
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 33개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 가장 먼저 소개하는 어플은 Neon이다 다만 이 어플은 무료가 아니라 유료다. 판올림 기념으로 3일간 1불로 할인판매하기 때문에 소개한다. 다만 주의할 것은 이 어플에 대한 평은 좋은 편이 아니다. 또 SK컴즈에서는 정식 네이트온 어플이 나오면 이 어플을 막을 것이라고 한다. 그런데도 소개하는 이유는 네이트온 목을 매는 사람이 많기 때문이다. 개인적으로 네이트온은 사용하지 않는 것이 최선이라고 생각한다.

부엉이이도 무료 어플이 아니라 유료 어플이다. 2불에서 1불로 판매하고 있어서 소개한다. 이 어플은 코골이 소리로 수면지수를 알려주는 어플이다. 코골이는 수면에 상당히 방해가 되기 때문에 코골이가 심한 사람은 하나 쯤 구입해도 괜찮을 듯하다. Stackus는 예전에 무료로 올라와 상당히 좋은 평을 받은 Phisics 기반 게임 어플이다. 이번에도 잠깐만 무료로 올라왔다.

VeloVoyeur는 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 UCI에 관련된 어플이다. 공짜신문은 각종 신문을 인터넷을 통해 구독할 수 있는 신문 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. 악기연주는 피아노, 플롯, 색소폰, 트럼펫등의 악기를 연주할 수 있는 어플로 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Bet Tracker Pro는 평상시 10불에 판매되는 어플로 오늘 올라온 어플 중 가장 고가의 어플이다. 베팅을 추적할 수 있는 어플로 보인다.

AutoDisk 2000 Car Specs & Pics은 상당히 다양한 차의 사양과 사진을 볼 수 있는 어플로 평상시 3불에 판매된다. Scientific Scripting with Python는 파이썬을 배울 수 있는 전자책으로 평상시 4불에 판매된다. Hottest Apps은 이름처럼 인기있는 어플을 알 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매되며, FreeAppaDay.com과의 협약으로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Stock Picker는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 주식 차트 어플이다.

AutoPX는 얼굴 검출 기법(Facial Detection Technology)을 사용하는 카메라 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다. Action 16은 평상시 2불, 이번주까지 무료로 제공되는 어플로 총 16개의 멀티 렌즈를 지원한다. iSlim은 평상시 4불, 이틀간 무료로 제공되는 다이어트 관련 어플이다. 10 Stars는 원래 무료로 올라온 어플이지만 제한 된 시간 동안 무료라고 해서 소개한다. 얼핏 보기에 수도쿠 비슷한 퍼즐로 보인다.

RCube Daily Algorithm!도 원래 무료로 올라온 어플이다. RCube를 빠르게 풀 수 있도록 도와주는 어플이다. Jam Packed!는 평상시 2불, 오늘만 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 테리리스의 블럭과 비슷한 블록으로 그림을 맞추는 퍼즐 게임으로 보인다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

Neon 2.0.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

새로운 네온을 만나보세요:)

네온2 업그레이드 기념으로 3일간 0.99불로 세일합니다(1.99불->0.99불)

Neon 2에서는 다음과 같은 부분이 업데이트 되었습니다.

  1. 서버와의 통신 라이브러리를 전격 교체하여 성능향상 및 안정성이 증가하였습니다. (이와 같은 이유로 업데이트가 많이 늦어졌습니다.)
  2. 기존 버전 대비 50%이상의 메모리 절감을 통하여 배터리 소모량이 감소하였습니다.
  3. 오프라인시(네온종료후) 받은 쪽지 확인이 가능합니다.
  4. 싸이월드 아이디가 연동된 사용자분들은, 싸이월드 업데이트시 알림을 받으실수 있습니다. (방명록 등)
  5. 로그인 / 로그아웃을 따로 두어 네온 종료후에도 기존에 주고 받았던 대화/ 쪽지등이 저장되어 프로그램 실행시마다 바로 종료직전 상태로 네온을 시작하실수 있습니다.
  6. 우회 접속기능을 추가하여 회사나 기타 공유기 사용으로 인한 방화벽에 의해 네이트온 사이트가 막혀있을시에도 접속이 가능합니다.
  7. 기타 잡다한 버그를 없앴습니다.

(*) 3월중 추가 업데이트를 통해 지원예정인 기능입니다

  1. 로그인시 속도개선
  2. 가로모드 지원
  3. 3g망 사용시 안정성증가
  4. 싸이월드* 바로가기 지원
  5. 기타 간헐적인 버그개선

네온 2.0업뎃을 하면서 몇몇버그가 리뷰기간도중 발견되어 수정된버전을 올려두었습니다 이점 참고하시어 사용해주시기 바랍니다

구매자 분들의 만족을 드리기 위해 많은 노력을 하고있다는점 알아두시고, 앞으로의 네온 업데이트를 기대해 주시기 바랍니다.


부엉이 1.1(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

코골이 소리로 수면지수를 알려주는 "부엉이"가 출시 되었습니다!

오늘은 내가 얼마나 코를 골았는지 궁금하지 않으십니까?

