무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.
오늘은 소개해 줄 무료 어플이 상당히 많다. 어제는 무료 어플이 고작 3개였고, 나중에 4개를 더 추가했다. 그런데 오늘은 이런 무료 어플이 무려 10개나 된다. 11개 였지만 확인하는 과정 중 iDuelpro가 유료로 바뀌었기 때문에 이 어플은 제외했다. 다만 관심 분야가 아니라 무료 어플들의 유용성은 장담할 수 없다.
Squeezer는 무려 2불에 판매되는 어플이다. 분류가 소셜 네트워킹(Social Networking)인 것에서 알 수 있듯이 트위터(Twitter)와 같은 사이트 사용에 도움을 주는 어플이다. 긴 주소를 짧게 만든 뒤 페이스북(Facebook), 트위터, SMS, 메일로 보내 준다. 2불에서 오는 22일까지 무료로 판매한다. Minesweeper Flags도 2불에 판매되는 어플이다. 윈도 3.1(Windows 3.1)에 등장, 시간 죽이기용 게임(Game for Killing Time)으로 인기가 높았던 지뢰찾기(Mine Sweeper)의 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)용이다. 원래는 2불 짜리이지만 다음 판올림이 나올 때까지 무료이다.
iCatchall은 AppBox와 상당히 비슷한 프로그램이다. AppBox처럼 상당히 많은 유틸리티를 하나로 통합한 어플로 현재 앱 스토아(Apps Store)에서 1불에 판매되고 있다. iCatchall Travel은 iCatchall에서 여행에 관련된 유틸리티만 모은 어플로 1불에서 이번 주만 무료로 판매한다. Air Horn은 기존에 1불에 판매되던 어플로 오늘 하루만 무료이다. 게임을 즐기지 않기 때문에 어떤 게임인지는 나도 잘 모른다. 다만 15세 개발자가 개발했다는 대목이 인상적이다.
1000 Words의 원래 이름은 1000 Words - Facebook Connected Digital Photo Frame Slideshow라는 긴 이름을 가지고 있다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 페이스북(Facebook)에서 그림을 가져와 슬라이드쇼를 보여 주는 어플이다. 평상시에는 1불에 판매되는 어플이지만 제한 된 시간 동안 무료로 판매하고 있다. Tap Champion도 어떤 게임인지는 잘 모른다. 평상시 1불에 판매되고 있지만 3일간 무료이다.
Fubar Touch도 정확히 어떤 어플인지는 잘 모른다. 제작사는 게임으로 설명하고 있지만 분류는 엔터테이먼트(Entertainment)에 분류되어 있다. 평상시 1불에서 오는 25일까지만 무료로 판매하고 있다. Drum n Bass라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 음악에 관련된 어플이다. 그러나 이 어플 역시 정확한 용도는 나도 모른다. 이 어플 역시 평상시에는 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 판매하고 있다.
Magic Rock Paper Scissors는 가위, 바위, 보를 하는 어플이다. 혼자서 컴퓨터와 할 수도 있고 장치끼리 하는 것도 가능하다. 원래는 2불에 판매되는 어플이지만 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 판매한다. 다만 이 어플을 2불에 구매할 사람이 몇이나 될지는 의문이다. SLAPHAPPY는 정확히 어떤 게임인지는 나도 모른다. 제공되는 이미지를 보면 손으로 밀어 게임 캐릭터와 힘을 겨루는 게임으로 보인다. 이 게임은 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안만 무료이다.
참고로 어플 이름에 (*)가 있는 어플은 한국 계정에서는 구입할 수 없는 어플이다. 이런 어플은 일단 무료 미국 계정을 만든 구입하면 된다.
Squeezer 1.0.1(Social Networking)[[iTunes][1]]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
free for the first 3 days of Ei, offer ends on 22 of september
Long Story Short,
Squeezer allows you to shorten long URL's that you may have enjoyed and copied form safari, and then share it with your friends in Facebook and Twitter you may also send the shortened URLs as Emails and SMS's. all of that in one application.
All you have to do is copy the URL From safari then launch Squeezer, and let the application do its things, the long URL get magically shortened. You also have the choice to type in the long URL into the text filed.
