오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100120

2010/01/20 09:31


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 22개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 먼저 별자리 이야기는 무료 어플이 아니다. 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플로 출시 기념으로 1불에 판매되고 있다. 별자리 이야기는 북&딕 시리즈라는 유용한 어플을 일시 무료로 제공했던 인사이트미디어에서 출시한 유료 어프이다. 별자리 이야기라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 별자리에 얽힌 전설들을 확인할 수 있으며, 별점도 가능한 어플이다.

두번째로 Dokdo is Korean Territory는 예전에 에서 소개한 독도는 한국 땅이라는 어플의 일본어판이다. 따라서 일본에 친구가 있는 사람은 이 어플을 소개해 주기 바란다. 이 어플은 항상 무료인 어플이다. 또 어제 15불에서 무료로 바뀌었던 Spy Remote는 오늘 확인해 보니 가격 변경 중이었다. 이름처럼 원격 서버를 이용해서 감시할 수 있는 어플이지만 국내에서는 그리 유용할 것같지는 않다. 다만 내려받을 때 주의하기 바란다.

오늘도 시간이 없고 소개할 어플이 많지 않아 일부 어플만 소개하겠다. CameraMagic Effects은 사진에 효과를 더하는 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. ArtCalendar는 명화를 배경으로한 달력 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 제공된다. 3D Penguin Bowling는 한번 소개한 적이 있는 어플이다. 3D 그래픽이 상당히 괜찮은 볼링 게임 어플이다. Any Mark는 평상시 3불이나 하는 사진 효과 어플이다. Super Megaphone은 아이폰을 메가폰으로 사용할 수 있는 어플로 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

별자리 이야기 - Constellation Story 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

★ 출시 기념 50% 할인 1.99불 => 0.99불 ★

소의 모습으로 변신해 미녀를 납치한 제우스, 메두사의 머리로 안드로메다 공주를 구한 페르세우스, 사랑하는 연인에게 화살을 맞아 죽은 미남 사냥꾼 오리온.. 밤하늘에 반짝이는 별자리 하나 하나에는 모두 이야기가 살아 숨쉬고 있습니다.

'별자리 이야기'에서는 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 하늘의 별자리 지도를 통해 밤하늘의 별자리를 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 도와주는것은 물론, 각 별자리의 신화와 역사,별과 천체의 이야기를 풍부하게 담아 교양을 쌓을 수 있도록 하였습니다.

또한 12개의 탄생 별자리에 대해서는 별자리별 사람의 특성, 장단점, 인간관계와 남녀별 및 혈액형별 성격, 사랑운, 금전운 등 별자리에 얽힌 다양한 이야기들을 재미있게 찾아 볼 수 있도록 구성하였습니다.

좋아하는 이성과의 궁합이 궁금하시다구요?
별자리 궁합보기 에서는 나와 상대방의 성별과 별자리만 넣으면 두 사람의 사랑과 연애시 주의해야 할 점들을 자세히 알려드립니다.

지금 당신의 별자리는 무슨 이야기로 반짝이고 있을까요?
넓은 밤하늘, 반짝이며 소리 내는 별들의 이야기에 귀기울여 보세요.

[특징 및 기능]

  • 계절별 밤하늘의 별자리 찾기화면 제공
  • 교양으로 보는 별자리

    • 별자리 소개
    • 신화와 역사
    • 별과 천체
  • 재미로 보는 별자리 (12궁 탄생 별자리)

    • 별자리로 보는 사람(성격, 특성, 장단점, 인간관계)
    • 혈액형별 별자리 성격
    • 남녀별 별자리 특징
    • 별자리 사랑운
    • 이 별자리 남자 공략법
    • 이 별자리 남자의 이상형
    • 별자리 금전운
    • 별자리에 맞는 직업
    • 행운의 상징
  • 별자리 퀴즈 게임
  • 내 별자리 찾기
  • 별자리 궁합

★ 인사이트미디어의 추천 어플리케이션 ★

  • 북앤딕 세계명작 (한국 Free 전체 1위, 북 카테고리 1위)
  • 세계의 명화 (한국 Free 전체 2위, 에듀케이션 카테고리 1위)
  • 북앤딕 성경 (레퍼런스 카테고리 1위)
  • 9급 공무원 합격 수첩

Dokdo is Korean Territory (Japanese) 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: Free