부엉이는 당신의 코고는 소리에 잠못들며 당신이 코를 얼마나 고는지 체크하여 그래프와 수치로 결과를 알려줍니다.

이 앱으로 하루의 컨디션을 관리하세요!

부엉이는 내가 얼마나 코를 골았고, 얼마나 깊은 잠을 잤는지 예측해 줍니다. 수치에 따라 피로도가 달라지는 것을 확연히 느낄 수 있습니다.

코골이는 본인 외에도 다른사람의 수면까지 방해할 수 있습니다.

혹시 당신은 코를 골지 않는다고 생각하십니까?

모 언론사 조사에 따르면

  • 성인 중 20~ 50%
  • 성인 남자의 50%
  • 성인 여자의 30%

가 심각한 코골이를 앓고 있고 특히 이중의 5~10%는 심각한 코골이로 수면 무호흡증을 앓고 있다고 나타났습니다.

본인의 코골이 정도를 알지 못하는 경우가 많습니다.

결혼을 앞두고 있는 예비 신혼부부와 기숙사 입사, 군입대를 앞두신 분들은 센스있게 미리미리 체크하세요!

  • 오늘의 코골이 그래프를 보여줍니다.
  • 오늘의 코골이 지수를 알려줍니다.
  • 오늘의 수면 지수를 알려줍니다.
  • 오늘의 수면 시간을 알려줍니다.
  • 월 별 수치 비교
  • 시간대 별 수치 비교
  • 서버에 업로드 해서 다른사람과 수치 비교

이 앱은 코골이 소리를 체크하여 얼마나 깊은 잠을 잤는지 예측해 줍니다. 의학적인 방법으로 코골이를 체크해 주지 않으며 실제 진단결과로 사용 할 수 없습니다.

정확한 진단은 의사와 상의하세요.

(iPod Touch는 마이크가 필요합니다)

Color Magic Deluxe 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Color Magic in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be FREE today and today only!

Search appstore with "art of blur" for another amazing photo editing app.

Want to give your photos an eye-catching look by simply slip fingers on the photo?
With Color Magic Deluxe, everything can be as easy as 1-2-3. Just take a photo with iPhone camera or pick a photo from album, Color Magic will change it into black and white image, then begin painting in color with your fingers. Don't worry about mistakes, You can undo every step along the way! Choose your brush, select a proper size and transparency paint in either color or black & white to edit your photos in detail. 
Zooming in&out function and an alternative view mode highlights with a red tint allows you to work on details with pixel-accuracy.

When you done the job, you can easily post your image to facebook,flickr or send with email.

✓ Share your edited images on Facebook, Flickr or email.
✓ Simple responsive user interface.

✓ Fast and unlimited undo.

✓ Paint in color

✓ Paint in black & white (to erase).

✓ 11 different brushes.
✓ Built-in video guide.

✓ Choose brush size and transparency.

✓ Save multiple sessions to resume your work later.

✓ Highlights the regions that will remain in color with a red tint. This makes it easier to see and adjust the boundaries between color and black & white regions.

✓ Hide the toolbars in full screen mode.

✓ Fast zoom in and out.

Stackus 1.50(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Season2 Update! FREE FOR LIMITED TIME!!!
Enjoy The Physics Puzzle.
Stack It!
Homostackus, man the stacker.

-- Stackus Review --

"The game gives you a mysterious feeling. I'm lovin' it." (Gold Award) - projectnext.eu - Mobile Gaming

"Overall I find this game worth the price of $.99. 90%" - trozlabs.com - Flesh And Games

"It's an extraordinarily fun physics game, right up there with Topple." -jayisgames.com - Mobile Monday

Game Features:
• Stack blocks, keeping them in balance.
• and, enjoy well-designed 50 stages.
• Basically, you will clear the game if you move all the color blocks in the left side to the other side.
• You win only if
• All the blocks in the left are removed onto the right stage.
• The stacks of the blocks should stay in balance during given time (just a few seconds).
• You fail if
• Any of blocks slips off the stage.

Blocks with different shapes and weights
• Three shapes: triangle, square and circle
• The darker the color is, the heavier the block is. The weight of a block is not depending on the difference of colors but depending on the luminosity of the color.

How to play
• Pick up a block from the left stage.
• Drag and release the block anywhere in the right stage, even possible to put in a crack between other blocks.
• In the right stage, no further chance to move it again.

Stage Preview
• Check the stage previews to get the glimpse of the challenges.

Meet the Five Challengers: Monkey, Yuki, Mason, Gerry, and the one behind the veil

• Monkey – a very clever challenger with a good sense of physics, having succeeded to frustrate a great number of humans with the various arrangements of blocks.
• Yuki – a small girl cute and smart. She loves playing the block stacking games and wants to be a pro – a master of block stacking.
• Mason – an expert player of block stacking. He is highly regarded from his great skill, though his malicious temper keeps him away from people.
• Gerry – a legendary master of block stacking. Only one loss throughout his whole career.
• ? – Nobody knows who she or he really is. But no doubt that this one is the one who once beat Gerry.

