오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100119

2010/01/19 07:10


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 소개할 어플이 많지 않다. 총 10개다. 이 중 두개는 오늘만 무료가 아니라 원래 무료인 어플이다. 로 따로 소개해야 하지만 소개할 어플이 많이 않아 한글 무료 어플과 오늘만 무료 어플을 함께 소개한다.

먼저 소개할 어플은 GOM이다. 그래텍에서 만든 어플로 곰TV의 콘텐츠를 볼 수 있다. 그래텍이라는 회사에 대한 이미지가 워낙 좋지 않기 때문에 소개하지 않을까 하는 생각도 했었다. 그러나 한글 무료 어플이 별로 없고 영어를 보면 머리에 쥐가 나는 사람이 많아 소개한다. GOM은 유튜브에 비해 화질이 좋고, 속도가 빠르다. 또 국내망이라 끊김도 별로 없다. 다만 내려받기 위해서는 꼭 한국 계정으로 로그인해야 한다.

Skin Remote도 한글 무료 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 KMPlayer와 곰탱이플레이어를 아이폰으로 조정할 수 있다. 또 리모콘 버튼등을 자유롭게 바꿀 수 있다. Reindeer Match'Em Up은 Santa's Village에서 만든 메모리 게임으로 평상시 2불에 판매된다. ToddlerTweets은 얼핏 보면 꼭 트위터 어플같다는 생각이 든다. 그러나 터치하면 새들의 지저귐을 보고 들을 수 있는 게임 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다.

Qn은 평상시 1불에 판매되는 음성 합성 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Note2Self Audio Recorder는 녹음기이며 음성 노트를 공유할 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다. Flint Man's LegendThe Little Stone Statue 모두 평상시 1불에 판매되는 전자책이다. 영어와 중국어를 지원하며, 애니메이션까지 지원된다. Rope'n'Fly은 www.FreeAppaDay.com에서 오늘만 무료로 제공하는 게임 어플이다. 비교적 이른 시간에 마감되므로 빨리 받는 것이 좋다. 마지막으로 Zombie Cam은 평상시 3불이나 하는 카메라 어플이다. 단순한 사진 변형 어플로 3불의 가치가 있는지는 의문이다.

무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

곰 - GOM 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: Free

언제 어디서나 즐기는 모바일 속의 GOM 출시!!

GOM은 iPhone과 iPod Touch에서 GOMTV 영상 콘텐츠를 감상할 수 있는 어플리케이션입니다. GOM에서 제공하는 유명 뮤지션의 뮤직 비디오와 최신 영화, 게임 관련 고화질 영상 콘텐츠를 무료로 마음껏 감상하실 수 있습니다.


  1. 최신 뮤직 비디오와 영화 예고편 무료 감상
  2. GOMTV 영상 콘텐츠 검색 기능
  • GOM 서비스는 Wi-Fi 및 3G 통신 환경에서 이용하실 수 있습니다.
  • 서비스 콘텐츠는 고화질 영상이므로 3G 접속의 경우 이용 패킷 요금을 감안하시길 바랍니다.

Skin Remote 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free

프로그램의 특징으로는 동영상 플레이어를 원격조작과 어플의 이름데로 리모콘의 버튼등 스킨을 자유자제로 제작할수 있습니다. 현재 지원되는 플레이어는 곰플레이어와 KMP입니다

그외에 지원 시키고 싶은 플레이어가 있으시면 요청하시면 우선으로 작업하겠습니다

Reindeer Match'Em Up (Santa's Village) 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Check out our new Triotris game as well!

Oh no! The reindeer all got out and you have to help get them back in the coral. Reindeer Match'em Up is a matching game with the 8 splendidly drawn reindeer figures. Kids really seem to enjoy the match'em up activity and ask to play it again and again.

Matching of 8 reindeer figures in this memory and concentration game.
Great music and sound effects.
A point system that gives bonuses for extra concentration.
A system that allows children of any age to enjoy and win.

Reindeer Match'Em Up is part of the Santa's Village series which includes:
Bear Piano
Night Before Christmas
Oh Christmas Tree
Reindeer Match'Em Up
Santa's List
Snowman Math

Get all 6 for the price of 2 in Santa's Village along with more music and beautiful village scene! Santa's Village is the app with only that name.

Please email us at support@ensenasoft.com if you have any comments or questions.

Follow us at:

Thanks for buying Reindeer Match'Em Up!

ToddlerTweets 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Toddler Tweets for kids & Parents!

THIS APP IS FREE WHILE WE MAKE A QUICK UPDATE: You can Twiiter now from this App, but the App will soon allow you see your tweets after you twitter them-then twitter some more! Sorry about the glich...thanks for your patience!

Toddler Fun birdy touch screens!
Parents you can Twitter your Tweets with Toddler Tweets!

Touch the screens to see and hear the birdies tweet.
Put the eggs back into the bird nest.
Pop the balloons, make the tree grow Apples, touch the bugs to see them fly, find the magic button to make the choo choo train go across the screen, splat the falling eggs, make the flowers bloom and more!

