아리스토크라티 2010/03/06 12:24

    오늘은 게임 어플이 많네요^^
    좋은 정보 감사합니다.
    좋은 하루 되세요~

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/03/07 11:32

      앱 스토어에는 원래 게임이 가장 많습니다. 그래서 아이폰을 게임기로 아는 사람도 있습니다.

  2. 채갈공명 2010/03/06 14:37

    한 페이지의 정보가 너무 많다보니 Feed43에서 RSS에 필요한 정보를 미처 다 끌어오지 못하는 불상사가 발생하는군요 ㅠㅠ
    RSS가 수신되지 않길래 확인해 봤더니, 조건을 충족시키지 못해 RSS정보가 생성되다가 말더라구요..

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/03/07 11:33

      예. 본문이 길면 안됩니다. 저도 자주 사용하는 서비스인데 그런 제약이 있더군요.

  3. 이본 2010/03/06 15:58

    오늘은 6개나 건져가네요
    다 유용해보여요 ^^
    지금 바로 테스트 들어갑니다~
    오늘도 감사합니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  4. 눈팅유져 2010/03/07 01:33

    댓글이 20개가 넘지 못하다니..!! (뜨끔)
    항상 좋은 정보 감사드립니다 덕분에 아이폰 어플이란걸 재대로 써먹고 있습니다.
    항상 행복하시고 좋은 일들이 가득하길 기원합니다.!!

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/03/07 11:33

      처음에는 많더니 요즘은 점점 줄고 있더군요.

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