오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100129


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 24개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 어제처럼 오늘도 건질 것이 조금 있다. 먼저 인터뷰에 도움을 줄 수 있는 Interview Buzz Pro는 이미 유료로 바뀌었다. 이 어플도 무료로 제공하는 시간이 조금 짧은 편인데 이번에도 조금 빨리 유료로 바뀌었다. 따라서 내려받을 때 주의하기 바란다.

북앤딕 - 오바마연설북앤딕 고전 시리즈, 명화, 별자리 이야기등 상당히 유용한 프로그램을 개발한 인사이트 미디어의 영어 공부용 어플이다. 어플의 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 오바마의 연설, 오디오, 비디오 모두 제공된다. 오바마의 연설은 발음 명확하고 내용이 뛰어나기 때문에 좋아하는 사람이 많다.

어제 이 어플을 총 10분께 무료로 제공하는 리딤 코드 이벤트를 하며 이 어플에 대한 트위터의 반응을 확인한적이 있다. 가히 폭팔적이라고 할 정도로 호응이 좋았다. 또 "돈을 주고서라도 구입하고 싶다"는 의견이 많았던 어플이다. 평상시 4불에 판매되며 출시 기념으로 1불에 판매된다. 따라서 오바마의 연설을 좋아하거나 오바마의 연설로 영어를 공부해 보고 싶은 사람은 꼭 내려받기 바란다.

Photogene도 무료 어플이 아니다. 3불에서 2불로 할인 행사하는 어플이다. 이 어플은 아이폰(iPhone)에서 사용할 수 있는 최고의 사진 편집 도구이다. 다양한 필터, 자르기, 회전, 색조조절등을 지원하는 어플이다. 이 어플이 초기 등장했을 때는 1불까지 할인 판매를 했지만 현재의 인기도를 생각하면 2불이 최대 할인 금액으로 보인다. 나 역시 할인을 기념해서 오늘 구매했다.

Yop은 다이어트에 관심이 있는 사람이라면 꼭 내려받기 바란다. 이 어플은 국산 어플로 얼마 전까지 1불에 판매되다 오늘 오늘만 무료로 풀린 어플이다. 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)나 아이폰(iPhone)의 센서를 이용해서 운동량을 측정해 주는 어플이다. 이외에 사용자의 신장/체중을 이용한 칼로리 정보, 신체 특성, BMI 수치등에 대한 정보를 제공하며 일별, 월별 통계도 제공한다. 또 아이팟 터치나 아이폰에 저장된 음악을 들으며 운동을 즐길 수 있다.

이외에 어플에 대한 설명은 중요한 어플만 하는 것으로 하겠다. Advanced English Dictionary and Thesaurus는 출시할 당시 20불하던 영영사전 어플이다. 10불로 인하한 뒤 오늘 무료로 제공하고 있다. 워드넷 사전이라 그리 비쌀 것 같지는 않은데 의외로 고가 어플이었다. Sound-2-light Lichtorgel는 소리를 빛으로 시각화 해주는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Photo Tracer는 산모 또는 어린 유아의 부모라면 하나 쯤 가지고 있는 것이 좋은 어플이다. 사진을 찍어 아이의 자라는 모습을 담을 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 2일간 무료로 제공된다.

i.WallpaperCool Backgrounds Pro 모두 아이팟 터치나 아이폰 배경 화면을 제공하는 어플이다. 아직 사용해 보지 않아 얼마나 쿨하며, 좋은 배경 화면을 제공하는지 모르겠다. 다만 이 두개의 어플은 평상시 2불, 3불에 판매되는 어플로 무료 어플치고는 고가에 팔렸던 어플인 셈이다. 다만 어플 제작사에서 제공하는 사진에는 야한 사진이 있지만 17세 제한이 없는 것으로 봐서 야함이 심하지는 않는 듯하다.

ZCam - Full-Screen Camera예전에 한번 소개한 어플이다. 디지탈 확대/축소를 지원하는 카메라로 사진을 찍은 뒤 트위터나 페이스북에 공유할 수 있는 카메라 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되며 프로모션을 위해 일시 무료로 제공된다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

북앤딕 - 오바마연설(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> $0.99

■ 출시 기념 한정기간 75% 할인 3.99불 => 0.99불

★ 책 + 사전 + 게임 + 오디오 + 비디오 = 북앤딕
★ 전문 스크립트 및 MP3 내장, 동영상 링크 포함

오바마를 의 자리에 앉힌 것은 연설의 힘이라는 말이 있을 정도로 오바마의 연설에는 품격있는 문장을 통해 명확한 메시지를 전달하는 힘이 있습니다.