In 1900, the Daehan Empire declared to the world Imperial Ordinance No.41 in the Daehan Empire Gazette No.1716. Imperial Ordinance No.41 changed UIIeungdo's name to UIdo and elevated its status, and renamed the title of its magistrate. In article 2 of the ordinance, the magistrate office was designated as Daehadong, and was siven administration of all of ULLeungdo Island and the islands of Jukdo and Seokdo. Here, Jukdo refers to an island 2km from ULLeungdo, While seokdo is Dokdo. Throughout Joseon era, Dokdo was usually called Usando, but its name was changed during an 1882 meeting between King Gojong and ULLeungdo imperial inspector Yi Gyu-won, when Gojong said ULLeung-do, jukdo and songdo (Dokdo) should be combined and referred to as a whole as ULLeungdo. Later, it is presumed that the name of Songdo was discarded as a Japanese name. Because ULLeungdo residents called Dokdo "Dolseom," this became Dokseom in some regional dialects, and eventually settlde on Dokdo, its current name. The first time the name appeared in documents was in 1904, when the Japanese warship Niitaka noted Koreans called the islets Dokdo. the first Korean document to mention it was a 1906 report from ULLeungdo magistrate Sim Heung-teak in which he called the islets by the name Dokdo. this proves that the name Dokdo had already settled into use sometime before. Seokdo is how you transcribe Dolseom in Chinese characters.

Spider Alert 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Get it NOW FREE for a trial period !!!

See the world through the eyes of a spider. You are a spider who needs to survive for a new day of adventurous life. Every day you'll go in different places, from the Lilies Lake to the to the Town's sewer or you'll land in the Ink pot on a book shelf and you'll encounter many ferocious bugs that will hunt you.

Overcome your fears and defeat the ferocious biting spiders, jump to dodge them, place spider webs and trap the colourful bugs to your spider webs for a tasty meal, hide and run from the agressive black spider. If you loose your lives you have chances to win new ones.

Enjoy the chase for life!

The story is about one Spider’s adventures. He can use his spider webs to trap the bugs and eat them. He has to defeat the ferocious biting spiders. They bite and kill! He has to try to get rid of them before they surrender him, keep alive from their bites to get to the next level. He is always on the run trying to survive and to get higher scores to get to more difficult levels. It’s not that easy to be a spider, watch out!


  • gameplay that steadily builds into a frenzy
  • easy to play, difficult to master
  • unique design, visual and sound effects
  • many cool characters
  • place cobwebs and trap bugs to eat them
  • auto-save feature in case you interrupt the game
  • high score list to record your best games


"Spider Alert tisse sa toile sur iPhone Lundi 28 decembre 2009 a 09h30 | App Store

Si vous n’etes pas arachnophobe, alors ce petit jeu pourrait vous plaire.

Vous incarnez une araignee, qui doit survivre dans ce monde de brutes. Insectes, araignees seront autant d’ennemis qu’il vous faudra eviter ou ecarter grace a votre toile.

Le jeu, tout en 3D, beneficie de graphismes illustres “a la main” du plus bel effet. La difficulte est progressive et le jeu s’adresse donc au plus grand nombre. Il est propose au prix d e 0,79 €."

B! http://spideralert.wordpress.com/reviews/

"This game is alot of fun and it is unique. You get to be a spider in a world of other bugs. You have the ability to shoot webs which must be utilized to save you from the other bugs and in order to help your spider eat and gain points. The graphics are beautifully drawn and although the game starts off deceptively easy, it quickly changes into a fast paced eat other bugs or die situation"

CameraMagic Effects - visual effects for iPhone 1.11(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free



Visual Effects CameraMagic is a 2D image compositing software features hot visual effects for your pictures, high-speed compositing, and interactive/intuitive design.

★ Comes with hundreds of objects you can add to your pictures;
★ 2D Compositions can be done using one out of 16 blending modes available (just like your favorite desktop image software);
★ Comes with dozens of frames you can add to your pics;
★ Non-destructive editing. All compositing is done with copies of your pictures. Your original photos are never touched;
★ Comes with several marking and pointing elements as circles, arrows, squares, etc., that can be used to mark elements on pictures;

★ 33 different UFOs;
★ Dozens of military aircrafts including NASA experimental planes, fighter jets, helicopters, parachute unit, etc.;
★ Space Shuttle launch;
★ Several kind of missiles;
★ Hale-Bopp Comet, Solar System Planets, including the Moon and its phases;
★ 11 different galaxies;
★ Flying balloons;
★ Elements for visual effects (cloud, smoke, fire, stain, sun, fireball, stars, lightning, brights, wall crack);
★ Elements for marking images (arrows, circles and squares);
★ 16 frames for your pics.

Total: 126 objects
LANGUAGES: English, Japanese, Portuguese Portugal and Portuguese Brazil

Some Reviews and comments

Very cool app, looks "believable" well as much as having a rocket flying out of my house and a helicopter landing in the horse coral!! great for sending to photos to friends and family, very Easy to use! love the frames also, lots packed into the app for $1.99 and they keep it updated!! Great job!! (ookxtreme - USA)

It's a fun app. Love those effects (...) Keep goin' ! (fer:mac - USA)
Just opened it up and already having a lot of fun. (mockup - USA)
5 stars (Sphinx2012)

some of the objects require purchasing from inside CameraMagic (in-app purchase).

