
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 38개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 어제 올려야 하는 글이지만 어제는 iOS 4.0을 3.1.3으로 내리고 완전 탈옥 및 세개의 네비 어플(GoGo3D, Mapple3Di, G-Map)을 설치하느라 글을 올리지 못했다. 3일만에 올리는 글이라 어플의 수가 많아야 하지만 많지 않다. 지난 3일간 1000여개 넘는 어플이 가격이 바뀐 어플로 올라왔다. 그러나 이 중 약 600개는 5~40불 정도되는 전자책이라 실제 은 많지 않았다.

오늘 가장 먼저 소개할 어플은 트위터 사용자들에게 가장 좋은 평을 받은 트위티(Tweetie)이다. 가장 강력한 트위터 어플로 내가 추천하는 트윗레이터()에 비해 기능은 많이 떨어진다. 그러나 깔끔하며 직관적인 UI와 빠른 속도로 상당히 많은 사람들에게 좋은 평가를 받은 어플이다. 이 트위티를 트위터에서 인수해서 내놓은 어플이 지금 소개하는 Twitter이다. 원래 Twitter for iPhone으로 출시되는 것으로 알려졌었는데 Twitter로 출시됐다.

트위티(Tweetie)가 판번호 2까지 출시됐기 때문에 이름을 바꿨지만 Twitter 3로 출시됐다. 또 트위터의 공식 어플이기 때문에 평상시 3불에 판매됐지만 오늘부터 무료로 바뀌었다. 따라서 마땅한 트위터 전용 어플이 없어 고민인 사람이라면 이 어플을 내려받아 사용하기 바란다. 마지막으로 트위터 2에서 추가된 슬롯머신 기능은 트위터 3에는 제거됐다.

WiFi Plus는 평상시 2불에 판매되며 제한된 기간 동안 무료로 판매되는 어플이다. 다만 국내처럼 무료로 사용할 수 있는 주변 무선 AP를 찾아주는 어플이 아니라 유료 무선 AP를 지역에 따라 찾아 주는 어플로 보인다. Friend Phone GPS는 전화번호를 입력하면 그 전화번호 소유자의 위치를 찾아주는 어플이다. 그러나 막상 해보면 알 수 있지만 속임수 어플처럼 보인다. 평상시 2불, 출시 기념으로 무료로 제공된다.

Loops는 평상시 3불이나 하는 음악 어플이다. 말 그대로 노래의 특정 부분을 반복해서 들을 수 있는 어플이다. 그러나 과연 3불의 가치가 있는지는 의문이다. ieye는 평상시 2불, 이벤트 기간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 설명과 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 눈 운동을 도와주는 어플이다. greatRunner는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 달리기 도움 어플이다. 다만 영국에서 나온든 단위가 피트와 파운드를 사용한다.

Educate는 평상시 4불에 판매되는 어플로 오늘 올라온 어플 중 비교적 비싼 어플이다. 학생들의 데이타를 이동중에 접근할 수 있는 선생님을 위한 어플이다. Hide My Message은 오늘 올라온 어플 중 가장 비싼 어플이다. 평상시 무려 5불에 판매되는 어플로 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. 임의의 사람에게 메시지를 보내는 어플로 과연 5불의 가치가 있는지는 의문이다. Sole는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 게임이다. 제한 된 조건 아래에서 공을 서로 부딪혀 공을 모두 제거하는 게임이다.

Option Max Pain Calculator는 말 그대로 옵션의 최대 페인을 계산하는 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 앞으로 3일간 무료로 제공된다. Trivia Hound는 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 550개의 질문으로 친구들과 게임을 할 수 있는 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

Twitter 3.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 3.0

Discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world with the official Twitter for iPhone app.

Realtime search, Top Tweets, trending topics and maps show whats happening now everywhere and nearby.

Tweet, send DMs, share photos, videos and links to your friends and the world.

Don't have an account? Just sign up from the app!

What's New

Tweetie is now Twitter! We didn’t just do a name change, we’ve added a bunch of new stuff.

Search has been reorganized, now you can search all tweets and find users in the same spot, view Top Tweets and Browse Suggested users.

Search results now include Top Tweets, try it with Trends...winner combo!

You can now use Twitter without an account! Search, Browse uses, view trends and top tweets.

Sign-up is now availabile within the application as well, complete with Suggested user list.

More tab has been re-organized to accomplish all this. Users with one account can add a second account under the Accounts and Settings button here.

Actions we’ve found people use most, like Retweet have been moved to the main actions bar.

Minor tweaks were made to tweet rendering so they match Twitter.com tweets

A+ Police Radio 1.4(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.4

Listen to cops fight crime, firefighters battle blazes and paramedics save lives live and uncensored

With A+ Police Radio, you can listen to the radio transmissions of police, emergency, fire, climate, highway, railway, air...etc, to find out where and what kind of accidents or events are going on. Over 1000 channels covers most states of US and Austrailia, Canada, Chile, Chad. More to come for users of full version as lifetime free update. You can even record any part you want for playback later or download it to your PC through web browser.


