
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

월요일에는 트위터 선거법 위반 관련 조사를 받고 어제는 몸의 상태가 좋지 않아 조금 일찍 퇴근했다. 따라서 어제 선거법 위반 관련 조사 결과를 올리려고 했지만 일찍 퇴근하는 바람에 올리지 못했다. 아무튼 오늘은 총 36개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 눈에 뛰는 좋은 어플은 없지만 사람에 따라 건질만한 어플이 있을 것으로 보인다.

DCNZINE은 원래 유료인 어플이다. 그런데 과월호라서 그런지 몰라도 2월호와 3월호가 무료로 올라왔다. 카메라에 관심이 있는 사람은 내려받기 바란다. 또 koTrain은 예전에 올라왔다가 철도청에서 막은 덕에 사라진 iKorail과 비슷한 어플이다. 열차 시간표를 알려 주는 어플이다. 4월 10일까지 무료로 배포된다고 한다. Strip Game은 평상시 3불에 판매되는 어플이다. 어플을 사용해 보면 알 수 있지만 과연 3불에 구입할 사람이 있을지는 의문이다.

iGo To the Zoo는 평상시 2불, 오늘만 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 아직 학교에 가지 않은 어린 아이들을 위한 간단한 게임 어플이다. Shake It Out은 평상시 5불에 판매되는 비교적 고가의 어플이다. 그러나 기능은 아주 간단하다. 선택할 항목을 미리 입력하고 아이폰을 흔들면 입력한 항목 중 하나를 선택해 주는 어플이다. 즉 영화를 보거나 다른 일을 운으로 결정하고 싶을 때 사용할 수 있는 어플이다. Starfield Screen Saver는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 화면 보호기 어플이다.

SlideGrabber도 평상시 5불에 판매되는 상당히 고가의 어플이다. SlideGrabber라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 발표자료를 사진으로 잡아 설명을 추가, 발표할 때 사용하는 어플이다. HypoCalc도 평상시 5불에 판매되는 사당히 고가의 어플이다. Hypothetical Investment 계산기라고 하는데 정확한 용도는 나도 모른다. SpellMaze는 평상시 3불에 판매되는 게임어플이다. 이름처럼 철자를 맞추는 게임 어플이다.

Target 3D는 평상시 3불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 3차원 슈팅 게임 어플이다. McSolitaire는 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 전통적인 솔리테어 카드 게임 어플이다. CribQ는 평상시 3불, 4월 7일까지 무료로 제공되는 아파트 검색 어플이다. 다만 우리나라는 지원하지 않는 듯하다. BaseBrawl는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 야구 게임 어플이다.

Fun Fun Korean Conversation Class는 평상시 20불하는 아주 고가의 어플이다. 동영상을 통해 한국어를 배울 수 있는 어플이다. 총 500M가 넘기 때문에 와이파이를 통해 내려받아야 한다. Procedures는 평상시 3불에 판매되는 의료 어플로 정맥삽관술을 알아 볼 수 있는 어플이다. Floor13도 평상시 5불하는 꽤 고가의 어플이다. 그러나 사용 용도는 나도 모른다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

DCNZINE | March 2010 1.03(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

디지털카메라 매거진 "DCNZINE(디씨앤진)"
애플리케이션 매거진 시대를 선도합니다.
디지털카메라 매거진 DCNZINE(디씨앤진)은 2001년 5월 대한민국 최초의 디지털카메라 전문 매거진으로 탄생하여 지난 2010년 1월 100호를 발간하기까지 국내 토종 디지털카메라 전문매거진으로 굳건히 자리 매김을 해왔습니다. 그리고 스마트 폰 대중화시대를 맞이하며 국내 최초로 애플리케이션 포맷의 매거진을 최초로 출시하며 다시한번 시대의 변화에 앞장서 나가고 있습니다.

DCNZINE Full Version은 매달 초에 업데이트 됩니다. 유료로 제공되는 버전을 다운 받으시는 분들에게는 매달 발간되는 DCNZINE의 모든 컨텐츠들을 구독하실 수 있습니다.

DCNZINE Only - 디지털 카메라 관련 이슈들을 이야기하는 특집 기사입니다.

Most Wanted - 매달 출시되는 디지털카메라들 가운데 가장 주목받고 있는 디지털카메라에 대한 리뷰입니다.

New Arrival - 새로운 디지털 카메라와 주변 액세서리들에 대한 소개와 프리뷰로 구성됩니다.