Tweet your best parenting tips
Twitter about great new toys or warn others about bad ones.
Tweet great places to vacation with kids...
Tweet about your pregnancy and childbirth.....
Ask other parents questions or advice....
Send a play group invite via FaceBook or e-mail

Check out our other Toddler Apps:

Toddler Tamer
Army Guy
COMING SOON: iGo to the Zoo!

iCrysta iPhone Apps
Over 20 iPhone Apps to date.

Qn 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Qn (pronounced /kyoo:en/) is an Audio Mixer applications for the iPhone. The current available version is the 'Technics' in reference to the recently purchased Technics systems I have made (SU-V3 Amplifier, SL-P300 CD Player, SH-8015 Equalizer, and 4 SB-T100 speakers). This application is in no way affiliated with the brand name or Panasonic company. For more information about Technics see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technics_(brand).

Thank you, Jared Oelderink-Wale.

Note2Self Audio Recorder 2.10(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Version 3.0 was submitted to Apple on January 15th and we are waiting for approval. 3.0 adds voice transcription via the QuickTate service and many other features. It was then rejected due to the CC billing. We are rewriting it for iPhone OS 3.0 and it should be coming soon.

Note2Self is an audio recorder and voice note sharing solution. Bring it up to your ear and start talking. Bring it back down in front of you and the recording stops and is saved or emailed automatically.*


  • Top 100 iPhone apps by iLounge
  • Top 100 iPhone apps by MacLife
  • Top 9 Business Apps MacWorld
  • Automatic recordings using the accelerometer by bringing the phone to your ear, turning it upside down or shaking
    You must be vertically straight and the phone is positioned with the bottom at your mouth and top at the ear. You can also turn the phone face down on a table to start recording. If the accelerometer fails to reliably start recording, quit and relaunch Note2Self.
  • Share your notes via email our our WiFi Server on your desktop (Mac, PC, Linux)
  • Location Tracking of your notes
  • Manual and Automatic Pause based on level
  • Powerful Organization Abilities
  • Beautifully designed to make sending email the easiest of any other app on the iPhone
  • Play, Pause, Seek notes
  • Pause Recordings
  • Record Audio in Compressed and Uncompressed formats
  • Add Text Notes
  • Easy to use and great to look at

It's a one-trick pony, but it's a really useful trick. Only on the iPhone and 2008 iPod Touch 2G with Recording Input. Visit our website to see Note2Self in action via a QuickTime movie.

For the accelerometer based recording there are a few caveats: >You must be vertically straight and the phone is positioned with the bottom at your mouth and top at the ear. You can also turn the phone face down on a table to start recording. If the accelerometer fails to reliably start recording, quit and relaunch Note2Self.

We believe Note2Self is the best audio-recording app out there - better than iRecorder Pro, Voxie, Recorder, and many others. Try it - we think you'll agree its the easiest and best audio-recording application on the iPhone.

Backup your iPhone before upgrading. In some cases the iPhone OS may lose your notes and settings during an upgrade. If this occurs just restore your backup and try the upgrade again.

iReading - Flint Man's Legend 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Brand-new Reading Experience!
Animated Audio Story Book!


AppleTreeBooks™ has been inviting excellent illustrators across the world to create illustrated stories for us. Exquisite pictures, vivid dubbing as well as animation and interactive procedures will present wonderful stories and enable you and your children to experience brand-new reading. We have elaborately selected various stories, including the well-known classic fairy tales and brand-new originated stories, so that you will have many options and will absolutely find the ones you love. Additionally, we will continuously update the books on our online bookshelf, so that you can read our illustrated stories at any time. AppleTreeBooks™ will enable you to experience brand-new reading and funs in it.


★ Dubbing in both English and Chinese;
★ Animation in each page, make it more vivid.
★ Touch the character in each page to make it sound, increase the fun of reading process.
★ The mode of CoverFlow enables you to start with any page in the books;
★ Function of online bookshelf enables you to read new books that have been or will be published at any time;
★ Function of automatic and manual page turning;
★ Function of automatic bookmark allows for automatic entry of bookmark into the current page when the procedure is interrupted by accident; you may choose “Restart” or “Continue” at the time of next entry.


"Flint Man’s Legend" is an age-old mysterious story which describes how the ancestors learned to use fire. The hero made painstaking efforts, overcome various difficulties and finally acquired an imperishable kindling for human being with the help of his courage and wisdom. The illustrator focused on the presentation of mysterious color in this story so that each picture is as gorgeous as oil painting. Reading this story will make you feel like visiting an art exhibition or seeing a film. You and your children will absolutely like it!


If you are an illustrator or a writer, welcome to cooperate with AppleTreeBooks™, so that your work will be published and shared by the whole world! If you are a reader, you are welcomed to advice your precious opinions on our books and tell us what you like to read. We will continue to make effort in creating more stories you like.

iReading - The Little Stone Statue 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Brand-new Reading Experience!
Animated Audio Story Book!