• The five challengers convince you that every puzzle in the Homostackus world is solvable.
• Anyone who challenges the gamers with unsolvable puzzles will be banished from the Homostackus world.

You can preview a game play movie in YouTube.com
click OnlyGo Stuio Website Link below

GUTS 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Yes comrades, you can now get the full game of GUTS for free! No strings - or pigs - attached. Enjoy (or be punished).


Comrades, prepare to embark on the most horrific, terrifying and down-right sickening adventure of your life!

Yes, after months of sweaty sweat and punishing punishment, Slabovia – the World’s Happiest Dictatorship – is now ready to unleash its GUTS: a modern day retro classic.

Be shrunken down to microscopic proportions and enter Slabovia’s fearsome dictator on a death-defying mission to fix up his aging body, destroy all manner of vile beastie and rewire the old man’s brain. Oh, and try escape with your life!

For more information on GUTS and Slabovia visit www.slabovia.tv


“By far the best game we’ve ever been forced to play,” - The Potato, Slabovia’s best-selling and only newspaper.

“More engaging than Grime & Punishment and much less boring than War and Pigs,” - State Approved Literary Review.

“Buy it. Enjoy it. Or Be Punished!” - General Schmerdiaokv, Slabovian dictator.

• Cutting edge retro action, with 8-bit inspired technology
• The first and only iPhone game to be set inside a dictator
• Facebook Connect technology
• An ear-bleeding soundtrack by Si Begg VS Slaboiva 8-Bit Orchestra
• 11 terrifying levels that will put you off your tea
• More than 20 horrific beasties who don’t like you too much
• A once in a lifetime chance to see inside The General
• Free citizenship of Slabovia – The World’s Happiest Dictatorship

Feedback and Support: [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/taggames

aBattery 3.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iPhone / iPod Touch (2nd gen) ? Requires OS 3.0 and above

This sleek and elegant battery monitoring application displays the remaining Talk 2G/3G (iPhone only), Internet, Audio, Video and Standby time. aBattery captures the current state of the battery at app startup, and every time the battery level or state (discharging, charging, or full) changes while the app is running. You can then see a graph of the data, and even e-mail the data to analyze later. The graph dynamically updates every time the state or battery level changes.

Automatically detects your device, and displays only the relevant information for your device.

Make sure to check out the app in landscape as well as portrait mode.

Some useful ideas on how to use aBattery:

  • See how much Talk and Internet Time you have left
  • Collect the health of your battery
  • Analyze the historical charging and discharging time for your battery
  • Any other ideas you come up with!

The graph legend is:
Green dot ? Battery Full
Blue dot ? Battery Charging
Orange dot - Battery Discharging
Red dot ? Battery State Unknown

For maximum performance, make sure to clear the battery history by going to the history tab and clicking Clear History. If you would like to keep a copy of the history for viewing later you can e-mail it to yourself before deleting the history.

The file format of the history data is a plain text comma separated value (CSV) file. You can open this file easily in iWork, Excel, OpenOffice or any other spreadsheet application. You can even open the file in a text editor.

Statistique 1.00(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Statistique is must have utility for all iPhone and iPod Touch users. With an amazing interface you can track your memory, check your battery or browse for other device information.

Track Memory
You can monitor your memory, (Free,Inactive,Active,Wired).

Battery Information
You should be aware of the iPhone battery.
Statistique displays the current percentage left on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Calculation depending on your hardware to calculate the remaining hours and minutes for different uses such as: Standby,Internet on Edge or 3G, Internet on Wifi, Video Playback, Audio Playback

Device Information
Useful stuff like Model type, OS and e.t.c and the ability to quickly email your UUID.

VeloVoyeur 1.0.3(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

SPRING CLASSICS PROMO!!! To celebrate the season openers, VV IS FREE THIS WEEK ONLY!!

The VeloVoyeur is your access to the UCI road cycling circuit (pro tour and continental). Read about the teams, see the rosters, read the tweets, catch all the news in cycling now...and most importantly, track the races in real time via live feeds and archived history.

The News
VeloVoyuer is tapped into the most famous and dependable sources in fresh cycling news. Some of our sources include VeloNews, CyclingNews, Steephill.TV, BikeRadar, and USA Cycling News. It's a one stop shop for all the most recent events in cycling.

Team Rosters
VeloVoyeur has the up to date team rosters for both the Pro and Continental teams. (Currently we are updating all the biography images for the entire circuit, patience please! The complete set is coming very soon...many teams are ready, but not all.)

Follow your favorite events, day by day, with our realtime calendar system. VeloVoyeur is following the most prestigious events as they happen. Complete with stage results, website links, and team participants, you won't miss a day in pro cycling. The main events (ie: Paris-Roubaix, Tour de France, Giro d'Italia, Vuelta d'España,etc) have real time ticker feeders to follow the races as they are happening. Don't be caught in your commute wondering who's wining today's stage! Confirmed events to follow.

Epic Climbs
Where's Ventoux, Giau Pass, Montirolo? VeloVoyeur can tell you all about the most famous climbs in cycling. Complete with maps and galleries, learn the history of some of these famous climbs.

