무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.
FREE for today only!
오는을 총 29개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 어제와 마찬가지로 어플이 많고 시간이 없기 때문에 몇몇 어플만 소개하는 것으로 하겠다. 먼저 Sekai Camera는 일본에서 큰 화제를 모은 증강 현실 어플이라고 한다. 어플을 실행하고 사용자 등록를 한 뒤 확인해 보면 알 수 있지만 현재의 위치를 기준으로 트윗에 대한 정보, 사용자가 올린 사진등의 정보를 바로 확인할 수 있다. 다만 이 어플은 오늘만 무료 어플은 아니고 원래 무료인 어플이다.
두번째 소개하는 어플은 Sketches라는 그리기 어플이다. iOS 1.x 때 Installer 어플로 등장, 아직까지 인기를 끌고 있는 어플이다. 그림을 그리는 어플이지만 사진 노트, 그림 노트를 작성할 때도 유용한 어플이다. 평상시 5불, 제한된 시간 동안 1불에 판매되고 있는 유료 어플이다. Super Santa는 아이들이 좋아할 게임 어플이다. 산타가 구름 계단을 밟고 오르다 선물을 집으면 슈퍼맨처럼 날아 오르는 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.
SyncSing은 평상시 5불에 판매되는 어플로 오늘 무료로 전환된 어플이다. 어플 사용시 계정을 등록해야 하는 것으로 봐서 서비스 기반형 어플로 보인다. Pig Latin with Emoji는 무료 어플에 종종 등장하는 일본 이모티콘 어플이다. 이 어플을 사용하면 문자 입력시 일본 이모티콘을 사용할 수 있다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Charm은 굳이 내려받을 필요가 없는 어플이다. 예전에 블로그에 당신의 마음을 맞춥니다!!!는 글을 올린 적이 있다. 이 속임수를 아이폰(iPhone)용 어플로 만든 것이다. 그런데 신기하게 이와 똑 같은 어플이 앱 스토어에 많다.
PhoneGrafer는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 카메라 어플이다. 사진을 찍은 뒤 각종 효과를 부여할 수 있으며, 타이머를 지원한다. 가장 좋은 점은 사진 정보를 저장할 때 GPS 정보까지 저장하기 때문에 사진을 찍은 위치를 정확히 알 수 있다. MotionInk는 모션 기반의 그리기 도구이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 모션 기반이기 때문에 익숙해 지면 상당히 멋있는 그림을 그릴 수 있다. 다음은 어제 이 어플에 대한 소개를 트위터에 올리자 @kh2821님이 내려받아 그린 그림이다.

마지막으로 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 트위터 가이드를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.
Sekai Camera: Tagging the Real World!(Social Networking)[iTunes]
Price: Free
Sekai Camera is a social, Augmented Reality (AR) application and service for browsing and sharing user-generated text, photo, voice, and other location-linked information. Launched September 2009 in Japan, Sekai Camera was named the Best App in 2009 by Apple Japan.
Sekai Camera provides a completely new interface for connecting the real world to the web. The application features AR and location-based services that allow users to have fun through interaction with digital Post-its® in the real world. By simply holding your iPhone up and looking through the camera view, you can access information that are relevant to that place and time, shown as an overlay on the live camera view.
Sekai Camera has two different modes which users can go back and forth from: LANDSCAPE: Sekai Camera Mode (Augmented Reality Live View) PORTRAIT: Sekai Life Mode (Life-stream View)
Leave your footprint.
Enhance your world.
Create and communicate in a New Dimension.
Take Sekai Camera with you wherever you go - a new experience awaits you!
Look up, not down!
Our Services requires an internet connection through 3G or WiFi. When you use our Services, you agree and understand that your wireless provider's standard data rates may apply to these Services. You also agree to be responsible for any fees that may be incurred as a result of your use of the Services.
Location accuracy depends on various sensors on your iPhone. Please acknowledge that accuracy may vary greatly depending on your environment and time, among others.
Location accuracy is low when the WiFi setting on your iPhone is turned OFF. We recommend that you keep your WiFi on at all times, even when you are not accessing the internet through WiFi.
When you are using our Services and looking at the camera view, please be sure to stay aware of your surroundings.
Sekai Camera is designed for use on iPhone 3GS. Sekai Camera can be downloaded on both iPhone 3G and 3GS, but use on iPhone 3G is not recommended. iPhone 3G lacks various features, including a compass and advanced processing power, which does not allow for a responsive Sekai Camera experience.
