
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 31개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 먼저 Fortune4U(오늘과 내일의 운세)는 무료 어플이 아니다. 평상시 2불에 판매하는 어플이지만 1불로 할인 판매하고 있기 때문에 소개한다. 다른 운세 어플과는 달리 오늘과 내일의 운세를 제공하며, 날자에 따른 로또 번호도 제공한다. 또 Dead Strike는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 좀비 잡기 게임 어플이다. 나름대로 그래픽이 괜찮은 어플인데 이미 유료로 바뀌었다.

iGmail은 G메일 전용 어플이다. 원래의 G메일 UI를 그대로 사용하기 때문에 G메일 사용자에게는 상당히 괜찮은 어플이다. 다만 푸시 기능과 도메인 기능은 구매해야 사용할 수 있다. reMail for Gmail도 G메일 전용 어플이다. 자체 UI를 사용하지만 한글 라벨이 깨지는 등 한글 사용에 조금 문제가 있다. 두개의 어플 모두 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다.

Best Audiobooks은 100권의 오디오북을 포함하고 있는 어플이다. 책 목록에서 광고가 뜨기는 하지만 책과 오디오가 함께 제공되기 때문에 영어 공부를 하려는 사람에게 상당히 괜찮은 어플이다. 이 어플은 무료로 올라온 어플이다. Eliminate Amplifier는 그래픽이 상당히 깔끔한 3차원 로봇 슈팅 게임 어플이다. 처음 실행하면 회원으로 가입해야 하며 네트워크 플레이도 가능하다. 다만 내부적으로 사용하는 포인트는 따로 구매해야 한다.

RealityLayar와 비슷한 AR(증강현실) 기반의 주변 검색 어플이다. 현재의 위치를 기반으로 식당, 주유소, 커피집등을 찾을 수 있다. 한글을 지원하지 않아 한글이 깨지기는 하지만 상세 정보에서 정확한 정보를 알 수 있기 때문에 별 문제는 없을 것 같다. Sexy Valentine은 평상시 무려 4불이나 하는 어플이다. 그러나 어플을 보면 가격을 의심하기 충분한 어플이다. 손으로 문지르면 여성의 사진이 나타나는 간단한 어플이다. 발렌타인 데이까지 무료로 제공된다.

iHear는 자신의 가청 주파수를 확인할 수 있는 어플이다. 주파수 대역을 선택하면 해당 대역의 소리가 재생된다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Paradise Monkeys는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 그래픽이 깔끔한 게임 어플이다. Lion Pride은 평상시 1불에 판매되는 간단한 게임 어플이다. 사자 무리로 접근하는 동둘을 잡는 게임이다. Mahjong Solitaire, Aero Frenzy, Crazy Combo 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간동안 무료로 제공되는 간단한 게임 어플이다. 세개의 게임 모두 제작사가 같은 것 같다.

Appl-o-Meter는 아이폰에서 사용할 수 있는 줄자 어플이다. 설명을 보면 아이폰을 굴려 길이는 재는 것으로 보인다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다. Dreams Numbers는 로또 번호 발생기처럼 특정 숫자열을 만들어 주는 어플이다. 그런데 숫자 발생 조건에 특이하게 지구장, 드림장등을 지정할 수 있어 소개한다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다. Gem Panic브릭스와 상당히 비슷한 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되며 90판까지 제공된다.

MarchTube는 평상시 3불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플로 오늘 소개하는 어플 중에는 가장 비싼 어플이다. 비디오를 검색, 내려받을 수 있는 어플로 우리나라도 지원한다. Jelly Invaders는 무료로 올라온 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 게임 방식은 고전 게임인 인베이더와 비슷하며, 공격자만 젤리인 게임이다. 무료로 올라왔지만 제한된 시간 동안 무료인 어플이라 소개한다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

Fortune4U : 오늘과 내일의 운세 v1.2(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

가격할인 이벤트를 시작합니다. 많은 관심 부탁드려요~ 감사합니다.

v1.1에서 월말 어플실행시 종료되는 문제 수정 완료하여 업로드 했습니다. 2월 1일부터 사용에는 문제가 없습니다.

v1.1 업데이트 이후 어플 진입 안되는 현상이나 사용자리스트 추가 안되는 문제 발생합니다. 이문제는 데이터베이스 변경되면서 기존 데이터베이스 업데이트가 안되서 발생함으로 어플 삭제후 재설치 하면 정상 동작 됩니다.잠시나마 사용에 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.

Fortune4U : 오늘과 내일의 운세

오늘 좋은 일이 생길까요? 오늘 어디로 가면 좋은 일이 생길까요? 오늘 데이트를 하면 좋은 인연이 될까요? 누구나 궁금해 하는 오늘의 운세 과연 어떤일이 생길까요? 연인과의 데이트 어떡해 해야할까요?

고민하지 마세요. Fortune4U 가 알려드립니다. 오늘부터 2030년 까지 Fortune4U 와 함께 오늘과 내일의 운세를 알아보세요. 빠른 업데이트로 사용자의 불편을 줄이는 Fortune4U Fortune4U 는 명리학을 바탕으로 검증된 운세를 제공합니다. 다른 운세보기 서비스와 다르게 오늘과 내일의 운세도 볼 수 있어

오늘과 내일의 연애 혹은 이성문제는 어떨까? 어떤색의 옷을 입으면 좋을까? 나에게 행울을 가져다 줄 사람은 누구일지?

