
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

확인하는 것이 귀찮아 오늘은 어플 설명을 따로 하지 않을 예정입니다. 일일이 확인하는 것도 상당히 번거로운 작업이더군요. 총 9개의 어플이며 어플 제목 옆에 (*)가 있는 어플은 국내 계정으로는 구입할 수 없는 어플입니다.

Smackarooni™ 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][1]] (*)

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE! For 3 days only!

Spinapse presents Smackarooni... a new game that's in your face!

Start by choosing a nickname and a character. You can make the game easy, medium, or hard. The object of the game is to hit your opponent with a snowball, without getting hit yourself! You can load, throw, or dodge out of the way.

You score a point for each hit. But you have to be careful -- the first player to go ahead by two points wins.

If you're near a Wi-Fi network, you can play against other people, too. Play fast or take your time, it's up to you. Your opponent can't see your moves until both of you have chosen.

Try to read your opponent's mind, anticipate their next move, and get ready to have a smashing good time!


  • Play against Smacky in single-player mode
  • Play against your friends in multiplayer mode
  • Works over Wi-Fi with no additional setup
  • Single-player mode includes varying difficulty levels
  • Choose your character
  • High replayability
  • Almost as fun as a real snowball fight!

Wicked Wizard 1.1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][2]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For a limited time only... Get the Wicked Wizard absolutely free!! This offer won't last long, so act now!

The Secret to the Wicked Wizard is finally revealed!! Go to the support web site at www.fortyfootdesigns.com to see the detailed tutorial pages.. but don't tell anyone!!

Wicked Wizard is a revolutionary new application that can analyze anyone's fingerprint and reveal all sorts of intimate details about that person. Well, it doesn't really analyze anything, but your victims sure will think it does!

Wicked Wizard will pretend to analyze anyone's finger and tell them any of the following details.

  • Gender
  • Age
  • IQ
  • Hotness
  • Popularity
  • Good Kisser
  • Wealth
  • Strength

And the best part is that you tell Wicked Wizard exactly what answers to give. And... your victim will never know how you did it.

This app has amazed everyone we've shown it to at parties and not one of the people we fooled had any idea how it was done. People are impressed, and convinced that we are either talking to it and it's reading our voice, or that we are tapping some button on the side. They are dumbfounded when it guesses their age, and gives them an IQ score. They actually believe it's accurate!! Guys turn red like beets when the Wizard tells them they're a terrible kisser, and their wives agree with the Wizard!!

This app is great for when you just want to be a little wicked, and it's also suitable for testing your mom, since you can turn off any of the tests and pick and choose only the one's you want.

Impress your kids by analyzing the dog's paw and coming up with amazing answers for age, gender, IQ, and popularity! They never knew your dog was so popular!

You can have tons of fun with Wicked Wizard at school, at parties, at work, at bars, and even around the dinner table.

The secret of Wicked Wizard is simple. He responds to very subtle position changes made by you, that are imperceptible to everyone around you. As you shift the iphone left and right, or forward and back, you are subtly telling Wicked Wizard how to respond. But, the movements are so slight, only you know the secret. It truly has to be seen to be believed.

When you purchase Wicked Wizard, to view the tutorial, all you have to do is PLACE YOUR FINGER ON THE LOWER LEFT CORNER OF THE HOME SCREEN WHILE TAPPING THE 'INFO' BUTTON, and the actual instructions on how to use the wizard will appear. Hitting the 'INFO' button without holding down the lower left hand corner will show fictitious information about the app that your victims can read.

geoFighter - Light Wars 1.31(Games)[[iTunes][3]] (*)

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Now free for a limited time only !
Celebrating Master's graduations in our team :) So get it while you can and post a review please !

The galaxy of light is under attack by an evil force. General geo wants to crush you with his geometrical minions. Evil squares, triangles, crosses. Surely you cannot let them have their way!. This is why you're sitting in your best fighter vehicle, with both thumbs on the controls. It's your job to save the galaxy or die trying. Your ship is fitted with the most advanced weapons that your civilization developed. If all else fails, you've got terrifying bombs that can wipe out everything in their path.

geoFighter (Light Wars) is the ultimate survival shooter experience. Use the on-screen analogs to steer your ship and fire at the enemy. Shake the device to unleash powerful bomb blasts or touch the center of the screen.

