
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

오늘은 총 20개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 어제 트위터에 날린 트윗처럼 아이 엄마가 술안주로 소불고기를 해주었다. 이 덕에 잠을 조금 일찍 잔덕에 오늘은 새벽 세시에 일어났다. 아무래도 시간이 넉넉하다 보니 오늘은 어플에 대한 간단한 설명도 추가하겠다. 다만 아쉽게도 3D Good vs Evil이라는 게임은 무료에서 2불로 바뀌었다. 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.

Amazing Score Pad는 게임 점수를 기록하는 어플로 보인다. 1명에서 100명의 점수를 유지할 수 있다고 한다. 평상시 1불, 하루 동안 무료로 제공된다. Finger Physics는 별 네개를 받은 게임 어플이다. 그림처럼 배치된 블록을 이용해서 계란을 U자형 용기로 이동 시키는 게임이다. 평상시 1불, 24시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 3D Good vs Evil은 얼필 보면 대전 게임처럼 보이지만 일종의 체스 게임이다. 다만 이름처럼 3차원 캐릭터를 이용한다. 평상시 2불, 24시간 동안 무료로 제공된 게임이지만 현재는 다시 2불로 복귀했다.

iMagazine은 그림만 보면 상당히 야할 것 같지만 내용은 전혀 다르다. 잡지를 내려받아 볼 수 있는 어플이다. 현재는 볼륨 7까지 내려받을 수 있다. 평상시 1불, 24시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Galactic Gunner는 나름대로 그래픽이 화려한 슈팅 게임 어플이다. 평상시 3불에 판매되며 현재 무료로 제공되고 있지만 언제까지 무료일지는 모른다. 다만 가격 이력을 보면 조만간 유료로 전환될 것으로 보인다. Reindeer Match'Em Up, Oh Christmas Tree, Santa's List는 모두 크리스마스용 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

iCV는 이력서를 관리할 수 있는 어플이다. 비즈니스 분야에서 나름대로 좋은 평을 얻고 있는 어플로 평상시 3불, 현재 무료로 제공되고 있다. 무료 기간이 표시되어 있지 않지만 가격 이력을 보면 역시 유료로 전환될 가능성이 많은 어플이다. myDictation Pro는 일종의 녹음기이다. 녹음하면서 목소리의 파형까지 보여 준다. iCV처럼 평상시 1불, 현재 무료로 제공되며, 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. iLearnFacts는 총 35종의 동물에 대한 정보를 보여주는 어플이다. 동물의 울음 소리도 들을 수 있다. 평상시 1불, 이번주까지 무료로 제공된다.

Solution Zero는 숫자 퍼즐 게임으로 325,000개 이상의 퍼즐이 포함되어 있다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. WallBuilding은 유명한 테트리스 게임이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 서두르라는 문구 때문에 어제 트위터에 바로 올린 어플인데 아직까지는 무료 구입이 가능하다. TwoBlocksParking Lot으로 알려진 주차 게임이다. 차 대신 블록을 이용한다. 3000 레벨 이상이 포함되어 있다. 예전에 한번 올린 Blue Block과 같은 게임 어플이지만 Blue Block에 훨씬 더 많은 레벨이 포함되어 있다.

Goal2Action은 처음에는 30불에 판매되던 어플이다. 그러다 10불로 가격이 내렸고 다시 오는 17일까지만 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 일단 가격이 비싸기 때문에 내용 불문하고 내려받는 것이 좋다. 이름과 설명을 보면 알 수 있지만 일종의 목표 관리 어플이다. iGammon은 따로 설명이 필요없는 어플이다. 이미 유명한 보드 게임이기 때문이다. 평상시 3불, 현재 무료로 제공되고 있다. 다만 이 어플로 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. The Race Book은 경마 달력으로 보인다. 평상시 3불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

Law School 100은 LawTV에서 방영한 법률 학교 모음이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 1 for all Remote Presenter은 프리젠테이션 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 현재 무료로 제공되고 있다. 그러나 가격 이력을 보면 역시 다시 유료가 될 가능성이 많은 어플이다. Skip It!은 평상시 1불, 오는 11월 20일까지 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 물에 돌을 던져 튀겨 오르도록하는 놀이를 어플로 만든 것으로 보인다.

