
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

오늘은 총 12개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 하나는 유료 어플(Hipstamatic)이고 나머지는 모두 오늘만 무료 어플이다. 오늘만 무료 어플 중 Baby Engage가 유료로 전환됐기 때문에 오늘만 무료 어플은 총 10개가 되는 셈이다. 먼저 Hipstamatic는 어제 트위터를 통해 소개한 어플이다. 또 트위터에 이 어플로 찍은 사진을 올린 뒤 어떤 어플로 찍었는지 수십명이 질문한 어플이기도 하다.

이 어플은 12월 초에 앱 스토어(App Store)에 등록된 뒤 아주 좋은 평가를 받은 어플이다. 앱 스토어 등록 기념으로 현재 '2불'에 판매되고 있다. 어플의 가격은 2불이지만 기본 구성품[1]외에 추가 렌즈 3개, 추가 필름 3개, 추가 플래시 4개를 각각 1불씩 구입해야 한다. 따라서 모든 구성품을 구입하려고 하면 총 '12불'이 드는 상당히 고가의 어플이다.

또 사진을 찍는 방법도 조금 특이하다. 일단 어플을 실행하면 다음 그림처럼 카메라처럼 생긴 어플이 나타난다. 보통 카메라 어플은 아이폰 화면 전체를 이용해서 화면을 잡는다. 그런데 이 어플은 조금 특이하게 카메라 파인더 영역에만 화상이 나타난다. 일반 카메라 어플에서 자동으로 잡힌 촛점 영역만으로 찍는 것과 비슷하다. 물론 실제 잡히는 화상은 파인더로 보이는 영역 보다 훨씬 크다.

아래의 두 사진은 어제 Hipstamatic으로 찍은 사진이다. 의 사진을 예로 들면 를 찍을 때 카메라 파인더로 잡은 영역은 의 얼굴이다. 그러나 실제 찍힌 사진의 영역은 얼굴 이외에 상당히 넓은 영역이 잡힌 것을 알 수 있다. 이렇게 촛점을 맞출 영역을 잡고 오른쪽의 노란색 영역을 터치하면 사진이 찍힌다. 그런데 재미있는 것은 어떻게 찍어도 사진이 상당히 잘 나온다. 왼쪽의 사진은 집의 지저분한 컴퓨터 책상을 찍은 사진이다. 그런데 지저분하기 보다는 꼭 잘찍으려고 조명까지 하고 찍은 사진 처럼 보인다.

왼쪽 - 렌즈: John S, 필름: Ina's 1969, 플래시: Off, 오른쪽 - 렌즈: Kaimal Mark II, 필름: Blanko, 플래시: Standard

어제 'Hipstamatic'로 찍은 사진이다. 왼쪽은 컴퓨터 책상을 아무 생각없이 찍은 것이고, 오른쪽은 충주 북어사랑에서 의 얼굴을 잡은 사진이다. 그런데 어떻게 찍든 사진이 아주 잘 나온다.

Wall Street는 평상시 1불, 30일간 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 어플의 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 이 어플은 주가, 환율, 지수등을 추적할 수 있는 어플이다. Picturama Duel은 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플로 그림의 서로 다른 부분을 찾는 게임 어플이다. Wordorama Pro는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 영어 단어 게임 어플이다. MatchaCha!는 Match Revolution이라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 화면 중앙에 나타나는 이미지와 색상, 모양을 일치시키는 게임 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

AstroLove는 간단한 별점 어플로 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Panda's Puzzle Blast은 평상시 1불, 48시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. FitMind StudyTime어제 소개한 FitMind Exercise Motivation과 비슷한 뇌파 어플이다. FitMind Exercise Motivation가 몸 상태를 개선하도록 뇌파를 일치시키지만 이 어플은 학습에 도움이 되도록 뇌파를 일치시킨다. 따라서 국내에서 MC2(MC스퀘어)로 알려진 어플과 비슷한 어플이다.