Passion of Photographer - 국내외 사진작가와 아마추어 사진가들에게 그들의 사진에 대한 생각을 들어봅니다.

Traveling Korea - 한국의 유명 출사지를 소개하고 활용하기에 좋은 장비들을 추천하는 기사입니다.

One Point Lesson - 디지털카메라 사용자들이 사진촬영을 함에 있어서 꼭 필요한 사진 촬영 기법, 리터칭에 관한 팁과 사진 감상에 도움이 되는 이야기들을 들어볼 수 있습니다.

  1. 프로사진가의 노하우
  2. 카메라 기능 강좌
  3. 디지털카메라 기초 강좌(4월부터 연재)
  4. 사진읽기(4월부터 연재)

PEOPLE + CAMERA - 디지털 카메라 사용자를 사랑하는 모든 이들의 이야기

Ribbon Moment - 매달 하나의 주제로 여러 사진가들의 사진과 이야기를 담았습니다.

Something Special - 여성 디지털카메라 유저들에게 어울리는 카메라와 그 기능에 대한 소개.

Space - 사진 전시회, 박람회 등의 관람기

Camera Cartoon

In the Gallery - 사진 전시회 소식을 알려드립니다.

And More!!!!!!!!!!!

1년간 총 다운로드 수를 합산하여 BMW Mini를 추첨을 통해 오직 한분에게 선물로 드립니다.
자세한 내용은 이벤트 페이지 참고.

Apple은 본 이벤트에 대한 후원이 아니며 법적 책임이 없습니다.
모든 이벤트의 진행사항과 후원 상품은 DCNZINE에 책임이 있습니다.

Beachhead Defense 3D 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

In collaboration with OpenFeint's Free Game of the Day, Beachhead defense 3D is Free for TODAY only.

The FIRST real 3D action defense game on App store.

In this 3D action defense game, you're the last gunner on the beachhead. To cover your brothers, you have to defeat waves of enemies! They come from the sea and the air.They have helicopters, tanks. And you have pistol, machine gun, flak and missiles for them. Get the supplies as soon as possile and do not waste a single bullet, because you don't have much left. Good luck!


  • Life time free upgrade.
  • Powered by real 3D game engine not like other fake 2D shooting games.
  • Fantastic effects powered by particle system.
  • Easy control, slide to aim and tap to shoot.
  • 4 unique weapon system.
  • Pause and resume, autosave game when a call coming in.
  • Resume and play the stage you failed in campaign mode, no more start all over again.

Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/rockifone

GW Monkey 1.0.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free


Juggle various fruits, keeping them in the air. An escaped germ is always looking for an easy feed!


Move the player left and right to position him in the right location so the food does not fall onto the floor; you can tilt the device left/right, tap the desired location, or press in the left/right edges of the screen.

GAME A: standard mode
GAME B: difficult mode

Each food toss earns 1pt, a bonus exists when 300pt is reached - can you reach it?


Mobile 1UP has a number of other Game & Watch style games on the App Store - be sure to check them out!

XStream Tap 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

XStream Tap in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be FREE today and today only.

WARNING: XStream Tap can be extremely addictive!
"Fun and totally addictive. Move over tetris!!" - lunarfla
"New and Noteworthy" Games! -March 2010

OpenFeint coming soon - v1.1 just submitted to Apple

The early "gateway" Streams lure you in with fun sounds, and bubble-wrap-like shape tapping fun.

You soon realize you've been lured into a game of strategy and survival. What was seemingly simple suddenly morphs into a challenging game of you against XStream Tap.

XStream Tap kicks up the pace, challenges your strategic tapping acuity and stretches your skills and mental abilities to their limits.

You realize you can only survive by clever, timely, and coordinated use of your Power Ups... You find a depth to the game that you had never imagined could exist in such an innocent looking game with fun little sounds...

You hang on... tooth-and-nail.... Just... one... more... stream... and YES! You make it!

Your score skyrockets as XStream Tap respectfully doles out points in proportion to your demonstration of skill in reaching new heights.

DISCLAIMER: Due to the extremely addictive nature of XStream Tap, Calanoa Software LLC will not be responsible for any impact to personal or occupational productivity due to playing XStream Tap.

Bee Spelled 1.1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Bee Spelled in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and today only!

Help a mildly overweight Spelling Bee to defend himself with word-powered attacks and abilities. Make the longest words you can to increase your score!