궁금한 것들은 다 알 수 있습니다. Fortune4U 와 함께라면 미리 대비할 수 있습니다.

V 1.1 업데이트 시 추가될 기능 (업데이트 완료)

  • 윤달 체크 기능
  • 사용자리스트 관련 UI 변경
  • 오늘의 로또번호

iGmail - when gmail meets iphone 4.0.0(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Premium features such as PUSH are also available as in-app purchases.

+++ Version 4.0 is now in review by Apple, with attractive new features such as zoom, ringtones, tasks etc. +++

A native gmail app that not only launches fast, but also takes full advantage of the greatnesses of your beloved iPhone/iPod Touch, e.g. you can shake your device to select all mails at once.


  • It's highly optimized and starts up AT LEAST 200% faster than ANY existing gmail apps in Apple Store as of Jan 26, 2010.
  • All original mobile Gmail features are supported, such as search, threading, stars, labels, auto-completion etc. plus a long list of additions that you cannot find in the original gmail.
  • (NEW) Unique private PUSH service that doesn't require you to expose password to any 3rd party. All other gmail push apps currently in Apple Store will store your password in an external server, which could easily be comprised if not properly secured.
  • Auto-update inbox when new mails arrived (requires PUSH service to function).
  • Display number of unread mails with icon badge
  • Shake the iPod/iPhone to select/deselect all mails in current folder to perform batch actions, such as archiving, deleting etc.
  • Working on your mails even without a network connection! You may compose emails in offline mode and they will be sent the next time iGmail is launched when network is available.
  • Google Apps account is supported. (In-app purchase)
  • Visit links/attachments in email without leaving your mailbox thanks to the embedded full screen browser.
  • Translucent and retractable on-screen-dashboard (OSD) that provides navigations to the previous/next mail, jump to the very top/bottom or go back one level up in one quick click.
  • Whenever you are writing, the draft email is stored automatically, you don't need to worry about losing your draft due to accidentally press of the home button.
  • Super-sized text editing area makes it much easier for trimming and editing, with 2-finger-swipe gesture to scroll through the text area for viewing even larger content clipped by the screen.
  • Full-screen design maximizes the use of screen real estate for up to 40% more than the web Gmail in Safari. You may also turn off the google toolbar and system status bar to make the working area even larger.
  • Have you ever fought to stable the device in your hand to read emails in bed? iGmail helps here by locking the rotation on the top and right side, in other words it only rotates to landscape when the left side is tilting down.


  • Only recent emails in inbox are automatically cached for offline viewing due to speed and space concern.
  • Currently only gmail.com address is supported in offline mode, others like googlemail.com does not work offline. To create gmail.com address with Google, you need to select USA/Canada as country during the signup.


  • Click the "desktop" link at the bottom of your Inbox will give you access to the full desktop version of Gmail in a temporary browser view.
  • Some emails had images blocked by google due to security concern, you can enable the images by accessing the mail via the above desktop view and click the "always display images from...." link. Done once, all future emails from that source will have images shown properly.
  • Visit the "choose contacts" in composing page at least once while you are online, the recent contacts will be automatically stored for auto-completion when you compose emails offline.

myPhotoBooth v2.0 2.1(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

ATTENTION! - the best photo booth app in the store is now FREE!

That's right, myPhotoBooth is now FREE until I say it's not. Get it now while it costs you the low low price of NOTHING!

Enjoy and tell your friends!

Who doesn't love a good old fashioned photo booth? Put that old school flavor into your photo's with myPhotoBooth! With myPhotoBooth you create authentic souvenir style photo strips, right from your iPhone or iPod. Four photos in a row, it's easy, addicting and artful.

The all new myPhotoBooth v2.0 boasts the following new features.

  • Redesigned interface makes it much easier to navigate
  • Added 'black' border color option
  • Additional preset color effect - 'Vintage' coloring
  • Ability to create your own custom color effects via advanced custom color effect menu
  • Copy, Paste, Swap menu for moving photo's easily from one spot to another within the strip.
  • Browse all of your existing photo strips through a sleek cover-flow style interface
  • Go back to edit or modify existing photo strips at any time
  • E-mail photo strips from directly within the app
  • Directly upload to Facebook and Twitter from within the app
  • Choose from two output resolution sizes, regular and double size
  • Automatically store pictures taken within the app to device library (iPhone Only).
  • Detailed help / how-to explains features

Original Features include:

  • Choose existing photo's from your library or take new ones with the camera
  • Choose between color or black and white
  • Add up to four photos per strip
  • Position photos by dragging them
  • Swap photos by tapping them once
  • Two layout styles to choose from
  • Saves right to your device photo library

Use it while out with friends, make fun photo montages of your kids or simply do something fun with some old photo's on your iPhone or iPod.

You can even make your own 'Pop-Art' style photos!

Go ahead and have some fun in the photo booth!

Don't just leave a bad review. If you wish something was different or that the app did something else then please tell me. Remember, you're in control, I'm working for your happiness with my product. :)

For more info about myPhotoBooth v2.0, screen shots, to see what's in the next update, and a promo video please visit http://www.purplesnowcone.com

reMail for Gmail 2.5(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

reMail for Gmail downloads all your email from your Gmail account to your iPhone and lets you search full-text at light speed.

