
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 22개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 원래 주유소 검색은 한글 어플에서 소개해야 겠지만 이 많지 않아 에서 소개한다. 또 터치하면 Metal Gear Solid의 소리를 들려주는 Metal Gear Solid 4 Sounds는 이미 유료로 바뀌었다. 따라서 내려받을 때 주의하기 바란다.

먼저 iWarranty는 애플 제품의 보증기간을 확인하는 어플이다. 시리얼 정보와 같은 정보를 입력, 저장해 두면 언제든지 제품의 남은 워런티를 확인할 수 있다. 주유소 검색오피넷의 최저가 주유소 검색을 아이폰(iPhone)이나 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)에서 바로 사용할 수 있도록 하는 어플이다. 아이폰의 위치 인식 장치(GPS, 3G, WI-FI)를 기반으로 현재 위치에서 1Km, 2Km, 3Km 위치 내의 주유소를 가격순으로 찾아 준다.

다만 이 어플 역시 오피넷에서 정식 API를 공개한 것이 아니기 때문에 내가 만들어 공개한 주유소 최저가 사이트비슷한 운명을 걸을 가능성이 많다. 즉, 서울버스처럼 조만간 막힐 수도 있다. 그런데 이렇게 소개하는 것은 많은 사람들이 이 어플을 사용하게되면 서울버스의 예처럼 설사 막는다고 해도 네티즌의 힘으로 다시 풀 수 있기 때문이다.

Roxdoku는 수도쿠 게임의 규칙을 사용하는 3D 퍼즐 게임이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Buzz Deck은 오늘만 무료인 어플은 아니다. 원래 무료인 어플이다. 그런데 이 어플 하나로 상당히 많은 뉴스, 사이트를 한번의 터치로 접근할 수 있다. 구글, 구글 리더, 각종 뉴스 사이트를 지원하며 깔끔한 UI 때문에 소개한다.

iSign Fortunetelling 365은 평상시 1불, 무료 기간이 명시되지 않은 어플이다. 영어와 중국어를 지원하며 대길이라는 문구가 마음에 들어 소개한다. Culinary Collections는 오늘 소개하는 어플 중 가장 고가의 어플이다. 평상시 무료 5불이나 하는 어플로 101 가지 요리법, 131 가지 아이스크림 제조법등을 포함하고 있는 어플이다. iHd Secure File Storage/Viewer는 이름처럼 파일 저장 및 파일 보기 어플이다. 와이파이를 이용해서 파일을 공유할 수 있다.

SMS4Free는 이름처럼 무료 SMS를 무제한으로 보낼 수 있는 어플이다. 회원 가입도 필요없고 푸시도 지원한다. 다만 AT&T, Sprint, TMobile, Verizon의 사용자만 사용할 수 있다. iMailKing K12E12E20는 휴대폰처럼 키패드를 이용해서 전자우편을 보낼 수 있는 어플이다. 그림처럼 한글 자소를 지원한다. 재미있는 것은 한글의 배치다. 한글을 자세 보면 알 수 있지만 모든 자소는 두번 터치하면 획이 추가되는 형태로 배치되어 있다. 이외에 iMailKing E20K20도 무료로 제공되고 있다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

iWarranty 2.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Limited time free~! (1 day)

iWarranty는 애플제품의 보증 기간을 확인 하는 프로그램입니다.

시리얼 번호입력만으로 제품의 등록날짜, 보증기간을 알 수 있습니다.

확인한 제품의 정보를 저장해 두고 언제든지 다시 확인해 볼 수 있습니다.

iphone, 모든 ipod 종류, mac, macbook, imac등의 시리얼을 가진 모든 제품을 확인 할 수 있습니다.

주유소 검색 1.0(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: Free

  • 기능

    • GPS를 이용하여 위치 정보를 얻고 주변의 주유소를 검색할 수 있습니다.
    • 검색된 주유소의 휘발유와 경유 가격을 조회할 수 있습니다.
    • 검색 반경을 선택할 수 있습니다.
    • 검색할 정유 회사를 선택할 수 있습니다.
    • 휘발유, 경유를 선택하여 검색합니다.
  • 참고

    • 주유소를 검색할 때에 인터넷을 사용합니다.
    • GPS기능이 원할히 작동하여야 합니다.
    • 가격이 기록된 시점에 따라 현재와 다를 수 있습니다.
    • 가격 정보가 다른 것으로 발생한 손해는 사용자에게 책임이 있습니다.
  • 기타

    • @leesort (twitter)로 주유소 검색 프로그램에 대한 의견을 전달해 주세요.