  • Polished and user-friendly UI
  • Lifetime free upgrade of increasing channel list
  • Over 1000 channels covers most states of US and Austrailia, Canada, Chile, Chad.
  • Hot 100 channels
  • Auto-check status of the channels(live/offline)
  • Recording function supported for later playback
  • Add the channel you like into Favorates for fast access
  • Search channels near you through GPS(iPhone only)
  • Sync your recordings with your PC through web browser.
  • Police codes integrated
  • Send recordings by email

Some of the channels:
New York City Fire Department
Chicago Police
Detroit Fire Department
Jefferson County Port Ludlow Fire and Rescue
Columbus Police
California Highway Patrol SFBA Golden Gate Division
Salt Lake Valley Fire Communications
Morgan County Sheriff, Fire and EMS
Howard County Ambulance Service
Ashland and Bayfield County Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS
Indianapolis Air Traffic and Indiana SkyWarn (During Severe WX)
Kennedy Space Center Communications
Virginia Beach Police and Fire
Cape Cod area Aviation Communications
Upper Eastern Shore Consortium Police, Fire, EMS and Roads
Sydney Area Fire Service
South East Queensland Fire, Rescue, and Marine
South Australian Emergency Services
Region of Waterloo Fire and EMS
Victoria Fire Department

Notice: Some channels are availabe only on specific time of the day, others may not be reachable for network problem or in maintenance. At that time, the channels will be shown as "OFFLINE". Try to reach them some other time.

Follow us on twitter at http://twitter/rockifone for more.

iLoto 1.01(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.01

Let iLoto be your Aladdin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You no longer need to depend on your local lottery vending machine to generate your lucky winner numbers.
Now, your lucky winning numbers can be generated with a simple shake. If you want another set of winning numbers, just shake it again.
Simple as that. Try your luck with iLoto. Hassle free!


  • Shake, shake, shake! And your lucky winning numbers will be generated.
  • Pre-setting is 59 total balls v.s 6 pickup balls.
  • You can reset according to your need in AppSetting.
  • This design is suitable for any type of lottery system.
  • Sounds of the lucky balls scrambling, keeping you in the hype of excitement.

Vuvuzela! 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

FREE FOR 24 hours ONLY!!!

Be ready for any sports event! This is the LOUDEST and LONGEST vuvuzela on the app store and by far the best sounding! You can cheer on your favorite sports team by just the tap of your finger. The sound from your iphone/ipod touch will fill the stadium and provide all of the noise with no air or blowing necessary!

This app can also double as an annoying device! Have you had a friend, foe, or anyone else bugging you to death? Well just give them a few minutes of this app and they will be begging you to turn it off! This IS the best vuvuzela app in the app store but its also one of the best ways to annoy someone so this is the perfect package for you or anyone you know! Get it TODAY!

JAXX 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

Free till 5/24/2010!

Toss your ball into the air and collect the JAXX before the ball bounces on the ground! Using simple touch controls and quick finger movements, move your way through the levels to master TENSIES! Each successful grab will send you higher and higher into the Leaderboards!


  • Intuitive Controls
  • Local High Score
  • Online Leaderboards
  • Achievements
  • 3D JAXX, Ball, and Background
  • Real JAXX Physics

To Play:
Tap the ball to toss it into the air. While the ball is in the air, capture JAXX then touch the ball to catch it before it hits the ground!

See you on the Leaderboards!

WiFi Plus 1.1(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

This FREE offer will be available for a limited period. Download now if you would like to have 120,000 hotspot locations stored in your pocket.

"WiFi Plus" is a premier version of "WiFi Get Free". It is designed for iPhone/iPad/iPod users to find and connect to the nearest WiFi hotspot whether they are offline or online. It is a great Hotspot Finder with 120,000 Free WiFi locations pre-installed for you.

✧ Hotspot Search - Easy, Flexible

  • Online Database with over 180,000 Free or Paid locations
  • Easy to use search options: search by current location , address, and city
  • Offline Search

✧ Community Collaboration - Sharing, Growing

  • Users discover and share new locations
  • Users report changes on existing hotspots

We are maintaining one of the largest Free WiFi Hotspots databse in the world. We are updating our Offline database on a regularly basis.
This app comes with a pre-install Offline database for over 120,000 Free WiFi hotspots. You can search the offline database by your current position or by a city. So even your iPhone/iPod/iPad don't come with a GPS, you still can find hotspots near the location you want. When online, you are able to get the latest hotspot information and update the offline database.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email [email protected]. We appreciate and welcome any feedback.

Soccer Clipboard HD 1.1(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

Soccer Clipboard is the ultimate tool for soccer coaches! Is there any good strategy you want to show your team, and there's no whiteboard around? Hold your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, open Soccer Clipboard, and it'll be as easy as one, two, three:

Move your players around the screen, draw lines with 4 different colours, change the layout of the screen (colour/B&W with iPad, half/full field with iPhone/iPod Touch), clear the clipboard (shake with the iPhone!).

Soccer Clipboard is an Universal app, which fits both the iPad and the iPhone/iPod Touch screens.

Friend Phone GPS 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Special introduction price – 50% off

Entertain, impress and surprise your friends…

Imagine you could locate any phone in the world just by putting the phone number…only possible in the movies…

This app will let your friends think that you can really do it…


  • Tell your friends you can locate his phone
  • Type in your friends phone number
  • Launch the search
  • His phone will be found

How does it work?

In reality the app finds your location using the Iphone gps, or a specific address input that you already know that the person you are trying to fool is located.

Due to the animation and several seconds accessing servers and different mappings it seems like you are really getting his position…

Try it and have fun you will be clearly seen as a Spy professional…with a unique capacity to locate other peoples phones…

New features:

  • You will also be able to go to a specific adress (you have pre inputed) and not your GPS location
  • You can also customize the messages that appear in the animation screen

Loops 1.1(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

Ideal for the practising musician, Loops allows you to take any section of a track in your iPod library and set it on a loop. Easy to use, with a clean and simple interface - just swipe down to save a loop, or shake to start again.

