오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100220


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 21개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 먼저 MobileToolz는 무료 어플이 아니다. 평상시 10불에 판매되며 오늘만 1불에 판매되는 어플이라 소개한다. 이 어플은 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 아이폰을 사무실처럼 활용할 수 있는 어플이다. 문서의 작성, 문서의 내려받기, 파일 첨부 전자우편, 인쇄 및 팩스 보내기를 지원한다. 또 국내 팩스로 보내는 것 역시 가능하다. 한국으로 팩스를 보내기 위해서는 2유닛이 필요하며 4유닛이 1불이므로 팩스 한번 보내는데 600원 정도 드는 셈이다. 10불의 가치가 있을지는 의문이지만 1불 이상의 가치는 충분히 할 수 있을 것으로 본다.

Hollywood Celebrity Movie Jokes는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 헐리우드 유명 영화에 대한 100개의 우스개가 담겨있는 어플이다. Tiki Totems은 평상시 2불에 판매되는 게임 어플이다. 가장 위의 노란색 돌을 다른 돌을 치워 바닥으로 내리면 된다. ESPN Zoom: College Hoops는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 스포츠 어플이다. ESPN에서 제공하는 사진을 구할 수 있다.

aToDo Map은 평상시 1불에 판매되는 일정 관리 어플이다. 다른 어플과는 달리 구글 지도를 적극적으로 활용한 어플이다. Magnetic Joe와 Magnetic Joe 2는 모두 평상시 1불에 판매되는 게임 어플이다. 작은 자석공인 조를 안내하는 것이 게임의 목적이다. iQuit은 평상시 1불에 판매되는 금연 보조 어플이다. Asteroid Runner은 평상시 1불, 2.0으로 판올림하기 전까지 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. Asteroid Runner라는 이름만 보면 우주에서 운석을 피하는 게임으로 보인다.

Smart SMS는 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 문자메시지 어플이다. 하루 100개의 문자를 무료로 보낼 수 있는 어플이다. 또 가입없이 전화번호만 적으면 문자를 보내는 것이 가능하며 한국도 지원한다. 다만 모든 전화기에 문자를 보낼 수 있는 것이 아니라 Smart SMS를 사용할 수 있는 전화기에만 문자를 보낼 수 있다. VanillaSurf는 전체 화면을 지원하는 웹 브라우저이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. iTC Calc는 평상시 5불, 이번 주까지 무료로 제공되는 시간 부호 어플이다.

JoinMe는 지도를 이용해서 현재 어디에 있는지를 알려 주는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Depict는 The Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 여러 사람이 그림을 그리며 게임을 할 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. My Confucius는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 공자에 대한 정보를 알 수 있다.

ZCam은 상당히 다양한 기능을 제공하는 카메라 어플이다. 이번 판올림에서는 처럼 블루투스와 원격 제어를 지원한다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료이므로 카메라 어플이 없는 사람은 내려받기 바란다. Battery Meter Pro는 배터리의 남은 양을 확인할 수 있는 어플로 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다. GumPop는 Match-3 형식의 게임 어플로 평상시 2불에 판매된다. Animation Magic은 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 착시를 이용한 움직그림(Animation) 어플이다. Ultimate Word Search는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 단어 찾기 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

MobileToolz™ 1.2(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $9.99 -> $0.99


MobileToolz™ is an All-in-One suite of business and productivity applications, encompassing a vast amount of new and current capabilities. Consisting of multiple compatible and interwoven modules, MobileToolz™ enables direct printing, faxing, image processing, document upload, download, sharing, screen sharing, mobile presentations, mail multiple attachments, and much more.

  • MobileToolz™ is the first and only iPhone application to support external keyboard text entry via our patent-pending "Direct Input Technology" (DIT) with Auto-Correction. See MobileToolz™ External Keyboard Input in action at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19sYcKsEQDc

  • MobileToolz™ is the first and only iPhone application to enables users to print directly to Fedex Office (formerly known as Kinko's).
  • MobileToolz™ is the first and only iPhone application to enable faxing of practically any type of document to virtually any destination in the world.