A Christmas Santa 1.1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

★ A Christmas Santa in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and today only! (2/9)

On the whole, A Christmas Santa might not make much of a hard core game for serious players, but it is fun and amusing, and right in tune with the Christmas spirit. - iphonefootprint

Cool by Luca590Fun app. Addicting and fun to play. I would reccomended it definantly.
Great job! by CSL4EVER
This game is great for any age! It's fun and addicting! Great work!

No Rudolph! no sled!
Santa will come and visit your home!

  • Scenario
    Calling a strike at Christmas time is an annual event for Rudolph who works for free. Poor Santa Clause! He is broke to pay him.

    45 days left until Christmas.
    He made up his mind....

    He will fly alone.

  • Aim
    It is to make the Sata Clause fly free within 45 days.

  • Tip
    The rocket will help to increase your speed and make it easier to go up.
    The bigger angle will make the speed faster.

Metal Gear Solid 4 Sounds 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"Metal Gear Solid 4 Sounds" gives you 12 of the most popular, highest quality sounds from the Metal Gear Solid games.
The MGS4 Sounds app is perfect for any Metal Gear Solid fan to have fun with the most common sounds that they hear during gameplay.
By you downloading this free app, it INCLUDES updates for ADDITIONAL sounds that will be added to this app.
This app has been designed to be the simplest to use, unlike many others out there.
Please look out for MGS4 Sounds Pro which will include new features, sounds, background images, and more! It will be out over the next few weeks.

Word Gem 1.02(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Word Gem is a fun and easy to play game, all you have to do is select gems that have letters in the center of them and add points to your score. You are not scored by the letters you use but the colors of the gems. Each gem is unique, start with the Red gem which is worth one point, then the Blue gem which is worth two points, the Green gem is worth four points, the Magenta (cross between purple and pink) gem is worth eight points, the Yellow gem is worth sixteen points. The Orange gem is like a multiplier except it adds points to the word score depending on the level in which you are, the Black gem is similar to the Orange gem except to is a reverse effect and takes points away from the word score.

The idea of the game is to get to level 10 which the highest score possible, but it does not stop because you reach level 10. Word Gem is an endless game unless of course you reach zero or below zero after exceeding zero once. You can shake the device to redraw new gems and letters but be careful because if you shake to much you can reach zero since each shake takes off ten points.

Also I have hidden an advantage in the game, I'll give you a hit it involves bottom to top and most of you when you discover this on accident will think its a bug. Let see if you can find it, and when you do go to the forums and tell me about it, don't just say you found it but describe it in the best words possible. It's kind of a cheat if you ask me.

So are you ready to see how well your memory works? Let find out!

The Nap App 1.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time! No reason not to download. I'd love a review!

Everyone loves sleeping. No one likes to wake up from a nap knowing that they just wasted half their day. The Nap App is just the solution.

The Nap App is a simple timer/alarm clock specifically designed to meet the needs of busy sleepers. When you feel like you need a nap, simply open The Nap App and choose a preset nap time. If you'd like a little more customization, create your own nap as long as you'd like to sleep. After your nap is over, The Nap App will alert you with a tone and vibration (if your device supports it).

If you have any questions, problems, or requests, please email me at [email protected]

Please take the few seconds it takes to rate/review so that more people can find out about The Nap App!

Roxdoku 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


An innovative 3D puzzle game that bends the rules of sudoku giving you a completely new dimension of fun. Challenge yourself and your friends applying the logic of sudoku to a three dimensional grid of numbers and have fun with a fast and immediate gameplay.


  • Six different difficulty levels, based on 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 Sudoku 3D games.
  • Auto-Solve and Hint system integrated in the game: never get stuck and learn how to play easily!
  • With the Undo and Redo system you can always change your mind.. and then change it again.
  • 9 Fantastic and relaxing background themes and 3d environments that surround your game.
  • Online mode powered by OpenFeint: use your OpenFeint, Facebook or Twitter account to play with your friends, challenge them and share your results and achievements.
  • Time based online challenges, achievements, online rankings and more. Play Roxdoku with your friends!