Nail down those tricky solos or simply marvel at your idols' skills, then save your loops to reuse in your next practice session - you can even name your loops so you don't have to remember exactly which section is which.

Cat Sounds 2.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0

This is a handy application that will allow you to listen to a variety of cat calls and cat sounds; practice your own calls against real calls; or to just goof around with friends and family. Don’t accept any substitutes. This is a great tool; with everything from the interface to the sounds being made for the true cat enthusiast. There are 12 sounds total.

Each sound was meticulously remastered to cut out any background noises and made to be crystal clear. Other apps will throw in a few sounds littered with ugly background noises that aren’t true to the clarity of a real cat call.

People of both sex will enjoy this application. Recommended for fans of apps such as Cat-O-Matic, Cat Calls, and Cat Annoy. There is a “Help” page with easy to read instructions, as well as an email address for technical support and feedback. We answer promptly support requests and listen to any recommendations to make this app even better!

Bicephalous Dance 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free, Version: 1.0

Special launch offer! ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

BE CAREFUL: this game could short-circuit your brain's abilities!!!


  • Improve your multi-tasking abilities (it's really important if you want be ready for the next iPhone release!)
  • It's perfect when you have nothing to do! (i.e. when you are on a train or your girlfriend/boyfriend is boring you, ...)
  • A lot of FUN!


  • brain's short circuits possible!!
  • creates addiction!!

Can you split your brain in half and play in two different way at once?
Use accelerometers to move the grey ball while using your finger to hit the buttons!
Improve your concentration and memory with these simple but addictive game.
Share your score with your OpenFeint friends and find out if you are a real bicephalous!!!


  • Tutorial
  • OpenFeint support
  • Built-in high score
  • Endless fun with increasing difficulty

TurnTiles 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

UNTIL 05/24/2010

This game is AGON enabled! Compare with other players worldwide!

Protect the white squares from being surrounded by colorful squares, by turning the colorful squares into black ones with a click, in this action-packed, finger-paralyzing game!


  • Three game types
  • Three levels of difficulty
  • Fast action for experienced gamers
  • Slower mode for casual gamers
  • Leaderboards and awards (by AGON)
  • Cool Power-Ups
  • Lots of fun

Game info:

Turn the colored (non white) tiles by clicking on them.

Don't let the white tiles get surrounded by colored ones, else the game will end.

Each turned, colored tile is worth one point.

Game types are: Fixed amount of white tiles (Classic), growing amount of white tiles (Growing) and fixed amount of white tiles with cool Power-Ups (Power).

Increasing difficulty means increasing game speed.

The more tiles are colored, the faster will the game speed be.

ieye 1.2(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2

" ieye " Event SALE !!

Eye Care Program 인 “ ieye ” 는, 눈근육을 이완시켜 점진적으로 긴장을 완화 시켜 근육을 강화시키고 근육 피로를 회복시키는 운동이다. 또한 눈마사지를 통해 눈주의의 혈관에 혈액 흐름을 좋게 하고 시신경을 자극하고 활성화시켜 눈의 피로를 회복시키고 건강한 눈을 유지하게 도와 주는 프로그램이다.

눈건강을 위한 운동 프로그램 ;

  1. 눈주위의 근육을 반복적으로 수축,이완시켜 눈근육을 단련시키는 눈운동
  2. 눈주위의 혈관들을 자극하여 혈액순환을 돕고 시신경을 자극하여 활성화 시키는 마사지 운동
  3. 상대적인 시력검사를 이용하여, 개인의 눈 상태를 확인할 수 있는 눈검사
  4. 꾸준한 눈운동 및 마사지를 할 수 있도록, 날짜별로 1년간 기록을 저장 하고 그 기록을 수치 및 그래프로 보여주는 Logs 메뉴
  5. 음성지원 On /Off , 효과음 On/Off , 눈운동의 주기시간등을 설정 할 수 있는 설정메뉴로 구성된다

각 운동을 하루동안 어떤 단계라도 1번 시행하면, 날짜와 각 운동의 시행 여부 를 체크로 표시한다. Logs 메뉴에서 “ 시력 ”을 누르면, 그 동안 측정한 값들의 변화를 그래프로 보여준다.

Eye Care Program 인 “ ieye ” 로 매일, 지속적인 운동으로 밝고 건강한 눈을 유지하시길 바랍니다.

greatRunner 1.1(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

greatRunner to help your fitness goals with walks or running.
greatRunner uses the accelerometer and advanced processing to pedometer and treadmill.
The dial pacer will keep you on your desired pace and speed.

Features include ;

  1. Real-time tracking with distance, time ,pace and speed, calories display
  2. When input your Height and body weight, age is calculated with automatic
    • BMI(Body Mass Index) :Measure of body fat based on height and weight
    • BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate) :The number of Calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day
  3. HeartBeat Measurement
    • THR(Target Heart Rate) or Training Heart Rate is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise which enables one's heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout.
      : Calculates with automatic
    • Logs fuction, to record and delete
  4. History fuction, to record and delete
  5. Stride calculate with automatic
    ; Auto or User and Run or walk in setting menu
  6. We can detect your ture step
    No need for expensive and cumbersome belt, arm, pocket and hand !
  7. Automatic battery save mode

[ Coming soon Version 1.1 ]

  1. Improved Lock/Unlock method
  2. Disable System Lock mode On
    greatRunner Working
  3. Malfunction Time Correction

Educate 2.1(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free, Version: 2.1

Educate 2.1 is the ultimate teacher's companion providing mobile access to your student data, teaching strategies, eLearning tools and timetable.