Amazing Score Pad 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][1]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

★Free only one day for my new app:
★Cash And Credit Card Spending
★(a most powerful expense log tool)
★Let's go

A useful and easy-use app to keep scores during games!

It's an easy to use digital score keeper.It lets you keep score for one to 100 people,which also can be splitted to maximal 50 groups.It requires very few touches to let you use it while you play.You can name all players.

Finger Physics 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][2]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For 24 hours only, get Finger Physics FREE!

Why? Because you voted for it! Follow @Press_ok for future promotions & giveaways!

Finger Physics was the #1 game in Austria in Puzzles and Arcade, and #2 in All Games!

Finger Physics Reviews

  • "9/10 - What makes Finger Physics stand out from the others from the outset is the variety of challenges that it offers." - TheiPhoneAppReview.com
  • "I really liked Finger Physics for its gameplay variations and polished design, whoever did the art is extremely skilled." - NoDPad.com
  • "Finger Physics is AWESOME!! " - Eros Resmini, OpenFeint
  • "New elements make this physics gaming compound fresh and fun to play." 8/10 and Silver Medal by PocketGamer

When was the last time you had an honest conversation with your fingers? Do you really know how much fun they are having on a daily basis? You use them to play games on your iPhone and iPod touch you say, but are you sure they aren’t tired of the same screen mashing, pointing and line drawing? No, you aren’t sure, you thoughtless wielder of tiny appendages.

Luckily for you (lucky because we don’t even want to talk about what it looks like when your fingers go into all out revolt mode), we did ask what your fingers want. Did you know that 9 out of 10 fingers agreed that magnetized blocks, explosive shapes, under water puzzles, low gravity environments and speed play levels were essential to the perfect finger fun? You didn't, did you, could you be more selfish?

Here’s what else they told us:

Pinky: “I just want to be involved, I don’t care how, I just want to have some fun. While the other fingers get to play puzzle games, I’m stuck where I can’t even see. You don’t know how bad life is until a thumb calls you ‘stubby’.”

Ring Finger: “Seriously, stop playing with the ring. It’s bad enough that I’m constantly choking, but taking it on and off is torture. You take it off, I think I’m free, and then you put it right back on again. I hate you.”

Middle Finger: “I’m totally satisfied with my role as the longest, most meaningful finger.”

Index Finger: “Give me some mental stimulation, some physics or something; if I have to draw another line I’m pretending I have leprosy. I want a game where I get to build not only for height, but stability as well. Come talk to me when you’ve got that.”

Thumb: “I want to compete. Present me with some challenges and I’ll show you who’s the most “dexterous”. Though clearly “stubby” won’t be much of a challenge.”

Shocked? Yea, us too. We can’t help ‘Pinky’ (no one can) or ‘Ring Finger’, but Finger Physics is everything Index Fingers and Thumbs could want. With 9 stages, over 80 challenging puzzles and 7 distinct modes, Finger Physics provides you with your best chance to give back to those digits that you have so thoughtlessly neglected over the years.

Clearly, thumbs have something to prove (not that we’re here to judge), so we’ve added an almost unlimited amount of achievements allowing them to strut their stuff against fingers world-wide. Index fingers got their stability mode on top of a mode requiring them to strategically guide an egg in to its nest; we threw that one in just to shake things up for middle fingers.

At the Finger Physics launch party, Fingers were giggling, whooping it up, and engaging in riotous shadow puppetry in celebration of its availability.

Like what you see? Check out our other iPhone games including America’s Next Top Model, Bumper Stars, Go Fish Multiplayer, and Gin Rummy Deluxe. You can also follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/press_ok.

Finger Physics is OpenFeint Enabled.

3D Good vs Evil 1.0.1(Games)[[iTunes][3]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Free for the next 24 hrs!


This is the sequel to Good vs Evil. It includes an all new 3D engine and game play mechanics.

3D Good vs Evil delivers a 3D world where you have complete control over the camera. Pan and zoom around the board. In the battle you can change the camera angle and fight from any perspective!

The controls will automatically update to work with your perspective.

The game pits Good against Evil in a unique 3D battle filled with strategy and action. 3D Good vs Evil is a mix of chess and real time battles. Attacking an enemy transports you to a death match in the dungeon where each character (or sim) has specific attack attributes and weapons. For example, the Warrior shoots swords and has a slow attack speed whereas the Warlock shoots a laser which causes maximum damage. The winner of the battle conquers the space on the board.