AccuTerra예전에 한번 소개한 네비 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플로 앱 스토어에서 상당히 평이 좋은 지도 어플이다. Draw-A-Flag은 간단하게 국기를 그릴 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Learn Your Flags Flashcards 50개 주의 깃발을 볼 수 있는 플래시 카드 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. 또 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.

Hipstamatic v1100(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99

Digital photography never looked so analog. The Hipstamatic brings back the look, feel, unpredictable beauty, and fun of plastic toy cameras of the past! The Hipstamatic keeps the the quirks of shooting old school but gives you the ability to swap lenses, film, and flash settings all with the swipe of a finger.


Characterized by vignettes, blurring, over saturation, discolored images, Hipstaprints have a casual and seemingly accidental snapshot feel. The Hipstamatic can be downloaded to any iPhone sporting the 3.1 or beyond software update. For $1.99 you can download the base model Hipstamatic 100 which includes the John S and Jimmy Lenses, as well as Ina's 1969 and Kodot Verichrome film and a standard flash option complete with humming sound. Additional lenses, film, and flash options are bundled within the app as 'Hipstapaks' and start at 99 cents. Each Hipstapak includes multiple items

Pictures taken with the Hipstamatic have their very own look and unique character. Artistic and painted with light and quirk, Hipstamatic images are sometimes surprising and offer a delicate beauty turning any iPhone into an instant art making machine. Images can be uploaded directly to your Facebook album or emailed to your friends and family.


Williamsburg [$.99]
Includes Helga Viking lens, 3 color flash gels, and Pistil film.

The Portland [$.99]
Includes the Lucifer VI lens and BlacKeys film.

Shibuya 渋谷区[$.99] Includes the Roboto Glitter lens, Berry Pop flash, and Float film.


Back in 1982, the Hisptamatic was legendary- well, with at least a few hundred small town kids in Wisconsin. Known for its ability to swap lenses and take multiple film formats, this plastic camera was well on its way to being a big deal. Sadly less than 200 cameras were produced. Today, a digital reproduction is brought to the iPhone with lots of added features.

Welcome back Analog!


  • HipstaSwap™ lens technology
  • HipstaSwap™ film technology
  • Square format prints
  • Built in Facebook sharing
  • Sweet sound effects
  • 'Classic' parallax-offset viewfinder (with option to turn off)
  • Jet black molded plastic unibody
  • KwikProcess™ technology
  • Swank Camera flip action
  • HipstaAlbum™ viewer w/sharing
  • HipstaMart shopping for additional film & lenses


"I enjoy the interaction I have with the app. It makes me happy to use it because it simulates using a vintage camera." ? Savannah, Veaux.org

"I LOVE the photos that come out of this app, it makes just about anything look amazing." ? Jen, Minneapolis Designer

"Very cool. I love to be able to create stylized images without using Photoshop. Now anyone can take a cool profile pic without being a graphics wiz." ? Claire, Educator & Entrepreneur

Thanks for considering the Hipstamatic, and we hope to see your HipstaPrints online real soon!

Sincerely, The Hipstamatic Team

Wall Street 1.0.3(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Now Wall Street is free for the first 30 days! Use this free 30 day trial to see if you like Wall Street and decide if you want to buy it!

Please make sure to check out http://www.johnsontechllc.com for a full TUTORIAL on how to use Wall Street. Wall Street has many features, and we want you to use them all.

Wall Street allows users to track and analyze the latest trends in stocks, currencies, commodities, indices, mutual funds, and market news using advanced charting techniques and current data.

A must-have for any investor or economist, Wall Street is an efficient and user-friendly app and includes advanced technical analysis tools which include exponential moving average, Bollinger Bands, money flow index, MACD, rate of change, and more.

Wall Street enables you to construct customized lists of symbols and retrieve current (with a 20 minute delay) and historical price information.

News in the form of top stories for individual companies as well as general news for specific sectors can also be accessed through Wall Street.