또한 대중을 위한 오바마의 연설문은 간결하고 알기 쉬운 문장으로 구성되어 있어 영어를 배우는 사람들에게 좋은 학습 기회를 제공하며, 지구 온난화, 빈곤 퇴치, 실업 및 인종 문제, 교육 및 의료 정책 등 현대 사회의 쟁점들에 대한 다양한 주제와 주장들이 포함되어 있기 때문에 연설을 읽고 듣는 것만으로도 각종 국제적 이슈들에 대한 해박한 지식을 얻을 수 있습니다.

'북앤딕-오바마 연설' 에서는 오바마의 출마/당선 연설, 노벨평화상 수상 소감 등 2004년부터 2010년까지 총 47개의 주옥같은 연설의 스크립트 전문을 수록하였고, 추가로 실제 오바마의 육성 및 동영상을 제공하여 연설 현장의 감동을 그대로 느낄 수 있도록 하였습니다.

연설문을 읽다 모르는 단어가 나와도 더이상 사전을 찾을 필요가 없이 단어만 터치해 주세요.
Book&Dic이 사전에서 뜻을 찾아 바로 알려드려 어려움 없이 해석이 가능합니다.
암기해야 할 단어는 단어장에 추가하여 플래시카드, 5지선다, 단어 짝짓기, 행맨 게임을 통해 학습하며 어휘력을 향상 시킬 수 있습니다.

'북앤딕-오바마 연설'로 이 시대 최고의 명연설가로 불리는 오바마의 연설을 쉽게 보고 듣고 읽으며 영어 실력을 향상 시켜보세요.

[특징 및 기능]

  • 47개 연설의 전문 스크립트 수록 및 육성 MP3 내장
  • 동영상 링크 기능 제공으로 손쉬운 동영상 감상 가능
  • 본문에서 터치만으로 단어에 대한 해석 제공
  • 편한 독서를 위한 글읽기 옵션 제공 (테마, 폰트 등)
  • 모르는 단어에 대해서 단어장 추가 및 게임을 통한 학습 가능
  • 내장 사전에 없는 단어의 경우 웹사전을 통해 검색 가능
  • 총 4가지 단어게임 제공(플래시카드, 행맨, 5지선다, 단어 짝짓기)

[업데이트 예정-애플 승인 대기중]

  • 2010년 1월 연설 추가
  • 디자인 개선

Photogene 2.5(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> $1.99

Photogene is about improving your digital photos and having fun while at it. This intuitive, easy to use application offers a comprehensive set of professional editing tools.

New :

  • More sharing options: upload your photos to Twitter, Facebook and our new hall of fame. Direct photo emailing via Photogene and Copy to clipboard for later use in other applications such as MMS is also possible (OS 3.0 only).

  • More special effects: Blur, B&W or Posterize as well as veterans effects such as, Pencil, Sepia, Nightvision, Reflection and Vignette
  • Crop. Fixed aspect ratios are optional.
  • Sharpen
  • Levels histogram. Manually or automatically correct color distribution, improving brightness and contrast at the same time.
  • Gama correction (midtones)
  • Separate exposure and contrast buttons.
  • RGB balance
  • Saturation. Increase or decrease hues intensity in your picture. B/W effect can be reached.
  • Color temperature. Correct unnatural colors by adding warmth or coolness to the image.
  • Straighten for a tilted image
  • Rotate and mirror
  • Preset and customized frames in various shapes, widths and colors. Selection of shadows - outer and inner glows, gloss, drops shadow.
  • Text bubbles of different styles, colors and fonts (just drag and place them wherever you like).
  • Multiple Undo-Redo and reset buttons. You can use these features to compare between origin and result.
  • Take photos from with in the application
  • Supports photos up to 2048*1536 (3Gs’ camera resolution).

Photogene was picked as one of Apple’s favorites in the AppStore’s 1 year anniversary. The application also received PC Magazine editor choice award and was included in O’Reilly’s guide “Best iPhone apps” as best app for editing photos.

Edit your photo, go artistic or be playful. Photogene enables it all in one program.

It’s not just a one time app. Photogene fulfills a wide range of your editing needs and we keep updating it.
See our website for some ideas of what you can do with this app. Also check the tutorial and frequently asked questions section.

Changes are fast and immediate and the features are continuously available on screen. You can navigate easily among the different tools.

The app allows you to zoom in and out and move the picture around, without damaging the editing work. Landscape editing is supported.