  • This edition of reMail supports accounts on Gmail, Google Mail, and Google Apps for Your Domain.
  • Does not support multiple accounts
  • For more information, go to www.remail.com


  • “reMail 2.0 Nails Full-Text Search For The iPhone” - TechCrunch
  • “Fast and smart” [...] “game changer” - ReadWriteWeb
  • “[The iPhone's] level search is certainly a good start, but it doesn't compare to newly-released app ReMail, which can index an entire e-mail account and do full text search within all your messages.” - cnet news


  • “This app is awesome! I use reMail constantly all day. It's so fast!” ? Sachin Agarwal, Co-Founder, Posterous
  • “I am loving reMail!” ? Richard Price, CEO, Academia.edu
  • “reMail is incredibly fast, responsive, and very stable.” ? Andreas Neuhaus, reMail Nutzer
  • “Complete Berlin trip organized via emails found by reMail. No printed reservations and tickets needed!” ? Bernhard Heinzel, reMail Nutzer
  • “reMail is a super useful app and search speed is incredible.” ? Dan Veltri, Co-Founder, Weebly

With all your email on your phone, you can search and read email without reception or when you're traveling abroad. Just let reMail run overnight to complete the download.

reMail needs less space than you think: 100,000 emails take 500 MB on your phone - 6% of the capacity of an 8 GB iPhone, the smallest iPhone available.

You'd be crazy to travel without reMail. Having all your email on your iPhone will save money on data roaming fees.

If the words you search for aren't in the email's subject, reMail will find the email.reMail is email search you can trust.

reMail copies every email in your account to your phone. It will work even when reception is spotty, on a plane, or in a tunnel. Attachments are loaded the first time you open them, and will then remain on your phone for offline access.

reMail works with any Gmail / Google Mail account, including Google Apps for Your Domain accounts.

reMail downloads your email via IMAP directly to your phone. There's no server between your email account and the iPhone app. Your privacy is protected via SSL.

For more information and support, visit http://www.remail.com/

Best Audiobooks (100) 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: Free

We provide 100 audiobooks for FREE.

All the titles are continuously being updated to the most popular public domain books.

We use a state of the art, almost human, speech synthesizer to generate the voice. This is perfect since the voice is generated on demand; no need to store thousands of megs in your device in plain audio files.


  • You can adjust volume
  • You can swipe to advance pages
  • You can use a slider to navigate thru the book.

Please contact us if you have any questions of suggestions to [email protected]

Eliminate Amplifier 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

10 FREE Power Cells included for new and existing Eliminate Players. Checked out the PUNISHER mod and TITAN Rocket Launcher? Limited production run for both. Amplify your damage now!

Available Feature in Eliminate Amplifier

  • new "Runoff" and "Knox" Maps
  • new pre-upgraded Prototype gear
  • new Mods for customizing your abilities
  • new custom armor graphics

Bring it ? anytime, anywhere ? in the first online FPS that fits in your pocket

Engage in multiplayer first-person combat against real players from around the world. Your goal is simple: put the most advanced weapons systems to the ultimate test against real player combatants. Earn credits based on your performance, buy upgrades and better gear and compete to be the warrior in the ELIMINATE weapons research program.

Playable over 3G or Wi-Fi, ELIMINATE invites you to join ranked competitions against other players in a variety of high fidelity arenas through the Plus+ Network. Send challenges to your friends using Push Notification and they can join your game with a press of a button ? whether they’re currently in the game or not.

Earn credits, level up and Tweak out your highly customizable gear including futuristic weapons, personalized armor rigs and upgradable gear characteristics.


  • Experience fast, fluid, First-Person competitive combat on your iPhone and iPod Touch
  • Play ELIMINATE with ease through a seamless global matchmaking system over Wi-Fi or 3G networks.
  • Stay connected with Plus+ enabled friend list invites, leader boards and awards.


  • Master multiple combat arenas, each with its own unique play styles and strategies.
  • Work your way to the top by leveling up and upgrading your weapons and armor.
  • Exploit jet packs, berserker shields, cloaking devices and a variety of cunning power-ups
  • Track your progress with Plus+ enabled leader boards and awards.


  • Stunning 3-D characters, environments and combat visuals including normal map rendering on 3Gs devices
  • Intuitive “Touch Anywhere” controls deliver next generation FPS movement and combat control using the multi-touch capabilities of the iPhone or iPod touch

This version of Eliminate comes bundled with 14 power cells. Launch the app and log in with your Plus+ account to receive these power cells or add them to your existing account.

Buy additional Power Cells without leaving the game using the convenience of In App Purchase ? only in Eliminate Pro.

Arsenal Megacorp is ready for you, enlist today.

ELIMINATE is powered by Plus+, the premiere social network experience for players on the go.

Visit http://eliminate.ngmoco.com for the latest videos and information.

Designed for iPhoneTM OS 3.0
OS 3.1 recommended.

Hardware requirements:
iPhone 3G or better
iPod Touch (2nd generation) or better
Not recommended for 1st generation iPhone or iPod touch devices
Network connection required
Eliminate is available exclusively on the iPhoneTM and iPod touch by ngmoco:)

Reality 2.0 1.0.0(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Reality 2.0 lets you explore virtual features in the real world around you. It uses the iPhone GPS, compass and accelerometer to determine your phone's location and orientation in the world. It then uses this information to find and display virtual features in your vicinity. As you move your phone around, you will see new features superimposed over the real world picture in your camera.