You are required to agree to our (a) Service Agreement, and (2) Privacy Policy to use the Sekai Camera application and services.
We require that the Services be legally legitimate at your resident country or wherever the Services are used. If the Services are not permitted under local law, you may not use the Services, and we will not be able to provide Services to you.
In order to access and use certain features, you will be required to register and create an Account with our Services. By becoming a Registered User, you will obtain an Account ID, a nickname and a password, all of choice. You are responsible for remembering your Account ID, and maintaining the confidentiality of your password.
You are also responsible for any and all activities that occur with your Account. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your Account. We reserve the right to close your Account at any time for any or no reason.
Sekai Camera now supports 7 languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. For settings, go to General >International > Language on your iPhone.
What's new
Air Tag: Create and browse location-linked digital Post-its® that float in real space. See and share text, photo, voice, and web-links posted as Air Tags. Send and receive Air Shout messages that fly.
Air Filter: Search for the Air Tags that you are looking for by specifying time, distance and type.
Air Pocket: Bookmark your favorite Air Tags and put them in your “pocket”.
Sekai Life: Create a life-stream that shows how you and your friends have interacted with Sekai Camera in a timeline display.
Air Profile: Register and display your own profile as a personalized Air Tag. This virtual name-tag floats right above your iPhone for others to see ? look up!
Air Tweet: See your Tweets as floating Air Tags, through a mash-up with Twitter®.
Air Zoom: Just double tap or pinch in/out to zoom in/out.
iAsthma in Control 1.0(Medical)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Daily Asthma management App for kids.
Please give the friendly monster in this App his inhaler daily when you take yours. Thank you!
iAsthma in Control is a daily Medical App geared towards helping kids mange all aspects of their asthma health.
Teach your kids how to take care of themselves by putting everything they need to know about their asthma health in their pocket on their iPhone/iTouch.
Asthma can be a life long condition. This app teaches kids how to:
- Stay healthy by taking their daily meds ( Feed the monster his meds too)
- Be aware of the symptoms that may precede an asthma attack.
- Feel in control and secure with instant pocket access to their personalized asthma "rescue plan" as well as emergency contacts.
- Asthma medication names and dosages are already in the app. Touch and pick, or customize.
- Peak flow records journal.
Asthma School/Sports Medication Forms-
Fill out the" green" form on your iPhone/touch screen and e- mail it directly to your child's doctor. Your child's physician will review, sign and send the form via e-mail or fax to your child's school.Feed the Monster: Super Fun!
On the "time to take my meds" screen, kids keep track of their morning and evening medication intake. They are also responsible for giving their friendly monster his inhaler meds after they have taken their own. Cool animation and sound effects help make a boring daily task more fun!QUIZ...Asthma in control ?????
Take the quick quiz bi- weekly or monthly to monitor your asthma related symptoms in between doctor visits.
Created by: Stephen I. Pleatman M.D.
This app was Inspired by Dr. Pleatmans on going voluntary work with Dr. Keith Mandel on the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center's Asthma Initiative Quality Improvement Team.
icrysta / Dr. Pleatman's Med Apps 2009
Numbers from True Learning 1.0(Education)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
For a limited time, get Numbers from True Learning for FREE! Happy Holidays!
Numbers is a captivating set of animated flash cards designed to introduce toddlers and preschoolers to the mathematical concepts of numbers, counting and sequencing. Young kids will learn to recognize, name and count the numbers 1 to 20.
Each flashcard contains adorable characters and creatures that come to life in beautifully illustrated scenes accompanied by custom music.
Numbers is simple, intuitive and easy to use. Large buttons and clickable areas make it perfect for the fine motor skills of your young child.
- Tap the large number to hear the name of the number.
- Tap the scene to play a fun animation as the corresponding number of objects appear timed to a custom music track.
- Intuitively scroll to the next letter with a flick of the finger.
Expose your young child to pre-math in a fun and engaging way and build a solid foundation for future math skills.
If you do not hear audio, please make sure the iPhone is not in silent mode. The switch on the side should be in the up position. Also note that on the original iPod touch, headphones are required to hear the audio since it does not contain speakers.
If you like Numbers from True Learning, look for Letters A to Z and the recently added Alphabet Air in the iTunes store!