"Fantastic Word Game With a Unique Twist"
4/5 Stars - Touch Reviews

"... a 5-Dimple gem that has us buzzing."
5/5 Dimples, Best Apps of Jan 2010 - AppSmile

  • Compete against other players on online leaderboards
  • Over 200,000 recognized words
  • Aid an anatomically incorrect but adorable insect in his quest against bad grammar and spelling
  • Adjustable difficulty: a word game for players of all skill levels, from schoolkids to savants.

True Colors 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free


True Colors is a simple yet addicting little app. The premiss is simple...

The screen tells you what what colored corner to tap, and you tap it... Sounds easy enough huh?

But be careful 3 wrong answers and it's game over.

There are 3 different time lengths you can choose from:
30 Seconds
60 Seconds
90 Seconds


koTrain 1.00(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

[4월 10일까지 무료로 배포합니다.]

언제 어디서나 열차 시간표를 편리하고 빠르게 검색할 수 있는 koTrain입니다.

koTrain은 일반 웹브라우저와 동일한 방식으로 정보를 가져오는데, 전송량을 획기적으로 줄여 빠른 검색이 가능합니다.

koTrain은 직관적이고 간결한 인터페이스를 제공하며, 편의성의 극대화를 위해 어떠한 형태의 광고도 향후 20년간 게재하지 않기로 결정하였습니다.

koTrain은 향후 새로운 기능이 추가되더라도 추가 비용을 요구하지 않습니다.

기능 및 특징:

  • 실시간 열차 시간표 조회 (직통 및 환승)
  • 열차 잔여석 표시
  • 즐겨찾기
  • 역 검색시 초성 검색 및 입력 과정 중 검색 지원
  • 간결한 디자인
  • 직관적이고 편리한 인터페이스

향후 구현 예정 기능:

  • 예매 및 발권
  • 지도 연동 서비스
  • 다국어 지원 등

Picnic Panic 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Thanks to your votes on www.freeAppCalendar.com, Picnic Panic is the Featured FREE App of the Day for April 05, 2010!

"Within seconds, Picnic Panic reminded me of the likes of Flight Control — in my book this is a very good sign" - theportablegamer.com

"Picnic Panic is a entertaining little pick-up-and-play that is great for those small increments of time where you need to burn some minutes away." - AppVersity.com

"What makes this game so good is the excitement and adrenalin rush you’ll get once you’ve achieved a certain level that unlocks the next portion of the game. " - AppleTell.com

"Not too shabby" 7.5/10 - GamersDailyNews.com

"It’s a perfect game to drop in and out of in 5-10 minute bursts" - theportablegamer.com

Game Description

Picturesque countryside settings are perfect for picnics, but also full of creepy crawlies that will happily help themselves to your food - defend the drinks, protect the pie, and keep the sandwiches safely out of reach from the hoard of approaching bugs!

As bugs approach the picnic, use the touch screen to splat them before they reach and annihilate your food! Consecutively splatting the same type of bug will start a chain of bonus points, rack these points up while keeping the food safe to obtain the best position on the scoreboard.

Picnic Panic uses AGON Online, allowing players to upload high scores to compare with friends, local players as well as worldwide scores, the service also features integration with social networking sites Facebook and Twitter.

⁃ An array of bugs varying in size, speed, and strength
⁃ Worldwide online high scoreboard for each level
⁃ Progressively tougher bugs that grow more resistant to poking
⁃ Fast and frantic gameplay with satisfying, gunk-filled bug-splatting!

To find out more, visit www.assyria-game.com

AGON Online by Aptocore

  1. AGON Online is a leading social gaming platform for iPhone and iPod Touch games enabling:
  2. • Online leaderboards
  3. • Location aware scores
  4. • Awards system
  5. • Friends lists
  6. • Persistent player profile
  7. • Facebook and Twitter integration
  8. For more info on AGON Online please visit:
  9. http://agon-online.com


  • Woolly The Jumper: A Sheep On The Edge *
  • Future Racer *
  • Bloodstream Raiders *

DCNZINE | February 2010 1.04(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

디지털카메라 매거진 "DCNZINE(디씨앤진)"
애플리케이션 매거진 시대를 선도합니다.

디지털카메라 매거진 DCNZINE(디씨앤진)은 2001년 5월 대한민국 최초의 디지털카메라 전문 매거진으로 탄생하여 지난 2010년 1월 100호를 발간하기까지 국내 토종 디지털카메라 전문매거진으로 굳건히 자리 매김을 해왔습니다. 그리고 스마트 폰 대중화시대를 맞이하며 국내 최초로 애플리케이션 포맷의 매거진을 최초로 출시하며 다시한번 시대의 변화에 앞장서 나가고 있습니다.