When satisfied, save to your photo library for later use or upload directly to Twitter or Facebook.

Yop 4.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

시크릿앱 Top paid 등록기념 무료 이벤트 실시!!
한국 Healthcare & Fitness 부분 Best Paid 선정!

Yop은 여러분이 어떻게 걷던 iPhone/iPod의 최신 센서를 이용하여 여러분의 걷거 뛰는 동작 하나 하나를 정확하게 파악할 수 있습니다.

Yop은 여러분의 동작 하나 하나를 Database화 한 후, 월별/일자별/시간별 소모 칼로리를 자동으로 계산하여 줌으로써, 건강에 신경 쓸 겨를이 없는 현대인에게 필수 App이라 할 수 있습니다.

※ " Yop " 은 ?

  • 모든 iPhone/iPod 모델을 지원합니다.
  • 첨단 센서를 이용하여 사용자의 운동 동작을 정확히 파악합니다.
  • 사용자의 신장/체중 정보를 이용하여 칼로리 정보 및 신체 특성, BMI 수치에 대해 정확한 정보를 지원합니다.
  • 집계된 월별/일별/날짜별/시간별 데이터는 언제든지 확인해 볼 수 있으며, 이메일로도 받아보실 수 있습니다.
  • 일반모드, 시간 모드, 목표 걸음 수 모드, 목표 칼로리 수치 모드를 지정하여 운동할 수 있습니다.
  • iPod에 저장되어 있는 음악을 들으면서 운동을 즐길 수 있습니다. 특정 음악을 선택하거나, 랜덤으로 흘러 나오는 노래를 들으며 운동을 즐길 수 있습니다.
  • 음악을 들으며 운동을 할 때, 대기화면에 플레이되고 있는 음악의 앨범 화면을 대기화면에 보여줌으로써 감성적인 측면까지 고려한 최고의 App입니다.
  • 프라이버시 기능.
    체중 정보가 담겨 있는 App. 굉장히 민감하지요? Yop에는 다른 사람이 App에 접근할 수 없도록 설정할 수 있는 프라이버시 기능이 내장되어 있습니다.

  • 다양한 효과음 지원.
    비오는 날, 그리고 눈 오는날 눈위를 걷는 듯한 느낌을 아시나요? Yop은 기본적으로 걷는 효과음 뿐만 아니라, 눈위를 걷는 효과음과 빗속을 걷는 효과음을 제공합니다.

Barbarians, The Fall 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Opening Week Sale.

Bored of those games you delete after 5min and lack any content at all then this game's for you.

4X game. eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Build bases, buildings, units. Choose what tech to research, will you spend resources researching the alien artifacts the road to accession or will you start with Barbarianism and conquer the world.

A fully 3D interactive environment with the standard apple controls for drag, zoom, and rotate. The stick fight scenes are fully 3D with a matrix style camera rotation.

Units consists of a range of themes, from hunters, barbarians, witches, wizards, Mad Scientists, Zeus, super heros, and much more. All with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Interview Buzz Pro 1.1(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

UPDATE coming soon with more tahn 700 Questions !

Was Top 15 FREE app in Business section in USA !

Well, A complete application for every job seeker as well as job creator. Interview Buzz provides you a wide range of questions that a organization demands from his/her candidates. In short, a COMPLETE KIT for interview preparation covering every intricacies.


  1. More than 300 questions that prepare you for any type of interview.
  2. Provide an option for user to modify existing answer, prepare his/her own answers for practice, add comments to the questions and mark them as Favorite.
  3. Provide Do’s /Don’ts for interview along with worksheet format (which user can sent to his/her friends via mail).
  4. A Tips section for users provides attire tips, Dining Etiquettes for interviews.
  6. Dynamically get the Interview questions and answers and other content from the internet using RSS.
  7. References to websites and SCRIBD documents.


Q 1. Why should i hire you?
A 1: Describe in detail your skills and capabilities. Explain how you would be able to contribute in the particular job position and to the company.

Q 2. If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be, and why?
A 2: The list could be: Galileo, Martin Luther King, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lincoln, Newton, Feynman etc. Many of these personalities are known for their creative, out-of-the-box thinking and brilliance. Most of them remained positive in life inspite of all odds and focused on their goals. Some of them made contributions in wide areas rather than concentrating on one particular field.

Q. 3. Describe your ideal company?
Q. 4. What are your strengths ? What are your weaknesses ?
Q. 5. What are your 5 year goals ? How are you going to achieve them ?
Q. 6. How did you add value at your position?