@VeloVoyr is following teams, riders, media , events, and even Paul & Phil on a daily basis. Listen to them report about training, see them pass a link from their rest day, or just get caught up on tonight's pasta.

Blokuz Mono 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Blokuz Mono it is a unique games for true puzzle maniacs.

In this game, you are presented by a screen of cleverly disguised tiles represented by question marks. Your objective is to open and collect groups of similar tiles by tapping on the question marks. Your aim is to clear the screen. Choose the largest block of tiles, and the more tiles you destroy simultaneously, the higher your reward.

AF Guide: The Atrial Fibrillation Reference 1.01(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Atrial Fibrillation is commonly encountered by nurses, paramedics, students, residents, and physicians (both primary care and specialist). 'The AF Guide' amalgamates the complex recommendations surrounding the management of patients with this common arrhythmia and distils them into an easy to use app.

Written by the author of 'The ECG guide' and 'Cardio Calc', 'The AF Guide' covers the following topics:

✦ Management of acute atrial fibrillation (as encountered in the ER, ICU or hospital ward)

✦ Management of chronic atrial fibrillation with subsections dealing specifically with the strategies of rate control and rhythm control

✦ Using evidence-based strategies to decide when to use anticoagulation vs antiplatelet agents

✦ Balancing risk of stroke vs risk of bleeding in language that is easy to comprehend for health care professionals and patients alike

Key features include:

✔ Estimate stroke and bleeding risk with a concise, evidence-based recommendation as to whether treatment is most appropriate with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulation.

✔ Explain competing risks of stroke vs bleeding in terms patients and health care professionals can understand.

✔ Warfarin dose calculator – Once the decision is made to start chronic anticoagulation, this tool provides simple dosing recommendations based on INR and current warfarin dose.

✔ E-mail results to your patient
✦ Send your recommendations and rationale for treatment directly to your patient
✦ Send warfarin dosing directly to your patient.

✔ Quick access to drugs and dosing needed when managing patient in the acute setting

Compiled and written by Jason Andrade, MD, FRCPC.

공짜신문 1.0(News)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

지하철, 거리, 버스 정류장, 일반 건물 등 모든 곳에서 서비스되는 모바일공짜신문 프로그램이다.

악기연주 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

피아노, 플룻, 색소폰, 트럼펫 등 악기를 연주 하는 프로그램이다.

Bet Tracker Pro 1.2(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $9.99 -> Free

It's Game Time - Know Where Your Action Is!

Ever taken so many sports bets, you can’t keep track of what’s going on?
Ever taken a sports bet and are not able to watch the game?

Bet Tracker solves all these problems, by bringing you the Ultimate Sports Betting Management App for the iPhone! TRACKING all your betting action is easy with Bet Tracker.

With Bet Tracker you can track all your bets, view published betting lines, calculate your in-game win/loss probabilities, view game stats during the action – all in real-time with up-to-the-second results – all with one App!

Bet Tracker Features:
• Automatically calculate win/loss predictions during each game
• Monitor and Track the performance of each Sports Bet placed, in real- time
• Easy to use interface to create Alerts similar to those used at Sports Books
• View Bet Alerts in color to quickly show your win/loss probabilities
• View all major sports game schedules
• View game scores and stats in real-time
• View published game lines and odds
• Analyze tracking history, and increase your winning percentage

Create Customized Game Alerts

Create an Alert with a few easy keystrokes in order to track any kind of Sports Bet, including parlays, point spreads, overs & unders. It’s fast and easy, and that’s what makes Bet Tracker the one iPhone App you can’t do without, if you’re a die-hard sports better or a fan of the games.

Once you’ve created an Alert, Bet Tracker automatically keeps you up-to-date with a user-friendly graphical interface, providing information in real-time about the success of the bet, game scores, stats and the probability of winning, while the game is in progress.

The Easy Way To Track Your Bets:
• Click Track & View Games
• Choose your sport
• View all upcoming games
• Select the game you would want to bet on
• Select the bet you would have placed
• Click Track Now – this saves your Alert – for straight bets, you’re done!
• Select a new game to append other bets to this Alert for parlays and other complex wagers.
• Relax, sit back and watch your in-game predictions as they happen!

You’re not limited to just one sport. We offer multiple sports, namely Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer and NCAA sports, as well as upcoming major events:

• March Madness
• FIFA World Cup Soccer
• Winter Olympics
• Summer Olympics
• Most International Competitions

Additional sporting events will be added to make Bet Tracker the most comprehensive sports betting management service available today!

Stop being just a spectator and be part of the game!

Try Bet Tracker for a one time fee of $9.99 and receive one sport and three Alerts at any given time.

Check out www.bettracker.com for more information and other advanced plans. Sign up today!

Bet Tracker – The Ultimate Sports Betting management App

Languages: English
Requirements: Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later.

AutoDisk 2000 Car Specs & Pics 1.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

AutoDisk 2000 Car Specs & Pics
Application Description: AutoDisk Car Specs & Pics contains all Cars available on the European market in the year 2000. From Abarth to Wiesmann, from Alfa Romeo to Volvo: all makes and models are there.