REVIEWS: MobileToolz™ voted Winner of the 'Today in iPhone' AppChallenge Jan 2010 - Today In iPhone

Truly innovative … MobileToolz is a real Swiss Army Knife of iPhone applications - mconnick.wordpress.com

One word-beautiful! - by F.R. Jan 24, 2010

By far the best printing app out there! Does everything it say it can do and a little more! Must buy app! - by A.B. Jan 23, 2010

Features include:

  • A comprehensive Documents module, complete with a Documents Viewer with support for a wide array of document types, including PDF, MS Word, Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and many more. Documents Module supports faxing, printing, and emailing, as well as creation, upload, download.
  • Mobile-to-Mobile document sharing. Share documents directly from iPhone/iPod to iPhone/iPod.
  • Mobile-to-Mobile/PC screen sharing. Give wireless presentations directly from your iPhone, projecting your iPhone's screen. This enables unfettered and impressive delivery of mobile demos. MobileToolz™ is the first and only iPhone application to enable Mobile Presentations.
  • Direct printing to networked printers (no computer required!), and also to mac and linux shared printers. No companion software installation necessary.
  • Faxing globally to over 250 countries and territories worldwide. MobileToolz™ Fax has native support for practically all types of documents, including Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, Bitmap, TIFF, Text, HTML, Open Office documents, GIF, encapsulated post script, and much more. No subscription or signup required.
  • Capture, process and fax images using MobileToolz™ Photo Lab.
  • MobileToolz™ Mail Module allows for drafting and saving emails. It also supports multiple attachments.
  • Type directly into your iPhone with MobileToolz™ Mail Module using any regular keyboard attached to any computer (Mac, PC, Linux, etc) with a web browser. MobileToolz™ is the first and only iPhone application to support external keyboard text entry via our patent-pending "Direct Input Technology" (DIT) with Auto-Correction.
  • Print documents directly to Fedex Online (formerly known as Kinko's). MobileToolz™ is the first and only iPhone/iPod application to enable Print Online.
  • Online Downloads: download online documents directly to the iPhone.
  • Flexible PC Access for documents on the iPhone, via both WebDAV and regular web browsers.

And much more.

MobileToolz™ consists of 8 functional "Mobile" modules, and similar number of "PC/Desktop-based Modules":

  • Documents Module
  • mRemote Module
  • Mail Module
  • Downloader Module
  • Music Module
  • Photo Lab
  • Fax Center
  • Print Online

Fax Note:

  • Four (4) Fax Units are included free-of-charge, to enable immediate faxing/testing. Additional fax units can be obtained on-demand via In-App purchase.

Hollywood Celebrity Movie Jokes 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Check out version 1.0 for free for a limited time! (If you like check out the number one selling pick up line app Pick Up Lines That Work)

Jokes about Hollywood celebrities and hypothetical movies:

  • 100 jokes
  • twitter any joke
  • post any joke to your Facebook wall
  • email any joke
  • save any jokes to favorites
  • jokes involving Ashton Kutcher, Bruce Willis, 50 Cent, Freddy Krueger, Rambo, Tom Cruise, Megan, Fox, Seth Rogan, and many more
  • new jokes with future updates

Be the life of the party with this joke app, impress your date, have a laugh!

If you like the comedy stylings of TMZ and the TMZ app then you're sure to love the comedy in this app!

(Written by comic Devon Wild, the producer of the number one pick up line app Pick Up Lines That Work)

Tiki Totems 1.2.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

"Tiki Totems in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and today only".

Introducing Tiki Totems!
An exciting new physics puzzle block destroying game. Appease the Tiki Gods by carefully removing the unnecesarry blocks that dim the might and glory of their beautifull totems. BUT BE CAREFUL!! don't drop the totem on the ground cause that makes them angry, and when they get angry you know what happens. Villages and villagers burn.

ESPN Zoom: College Hoops[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

ESPN and EpicTilt present a special version of the mega-hit Zoom Game for this years College Basketball Season!


Our popular sports photo game is back for the Tournament with exclusive photos so you can relive past moments and preview the contenders for the Championship.

Tournament Edition Features:

  • Photos around the Tournament & Regular Season
  • ESPN Bottomline for the latest scores and news in REAL TIME!
  • Online Worldwide Leaderboard
  • Links to ESPN.com
  • Follow your bracket - Coming in March 2010!
  • College Gameday music!