Squeezer currently support four main shortening services:
- http://bit.ly
- http://to.ly
- http://is.gd
- http://RFly.me
Squeezer can also be used as all in one status updater for both Facebook and twitter, so you don't have to use different application for each service to do only one simple thing; updating your status.
Minesweeper Flags 1.1(Games)[iTunes][2]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
What people have to say about Minesweeper Flags:
"Waiting for this for ages."
"Been waiting a long time for this, great fun!!"
"This app is everything what it should be!"
Tired of playing minesweeper alone? Why not challenge someone else!
We proudly present to you: Minesweeper Flags, the first multiplayer minesweeper game on the App Store!
Minesweeper Flags supports the new and exciting iPhone OS 3.0 Peer-to-Peer feature so you can play minesweeper against your friends wirelessly over Bluetooth. No Wi-Fi network necessary!
Or, if your device doesn't support Bluetooth or you just have nobody to play with, you can always play online against a randomly picked opponent (internet connection required).
Be prepared for smooth and surprisingly addictive gameplay, combined with beautiful graphics that let you enjoy the game to the fullest.
Minesweeper Flags shares many of the basic minesweeper principles with the original game. A major difference is that you have to find the mines instead of avoid them. A minor difference is that the mines are replaced by flags.
- Multiplayer minesweeper!
- Online play (randomly picked opponent)
- Nearby play (vs. other iPhone/iPod touch over Bluetooth)
- Bomb a 5x5 area
- View and share location info
- Chat with your opponent
- "Call the clock": set a 1 minute timer on your opponent
- Attractive design
- Double-tap a square to reveal a number, or a flag.
- Numbers indicate how many flags are located in the eight surrounding squares.
- Collect 26 flags to win the game.
- Once per game, tap and hold a square to bomb a 5x5 field (only if you are behind).
- Tap on your name or your opponents name to view player info.
- Tap on your opponents name and tap "Call The Clock" to set a 1 minute timer.
- Tap the counter to quickly view your opponents last move.
iCatchall Travel: 14+ Apps in One 1.4(Travel)[[iTunes][3]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)
FREE for the weekend! In return we'd appreciate an honest review
All your travel essentials in one integrated "Utility App" suite. Save money and save space, you would fill a whole screen on your iPhone or iPod touch with icons to get the same features!
A toolbelt of utilities
- File Storage to bring important files with you
- Currency Converter with rates updated daily**
- Unit Converter
- Tip Calculator
- Flashlight
- Digital Clock
- Reward for Return to help get your iPhone back if lost
- ContactClone to send or receive contacts
And a selection of fun stuff to pass the time:
- Two player poker--play against a friend, sharing one iPhone
- Game Dice to play any number of dice games--use from 1 to 5 dice
- Game Timer for your hourglass needs
- And more.
Every single feature we could have released as a separate app...but we've built them all together into one super app.
That's pennies per feature now and the value will only keep going up as we keep adding more. Upgrades are free, and we keep adding more and more each version.
Currency Converter rate updates require an Internet connection
Air Horn 1.1(Games)[iTunes][4]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
CREATED BY 15 YEAR OLD DEVELOPER, MARK GURMAN, "Air Horn" is your one stop shop for the most annoying sound ever known to man!
“Air Horn” has the simple interface of an Air Horn and when you simply click the horn a sound like no other will play. Everyone will hear the sound and it will drive them crazy guaranteed.
Sounds Include:
- Loud and Annoying Air Horn
- Classic Air Horn Sound
- Car/Ship Loud Horn
Multiple Uses and features include:
-Annoying you teacher or your boss, -Making your dog go crazy -Getting to watch people stick their fingers in their ears -And many more... -A simple to use but stylish interface makes "Air Horn” a aesthetically pleasing application to use. -An amazing icon and graphic representation.
Air Horn now includes a Stop Sounds button so you can quickly stop the current sound you are playing.
