무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.
얼마 전 아이폰의 한국 출시가 공식적으로 확정됐다. 이로인해 22일 부터 27일까지 아이폰을 예약 판매[1]하고 있다. 나 역시 23일 예약 구매를 했고 어제 '휴대폰 구매 신청 후 구비서류가 확인됐다'는 문자 메시지를 받았다. 아마 신청한 순으로 문자 메시지를 보내는 듯하기 때문에 별다른 일이 없다면 28일 아기다리 고기다리 던아이폰[2]을 받을 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.

휴대폰 신청내역 조회에서 이름과 주민등록번호, 휴대폰 구매 예약시 입력한 암호를 입력하면 아이폰 예약 구매 상태를 조회할 수 있다. 24일까지 접수 준비 중이었지만 오늘은 준비완료로 바뀌었다.
아이폰(iPhone)이 출시된 뒤 내 블로그에도 상당한 변화가 있었다. 그 중하나는 댓글이 거의 없던 무료 어플에 상당히 많은 댓글이 붙고 있다. 또 무료 어플의 하루 조회수가 만만치 않다. 무료 어플은 원래 조회수가 높다. 그러나 아이폰이 출시된 뒤 관심이 더 늘은 듯 조회수가 폭증했다. 또 다른 변화는 트위터 팔로어의 폭증이다. 하루 평균 13명 정도 팔로어가 느는데 '아이폰 출시 뒤 매일 팔로어가 30명 이상 증가'하고 있다.
마지막으로 무료 어플을 소개하면서 부족한 부분이 어플에 대한 설명인데 이 어플에 대한 설명은 Vermond님이 해주시기로 하셨다. 따라서 일단 어플을 받고 어떤 어플인지 궁금한 분은 Vermond님의 블로그를 방문해 보기 바란다. 어제 올린 무료 어플에 대한 설명은 11/24 어플 날림 번역에서 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 트위터 가이드를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.
FREE for today only!
어제는 아이 엄마와 아이들이 사무실로 찾아 왔다. 이 덕에 집불 삼겹살 체인 '도네누'에서 소주를 무려 세병이나 마셨다. 이 바람에 조금 늦게 일어났다(오전 7시). 여기에 누리개 차단 플러그인을 고치다 보니 무료 어플을 조금 늦게 찾게 됐다. 따라서 오늘은 일부 무료 어플만 설명하겠다.
오늘 소개할 어플은 총 21개이다. I-DATE 시리즈는 18세 이상만 구입할 수 있는 어플로 남녀, 동성애자를 찾아주는 어플이다. goShopping은 쇼핑 도우미 어플이다. 다만 개발자가 한국인이라 한글 설명도 함께 있다. 1Password Pro는 오늘만 무료인지 아닌지 확실하지 않은 어플이다. 그런데 가격이 무려 8불이며 맥 쪽에서는 유명한 어플인 듯해서 추가했다.
I-DATE - Singles Dating App 2.1(Social Networking)[[iTunes][1]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Find your perfect match NOW! Try iDATE Today!!
Over 100,000 users!
Dating is easy with iDate. Whether you're looking for casual dating or a soul mate, finding that perfect match is as close as your iPhone. View thousands of personals and pics of straight singles looking for a date. With a few simple touches:
- Join the iDATE network
- Create your own profile
- View thousands of profiles
- Find singles near you
- Flirt & send someone a Smile
- Send messages
- Meet new friends
With iDATE love is at your fingertips. People that have tried Facebook, Myspace, "Hot or Not", "Speed Date", "Dating DNA", Match.com or other social networking apps will love iDATE! Make being single a good thing and join the iDATE singles social network today!
PLEASE email us with any problems, comments or suggestions at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.
Please Note: Content submitted to us must not contain anything obscene, pornographic, offensive or defamatory.
18+ ONLY
I-DATE GAY - Gay & Lesbian Dating App 2.1(Social Networking)[[iTunes][2]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Find your perfect match today! Try iDATE Gay Now!