Buzz Deck 1.0(News)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Buzz Deck is an award-winning application that's now available for the iPhone. It offers quick, powerful and personalised access to web & social content that matters to you, all within a single application. Buzz Deck brings together content from over 90,000 websites, from Reuters to Perez Hilton, in to a wide range of channels like News, Music, Business, Fashion, Sport and more, making it easy & quick to find the news you want. In addition Buzz Deck also enables access to your accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bebo, MySpace and many more social networks simultaneously, plus other web services like eBay, Picasa and even G-Reader are also included.

Buzz Deck's award-winning design helps you navigate, use and explore multiple web content and services without having to switch applications. Buzz Deck is also designed to be customised, so that you can choose your own deck of content cards to match your preferences or interests.

Buzz Deck highlights -

  1. At your fingertips: flick through your favourite content with ease
  2. May we recommend: Buzz deck learns what you like and introduces recommended content in to your app
  3. Stay social: Get your social network updates alongside your daily hit of news content
  4. No fluff: Simple, elegant & fast. No waiting, Buzz deck just works.

If you like reading news and information on your iPhone, download Buzz Deck now and see how easy accessing your favourite web content and services can be - simultaneously!

ACTGratuity ★ Tip Calculator 2.0(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE. For 2 days only.
In celebration of the release of ACTRocket: Web Search Accelerator.

ACTGratuity 2.0 aims to be not only the most convenient tip calculator, but also the best looking one.

ACTGratuity was first released the day the iTunes AppStore opened its doors. With version 2.0 it is back to reclaim its throne.

ACTGratuity sports an all new interface and looks so cute you can't resist.

Most importantly though, it is easy to use and yet loaded with all the features you need.

The bill shows 4 rows: Check, Tax, Gratuity & Split.
When a row is selected, you can key in values using the keypad. Otherwise it just displays current values.

Usually you just need to key in the check amount. That row is selected by default. You enter the full check amount. ACTGratuity subtracts tax, computes gratuity and then splits the grand total by the number of guests.

The 3 other rows show 2 values. When not selected, the value to the right is the computed value. The smaller value to the left is the value or percentage you have entered. Once you select a row, the configurable value moves to the right so you can key it in.

Hint: The waiter's body acts as a vertical slider to adjust gratuity. Watch his facial expression change with the gratuity percentage!


More info, FAQ & support:

If you like ACTGratuity, please take the time to write a review. If not, email us at support.iphone [at] houdah.com. Your feedback shapes the future of our products!

Please do check out our other products: ACTPrinter (Virtual Paper), ACTCurrency (Currency Converter), ACTGratuity (Tip Calculator) & ACTSudoku (Unlimited Sudoku).

Music Quiz Frenzy 3.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Music Quiz Frenzy is free today for "French Free" operation on Funtouch.net !

It’s free ! Each day during the month of February, FunTouch.net is giving you the opportunity to download a free game from a different French-speaking studio or developer.

The missing app for your iPhone / iPod !! A music quiz based on your music library !

FunTouch - "A remarkable app" "A very good game"
Appstore-test.fr - "Music Quiz Frenzy rocks" "Simply dazzled by the impressive amount of new features and improvement"
WeLoveMac.net - "There are plenty of music quizzes on the appstore, but Music Quiz Frenzy is way above the competition"

Have Fun Alone ...

  • Different challenges :The game lets you hear a song. Guess the artist name, song title, recognize the album artwork, or choose a mix of those three.
  • Different ways of playing:You can choose to simply answer the questions, or spice up the game in Kamikaze mode (first error ends the game).
    In buzz mode, answers are flipping, and you should buzz when the correct one appears.

  • Playlists:
    With playlists, you can go further and play with themes: artist, decade, cartoons or TV shows openings, music style, there's no limit !

  • Earn jokers:
    Quick correct answers will grant you jokers, that you can use as an help during the game.

  • Play as you like:
    The different options allow you to tune the game the way you like: answer time, number of titles, activation of jokers and computer help.

    ... Or With Your Friends

    No less than 3 game modes allow you to play with your friends.

  • Battle Mode:
    Music Quiz Frenzy was the first music quiz app to offer a 2-players mode.

    You have more than one friend ? I mean, except friends-I-have_on-Facebook-but-I-saw-3-times-in-my-life-and-I-didn't-talk-to-since-I-added-them-to-my-friendslist ?