It is compatible with the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPod Touch 2nd Gen, and the iPod Touch 1st Gen with headphones.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please email; MarkGurman@me.com or visit our website at markgurman.com
Please go to www.YouTube.com/Markgurman to leave feedback and for any direct answers, and please subscribe to the channel. Also visit Markgurman.com
Thank You So Much! and please comment with all the ways you have used “Air Horn”
Icon created by the greatest icon designer ever, Artur Kotlicki. - http://tr.im/arturkot
Please Also Check out: Can You Hear It? 2.0, Can You Hear It? Classic, Can You Hear It? Stealth Edition, U.S. Presidents, Air Sounds, and Quick Grenade.
Tags: Sound Grenade High pitch, annoy annoying annoyance teenage superapps can you hear it ? CYHI cyhi classic markgurman.com free apps cool iphone 3g 3gs ipod touch first second 2nd 1st gen generation mark gurman fun people off make crazy dog whistle, loud piercing, all ages easy lite pro, version, kid, young, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 15, teen, developer, mosquito, ringtone, everyone, frequency, mom, dad, brother, cousin, quick grenade, air sounds, youtube OS 3.0 3.1 push notification air sounds quick grenade classic paid free apps U.S. Presidents reference guide artur kotlicki graphic designs
Thank You Jason Aftalion for your help.
1000 Words 1.1(Social Networking)[[iTunes][5]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Free for a limited time!
1000 Words is a Facebook connected digital photo frame style slideshow application. You can choose photos from your iPhone or iPod Touch, Facebook tagged photos, your Facebook albums, or any of your friends' Facebook albums. You can also setup a playlist from your iPod/iTunes library to use as background music for the photo slideshow.
This app gives so many more options than other photo frame and slideshow applications like FBSlideShow, PhotoFrame, or PhotoDock. You can even save a photo to your iPhone or iPod Touch as you see them in the slideshow, or email them to a friend to share your moments.
Please give us feedback on what you like or dislike about this application by going to www.appsolutegenius.com and posting a comment or emailing our support. We love to hear your comments and strive to make our products meet your needs.
- Automated photo slideshow
- Select iTunes songs from your iPod for background music
- Select photos from your iPhone's photo library (up to 20)
- Choose a time period that each photo will stay on the screen
- Automatically start the slideshow
- Random photo selection
- Effects for transitioning between photos
- Email a photo from your slideshow
- Save a photo from your slideshow to your iPhone or iPod Touch
- Time display
- Manually move back and forth between photos, or pause the slideshow
- Flick to move between photos
- Login to any Facebook account
- Login information is saved so you stay connected
- Select from any of your friends Facebook albums
- Show any photos you are tagged in
If you have any issues or comments, please contact us at support@appsolutegenius.com or on Twitter at @appsolutegenius.com
Tap Champion 1.0(Games)[iTunes][7]
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)
For 3 days only tap your way to victory for FREE!
Description: Are YOU ready to become the next Tap Champion? We thought so. But it's a hard road for the finger warrior to walk...
How fast can you get those fingers tappin'? 20 taps every five seconds? 50 taps every ten seconds? If you've got game, now's your time to prove it. You'll earn the blister finger cred in the process, but it's all worth it to become the Tap Champion of the world!
With two different gameplay modes–quick game mode and challenge mode–you'll have the ability to play a quick TC game, or work your way through multiple Tap Levels to achieve the ultimate goal: 600+ taps within a total of 60 seconds! Think you got the skills? Prove it against the rest of the world!
Using quick game mode, try to see how many taps you can get for a 5, 10 and 30 second time period. Whatever you end up scoring you can save to the global board. Use it to hone your skills as a tap master, and then try your worth in challenge mode!
Use your iPhone and iPod touch to Tap your way to victory. If you have at least one finger you can play.
Ready to show your skills to the rest of the world? Select from multiple play modes that allows you to Tap your way to victory. Once finished, save your scores to the global Tap Champion leader board. There, you can see what others around the world have achieved.
Easy to use interface that makes playing fun and addictive!
Fubar Touch 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][8]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
On sale until September 25 originally $.99
Alert!!! Check out the video on youtube.com
Please Leave a review if you like the game. Good reviews are GREATLY APPRECIATED. If you have any suggestions for the game let me know in a review or in the support email fubartouch@gmail.com. All reviews and emails are read by the developer himself and any suggestion will be greatly consider.