Technical specifications
Prices & Options
More than 65 makes
Over 550 models
10.000 different versions

Also available: AutoDisk '95, 96, '97, '98, '99, etc. up to AutoDisk '09. -> AutoDisk 2000 Temporaly for FREE!

AutoDisk Car Specs & Pics can also be used on iPod Touch.

Speed up your iPhone with AutoDisk Car Specs & Pics! A Fabb App!

NOTE: All information is based on cars as sold in the Netherlands and is due to changes. Copyright: A&A Automobiel Advies BV / AutoDisk, The Netherlands.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

TV Genie 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


TV Genie is the only iPhone app that gives you info on all your favourite tv shows.

Search our comprehensive database of TV shows from the past and present, season guides, episode breakdowns, ratings and cast details.

Find out plot twists and spoilers and when episodes were broadcast and make sure you don't miss a second of your favourite shows.

Wondering what else an actor has been in? Recognise the face but can't remember where? Use the TV Genie cast list to see who acted in a TV show, and see what other shows they've been in.

Add shows to your favourites or take a look at our featured selection. TV Genie is the app every telly addict has been waiting for!

Scientific Scripting with Python 1.2(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free

'Scientific Scripting with Python' is a great way to learn how to automate your work with Python, whether you are a scientist or not. Available on the iPhone, and via lulu.com as a paperback or PDF download, this ebook teaches you the basics of the popular Python scripting language, before delving deep into all aspects of processing data.

Python is a simple, yet powerful, programming language similar to Perl, Tcl, and Ruby. It is heavily used in scientific research, and by companies like Google.

This book places a strong emphasis on practical techniques for handling data. Although targeted specifically at scientists and engineers, anyone that needs to automate their work flow would find it useful.

Every effort has been made to make reading this text as comfortable as possible on the small iPhone screen. Text has been specially formatted to make it more readable, and pages have been made extra long, to avoid unnecessary breaks in source code examples.

An interactive table of contents has also been provided, making it easy to quickly move around in the book. This makes it suitable as a reference, even if you have no intention of reading it 'cover-to-cover'.

About the Author
Dr. Drew McCormack has been developing scientific software for 15 years on systems ranging from desktop Macs to massively-parallel supercomputers. He is a board member of MacResearch.org, a web site for Mac-using scientists, and contributes regular articles on topics ranging from Mac and iPhone application development, to Python scripting and parallel programming.

Although this book assumes no prior knowledge of programming, some familiarity with the UNIX command line is required. Readers should be able to edit text files, and run commands in the terminal.

Table of Contents

Preliminaries 5

  • Python in Practice 5
  • Installing Python 5
  • Setting Up Your Environment 6

Basics 7

  • What's a 'Scripting Language'? 7
  • Introducing Python 8
  • The Interpreter 8
  • A First Script 10
  • Indentation is Significant 12
  • Comments 13
  • Numerical Types 14
  • Operators 15
  • Variables 17
  • Expressions 18
  • Strings 19
  • Functions, Objects, and Methods 21
  • Conditional Branching 23
  • Loops 24
  • Lists 26
  • Tuples 31
  • List Comprehensions 33
  • Dictionaries 35

Program Structure 39

  • Functions 39
  • Function Objects and Anonymous Functions 44
  • Built-In Functions 45
  • Modules and Packages 47
  • Classes and Objects 49
  • Methods 50
  • Class and Instance Variables 51
  • Inheritance 53
  • Special Methods 55
  • Object-Oriented Programming 57

Working with Files 59

  • The File System 59
  • Opening and Closing Files 65
  • Reading and Writing Strings 66
  • Navigating in Files 68
  • Streams 70
  • Parsing and Formatting Data 72
  • The string module 72
  • Regular Expressions 79
  • eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 95
  • Decision Chart for Parsing 101

Storing Data 102

  • Printing 102
  • Serialization 107
  • XML 109
  • Databases 113
  • Hierarchical Data Files 118

Generating Data 123

  • Running Processes 123
  • Calculations with Numpy 128
  • SciPy 133

Object-Oriented Programming 137

  • Object-Oriented Programming and State Machines 137
  • Encapsulation 139
  • Interface and Implementation 143
  • Association and Composition 144
  • Inheritance 145
  • Polymorphism 148

Final Project 152

Appendix: Frequencies Script 156

Snooze Clues: A fun game that teaches you about Sleep! 2.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for limited time! Please give review if you like this app!

Do you have problems sleeping? Snooze Clues will show you fun facts about tips about sleeping while jumping your sleepy sheepy from fact to fact.

At each bonus level you'll learn a new and surprising fact about sleep and sleeping disorders.

Learn about proper sleep hygiene with this fun and entertaining app. Snooze Clues helps induce a lower level of consciousness which is the initial prelude to restful sleep. Use Snooze Clues as sleep aid and you'll soon realize you've never slept better!

This Game is Open Feint Enabled. Challenge your friends from facebook and Twitter.

Game Show Soundboard 1.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Are you ready to take the first step towards a fun and profitable career as a professional game show host?