    For you, Music Quiz Frenzy goes even further: this time, up to 4 players can play against each other in battle mode !

    Different options are available, classic battle, buzzer battle, take the hand ...

  • Multi Mode:
    The screen is too small ? Your fingers are too fat ? You are a social human being with more than two friends ?
    The 'Multi' mode is made for you !!
    In this mode, the iPhone goes from one hand to another, and up to 6 players can play.

  • Handicap:
    You fell you have an advantage over your friends because you know your playlist better than they do ?
    To preserve your friendship, you don't want to humiliate them ?
    Affect yourself a handicap ! You'll then have to wait 2s to see the available answers.

  • Party mode:
    Be the master of the game and animate a music quiz party with your friend. This very simple mode allows you to control the music player and affect points to your friends.


To fully enjoy the game, your library should be healthy:

  • artist and title names provided
  • album artwork provided (for the future version)
  • same artist name each time : The Beatles, Beatles, Beatles (The), Beattles, will be recognized as different

What's New


  • Addition of an option to set the offset at the beginning of the track
  • Improvement of game reactivity in Party mode
  • Addition of a launch screen
  • Addition of a light fade in/out when changing track
  • Jokers are a little easier to obtain
  • When choosing "take the hand", playback stops to avoid cheating
  • Interface modification for answer display, party mode, and player change (multi mode)
  • Playlist mode is now repeat

Bug fixes

  • artwork display is no longer low resolution
  • cancellation of profile handicap setting now allowed
  • "Artwork" option now works with "take the hand" option
  • Fix of a bug leading to 4-players screen when selecting 2 players, then 4, then 2 again
  • Fix app name display on the iphone
  • Fix high score display

iProximity 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iProximity is the porting of the origianl Brian Cable's idea on your iPhone/iPod device. Challenge the cpu or your friends in this fantastic puzzle game!
You can have every time a new experience by setting different options.

How to play:
The goal of the game is to have the most score, or tiles, after all the tiles have been placed.
Each turn you receive a numbered tile to place anywhere not taken on the board.
If you place tile adjacent to your tiles, every value in tiles touched will be changed by option (+1, 0, -1).
If you place tile adjacent to enemy tiles, you'll get control over them if your number is higher than enemy tiles and their value will be change by option (+1, 0, -1).

iSign Fortunetelling 365 0.1.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

How is your luck today?
Shake your iPhone to get the sign of life.
This 5000 years' Yin and Yang divination gives you the signs of yourlife: health, fortune, career, and love. Shake for your luck!
Features:- Mysterious traditional Chinese arts and great animations- Truly shake to get the sign- Chinese classic verses indicate the sign- Simple and straight English interpretations
If you have any problems or great ideas, feel free to contact us via [email protected]. Your ideas, comments or even complains are mostly welcomed. We'd love to have your help to continuously perfect iSign 365.

Search "MASQ Interactive" or "Triniti Game" in App Store for more games from us:

  • AC-130 Spectre. Full 3D AC-130H Spectre simulation. Death from above!- iSniper. The No.1 sniper game on the iPhone. Hold your breath, Seek, Aim and FIRE!- iPuppy Series. Enjoy living with the smallest and cutest breed of dogs.- Operation iWolf. The most intense battlefield on the iPhone! Join the war against global terrorism.
  • 3-2-1-Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump to the sky!
  • 1945 Ace Destroyer. Shoot down everything you see!- Call to Arms. Become the ruler of Cape Horn in this MMO strategy game.

Visit us at www.masqi.com or www.trinitigame.com for more information.

zoowawa 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

--- FREE until feb 14 ---

Zoowawa is a picture and audio book for toddlers.

Contains 24 animals illustrated with bright colors and with a cute sound each. Tested and approved by kids between 1 and 3 years of age.

Just slide with your finger thru the book and tap on the picture for the animal sound. It's as simple as that ! No menus, no language required. Your kid can do it too !

  • The sounds are not real digitized animal sounds, but the sounds like you as a parent would make to your kid!
  • This is an app targeted for use by your kid AND you as a parent, sitting side by side.

Have questions or comments?
[email protected]

Thank you and have fun together,

team Little Rocket Studios

Culinary Collections 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free


Collection of Cooking and Culinary books including recipes books as well as food reference manuals.