2010년4월호 부터 유료였던 모든 컨텐츠가 무료로 서비스 전환 되었습니다.
많은 구독 바랍니다

Strip Game, my best Dance 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


Strip Game, my best Dance

Will you have a great evening tonight?

Will you find the right partner?

We help to strip and dance !

SkyWriter 2.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

FREE for limited time only!

Ever wanted to write someone's name in the sky? Tell your special someone just how you feel? Or maybe just draw a picture in the clouds? Well, now you can with SkyWriter! Just draw a message on the screen, and immediately your plane will fly across the screen, writing your message as it goes. Show someone the action, or email the result to whoever you want. What a better way to get your message across than to write it in the sky!


  • iPad,iPod Touch, and iPhone compatible
  • Unlimited possibilities
  • Unique way to send a message
  • Plane follows your drawing
  • Watch multiple times
  • Email to others
  • Fun for everyone!

iGo To the Zoo 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


iGo To the Zoo

Thank you for supporting an independent mommy- teacher- developer!

This fun App is geared towards pre-schoolers and toddlers.

Have an adventure at the zoo with 3 games that are simple, fun and educational. Beautiful graphics and simple sounds that won't over stimulate or confuse your child as they engage in play.

Count the Animals
This game teaches children the concept of one to one correspondence with the numbers 1-10. See the number- then touch the screen to make animals appear. This App will not allow your child to tap out 8 alligators if the number on the screen is only 3. This game also teaches children the concept that numbers actually symbolize quantities.

The following 2 games teach children the simple concept of cause and effect. Each action of theirs causes a reaction on the screen.Also improves your child's fine motor skills.

Find the animals
Tap the animals as they move down a variety of peek a boo screens.

Feed The Animals
Tap the falling rain drops to make yummy treats appear as the animals move across the screen to escape the rain.

Another fun game by the developer of: Toddler Tamer, Toddler Tweets, iFishie, Army guy, Autism M-CHAT Toddler screening....and more

iCrysta iPhone Apps!
Dr. Pleatmans Med Apps

Shake It Out 1.0.6(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

Ever wondered where to eat or which movie to watch?

Having a gathering but can't decide on a venue?

Shake It Out let you list out the choices and decide for you.

Lists are automatically saved for later re-use. You can also duplicate them. Shake a list to see an animation while the application decides for you. Shake It Out is the application to use if you want some randomness to your life. Want to share a list with someone or back them up? Email them from within the application. Do this all in a simple to use interface.


  • Save lists
  • Shake a list to randomly select an item with animation
  • Lists can be named
  • Enter multiple items at a time
  • Duplicate lists
  • Email lists

Kim´s Adventure 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

Kim's Adventure is a 3d platformer game


  • A little story in 4 unexplored worlds.
  • Colorful graphics
  • A lot of Jumps and super jumps
  • Different enemies
  • Objects to collect
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Use the accelerometer to turn the camera
  • At the end of the game the enemy big boss awaits you

Grocery iQ 2.01(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

“Best in Class”: One of the five hottest iPhone apps. —TheiPhoneAppBlog.com via USA Today, 3/31/10

FREE for the month of April!

Make grocery shopping simple and fast!

Grocery iQ includes all the features you’d expect from an intuitive and powerful shopping list application. Build new shopping lists quickly by simply scanning the barcode for any product or using the predictive search feature. Share your lists with others by using the new List Sharing feature. Never buy the wrong item again.

Notable Features:
• A database of millions of items – Build grocery lists quickly
• Barcode scanning – Add items to lists by simply pointing your camera at any product barcode NEW
• List sharing – Grocery iQ enables you to automatically synchronize shared lists with other Grocery iQ users on their devices NEW
• Integrated Coupons – Find free coupons for items that you’re shopping for and print them or add them to your store loyalty card NEW
• Favorites list – Easily add frequently-purchased items to new lists
• Create lists for multiple stores –Assign items to a specific store for added organization and efficiency
• Product details – Add notes about package size, price, quantity and more
• Sort by aisle – Items are automatically categorized by grocery store aisle
• And much more!

Grocery iQ is the most feature-rich grocery shopping application available for the iPhone and iPod touch. Use Grocery iQ to pull together shopping lists and add items quickly and easily, whenever you like. Customize the arrangement of categories within your list so you can check off items in an orderly fashion as you navigate the store. Keep shared lists up to date with automatic List Sharing. List Sharing updates lists on all synchronized devices when items are added or checked off.