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the navigation buttons are not visible on devices that have updated to the 3.1.2 version. A fix and update have been submitted, and the update is currently under review for approval.
Whether you're looking for a new connection or a soul mate, finding that perfect match is as close as your iPhone. View personals and pics of gay and lesbian singles looking for a date. With a few simple touches:
- Join the iDATE network
- Create your own profile
- View thousands of profiles
- Find singles near you
- Flirt & send someone a Smile
- Send messages
- Meet new friends
With iDATE Gay love is at your fingertips. Make being single a good thing and join the iDATE Gay singles social network today!
PLEASE email us with any problems, comments or suggestions at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.
Please Note: Content submitted to us must not contain anything obscene, pornographic, offensive or defamatory. Accounts that violate this policy will be deleted.
18+ ONLY
Christian I-DATE - Christian Singles Dating App 2.1(Social Networking)[[iTunes][3]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Find your perfect match today! Try Christian iDATE Now!
Whether you're looking for a soul mate, a new friend in Christ, or just someone to go to church or read the Bible with, finding that perfect match is as close as your iPhone. View personals and pictures of Christian singles looking for a date. With a few simple touches:
- Join the iDATE network
- Create your own profile
- View thousands of profiles
- Find singles near you
- Flirt & send someone a Smile
- Send messages
- Meet new friends
With Christian iDATE love is at your fingertips. If you have tried Facebook, Myspace, "Speed Date", "Dating DNA" or other social networking apps like them you will love Christian iDATE! Make being single a good thing and join the Christian iDATE singles social network today!
PLEASE email us with any problems, comments or suggestions at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.
i-TetraVex 1.3(Games)[[iTunes][4]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Free only for a limited time.
This is the classic edge matching puzzle game redeveloped for iphone/iPod touch.
We hope you enjoy this excellent number matching game!
The player is presented with a grid (by default, 3x3) and nine square tiles, each with a number on each edge. The objective of the game is to place the tiles in the grid in the proper position as fast as possible. Two tiles can only be placed next to each other if the numbers on adjacent faces match.
- 3D image.
- Save the best 3 scores for each level.
- Hint function: shaking your device after it is loaded to see how to start the first step.
- Background: selected your favorite image from 10 images.
- Restarting the new game by shaking the device.
- Difficulty(size):2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6.
- When one game is over, user can choose a new game or repeat the same puzzle.
Notice: if you use hint function, the score will not be displayed.
SEC 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][5]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Limited time free of charge on November 30
SEC counts the natural and synthetic objects consumed worldwide and the harmful contaminants emitted by humans per 1 second.
SEC visually represents the effect on the current global environment and provides content that is fun to view.
[Functional Information]
Select an item on the EDIT screen to move to the COUNT screen and start counting.
The count proceeds from 0 seconds to 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds and then returns back to 0 seconds.
On the COUNT screen, there are two types of COUNT representation allowing you to choose the desired pattern.
When counting, the count can be paused by touching the screen with two fingers allowing you to check the current count.
Data such as world consumption and emission are converted to 1 second based on the various source, but the surveyed year differs according to the item.
Future upgrades are planned to provide the latest information.
Gone in 15 Seconds 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][6]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Get it while it is still at the low low price of FREE!
Gone in 15 Seconds is a game that requires a stable hand and quick finger reflexes.
"A game so difficult your brain will explode"
The gameplay is as simple as moving your finger. You have to drag a green square around a maze and touch a yellow square as many times as you can in 15 seconds. You score 1 point every time the green square touches the yellow square. But if the green square touches anything red then you'll have to hit the reset button and lose valuable time. Levels are unlocked when you acquire a certain number of points on each level.
This game is extremely difficult!
Quick Tip:
Are you sick and tired of your screen getting greasy when you call someone and the phone touches your face? Well that's about to change! To make this game a little easier to play, make sure it's well greased!
i-Password Image 1.1(Productivity)[[iTunes][7]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Free for a limited time!!