Think you can survive and save the galaxy of Light? or maybe everything is in vain? ( it is.. but don't tell anyone ok?..) If you've ever played grid wars or geo wars , you're sure to like geoFighter!

Grabib 1.0.0(Games)[[iTunes][4]] (*)

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Only One Day Free!!!

Grab it, Ball!!

It's a hot game named Grabib(Original).
Grabib(Original) is new speedy game, and also addicted game.
Simple play interface, but also need some skills, such as good at using items, mission mode and moving qiuckly.
3 color ball, 3 color rectangle.
Just grab one ball in the screen. And move and just release it. You should put the ball into rectangle of the same color.
That's all.
Now you just play it to master Grabib(Original).

Game Features

  • Addictive game play.
  • 30 Level systems.
  • 3 Skills, 3 types of item.
  • High speed shoot, action game.
  • Simple user interface.
  • Global ranking board.
  • 2 Mission modes(to upgrade hp or life).
  • Simple game play, but difficult to master the game.
  • Auto save last game.

Let's play it now. The first level is very simple and easy.
But maybe need some time to master all levels of the game.
There is nothing like seeing for oneself.
Just download now and play game!!!

Shake It! 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][5]] (*)

Price: $0.99 -> Free

CELEBRATION FOR NEW APP! NOW FREE FOR LIMITED TIME: I've released new app called "DrumSequencer" - be sure to check this out!

How long can you shake your device? Challenge your friends!

Shake It! saves the high score. You can also submit and view your highscore to an online scoring board (http://mii.tuu.fi/shakeit/)

** OVER 9000 highscores have been submitted to the database! Thanks to all shakers worldwide! **

DISCLAIMER: Using this application can cause pain in your arm and hand and can permanently damage your body. If you feel any kind of pain, stop using this app. You will use this app on your own responsibility. Consult your doctor before using this app.

SurfaceSeizr 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][6]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

CELEBRATION FOR NEW APP! NOW FREE FOR LIMITED TIME8: I've released new app called "DrumSequencer" - be sure to check this out!

The evils deserve no space!

** Get your copy NOW and try to get into online highscoreboard! **

This is a game about seizing the surface. Idea is quite simple but really addictive: capture surface by seizing it. You must isolate the evil(s) to seize the area.

Quick instructions: Select one or two evils. Select level. Game starts. Aim first! Tap top and bottom screens to get vertical aim. By tapping left or right borders you get horizontal aiming line. Double tap to start seizing and wish that any of the evils don't reach YOUR area! You can seize four times before the game ends, so do it efficiently!

Game includes local high score for each level. Also there is an online scoring service (needs network connection), you can submit your scores! See who has seized the most area and who has done it fastest!

A hands-on-video available on YouTube, visit applications webpages.

*** QUESTIONS/FEEDBACK/ISSUES? Contact me trough my web page (feedback form) or email to applesupport (at-sign) tuu.fi. I cannot monitor these reviewer comments so if you have anything on mind, don't hesitate contacting me directly! ***

ESP Trick 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][7]] (*)

Price: $1.99 -> Free


Trick your friends and family by drawing the letter, number, or symbol they are thinking of with this magic trick.

  • Turn around and ask your friend to draw any letter, number, or symbol in the crystal ball on the screen.
  • Ask your friend to just think of the letter, number, or symbol they drew after they erased it.
  • Stare into their eyes to read their mind as you slowly draw what they are thinking of.
  • Easy and fun to do!

Tap information icon (circled i) on splash screen and enter Houdini's birthdate (March 24, 1874) to reveal the secret.

SpiritWriter Trick 1.1(Entertainment)[[iTunes][8]] (*)

Price: $1.99 -> Free


Trick your family and friends into believing they can read your mind with this magic trick.