Includes These Titles:

  • 101 Recipes In A Flash
  • 131 Ice Cream Recipes
  • 200 Delicious Fruit Smoothies
  • 300 Chicken Recipes
  • 300 Outstanding Dip Recipes
  • 300 Recipes for the Grill
  • 30 Day Low Carb Diet
  • 365 Foreign Dishes
  • 365 Luncheon Dishes
  • 400 Refreshing Punch Recipes
  • 40 Delicious Juices Recipes
  • Thanksgiving Menu's and Dishes
  • Art Of Dressing
  • Bartending For Beginners
  • Beef Jerky
  • Breakfast Dainties
  • Carving and Serving
  • Classic Dessert Collection
  • Culinary Herbs
  • Great Toast Handbook
  • Herbs 101
  • Many Ways for Cooking Eggs
  • Pizza Dough Recipes
  • Simple Italian Cookery
  • Vegetarian Cookery Book
  • The American Practical Brewer
  • The Art Of Cofectionary
  • The Belgian Cook Book
  • The Italian Cook Book

SunScroll Features

☆Interface & Design☆
Page Turning,Settings,Menus & Table Of Contents Uniquely Designed
Rich Graphical User Interface
Designed with focus on reading, menus and settings are out of the way but easily accessible
Intuitive Design

☆Sun Table Of Content System☆
☆3D Page Turning☆

Font Face - Option to choose different font types
Font Size - Adjust font size to make smaller or larger
Text Color - Change the color of the reading text on the screen

Text Alignment - Choose to have text aligned: Left, Right, Center, Justified
Line Spacing - Spacing between each line
Margin Width - Distance between the text and sides of the reader
Link Color - Set color for links
Selection Color - Color for highlighted text

Night Reading - Choose for easier reading at night
Page Turn Sound - Page Turning sound on or off
Lock Rotation - Option to lock reader to portrait mode only
Hide Phone Status - Ability to show or hide the status of the phone/network

Country Driver 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Great offer!!! On sale for limited time (update comming). Enjoy!!!

Country Driver is a new driving sim. Your goal is to try to hit as many sheep as you can while keeping your damage down and reaching the checkpoints.

one man... one car... loads of crazy sheep... that's it... try to survive and gain as many points as you can.

  • one year of development works
  • one year of research and analysis of sheep flock behaviour
  • close cooperation with sheep breeders from all over the world
  • real-life sounds
  • strict adhesion to the laws of physics
  • quite a lot of cars destroyed in crash tests
  • speed
  • demolition

Don't forget you can become a "fan" of Country Driver on Facebook: info about incoming updates, more screenshots, discussions...

- "bear who woke up from hibernation"

Jonas Brothers Brain Games 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Think you might be a Jonas Brothers fanatic?

Jonas Brothers Brain Games is the coolest new game out there. Not only will it test your knowledge of the band and their music, but it will also give your brain a serious workout. This brand new app contains THREE GAMES ALL FOR JUST $.99!

Rock 'n Rithmatic - Combine your Jonas Brothers knowledge with your math skills to solve these number based questions - Beginner or Expert Level.

Fanagrams - Unscramble these silly phrases to reveal words and phrases that only the true fan would know. Solving anagrams is no joke, so you can even ask for clues if you get stuck! Unlike lots of games out there, these will keep you scratching your head for hours!

PopQuiz - Select from three different quizzes and see how your knowledge of the band stacks up. Even longtime fans are sure to learn a fact or two, if they aren't careful.

Try this great new app today, you are sure to love it...and don't forget to tell your friends when you do!

iHd Secure File Storage/Viewer 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iHd Secure File Storage/Viewer
Supported file types:
Audio - (AIF, MP3, WAV, M4A) Video - (MP4, MOV)? Document - (DOC, PPT, XLS, RTF, TXT)? Image - (PNG, GIF, JPG, TIF) and PDF.


  • 3 digit combination code required to access your files.
  • Add/Remove files from Photo library
  • Add/Remove files from camera
  • Add/Remove Notes (Note Editor)
  • Add/Remove files from computer via WiFi

Instructions for WiFi access:

  1. Connect your device to the WiFi local network
  2. Activate "From Computer Service"
  3. Load address in your computer.
  4. Use our easy interface to upload/download files

The first time you load our app you will be requested to activate your 3 digit pin

If you need assistance please contact us [email protected]


Woman Remote 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


The Woman Remote has been developed to help anyone who is suffering from nagging & moaning from the other half. It will enable you to auto-reply to those silly pointless conversations and questions at a click of a button.
Features Include;

  • Woman "quiet" command
  • Auto Reply answers to help maintain a nag/moan free life
  • Polite "Action" buttons which can be used for food & drinks.
  • TV Remote request button so you can keep control of the TV.
  • Stop Mode - for any nagging, moaning, complaining or whining
  • EMERGENCY BUTTON - Only use in a nagor death situation
  • All sounds can be used with a simple to slide time delay in case you need to plant the device near the Woman and would like some time to step back.
  • Shake mode for some random nag/moan counter sounds.