Don't forget to download Zoom Deluxe for even more great features including:
Tons of new photos….
Photos from NFL, MLB, NBA, NCAA Men's and Women's College Basketball, and more!
Ability to choose packs to download on the fly!
ESPN bottomline!


  • Spot and poke five differences before the timer runs out
  • You only have three lives
  • Compare your score on our global leaderboard
  • Check back often for new photos!

Good luck, see if you can break the Worldwide Top 25!! This game works on both the iPod Touch and the iPhone.

For more great games, go to http://www.ESPNArcade.com

For more fantastic iPhone games go to http://www.EpicTilt.com

Languages: English
This version includes photos from: basketball, college, and NCAA

Mortgage or Rent 1.0(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Should I take a mortgage or should I rent? Anybody considering a major investment in real estate should ask that question and this application answers it. Just:

  • Download the application
  • Enter the price of the property you are considering
  • Enter how much would cost to rent this or a similar property
  • Enter your monthly disposable income, should be around 1 / 3 of your salary
  • Enter your available savings for the investment.

That is almost it. Next you would have to check and optionally adjust few additional parameters:

  • Taxes, insurance, rainy day fund
  • Offered loan interest rate
  • Expected inflation

Next, the application will run two scenarios for you: In the first case it will take a mortgage, put all your savings into down payment and then put as much of the disposable income as possible into mortgage payments. In the second case it will invest all your savings in a fund, which yields an inflation high stable profit. Then it will deduct monthly rent from your monthly disposable income and the rest is periodically invested again.

The application shows your balance for the next ten years. A red graph shows the property value minus current loan, a green graph shows your investment value. Steeper the graphs are, better investment it is. Make sure they beat the inflation at least!

This is not all yet! The inflation of prices can vary over time and per category. For example the property price growth or decline can be different from your salary increases. You can adjust all distinct values manually per year and see how different inflation influences your case. You can see for example, that property price drop by 2% in the third and fourth year of your mortgage has much bigger impact on the result, than 8% increase of property taxes at the same time.

A mortgage is not a must, it is an option. Do the math first.

Currently offered for free, however the price might change without prior notice.

And last but not least. This is a tool. As any other tool, use it with care. BEFORE any serious DECISION, do your own calculations to VERIFY the results.

aToDo Map 1.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"aToDo Map" is simple and easy to use application, helping you in your daily task management. Unlike other task management applications, "aToDo Map" is oriented to to extensive use of Google Maps service.

  • Put the places (tasks) you need to visit on particular date on the map;
  • Store text or record sound comments for the tasks;
  • Mark the places as visited/not visited, (completed/not completed);
  • Filter tasks assigned for particular date or hour;
  • Get the reminder notifications before the specified time or distance to the task location;
  • Map drive mode: disable the blank screen and keep the map center on" Your Location".

This mode is very helpful when you are using your iPhone as in-car navigation unit;

  • Map supports full set of gesture commands for zoom and span;
  • Miles/kilometers distance units;
  • Street, Hybrid or Satellite map mode supported;


  • To add a new Task, tap the "+" icon and select the location on the map. Then, tap the new created Task icon to have it selected. Blue disclosure icon will appear near the task caption ("Task 1" by default). Tap this button to select the Task time, record sound or text comment.

  • If the Task is selected, the edit buttons will become visible. You can re-assign the task location ("arrow" buttons), or delete it ("X" button).
  • "Satellite Info" screen allows to use the application as a basic GPS.
  • Some additional options - Distance Units or Map Type are available on the Preferences screen.

IMPORTANT: for more details visit the http://atoll-ordenadores.com website.


  • The program is running only on GPS-enabled iPhones 3G/3GS (second generation and higher) with iPhone OS 3.1 or higher.
  • The application needs a GPS satellite signal of good quality. We limited the application usage to the horizontal precision better then 500 meters. You can check the current GPS state by tapping the "Satellite" icon below. On open-sky spaces the signal pretty good, but under other conditions can noticeably decrease. Also, after startup it requires some time to locate the necessary satellites, so during first minutes of running the measurement can be less effective.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions about additional functionality! THE BEST AND FASTEST WAY TO CONTACT US IS SENDING YOUR REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTS to [email protected]. WE ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN DIALOG, what is not possible when you leaving the bug-report as AppStore review.