Start simplifying your grocery shopping today!

As with any application update, make sure to back up your device in iTunes before performing the update.

Let us know what you think of Grocery iQ by leaving a review! If you’ve left a review of a previous version, please update your review after trying version 2.0.

Party Time! 1.0.4(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

We all need parties, and what better reason than celebrating your proud 1000th week? Or perhaps you have now spent 10000000 minutes in this beautiful world? But when oh when will this be?

No worries, Party Time! is here to help! Simply input your birthday and then see when the next august occasion will be. Hours of fun! At least if you include the fabulous parties you will host :-)

More specifically, Party Time! will use the date you enter and check the next few years for a date where you can celebrate an interesting-looking number of months/weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds. Understood? Good!

PicCard 1.3(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

Send a printed postcard to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Have you ever been out and about and wanted to mail your grandmother a picture from your iPhone? PicCard lets you choose a picture and a mailing address and send a print. The PicCard application and service handle everything for you, even including a short message for your recipient!

Starfield Screen Saver 3.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

When you charge your iPhone & iPod touch, don't leave it on an boring screen!

Use the starfield screen saver!

SlideGrabber (Presentation Capture) 1.1(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

Have you ever attended an important presentation, only to regret that you didn’t take enough notes? How about that one slide that disappeared before you could fully grasp the content?

SlideGrabber is your ultimate tool when attending presentations. It allows you to take photos of the slides and add notes to them. It helps organize the slides by presentations, which you can study later. Better yet, SlideGrabber makes it easy for you with the features like auto-cropping, auto-contrast adjustment, and auto-color adjustment. It can even create a PDF file with your slides and notes, so you can email it to yourself or your colleagues for future reference.


• Take photos of the slides with auto-cropping.
• Enhance image quality using Magic Fix.
• Take notes directly under each slide.
• Organize slides by presentations.
• E-mail slide image, or save it to your Photo Library.
• Full size slide view when turning the device sideways.
• Zoom in and out at slide view.
• Create PDF file using all slides of a presentation.
• E-mail PDF file to any e-mail address.
• Silent shutter is possible by turning off audio.

*** This app is for iPhone only. ***

HypoCalc 1.0(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

HypoCalc, The Hypothetical Investment Calculator.

Millions of people around the world make investments. HypoCalc takes the complexity out of investment and gives you an immediate high level sense of what an investment could do in the future.

HypoCalc is innovative App which can illustrate the likely gain and loss of an investment in the future. HypoCalc can be very useful for any investor or potential investor to do the initial review of an investment prior to taking professional advise.

HypoCalc can easily be used by anyone or financial professionals. HypoCalc is very simple to use and understand and will quickly allow you to;

  • Estimate the risk on your investment
  • 5 Risk profile settings
  • Easy and Intuitive data input
  • Full Glossary
  • Save your investment settings
  • Load your saved settings
  • Email your results to others
  • Graphical chart view
  • Text result report views

See Cobra's other titles in action at - www.youtube.com/cobimobi

Follow us on Twitter at: twitter.com/cobramobile or twitter.com/appsrocket

SpellMaze 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Play, Learn, Enjoy.

SpellMaze is a language game, allowing you to fully master a vocabulary. Any vocabulary.

With SpellMaze, you can play a language (your own or foreign), a certain topic, or even your social network friends. As a matter of fact, any set of words can become a SpellMaze game!

SpellMaze can help you learn how to spell, and in some games even learn word meanings (with sound and images too!).

But above all, SpellMaze is pure fun. Watch out, it can be addictive…

SpellMaze - Tap Last Letter Twice.

Numbering 1.1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

[[ Free Sales !!! ]] (Until next update)

◆ This game is to break balls with numbers in order.
◆ It provides exciting with various and colorful animation.
◆ It is easy and simple, but it is too exciting to stop.


  1. Start to break ball #1 and continue the next ball at each stage.
  2. If you get an item star that appears sparsely (at every 10 seconds), then various items will appear.
  3. There are total 6 kinds of Items as follows:
    • Reverse Item : It reverse the order of numbers.
    • Number breaking item: It breaks all balls with the same number.
    • Color breaking item: It breaks all balls with the same color.
    • Time item: It prolongs remaining time by 10 seconds.
    • Slow item: It slows the speed of movement and rotation of balls.
    • Life item: It extends life time in order to rechallenge game.
  4. If you touch wrong balls consecutively twice, then remaning time decreases by 3 seconds.
  5. If you break all balls within given time, then the next stage follows.