In addition Reality 2.0 allows you to explore the features using simple drag gestures to change the camera's orientation and pinch gestures to zoom in and out. Tapping on a feature will reveal additional details about a particular feature.

Currently supported features in this early release are Google Local and geotagged Wikipedia articles from Geonames. We will be adding more features soon, including ones that fully exploit the 3D nature of our platform.

Visit http://navimatics.com for more details and additional products, such as our marine navigation product Charts&Tides+ and our aviation navigation product Aero Charts.

Sexy Valentine 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free

SExy Valentine

Are U ready for Valentine Experience ?

-------- FREE TiLL Valentine's Day -------

TOP @Series APPLICATION - ShowGirl

N*1 Japan, Hungary, Poland, Holland , France, Belgium, Denmark - Top 20 in 25 Apple Store in World

MORE Than 300,000 Downloads

Scrap the picture and discover sexy girls on your iPhone !

Entertain yourself and trick your friends with this fun application and SHAKE your iPhone to watch more gorgeous babes!

And SHARE your favorite pics on FACEBOOK !


'Sexy Valentine' allows you to discover a series of hidden beautiful girls by the use of your fingers

To begin, simply tap the "Show me a Girl" button. This will show you a satin sheet from where a gorgeous girl is hiding.

You wil have to scrap anywhere on screen to reveal the girl's picture...

SHAKE or Double Tap your iPhone/iPod to download the next picture from the girl's set

With 'Sexy Valentine', you can also post to Facebook the picture of the girl you are seeing, so your friends can watch cute babes too.

To proceed, click the facebook's logo at upper-right of the screen to publish the photo onto your wall.

YouTube's link : http://bit.ly/SnTJR


Price: $0.99 -> Free

This App makes high pitch sounds that only some people can hear, depending on their age. As people get older, they loose the ability to hear higher pitches. For example, most people from 18-24 are able to hear all the frequencies from 2-16kHz. I have 8 frequencies to choose from to play in the applications. 8kHz, 10kHz, 12kHz, 14.1kHz, 14.9kHz, 15.8kHz, 16.7kHz and 17.7kHz. Updates are coming...

Requirements: This app will work on an iPhone and iPod Touch, but you need an audio output device if you are going to put this on your iPod Touch (First Generation).

CHAD SEQUENCER SAMPLER 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE UNTIL THE February 11th.

CHAD SEQUENCER SAMPLER CSS is a simple sound sequencer and sampler with a unique interface that allows you to organize samples on a two dimensional plane.

You can also create and save your own samples using your iPhone, or a microphone with your ipod touch.

Experiment and enjoy.

URL http://www.namefook.com/iphonecss/

Youtube URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtNBhHgdmtQ

Paradise Monkeys 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


9/10 - "It’s a great game to have on your phone!" - The iPhone App Review

5/5 - "Paradise Monkeys is fun, in fact, its not only fun but extremely addictive." 5/5 - Dogmeat from Touch Arcade

17/20 - "This game surprised me by his inspirational music, for its playability, originality as well! Try it right now!" - iPhonFun.com

  • "The game play is addictive in itself, and the great thing about Paradise Monkeys is that you can see that a lot of effort has gone into polishing it" - Iphonefootprint.com

"Very high quality. If you like whack-a-mole style games this version is very well done with just enough variation to make it interesting." - The App Shelf

"The game is designed very well and the graphics make the game more enjoyable" - iSpazio.net

Test your Multi-Touch Speed !!

Help the monkeys to stop the horrible monkey Dracula, decided to take all the bananas on the island!

Touch the monkeys as fast as possible, avoiding traps, beat strong monsters and earn gold to increase your power, regenerate your life and unlock bonus.

Paradise Monkeys is a funny game that immerses you in a delirious tropical world full of monkeys like no other!

  • Improved Whac-a-mole game !
  • A game 100% designed for the iPhone Multi-Touch.
  • An entertaining action multi-touch game easy to handle.
  • 9 Levels, each divided into 5 sub-levels (45 levels in total)
  • 9 different boss to defeat and many enemies.
  • 2 amazing mini-games to unlock !
  • Buy items and increase your finger power !

Paradise Monkeys is available in French, English, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

Lion Pride 1.5(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

OpenFeint Free Game of the Day.
Get the Full Version of Lion Pride for Free. Today Only!!


Winner: AppAddict's Best of 2009: Path Drawing Game.

Macworld: "A great game with tons of replay value, Lion Pride is a steal at only $1" 4.5 out of 5 rating.

AppGamer.net: "Lion Pride screams quality and polish...Pounce on this one now!"

TouchArcade: "A Buffet of Warthogs..worth having even if you already own all the other big-name line drawers out there".

Appmodo: "Lion Pride leaves you hungry for more."


Lion Pride is an addictive, fast-paced game in which you control lions as they stalk their territory and ambush prey. Hunt zebra, warthog, gazelle and Cape buffalo and fend off predatory hyenas as you race to feed your cubs and preserve your pride.

Use simple finger gestures to position your lions, slowly stalk prey and run in for the attack. Coordinate multiple lions to trap animals or take down larger game. It’s a race against the clock - if you don’t provide enough food for your cubs, they will go hungry and it’s ‘game over’!

Game Features:

  • Use intuitive touch gestures to control up to four lions
  • Strategically position your lions to stalk and attack four kinds of prey
  • Ramp up the challenge over 16 levels
  • Protect your cubs from Hyenas in Night Mode
  • See how long you last in Survival Mode
  • Learn fun facts about all of the Lion Pride animals
  • See how you stack up against other players via the Online Scoreboard
  • Challenge other players to beat your best score!