True Learning is a pioneering early learning curriculum with over 3,000 printable worksheets that span 6 core subjects over 4 levels of advancement: Math, Literacy, Thinking, Motor Skills, Art and World. With True Learning, ensure your child’s readiness for pre-school, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and beyond.
Numbers from True Learning
Who's Driving? 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
What's the first question everyone should ask before heading out with a group of friends...?
Who's Driving?... That's exactly what this application answers.
Who's Driving? is fun and easy to use. You simply enter your list of friends, shake it up, and let the Who's Driving? algorithm randomly select the driver(s). It will even place passengers in the car along with their assigned seats.
Use it with co-workers to decide Who's Driving to lunch today.
Use it with your kids to stop arguments about who gets to ride shotgun.
Use it with your drinking buddies to select a designated driver and ensure a safe and fun holiday season.
Who's Driving? is a must have application for any iPhone user.
Super Santa 1.00(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
We have a little time left before Christmas. But we have a little trouble also. You goal is to save the atmosphere of the celebration. Jump up to the cloudy sky and get as more gifts as you can. Use super Santa power for better collection.
Let the Christmas miracle happen!
Save Our Souls - Episode 01 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Free download - It's our Christmas gift !
≪ Season 01 ? Urban influences ≫ - first part of a trilogy called ≪ Between light and shadow ≫ - takes place in big North American city.
This introduction to the first season of S.O.S. (Save Our Souls) presents the universe and the main characters of the season. It shows also the atmosphere in which “Ethan” the character you’ll play will evolve. He’s about to start a curriculum as a first-aid officer for very personal reasons…
The action takes place for the most between campus life and field emergencies. Ethan will be confronted during his night shifts to very stressful situations, sometimes very dangerous, playing always against the time, between life and death…
Ethan will have to make his presence felt, by learning to deal with the strong personalities of the other rescue team members.
Episode by episode, Ethan will improve his “saving” skills and will develop his observation ability.
He will learn other very useful capacities while in mission and will find out some secrets about his co-workers friends.
A gameplay, in the pure tradition of the “point and click” genre using all the control assets provided by iPhone and iPod.
An adventure game fit for casual gamers.
A present and fantastic adventure game in which each episode concludes with two possible endings.
Available in two languages: English, French
- Discover how it is to be in first-aid officer’s shoes
- Addictive full 2D adventure in 10 episodes
- Dark and mysterious atmosphere
- Numerous and various attaching characters
- Simple interface: point with your finger and play
- Over 500 dialog lines
- Multiple endings
- Astonishing backgrounds
- The “Victim Mode” is stressful and demands to remain calm to save a person
- 4 saving slots to pause and resume your game
Scoop! 1(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
-- FREE until January 1st 2010 - Merry Xmas! --
Scoop! is a word-play game putting the user in the role of a news reporter.
Choose any RSS feed to create fill-in-the-blanks news stories -- can you complete the winning headlines?
The more headlines you get right, the more you score, and the better a journalist you are!
Comes configured to cover News, Business, Entertainment and Sports stories from around the globe. Questions are created live as the stories unfold, so no two games will ever be the same!
If the story is of particular interest, you can launch the news source in a browser at the touch of the screen.
Have you got what it takes to be "Scoop! Champion"?
SyncSing 2.0.0(Music)[iTunes]
Price: $4.99 -> Free
This application is a mobile songbook. It allows you to read the lyrics and chords of your songs anywhere anytime, and as you play the guitar.
You begin by adding the lyrics and chords in your new numeric songbook on the web site www.syncsing.com. Your iPhone or iPod Touch automatically receives your song book and so allows you to sing or play the guitar anytime. An Internet connection is only required the first time to download your songs. NB : you need a Facebook account, free and easy to create, to use this application.
When you sing or play with friends, the organizer distributes the roles : your friends can turn the pages of the songs or can be simple guests, and they can use the free "SyncSing Guest" application for that. This is particularly useful for the guitarist whose hands are already used elsewhere !
When the guitarist plays alone, for example when he practices, he will use the magical functionality that allows to turn the pages with the help of the foot by lightly 'tapping' on the surface on which your iPhone or iPod Touch is placed. Cool isn't it ?