Zombie Pizza 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

In collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com, Zombie Pizza is FREE today and today only!

Zombies hunger for brains ... and PIZZA!

Race against the clock to combine disgusting ingredients like eyeballs, hearts, guts, and (of course) brains into grotesque Zombie Pizzas like The Roadkill, The Split Dog, and The Gut Buster. Fill your orders fast enough and you live to see the dawn. Fall behind and the hungry undead smash through the door and put YOU on the menu!

Zombie Pizza is a light-hearted horror puzzle game where lighting-quick reactions are all that stand between you and a grisly fate at the hands of the ravenous undead. Earn gold medals and advance through the Zombie Pizza ranks. See how long you can last in Survival Mode, and post your score on global Open Feint leader boards.

With twisted sound effects, original music, and stunning hand-drawn art, Zombie Pizza is a darkly charming game sure to satisfy lovers of zombie movies, puzzle games, and tasty pizza alike.

Spy Remote 1.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $14.99 -> Free

Spy Remote allows you to control your Security Spy system making it the perfect video camera based alarm system.

Once you have activated and configured the web interface of your Security Spy system, you can control the status of all cameras.

Spy Remote also provides a cameras status as a list.

We understand that to be fully appreciated, Spy Remote has to be a part of a big system. That might include compatibility problems. We will gladly share our experiences if requested. If you have any questions about Spy Remote, send us an email to iphone@flyingpig.fr

Configuration Notes

  • Requires Security Spy 1.5.1 or greater
  • Activate the web server on Security Spy.
  • Add an account.
  • Check "Change Settings"
  • Set up the apps.

Trace It 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Special offer: Now FREE for 24 hours! (Ends 11:59 pm 19-Jan).
Please let us know what you think of the game.

Trace-It is an exciting game for everyone between the ages of 2 to 100! Test your accuracy, tracing and steady hand skills as you compete for the world title with online leaderboards. Also improve your drawing skills too, with Trace-It.

Trace a veritable cornucopia of shapes to improve your dexterous skills while saving the lives of innocent mice from almost (but not entirely) certain death!

Do you think you have good hand eye coordination? Put your skills to the test and become the best!


  • Three levels of difficulty suitable for people of all ages which also serve as an educational tool to help improve hand eye coordination and shape recognition.

    Easy level- My young son loves interacting with my iPhone so I designed the easy level ideal for toddlers aged 2 to 6 who are rapidly growing up and looking to build and learn their hand-eye co-ordinations necessary for everyday life.

    Medium level- Perfect for pre-teens to compete with themselves, and the rest of the world, for the top score!

    Hard level- Designed for those who really want to show off their skills to the rest of the world! Do you think you've got what it takes to be the world champion?

    Will you rank up there with the best or will you simply disappear without a trace. Only time will tell, put your skills to the test!

    Review quotes from toucharcade.com forums,

  • 'After playing Trace It, I feel there is a relaxing, nostalgic appeal to the game that is not only inviting but fun.

    There are global leaderboards to bring out the competitor in you. I feel that Trace It has that indie charm and appeal that should be played to appreciate and this one will hopefully get some attention so it can be fully realized.

    I like it and will be playing more for some time to come.'

  • 'I've been playing 'Trace It' for a few days now and thought I'd share some of my experiences.

    I was initially looking for a game to keep the kids occupied. Nothing too difficult but something that would hold their attention for a while. Although it was with the kids in mind, I find myself playing it more on the train to work.'

ArtCalendar 1.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Just set the masterpiece on your desk!

Floo Art Calendar is a calendar application with three concepts of famous paintings, illustration and typography.
Add it to your dock after installation and transform your desktop into a gallery!

Set 1. Vincent Van Gogh
Based on masterpieces by Vincent Van Gogh , we stylized the calendar using various design techniques. You can join more than two paintings on one screen at any one time, or apply Gogh's brush strokes to the background.

Set 2. N.S. Kim
Set on your calendar the works by N.S.Kim, a Korean Indie Illustrator of the Boy&Girl series Explore the world of his delicate penmanship, Eastern color schemes and the detailed expressions of characters all beautifully expressed in his works.

Set 3. Typography
Only in Black & White. Achieve a minimal chic with the B&W typography. Experimental and edgy, it compliments iPhone's black body.

We are also preparing a new and diverse Art Calendar for 2011 so watch this space! Thank you!

LonelyID 1.0(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

FREE for limited time

LonelyID Mobile is an application that operates in conjunction with LonelyID free identification service, www.lonelyid.com, and provides you secure and easy access from any computer to all your favorite websites compatible with OpenID standard.

By installing LonelyID Mobile, there’s no need to remember passwords anymore.

Once installed on your phone, LonelyID Mobile periodically generates for you an 8-digit random password only valid for a short period of time, thus guarantees an easy and secure access to OpenID enabled websites.