Magnetic Joe 1.4(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Magnetic Joe is an arcade game with a revolutionarily simple control method. Your goal is to guide Joe, the little magnetic ball, to the exit of the levels by tapping the touch screen at the right moment. Sounds easy, doesn't it? You would not believe what wide range of possibilities and how much fun lies in this simple action.

We could write pages about why Magnetic Joe is innovative, why it is addictive, why it is a "lifestyle" but instead of doing so, we suggest you download the game and check it out yourself.

Magnetic Joe offers you 50 challenging and fun levels, which will soon be followed by additional ones in the form of updates to the game. Completing these 50 levels does not mean game over though either, as you can always try to improve your best time. On top of that, hardcore Joe players can try to beat the developers' best times as well!

Well, gentlemen - start your magnets!


  • Innovative Gameplay;
  • Easy, one-touch control system;
  • Highscore system;
  • 3 varied graphics environments;
  • 50 levels to complete.

Magnetic Joe 2 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

We proudly present Magnetic Joe 2. The sequel to the award winning game is now available with tons of new puzzles and features. Help Joe through new action packed levels using a variety of new abilities and upload your best scores online and see how you rank against other Magnetic Joe fans. This version also contains a host of new game modes and the ability to download your rival's best scores so you can even continue to play offline smashing the other players' hard earned records.

Magnetic Joe 2 is an arcade game with a revolutionarily simple control method. Your goal is to guide Joe, the little magnetic ball, to the exit of the levels by tapping the touch screen at the right moment. Sounds easy, doesn't it? You would not believe what wide range of possibilities and how much fun lies in this simple action. To best explain what makes the new Magnetic Joe 2 taste even better than Magnetic Joe Classic, we decided to reveal to you its secret formula:

100 Levels: Now you get twice as many levels as in the pilot version (200 stars to collect)

New Game Modes:

  • Training mode gives you a quick walk-through of all game modes;
  • Classic mode plays like the original game;
  • Collect mode features small Joes which you have to collect to unlock the exit;
  • Enemy mode features deadly foes like robots, spiders, spike balls and more.

Extras (Unlockable abbilities):

  • Cloak: Joe becomes invisible, making the levels even more challenging;
  • Bad: Makes Joe stronger, letting him destroy walls more easily;
  • Rerverse: Reverses the controls. Now you have to demagnetize Joe;
  • Josephine: She is light and floats better;
  • Bot: Makes Joe immune to robots;
  • Fire: Makes Joe immune to fires;
  • Hood: Makes Joe immune to spike balls and green monsters.

Internet Ranking: You can submit your best times to global rank table, check your current rank or find other players and view their records.

Opponent download: You can now download another player's best times and try to beat his records offline.

Well, gentlemen - start your magnets!

iQuit 2.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

We would be glad to fix any problems with our app before fielding any public negativity. Please feel free to let us know of any problems ([email protected])

iQuit. Is there really a better time than right now?

Does a smoker actually care how much time has passed since their last cigarette? When trying to quit gradually, all a smoker wants to know is: "How long do I need to wait until I can have another one?"

iQuit lets you know when can and can't! What's the trick? iQuit makes you wait a little longer each time. You set the parameters of your addiction and the time you want to arrive at your goal, iQuit holds your hand the whole way!

You can connect iQuit to Facebook to let your friends share their support too. It never hurts to have someone else helping out when trying to manage something so difficult!

You can do it! iQuit -and your friends- can help. Good Luck!

The 'Support' feature from 1.2 has been replaced with a similar feature using Facebook Connect. We think this is a vast improvement, and will add a richer user experience overall.

Asteroid Runner 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

NOTE: Version 2.0 is coming shortly! We have re-worked the touch and physics engine for smoother flight, and added the ability to destroy asteroids in your path.

Asteroid Runner will be FREE until the relase. Grab it now to get the 2.0 update for FREE!!

Earn up to 100 OpenFeint points!

"If you like iCopter, you'll love Asteroid Runner!"