Traffic i UK 1.1.1(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Get up to the minute traffic information for the whole of the UK, on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Free for a limited time, try it today!

Browse traffic information for England, Scotland or Wales and view current conditions by Region or Route. Display detailed information about each incident and view its exact location in google maps or via the web.

Stay one step ahead of the roads by checking the conditions before you travel with Traffic i UK.

iPhone and iPod Touch must be connected to the internet to run this app via WiFi or 3G.

UK Traffic, Real-time Traffic, UK Highways, Road Information.

Please send suggestions for changes or additions via the support website.

Please detail desired changes, so i can continue to improve this application. Your feedback is appreciated.

"Jackson Pollock" by Miltos Manetas 1.2(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

In honour of Jackson Pollock's birthday, 28th January, today this app will be totally free - for one day only!!

148apps.com - 4/5 stars."You will find yourself showing people this application …and then, not getting your iPhone back because they want to keep painting."

geek.com - "I like the fact that the app is not just a port of the website, but includes enhancements which take advantage of the features of the iPhone."

iphonefreakz.com - "...the most jollificating paint app for iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s like getting a Jackson Pollock soul inside you...Definitely worth having it on your phone for. Well worth $0.99"

Paint like the Master of contemporary art Jackson Pollock. Make abstract paintings in a second and turn your iPhone to make the colour drip. After the very successful art website JacksonPollock.org, nomimated by Times Magazine as one of the 50 best websites, finally you can have a creative and purely artistic experience on your iPhone. Save your pictures and send them to [email protected], the best Pollocks will be published in an upcoming book.

See the app in action at www.memo.tv/jackson_pollock_for_iphone

What's Your Fashion Style 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE TODAY...Just because!

Thanks for supporting independent developers!

What's Your Fashion Style?

Take this fun & witty Quiz for a laugh!

Quiz results at the end!
See if you need Emergency Fashion Intervention!

Another Fun App by iNatasha

iCrysta Apps 2009

Top 100 Old Hindi Bollywood Songs 1.1(Music)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Top 100 Old Hindi Songs

Limited time promotion: Get it for FREE!!

Devs dig feedback - please leave one...whether you like it or want to see improvements!

To follow on the massive following of Top 100 Latest Hindi Songs that was listed #1 Paid in India for 4 months straight, Gane'Shane' now brings you this Nostalgic list of ever popular Oldies!

Keep yourself up-to-date with the new apps/music updates and much more. Join us at:

Facebook: http://facebook.com/desimusic
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ganeshane

Application Description:
Listen instantly to top 100 Old Bollywood songs compiled through airplay charts in India, UK and US.

Sing along with corresponding lyrics, watch related videos, and get detailed song info without leaving the application.

A small one-time fee lets you play a constantly updating chart of full-length songs. The application is fully integrated with iTunes Music Store for when your heart desires to purchase that song for your collection.

Top 100 Old Hindi Songs requires an active 3G, Edge, or Wi-fi connection for over the air playback.

Version: 1.1

Contact us at [email protected] if there are questions about this application.

Purple Wall 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For short time free !!!
This artapp works great on the new iPad!!!

Use your iPhone or Touch as a digital photo frame for art work.
This application shows the process of "Purple Wall" from the first brush until the total developed painting.
Artists: Jakob & Manila Bartnik

Tower Attack 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


"Finally! Ever since tower defense appeared in its thousandth installment, we’ve been wondering when someone would switch the roles of the players, putting us in the shoes of the beings trying to make it past those towers and their unlimited ammo." - slidetoplay.com

A game like Geo-Defense, Creeps, Tap Defense and Fieldrunners, but the other way around.

Introducing for the first time Tower Attack, a tower defense game where it is up to you to control the fearless little creeps.

Tower Attack takes us back to medieval times when ignorance and brutality ruled the earth. Not a hospitable environment for the friendly and cute little aliens who only wish to spread the idea of universal love to earth.

Plot the ultimate way to make it past the towers, make sacrifices on the altar of altruism and synchronize the attack. The goal is to let the grey alien with the mysterious briefcase reach the castle.

3 different stages and 15 unique levels.
5 kinds of bloodthirsty human towers and 5 kinds of cute and loving aliens
24 medals and awards for outstanding game performances. Brutal gore animations.

If you have any thoughts on how to improve Tower Attack or if you find a bug please send us an e-mail to [email protected]

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGj4hQgn0GU

Snow Battle 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Grab a cup of hot chocolate or warm apple cider and join the Winter festivities. In this snowball fighting classic, you become a team of three brave snow-fighting warriors making their last stand against the hordes of neighborhood kids and bullies.