This is an application about how to save and create password for you. In this application we provide a total new solution to create and protect your passwords.
Now almost everyone of us has to use a lot of passwords in our life, from drawing money from bank to logging in to PC/Internet to see our mails. But it is difficult to remember all the passwords.It is well-known that people is GOOD at remembering IMAGE but not the alphabet or numbers without any meaning(if you give your password with some meanings, that means your password is not safe enough).
So this application give your a image of your password, what you have to do is ONLY remembering the image pattern of your password.
For example, if your password image pattern is:
/ / (in order to explain how use this application we call it image pattern, you can call it anything else.) then your get your password from the following image, your password will to be: 55355647A 1 4 5 5 6 A 7
2 d 3 4 0 1 4 3
4 5 7 8 a 6 2 3
5 q 1 3 5 9 0 HIt is very clear that remembering '//' is easier than remembering '55355647'. Of course your can define any kinds of password pattern of yours, which is easy for you or have some meaning.
A. Adding, deleting, modifying your password image. It also can used as a password creator.B. Password option: Number+Roman alphabet or Number only.
C. Saving option: DB or DB+image
if you set to save to DB, the password image will be saved in the DB of your device.
if you set to save to DB+image, besides in the DB, the image will be saved in Photo Albums of your device, you can print it out or send it to your PC by e-mail or anything else you can do to a photo.D. Adding your current used password into password image is also supported . the procedure is following:
- Create a new password image.
- Touch the title of created password image, based on you image pattern, touch the letter you want to modify, input new letter in the inputting field, at last save what you have changed.
E. It is safe and convenient.
Because only your password image pattern MUST be memorized by yourself, it is a very easy thing. Even if your password image is found by someone else, it is very difficult to guess your password without knowing your password image pattern.Notice:
As a user of this application, you MUST decide and memorize of image pattern by yourself, and found your password based on the image pattern in your mind.- Supported languages: English, Japanese, Chinese
PhetaMaze 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][8]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
PhetaMaze is a crazy, zany game where by tilting your iPhone/iPod you must very quickly navigate your bouncy ball through an increasingly complex maze! As you start out, the maze is small and fairly easy. As you progress through levels, the maze gets bigger and twistier! Pick up bombs and then touch the screen to explode "short cuts" through the maze! Pick up clocks to gain time. The person that collects the most gold gets the highest score. Watch out for the "Maze Warps" -- they can help you or hurt you. Pick up keys to unlock walls!
Game features INFINITE number of levels of play. Each maze is completely unique so EVERY game you play is different and exciting!
Features 3 levels of difficulty: easy, medium and hard.
This game will keep you entertained for hours. Beware -- highly addictive!
See game play video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZSLDKF2aic
ACTION HEROES 5-IN-1 1.3(Games)[[iTunes][9]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
- Episode 1 Jailbreaker
- Episode 2 Hot Pursuit
- Episode 3 Climber
- Episode 4 Tomb Evader
- Episode 5 Hell Flyer
ACTION HEROES combines a series of action games in one App as separate episodes. Each episode tells a unique heroic story.
Be a shadowy hero and save others, or save yourself!
Best of all, there are more heroes yet to come! We keep adding new FREE episodes and games to ACTION HEROES. Enjoy the fighting, shooting, explosions, and all your favorite parts of the best action movies and games.
Episode 1 - Jailbreaker
YOU, Mr. Stick, were framed and lost your memory. Someone is trying to kill you while you're in prison. But you've got a chance to make a break for it. Now run for freedom, jump over deadly obstacles, and finally get your revenge.
Episode 2 Hot Pursuit
You are being pursued on the highway. But you're not out of luck yet! You have a pistol, machine gun, and even a rocket launcher in your roadster. Blast through to safety!
Episode 3 Climber
You are a shadowy hero mired in the ruins of a destroyed city. Think quickly and use your grappling hook to climb up into the freedom of the open sky.
Episode 4 Tomb Evader
You are in the top centre of a pyramid. Suddenly something was falling down. You have to run to the bottom as fast as you can.