Navigate your ship through the Asteroid Belt in this addicting side-scroller action game.

"Addictive grab-and-play action without a ton of buttons and dialog boxes!"

Control your ship with a single press of your finger on the screen. Activate your thrusters to avoid the asteroids.

Asteroid Runner is a classic arcade style game that you wont be able to put down!

  • Extremely simple to control
  • Multiple Speed / difficulty levels
  • 10 achievements
  • High Scores
  • Dynamic sound effects
  • Supports playing your own music! Listen from your iPod library or use ours.

Asteroid Runner is OpenFeint social network enabled. Earn OpenFeint achievements and points as well as compete and compare scores with players and friends all over the world!

Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Smart SMS 1.0.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

App Free for a limited period of time!

Shoot the cost of the SMS with Smart SMS!

★ Up to 100 text messages a day.
★ No advertisements!
★ Messages appears as normal SMS without open the app.
★ No registration required: only your phone number is necessary.
★ Contact your friends directly with the phone contact list, as for normal SMS.
★ Does not use the phone carrier.
★ No carrier costs.
★ Supports emoticons!

With Smart SMS you can send up to 100 instant text messages a day to other iPhones at a minimum subscription price.

You can contact your friends by using your existing contacts list and the normal phone numbers, as for normal SMS.

Messages will appears directly on the iPhone screen as normal SMS messages, even if the Smart SMS application is not running.

Smart SMS does not use the phone carrier to send SMS, but uses the internet connection, so you do not have any cost except a very low subscription cost on Smart SMS.

Smart SMS works with any iPhone or iPod touch with at least the 3.0 OS version.

VanillaSurf (Full Screen Web Browser with Tabs) 2.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Get one of the best third party browsers on the iPhone and iPod touch! Thousands of pleased customers around the world can't be wrong.


Browse the web in full screen in the portrait and landscape mode without losing comfort. You can also lock the auto rotation (this works of course also in the non-full screen mode). The locked rotation will be restored when you start VanillaSurf.


Define the behavior of creating new Tabs in the settings. New Tabs can be opened in the background or directly. VanillaSurf stores the currently opened Tabs and reopens them on launch (even if no internet connection is available - you can disable offline browsing in the settings). You can delete a tab with a swipe to the right.


Download files from any website with VanillaSurf and transfer them to you Mac or PC with the built-in web server. You can also view downloaded files directly in the app.


Create bookmarks (and organize them in folders). Import Bookmarks from Safari or Firefox or export them back from VanillaSurf using the built-in web server.


Easily set any website as your homepage. Just load the desired website and tap and hold the homepage button for one second. To go to the saved homepage, just tap on the button.


Use multiple search engines (Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia). You can select another search engine by tap and hold the current search engine icon for one second.


Download and save images (just like in Safari tap and hold on an image).

You can make a screenshot of the current website (also in full screen mode).

Choose between different Themes (Classic like Safari and Black).

Open the current page in Safari.

Send an URL to a friend.

Activate private surfing or the the Ad?Blocker.

Deactivate loading of pictures to save bandwidth.

Auto-Completion: VanillaSurf remembers your search terms and loaded URL's (history) for an easy re-usage (you can clear the history in the settings).

Support for HTTP Authentication protected pages.


If you have any problems with VanillaSurf or experiencing bugs: please contact us! This helps us improving this application and tailoring it to your needs.

iTC Calc 1.80(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

iTC Calc is an incredibly timecode utility for iPhone™ and iPod™ Touch with firmware 2.2 and up.


To celebrate our break-even on iTC Calc, we are giving it away for free for the whole weekend. Grab it as you still can and tell all of your friends.

Please take the time to leave a good rating if you like iTC Calc.


Another new EXCLUSIVE feature to iTC Calc: Touch History!

Think of a mix of unlimited memories, a history list and iPhone gesture and you will get Touch History.

It let you see all your precedent entries in one useful list with nice frame rate icons and let you recall any of them by just tapping them. Couldn't be simpler.

Touch History: The Finger that Changes Everything!

Please take the time to leave a review: our users are our best supporters!