Each battle places you in a unique dungeon with magic power ups. No two battles are ever the same.

The game has an RPG aspect as well. Work to level up your characters to make them stronger for the ensuing fight.

Good vs Evil features an extensive single player game with two different modes and three different difficulty settings. Each of the six types of play has a global high scores leader board. Can you become the archon?

Perhaps the greatest feature of the game is its 2 player mode. Play Good vs Evil against a friend anywhere on a single iPhone or iPod. Control your characters and crush the opponent.


  • 3D universe with complete camera control. The controls update to work with your custom perspective
  • 1 player & 2 player on a single device
  • 16 characters with unique weapons and abilities
  • Unique mix of strategy and action
  • Level up system for each character
  • 5 different types of Magic to use in the battles
  • Realistic battle sound effects
  • Play as both Good and Evil
  • Two game modes
  • 3 difficulty levels
  • Global high scores leader board


Updates will be released every month with new battles, magic, features, and more! We are dedicated to making 3D Good vs Evil as great as possible.

iMagazine 1.1(Social Networking)[[iTunes][4]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iMagazine is Free for 24 hrs to celebrate the release of the new issue!

This application is rated PG-13 for mature content

Unlike other Magazines, you get a Lifetime Subscription.

The Magazine is now available for the iPhone & iPod. iMagazine has over 50,000 readers world wide. The special iPhone version of The Magazine contains exclusive content you won’t find anywhere else. Great for reading at home, in the car, at work, at school, etc.

The Magazine App includes:

  • A LIFETIME SUBSRIPTION, new issues released frequently & delivered instantly to your Phone (for the life of the application)
  • Complete access to all previous issues
  • iPhone & iPod specific zoom and pan features
  • Access to beautiful models & hotties
  • Amazing stories you won’t believe
  • Previews of the latest & future technology
  • Sports & Video Game guides
  • iPhone Game/App Reviews
  • Swimsuit Editions
  • Interactive Contests
  • Get a chance to be in The Magazine
  • And More!


  • "I can't wait for the next issue to release, I check the app every day" (Lauren, Florida)
  • "Hot girls and amazing stories, what's not to like" (Robin, California)
  • "I love the lifetime subscription. If you like Maxim you'll like this" (Drew, California)

Galactic Gunner 1.0.2(Games)[[iTunes][5]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


  • Note: Swipe left or right from the main menu to access unlocked levels and auto-saved game slots.


TOUCHARCADE: "The whole package creates an experience unlike anything on the App Store, and the game feels like playing an episode of a wonderfully cheesy low-budget 80's Sci-Fi show, especially whenever the Trepidoids speak."

148APPS: "Galactic Gunner truly shines in the graphics and sounds department. Spectacularly cinematic levels are truly immersive, and one short cut scene at the end of the last level was so intense that I found myself on the edge of my seat."

SLIDETOPLAY: "Galactic Gunner is a solid buy. It's a tightly focused and memorable shooter with a lot of clever humor."

APPYOURMAC: "If you love space battles, get it. If you liked Starfox or classic arcade shooters, get it. If you just want pick up and play explosions, get it. Galactic Gunner, by Ezone, packs a pretty significant amount of fun into a tiny package."

CNET: "With cinematic space scenes, a solid and often funny storyline, and challenging gameplay, this game lives up to the hype and is definitely one to grab."


Listen up Cadet! This is your Captain speaking. You are the Gunner - leave the flying to me!

Galactic Gunner is a new space shooter from Ezone.com - developed by the Edis brothers Jamie and Simon from Australia. They decided to make the space game they’ve always wanted to play: no difficult flying controls, no gettting lost in space, no hits from behind, no complex instructions to wade through ? just eye-popping 3D action from the get go!

In Galactic Gunner you shoot down targets by touching the screen. Your pilot is a seasoned veteran who handles the steering (and audio commentary) so you can concentrate on the fun part: destroying any targets that cross your path!

Galactic Gunner has something for all ages and skill levels, with intuitive but challenging game-play. Your skill and accuracy (not just trigger/tap-happy luck) will earn you one of 15 different medals ? do you have what it takes to earn the 'SuperNova Supreme'?