The main functionalities included in this application are :
- Scrolling the playlists and the songs lists
- Reorganizing the playlists, adding or removing songs
- Seeing the lyrics and chords for your songs
- Adjusting the tone of a song
- Seeing the chord's detail by clicking on it with the finger
- Scrolling the lyrics and chords on several iPhones or iPod Touch at once
- Turning the pages with the help of the foot when you play the guitar
Pig Latin with Emoji 1.2(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Pig Latin with Emoji is now free for a limited time!
Use this application to send fun messages to your friends! Your messages will be converted into pig latin in real time as you type. With a simple touch of a button, your message can be sent as an email or copied into another application to entertain you and your friends.
To enable Emoji, perform these steps:
- Launch the application and go to the About page
- Go to the Settings application and navigate to the General->Keyboard->International Keyboards->Japanese page on your device
- Turn on Emoji
Now you can use Emoji within Pig Latin by switching to the Emoji keyboard. As a bonus, Emoji also works in all your other applications, too, like SMS and Mail!
Dialogues 1.2.1(Social Networking)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Get Dialogues for free. Happy holidays.
If you can talk about it you can create a dialogue for it!
Dialogues is an application that lets you hold private discussions for work or play.
You create dialogues and invite people to join. You can also be invited by others to join their dialogues, and because the history of each dialogue is retained you will be able to familiarize yourself with the topic.
Dialogues for family - the sister working in London, the brother at university in Boston and the mum at home: now able to talk regularly using Dialogues.
Dialogues for friends - opinions, banter, gossip, arguments. Everything that keeps a friendship alive using Dialogues.
Dialogues for work ? project updates, social groups, sharing tips and news. Keep ahead of the competition with Dialogues.
Dialogues for students - assignment information, brainstorming, sharing ideas. Keep up to date with Dialogues.
If you enjoy conversations then Dialogues was made for you.
If you can talk about it you can create a dialogue for it!
Dialogues is currently available for the iPhone and iPod touch with Push Notifications.
Enjoy and let us know what you think. We are constantly working on making the service better.
For any queries or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact the Dialogues team at http://www.dialogueservice.com/help/support/. We are always listening.
Panoramic Blackjack 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Limited Holiday Offer - Free!! Until Jan 01 2010
Card Counting and Learn to Play Modes!
Panoramic BlackJack brings the excitement of the casino to your iPhone or iPod Touch. For players who are looking to improve their game, or for those who are looking for entertaining casino game play, Panoramic BlackJack is fun for players of all skill levels.
- Card Counting options
- Learn to Play mode - displays the basic optimized strategy
- HiScores saved
- Hit, Stand, Double, Surrender, Split and Insurance capability
- Three (3) levels of difficulty
- Classic Blackjack gameplay
- Amazing realistic 3d graphics
iFishie 1.0(Education)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Just Touch and play: Pre-School and Toddler Fun(Babies love it too)
Kids can just touch the screen to make the colorful fish appear.Pop the bubbles as they float to the surface. There are no rules, your child creates with their touch. The screen changes on it's own to keep your child stimulated.
iFishie cycles over and over so you don't need to constantly restart it for them. The cycling function also allows your child to stay engaged in the app for longer periods of time.
Beautiful fish, calming bubbles, silly sea creatures and fun sounds.Kids love to splash around in this App over and over again!
iFishie is fun in the car seat, stroller, restaurants, long lines, doctors office, grocery store, airplane,and any time you need a moment of fun for your child and a moment of quiet for you.
iCrysta Apps Graphic design- Stan Brod
Charm 1.0(Education)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Charm is now available for FREE! Download and mesmerize your kids and buddies with this app !!
Math class always scared you. Now it’s time you explored the fun side of Math. What? You didn't think Math had a fun side to it? Oh yes it does. And you can do amazing and fun stuff with it.
Mystic Madame with her great mind reading capabilities will amaze you in her land of Charm. And this she does with a simple twist with math. Do you think you can fool her? Or will she succeed in reading your mind too? Find out with Charm and be charmed!
SpongeDude 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Merry Christmas everybody and thank you all for the great feedback. Download Sponge Dude and the Alien Hippies for free during Christmas. Visit www.appventcalendar.com for more free games in the next days.
--== SPONGE DUDE ==--
"Like a combination of Topple, iBlast Moki and Rolando ..." - Toucharcade User Review.
"It is definitely unique and its a twist of Rolando, Toki Tori, AND iBlast Moki in one. It is a physics/platformer/puzzler that requires some thinking. [...] I am surprised SpongeDude is only $1.99!" - Toucharcade User Review.