[6 vs 9]
Colors of the two balls are different.
You can see colors of the cooresponding numbers at the target balls in the screen below.

['Stage attack' mode]

  • Playing with each stage on your selected.
  • Provide ranking system for each stage.

[How to get high score]

  1. Do not mistake.
  2. Get reverse items as many as you can.
  3. Get item stars as many as you can.

Bob's Big Bug 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

~Bob's Big Bug~
Help your children learn to read on your iPhone or iPod touch.

Bob's Big Bug is an interactive picture book about a boy named Bob who loves bugs but gets a big surprise upon going out to catch some.
Simple easy-to-read words that can be read with very basic phonics skills make Bob's Big Bug ideal for children that are just starting to learn to read.
Attractive pictures, and audio that the children can play help to engage children in the reading experience.
Readers can play a simple game to practice not only the words that are in the book but also several similar words.


  • A fun, surprising story that kids love.
  • Simple, one syllable words.
  • Focus on short vowel sounds.
  • Click a play button to hear the text on each page read.
  • Choose between a man's voice or a woman's voice.
  • A simple game to reinforce the words in the book.
  • Practice with similar words.
  • All capital letters so even small children can start reading right away.

Target 3D 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


Charge your plasma rifle and roam freely around complete 3D industrial environments destroying as many targets as possible. Collect power ups to race, blast, or jump your way to a high score allowing you to unlock more levels in this fast paced shooter. But be careful, open ledges and platforms arch over lava traps, fall in and you’ll waste precious target annihilating time.

Do you have what it takes to hit the target every time?

Three amazing 3D levels
‘Off Rail’ controls, move freely anywhere you wish
5 types of power ups that enhance game play
Unlockable levels
Adjustable sensitivity of controls; make the game suit you.

ScanPlayer 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

FREE: for a limited time

This application collects your whole music collection and shuffles it.

This application will play the first 15 seconds of each track until you switch from scan to play. To return to scan mode just switch back.

You can pause and start the music at anytime with the GO and STOP buttons. Plus you can manually skip a track.

McSolitaire 2.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

McSolitaire is FREE for a limited period of time. Enjoy!

McSolitaire is classic solitaire card game. Cards graphics are great and the game is easy to play. Among the features you can:

  • ask McSolitaire if you can go on.
  • restart the same game.
  • ask McSolitaire to do the next move for you.
  • apply unlimited Undo/Redo commands.
  • set the number of cards flipped from the hidden deck.
  • tell McSolitaire if you want to be alerted when no more move is possible.
  • tell McSolitaire if you want to automatically save and resume game.
  • change the animation speed.
  • see and reset your personal score.

Apartment Search - CribQ 1.0.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

FREE UNTIL April 7! Great time to give it a try.

CribQ is a housing search tool designed to reduce stress and save time. CribQ iPhone is the mobile version of the popular cribq.com Craigslist housing search tool.

Finding housing is a tedious and stressful process. CribQ is designed to make your life easier and now it's mobile!

Currently supports the top 20 Craigslist cities and a few more:

Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Orange County, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Raleigh, Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Seattle, Washington DC.

Email [email protected] if you want us to add support for your city!

Are you tired of keeping track of Craigslist listings, hunting down addresses, remembering which listings you've contacted, and generally frustrated and overwhelmed with your housing search? Do you want to stay on top of your housing search with your iPhone?

Here is what CribQ iPhone can do for you:

  1. Show you every Craigslist housing listing on a map
  2. Zoom into a neigborhood to search locally
  3. Store your favorite listings in your Hotlist
  4. Hide listings you aren't interested in
  5. Show you the neighborhood of each listing
  6. Keep notes like 'great living room' or 'viewing at 6pm Wed'
  7. Call or email with a single tap
  8. Link to the Maps application so you can get directions
  9. Filter by bedrooms, keywords, price, pets, and more

Would that save time and take stress out of your housing search? If so, buy CribQ iPhone today. Remember, all of the CribQ features are available for free at www.cribq.com.

Current cribq.com users: Enter your email address and password in the Settings page of CribQ iPhone so you can view your existing Hotlist and notes.

Please note: CribQ relies on data sources outside of our control and we can not guarantee continued access to that data.