And if you are looking for a great way to show off your iPhone, then look no further! The dynamic lighting, real-time 3D graphics and effects of Galactic Gunner will amaze you and blow your friends away!


  • Eye-popping real-time 3D graphics
  • Something for all ages and skill levels
  • Cinematic camera angles and cut-scenes
  • 7 challenging missions to unlock
  • 15 different medals to earn
  • Humorous salute to classic sci-fi movies and games
  • Full dramatic soundtrack
  • Over 200 lines of entertaining audio dialog
  • Touch controls
  • 3D menu system: swipe left or right to access options
  • Auto-save: replay any mission whenever you want
  • 3 game save slots
  • Dynamic 3D lighting and effects
  • Vibration feedback (iPhone only)

Reindeer Match'Em Up (Santa's Village) 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][6]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time!

Oh no! The reindeer all got out and you have to help get them back in the coral. Reindeer Match'em Up is a matching game with the 8 splendidly drawn reindeer figures. Kids really seem to enjoy the match'em up activity and ask to play it again and again.


  • Matching of 8 reindeer figures in this memory and concentration game.
  • Great music and sound effects.
  • A point system that gives bonuses for extra concentration.
  • A system that allows children of any age to enjoy and win.

Reindeer Match'Em Up is part of the Santa's Village series which includes:

  • Bear Piano
  • Night Before Christmas
  • Oh Christmas Tree
  • Reindeer Match'Em Up
  • Santa's List
  • Snowman Math

Get all 6 for the price of 2 in Santa's Village along with more music and beautiful village scene! Santa's Village is the app with only that name.

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any comments or questions.

Follow us at:

Thanks for buying Reindeer Match'Em Up!

Oh Christmas Tree (Santa's Village) 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][7]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time!

Ting a ling a ling, Christmas bells a ring. Oh Christmas Tree has bells that light up as they are played and then you have to play them in the same order. A new bell is added at the end of each round. With 10 rounds, you almost start to feel like you have musical talent by the time you win. This one is fun for people of all ages!


  • Use your memory to touch the bells in the same order as the game.
  • Great sound effects.
  • A point system that gives bonuses for extra concentration.
  • A system that allows children of any age to enjoy and win.

Oh Christmas Tree is part of the Santa's Village series which includes:

  • Bear Piano
  • Night Before Christmas
  • Oh Christmas Tree
  • Reindeer Match'Em Up
  • Santa's List
  • Snowman Math

Get all 6 for the price of 2 in Santa's Village along with more music and beautiful village scene! Santa's Village is the app with only that name.

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any comments or questions.

Follow us at:

iCV 1.0.1(Business)[[iTunes][8]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

iCV is a new way to present your CV on iPhone.

Recruiters and candidates who possess an iPhone can consult the CV, resume, cover letters directly on the handset from anywhere.

Recruiters :

  • Access dynamic CV and cover letters
  • Find the most motivated candidates mastering new communication technologies
  • Contact the candidates directly on your iPhone

Candidates :

  • Create powerful CV and cover letters on icvstore.com
  • Use the capabilities of HTML 5 to enrich your presentation
  • Reach the recruiters directly on their iPhone

myDictation Pro 1.2(Medical)[[iTunes][9]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Introducing myDictation Pro, the application that turns your iPhone into the best voice recorder and dictation system on the planet. The myDictation application is full featured and allows the user to record any number of voice recordings or dictations and store them on your iPhone. To export the recordings there is a built-in web server to allow you to download the files using any web browser and you can even download all files at once to a .zip archive. Alternately for physicians, with a single click, you can upload them wirelessly using either a Wi-Fi or cellular connection to the myDictation server for transcription by your existing transcriptionist. All data transfer between your iPhone and the myDictation server is handled in a secure, HIPAA compliant fashion.

Please visit www.mydictation.com for a complete instructional and demonstration video.