"It’s like Rolando, Topple and a kid with a crayon all got together in a washing machine with a big bag of ironic awesome and came up with this fever dream." - theportablegamer.com
Sponge Dude is an addictive physics/puzzle/platformer featuring a unique physic-based interface. Blast the elastic SpongeDude and his hippie friend through 26 challenging levels and adventures.STORY
Sponge Dude has been banned to earth by his tyrannic boss iBoss as a disciplinary measure for messing up his job as planet's watchman. Taken for granted he wants to leave this underdeveloped planet as soon as possible. During his adventure he will meet scary enemies and unexpected friends.INSTRUCTIONS
Sponge Dude misses arms and legs - under earth gravity he only manages to do little mostly useless jumps (tap). So help this little dude: use bombs to blast him through the air, lift him into the air using balloons and much more. Using the two-finger-gesture you can zoom the game and get a fast and easy overview of the surrounding area.- FEATURES
- Cutting-edge physic system
- Fast action and enchaining puzzles
- Cool, zoomable graphics
- Intuitive multitouch-control
- Cool soundtrack or listen to your own iPod music
- 4 worlds
- 26 levels
- Ideal for casual and intensive gaming
Dive into the crazy adventure of Sponge Dude - and the Alien Hippies!
Tip-O-Meter The Scientific Tip Calculator 1.1(Business)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
The Tip-O-Meter was designed to give you a fast and easy way to accurately tip your server at a restaurant and split the check amongst your friends.
There are three features of the Tip-O-Meter that you won't find in any other tip calculator:
- By using interactive sliders you can evaluate the server on three levels: Friendliness, Accuracy and Timeliness. Each slider contributes to the total tip percentage allowing you to dial in the tip based on the service provided.
- You can enter in how many people you are paying for. Often, you will split the check several ways, however, you still might be paying for more than one person. The Tip-O-Meter will calculate all of this for you accurately!
- You can write down and save information. How many times have you forgotten if it's your turn to pay for the check? The Tip-O-Meter allows you to write down who paid last time so you know for sure!
To make things even easier, you can round up or round down to the nearest dollar to make splitting the check, a piece of cake!
Not only is it easy to use but it's fun to watch the meters move into position as you hit the CALC button and receive your results. We know you'll enjoy using the Tip-O-Meter!
Delta 1.01(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Delta World Championship NOW OPEN!
The first prize winner of Delta will be chosen until February 13, 2010.
Defeat your rivals all around the world by deleting on for the victory!
Glittering prizes are ready!
Anytime, anywhere, and all you want you can play this block game Delta, which was released free of charge!
Compete with players around the world for best score!
This game is designed under the concept of games with simple operations and rules for portable devices so you can kill time.
You can go with careful calculation, or go just following your instincts.
How to play and how to use time depend on players.
- Red, blue, yellow and green blocks: when three or more of them are joined in column and/or row directions, you can delete them.
- Special Blocks: even one of them allows you to delete blocks; take advantage of each Special Block to get high score!
This game includes the detailed help, but Delta does not need long description. Please play it sooner than later.
We are looking forward to your visit to the Delta world. At last, we wish you good luck on the challenge for first place in the world ranking!
PhoneGrafer 1.5(Photography)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Christmas Sale!!
Available for free: Dec. 22-Dec. 28
PhoneGrafer is an application for iPhone photographers. This software features a leveler and self-timer. It makes it possible to take pictures by steady posture. Filters can be applied to the photograph both when taking and reviewing pictures.
They have effects such as Basic B&W (monochrome), high contrast, and vignetting. Photo-making like a toy camera is possible. You can change the filter parameter.
It has the function to upload a picture to Flickr(R).
It also includes the function to display Exif meta-data.
- Conversion Filters (B&W, B&W Extreme, Russian, Antique, Sepia, Cyano, ColorCast-C/M/Y)
- Sharen/Soften Filter (only when reviewing pictures)
- Image Size Selection
- Leveler
- Self-timer
- Upload your pictures directly to Flickr(R) (Flickr account required)
- Exif-compliant (displaying some items)
- Open Google Maps by GPS Tags
- PhoneGrafer is using default Camera Roll for saving or loading photo.
- If the application has force-terminated, there is no enough memory. Please restart your iPhone and start PhoneGrafer again.