Key Features:

  • Track and sync student data with Google Docs
    Educate 2.1 allows you to easily track, import and export student attendance/progress data via Google Docs. Use ready-made scales or directly enter any type of information you wish.

  • Communicate with your cohort
    Email all students in a class with the tap of a button. Alternatively, phone/email an individual student or their guardian by simply tapping a name

  • Access the best of the web
    Educate 2.1 features customisable 'Bookmarks' that provide users with instant access to useful web 2.0 resources. It also features a camera that allows tagging of images, a voice recorder for anecdotal notes and a stopwatch.

  • Keep track of your classes
    Educate can keep track of your schedule with a flexible timetable that allows you to customise the number of days, periods and subjects. Simply tap a lesson to add a note.

Educate 2.1 has been driven/beta tested by the community of educators at www.facebook.com/EducateApp. Feel free to drop by and make suggestions.

For more information visit www.ikonstrukt.com/educate.php

Measure it! 1.3(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.3

'Measure it!’ allows you to estimate the size of anything you can photograph! Whether it’s a book, couch, TV, tree, bridge or skyscraper, ‘Measure it!’ will give you a great idea of how tall or wide it is.

  • #1 Top Paid Utilities app in Australia, Malaysia and Taiwan
  • #1 Top Paid app overall in Malaysia
  • #2 Top Paid app overall in Taiwan

See a video of ‘Measure it!’ in action by visiting our website below ~ www.ikonstrukt.com/measure.php

So how does it work?

The secret behind ‘Measure it!’ is its ‘pinchable’ scaling objects. Just add one to your image, 'pinch it' until it’s a relative size and then start measuring. It’s that easy!

‘Measure it!’ also allows you to easily save and share your measured objects with friends via email or Twitter.

N.B - Measurements are only estimates and rely on the accuracy of your scaled object. ‘Measure it!’ does not estimate depth in an image.

Enjoy measuring everything in your world!

SpeedCamera 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Snap 3 pictures per second! On a push of a button, it snaps 6 pictures in burst mode.

It comes with a digital zoom (3X).

AppPicker Review : "..snap 6 quick shots of their child doing something for the very first time. Instead of taking one shot and maybe missing the most important part of the moment, the parent has six shots from which to choose."

How do I use Speed Camera?

Ask your friends or your kids to make funny gestures. Then take multiple pictures in burst mode.

Make sure to save your pictures in album by selecting "Save to Album". After that, delete the thumbnails to avoid the clutter in the preview finder.


StripMe: Strip Club Search 1.0.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.1

StripMe is the fastest way to find the nearest strip club for adult entertainment world wide.

We are the first strip club community to offer club promotional information, details, ratings, reviews, a clubs twitter feed and premiere search capabilities.

Our interactive features include, writing reviews, rate a club, join a club's newsletter and the ability to configure your settings.

Club suggestions are processed within a few hours. No update to our application is required. We are constantly adding new clubs daily from around the world.

Select a club to view the following information:

  • Displays address and distance to the nearest club
  • Daily Promotions offered by the club
  • Specific details about the club
  • Read and Write reviews on a specific club
  • View average ratings for a club and rate the club yourself
  • Twitter feed for the club if available
  • The ability to Phone the club
  • Subscribe to an individual clubs newsletter
  • A Google Map view of the clubs location within the application
  • Routes your current location to the selected club using Google Maps
  • Ability to submit a strip club address we may have missed, report a bad address via email or contact support

Search for a club:

  • Name search for a club
  • Location search by any combination of Country, Region, City and Postal/Zip Code

Customize Settings:

  • Distance can be set to miles or kilometers
  • You can expand your search radius for results to a maximum of 200 miles/km
  • You can increase the amount of results returned to a maximum of 100


  • 3G or WiFi access required
  • Mapping provided by Google
  • Strip club data sources that cover USA, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia

DISSER - THE VERBAL PUNCH v1.2.5(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: v1.2.5

Only today for free!!!


 Combine ANY insulting adjective with ANY swear word and use the FUNNY SPEECH OUTPUT to diss your opponent or online friends.

 Create the perfect diss with OVER 9,000 combinations and make your victims laugh till their abs hurt!

 Send your friends a video-diss using the direct connection to Facebook, Twitter and e-mail!


 extraordinary insults
 high quality speech output
 random function (button or shake)
 favorite function
 submit your own disses
 send video-disses via facebook, twitter and mail and earn bonuswords

VIDEO, SCREENSHOTS and INFOS @ www.disser-app.com or become a "DISSER" fan on facebook!

iFootball Deluxe 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free, Version: 1.0


Part of the Jirbo Social Gaming Network, with 19MM+ downloads world wide!

Sports gaming has never been so fun than on the iPhone and iPod Touch!

✓ Use your finger to flick the football!
✓ All new improved gameplay and graphics!
✓ The sequel to the mega-hit Paper Football, Jirbo Football has a realistic stadium, football and field!
✓ The game strategy now includes 4 timed quarters just like in the NFL!
✓ Play in one player mode against the iPhone or two player mode against a friend!
✓ Compete against the whole world on the highscores list!

Part of the Jirbo Social Gaming Network, with 19MM+ downloads world wide!