Visit the Lion Pride website for more screenshots and gameplay video: www.bluefang.com/games/lionpride

Dead Strike (Ragdoll Zombies Bullet Time Shooter Edition) 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The full version free for 3 days hurry!!!
Touch Arcade forums: 5/5 stars.

Fight your way through a sprawling 3D, zombie-infested city as four survivors attempt to stop an outbreak of the living dead.

The creation of an antidote depends on the group delivering a sample of the deadly virus to a hospital on the other side of the city. But as the foursome’s grim fight for survival continues, it becomes apparent that there’s more to the virus than anyone realized. As the group is systematically hunted by the ravenous living dead, they soon discover that these cannibalistic monsters aren’t as mindless as they look.

Dead Strike is the action-packed horror survival game the iPhone has been waiting for, with a powerful, twisted storyline, a brutal arsenal of weaponry, stunning graphics and more zombies than a BBQ at George Romero’s graveside.

With a four player co-operative and survival multiplayer mode coming soon in a free update, fans of Left 4 Dead, Killing Floor, Resident Evil and Silent Hill will devour Dead Strike, brains first!

Version v1.2 gameplay video:

Next major version: 1.5, Sub-missions. Melee weapons/hits/actions. New levels, survival mode!




  • 46 levels, packed to bursting with legions of the undead.
  • Unique abilities for each of the four characters.
  • Nine different weapons including flamethrower, mini-gun and chainsaw.
  • Original soundtrack with music and lyrics by Adrien Volpi and Francois Gratecap.
  • Dynamic lighting, lens flare, mist and dust effects on all iPhone and iPod touch devices.
  • Featuring true virtual analog stick (slide instead of single touch).
  • Day and night battles.
  • Choose a guns blazing action-packed approach or use stealth tactics to stay alive.
  • Incredible AI allowing the undead to react to sounds and action, while communicating with each other in real time.
  • Frantic boss battles.
  • Expansive and detailed 3D world to explore.
  • Rich, gripping storyline, edited and co-written by Pure Square Go.
  • Buckets of blood, special effects with sprays and splashes for full-on horror effect.
  • High scores.



Mahjong Solitaire™ 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


For a limited time only, MAHJONG SOLITAIRE is available for FREE! Tell your friends!

Search the AppStore for "Bapsoft" for other great games!

Mahjong Solitaire combines the excitement of Mahjong with the thrill of Solitaire. Enjoy hours of fun with this unique adaptation of Mahjong! Match cards as you try to clear the board. The clock is ticking so there's no time to waste!


  • 10 Challenging Layouts
  • Progressive and Puzzle game modes
  • Manually select a layout
  • Top-notch graphics and animation
  • Beautiful card designs
  • Cool sound effects!
  • Auto-save feature allows you to return to a game at a later time.

Other Bapsoft Games:

  • Bubble Pop™
  • Aero Frenzy™
  • Crazy Combo™

Aero Frenzy™ 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free



For a limited time only, AERO FRENZY is available for FREE! Tell your friends!

Search the AppStore for "Bapsoft" for other great games!

Aero Frenzy is an engaging word game with high-flying fun! Race your airplane to the finish line by building words from the available letters. Can you reach the finish before your opponent does? It's high-flying fun as you race across the sky!


  • Top-notch graphics and animation
  • Cool sound effects...hear your plane race past the finish line!
  • Fun game play for the whole family!
  • Built-in dictionary of 50,000 words!
  • Auto-save feature allows you to return to the game at a later time.

Other Bapsoft Games:

  • Bubble Pop™
  • Mahjong Solitaire™
  • Crazy Combo™

Crazy Combo™ 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


For a limited time only, CRAZY COMBO is available for FREE! Tell your friends!

Search the AppStore for "Bapsoft" for other great games!

Crazy Combo is an addictive puzzle game that combines memory skills and puzzle solving! It's a race against the clock to match tiles of the same shape. Can you keep the tiles from reaching the top? It takes sharp memory skills and a quick reflex to master this exciting puzzle game!


  • Superb graphics and animation
  • Cool sound effects!
  • Highly addictive game play
  • Auto-save feature allows you to return to a puzzle at a later time.

★★★★★ - "I love this game! The graphics are amazing and the game is very entertaining. I would highly recommend this game!"

★★★★★ - "Bapsoft does it AGAIN!!! This is a great new game and it's very addictive. I highly recommend it!"

Other Bapsoft Games:

  • Bubble Pop™
  • Aero Frenzy™
  • Mahjong Solitaire™

Appl-o-Meter 1.3(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Measurement has never been even nearly so fun!

Appl-o-Meter allows distance measurement on a surface by rolling iPhone.

It is the best looking and most amazing application with gorgeous animation.


  1. Select the measurement unit (inch, cm or apple).
  2. Select the reference point position.
  3. Place the lower side of your device to the start point and tap Start.
  4. Roll your device along the measurement line.
  5. Save your result by tapping one of the square buttons.

Appl-o-Meter stores 200 recent results.


DISCLAIMER * Measurement results will become better after some practice. * While rotating your device be careful and don't turn it off. * We achieved less than 5% measurement inaccuracy in our tests. You may get even better results, but anyway please don't use the Appl-o-Meter in mission-critical tasks.