SAT GMAT GRE Practice (math) 1.1(Education)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Our mission is to provide practice tests to aid applicants score the maximum in SAT, GMAT and GRE math.
Our tests are accessible immediately and only a finger tap away! You can access the tests at anytime and anywhere with your device. Take the next step forward in achieving your highest score in math through einsLab.
- 2 Mini Math Tests
- Countdown Timer feature
- Test Reports and Answers
- Access to Online Support
- Auto-save feature to restart tests
- iPod Touch and iPhone OS 3.0 compliant
- "Awesome Tests. Love the timer!" - Alex, NYC
- "I was able to take these practice tests during my lunch break. Helped me get into the zone before my GMAT." - Sonia, Austin, Texas
- "I like the mix of problem solving and data sufficiency questions. Timer is extremely useful when taking practice tests." - Zahid, Chicago
GMAT is a registered trademark of Graduate Management Admission Council, which neither sponsors nor endorses this product.
Algebra Solver 1.0.3(Education)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
OUR HOLIDAY GIFT TO YOU! - Algebra Solver is free until December 28th!
Algebra Solver is a must have application for students! Unlike most math programs, this program is NOT just a flash card application. Algebra Solver SOLVES math formulas and equations; after you solve them, you can even EMAIL them to others using the built-in email button. From simple formulas, to more complex physics problems, we have (or will have) it here! We know we don't have every formula (yet), but thats were you come in! If we don't have it, use the in-app submission form to send us the formula or problem-type and we'll make every effort to include it in the next update!
Currently Supported Functions are:
Pythagorean Theorem
Solve Triangle
Solve Square
Solve Rhombus
Solve Parallelogram
Solve Cube
Solve Cone
Solve Trapezoid
Solve Cylinder
Solve Pyramid
Solve Circle
Solve Velocity
Solve Position
Constant Acceleration
Centripetal Acceleration
Kinetic Energy
Distance between 2 points
Midpoint between 2 points
Slope between 2 points
Reduce Radicals
Prime Factorization
Complex Interest Calculator
Solve basic linear equation
Deluxe Unit Converter
Trigonometry Review Sheet
In-App Scientific Calculator
Quadratic Equations
See a formula missing? Send it in!
We also include an email address to contact us directly. We pride ourselves on our integrity, email us with your problem, and we GUARANTEE a personal response within 24-48 hours (usually sooner).
We intend to maintain a rapid update cycle, as soon as we're done with one we'll start on another! Each update will introduce as many formulas as we can pack in!
Our goal is to become the One-Stop-Shop for Math Answers. Eventually, we'll be able to replace all those old out-dated Calculator programs with this one App!
Try Algebra Solver Today! Email us with any questions, comments, or problems. E-mail: [email protected]
Bet Sports 1.4(Sports)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Sports Fans Rejoice!
Bet Sports is the best iPhone and iPod sports betting tool you will ever need to track your games. Track each of your bets on the Spread, Money Line or Over/Under in any sporting event. Halftime lines are also updated live! Get live odds, scores, and expert game tips from top industry names.
Bet Sports allows you to:
- Track each bet and game you are interested in
- Track the $ amount of each bet you make
- Change/Edit the lines on each game to match your own lines
- Halftime lines updated live as soon as they are posted
- $ and Unit tracking history
- Get live score updates and game results
Bet Sports provides the most comprehensive game info at your fingertips to help you track and make decisions on all your games. All these features are provided FREE and forever!
Purchase a Premium subscription to get even more inside info - Streaming game updates and live push alerts sent to your phone whenever something happens on a game you’re tracking! ++
- Instant Line Moves
- Player Injury News updates
- Game Consensus updates
- Game Trends analysis NEW
- Game start
- Game end
- Any score change!
++ Premium Access ON SALE for $2.99/month or $0.99/week
We are also proud to provide expert Tips from some of the best names in the industry:
- Covers.com
- Dr. Bob
- BigAl.com
- AccuScore.com
- BaseballWon.com
- BPO Sports.com
- Our in-house Bet Sports experts
We even give you FREE expert Tips on select games each week! These Tips are available as soon as they are provided by our partners and sources. **
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or issues with the app. Feel free to send suggestions as well - we want to create the best sports experience for users possible.
Check out the Bet Sports website to preview screenshots of future releases at:
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
- All Tips provided by third party experts and individuals. Bet Sports is not responsible for any of the material or content, nor do we guarantee the accuracy or availability of Tips.