"iTC Calc [is] an incredibly helpful addition to [editors'] toolkit" Larry Jordan - HDFilmtools.com

"iTC Calc is one of the best timecode calculator yet" Scott Simmons - StudioDaily.com

"iTC Calc is not for everyone. It’s a niche iPhone application designed for production professionals. If you belong to that group, you are going to love iTC Calc" iphoneappsfinder.com - 5 stars!

"iTC Calc offers great value (...) making it one of the best Time Code utility apps!" Touch Reviews


  • 2 modes: Simple and Complete
  • supports 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50 & 60 frame rate
  • converts between timecode and frame
  • Swipe Backspace
  • Vari-Speed Calculator
  • Touch History

JoinMe - The answer to " Where are you ?" 2.2(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"A great application! [...] this app could save you a lot of trouble and headache." dailyappshow.com

"JoinMe surely saves a lot of phone calls [...] it’s fun too [...] a great application to have on our iPhones" iphonefootprint.com


Keep an eye out for someone you're waiting for!

Have you ever been waiting for someone and wondered if they were close by or how long it'd be till they arrived?

JoinMe allows you to track the person you're waiting for in real time, see how far they are and how fast they're walking/running/driving to meet you. Just send them a JoinMe request!


    1. Select the e-mail of the person you're waiting for from your address book and send them an invitation to connect.
    2. They will receive a notification by email and in the JoinMe app if it's open and can accept or refuse your request.
    3. You will be able to share information about distance from each other and speed of each moving person.
    Both users need iPhones (with GPS for better accuracy) and mobya accounts.

This app comes in handy:

  • Waiting for a friend stuck in traffic.
  • To see where is your husband coming back home
  • To check on what your kids are up to.
  • To put the dish in the oven at the right time.
  • On a road trip
  • For a meeting with someone you never met

Thank you all for your feedback. We will continue to upgrade JoinMe based on what you think would be useful! Please continue to email us [email protected]

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Depict: The Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Depict is a Pictionary-like drawing game you can play with friends and strangers from around the world.

  • Online multiplayer over WiFi, 3G and EDGE
  • Global matches, private games, and solo play
  • Invite and play against your OpenFeint friends
  • OpenFeint achievements & leaderboards
  • Constantly adding new puzzles
  • Multiple modes of play
  • Custom avatars

Depict is a unique multiplayer drawing game that tests players’ ability to solve simple drawing puzzles with friends and strangers around the world.

In each round, a puzzle containing up to six words is presented to the drawer and the guessers.

The drawer's job is to draw something that will get everyone else to guess the correct word.

When guessing, the goal is to tap the correct answer before your fellow players to earn the most points.

Whether you play solo, online with strangers, or with friends in the same room, Depict will keep you entertained for hours.

★ depict.makeshiftgames.com

My Confucius 1.1(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For limited time only! Get it for FREE

Confucius (551-479 BCE) was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese and had a worldwide recognition.

He was also a man of deep and timeless wisdom.

All his teachings are invaluable and My Confucius offers you a selection of his most precious advice.

Learn and practice these wise words whenever you feel the need, wherever you are...

Go beyond your habits and improve your life. Let Confucius be your guide!

ZCam (Pro) 1.6(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Remote Control Camera with Live Camera Preview & Audio Streaming over Bluetooth & WiFi, Batch & Automatic Flickr, Facebook & Twitpic Uploading and much more!

free for a limited time

Bluetooth supported on iPhone 3G/3GS and iPod touch (2nd Generation)


  • Bluetooth
  • Flickr uploading


  • BIG PHOTO BUTTON - Tap Preview to Snap a shot
  • AUTOFOCUS ON 3GS - Tap and Hold Preview to auto focus
  • PHOTO TIMERS - Specify a "Start Time", "Number of Photos" and "Delay" using your keyboard.
  • BURST SHOT TIMERS - Setting a Photo Timer's "Delay" to less than 2 seconds makes the camera take all of a Timer's shots continuously
  • BURST SHOT MODE - Take 2, 3 or 4 continuous shots when you tap the photo button (Use 2 for an iPhone 3G or earlier model)
  • ANTI-SHAKE MODE - Use your Accelerometer to take photos only when there is no shaking detected
  • AUTO UPLOAD MODE - Upload your snapshots to Flickr, Facebook or Twitter in the background while you keep shooting
  • AUTO SAVE MODE - Automatically save camera photos to your device's camera roll
  • BACKGROUND SAVING - Keep shooting while your photos are saving in the background
  • RETICLES [Scope, Rectangle or None]
  • RETICLE COLORS [Black, White, Red and Green]
  • BUTTON COLORS [Black, White, Red and Green]
  • JPEG Quality Setting - Allows you to control the Compresssion Quality of your JPEG Photos
  • REMOTE CONTROL - Control your camera from another device and stream Audio+Video
  • FACEBOOK CLIENT - Send Updates with GEO location
  • TWITTER CLIENT - Read / Send Messages and Tweets; Set / Send Twitter GEO location