The app also includes QuickQuote, which enables the user to research any stock, mutual fund, or index not included in a portfolio.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to wallstreet@johnsontechllc.com.

Please go to http://www.johnsontechllc.com for more details and information on Wall Street.

Baby Engage 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited period !

A great app with wonderful animations for your kid/toddler to play with !

What's in this app:

Move across the different screens to explore animals. Touch any animal to see it come to life. Discover surprises by touching other items.

Move the Santa sledge as he distributes gifts for the Christmas season, make the dog bark, pluck the fruits from trees, make the hen lay eggs and make the chickens jump, make the seals play with balls, ring the bells, make the camel move, un-tie the balloons, move the ostriches, play with cute piglets, make the horse neigh and many many more.....

Made for my 1.5 years old kid. He loves the app and recognizes all the animals and their sounds.

Picturama Duel (Multiplayer) 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


iPhone/iPod 3.0 Bluetooth Multiplayer Compatible!!

This is not your average "spot the difference" game!

Picturama Duel takes the classic picture game to a whole new level by bringing you the wildly fun multiplayer mode and much more! Using the latest iOS 3.0 software, Picturama delivers a highly interactive and visually stimulating gaming experience right to your palm. It's fun! It's challenging! It's addicting! Picturama will entertain you like no any other picture game on the market today!

Game Description:

Spot all 5 differences between two nearly identical images before time runs out! You can choose from solo mode, cooperation mode, or the duel mode. The faster you clear each stage, the higher you score and the more attack bonuses you earn (for duel mode). If you are stuck, choose from our two distinct hint options to help you out. When playing in duel mode, you can choose to attack your opponent with our fun-filled attack bonuses- shake attack (shake your device to give your opponent's phone an earthquake) or the fog attack (blow on your mic to mist up your opponent's screen). This game also features an innovative, easy-to-use magnifying glass to avoid the pain of pinch and drag. You can simply zoom in on any part of the picture by touching the screen with your fingertip.

Picturama is loaded with the following amazing features:

  • Features over 150 high quality and individually selected pictures from a diverse set of categories. Each set contains two modified images (that is like getting over 300 pictures!). More pictures to come!
  • Innovative, easy-to-use zoom function- simply touch the screen with your fingertip!
  • Two hint options and two attack bonuses to choose from.
  • A stress-free input method that helps you to avoid those frustrating accidental touches.
  • Supports save/resume game. Save simply by exiting the game. Save also works in cooperative mode.
  • Stunning graphics and visual effects
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Personal scoreboards
  • Interactive sounds and alerts

Why wait any longer? Challenge yourself or a friend to a game of Picturama today!



  • Multiplayer is supported on iPhone and iTouch 2g running on the 3.0 firmware. For iTouch 1g and iPhone 1g users, only solo mode is available due to hardware limitations.
  • If it takes a while to find a peer's device, be patient. The initial connection could take up to 30 seconds. Restarting both devices may help speed up the process.
  • Email support/comments to support@picolinksoft.com

Wordorama Pro 1.1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Follow Tori the Bunny on her adventures over land, sea, and space in Wordorama!

Wordorama is a fun fast-paced game in which you try to form as many words as you can before time runs out. You will receive points for each correct word you come up with, and you will advance to the next level once the power bar reaches its mark.

Use bonuses such as bomb, time, and magnifying glass to help you rack up points! Once the level is completed, you will be given the list of all possible word combinations.

Wordorama is loaded with the following amazing features:

  • Over 15,700 word puzzles for endless hours of fun
  • Featuring stunning visual effects and creative graphics
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Word-censor feature making game suitable for all ages
  • Choose from three different difficulty settings
  • 40 engaging levels filled with bonuses for the word gurus
  • Choose from 2,3 or 5 minute time limit
  • Shake the phone to scramble the letters
  • Auto-saves when you receive a call or exit and resume play at anytime!

Try Wordorama for free with our Lite version!