The voice recorder has many features including:

  1. Record in 3 audio file formats: Core Audio, WAVE, or MP3 in varying quality for each
  2. Powerful voice macros so you don’t have to keep repeating commonly spoken items
  3. Visual representation of the recording for easy editing
  4. Insert into the middle of the recording
  5. Scan recording while playing using the play slider
  6. Cut any section in the middle of a recording using the cut sliders
  7. Microphone sensitivity slider control
  8. Rewind 5 seconds button for easy review of what was just said
  9. Recording while sleeping
  10. Use with the iPhone upside down to speak directly into the mic
  11. Use with multiple microphones including iPhone ear buds or Bluetooth or microphone enabled iPod Touch
  12. Designed by a physician

This product is sold on a subscription basis. The app includes a free 30 day subscription. For physicians In order to securely upload the dictations in a HIPAA compliant fashion to the myDictation server, an account is required on the server (www.mydictation.com) at additional charge. The myDictation server allows your existing transcriptionist to download recordings and upload completed transcriptions for retrieval by you from anywhere on the Internet using only a web browser. All uploading and downloading is handled in a secure HIPAA compliant fashion.

Don’t pay hundreds of dollars for additional hardware for a dictation system. Stop losing dictation with cumbersome tape or digital systems. Stop sending dictation and transcription in a non-HIPAA compliant fashion. Send dictations from anywhere with a cellular connection. Try myDictation today.

Santa's List (Santa's Village) 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][10]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time!

Santa needs help separating naughty and nice children. Santa's List has your young ones matching names that have the same first letter as the one shown. In the background is a classical guitar version of Twelve Days of Christmas.


  • Learn letter recognition as you pick names that start with the same letter.
  • Great music and sound effects.
  • A point system that gives bonuses for extra concentration.
  • A system that allows children of any age to enjoy and win.

Santa's List is part of the Santa's Village series which includes:

  • Bear Piano
  • Night Before Christmas
  • Oh Christmas Tree
  • Reindeer Match'Em Up
  • Santa's List
  • Snowman Math

Get all 6 for the price of 2 in Santa's Village along with more music and beautiful village scene! Santa's Village is the app with only that name.

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any comments or questions.

Follow us at:

Thanks for buying Santa's List!

iLearnFacts - Mammals 1.1.2(Education)[[iTunes][11]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

App will be free till this weekend..

Are you an animal lover? Are you a parent or teacher who takes the students to the zoo often? Then this app is for you. Great app for a baby, toddler, parent, teacher, student or grown up children. Babies and Toddlers can enjoy looking at the pictures while grown kids can read the facts or listen to the facts. More animals will be added to this list pretty soon with more upgrades. NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED. WORKS WITHOUT WIFI OR CELL DATA SIGNAL.

How can you use this app?

  • Parents can tell an animal name to a toddler and ask them to show the thumbnail and touch them for a bigger image.
  • Teachers can use it in their classrooms as an educational tool. This app has very detailed information on each animal selected.
  • If you often visit a zoo, you can use this app to read more about the animals. Kind of a zoo guide for animals.
  • Let the 3 - 5 year olds touch the play button to play the audio description.

Send us an email to [email protected] and tell us more about how you use this app. Visit us at www.iLearnFacts.com


  • Currently has 35 mammals
    Elephant, Lion, Tiger, Zebra, Giraffe, Lemur, RingTailed, Camel, Arabian, Chimpanzee, Meerkat, Goat, LaMancha, Rabbit, OldWorld, Bear, Brown, Cheetah, Baboon, Cow, Mountain Lion, Antelope, Roan, Hunting Dog, African, Sheep, Siamang, Tamarin, Cotton Topped, Horse, Sea Lion, Gorilla, Mountain, Bat, Bison, American, Eland, Seal, Harbor, Otter, River, Squirrel, Monkey, Vervet (Green), Gibbon, White Handed, Pig, Pot Bellied, Seal, Elephant, Polar Bear

  • Tap on your favorite mammal thumbnail to see a bigger image.
  • Scroll to read the description
  • Just with a tap of the play icon, the app will read out the description for the kids so they can independently listen to the animal description without adult help. The play icon plays animal sounds for some of the animals. Very cool.

Note: After launching QuickTime, tap on the audio to see all the QuickTime Controls. Tap on "Done" button on QuickTime to return back to the app wherever you left.


  • Thanks for all the feedbacks from everyone who bought it so far.
  • Send all your feedbacks or questions to [email protected]


Solution Zero 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][12]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time! That's right, this isn't the Lite version, this is the full version complete with over 325K puzzles! Get it now because this deal won't last forever!

Think you're smart? Prove it. Solution Zero is the ultimate in numbers-based puzzle game action, a perfect fit for fans of Sudoku and other brain-building, critical-thinking games.