  • Multiple Selection Support
  • Upload multiple photos to Flickr, Facebook or Twitpic at once
  • Mail multiple photos at once via In-App Mail (use your upload email address for uploads to Photobucket, ...)
  • Save multiple photos to your device's camera roll at once
  • Delete multiple photos at once
  • Reorder photos
  • Add / Edit (Zoom/Pan/Crop) photos from your device's camera roll
  • Swipe through full screen view of snapshots or view as a Slideshow
  • Tweet, Mail, Upload, Save individual photos
  • Available with Camera and Remote


  • Connect and control a "Camera" over 30 feet away
  • View a Camera's Live Camera Preview and
  • Hold a Voice Chat with the Camera's user over WiFi or Bluetooth
  • Tap the preview on the "Remote" and the "Camera" will snap a shot and send you the photo
  • Nice alternative to timers and sound activated shutters when you have an extra device available
  • Adjust a Cameras's zoom level
  • Create Timers on a Camera


  • You can get more continuous shots by reducing your photo size and/or increasing your zoom level.
  • To switch between "Camera" and "Remote" mode do a vertical swipe gesture on the either preview
  • Free Remotes are provided via our "BlueCam (Free)" App

Ratings, Reviews and Feedback emails are appreciated!

For more information or help with any problems, please email us at [email protected].


A. If you want to connect via Bluetooth then turn Off WiFi in your Settings (otherwise, skip to step B) B. Install this app on an iPhone, start it up as your "Camera" and then tap the World button to bring up the built-in connection interface. C. Install this app on an iPhone or iPod touch (2nd Generation) and startup as your "Remote" (the built-in connection interface should come up automatically) D. Connect them (Tap "Nearby" on both devices for Bluetooth OR "Online" for WiFi)

Battery Meter Pro (Voice editions with skins) 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The uses for this application can be endless. Just imagine you are on your way home listening to music and you realize that you do not have enough battery, this application will use our state of the art voice feature to "tell" (speech enabled) you the battery details while on your journey.

Unlike similar top selling applications, we provide all of the top features as well as the key talking battery status.

Current Features:

  • Battery level in percentage.
  • Several themes/skins (please see screenshots)
  • Battery Details:

Unknown/Unplugged/Charging and full.

  • Unlike similar applications, you will not need to watch the app every minute, it will automatically notify you every time the level changes.
  • This app is perfect for everyone who uses their device on a daily basis.
  • Did it ever happen to you that you connected your phone to charge and since you were not notified that it was actually charging... it wasn't plugged right and it didn't charge leaving you without battery for the rest of the day!

NEVER AGAIN! those days are over with this application.

  • Again the possibilities for this application are endless depending on your usage.

GumPop 2 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Introducing GumPop 2 for the iPhone and iPod Touch!

GumPop 2 is a match-3 style game with a match-4 level of difficulty. The basic premise is to make matches of 4, 5 or 6 shiny, delicious looking gumballs in horizontal or vertical lines. For every match of 4 or more, you score points. The scoring is determined by which mode you are playing in at the time.

GumPop 2 features two great modes of play, Classic and Survival.

Classic Mode allows for 3 timed rounds to score as many points as possible. With each level, a new gumball color is added, increasing the difficulty and making you work harder to make those matches. Using combination moves (combo), you can score maximum points and crush old high scores. In Classic Mode, you will get a bonus for levels 2 and 3 as well as huge combo bonus when you make more than one match at a time! For the original GumPop fans, this mode keeps the heart of the original game and brings a whole new dimension by making the minimum match 4 gumballs as well as adding two special new gumballs!!