MatchaCha! Match Revolution 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Let's test your reflexes with MatchaCha!
Match colors and shapes according to the images that appear in the center of the screen and complete the level before the expiry of the available time. Shake and rotate your device when required to get rid of enemies.

It sounds easy, but as the game goes on you will be challenged by increasingly difficult combinations: more speed, and many other pitfalls that will make you lose valuable points! Try not to make mistakes, hold on as long as you can and compete in the world ranking, or against your friends scoring the highest.

Original graphics and original music for a super addictive original idea!!

MatchaCha! is OpenFeint enabled, with global scoreboards and achievements.
MatchaCha! is more than a game, it has a long story to tell you, check it out here http://zetadventure.tumblr.com/

MatchaCha! is designed only for iPhone and iPod Touch

AstroLove 2.0.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

AstroLove shows your "alchemical chemistry" with the one you hope to be the one and only. Check out your astrological compatibility. Both your star signs will tell something about your chances, as they are defining the basic elements at play.

Panda's Puzzle Blast 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Panda's Puzzle Blast for iPhone/iPod Touch is the most relaxing puzzle game you've ever played. It is very easy to learn, but not so easy to master.

WARNING : Highly addictive


  • Completely unique and addictive puzzle game.
  • Two different game modes
  • Over 200 puzzling shapes
  • Unlimited gameplay
  • Many different bonuses
  • Online leaderboards
  • You can listen to your own music while playing
  • "one touch" gameplay
  • Suitable for all ages

FitMind StudyTime 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FitMind StudyTime uses specially designed binaural brainwave entrainment programs that synchronize the frequency of your brainwaves with a those associated with focus, concentration, analytical thought, and memory retention.

The Science Behind FitMind StudyTime

FitMind StudyTime synchronizes your brainwaves to a specific frequency by sending two different audible frequencies to each ear, which after being processed are perceived as a low frequency tone matching human brainwaves. Studies have shown various states of mind to be associated with these low frequencies, ranging from a focused, concentration and memory boosting state to deep relaxing sleep.

FitMind StudyTime recreates these frequencies, allowing your mind you to relax and synchronize with the desired state. It achieves this using a unique process called Progressive Brainwave Entrainment.

Progressive Brainwave Entrainment

  • Composite Binaural Frequencies that stimulate multiple brainwave frequencies are used to create combination experiences, such as focus and concentration.
  • Progressive Brainwave Programs - Each program goes through a progression of brainwaves, each for a specific period of time sufficient to synchronize your brainwaves with the binaural tones. This ensures a more effective brainwave entrainment experience.


  • 5 scientifically engineered programs, each designed to be used at a different time of the day.
  • Advanced binaural sequences to take your mind through a series of binaural frequencies to achieve your desired state of mind.
  • Adjustable Brainwave signal intensity: Adjust the brainwave signals independent of the background ambient nature sounds to your comfort level. Your preference will be saved for the next time you use the app.
  • Multiple program durations (20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 2.5 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours)
  • Soothing background sounds including: Ocean Waves, Storm, Rain, Waterfall, Stream and Forest sounds. Your brain will process the binaural frequencies played over these background sounds.
  • Tested on both iPhone and iPod Touch.

Binaural Stress Release Programs

  • Morning: A sequence of brainwave frequencies designed to gently bring you from a sleepy state to a focused, alert state designed to focus, concentration, boost memory formation and recall.
  • Mid-day: A memory boosting sequence designed to combat morning mid-morning fatigue and to maintain concentration.
  • Afternoon: A sequence that combines memory boosting focus, and concentration, perfect for post-lunch fatigue.
  • Evening: Begins with a deeply relaxing low theta wave sequence to help you unwind and decompress, before bring you back to a relaxed yet focused state.
  • Late Evening: Helps you fall asleep with a low-delta wave sequence. The is a great way to unplug after reading or staring at a computer screen for long periods of time. Getting a good night's rest is essential to memory formation and recall and mental performance the next day.