Episode 5 Hell Flyer
You are visiting the core of the earth. The only way out is to fly through the lava using your chain. Be careful not to burn in this hell.
Family Tree 2.0(Social Networking)[[iTunes][10]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Happy Thanksgiving.
Do you need the app drawing your family tree?
Here is the app for that.
- Dynamically draws family tree on one page.
- Displays up to grandparents and down to grandchildren.
- Person's detail information is always synced to Contacts.
- Option to display spouse's family members.
- Portrait and Landscape display.
- Zoom in and out.
- Various colors represent each family.
- Family name game.
Instruction video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaZB_FVbBXY
This app displays family members' picture and first name beautifully on the screen. You can show your family members to your friends, coworkers, classmates, or children easily.
Family members enjoy the game to answer one of the family member's name with the app. It can help your children to memorize their family members.
When a user taps one of members, the screen flips and shows the detail information about the person the user touched. The user can import information from the Contacts stored in the iPhone or iPod touch, insert new information, or even edit current information.
Because all information link to the Contacts in the iphone or iPod touch, all changes apply to the Contacts directly.
In addition to that, a user can easily make a phone call, compose a email, or etc in this app.
Tip Calculator Top★ 1.3.1(Finance)[[iTunes][11]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION - You're not going to eat out for thanksgiving, so I shouldn't charge you for this app!
Download the best Tip Calculator in the App Store FREE until Black Friday!!!
Check out these reviews (Thanks for those, BTW!):- Has everything you need in one nice, quick screen with great UI. Thanks.
- It's the best tipping app out there. Well worth the money.
- An elegant app that really works. This is the kind of thing that makes you proud to whip out your phone after dinner!
- Tried many others... this is the only one that remains on my phone.
- The best tip calculator ever. Genius.
Upon launch, use the large keypad to tap in the price of your meal.- Swipe the slider to set the percentage. The App remembers your preference.
- Split the bill evenly among friends using the second slider. The tips get split too.
- Adapts to your currency and to these languages: English, Spanish (more coming soon).
- Use the "Mirror" mode to confirm that every food charge in your credit card bill has mirrored digits (like $37.73). The numbers in the amount won’t reflect each other if someone tried to skim a bit off the top.
Thank you all for your awesome feedback and reviews. I’ve tried to build an App that fits in perfectly with the iPhone. I hope it finds a good home in your phone and I look forward to your ideas and suggestions.
AA+ Greetings 2.1(Photography)[[iTunes][12]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Time Limited Price Drop!!!
Free, Only for Thanksgiving
don't forget to send the card to your friends
you could not add photos in build-in albums But if you want to add your own background, you only need to create a new album, then you could use your images.
This application is used for create and send daily and warmly greeting to your friends via mail in 5 minutes.
It's better to have a WIFI environment, so you could send the cards via mail directly, you could also export it into your photo album, then send it manually too.
It's very approachable to use, with powerful features, such as rotation & crop with your fingers. you could store unlimited greeting projects and unlimited albums too.
- Photo Crop, you could crop with different shapes.
- Painting
- Move & Resize & Rotation with one or two fingers(double click each widget will popup configure panel to lock or unlock the features)
- Export to photo album, or email to your friends
- projects managment
- more...
Double click with your fingle on one widget will popup a property panel, you could lock widget or delete it.
when shake your iphone/itouch on editing mode, you could choose workspace clean option.
goShopping - Shopping lists grouped by stores 1.01(Productivity)[[iTunes][13]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Happy Thanksgiving.
Do you want to have separate shopping lists by your favorite stores?
Here is the app for that.
goShopping offers the easiest way to manage your shopping lists grouped by stores.
goShopping has 74 famous stores in the list.
- Shopping lists grouped by stores.
- Top 4 favorite stores are easily accessible from the tab bar.
- Add items and your favorite stores as well.
- Email the shopping lists.
- Connect the homepage of stores.