Survival Mode lets you compete against the clock for GumPop 2 domination! Start on level one, popping your target number of gumballs as quickly as possible. Each new level adds more gumballs to pop, a 30 second time bump and eventually ? even more colors to work through. Score for each gumball destroyed and use the special gumballs to move even faster through each level!

Two new specials add another layer to this simple and exciting game. A new 2 x multiplier gumball now appears on the edge of the game board after you have popped a specific number of gumballs. Use these multiplier balls in matches and score twice the points ? or challenge yourself to work more than one multiplier into a single move for huge scores!

The color kill gumball will appear anytime you have made a match of 6 gumballs in a move. These gumballs can be used in a match to set off a bubble reaction destroying all the like-colored gumballs on the game play area. Try using these with multipliers to see your score soar!

This game is great fun for kids and adults alike! Develop new strategy and skill as you master this arcade style game! If you like the new game and want to see updates coming soon, please remember to review us well!! Thanks for playing!

Animation Magic 1.1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Animation Magic is a very cool optical illusion animation game. The original image consists of black and white lines in a specific way. It looks blurry. However, when you put another marker layer which also consists of perfect black and white line on the original image and move the marker, you will see a cool animation. What a magic!

Now start 'Animation Magic' and show off to your friends! -:)

More animations are coming...

How to play:

  1. Choose an image to start.
  2. Now you will see a blurry image. Guess and imagine what it is.
  3. Tap 'Action!'
  4. Move your finger on the screen. Yes, you can see a cool animation.
  5. Double tap screen to exit 'Play' mode.

Play with your family & friends and have fun!

Ultimate Word Search 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Ultimate Word Search has 23 categories filled with fun word search puzzles. If you like Word Search puzzles, then this is the game for you!

Select the words by tapping on the start and then end. Or you can tap and drag a line as well. When the correct words are found they are automatically crossed out. Find all 12 words to get a new puzzle.

Categories include: Vocabulary Words 1, Vocabulary Words 2, Vocabulary Words 3, Vocabulary Words 4, Vocabulary Words 5, Adjectives, Verbs, Animals, Christmas & Winter, Clothes, Countries, Elements, Foods, Fruits & Veggies, Human Body, Kings & Pirates, Plants & Trees, Sports, SAT I, SAT II, SAT III, SAT IV and SAT V

4 different color themes 2 choose from.
18 word categories with advanced engine to avoid repeats.
Find all 12 words to complete the puzzle.
Helps increase both vocabulary and spelling ability.
Great background music and sound effects.
Fun and educational at the same.
Auto-save when you close it or answer call during game play so you can continue where you left off.

We hope you enjoy Ultimate Word Search!

관련 글타래

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운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/02/20 08:44 2010/02/20 08:44
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인기있는 글
조회수 많은 글 | 베오베
댓글 많은 글 | 베오베


Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/3047



  1. 이본 2010/02/20 09:18

    이렇게 처음으로 댓글다는건 처음이네요 ^^
    오늘도 많이 얻어갑니다.
    즐거운 주말되세요.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/26 14:38

      정말이군요. 주말이 지나 인사를 하려고 하니 쑥스럽군요. 이본님도 즐거운 주말되세요.

  2. TT 2010/02/20 09:26


    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  3. 김태민 2010/02/20 09:26

    항상 큰도움이 됩니다^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  4. Mr.Han 2010/02/20 13:14


    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  5. 별밤지기 2010/02/20 17:12

    또~~ 감사드립니다. ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  6. 파이어폭스 2010/02/20 20:37

    오늘 파이어폭스를 처음 설치를 했는데요
    도아님 홈페이지가 익스플로러로 들어왔을때보다
    훨신 시안성이 좋아졋네요
    파이어폭스가 익스보다 속도도 더 빠른거 같고요
    ㅎㅎ 이 좋은걸 왜 안쓰고 있었는지
    익스에 길들여진 내가 한심 스럽더군요
    좋은 주말 되세요

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/26 14:39

      IE6에서는 엄청 깨집니다. 알고는 있지만 고칠 생각이 없었죠.

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