PaperFootball 3D Deluxe 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free, Version: 1.0



Sequel to the #1 sports app in the AppStore, Paper Football 3D brings the acclaimed and popular classic into true 3D glory.

Flick the paper football back and forth across the table in the ultimate test of finger dominance - or play kick mode and launch the paper football into the air again and again... until your own nerves break you!

Head back to school – toon style – as we bring paper football into the classroom! Admire the rich artistic detail and tongue-in-cheek humor of our interior decoration… and gasp as the camera swings around to give you a glimpse of the cityscape beyond.

No more frustration with inconsistent input from the touch screen! Paper Football 3D was given the TLC it needed to ensure that What You Flick is What You Get – every time.

We promise 30fps… and we deliver! Even on older devices, Paper Football 3D offers gameplay without jitter or annoying interruption.

Get all the crazy collisions and 'on-the-line' decisions with world-class Unity Engine Ageia PhysX™.

Using a single device, play either a single-player match against a computer AI or, if you have company, challenge your friend to a two-player match.

Classic Kick Mode returns, but this time with the all-important streak record that not only updates to local high-scores, but can also be submitted globally along with your best match-play score and margin.


So much fun, you won't want to put it down.

iMahjong Deluxe 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free, Version: 1.0

Play Mahjong on your iPhone or iPod Touch!


✓ The world’s oldest and most exciting game is on the world’s newest and most innovative platform, the iPhone!
✓ Mahjong has never been this fun! One of the most addictive puzzle games on iPhone and iPod Touch.
✓ Remove two identical tiles that have at least one side that is not adjacent to another tile and on which there is no other tiles.
✓ Thus, a pair consists of two Mahjong tiles which both are “free” and identical. Compete against the world with your Jirbo Avatar!
✓ Play other fun iPhone games listed at http://Jirbo.com

Count 'em ALL 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Fastest, easiest and most versatile counting software ever.

This app from our Metallic Suite provides an easy to use universal counting machine for your every need. You can count and maintain scores, turns, expenses and the like. You can simply use it to keep track of everything that can be modeled in numbers.

Example use cases include watched tv series episodes, keeping track of sports scores and counting points in games.

Create a project by entering the name and participants and after that you can access and update it with one click.

With Count 'em ALL - it's simple!

Scraps & Mumbles Creative Fun Co.™ - Dinosaurs 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

A fun-loving, quick-witted group teaches children how to use their imagination.

Boredom Beware: Flip through step-by-step instructions for turning an ordinary cardboard box into a dinosaur hat. In this activity, your child uses the iPhone/iPod touch as a tool, along with paper, glue and scissors.

Play Dino Match: A memory card game that reinforces imaginative thinking and builds upon basic cognitive functions. The tiles turn over with a tap. If the characters match, a bell sounds. If they don’t match, kids hear a bouncing sound signaling them to try again. Endless combinations for each level make for hours of problem solving fun.

Scraps and Mumbles shared camaraderie and ingenious solutions educate and inspire kids with challenges that reinforce divergent thinking. Active imaginations shape future innovators in all fields of study.

Coming Soon! More creative activities using renewable resources. And new exciting games.


Hide My Message 1.0.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.1

Special Offer: FREE (Today Only)

Send a secret message to anyone, anywhere...

Ever wanted to send someone a message that only they could see using a shared password?

Use Hide My Message to send a very secure password protected message to anyone using *SMS, Email, Facebook or Twitter.

Only the one with correct password can see the message.

iPhone/iPad application is not required to decrypt the message. The messages can be decrypted on our website:

SMS is available on iPhone only.

Note: Encryption is performed on the device. Passwords or unencrypted messages never leave the device.

Disclaimer: Do not use Hide My Message for any illegal purpose.

Windows Washer 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

Thanks to your votes on www.freeAppCalendar.com, Windows Washer is the Featured FREE App of the Day for May 19, 2010!

Windows Washer is an addict game, run away from many monsters in the building that would let your fail from the building.

Let's help me to clean the windows of this building.


  • Many obstructed thing to challange you
  • Try to clean same room's color to get a combo scores
  • Level endless
  • High score integrated with OpenFeint

Halloween Camera 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

FREE for 2 days

Missing Halloween?

Halloween Camera is a new kind of mobile application. It AUTOMAGICALLY generates funny caricature-like images using sophisticated computer graphics algorithms. But the app cannot be easier to use - you only need to take a photo with iPhone® camera. That's all!

Just open a group portrait - and get a new caricature. Straight, forward looking faces will be detected and Halloween costume elements will be added automatically, as well as two special effects will be applied to generate even funnier image.

You can disable or enable "Caricature" or "Blue faces" effects by pressing buttons in the lower right corner and hitting "Remix" button.

The most fun comes from using "Remix" button - to reshuffle, and to generate a new combination of hats, horns and effects applied almost instantly to faces on a group photo.

When done, you can easily upload generated images to Twitter, Facebook or just e-mail them with a single touch.

People won't believe you have created such photos on your iPhone® with a single touch to 'Remix' button.

Halloween Camera's unbelievable yet realistically rendered special effects are almost guaranteed to impress you and people around you.

For more dramatic effect, you can rotate iPhone® and get a Before/After picture.