Did you say yes? DING DING DING - right answer. If you said no... BUZZ - you're wrong.

Show that guy from accounting who's boss in your next meeting as your suggestions are met with APPLAUSE and CHEERS while his inane comments elicit nothing but CRICKETS.

Keep game night legit with COUNTDOWN TIMERS, RIM SHOTS and BOOS.

That's the type of power you will wield with Game Show Sound Board. Host your own game show, liven up a boring meeting or add some fun to game night. The world will tremble and bow down before you as long as you have the totally awesome Game Show Sound Board.

Included sounds:
Ta Da
Wa Wa Waaa
Rim Shot
Cash Register

60 Second Countdown (thinking musing with a buzzer at the end)
30 Second Countdown (thinking music with a buzzer at the end)
10 Second Countdown (clock ticking with a buzzer at the end)
5 Second Countdown (clock ticking with a buzzer at the end)

Sounds can be overlaid (clapping and cheering for instance) and will play on top of the count down timers (which can be stopped at any time).

Still not convinced that your life is incomplete without Game Show Sound Board? Your kidding right? What could be better than owning you're very own Game Show Sound Board? The answer is nothing my friend... nothing at all.

Check out the demo video at http://www.GameShowSoundBoard.com and prepare to have your mind blown.

Hottest Apps 1.10(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Now FREE in collaboration with FreeAppaDay.com.

Hottest Apps lets you discover free and paid apps as they climb the charts!

Download the hottest applications before your friends even know they exist!


  • Find apps ON SALE
  • Hotness rating shows fastest moving apps
  • GET NOTIFIED when apps go “nuclear”
  • SEARCH for any app
  • SHARE apps with friends on Facebook and email
  • Bookmark apps and check back later
  • Includes descriptions, screenshots and rankings

View any of ten stores: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Spain, UK and US.

Stock Picker 1.4(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Welcome to the only app that can actually make you money!

Won the "Hottest" award from iphoneappsplus.com

This is what some of our users had to say about the app-
This App made me $$$$'

'$2=2 grand!'

'my $1.99 investment to buy it has yielded a 10,000% return.'

'very good app, recommended stock DAN made me $$$.Thanks!'

'This app is especially good for beginners who need to know how to look at technical analysis.'

Out of the 20 picks this app has suggested since it went on sale, currently 15 have positive gains and they are still climbing! For the picks that did not perform as expected, our users had a stop-loss point which ensured their losses were kept to a minimal while continuing to enjoy double digit (and in some cases even triple digit!) gains on most of the other picks!

Stock Picker uses complex scans and technical indicators to find stocks that show signs of reversal and consequently a change in the short, immediate, or long term trend. When stocks reverse a long term downtrend, they tend to move up at an amazing pace that will outrun S&P 500 without even breaking a sweat! It is these securities that Stock Picker tries to find so that you can make that big and fast move with them and leave the crowd behind!

The app does not suggest a sell price (as of now) because as one can see from the performance of the app's picks, most of them are still making big gains! So, it has been let up to the users to decide when and how much profit they want to take!

The stop-loss price provided by the app with each pick suggests a price below which the technical set up based on which the security was recommended does not seem to hold. However, that does not mean the recommended pick will not do well, as there have been few cases where the picks have performed well despite falling below the stop-loss price during a trading session. So the stop-loss price can be used as a guidance, however, the actual stop-loss can be varied based on the users' risk appetite/trading style.

So if you don't want to miss out on the opportunities in the stock markets, try out the Stock Picker! The only app that can not only pay for itself, but also has the potential of making huge gains in very short amount of time!

Stock Picker is not a registered broker, broker dealer, analyst, investment adviser, investment banker or underwriter. The opinions provided herein come with no warranty of any kind. Investing can be a very dangerous venture and it is you who must assume the entire cost and risk involved in all of your investment decisions, should you choose to follow this advice or use this information. Past performance of stocks profiled on this application is not a guarantee as to future performance. The information contained in the Stock Picker application is drawn from sources believed to be factual and reliable, but in no way does Stock Picker represent or guarantee the accuracy or completeness thereof, nor in providing it, does Stock Picker assume any liability.

Girls at your feet 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for 2 days!!!!
Have fun by Dracoders

Don't know how to approach that wonderful girl you see every day?
Is a friend of yours making you go crazy because she's so beautiful?
Has a tight-skirted angel just walked in and left you speechless?
Get a grip on yourself for a moment - take out your iPhone and fire up "Girls At Your Feet"!

With more than 200 winning (chat-up) lines at your disposal, you simply choose from three styles of approach, agitate your iPhone and see if that line could be the right one!
With the LOVELY style you have more possibilities to conquer a sweet and romantic girl, without the risk of creating a bad impression.
The FUNNY style is suitable for every occasion, especially when she's a real babe and you're forced to get her laughing.
The DIRECT style needs courage to carry off, but with the right girl it could be the best choice. A simple and immediate application, created with the help of the iPhoneAndGo team and featuring a careful selection of the nicest and funniest lines to approach and conquer any girl!