The object of the game is a simple one: Complete the equation by dragging operators (+, -, x, ÷) between the numbers with the ultimate goal of reaching zero. As you drag and drop operators the total will update, giving you a clear picture of your progress. Each round features 10 equations and you earn a score based on the number of equations solved and the bonus time remaining.

Designed by a Mensa member and noted game AI author, Solution Zero has 4 levels of difficulty to challenge even the most gifted minds. From 1st graders to rocket scientists, there is something for everyone.


  • OVER 325,000 PUZZLES!
  • Simple pick up and play mechanic ? drag and drop operators between numbers and watch your total update as you work towards Solution Zero.
  • 4 levels of difficulty ? Are you a whiz, a brain, a genius, or a prodigy? There’s a gameplay level for everyone.
  • Skip button ? Stuck on a problem? Skip it and move on to the next one.
  • High Scores ? Keep track of your high scores, challenge friends, and view your improvement with each passing game.


  • You cannot put an operator between two digits if the resulting total would be a negative number
  • You cannot put an operator between two digits that would result in a fraction
  • You can replace operators by simply dragging and dropping the new operator over the old one, but you must adhere to the above two rules. If you replace an operator and one further down the string then violates one of the 2 rules, it will be replaced with a yellow box, indicating that you need to choose a different operator for that square.

WallBuilding 1.1(Entertainment)[[iTunes][13]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Free Sale for a limited time!

Control Method:

  1. Move: Move bricks by sliding your finger back, forth, up and down.
  2. Rotate: Tap the screen that is not over the bricks.
  3. Drop down: When you drag the bricks, release you finger, the bricks will drop down.
  4. New bricks: When there are no active bricks, just tap the screen. Or you can drag the prepared bricks out into the scene.


  1. Dual bricks entrances. There are 2 prepared bricks bundles for you at the same time. You can select the bricks as you like."It bring you much flexibility.
  2. Auto save game data and recovery the game data the next time. You can exit the game at will, and next time you can continue to play.
  3. Multi-touch supported. When you move the bricks use one of your fingers, you can use another finger tap the sceen to rotate the bricks.
  4. Creative movement. You can not just move the bricks left and right, but up and down.
  5. Many bricks bundles at the same time.

TwoBlocks 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][14]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

TwoBlocks is now free!!!

TwoBlocks is a sliding block puzzle derived from the original game invented by Nob Yoshigahara.

Horizontal blocks can only move horizontally. Vertical blocks can only move vertically. To solve, move the two special blocks to their respective slots at the top and bottom.

Contains more than 3000 levels of various difficulties.

Double tap to change the color of the board.

Please send feedback to [email protected]

Goal2Action 1.1(Business)[[iTunes][15]]

Price: $9.99 -> Free

For free until November 17th.


Goal2Action will help you set and visualize powerful goals, effortlessly take action and achieve your most important projects.


  • Become clear about your goals and positive about your capabilities for success
  • Stay focus
  • Manage your stress quickly
  • Align your goals and actions
  • Increase confidence


  1. A rich sensory experience
  2. User-friendly goal setting examples
  3. A relaxing atmosphere with high quality music
  4. A natural working flow
  5. The feeling of being engaged in a real relationship with a coach.
  6. Beautiful quality design
  7. Paper-free
  8. Relaxation, Movie of the Mind and Goal Setting portions can be utilized independently.

Your coaching will last about 30 minutes. Like in a real coaching session, you will listen to your coach’s questions and answer on your iPhone or iPod Touch.


  1. Get relaxed first
  2. 12 Goal-Setting Questions
  3. Visualization of your Success
  4. Your first three Actions


  • A four-minute relaxation session
  • 12 goal setting questions (audio and text input)
  • Visualization exercise: Movie of the Mind (audio)
  • Goal validation (text input and message recording)
  • Action plan process (audio and screen input)
  • Email your goal to yourself or anyone you would like to share with
  • Current goals management
  • Goal history management
  • Relaxing, high-quality music

In addition, you can join Equilibre's private community for Goal2Action users. You can share your goals, and give and get feedback.


  • "I was able to allocate and visualize my vague, messy thoughts in my mind.
  • I was very impressed.
  • I especially liked the question “ what resources do you already have?”, this gives me very positive feeling, like, ”oh! Yes, I haven’t recognized but I already got these!”.and I was able to be confident."