Computing Assistant 1.00(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Valentine's week special: get this app completely FREE!

Computing Assistant is useful for those who program on regular basis or those who are just learning programming.
It features

  • Base conversion of positive numbers and negative numbers between binary, octal, decimal and Hex. (to convert negative number, please see tutorial)
  • Performs Addition, Subtraction, bitwise AND,XOR,OR; 2’s compliment and modulation
  • Support large number, Max value supported is EFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF in hex.
  • multiple rows display
  • Support algebraic operation (operation order stated in built-in tutorial)
  • Secondary Info screen to display warning
  • Built in tutorial and definitions.

25 Boxes 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

25 Boxes will put your brain and your peripheral vision to the test. Search for numbers, letters or symbols and point at the box in the opposing grid where they fit. To use your peripheral vision, try to keep your eyes focused on the grid that is filled. The game consist of 25 levels, levels 20 to 25 are a bit harder because the input grid is turned or mirrored. To get a good score, you have to be fast and make no errors. For every error that you make, you will lose 1000 points. If you don’t finish the level before the time runs out, the game will end.

The game is made for both right and left-handers.

There are two playing modes: Normal and Swap mode.
Swap mode switches the postion of the input area from level to level.

Local and online highscores are available for both modes. Online highscores are provided by AGON Online.

AGON Online by Aptocore

AGON Online is a leading social gaming platform for iPhone and iPod Touch games enabling:

  • Online leaderboards
  • Location aware scores
  • Awards system
  • Friends lists
  • Persistent player profile
  • Facebook and Twitter integration

For more info on AGON Online please visit:

Dreams Numbers 1.3(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Dreams Numbers converts your dreams into numbers!

Do you like trying your luck?

Haven't you got any idea about the numbers to play?

Let yourself be guided by your dreams...

Start Dreams Numbers before going to bed..
If you have had sweet dreams, Dreams Numbers will have detected them and converted into numbers to play.

Dreams Numbers uses the iPhone sophisticated sensors to detect the signals into your room.
Among these signals, there can be emissions due to your dreams.
Through a powerful algorithm, the signals are filtered and processed.
And if Dreams Numbers discovers something, it will convert into a number.

Let yourself be guided by your dreams...
Dreams Numbers could lead you to luck, or simply let you have a lot of fun.

A nice alarm is included in Dreams Numbers, and it will try not to ring in full of a nice dream.

Interface and instructions both in English and Italian.

Next algorithms updates will be always free.

Dreams Numbers is a recreational application,
it isn't scientifically tested that it is able to detect signals emitted by human brain.

The algorithms used to filter and process the signals belong to the software developer.

800 Flower Bouquets with Facebook Flowershop Florist 2.4(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE Until March 1.0 ahead of Version 3.0 launch

Requirements: OS 3.0 and higher devices

Make a difference in your relationships. Nothing says "Happy Valentines", "I love You Sexy Babe", “Happy Birthday”, “Congratulations”, “Get Well soon”, “Merry Christmas”, ”Happy Thanksgiving”, Happy Valentines”, “Marry Me!”, or "Miss You Darling..." better than your words plus a nice bouquet of flowers handmade with love!

Flowershop is a bouquet arrangements tool to help you build a beautiful bouquet with the assortment of flowers that is available within the application to Email to your loved ones. You can save or load your favorite bouquets for future use by simply clicking an icon.

To build an flower arrangement:

  1. Load the application
  2. Click on the object databases on the top right hand side of the main screen
  3. Select a Vase
  4. Select a variety of flowers from the flower database
    you can bend a flower by holding the bottom of the stem and use the other finger to point the flower bud to the angle that you desire
  5. Add a ribbon
  6. Add a gift like your favorite Teddy bear
  7. Click the card icon to choose the font and enter the text
  8. Finaly click the Email icon to select a contact from your phone list and email the card to them.
  9. You can move your greeting text around the card before sending... To send tap anywhere on the screen for the dialog to popup.
  10. You can save and load your bouquets by clicking on the SAVE or LOAD icons from the build bouquet screen

We hope this application improves your relationship with all your friends and loved ones.

Wish you all Happy Days...
HTTP://GamesBox.TV Team

Zombies Vs Ninjas 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


It's time to answer the age old question: in a fight to the death who would win, zombies or ninjas?

Zombies Vs Ninjas let's you jump into the role of two of today's most feared characters: zombies and ninjas. Fight off a constant stream of the opposition using special throwing stars or by throwing brains! Too many enemies? Look out for energy drinks to get a temporary boost in throwing speed!

Zombies Vs. Ninjas plays like a classic arcade shooter. Control your movement with the left analog stick and rotate/throw with the right analog stick!

Different difficulties makes Zombies Vs Ninjas a great challenge for all, and local high score tracking allows for you to watch your abilities grow as you fight off more and more zombies and ninjas. This game is highly addictive!


  • Choose to play as a zombie or ninja
  • 6 maps depending on character choice
  • Use brains or throwing stars to take out the enemies
  • Fight a non-stop horde of zombies or ninjas
  • 6 levels of difficulty as the hordes grow and attack faster
  • Ultra-replayability to compete with your personal score
  • High score tracking for local competition
  • Highly addictive gameplay
  • Innovative dual analog stick controls mimic modern day controllers and classic arcade sticks
  • A Mixture of hand drawn animations and computer rendered graphics
  • Unique sounds and music specific to Zombies Vs. Ninjas

Reflecting Pool 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For this weekend only, we are celebrating the release of the Reflecting Pool by giving it away! Get it while it's free!!