Other features:

  • 102 Lovely lines
  • 60 Direct lines
  • 44 Funny lines
  • original animation

Application to be used whenever a genuine need arises or simply to enjoy as a kind of laughs-guaranteed hobby!

GirlsAtYourFeet is available now at the AppStore

iShareTunes 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iShareTunes is a great looking, easy-to-use app that allows you to share any song currently playing on your iPod or iPhone with friends or family. You can also find new music with our "Now Playing" section to hear songs that other people are sharing.

It's fast - and very clean so you can share any song with two taps of your finger across email, text, Twitter, Facebook or anywhere else you can paste a link.

Your friends will get a link to the song, where they can go listen to to the track and even start a conversation.

And now, thanks to a partnership with Servo Software, you can grab iShareTunes today for free.

So what's stopping you? Start sharing!

AutoPX 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Take pictures with ease using Facial Detection Technology.

AutoPX uses state of the art technology to detect facial features and automatically snap photos.

Don't struggle finding the shutter button any longer! Get AutoPX and have your pictures taken automatically!

  1. Simply point the camera arms length towards the subject.
  2. Wait for the notification vibration.
  3. Hold the camera steady and count to three.

No need to press any buttons! AutoPX automatically snaps an image without any user input.

Action 16 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Time limited Sale! Free until this Wednesday.
16 multi-lenses camera - Unlimited color filters, Attractive vignetting, Dynamic shooting effect, Easy share.

Action 16 lets you can catch any actions you want. Also you can set your own color filters and vignetting in real-time. Cool sound and dynamic shooting effects makes you a great photographer. It's really nice and unique iPhone camera app.

Unlimited DIY Color Filters ?
Perhaps you might don't believe that an unlimited color filters. But it's true. You can make your own color filters.

Attractive vignetting ?
You can control vignetting using just your two fingers. It's very easy. Try it !

Dynamic shooting effect ?
Rolling lens balls, action counter, shutter effect, fun camera control, cool sound effect are waiting for you.

Main Features.
✪ Selectable 16 lens balls (4/8/12/16 Lenses)
✪ Action counter
✪ Unlimited DIY color filters
✪ Vignetting control
✪ Shot interval control
✪ Lens angle control
✪ Color, Monochrome photography
✪ Online help
✪ Photo album
✪ Export: FaceBook, Twitter, Camera Roll, E-Mail, Copy

Next Update (free)

  • Single Photo
  • Flickr
  • EXIF JPEG encoding
  • GPS Tagging

sometimes vertical 4frame-photo can't export to facebook : this is the facebook issue and they should have it resolved.

For more information visit http://www.okteng.com or Following twitter @OKTENG [ http://twitter.com/OKTENG ]

iSlim 1.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free


iSLIM- the essential guide to losing weight the healthy way.

A special way of losing a stone a week without having to go to the gym!

A healthy yet very effective way of losing weight, whether you want to get into that new dress or that new suit, this diet is ideal.


  • Special fat burning soup recipe
  • Healthy way of losing 4.5-7kg in one week
  • No exercise needed
  • Easy step-by-step guide to losing weight the healthy way

Get slimmer with a special regime for just £0.59!

Time Bandit 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

An easy-to-use time calculator

  • Add up to 23 hours and 59 minutes to your starting time
  • Subtract up to 23 hours and 59 minutes from your starting time
  • Supports 12-hour and 24-hour time settings


  1. Use the time picker on the left to select a starting time
  2. Click the "Add" button or the "Subtract" button
  3. Use the duration picker on the right to select a duration

The result of the calculation appears at the bottom of the screen

10 Stars 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

10 Stars is on Sale for a limited time

10 Stars (formerly known as Cassiopeia) is a unique constraints puzzle that will stimulate your brain and keep you busy for hours. Your goal is to locate 10 hidden stars in based on clues. There is only one correct arrangement of the stars. Find the arrangement and the stars will glow.

60 puzzles at 3 complexity levels
Manipulate the grid content by tapping or rubbing
No pen or eraser needed
Hints in case of emergency

RCube Daily Algorithm! 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Pierce Vallieres
RCube Daily Algorithm!


Can you solve the RCube? Want to solve it faster? Want an algorithm for just the thing you're looking for? Think you know all of them?
Think again.
With "RCube Daily Algorithm!" you can learn an all new useful RCube Algorithm each day!

  • All NEW useful RCube Algorithm EVERY DAY!
  • Beautiful easy-to-use user interface!
  • Fully featured!
  • Amazing customer support with an email reply same day!
  • Features added, and improvements made at user request!
  • Weekly Tip & Trick!
  • Weekly Note!
  • FREE UPDATES GUARANTEED! (updated frequently)
  • Updates include new fully featured tabs!

NOTE: When uninstalling apps, you are offered to rate the app. This is biased and reduces ratings because more people who don't like the app are rating it, because they don't like it and are uninstalling it. (This applies to ALL apps)

MultiTuner 1.1(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

This program is the digital version of the popular gadgets tuners for guitar and bass.

You can play each note to adjust the sound of your instrument in the best way:

(E A D G B e) for Guitar
(E A D G) for Bass

This product is compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch. For best sound quality it's recommended to use earphones.