Download it now!

iGammon 2.0(Games)[[iTunes][16]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Backgammon is so much fun on the iPhone and iPod Touch. And iGammon is a great backgammon opponent.

"What impressed me the most was how easy it was to move the checkers."

"The interface is clean and easy to use. Best of all, it just works."

You can drag checkers around, use two-touch moves, or use one-touch moves. It's amazing how fast you can play. The smooth animation gives the game a nice feel.

You can play in either landscape or portrait orientation.

The four levels of AI (Cautious, Wild, Advanced, and Expert) provide a real challenge for players at any level. iGammon follows all the rules of standard backgammon.

The doubling cube is a great addition. When you want to increase the stakes, slide the cube over to your opponent's side of the board.

iGammon lets you set the following backgammon options: (1) Show point numbers, (2) Show pip count, (3) Autoplay forced moves, (4) One-touch versus two-touch moves, (5) Fast animation, (6) Doubling cube, (7) Jacoby rule, (8) Computer's playing strength -- from "Cautious" to "Expert".

There is an Undo button, so you can take back moves. A Repeat button lets you can see your opponent's move over again.

"The undo feature is well thought out."

Many features of iGammon were suggested by users. If you have a suggestion for a feature you'd like to see, please visit "bkgm.com/igammon" with your comments.

I hope you enjoy iGammon. Thank you for playing. Have fun!

Tom Keith, October 2009.

The Race Book(Sports)[[iTunes][17]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

The 2009 Spring Racing Carnival isn’t over yet!

For a limited time, download the free version of The Race Book for iPhone.

The Race Book is a daily schedule of Victorian Racing fixtures over the major Spring Racing Carnival Calendar events up to November 21st.

Whether you are planning to watch the Races live, or wish to keep up to date with the racing calendar as fields are finalised, The Race Book Application ensures that wherever you are this racing season, you will always have the latest information and the most useful tips.

What this app does:

The Race Book Application provides Race Info (direct from RISA) downloadable into your app from the time fields are finalised. This info includes detailed last five starts, barriers, weights, and form info along with the latest scratchings and race day information to assist you in following the day’s action.

In addition to up to date data, you can follow The Race Book’s detailed form and punting tips for each meeting. These selections can then be added to your favourites, to track their performance over the day. In fact, all the information that you would obtain from a pile of magazines and newspapers is available in one handy, functional and easy to use app.

Features summary:

  • Form and field information from major race meetings covered over duration of Spring Racing Carnival
  • Updated Race Track Rating, and weather information that follows the Race Day and its effects on track speed and pattern
  • Tips, Suggestions and Horses to watch
  • Track maps and contact info for all race courses in the Race Calender

We hope you enjoy using The Race Book Version 1 and would love your feedback. Tell us what you would like to see in version 2 - [email protected]. Or keep checking our website www.theracebook.com.au for updates and enhancements.


The data/ race fields provided are supplied by a third party. Up to date scratchings will be noted where practicable. Information provided is not represented to be accurate, complete or timely and it should only be used as a guideline and is subject to individual verification by the user.

C 2009 Racing Information Services Australia and others working with it. These Racing Materials are reproduced under a copyright license from the copyright owners. Any unauthorised reproduction, adaptation or communication is strictly prohibited.

The Race Book Company Pty Ltd is owned and operated by Wilando Pty Ltd ACN 087

Law School 100(Education)[[iTunes][18]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"Every lawyer, every law student, and every pre-law student should memorize the Law School 100 rankings." - LawSchool.com

For a limited time, the price of Law School 100 has been reduced from $0.99 to FREE

Since the year 2000, LawTV has compiled the list of the best law schools in the United States, based on qualitative (rather than quantitative) criteria. More than half a million pre-law students, law students, law professors, lawyers, and others use the Law School 100 rankings each year.

The Law School 100 includes every ABA-accredited law school. The top 100 law schools are listed in their ranking order. The second 100 law schools (Tier 2 law schools) are listed in alphabetical order.