Supports 1st and 2nd Generation iPhone and iPod Touch running OS v2.2.1 and v3.0

If you have any prior medical conditions such as seizures consult your physician before using any binaural brainwave entrainment application.

AccuTerra 3.2.0(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

AccuTerra Outdoor GPS Maps for the iPhone 3G and 3GS.
2009 APPLE DESIGN AWARD WINNER - “Best iOS 3.0 Beta App”

****UPDATED VERSION 3.2 FOR A LIMITED TIME: First in-app map download is now INCLUDED with the initial application download. ****

“Best iOS 3.0 Beta App”

“Anyone who has read ‘Into the Wild’ will understand why AccuTerra for iPhone is an amazing and possibly lifesaving service." - Read Write Web

“There’s something very satisfying about zooming in and out, and scrolling around all without waiting for the images to load. It is completely instant. Fantastic.” - 148Apps

“AccuTerra provides geologically accurate maps with relief data and other details that Google Maps doesn't provide.” - VentureBeat

“Interactive trail maps like AccuTerra for iPhone make a lot of sense.” - CNET

“I’ve been waiting a long time for something like this to come out.” - YourNextApp.com

"AccuTerra is ideal for biking and hiking enthusiasts" - GigaOM


AccuTerra‘s Map Store enables you to purchase millions of square miles of premium content to customize your outdoor experience. Popular areas are clearly defined, easy to find, and are EMBEDDED onto your iPhone; no need to tediously “cache” individual map sections or search for a network signal.

Your selection of any map product is INCLUDED with the initial AccuTerra application download. Then you can return to the AccuTerra Map Store to choose from an ever-growing assortment of additional content: national parks, state parks, recreational areas, and wide area coverage state maps within the contiguous US and Hawaii.

AccuTerra content covers over 220,000 miles of trails, thousands of trailheads, campgrounds, picnic areas, and is the ONLY app available that provides detailed locations of all major public land boundaries.

AccuTerra also tracks your purchases, so you can remove maps to save memory and re-install them later, free of charge.

Questions? Follow us on http://twitter.com/AccuTerra

NOTE: Because of AccuTerra’s broad coverage and remarkable detail, this map application and the available map bundles are very large and must be downloaded over a WiFi connection.

Draw-A-Flag 1.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

How many times have you seen a flag and wondered what country or state it represents? That's where Draw-A-Flag comes in, and in the funnest way possible:

Just finger-paint a flag onto the screen. Then press the search button and Draw-A-Flag will find the flag you drew by comparing it against its internal database and reveal the name of matching country. Simple as that.

Draw your flag with a variety of different colors and brushes. Don't worry if you're not a good drawer. With a few quick finger strokes Draw-A-Flag will figure out which flag you're trying to draw and find a match.

The app supports every country in the world, all 50 states, plus a number of flags of territories and autonomous areas. It is the perfect utility for something that would otherwise require pouring through lists of flags until you find what you want. Let Draw-A-Flag do the drudge work while you draw away.

Please give glowing reviews and ratings on the App Store!

Learn Your Flags Flashcards 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Learn Your Flags Flashcards are a great way to help learn the countries of the world and their flags. Included also are the 50 United States state flags and the District of Columbia.

Flashcards display a large image of a national/state flag on one "side" of the card. The other side contains the name of the country or US state whose flag it is.

You can display the flags and quiz yourself on the corresponding country/state. Or do it the other way around - show the country/state name and try to recall what the flag looks like. Just tap cards to flip them from back to front, and swipe left or right to move between cards. Go through cards in alphabetical order or randomly.

These flashcards are the perfect learning aid to help you memorize national and US state flags. Flip them around, shuffle from one to the next. This app uses neat animations that simulate real-life flashcards. And unlike physical flashcards, you can also search for a specific card by typing the country/state name.

Have fun and learn!