  1. Face detection for group portraits.
  2. Option to take a new photo or load existing one.
  3. Caricature generation (huge realistic noses, eyes, smiles - generated based on photo content. - ON by default.
  4. Blue faces effect - turn all normal faces into vampire ones - ON by default.
  5. Halloween costume elements - hats, horns, crowns - ON by default.
  6. Quick remix option - no need to reload image - simply hit "Remix!"
  7. Before/After picture (rotate device!).
  8. Send image to Twiter.
  9. Send image to Facebook.
  10. Send image via e-mail.

If you have any issues - simply restart your device.

To restart - hold down the sleep/wake button at the top right-hand corner of the iPhone® for a few seconds.
This will bring up a screen asking you to run the slider across the screen to turn the phone off.
When you slide the slider to the right, a progress wheel will appear and in a second or two, the iPhone® will be off.
To turn it back on, just hold down the sleep/wake button again until the Apple logo appears on the screen and then wait for the phone to start up.

Smart Alarm 1.1.5(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1.5

Smart Alarm is available for free until May 20 (including). Of course you can continue using this app after this date.
The free version also includes the free upgrade to Smart Alarm 2 (expected to launch in late summer).

Smart Alarm is the high value alarm clock for your iPhone. It uses the latest technologies to wake you up caring your sleep habits and will help you to manage your morning activity.

• Recognition of your current sleep phase
Smart Alarm recognizes whether you are currently in a deep sleep or already beginning to wake up. Smart Alarm automatically adjusts the chosen alarm time according to your sleep phase. That helps you to feel well-rested in the morning and to have a nice start in into the day.

• Wake up with your favorite song or audiobook
Smart Alarm wakes you up using your favorite song or audiobook, which you can choose very easy by using the iPod library of your iPhone.

• Smart Alarm, the reliable alarm clock
Smart Alarm takes care of a important task in your daily life: The task to wake you up in the morning. The so called alarm buffer, an critical battery state alert and other features protect you from oversleeping.

Upcoming updates will add many more, innovative functions to Smart Alarm, helping you to manage your morning effectively and to get to work, university or school relaxed. Smart Alarm makes your life a bit better and easier.

Please note, that, depending on the system and device you use, you might will not be able to use all features.
It is recommend to charge your iPhone while Smart Alarm is running.

Important: Please do not use Smart Alarm on an iPad. That device is too large to use it for the designated use. We will publish an iPad version soon.

Smart Alarm is changing — completely. Get more information on the whole new version, which is currently under active development, on


It is worth visiting our website from time to time in order to always get the latest information.

Smart Alarm 2 will be a FREE update for all existing customers!

Sole 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.0

Limited time offer - FREE

Sole is a unique and challenging marble puzzle game that requires you to think before you make a move. Challenge your mind with this unique game of marbles that you have never seen before. Sole is simple to understand – slide marbles left-right and up-down on the board to destroy other marbles until only one marble is left. How far can you get, can you get to level 50?

With thousands of variations you will never play the same game twice, included is an intelligent random board generator that can build a game with 3 marbles all the way up to 15 marbles on the board. As you progress through the game the challenge will build and more marbles will be placed on the board for you to solve. To add to the difficulty you have a set amount of time to solve each puzzle, don’t hesitate too long; if time runs out you will have to restart the game from the beginning. Alternatively, progress through levels and earn extra lives to replay levels when you lose. With an online score board and infinite puzzles to play, Sole is sure to give you unlimited replay and a great challenge to show how intelligent you really are. Post your scores online with our integrated score board to allow others around the world to observe who the real genius is.

  • Unlimited puzzles that are randomly generated every time, you never play the same level twice.
  • Puzzles starting with 3 marbles all the way up to headache inducing 15 marble puzzles make sure your brain is continuously challenged.
  • Ability to reverse moves when you make a mistake so you don’t become stuck playing an unsolvable game and give up in frustration.
  • Progress through levels and Sole automatically increases the challenge and decreases the amount of time you have to solve the puzzle.
  • Earn extra lives every 10 levels to replay levels when you lose, allowing you to continue to play onto higher levels and continue the challenge.
  • Fluid animations and beautiful graphics keep your eyes stimulated.
  • Fully licensed classical music from the classical composer Delibes allows you to relax and keep you motivated to play.
  • Built in online scoreboard allows you to post your high scores and compete with others around the world. See who has the top score and see if you can get up the list.
  • Fully compatible with the iPod touch and iPhone running OS 2.2.1 and higher ensures everyone can play.

Download Sole to see how smart you really are, see if you can make it past level 50; then check the online score board to see how intelligent you are compared to the rest of the world. Can you hold the high score for more than a few hours?

Warning: this game is not intended for those with an IQ below 150*

Sole Gameplay Videos:

CarMaze 1.04(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.04

In collaboration with OpenFeint's Free Game of the Day, CarMaze is Free for TODAY only.

~ "I found CarMaze to be quite an interesting and challenging game....it is a game that’s going to keep us hooked all of its 50 levels." - iPhoneFootprint.com

~ TOP 25 in Puzzle Category (US,UK & Canada) ~ TOP 25 in Strategy Category (US,UK & Canada)

Game Description

CarMaze is a challenging and addictive puzzle game. Each level has numerous solutions but only a few will result in achieving the best score.

The aim of the game is to direct the number of cars stated in the 'Goal' to their respective exits without crashing and to achieve or beat the best score. The best score can be achieved by using the least number of items and planning the fastest route.

You can compete against global participants by downloading the latest scores and checking the status of each level. In the 'Level Select' screen all completed levels will be either displayed as green if you have achieved the best score or red if you need to improve your score.

When you complete a level and if you have achieved the best score, you have an option to submit your score and solution. If you are stuck on a particular level or want to find out how another participant achieved the best score you have the option of downloading their solution.