AppleTreeBooks™ has been inviting excellent illustrators across the world to create illustrated stories for us. Exquisite pictures, vivid dubbing as well as animation and interactive procedures will present wonderful stories and enable you and your children to experience brand-new reading. We have elaborately selected various stories, including the well-known classic fairy tales and brand-new originated stories, so that you will have many options and will absolutely find the ones you love. Additionally, we will continuously update the books on our online bookshelf, so that you can read our illustrated stories at any time. AppleTreeBooks™ will enable you to experience brand-new reading and funs in it.


★ Dubbing in both English and Chinese;
★ Animation in each page, make it more vivid.
★ Touch the character in each page to make it sound, increase the fun of reading process.
★ The mode of CoverFlow enables you to start with any page in the books;
★ Function of online bookshelf enables you to read new books that have been or will be published at any time;
★ Function of automatic and manual page turning;
★ Function of automatic bookmark allows for automatic entry of bookmark into the current page when the procedure is interrupted by accident; you may choose “Restart” or “Continue” at the time of next entry.


This is a paint story with somewhat color of environment protection. When we see a large number of buildings possessed with historical and cultural atmosphere being removed away and torn down mercilessly for the urban planning, what we have gained is more grieved feelings for the disappearance of a culture than the beautiful city appearance owned. We dedicate this paint story to the things that no longer exist, and meanwhile it is a hint for us to cherish what we have owned at present.


If you are an illustrator or a writer, welcome to cooperate with AppleTreeBooks™, so that your work will be published and shared by the whole world! If you are a reader, you are welcomed to advice your precious opinions on our books and tell us what you like to read. We will continue to make effort in creating more stories you like.

Rope'n'Fly 2.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Rope'n'Fly in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and today only

Rope'n'Fly 2 ( 50% OFF SALE) is now available on the App Store. (If you don't have Rope'n'Fly yet please consider getting Rope'n'Fly 2 instead)

Use your ropes to swing from on skyscraper to the others. You have full control over your ropes, touch on a tower to throw your rope there, touch once again to release it and use your acceleration to fly through the sky. Touch again once you come too near to the ground before your break into smithereens.


Check out our new game, RunStickRun!
If you like Rope'n'Fly you will definitely love RunStickRun!

Rope'n'Fly 2

Rope'n'Fly 2 and Rope'n'Fly 2 Lite is now available in the App Store.

Make sure to check out the App Store Rope'n'Fly 2 game description to see whats all new in Rope'n'Fly 2.


Rope'n'Fly was #1 top paid app in Australia in August
Rope'n'Fly was #2 top paid app in US in july
Rope'n'Fly was #2 top paid app in UK in july
Rope'n'Fly was #2 top paid app in Japan in july
Rope'n'Fly was in the #100 paid apps in more than 40 countries!
Rope'n'Fly is in iTunes "What's Hot" Category!

....Great app, simple but addictive
....Omg this is awesome, the best game ever!
....One of the best app. Really fun, A MUST HAVE!
....One of the best games I've seen in a long time
....This game is very addicting, it is my fav game no contest. LOVE IT!!
....This is a great game, I can play four hours!
....Really fun and i cant get enough of it. It's awesome
....really good game. And for a reasonable price too


Use your ropes to swing from on skyscraper to the others. You have full control over your ropes, touch on a tower to throw your rope there, touch once again to release it and use your acceleration to fly through the sky. Touch again once you come too near to the ground before your break into smithereens.

How far can YOU get before you fall? (compare your achievement to all other players by using the builtin online ranking system).

Rope'n'Fly features:

  • ragdoll effects
  • endless playing in never ending cities
  • choose between normal and hard difficulty as well as a training mode
  • different game types (e.g. speed mode, free mode)
  • online high score Ranking systems
  • fast paced gameplay
  • realistic physic engine for the player and the ropes
  • colorize your player as desired

Zombie Cam 1.01(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


Point. Snap. S-C-R-E-A-M!

Zombie Cam uses advanced techniques from the dark arts to summon zombies and other paranormal spirits into your photographs. We each have other worldly spirits within. Dare to find out what spirits lie within you and your friends, as you turn them into zombies and other monsters with Zombie Camera!


  1. Tap on the camera icon in the upper left corner and select a photo from your album. Or, take a new photo with the iPhone camera.
  2. Once you have a photo, tap on the edit icon in the upper right corner to store haunted photos back to your iPhone album or post the photos directly to Facebook. You can then share them as you would any photo.

Spirits are temperamental beings. They sometimes choose to appear with fire. Sometimes they choose not to appear at all.

For best results, human faces must be directly facing the camera and be free of accessories such as hats and sunglasses. This ensures the spirits have a safe passage to this world.

Zombie Cam is a Pomogo production. To check out another of our apps, tap the button below.

관련 글타래


Books, Entertainment, Flint Man's Legend, Games, GOM, GOMTV, iPod Touch, KMPlayer, Music, Note2Self Audio Recorder, Photography, Qn, Reindeer Match'Em Up, Rope'n'Fly, Skin Remote, The Little Stone Statue, ToddlerTweets, Utilities, Zombie Cam, 그래텍, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 한글 어플