Deep Whois 1.5(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Check out also our Scany™ that is much more powerful networking utility.

Using Deep Whois™ you can search public WHOIS databases for hostnames, domains, IP addresses, IP networks and autonomous systems (ASNs).

Deep Whois™ automatically selects WHOIS servers and performs a lookup. When more information is available it follows deeper by continuing the lookup at referral WHOIS servers.


  • WHOIS domains, IP addresses, ranges and ASNs
  • Automatic selection of WHOIS servers
  • Digging WHOIS records from referrals
  • Result history for all lookups
  • Group results into multiple histories
  • E-mail WHOIS results
  • Works with Wi-Fi, 3G, EDGE and GPRS
  • Eye-pleasing interface design

P.S. Support does work - send us requests via support page.

*** see it in action - videos are on support page ***

Scany™, Nice Trace™, Net Status™, RBL Status™, Spyglass™

Jam Packed! 1.60(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Thanks to your votes on www.freeAppCalendar.com, Jam Packed! is the Featured FREE App of the Day for March 23, 2010!

Introducing Jam Packed!, the newest iPhone/iPod Touch game from the makers of the best selling kids game, "Bug Squash". Jam Packed! is the first puzzle game of its kind, where you twist and turn different objects and try to fit them into their containers. The trick is that there is exactly enough space to hold all the items on each level, and only if they are put in the container in the right way.

Be sure to visit the Jam Packed! website at http://jampacked.fasterthanmonkeys.com


  • Over 100 unique levels. Jam Packed! will provide you with hours of entertainment
  • Level Timing (endless replay value, race to get the best times)
  • Each package has difficulties ranging from very easy to extremely hard
  • Solve easier levels to unlock harder levels
  • Ability to rotate and flip objects on selected levels
  • Three packages included: Block Box, Hand Drawn and Jewelry Box
  • Download additional packages from within the game by going to Add Ons

Play Tips:

  • The bottom bar contains all the items that need to fit into the container
  • It is generally best to put the biggest items in the container first
  • Look for items that when put next to each other form easier shapes to deal with. The mind can place rectangular shapes much easier than odd shapes
  • On levels that allow rotations, try putting as many items in the level without rotation as you can before rotating
  • To start a level over, simply shake your device back and forth a bit, and all the items will return to the tray in their original orientation
  • Be warned! This game is addictive so while playing, try not to forget important things like eating and sleeping!

iSurf Browser 1.2(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

==== Why you will LOVE iSurf Browser ====

Have you ever seen browser with tabs? maybe yes.. How about with tabs on the bottom of the screen? probably not... How about tabs with preview? probably never... Well, you can only find these in iSurf Browser...

Have you ever view web pages in full screen? hmm, many apps allow that have that ... But was it really full screen? Did you use multi-touch to go into full screen? Did you rotate your iPhone to go into full screen?Did you use your two fingers swipe to back and forward web pages? If not ... then you definitely must try iSurf Browser !!

Did you just got your iPhone/iPod Touch? Then you will need iSurf to satisfy your browsing needs!

Did you own iPhone/ iPod Touch for too long already? Then you will need iSurf to spice up your old iPhones and make it fun again to surf internet !!

50% discount during weekend only !! DONT MISS IT !!

==== What is iSurf Browser ====

iSurf is a revolutionary multi-touch browser for the iPhone. Just try it once and you will not want to use other browser anymore!! Simply put, iSurf Browser is the best browser for your iPhones!!!!

iSurf is a premium web browser, and innovative way to surf the internet with gesture based navigation, visual favorites and simultaneous loading tabs!

With the AWESOME new features, iSurf is definitely a killer app for surfing the internet!

Here are the main features:

Tap on any web page with 3 fingers together to go into full screen in portrait. Tap with 3 fingers again to exit.

Swipe two fingers back and forward on web pages to navigate back and forward.

• OPEN IN NEW TAB (****NEW****):
Hold and tap on links to open in new tab.

• SAVING IMAGES (****NEW****):
Hold on tap on images to save into iPhone library.

Add Space bar on the URL keyboard

Tabbed browsing feature has been added to the browser. The tab in use is indicated by green light and a blinking green light indicates, loading browser.

This supports full screen browsing. Just rotate the phone, you are into full screen browsing mode.

• SUPER FAST LOADING : Advanced caching algorithm is used to for quicker loading of pages.

It provides suggestions, when you start typing the web address, regarding the web address you are trying to visit depending on the initial alphabets you type. These suggestions are searched and displayed from google.com. This doesn’t slow down the typing speed.

You can save all your favourite links with this option. The Visual Bookmarks feature looks similar to Opera Mini style.

This feature enable you to peep into other tab, while staying on the present tab. Tap and hold any inactive tab to preview.

Sound effects are added to indicate moving to other tab. Sliding the menu open also has good sound effects

Very well designed user interface that befits Apple iPhone.

To get more promotion and updates, join our Facebook page at [ http://tinyurl.com/facebook-isurf ] First 10 people to comment will get free promo codes!

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