Throw and dodge your way through 20 levels that become increasingly difficult, as your defeated opponents retreat and return with reinforcements! Watch out for the big kids, who are tougher and smarter than regular kids. With names like "Snowdown at High Noon" and "I See Sled People", each stage is cleverly named with a winter pun to warm your heart (or make you groan).

Once you have mastered all 20 levels, you may feel up to taking on every kid in town! Try "Endless Mode" if you're up to the challenge, but be careful... the more kids you defeat, the more likely they are to run home and come back with their big brothers. Compete against your old high scores and see how long you can survive against an endless stream of opponents.

A help screen is available from the main menu explains how to play, and offers a few special tips.

Snow Battle is sure to put a smile on your face and help you get into the holiday spirit this season, without having to bundle up and brave the cold outside.

Please visit us at www.frontlawnstudios.com and drop us a message. We love comments and feedback, and we love to hear about features or games you'd like to see.

Happy Holidays!

PrincessTD 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

There are 9 kinds of tower weapons, 9 kinds of creeps and 4 difficulty levels. You can use towers to besiege creeps in the game ,don't let the creeps hurt princess. There are more than 40 creeps will take turn to attack the princess and they will became more and more powerful.You can use the golden coin to buy new tower or upgrade tower weapon. This is a war between justice and evil.The whole game process is full of excitation and challenge! some can fly, some can bore in group, some can renew blood , some have high HP and some can splite self, you must make your effort and use your justice and brightness to protect the princess.

Advanced English Dictionary and Thesaurus 2.1(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $9.99 -> Free

The WordNet Dictionary and Thesaurus is a large lexical database of English with up to 140,000 entries and more than 1.4 million words, developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University.

Instead of following the standard dictionary format, the WordNet dictionary is organized with an innovative and convenient approach. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms, interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. In addition to the straightforward definition the dictionary shows how each word is linked to other words in terms of synonyms, opposites and similar words, but also hyponyms and hyperlinks within the group.


  • Straightforward and precise definitions of over 140,000 words with more than 250,000 links and 1.4 million words.
  • Synonyms, antonyms, similar and related words to help you make your writing and speech more interesting.
  • Hypernyms (more generic words), hyponyms (subordinate words) and meronyms (part names)
  • Examples illustrate how words are used and show typical constructions and collocations.
  • Quick dynamic search of words while you type
  • Hyperlinks between different related words
  • History lists of visited words

The dictionary is powered by the MSDict dictionary engine, offering best experience in mobile reference.

Breathalyzer 5000 1.0(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The Ultimate Breathalyzer App!

The only breathalyzer simulator app with voice support.

This is the only app you'll ever need to convince a friend not to drive after drinking. No more fights in the parking lot over keys. No more arguing with a slobbering drunk who has turned their brain and sense of judgement to mush after over indulging in their favorite adult beverage.

Just use this app to persuade anyone that is inebriated that they are in no condition to drive. Just adjust the simulated blood alcohol level to the desired setting. Begin the test and just have the person blow anywhere into or on the device. The Breathalyzer 5000 will display the result you have selected and the drunkard be convinced that they shouldn't drive or fly.

I was even able to convince a friend that their flatulence could be used to measure their blood alcohol level by having them fart into my iPhone.


  • Voice Support
  • Ability to have random BACL levels displayed
  • Ability to have inconclusive results displayed
  • Warning indicator for a BACL less than .08
  • Detain indicator for a BACL over .08
  • Ready indicator
  • Simulated Diagnostics
  • Beautiful interface

This application is strictly for entertainment purposes.

All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. No claim is made to any mark. This app is not endrosed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with any person or organization.

Please drink responsibly.

Sound-2-light Lichtorgel 1.23(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

This app responds to music or any other sounds. It either simulates six light bulbs or projects its light show against walls or ceilings. "Lichtorgel" closely resembles a 70s party room / disco gadget.

Due to some confusion: Music is always picked up through the microphone!

iPod Touch users: You will need an external microphone or headset.

  • Works together with iPhone/iPod builtin music player
  • Sound activated dancing lights
  • Three channels (low, mid and high pitched sounds)
  • Automatic gain control
  • Sensitivity control
  • Retro interface

Please use a charging adapter while in projection mode. Display backlight will easily drain battery power.