- Keep track of the lowest unit price.
- Beautiful and convenient User Interface.
- Built-in calculator.
- Icon badge representing the number of items in the lists.
- Magnify the item image user added when tapping it on the item info.
The instruction video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjIGcX6dq08
All store logos are a trademark or a registered trademark of each store.
All store logos are used only for the purpose of easily finding stores from the list.
All store logos are not modified, but only resized.
Contact me at [email protected], if you, store logo owner, want to remove your store logo from the app.
상점별로 구분된 쇼핑리스트를 필요로 하는 분들을 위한 프로그램입니다.
goShopping은 쉽게 상점별로 쇼핑리스트를 관리할 수 있도록, 롯데마트, 이마트, 킴스클럽, 홈플러스 등의 74개의 유명한 상점들이 들어있습니다.
- 상점별 쇼핑리스트
- 상위 4개의 상점을 탭바에서 쉽게 편집
- 상점과 구입 상품들의 추가, 삭제
- 쇼핑리스트를 이메일로 보내는 기능
- 상점의 홈페이지를 연결 기능
- 상품별 최저가 구입 기록 저장 기능
- 편리하고 아름다운 인터페이스
- 내장 계산기
- 구입해야 할 목록수가 아이콘 뱃지에 표시
- 상품 사진 확대 기능
설명 비디오: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjIGcX6dq08
프로그램지원 이메일: [email protected]
Units - The Unit Converter 1.0(Utilities)[[iTunes][14]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Units is the unit converter with a unique user interface. The applications supports over 270 units across 18 categories.
We wanted to create an elegant application with a simple user interface that hides the visual complexity you'll find in a typical unit converter application. We believe we achieved the goal with this application packing the features you'll need in an elegant user interface.
The Units application has a unique user interface. There are three simple things you'll need to know to use the app effectively. We are sure the application is intuitive enough, but just in case...
- Slide the Unit Categories horizontally in the middle to select a category. You can then slide the units above and below the category to choose the specific units you want to convert from and to.
- Tap the boxes (top and bottom) to enter unit values. Tapping these boxes will reveal the keypad
- You can modify the list of categories and units you want to display in the main screen under the settings section
That's it. You now know how to use the app. There are additional things that'll make you an expert user. Here are additional tips.
- All the categories and units are ordered alphabetically.
- If you want to get the reverse conversion value (like USD to EUR as well as EUR to USD), just turn the phone around.
- Currency values are automatically updated every time you open the app. You can disable this option in the info screen
- You can manually update currency values using the refresh button under Settings > Currency screen
- You can enable/disable audio in the info screen
There we go. You are now the expert of the application. If you like the app, please recommend it to your friends. If you have any feedback, please emails us at [email protected]
The application supports over 270 units across these18 categories.
- Acceleration
- Angular Velocity
- Area
- Bits & Bytes
- Currency (89 Currencies)
- Energy
- Force
- Frequency
- Length
- Power
- Pressure
- Speed
- Temperature
- Time
- Torque
- Volume
- Volumetric Flow
- Weight
If you like the app, please drop us a review. If you have any feedback/suggestions/issues, please email us at [email protected]. You can also email us directly from the application's info screen.
Thank you for your interest.
SnapDat 1.3(Business)[[iTunes][15]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
SnapDat is the only contact sharing app that combines the distinctive look & personalization of an actual business card with the power of digital contact sharing. With SnapDat, you can instantly send your SnapCard - - our version of a digital business card - to anyone. Just tap a card, enter an email address or SnapID, and press send!
Featured in the New York Times, Mashable, and the iPhone Blog
This premium version of SnapDat includes these additional features:
- Create your own SnapCard design
- Turn any photo into an instant SnapCard
- Create unlimited SnapCard profiles.
- Design your own template using image software, import & use in SnapDat
- Utilize 5 custom logo layouts designed for professional use
- Create unlimited SnapCards for any situation (e.g. Work, Personal, VIP, etc...)