We are proud to present our newest app, Reflecting Pool, featuring the most realistic water and rain simulations yet seen on the iPhone or iPod touch.

Let the calming sounds of birds and summer thunder storms soothe your senses as you splash in our pool.

Features include:
Realistic rain storm
Pinch screen to change sun intensity
Tap and drag sun to move its location
Multiple water speed settings
Tap cloud to start rain storm
Tap sun to dry up rain

Gem Panic 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


"In the end Gem Panic is a beautifully rendered game that features challenging gameplay that is fun." - appversity.com

Gem Panic carries the feeling of the old classic puzzle games, while bringing new and modern gameplay and looks to your iPhone. It's a simple, easy-to-use puzzle game, where you advance through levels by solving harder and harder teasers. You need to eliminate all elements (gems) by moving the matching ones near each other. Beware, if one is left unpaired you are screwed! There are not just gems, but also moving platforms, some tricky levels can't be solved if you don't use them wisely! Unlike it's predecessors, this game has a strategy map containing the levels. First you start with one, but as you solve more, more and more will be unlocked. Mind the red ones and the outer rim, they are quite a challange! Be aware of the clock also, some levels test your reflexes besides your combination skills! These features bring the fun from the first moment, from a few minutes of play sitting in a traffic jam to hours and hours of entertainment providing new and diverse challanges with each new level. You can anytime pause or quit the game, your progress is saved. This is extended to multiple player profiles to share the fun with your friends and family! This game brings the fun for everyone, from the old veterans growing up on puzzle games to new players who never experienced this kind of brain-motivating puzzle world. An old king in a new onsole-quality coat, you will surely enjoy this unique puzzle game!


  • 90 individual levels
  • 4 unique tilesets (nature, industrial, hell, space)
  • listen the ingame music, or your own ipod music
  • 3 input methods (traditional and gyroscope-based also)
  • 5 player profiles
  • non-linear gameplay
  • unlockable bonus levels
  • easy-to-use animated user interface
  • 2 languages (English, Hungarian)
  • for iPhone or iPod Touch with firmware 2.0 or higher

MyIphonicsI V 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Let’s start at the very beginning…..
Before your preschooler can learn to read, a solid foundation in sound symbol correspondence MUST be formed! MyIphonics I is the first app in a series of applications that helps your child reach the ultimate goal… learning to read.
Why MyIphonics?

  • MyIphonics I teaches children letter sounds.
  • MyIphonics II teaches children beginning sounds.
  • It is simple, to the point, yet fun and engaging!
  • Studies show that having a visual representation for sound symbol correspondence increases reading readiness skills.
  • Phonics systems used in pre-school and kindergarten has shown success.
  • Sequential system that builds on each app results in the ability to read.
  • No other app like it!!!!
  • Whole MyIphonics III Child Learning Advantage Curriculum to come in January 2010

How to play:
Sounds Screens:
Consonants Screen: Touch the image and hear what the picture is and what phonetic sound to say.
Vowels Screen: Touch the image and hear what the picture is and what phonetic sound to say.
Flash Cards Screen:
Touching the star will play the letter. Touching the image will play the phonetic sound. Pressing the green arrow will generate a new randomly selected letter.
Games Screen:
Myiphonics I Lite: ”Letter Sounds: Press any of the three images on top to hear the phonetic sound. Press the star to hear the letter. Drag the picture that’s sound corresponds with the letter to hear children cheer that you got the answer correct and advance to the next screen. If incorrect a boing sound will play. Try again! The page will not advance until the correct image is in the blank box.
Myiphonics I Lite version is limited to 6 letters.

Myiphonics I: ”Letter Sounds: Press any of the three images on top to hear the phonetic sound. Press the star to hear the letter. Drag the picture that’s sound corresponds with the letter to hear children cheer that you got the answer correct and advance to the next screen. If incorrect a boing sound will play. Try again! The page will not advance until the correct image is in the blank box. Myiphonics I consists of the 26 letters of the alphabet.

Myiphonics II: “Beginning Sounds Game: Press any of the three top images to hear the phonetic sound. Press the star to hear the word. Drag the picture that’s sound corresponds with the missing beginning sound to hear the children cheer that you got the answer correct and advance to the next screen. If incorrect a boing sound will play. Try again! The page will not advance until the correct image is in the blank box.
Myiphonics II consists of the 57 word sounds.

Company: Johnny Ricco Inc.
Author: Cherilyn Carkhuff
Application Design: Johnny Ricco
Application Programming: Shailendra Sanhusane
Copywrite: MyIphonics

Visit us on the web: http://www.myiphonics.com

Alchemist 1.0.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

If you are attending Mobile World Congress 2010 be sure to stop by Adobe booth at Stand 1D45 in Hall 1 and check out Alchemist running on iPhone, iPod and other new devices!

To celebrate this we are giving Alchemist away for FREE this weekend!

Alchemist is an addictive puzzle which challenges player's memory, reaction and logic.

You are playing an apprentice which has to help his Alchemist master to test out secret formulas and find the one that produces the most gold.

The game gives you an option to play in 3 different difficulty levels against the clock or in survival mode. It is very easy to learn but takes time to master.

Relaxing and fun gameplay will suite everyone in the family.