Pumpkin Carnage 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Giveaway for FREE ? Limited time!

Unleash your inner Jack-o-Lantern with the rock-n-roll action and let the forces of Evil know the true power of Pumpkin Carnage!In this cannon-game you not just fire and forget - you control Jack's flight of destruction through the Darkest of Forests. Fly as long as you can, smash and reap and have fun! And may your inner candle shine bright, so that the Jack's sacrifice saves the All Hallows' Eve from the hordes of Darkness.


  • Awesome funny graphic style
  • Lots of rock music
  • One brave pumpkin
  • Lots of evil and funny monsters and bonuses
  • Simple two-button controls
  • Online Scoring and Achievements with integrated OpenFeint system.
  • different ways to victory (player can try to reach max speed and get as far as possible or try to use pumpkin jump and carefully pass thru the enemies)

"This game eats time like a nine-year-old eats candy corn. With the perpetual challenge to achieve a better distance and point total, you’ll be coming back for more."
"What Sonic the Hedgehog would’ve been if Tim Burton designed it". Brickroll.com 7/10


  1. Black Crows
  2. Witches
  3. Ghosts
  4. Skeletons
  5. Daemons

Beware of:

  1. Scarecrows
  2. Evilwood Stumps
  3. Traps


  1. Angels Wings
  2. Springs
  3. Bombs
  4. Candles
  5. Small Pumpkins

SMS4Free 1(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

SMS4Free - the name says it all. This is a real SMS / text program. You can send unlimited text messages and receive unlimited text messages.

No - recurring charges, no service to sign up for.

You really get a push notification when you have messages. NOT an email message.

You do not have to provide an email address.

The bad part is that you can only text to people on AT&T, Sprint, TMobile and Verizon and it must be in the USA (10 digits only)

Fully integrated into your contacts.

Supports both landscape and portrait keyboards.

Receive messages while you are typing

If you have any trouble please contact me at [email protected]


iSanta's Helper 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Giveaway for FREE ? Limited time!

One fine day… actually, not that fine … for Santa’s helpers.
Too much tasty grog made them break the present wrapping conveyor belt the night before Christmas.The broken conveyor strewed presents around the snowfield. You can imagine how angry Santa became! Little time remains for Santa to fill his bag with presents.
Govern the flight of an Elf kicked… sorry … sent by Santa to gather scattered around boxes and don’t let greedy creatures get away with them.
Help Elves who goofed up their important job. Pick up as many presents as possible to help Santa meet the holiday demand on schedule and save Christmas.

iMailKing K12E12E20 1.0.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free

This text messaging App is : Simple Design, Super ease of Use.
Most accurate English Input.

Tired of picking the wrong, tiny, dead gray key in the QWERTY Keyboard? Unhappy QWERTY Users? What you see, What you tap with one-hand.
Your feedback please! On sale for upgrade Launch.

관련 글타래

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운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/02/10 07:42 2010/02/10 07:42
오늘의 글
인기있는 글
조회수 많은 글 | 베오베
댓글 많은 글 | 베오베


Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/3028



  1. 일빠 2010/02/10 08:32

    감사합니다 ㅎ

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  2. 연금술사 2010/02/10 08:33

    오늘도 좋은 정보 너무 감사드립니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  3. blueblood 2010/02/10 09:01

    오늘도 어김없이 들렀다 갑니다.


    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  4. 토이 2010/02/10 11:49

    좋은자료 잘 받아 갑니다 ^^ 고맙습니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  5. 아이폰매니아 2010/02/10 13:22

    이번엔아이폰으로남기네요 ㅎ 감사합니다^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/13 09:32

      많이 느셨군요. 아이폰으로 글도 남기시고..

  6. 게을뱅이 2010/02/10 14:53

    늘 감사합니다~~ ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.

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