관련 글타래

  1. 2불에 구입하면 렌즈 3개, 필름 3개, 플래시 1개가 포함되어 있다 
author image
운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/01/04 07:26 2010/01/04 07:26
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  1. Bryan Lee 2010/01/04 08:40

    1등 인가요..?

    늘 감사드립니다 도아님~ (__)

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  2. 한량 2010/01/04 09:18

    이등인가요???매일매일 찾아오고 있습니다 감사해요 ㅎㅎ

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    • 도아 2010/01/04 16:34

      예. 2등입니다. 그런데 이제 등수놀이로 진화했군요.

  3. 눈부처 2010/01/04 09:18

    오늘도 감사합니다. 눈 길 조심하세요.

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    • 도아 2010/01/04 16:35

      감사합니다. 눈이 정말 많이 왔더군요.

  4. 푸른 스탠리 2010/01/04 09:27

    Hipstamatic는... 지금 할인해서 파는 거 아니죠?

    기본이 2불짜리인거고... 필름추가도 따로 돈 내야 하는거 맞나요??

    아님 지금 모든 걸 합쳐서 2불에 파는건가요?

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  5. hungryalice 2010/01/04 09:30

    언제나 감사 합니다 ^^
    오늘 눈... 조심하세요 ^^

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  6. 세미예 2010/01/04 09:31

    지난 한해 좋은 글 잘봤습니다. 올해도 멋진 글로 많은 블로그들에게 유용한 정보 부탁드립니다.
    잘보고 갑니다. 올 한해 건강하시고 건필하세요.

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    • 도아 2010/01/04 16:36

      감사합니다. 언제 기회가 되면 부산에 가서 다들 한번 뵙고 싶더군요.

  7. 실비단안개 2010/01/04 09:54

    관리자만 볼 수 있는 댓글입니다.

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    • 비밀방문자 2010/01/04 09:56

      관리자만 볼 수 있는 댓글입니다.

    • 도아 2010/01/04 16:37

      저는 코딩만 가능합니다. 따라서 배너라고 하면 다른 분께 부탁하셔야 할 것 같습니다. 다만 일단 트위터를 통해 일단 알렸고, 제 블로그를 통해서도 한번 공론화할 생각입니다.

  8. 홍성국 2010/01/04 10:05

    10위권 이군요 첫출근 과 함께 도아님께 인사드립니다 ^^

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    • 도아 2010/01/04 16:38

      감사합니다. 언제 올라오는지도 모르는데 등수놀이까지 해주셔서 저는 무척 기쁩니다.

  9. johney 2010/01/04 17:01

    무료 어플 글 이지만, 무료는 아니지만 할인해서 판매하는 좋은 어플 소개도 종종 해주시는데,
    저의 경우에는 무료 어플보다도 Hipstamatic 같이 좋은 어플 소개해 주실 때 건질게 더 많은 것 같네요.
    항상 감사드립니다.

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    • 도아 2010/01/07 08:59

      아무래도 따로 소개하는 어플은 제가 확인하고 추천하는 어플이니 무료 어플 보다는 품질이 낫습니다.

  10. 섬원 2010/01/04 19:26


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  11. 나비 2010/01/04 19:36

    Hipstamatic은 저도 몇일전부터 쓰고 있는데 재미난 어플같더라구요. 근데 말씀하신것 처럼 좀더 즐길려니 필름값과 각종 돈들이 추가로..-_- OS3.XX 으로 오면서 이런 방식의 어플이 점차 늘어나네요..ㅠㅠ

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    • 도아 2010/01/07 09:00

      3.0에서 어플 내부의 결제를 허용한 후유증인 듯 싶더군요. 심지어 무료로 올라와 받아보면 결국 돈을 지불해야 하는 어플이 많더군요.

  12. 실비단안개 2010/01/05 07:19

    관리자만 볼 수 있는 댓글입니다.

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    • 도아 2010/01/07 09:00

      예. 감사합니다. 즐거운 하루 되세요.

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