Q: My music player is running and I launched the app. Why does the volume change?
A: An iPhone will automatically switch off the speaker and enable headphone or earphone output. I will provide an update to fix this.
Another reason is buried inside the OS: It turns the main volume to a "neutral" level. This cannot be changed.

Q: Why is it called "Lichtorgel"?
A: Rumpelrausch has a tradition in choosing typical german names. In the 70s and early 80s those gadgets were very popular in germany. Electronics magazines were packed with DIY instructions. It was the days when I caught my first electrical shocks. This is a tribute to those times.

Titanic Rescue 1.11(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


For a limited time only, TITANIC RESCUE is available for FREE! Tell your friends!

Also, check out our other FREE full games during this crazy campaign:

  • "Traffic Rush"
  • "Jungle Crash Land"
  • "Rudolph's Kick n Fly"

Search the AppStore for "Donut Games"


Take part of a hilarious MARINE RESCUE OPERATION as you FLING crazy cartoon gentlemen out of the cabins aboard the sinking ship.

Slide forth empty vessels below to safely catch the passengers, but make sure they don't bounce off an edge, a pile of sacks, a boat full of jazz musicians or any other crazy obstacle that might come floating.

How long can you keep the gentlemen from plunging into the sea?

Come join the rescue squad in TITANIC RESCUE!

Featured by APPLE as:

  • "New and Noteworthy"
  • "Hot New Games"

VIDEO available at:

Enjoy another Donut Games release!

Roller Baller 2 2.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free



Roller Baller is a super addictive, great fun and time killer game for the iPhone.

New in Version2.0 Coming January 1 2010:

Including Achievements, highscores, leaderboards, chat, and more, this game hosts OpenFeint, the widely known Social Gaming integration seen in apps like Pocket God and Bloons Tower Defense.

Gameplay is very simple: move your Player Ball around the screen before the game starts, then press start to launch 4 different colored Enemy Balls at different directions. These speeds are adjusted by Easy, Medium, and Hard.

Save your scores via OpenFient.

Special Game modes include:

  • Invisiball, where your player ball has disappeared, and you must still dodge the Enemy Balls.
  • Impossible, which removed the visibility of the Enemy Balls on Easy Mode

New in 2010:

  • Collector: Collect the smaller Golden Ball while dodging 2 sonic fast Enemy Balls.
  • Acceleball Mode: Use he accelerometer to dodge the Enemy Balls
  • Debug Mode: Skin down the code to whatever Play you want

Boasting In game music and stealthy sound effects, along with the intense UI of Roller Baller 2,

This game will PLEASE.

Photo Tracer 1.2(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Using Sketch a Face you can create pencil sketch of an image very easily. It just work like a tracing paper.


  1. Take a photo using iPhone Camera or load the image from Photo Library. The image will display in the screen as a background with a 50% fade initially. You can adjust the transparency whenever needed.
  2. Use the pencil and draw just above the image. Change size of the pencil whenever needed.
  3. Save the sketch to iPhone Photo Album or Email to a friend directly. Give him/her a surprise.
  4. You can also draw images without loading the background image just like in a Paint application.


  1. Pencil is shown with the finger tip. So you can sketch the image very easily. You can also adjust the space between the pencil and the fingertip according to your convenience. This setting is included in the Info page.
  2. Option to adjust the color & thickness of the pencil tip.
  3. Email the sketch to a friend.
  4. Save the sketch as an image to iPhone photo album.
  5. Option to Clear the background image and sketched image separately.
  6. Background image transparency adjustment with an easy slider. (Turn OFF/ON Background image).
  7. Undo,Redo options.
  8. One of the most 'simple to use' sketch application. Even a 4 yr kid can use it. All controls are available in one screen.

Start sketching and improve your drawing skill. Njoy!

i.Wallpaper 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

★ FREE FREE FREE For Promotions★

Update log:

  • 11/27: add move and tv cotegory
  • 11/26: add idol cotegory
  • 11/25: add new cotegory

i.Wallpaper has thousands of wallpaper for your iPhone and iPod Touch.
We collection thousands of perfect wallpaper designs specially designed for your iPhone or Ipod Touch you won't find anywhere else. Enjoy!

If you don't want need any more stuff, please give a ★ 1-star review.

If you want more special stuff and more category, give a ★★★★★ 5-star review.

This way we know what direction to take in the upcoming updates !”