Game Description:
Fubar Touch is a turn based Drinking game for iPhone and iPod touch. To play place the device in the center of a table. Sit around the table in a circular fashion. There is no limit to how many people can play. Choose the beverage of your choice, and start in a clockwise manner. The first person is to draw a card from the deck then that person is to follow the action described by the card. If your not sure of the action tap the rules button at the bottom of the game page to get a full detail description. Thats all!!! Great for parties, and family cook outs.
If your looking for a great drinking game where you and all of your friends can get together and have fun, then try Fubar Touch! It's a game of skill and knowledge with a new twist. Unlike previous versions of drinking games I tried to make this one more sociable so your not playing so much with in the iphone it self but relaxing with your friends and having a good time. Using the iPhone as a tool to play and have fun with, but not to be glued to the screen.
- One button draw to draw cards from the deck.
- less than a second flip on any card drawn to keep the game moving.
- Very high quality graphics on every card in the deck.
- Personalized card deck made specifically for this game.
- One touch button to display the rules of each and every card.
Drum n Bass 1.0(Music)[[iTunes][9]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
- Now FREE for a limited time, to
- celebrate the release of HammerHead
- Touch Edition on the appstore!
- The original HammerHead drum computer
- is back after 12 years!
Relive the subbass days of Jungle and Drum n Bass with this music app.
Use drag & drop to slice and dice your breakbeat. Use the on-screen keyboard to add live basslines.
Rhythmically shake the iPhone for live beat-breaking.
Optimized sound engine for crisp and punchy drums and real-time synthesis of glass-shattering subbasses.
Brought to you by the creator of the original HammerHead Rhythm Station.
Magic Rock Paper Scissors 1.1(Entertainment)[[iTunes][14]]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Amaze your family and friends by always knowing the outcome of a game of rock, paper, scissors!
Free for a limited time!
Please help us gather feedback by writing a review or rating the app.
The Trick:
- Show your friend the app.
- Show how it allows you to create a fight between fighters using rock, paper, and scissors as weapons.
- Show how you are able to change weapons and change fighters.
Give your device to your friend.
The Secret:
- Buy the app to learn the secret of how to always know the outcome of a fight.
- Performing the trick takes a small bit thinking but can easily be learned in just a few minutes.
- Password protect the trick secret so only you will know how it's done.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Info screen to view to the trick secret.
Be sure to take a look at our other apps: iPet Rock, Creature Cam, UFO Cam, and Photo Flare!
SLAPHAPPY 1.2(Games)[iTunes][15]
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)
Introducing SLAPHAPPY, the hilarious slapping match that everyone's been craving!
or as we like to call it: "The sound of one hand slapping" mode.
If you've ever gotten into a slapping match with someone, then you know just how silly and fun it can get. Well now you can have all of the thrills, excitement and silly fun of an all out slapping match right on your iphone or ipod touch!
Play head to head against your opponent tossing insults as you slap away at each other!
Or Play against the computer using the SLAPHAPPY SUPERBRAIN 9000 AI engine -- with adjustable difficulty setting. Have fun battling each of the slap crazed characters!
Smooth, simple interface let's you get right to the slappy goodness.
Choose from 9 characters to fit your personality, each with different goofy sounds and slaps. What could be more ridiculously funny than slapping a Houseplant as a Unicorn? Or play as a Grizzly Bear and put the hurt on a Hillbilly. Whoo boy! The combinations are endless!
Adjustable score limit lets you set the length of the match, from a quick slap-off to a full fledged slap-a-thon!
Adjustable difficulty setting (single player mode) helps you win against the computer when you are feeling low.
- A fun way to resolve work related disputes!
- Great ice breaker for parties!
- Settle political debates! Or any debates for that matter!
- Nice, harmless stress reliever!
- Great work out for your thumbs!
- It's like therapy, only with slapping!
Invite someone you LOVE/HATE to a slap match today Or have a Slaptastic time all by yourself as you play against the computer and go SLAP HAPPY!
It's fun, it's funny, its pure slap happiness!
Get SLAPHAPPY now and Start Slappin'!
*Note as with other apps, Please restart iPhone after installation for best performance.
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