  • Turn around and draw a number on the screen.
  • Stare into your friends eyes and ask them to say the first three digit number that comes to their mind.
  • Show the screen to your friend. The number your friend said matches the number you drew on the screen.
  • Tap the information icon (circled i) on the splash screen and enter Houdini's birthdate (March 24, 1874) to reveal the secret.
  • Please don't post spoilers revealing the trick.

Timr - Timer app 1.3(Utilities)[[iTunes][9]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)

Timr is now free for a limited time to celebrate the release of our newest app
Today - Todo management app

Timr – Take your time.

Why bother about memorizing the cooking time for your favourite dish or the time until your favourite tea is ready when your iPhone/iPod can? Timr provides you with a bunch of useful timers: for different types of tea, several dishes or with the ideal time to brush your teeth every morning. Start as many timers as you wish. As a matter of course you can add your own timers or change existing ones too.


  • Serveral useful preset timers
  • Two or more timers may run simultaneously
  • Set up your own alarm times in hours, minutes and seconds
  • Choose an image from your library as timer icon (or take a snapshot with your iPhone camera)
  • Support of accelerometer (shake the device to stop a ringing timer)
  • Timr continues to work (and also rings!) even when the iPhone/iPod is locked.
  • Shortcuts (double tap to start/stop a timer)
  • Easy to use due to an self-explanatory interface and helpful functions
  • Familiar iPhone interface

Unlike Chronology, Chronolite, Timer, Chef Timer, Parallel Timer, Chain Timer, Interval Timer, 5 in 1 Kitchen Timer, Grill Timer or Tea Timer - Timr allows you to personalize your timers with pictures from your photo library or snapshots taken directly from within the app (iPhone only)

Please note that the first generation iPod Touch does not have builtin speakers and therefore does not ring when the timers fire.

Crafted with love and pride by Chi Trung Tran and Stefan Sorin Nicolin

관련 글타래

author image
운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2009/09/25 10:53 2009/09/25 10:53
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  1. 평장군 2009/09/25 11:18

    도아님이 매일 소개해주셔서, 아이팟에 어플들이 자꾸 늘어나서 좋습니다~ ^^ 감사합니다~

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2009/09/26 14:56

      감사합니다. 그래도 감사의 글을 달아 주시는 분은 평장군님이 유일한 것 같습니다.

  2. 토댁 2009/09/25 12:45

    허걱..쥐가 ㅇ아닌지라 소통을....ㅋㅋ

    저 학교에 왔어요. 점심시간이라 잠시 블러깅합니다.
    트윗에서 접하다 오랜만에 블러그를 오니 색다른 느낌입니당..히히

    좋은 날 되세요~~~

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2009/09/26 14:57

      아. 그러시군요. 사실 트위터 보다는 블로그에 더 오래있습니다.

  3. 에어웨이 2009/09/25 14:06

    그냥 남기는 말인데요, 저번에 올려주신 어플중 하나가 약간 19금 성인용의 성향을 가진게 하나 있었습니다. 처음에 이게 뭔가 하면서 만지작 거리다가 제작사 웹사이트 들어가보니... -ㅁ-;; 만약 초중고생들이 도아님 블로그에 들어와서 어플을 다운받아 웹사이트에 갔다면 해가 되지 않을까 생각합니다.

    아무리 시간이 없으셔도 이런 일을 대비해 의심가는 어플은 한번쯤은 확인을 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ㅎㅎ

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2009/09/26 14:57

      생각해 보면 쉽습니다. 어플의 홈페이지까지 확인하라는 이야기는 글을 올리지 말라는 것과 같은 뜻입니다. 그 이유는 직접 해 보시면 압니다. 더 간단한 방법은 그런 어플을 발면하면 댓글로 알려 주면 됩니다.

  4. 기브코리아(럭스구구) 2009/09/25 18:28

    좋은 정보 감사합니다.

    그런데 저는 그냥 쭉 내려서 댓글 답니다. ^^;

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.

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