Wallpaper Categories include:Abstract 3D Fantasy Nature Landscape and more...
How to set wallpaper
Open your iphone or ipod's settings control panel and select the wallpaper item. From there, you can select the image you would like to set for the background picture.
More info see
Own it Want it

Cool Backgrounds Pro 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

FREE For Promotions Down it free now

Cool Backgrounds Pro offer thousands of wallpaper for your iPhone and iPod Touch.
We collection thousands of perfect wallpaper designs specially designed for your iPhone or Ipod Touch you won't find anywhere else. Enjoy!

Weather Monitor 1.0(Weather)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

SALE! Limited time! 1 day! 100% off

Convenient program that displays time, temperature and current weather! It is well suited to replace conventional desktop clock, it is more informative and will help you get dressed for the weather!


  • Displays temperature, time and current weather
  • Time format 12/24
  • Landscape and portrait mode
  • Auto-detect your location
  • Turn off / turn on screen lock
  • Disabling / enabling the auto-update
  • Temperature in Celsius and Farengeyte

ZCam - Full-Screen Camera 1.3(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Full-Screen Camera with a Big Photo Button, Timers, Batch and Automatic Photo Uploading to Facebook & Twitpic, Multi Photo Sharing, Facebook & Twitter Client, and more.

Free for a limited time to promote this release

** New **

  • Facebook photo uploading
  • Shoot and upload a photo to Facebook or Twitpic with 1 Tap!


  • BIG PHOTO BUTTON - Tap anywhere on the Preview to Snap a shot
  • BURST SHOT MODE - The camera takes 2, 3 or 4 continuous shots when you tap the photo button (Use 2 for an iPhone 3G)
  • ANTI-SHAKE MODE - The camera uses your Accelerometer to take photos only when there is no shaking detected
  • UPLOAD MODE - Choose between Facebook and Twitpic to control where photos uploaded with 1 Tap upload operations
  • AUTO UPLOAD MODE - The camera uploads your snapshots to Facebook or Twitpic in the background while you keep shooting
  • AUTO SAVE MODE - Turn ON/OFF auto-saving camera photos to your device's camera roll
  • BACKGROUND SAVING - Keep shooting while your photos are saving in the background
  • PHOTO TIMERS - Programmable "Start Time", "Number of Photos" and "Delay" parameters with unlimited shot count
  • BURST SHOT TIMERS - Setting a Photo Timer's "Delay" to less than 2 seconds makes the camera take all of a Timer's shots continuously
  • RETICLES [Scope, Rectangle or None]
  • RETICLE COLORS [Black, White, Red and Green]
  • BUTTON COLORS [Black, White, Red and Green]
  • JPEG Quality Setting - Allows you to control the Compresssion Quality of your JPEG Photos
  • FACEBOOK CLIENT - Send Updates with GEO location
  • TWITTER CLIENT - Read / Send Messages and Tweets; Set / Send Twitter GEO location
  • Works on iPhone 3G/3GS


  • Multiple Selection Support
  • Upload multiple photos to Facebook or Twitpic at once
  • Mail multiple photos at once via In-App Mail (use your upload email address for uploads to Flickr, Photobucket, ...)
  • Save selected photos to your device's camera roll
  • Delete selected photos
  • Reorder photos
  • Add / Edit (Zoom/Pan/Crop) photos from your device's camera roll
  • Swipe through full screen view of snapshots or view as a Slideshow
  • Tweet, Mail, Upload, Save individual photos

** "Craigly 1.7" just released! Just search "Mother Tucker" to view all our products. **

** Ratings, Reviews and Feedback emails are appreciated! **

For more information or help with any problems, please email us at [email protected].

Burping Prank 1.3(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Introducing the perfect funny burping prank that will have your victims utterly confused as they try to find the source of these constant gas attacks! Now you can recreate these disgusting sounds effect and drive people you hate nuts and no matter what they do, they hear them coming from somewhere... set a countdown, up to 60 minutes before the prank and then, press the button to start the prank and watch as the screen fades to an innocent off mode silently awaiting your prank victims.

To change a setting or turn the prank off, just tap anywhere on the screen to have the settings fade back into view. Depending on your skills at slipping this unnoticed prank into the perfect hidden spot, your prey will be searching for hours! Meanwhile, the entire time your iPhone or iPod touch looks as if its innocently turned off. Make it even harder for them to locate by setting the how often the noises should be made, from extremely often with every second to rarely maybe once a minute more or less. Trick your friends and family members for good!