~ 50 levels
~ Compete against global participants
~ Submit/Download solutions
~ Download latest scores
~ Auto-save functionality. Always come back to the game where you left it.
~ Saves solution for completed levels
~ Mutes game sound automatically if iPod music is playing
~ OpenFeint enabled

Option Max Pain Calculator 1.6(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.6

Celebrating Option Expiration Week: Free for the next 3 days!

Welcome to Option Max Pain Calculator, from MF Software (authors of Stock TickerPicker and RateWatch)! This app will calculate the value of front-month call and put stock options and tell you the stock price at which in-the-money options would have the least value. This is the "Max Pain" number, and studies have shown that stocks tend to gravitate towards Max Pain in the days leading up to options expiration (market manipulation by financial companies?)

Use this application to help determine whether to buy or sell in-the-money calls and puts based on where you think the stock price is going to move! Chances are, the stock price will move towards Max Pain during options expiration week...

You can also use this application if you only buy/sell stocks - because it can still give you insight on which way a stock is going to move!

This app gets its options data from Yahoo! Finance, so any stock ticker that has options in Yahoo! Finance should work here.

FIXED CRASHING BUG: The crashing bug that reviews of version 1.0 referenced has been fixed in 1.1.

Questions? Suggestions for improvements? Email us at [email protected] or visit us on the web at http://www.mfsoftwareonline.com.

Like the app? Please write a positive review on iTunes! Have an issue? Please email us first (so we can fix the issue) rather than writing a negative review!

Finger VS. Finger 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

limited time Free.

How to play
You win if you kick out all units of enemy off the ground. And you lose if all your units have been kicked out.
Fight an enemy in a turn-based manner.

Features - 3 game modes
Single Play: Battle with an AI. You can play more stages if you win the fight.
Multi Play: Two players battle on one device in a turn-based manner. You can only play the maps that you cleared in Single Play mode.
Online Play: Play with other players through Wifi or 3G. Your record in this mode is your world ranking.

  • Various stages
    Single Play mode has 4 levels (Easy, Normal, Hard, Extreme).
    32 stages to play (Each level has 8 stages).

  • Various obstructions
    Strategic play with these objects
    Units bounce back with lower speed if they collide with the rectangles.
    Units bounce back with higher speed if they collide with the elastics.
    Black holes
    Units disappear if they come near the black holes.
    Units come out of the warp zone with the same color when they come near the one.

  • Options
    BGM On/Off
    FX On/Off
    Bug Report

Tap & Match 2.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.0

Didn’t you always wonder how much you and your friends or mates match? Now you can find out using the coolest matching app!

Tap & Match is the ultimate matching application for you and your mates or friends! By scanning your fingerprints, Tap & Match detects how close you and your mates are in the fields of Love and Romance, Sex and Friendship. Tap & Match can be used as a tool to break the ice among you and the person you like or can be a nice way to start your day with your best friends. Tap & Match provides a variety of matching tests about Love and Romance, Sex and Friendship, each of which is specially designed to create the coolest atmosphere for you and the person you want to get more intimate with. The great variety of games in addition to the amazing artwork and fantastic sounds compose an application that you will definitely love to play each and every day with your friends!

#Can be used as:

  • Love and romance matching detector
  • Friendship detector
  • Sex and erotic communication detector
  • Perfect ice breaker
  • Great tool to get to know new people!


  • Male fingerprint scanner
  • Female fingerprint scanner
  • Friends fingerprint scanner
  • Love matching detector
  • Friendship matching detector
  • Sex matching detector
  • Fantastic artwork creating cool atmosphere

#How to use:
Tap & Match offers a very simple and interactive environment!
In the beginning, you should choose which detector you want to open (Tap & Match offers Love, Friendship and Sex matching detection).
Depending on your choice, a fingerprint detector will pop up.
Putting your index finger over the scanning area, activates the scanner.
After scanning, the appropriate detector will appear, asking each one of you to press your matching buttons!
Wait for the detector to finish.
After this, you can share the results with your friends and partners!
Please enjoy!

24/7 support of the Tap & Match application, by the playcompass.com site.

#News Demo video and more instructions on the support website.

aGile Dashboard 2.1(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.1

aGile Dashboard is a vehicle digital dashboard, introducing many amazing features. It's not just visualizing your current speed, heading or acceleration but also keeps an eye on following the legal speed limits, the driving style and reminds you to stop and have a rest if you driving too long.

Detailed features list include:

  • Speed display:
    The speed display of aGile Dashboard is "live" - it changes the font size and color depending on your acceleration, making the reading more expressive. Also, it shows average trip speed (tap to display it in full size) and the speed log chart.

  • Radar emulator:
    The Radar of course cannot display cars moving in front of you, however it has a practical use beside just looking cool. Your speed affects the speed of the "dots" moving on radar, making it's feel more natural. The dot travels screen height approximately at the same time as your car goes about 200 meters. Note you can switch the Radar off by setting it's opacity to "0" in Preferences.

  • HUD (Head-Up Display) mode:
    Tapping the "HUD" icon mirrors all the text and removes small display details, so if you position the iPhone horizontally under your car's windscreen you can see perfectly readable half-transparent reflection of the picture displayed. We love this mode! We found it much more convenient compared to traditional car dashboards (especially on the roads of Western Europe, which are full of speed cameras). And last but not the least - it just looks cool.