MarchTube 1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


For a limited time only, MarchTube is available for FREE! Tell your friends!

MarchTube gave you ultimate entertainment to download, watch, search and browse videos to your iPhone/iPod Touch.

Allows you to manage your downloads.
You can:

  • Delete YouTube Item.
  • Add YouTube Item.
  • Stop a downloading YouTube Item.
  • Redownload YouTube Item.


  • Australia
  • Canada
  • India
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • UK
  • Brazil
  • Czech Republic
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • France
  • Hong Kong
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Roland
  • Sweden
  • Taiwan

Car Mania 1.2.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Car Mania is currently FREE!!!! It's first in Origin8's February Freebie Fever promotion! Grab it while you can!

Oh !*#&! It’s rush hour and tempers are flaring as the city heads towards gridlock.

Take control of the traffic with a touch in Car Mania, a game that’s jammed full of finger-twisting casual action.

Steer the drivers to their destinations while avoiding road rage - or set up a spate of ‘accidents’ that’ll be sure to clear the streets!

  • Intuitive controls ? draw each vehicles path with your finger; tap to stop and go.
  • Keep commuters moving and in one piece ? delays and crashes cause the road rage meter to rise!
  • Juggle a variety of cars, trucks and motorbikes, each with different speeds and capabilities.
  • Watch out for road works or you’ll get in a jam!
  • Play across gorgeous maps with distinct layouts and unique challenges.
  • Go for the top score in a fast and furious round of Time Attack, or play Survival mode and see how long you can keep the city moving.
  • Want to let off some steam? Try Road Rage mode where pile ups mean points. Happy wrecking!
  • With online high scores and unlockable achievements using OpenFeint, there’s always an excuse for just one more go.
  • Ipod Music Library access (for OS3.0+ users only)

Car Mania: addictive pick-up-and-play action that’s sure to drive you round the bend!


"AWESOME FUN ... This is a pick up and play that you won’t be able to put down. I liked it, then I liked it even more! The game starts fantastic and gets better the more you play it!" - 148Apps.com

"...the train level is ridiculously awesome, and worth the 99 cent price tag alone." - TouchArcade,com

docci (which?) 2.1.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


"docci" is an application to search two words in the Web and determine which is more referenced by comparing numbers of search results. (Google is used as a search engine.)

For example, you can compare diverse product names and measure their popularity in the Web. Moreover, you can browse other people's interesting search queries and have fun.

Let's compare various words!

● Features

  • Show hot words in the top screen.
  • Display comparison results with animated graphs.
  • Show a keyword related image with search results.
  • Jump to the search result page of Google.
  • Share and browse search queries.
    (Most Recent/Popularity Ranking/Random Mode)
  • Save your comparison history.

● History

  • Added the ability to show a keyword related image with search results. (2.1.0)
  • Modified to search input words as phrases. (2.0.0)
  • Added the ability to show hot words in the top screen. (1.5.0)
  • Added the ability to show Google search result web page. (1.4.0)

Little Johnny Jokes - CLEAN 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Here comes Little Johnny in app store for first time!

This app contains a great collection of CLEAN Little Johnny jokes. Anyone can Enjoy it!


  1. Forward the joke to a friend as Email.
  2. Options to mark and show favorites only.

Jelly Invaders 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

FREE for a limited time! Get in now!
Do not miss this opportunity!

They are coming! They might be colorful, they might be funny, they might be even tasty! But all they want is to conquer your planet!

It is time to confront the invaders and send them back to the Jelly jars where they belong! Join the resistance, fight against the enemy and become the ultimate Jelly hero! But remember - this minigame is just a foretaste of what's to come! The real fight continues in Jelly Defence where you will lead your forces in a fight requiring both heroism and wisdom!

Now the future of the Jelly Universe is in your hands - don't let down the high hopes of the Jelly creatures!

관련 글타래

author image
운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/02/06 08:31 2010/02/06 08:31
오늘의 글
인기있는 글
조회수 많은 글 | 베오베
댓글 많은 글 | 베오베


Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/3022



  1. 이준수 2010/02/06 08:47

    항상 감사히 보고 있습니다. ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  2. 2 2010/02/06 09:05


    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  3. 게을뱅이 2010/02/06 11:28

    오늘도 감사합니다

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  4. 이본 2010/02/06 13:34

    오늘은 많이 많이 건져가는군요. ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  5. 오디오북 2010/02/06 20:44

    오디오북을 북앤딕이랑 같다고 생각하면 망하는겁니다. 기대하고 받았다가 당황했네요 ㅎ
    한자 한자 발음을 이어놓아서 구현해놓았더군요. 듣다보면 무슨 로봇이 말하는것으로
    느껴집니다. 결국 오디오는 꺼버리고 책만 읽는다 생각하고 쓰게되네요

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/09 05:05

      글쿤요... 어쩐지 100권의 오디오 북치고는 용량이 너무 작더군요. TTS로 읽는 모양입니다.

  6. 김동석 2010/02/07 16:02

    Computing Assistant <- 찾고있던건데 너무 감사합니다.
    공학용계산기 무료어플이 있긴 하지만 진수변환이나 XOR연산같은기능은 어떻게 사용하는지 몰라서
    헤메고있다가.... 정말 사막에서 오아시스를 발견한 기분입니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/09 05:05

      저도 이번에는 건질 것이 조금 많더군요.

(옵션: 없으면 생략)

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