관련 글타래

author image
운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/01/29 07:00 2010/01/29 07:00
오늘의 글
인기있는 글
조회수 많은 글 | 베오베
댓글 많은 글 | 베오베


Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/3008



  1. 중독방문자 2010/01/29 07:55

    오늘도 좋은 하루 되시고 편안한 생활이 되시길 기원 합니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  2. 아이폰매니아 2010/01/29 08:36

    언제나 보고가다가 오늘은 글남깁니다 ^^
    항상 좋은정보 감사드리고요~

    항상 도움 많이됩니다

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  3. 연금술사 2010/01/29 08:37

    편안한 주말 되세요 ~

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  4. dony 2010/01/29 09:08

    오늘도 감사드립니다

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  5. 소심에스 2010/01/29 09:44

    항상 감사합니다 ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  6. schmiter 2010/01/29 10:23

    오늘 날씨 무지 춥더군요-_-

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/01/30 10:10

      예. 날이 풀릴 기미를 보이지 않는군요.

  7. Daydream 2010/01/29 10:25

    오늘도 잘 보고 갑니다 감사합니다

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  8. 무다 2010/01/29 10:25

    오늘하루도 수고하세요

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  9. 잉어구이 2010/01/29 10:51

    매일 좋은 정보 감사드립니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/01/30 10:10

      감사합니다. 날이 춥군요. 감기 조심하세요.

  10. 태태 2010/01/29 11:00

    항상 감사합니다~ 앞으로도 좋은 글 기대하겠습니다^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  11. 데굴대굴 2010/01/29 11:11

    Photogene 세일 때문에 고민입니다. 이걸 질러야 하나 말아야 하나.. 딱히 매우 좋다고는 할 수 없지만, 이보다 나은 앱 찾기가 너무 어려워서 말이죠. 그냥 이거 하나 지르고 모르쇠로 지낼까 하는 생각도 들고요.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/01/30 10:11

      저는 질렀습니다. 이만한 어플을 찾기 힘드니까요.

  12. 첫유료앱스구매 2010/01/29 11:44

    얼마전 아이폰을 사고 나서.. 마눌님께 엄청난 갈굼(ㅠㅠ)을 당하고 있는 유부남입니다.

    그래서 눈치보느라 도아님의 글을 보고 항상 무료어플만 써왔는데...

    영어공부할겸해서 "북앤딕 - 오바마연설(Education)" 를 결제 하엿네요
    ( 퀄리티도 좋고, 공부 자료로도 좋은것 같아보이네요 ^^ )

    좋은 정보 알려주셔서 감사합니다.

    그런데 첫 구매를 해봐서 그러는데 0.99불 인데.. 실제로는 1불 로 결제가 되나봅니다.

    카드승인 내역 SMS 가 왔는데 [해외승인] 1.00달러 이렇게 나오는군요.. ^^;

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/01/29 11:52

      국내 카드사는 1불 이하는 결제할 수 없도록 되어 있습니다. 1.99불을 결제하면 1.99불로 나오지만 0.99불을 결제하면 1불이 결제됩니다. 그만큼 손해죠.

    • 첫유료앱스구매 2010/01/29 12:41

      아.. 그렇군요..
      답변 감사합니다.
      이런정보는 어디서 본적이 없어서..
      도아님 덕분에 하나 새로 알았습니다.

      즐거운 하루되세요~

  13. 게을뱅이 2010/01/29 12:24

    오늘도 감사합니다~ ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  14. 라소드 2010/01/29 16:25

    거의 매일 들어와서 유용한 앱들을 마니건졌습니다 감사합니다
    그런데 매일 컴터를 켜는게 귀찮았는데 오늘 왜 아이폰으로 직접 안들어오고 컴터를 귀찮아했는지 바보같음을 깨닫고
    좀전에 편하게 아이폰으로 들어와 다운받고 첨 글도 쓰네욬 ^^;

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/01/30 10:11

      아이폰으로 접속해도 됩니다. 그런데 어플이 많으면 역시 컴퓨터가 편하더군요.

  15. 엔돌슨 2010/01/29 17:57

    Yop 4.0(Healthcare & Fitness)어플은 방금 설치했어요. 전에 쓰던 러닝 무시기 프로그램보다 확실히 좋네요
    어플 잘보고 갑니다.
    집에서 재자리뛰기 운동도 하고 가끔 밖에 나가서 운동을 하는 데 Map도 기록이 되고 잘 만들었네요.
    언어도 한국어, 영어, 중국어? 지원하네요

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/01/30 10:12

      국산 어플로 꽤 잘만든 어플입니다. 다이어트에 관심이 없어서 사용하지 않았지만 괜찮은 어플이죠.

(옵션: 없으면 생략)

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