Password Caddy 1.00(Productivity)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Free for 24 Hours Only - Holiday Giveaway!!! Exciting new Password management software for your iPhone! Stores your passwords in password protected caddies which are encrypted using Government standard AES encryption. You can organize your password keys into categories and customize each entry so that you store only the information that you care about, keeping your keys uncluttered and easily accessible.
With identity theft on the rise its no longer acceptable to use the same password everywhere you go on the internet, but that means having several passwords and trying to remember each one and where it is used. Let Password Caddy store them for you. It can even help you generate a new password.
- AES 256 bit Encryption Strength
- Generates random, secure passwords for you
- Organize your passwords into categories
- Each entry is fully customizable
- Opens hyperlinks in Safari
- Copy your password or other info to the clipboard
- Elegant iPhone look and feel
- Who said a password app should be boring
- As much fun to use as it is functional
Take advantage of our introductory pricing.
66% off until 1.2 hits the app store.
Hurry 1.2 has already been submitted to Apple.
1.2 Will Include:
- Templates for keys
- Default Categories
- User Preferences
Plus a few other interface enhancements based upon tester feedback.
Be sure to check out our YouTube channel where we detail in depth how to get the most out of Password Caddy.
S-O-S 1.0.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
S-O-S is a stylish Morse code app with a special touch - the ability to send morse code videos over email!
Check out the trailer http://www.winfieldco.com
Limited Time - Free for Christmas!
Stranded? No cell-phone reception? Or just plain bored? No problem!
With S.O.S. you type in any message and "flash" it as a Morse code message. Morse code is same system that radio broadcasters, pilots, and the Navy have used for over 160 years. Flash your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or even random strangers. With S.O.S., help and fun is never far away.
- Choose from multiple settings, including start delay, pulse color, looping, sound, and auto-shut-off
- Email morse code movies
- 3.0 compatible
MotionInk 1A(Productivity)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
MotionInk is a natural media painting application with a unique and revolutionary control system that is only possible on the iPhone and iPod Touch.
MotionInk's paint system combines a dynamic ink flow model with a motion based position control that allows for in stroke control of ink spread via simulated brush pressure.
MotionInk moves brush and ink positioning away from the touch so you can see each stroke unobscured as it is painted.
Each of MotionInk's original brush types have been painstakingly tuned and tested to maximize creativity and expressiveness.
Features: * Unique painting system * Full spectrum color selection * Dynamic touch based ink flow control * Motion based brush control * Ink drying control
Fun-O-Meter - Now You Can Measure Anything! 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
True or False, Like or Love, A Lot or A Little... Whatever it is you need measured, the Fun-O-Meter can do it! With ten unique screens, a customizable title, and the ability to preset or randomize the results, the Fun-O-Meter has endless possibilities!
Choose from the following meters:
- 0 - 100 Scale
- True or False
- Empty or Full
- Stink-O-Meter
- Hot or Cold
- Smart or Not
- Lame or Cool
- Hot or Not
- Like or Love
- Winner or Loser
Open the door to choose the meter, type in any title you like, and use the slider to set the final result. When you close the door the meter will be off. Setup your joke or gimmick with your friends and hit the ON button to display your results!
With the SHAKE function you can get a totally random result by literally shaking the phone! With the meter ON you'll see the results immediately. With it off, the random result will be saved and displayed when you hit the ON button for a surprising result for everyone!
Does something smell? Well, how stinky is it? You think she's hot? Let's find out how hot! Is my idea lame or cool? Let the Fun-O-Meter decide!
The possibilities are endless. Get together with a bunch of your friends who have Fun-O-Meter and use the SHAKE function to get multiple results for higher "accuracy"!
Send us your comments and suggestions and we'll work on incorporating additional meters based on your feedback! Thanks for giving the Fun-O-Meter a try!
DISCLAIMER: The Fun-O-Meter is a gimmick meant to entertain. Please, do not use the Fun-O-Meter for life-altering decisions!
Pig Rush 1.1(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
A hilarious addictive platform game for iPhone and iPod Touch! Help Jumpy the Pig on his first fun adventure running away from the farm! On the way he encounters deep ravines, forest fires, and moving platforms. The longer you survive, the faster Jumpy runs ? and the more difficult the obstacles become! Can you save the bacon? 10 out of 10 reviewers rated Pig Rush their favorite pig game.