The Law School 100 provides:

  • Law School name (the usage preferred by the Law School) and ranking.
  • Law School mailing address.
  • Law School phone number (with a link allowing iPhone users to click and call).
  • Law School website (with a link allowing iPhone and iTouch users to go directly to the site).
  • Law School email address (with a link allowing iPhone users to click and contact).
  • Law School accreditation (whether the Law School has been fully or provisionally accredited).
  • Whether the Law School is a public law school or a private law school.
  • The number of law students enrolled.
  • The number of faculty members.
  • Annual tuition and, if a public law school, tuition for residents and for non-residents.
  • The law degrees offered. (Many law schools offer advanced law degrees, beyond the JD.)
  • The Law School's religious affiliation, if any.

*** Many law schools have indicated that they will be raising their tuitions for the 2009-10 school year. Many PUBLIC law schools have indicated substantial increases in tuition. ***

You can reach us at: [email protected].

1 for all Remote Presenter 1.3(Productivity)[[iTunes][19]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Control your presentation remotely from your iPhone or iPod touch whether you use Apple Keynote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Switch, Safari or other display software.

Warning: to use this, you need to run a separate "helper" program on your desktop or laptop computer. The computer must be running Apple OS X. You also need to be able to put the computer and your iPhone on the same local network. If you can't do these things, then this app will not bring you joy.

Remote Presenter was designed for people who give serious presentations, in close collaboration with people who actually do that for a living. People who don't want to be staring down at their remote while giving a talk. Once connected to your Mac, it has just two buttons, a big one for going forwards and a smaller one for going back.

As a result, it places emphasis on delivering a robust efficient job without a lot of eye candy. By providing just a few big simple buttons, it avoids forcing making you become preoccupied with your remote and lets you focus on your audience. The super-simple configuration process makes it easy to start and operate, and it gets it does fast when the show needs to get going.

Remote Presenter requires a "helper" application running on the host computer where Keynote, PowerPoint or the other presentation program is running. The helper is super-easy to start and use and can be downloaded from http://www.y1d.com/r The helper can automatically set up all the networking you need on most computers and the controls the frontmost application.

WARNING: Like most remote controls, it also needs the (free) helper application to be running on your computer. The helper is Mac OS only. You must connect to your laptop via a common wireless connection, local network, or shared internet connection.

Remote Presenter works with almost any presentation program, but requires a Mac computer running OS X.

It has been tested successfully with:

  • Apple Keynote (08 and 09)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (various versions including v.X (which doesn't work with many other remote packages).
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Safari ("next" button scrolls down a page at a time)
  • iTunes ("next" button jumps to next song/movie)
  • Google docs presentations (within Safari: needs at least version 1.9 of the helper application)
  • Skim

and many other programs.

Remote control has never been so easy. Get it now. Look cool. Free yourself. Speak like a pro.

(Yes, it really does work with Keynote 09, but the presentation needs to be playing if you want to control it.)

(The helper program is now at version of more 2.1 If you have problems with some versions of Powerpoint, make sure you are using the latest version! )

Skip It! 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][20]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Special pricing until 11/20 try Skip It! for FREE!!

Finally a fun rock skipping game!!

Skip It! is an extremely addictive rock skipping game. It is not a simple simulation and includes unique aspects such as special goals, time limits, targets and obstacles. Try Skip It! today for a fun diversion with endless replay ability.

Skip It! features

  1. fully animated beautifull levels to explore.
  2. practice levels to allow players to get accustomed to the controls at the leisure.
  3. control methods: touch only, touch + accelerometer, accelerometer only

Full stereo soundtrack

관련 글타래

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운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2009/11/14 05:34 2009/11/14 05:34
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Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/2885



  1. 니키 2009/11/14 14:49

    오늘 하루도 좋은 정보 얻고 갑니다 ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  2. 최장식 2009/11/14 15:20

    좋은 주말 보내세요. 오늘 왕창 퍼갑니다. ^^ 장바구니가 무겁네요. 낑낑~~~ 설명하신글도 잘읽었습니다 .꾸벅.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  3. 레몬캔디 2009/11/14 18:35

    인터넷으로 검색해서 왔다가 처음으로 글 남기네요.
    덕분에 재밌는 게임 어플들 많이 내려받고 있어요^^
    앞으로도 좋은 어플들 잘 부탁드려요 (--)(__)꾸벅

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2009/11/16 09:50

      감사합니다. 오늘만 무료는 매일 올라갑니다.

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