    Note: this mode works pretty well at night time and twilight, but on direct sunlight the screen brightness can be insufficient.

  • iPod playlist control. You can switch next/previous/pause/play current music item, set your player to Shuffle and Repeat mode and select current iPod playlist;
  • Driving style advisor:
    Every 5 minutes aGile Dashboard checks the collected speed data and if you accelerating or braking too hard and too often reminds you about the safety. Of course, sensitivity of the advisor can be adjusted in Preferences, or it can be completely switched off.

  • Satellite location info:
    Information about your current location, altitude, speed, course and satellite measurement precision.

  • Speed limit warnings:
    aGile Dashboard can keep track on 4 speed limits, giving a warning each time you crossing it. Normally, it's legal speed limits within cities, local roads and high-speed motorways. "Never exceed speed" is the speed you should not exceed under any conditions. For example, it can be a technical limit of your vehicle or the point where government can arrest your driving license.

  • Driving timer:
    Displays current system time set on your iPhone and a time of your trip.
    In some countries it's illegal to drive longer then particular period of time without having a break. aGile Dashboard can watch this period and remind you that it's necessary to stop and have some rest.
    Tapping the "Clock" icon resets the timer, average speed and driving style adviser timeout.

  • Compass:
    Digital compass, showing your moving curse related to the true (not magnetic) North.

  • Speed units :
    The speed can be displayed in kilometers or miles per hour, sea knots and meters per second.

  • Acceleration meter:
    Displays current vehicle acceleration.
    Note: program uses iPhone built-in accelerometer, what means the precision is affected by car vibration.

  • Limitations:
    The program is running only on GPS-enabled iPhones 3G (second generation or higher) with iPhone OS 3.1 or higher.
    The precision is affected by the satellite signal quality. If unsure, use the program only for reference, don't rely on it for 100%.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions about additional functionality! THE BEST AND FASTEST WAY TO CONTACT US IS SENDING YOUR REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTS to [email protected]. WE ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN DIALOG, what is not possible when you leaving the bug-report as AppStore review.

Trivia Hound: Platinum Edition 2.01(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 2.01


With over 550 questions Trivia Hound is relaxing entertainment for you and your friends. There's no keeping score and no time limit. The only rule is just have fun!


NOTE: Trivia Hound is not a "game" in the traditional sense. It's a way to quiz yourself and your friends with fascinating trivia questions.

Trivia Hound is a pack of trivia cards that you can flip through to challenge yourself and your friends. This isn't wimpy multiple choice trivia…it's a real test of knowledge, and many questions include cool factoids so you're always learning something new.

Trivia Hound is EASY TO USE. You don't see the answer until YOU want to, and it always remembers where you left off the next time you come back.

Trivia Hound includes over 550 questions in 10 categories:

  • Animated Films
  • Food & Drink
  • Classical Music
  • Rock & Pop Music
  • World Landmarks
  • U.S. History
  • General Science
  • Inventors & Inventions
  • All Sports
  • 70s & 80s Television
  • 70s & 80s Television 2

Best of all we're developing FREE UPDATES with new questions to make this the most comprehensive, fascinating, and just plain fun trivia app available.

Trivia Hound will provide hours of fun for you, your friends, and your whole family. Take the Trivia Hound challenge today!

Big Calculator 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙ FREE for a limited time ✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙
Big Calculator was designed to take full advantage of the iPad screen offering a large display and a paper tape to keep track of your calculations. Need even larger buttons? Rotate to Portrait mode to fill the entire screen with just the calculator.


✙ Large, easy to press buttons
✙ Paper tape so you can see your previous calculations
✙ Change the font size of the paper tape to whatever is right for you
✙ Email or Copy the contents of your paper tape
✙ Memory Recall button changes to display your current memory value
✙ Support for percentage, square root, squared, cubed plus all the basics
✙ Backspace button

ZIP Weather 1.1a(Weather)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1a


This is a simple but very good app that will show you the exact weather in your area.

This app tells you the current weather conditions and temperature but also features a two day forecast.

You can also go to the weather center from the app itself to look at more precise information about the current weather and also get a full week forecast.

This app only works in the U.S. at the moment.

More countries support will be added soon.


Where to Wee 1.0.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.1


Download now and relieve some pressure.

Where to Wee is an application for your iPhone or iPod Touch that helps you find and rate restrooms worldwide. Whether it’s a road-trip that never seems to end, or an endless line in front of the women’s restroom: when you gotta go, you gotta know.

Besides Where to Wee’s functional side- finding places to go to the restroom- it can also find that really cool café down the street, the well-maintained pub up the road, or a restaurant you never knew existed until you had to use the restroom. Who knew going to the restroom could be so interesting?

관련 글타래

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운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/05/20 08:58 2010/05/20 08:58
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  1. 야화 2010/05/20 12:25

    잘 보고 갑니다~ smart alarm 이거는 무료가 아니고 0.99 달러더라구요~^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/05/20 13:42

      원래 무료 어플은 기간이 있기 때문에 시간이 지나면 유료로 바뀝니다.

  2. kongshig 2010/05/20 21:51

    항상 RSS 고맙게 구독하고 있습니다.
    greatRunner 는 설정에서 미터법으로 바꾸어 줄수 있습니다.
    다시 실행해보니 설정도 한글로 나오는군요.

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    • 도아 2010/05/22 09:15

      설정이 안보이던데,,, 있었나 보군요.

  3. 네비 2010/05/26 02:29

    관리자만 볼 수 있는 댓글입니다.

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