- Select from over 40 unique design templates. (upgrade to create your own design)
- Add your own profile photo
- Embed & share social links (Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and more)
- Control whether or not recipients can forward your SnapCard
- Send a personalized text to accompany your SnapCard
- GeoStamp support - never forget where & when you met someone
- Take notes on any collected SnapCard
- Received SnapCards are automatically added to iPhone Contacts
- Send your SnapCard to anyone via email (unlike other apps, the recipient is not required to signup)
- vCard support
- Received SnapCards are automatically stored in a fully searchable SnapDirectory
- Call, text, email, map, visit a URL or watch a YouTube video directly from a SnapCard
- Always remember where and when you sent your card with SnapHistory
Note: Our free, limited version (SnapDat Lite) is pending approval & will be available again soon on the AppStore.
Words of Life 1.0(Education)[[iTunes][16]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Life wisdom right in your hand!
More than 365 chosen phrases full of smart ideas to improve your life and wise observations about human kind.
"I couldn't stop reading em... Everyone should live by these" by P. (Oct. 2009)
"Better than any other "quotes" application. Quotes here stand out from the regular ones and giggle or two are guranteed now and then. go for it!!!" by Dinakar (Nov. 2009)
These selected quotes, proverbs, advises, ideas and funny sayings about life will cheer you up and inspire you every day.
Enjoy this application!
Ben Holyfield.
1Password Pro 2.2.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][17]]
Price: $7.99 -> Free
To give thanks to all our wonderful users and to celebrate the release of 1Password 3 for Mac, we're offering 1Password for iPhone as a free gift to you!
Be sure to install your free gift before December 1st.
1Password Pro is a special edition of the award-winning 1Password application with nearly 1 million users worldwide.
1Password will securely store your important information and can automatically log you into websites with a single tap. There's no need to remember the username, password, or even the website address. With the ability to save and sync text notes, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information, everyone from Macworld to Apple itself loves 1Password!
Recommended in Apple's "Apps for Getting Things Done" Guide
Winner of the First Annual AppAwards in Best Secret Keeping App category
"Keep it secret, keep it safe." ? Apple's Guide to Apps for Getting Things Done
"From the 50,000 or so downloadable apps that Apple offers for its iPhone and iPod touch, we choose ten that are worth the time and money." ? Times' Ten of the Best iPhone Apps (2nd Pick)
"Four out of five stars" ? iPhone Alley
- (pro) Special easy switching mode allows you to quickly copy-and-paste usernames and passwords to Mobile Safari.
- (pro) Support for copying multiple field values (for example, both username and password) from 1Password to Mobile Safari.
- (pro) Folders for better organization (in this version a desktop application required - sold separately)
- (pro) Features coming soon: Favorites, MobileMe/WebDAV syncing, and more.
- Securely store your website names and passwords so you never forget them again
- Save important information like credit cards and membership numbers
- Jot down other notes too sensitive for stickies or bar napkins
- Synchronize it all with 1Password for Mac via Wi-Fi (sold separately, available at http://1password.com)
- Automatically log into Web sites on iPhone and iPod touch to avoid remembering and typing usernames and passwords
- Hardware-accelerated AES encryption and Auto-Lock keep your data protected even if your iPhone is lost or stolen
- All cryptographic operations are performed using standard iPhone libraries to ensure there are no security gaps or backdoors
- Two-layer defense with Unlock Code and Master Password to combine security and convenience
- Data Backup & Restore option available on Mac, Windows and Linux.
Please visit http://agile.ws/products/iphone for more information.
Your feedback is always welcome. Please use "Settings > Send Feedback" to report any issues or send suggestions.
Shoppee 1.00(Lifestyle)[[iTunes][18]]
Price: $2.99 -> Free
Shoppee is FREE for a limited time only!
Shoppee will save money while shopping.
Using Shoppee is easy. Start by adding the stores that you visit and then add items that you buy at each store. You can record the item price, units, and number of units with each item. Shoppee will organize your data and help you find the best bargain for your money.