BaseBrawl 暴力棒球 1.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

* Street Baseball in the most extreme style! * Beautiful animation, you will never get bored from it. * Fill your rage through your iPhone, swing and smash! * Intense content, never seen before baseball gameplay.

In BaseBrawl, control the hitting position and the height, then hit it as hard as you can. Destroy everything on the street and on the beach. This is the best game to let go all your rage! With an unique street style design and a funky colorful animation, Basebrawl is an exciting, intense baseball game that you have never played before!!!

Objection! 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

Objection is free for a limited time only. Get it now!!!

Have you ever felt the desire to strongly express your opinion, slap the table and shout "Objection!" as Phoenix Wright does in the cult game saga Ace Attorney™ by Capcom for Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS?

Objection! is an innovative sound machine that gives you the ability to express in a funny and playful style your true feelings to friends, relatives, mother-in-law, teachers, politicians and whoever you don't agree with.

The innovation of Objection! is in its use. Place the iPhone or iPod Touch on a surface top (ie. table), pick an objection and a sound effect, then slap the area near the device. The exclamation comes out and all the people around you will hear about your Objection!

You have at your disposal 4 exclamations to choose from (Objection!,Take That!, Hold It! and Gotcha!) that are localized in 6 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish). In addition to slap, you can also make an objection sound by touching the text balloon or shaking the device.
The 4 exclamations can be mixed up with 20 different sound effects that enhance and overdraw your Objection!
The sound effects in this version are:
electric shock, thunder, spaceship, drums, broken glass, bomb, cannon, crash, car accident, arrow, rifle, hammer, rocket, machine-gun, handgun, space gun, revolver, splash, trash can, broken window.

"Objection!" has great graphics with an irreverent character making hilarious and angry animations, including a number of lively backgrounds that changes color after any "Objection!" is played.

• Innovative slap function to make an objection be heard
• Traditional touch and shake modes
• 4 recreated exclamations: Objection!, Gotcha!, Take That!, Hold It!, Gotcha!
• 6 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish
• Random objection option
• 20 different sound effects to mix with any objection
• Sound effect mute mode: only the objection will be heard
• Funny and catchy graphics
• Irreverent and hilarious animated character
• 8 colorful animated backgrounds

Stay updated with our latest apps and games by visiting us at www.downtomoon.com. Please follow us on http://twitter.com/DOWNTOMOON and for any enquiries mail us at [email protected]. We want to design the best apps possible based on our user input so feel free to contact us. Thanks for the opportunity.

All copyrights and trademarks are the property of the respected owners.

Fun Fun Korean Conversation Class 1(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $19.99 -> Free

Fun Fun Korean Conversation class

Korean conversation class is for anyone who is interested in Korean language. The Korean class emphasizes learning expressions for the actual situations of daily life in Korea. In particular, this class more focuses on basic Korean conversation, so it would be helpful to one who has to learn Korean for their trips or short visiting. Each class is 20 minutes or less with one topic and it contains Korean pronunciation and culture


  1. Basic Conversation
  2. Introducing oneself
  3. Location
  4. At the supermarket
  5. At the restaurant
  6. Shopping
  7. Marking an appointment
  8. Taking a taxi
  9. Taking a subway
  10. Four seasons

Teacher profile

Name: Mirang Jang (Christine Jang) B.A., International Trade, Gyeongsang National University, M.A., Master of Business Administration, Pittsburg State University. Taught basic and intermediate Korean at Pittsburg State University.


500MB of free space required, So please have patience when downloading.

Colony 1.1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

50 levels of addictive puzzling strategy fun! Play against your iPhone/iPod touch or another player, taking it in turns to place triangular pieces on the board to fill up hexagons. When a hexagon has as many pieces within it as it has hexagons touching it, it explodes and sends its pieces to those hexagons surrounding it, making those hexagons your own.

Gain bonuses by setting off chain reactions of explosions to 'colonise' more hexagons.

Once you've colonised the required percentage of hexagons, you win and advance to the next level.

Plan your game wisely, as one wrong move can really turn the tables!


  • 1-player and 2-player modes
  • 50 levels
  • NEW! Hi-scores!
  • NEW! Bonus levels!
  • NEW! Special bonus hexagons!
  • Random boards
  • Levels grow in difficulty
  • Resume a game
  • Start at any level you've previously reached in 1-player mode

Media Clock 1.0.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

Free For A Limited Time
For a short introductory time Media Clock will be completely free

Media Clock is the first installment of McConWidgets, a system of easy to use widgets that can be used across multiple McConWidget applications. Once a widget has been purchased all upgrades of that widget will be free on any McConWidget application.