"Pig Rush has this crazy combination of everything that is right for a casual game." -- AppShouter
"Picking flowers. Drinking iced tea on the back porch. Making a cartoon pig in a firefighter hat jump over endless ravines. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that bring us joy." -- The iPhone App Review (9/10)
"Pig Rush is better than bacon." -- AppCraver (8/10)
Pig Rush is a simple yet fun game for small children to start mastering timing, visual calculation and motor skills. Really well done, great graphics and sound effects. Worth having it on board of your iPhone/iPod Touch kid’s tab. -- The best iPhone apps for kids (5/5)
There’s a super-simple control system: just tap low on the screen for a small jump, tap high on the screen for a big jump.
- Jump to avoid falling into the ravines!
- Make sure you avoid the fires…
- Pick up a fireman’s suit to protect yourself from the fires!
- Beautiful graphics
- Catchy music and sound effects
- VERY addictive gameplay… once you stop, you can't put it down!
- Submit your high score to the global high scores board and see how you compete against players all over the world!
Sketches 1.7.6(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $4.99 -> $0.99
Jot down your notes, scribble your thoughts and annotate your pictures using only your fingers and your imagination! Illustrate your ideas with simple but colourful diagrams, notes and sketches. Place shapes using multitouch gestures, zoom in for those accurate little details, save your creations in your personal corkboard or send them to others. Use Sketches® for business, creativity or simply share it as a pastime with your friends. iPhone drawing fun.
TapReaction 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $2.99 -> Free
FREE for a limited time
The human reaction time to a sudden unexpected event would be about one second - the so-called second of shock.
But it is possible to reduce this time by training.
Test your reaction time and train yourself with 'TabReaction'.
Tap away the colors or numbers with one or with several fingers as fast you can.
How much fields can you click in 30 seconds?
You can choose the size of the board and as well as the playing time.
The Game:
Three different ways to test your reaction skills (Color-, Number- und Timemode).
Game Options:
- select the number of fields or strokes
- Sound On/Off
- Highscorelist for alle 3 play-modes
Toy Pilot 3D 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Welcome to "Toy Pilot 3D"!
Defend the universe riding your starship toy! Fire photon torpedoes, destroy your enemies, turn your ship into evasive maneuvers to avoid colliding with the armored enemies . Total fun in 3D, at a introductory price of $ 0.99.
Test your skills in one of the best first person spaceship shooter game full of adrenaline and speed. No complex and boring missions or objectives. It is simple: fly, shoot and destroy.
Want a quick game? Try the Survival mode.
- Advanced 3D graphics, high-performance real-time
- High performance sound effects
- Precise control system, with adjustable sensitivity and calibration
- Two game modes: Arcade and Survival
- Highscores
- Design is inspired by the games of the 80's
- Advanced technology
Guaranteed fun! Enjoy!
Do you want to participate of the improvements of this game? Write a review and make a suggestion. 10 reviews will be selected to be implemented in the next version. ;-)
EnguFengu 1.1.2(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
What is EnguFengu ?
EnguFengu is a game of skill with marbles which are moved using the phones Accelerometer. Tilt the phone and the marbles move in the corresponding direction.
How to Play:
The game consists of a playing surface which can be tilted. In this surface there are a number of holes, wooden blocks, circles and marbles. When the surface is tilted the marbles roll and can fall into the holes.
The goal of the game is to get each grey marble in an corner hole. You have 30 seconds to complete this task. When you start the game a timer begins to countdown from 30. As soon as you pot a marble the time will be added to your score. Try not to put let any other marbles fall down the same corner hole because you won't get any points for those. Every grey marble needs to go down a different corner hole as fast as possible. During the game you will see also blue marbles. Keep them in the game otherwise you lose. Beware of the circle with a red rubber band round it. They accelerate your marbles and you may lose control of them.
During the game you see your level score, the time you have left, and the total score. Try to reach an new level and to increase your total score.
Theoretically there are endless levels because every tenth level you got an new blue marble in the game.
Facebook and Challenge:
From the game you can post your score on facebook or send a challenge to a friend via email.
Every new game sees the wooden blocks, circles and holes placed differently. This means sometimes you'll find yourself playing an easier game and sometimes it will be more difficult. If you're lucky you'll be able to sink your marbles quicker.
Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/2937
푸른 스탠리 2009/12/23 16:16
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