Shoppee is perfect for evaluating sale prices. Should you stock up on a sale item or can you get it cheaper at another store? With unit price information at your fingertips you can make a smart decision about sale prices.
Shoppee enables you to make smart decisions about bulk purchasing at warehouse clubs. Why buy 1,000 trash bags if the price per bag is the same as buying 100 at a grocery store?
Have you ever noticed that products get smaller but keep the same price? Some consumers don’t notice because the price stays the same. Shoppee tracks unit prices so you can make smart shopping decisions.
Shoppee was inspired by a concept that most frugal people are familiar with; the price book. Replacing a paper price book with Shoppee enables faster item lookup and much easier comparison-shopping.
Try Shoppee, you won’t regret it and you will get an almost instant return on your minimal investment.
The Lucky Machine 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][19]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Generate random number and send it to email.
Create a beautifull combination of number for play any lottery game.
For example to play SUperenalotto or Lotto, or any kind of game that required an extraction of random number.
Have a lucky day!
Wanna try?
Shotr 1.1.1(Social Networking)[[iTunes][20]]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
If you've wished you could easily upload and share an image through various social networks, you need Shotr! Shotr allows you to take a new picture with your iPhone or select an image with your iPod Touch, upload to Href.in or Imageshack and quickly share via Delicious, Digg, Facebook, FriendFeed and Twitter.
Winc 1.0.1(Education)[[iTunes][21]]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
The full version of Winc is now available for FREE! Upgrade or download today!
Winc is a fully featured notecard application designed to replace bulky and annoying physical index and flash cards. The power of the simple index card is now at your fingertips wherever you go.
With the Winc Desktop companion application (available at http://getwinc.com) you can create an unlimited number of sets, email sets to friends, add images to cards, transfer sets to your iPhone or iPod touch, and more.
- create unlimited sets and cards
- share with and download from other Winc users
- cards support multiple languages
- cards support images
- text or images on front and back of cards
Visit http://getwinc.com to download the Winc Desktop application and for more information.
Downloading & Sharing Requirements
Downloading sets requires one or more devices to be in share mode on the same WiFi network. While in download mode Winc will automatically search for other devices on the same WiFi network.
Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/2900
Subject : 1Password Pro 오늘 하루 무료! 아이폰, 아이팟 터치 앱
Tracked from The Mike Times 2009/11/25 16:01 del.강력한 개인정보 관리 애플리케이션 1Password Pro 아이폰, 아이팟 터치 버전이 오늘 하루 무료입니다. 미국 추수감사절을 기념하는 거 같습니다. iTunes "링크 클릭" 아래는 간단한 리뷰입니다. 개인
Subject : 11/25 어플 날림 번역
Tracked from 안녕 세상아 2009/11/25 23:01 del.오늘도 날림입니다... =_=;; 어제처럼 버전, 가격, 어플명, 기타 고유명사 등 필요없는 것은 해석 안했습니다. 그리고 개인적인 대화는 파란색입니다 I-DATE - Singles Dating App 당신의 완벽한 상대를 ?
웃음소리 2009/11/25 15:27
1password는 12월1일까지 무료라네요...
땡스기빙 선물이라고 이메일이 와서 저도 프로버전으로 업그래이드 했답니다. -
월래 2009/11/25 15:31
도아님 블로그를 보니..
아이폰 출시후 어떤 변화가 올지 새삼 기대가 커지네요 ㅎ
2년 약정만 아니면 터치 팔고 아이폰을 구입할텐데..아쉽습니다. -
보름달 2009/11/26 07:25
덕분에 좋은 프로그램 잘 받았습니다. 감사합니다. 프로그램 이름이 철자가 하나 빠진게 있네요.. AA+ Greetings -> AA+ UGreetings (Greetings 앞에 U가 빠졌네요). 그리고 AA+ UGreetings은 라이트 버전1.3.3(social networking분야)이고, 일반버전은 이름이 그냥Greetings이고 이게 버전2.2(photography분야)이군요.