This version of Media Clock will just include the Clock Widget but soon Media Clock 2.0 will be released which will include not only the Clock Widget with new features but also Weather Widget which will be free for all who purchase Media Clock 1.0.

Clock Widget is a visual clock which allows you to create playlists from your music library and use them as alarms. Now you can wake up to exactly what you want straight from your own library.

  • Visual clock that rotates to any orientation with customizable display including day of week, am/pm, and seconds
  • Create alarm playlists from your music library
  • Auto repeat alarms on specific days of the week (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
  • Snooze capabilities

Career Patterns 1.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

The CAREER PATTERNS app is designed to measure your interests and preferences for a variety of vocational and job skills.

The underlying career interests survey measures three dimensions of personality that correspond to seven occupational dimensions, from Adventurous jobs to Helping professions.

It takes just a few minutes - discover the best career path for you!

Psychologists have long been interested in figuring out whether certain people are better for some jobs than others. The evidence clearly indicates yes.

Within this area of research, psychologists have examined a wide variety of jobs that require a broad array of tasks, skill sets and psychological characteristics.

The CAREER PATTERNS Survey is based on that work. Specifically, this research-based survey provides information about the types of occupations users most prefer and offers some insight into what people derive from such work.

Visit us at www.SignalPatterns.com

Call with Shake!! 1.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free

Do you want to talk with your friend?

But, you can't decide who should talk with?

Try this application!

Just add your friends, and shake it!

This application will pick up the best friend for you!

Procedures - Subclavian Line 2.0(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Procedures - Subclavian Line is a multimedia guide to everything you need to know about performing the subclavian venous catheter insertion procedure.

Developed by MeisterMed and procedural training expert, Joseph Esherick, M.D., it is the perfect tool for medical students, residents, and practicing physicians.

Procedures: Subclavian Line is one of the 15 hospital-based procedures included in Procedures: Hospital Collection - now available in the App Store. Also, check out Procedures: Lumbar Puncture - now free in the App Store.

Content include indications for central venous access, contraindications, complications, and billing codes. In addition to a detailed step-by-step description of the subclavian insertion technique, a high-resolution color image identifies anatomical landmarks and the best position for needle entry.

Best of all, the App includes a high-resolution, narrated video demonstrating the proper technique for performing subclavian venous catheter insertion.

Please note that this App is intended for medical professionals and does not substitute for clinical training and experience. It is not appropriate for use by non-medical personnel.

Floor13: Highrise iPhone Client 1.3(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

New - Floor13 is now free.

Floor13 gives you access to your 37signals Highrise account on your iPhone.

Features include:

  • View Contacts
  • View Companies
  • View Tasks
  • Mark tasks as completed
  • Add tasks.
  • Edit tasks
  • Assign tasks to others.
  • View completed tasks.
  • View assigned tasks.
  • View background information on contacts.
  • Add notes
  • Support for all types of Highrise accounts.
  • Support for enhanced / basic security.

(p.s. If you want to stop the application syncing data - maybe you're out and about on a slow connection - look in the Floor13 section of your iPhone settings and turn off auto-refresh).

관련 글타래

author image
운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/04/07 10:30 2010/04/07 10:30
오늘의 글
인기있는 글
조회수 많은 글 | 베오베
댓글 많은 글 | 베오베


Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/3116



  1. 슬픈윈드 2010/04/07 11:09

    오늘은 6일이 아니라 7일입니다!
    그리고 1빠!

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  2. Rkakd 2010/04/07 14:51

    설명문을 보면 HypoCalc 은 일종의 투자 효과 분석계산기 같네요. 일정 비율로 투자했을 때 미리 설정해 놓은 프로파일에 따라 위험 분석이나 이익이 얼마날지를 계산해 주는 것 같습니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  3. 하이룽 2010/04/07 15:01

    오늘도 좋은 어플 많이 받아갑니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/04/10 09:59

      2틀에 한번씩 올리니 확실히 조금 많더군요.

  4. Mr.Han 2010/04/07 16:32


    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  5. 평장군 2010/04/08 00:45

    아... 결국.. 그런일을 겪게 되셨군요.. 참 안타까운 일입니다. 트위터 ..선거법..
    이제 선거가 얼마 안 남은것 같네요.
    조사결과.. 천천히 올려주세요~

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/04/10 10:00

      예. 원래 이번주에 올릴려고 했는데 아직 올리지 못하고 있습니다.

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