LonelyID Mobile only connects to Internet during the registration process (after that, the password generation may be operated completely offline)

LonelyID provides a high security system:

  • secure and encrypted connections to the server
  • auto-generated random passwods directly on your own phone (no Internet connection needed)
  • fully compliant with OpenID standards

LonelyID also lets you review historical access activity records to all your sites from http://www.lonelyid.com

Prankimoto 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for one week! Enjoy, rate and review!

Have you ever wanted to add a little zest to your picture taking? How about those times when you can't get a smile out of someone when taking their picture? Maybe you feel like playing a joke or prank on your friends and family while they pose for a photo. Well, now you can!

Prankimoto is designed to make picture taking more fun and enjoyable by playing sounds as you take pictures. We know how much fun it is to take pictures and we wanted to make it that much more fun for you and whoever you photograph.

"The ultimate fun photo toolkit." - Appaholics

"We can't stop using the hilariously funny and ridiculous sounds and features!" - The AppReview Journal

Prankimoto is the only iPhone App in the world that plays hilarious sounds as you take pictures. Choose from 350 jokes, goofs, phrases, pranks, sounds, insults, sexy words and more to play out of your phone while you take pictures.

You can also RECORD your own UNCENSORED jokes, sounds, goofs and so forth to use w/ the camera while you snap away.

MONTHLY HIGHLIGHTED SPECIAL FEATURE #1: Prankimoto comes with an ANTI-THEFT MOTION DETECTOR you can arm that alerts you if anyone touches your iPhone without your permission. Pick from 50 crazy alarms and thief stoppers.

SOUND CATEGORIES to use while taking pictures:

  1. Household Gags - For your home.
    Examples: Perform an EXORCISM or use the LIL CRICKET.

  2. Party Pranks - At any party.
    Examples: YOU'RE HOT! or BUY U A DRINK?

  3. Schoolyard Antics - In class.

  4. Miscellaneous Tricks - Anytime. Anywhere.

  5. Office Goofs - In the workplace.

  6. Outbreak Alerts - For Emergencies of all types.

  7. Handheld Attacks - Anti-Theft, Alarm Clock, Sound Timer.

  8. Recorder - Record your own jokes, sounds, pranks & more to use with the camera.
  9. My Pranks - All of your saved UNCENSORED recordings to use while taking pictures.

Favorites - Easy access to saved favorite sounds, jokes, etc.


  1. RANDOMIZER buttons pick sounds for you in any category.
  2. ADD buttons place ANY SOUND you love into FAVORITES.

SPECIAL FEATURE #2 - Prankimoto's ALARM CLOCK - Use the Handheld Attacks Timer as an Alarm Clock for up to 24 hours.

SPECIAL FEATURE #3 - You can set sounds to play off a timer in the Handheld Attacks section. A little BONUS we threw in!

For more info, visit our website and PLAY FOR 100 every month by uploading your best photos. Tell your friends!

*ALL THE SOUNDS in the Prankimoto App were performed by comedians at Heritage Studios' professional recording studio.

Upload Photos and Play Website: www.prankimoto.com

Brain Balance Pro 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for limited time!
Want a way to improve your reflexes, judgement, patience, and memory while laughing at the same time?

The game is simple ? just keep the big ball from dropping off the board. Sound too simple? Well, give it a try and you will see that it takes skill to master this challenge!!

Two styles of gameplay with both tilt and touch. Concentration is the key as the mechanics may be reversed at any instant. You must constantly be on your toes as the control will switch back again.

There are 10 more different game modes to fully sharpen your skills:

Invisible mode: The board disappears and you must rely on your memory to succeed.
Normal and hard mode to improve from novice to expert.
Upside down mode: The screen is flipped to test your spatial abilities
Survivor mode: Not only must you keep the big ball on track, but also many little balls. But don’t fret, the little balls disappear after you survive long enough. Turn and Turn II mode: in this mode, the screen will rotate 45 degrees.

The game includes OpenFeint support for leaderboards and achievements. See if you can beat your friends or become the best in the world!!

The more you play, the better you will improve. Not after long will you reach the true greatness of Albert Einstein!!

Whisky iOdic Table 1.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The Whisky iOdic Table will be FREE for a short period of time.

The Whisky iOdic Table is the periodic table of whiskies for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Whether you are shopping for specific whisky types or want to categorize your collection of whiskies the Whisky iOdic Table can help you.

3D Penguin Bowling 1.2.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

The penguin sir needs your help to defeat his competitor(big dog, sea bird, little robot) and show them what the true meaning of "strike" really is! It's quirky, hilarious bowling fun just in time for the holiday season!

Penguin's Bowling have three game mode, you can challenges computer competitor, or play with your friends, or play it yourself and challenge high scores. You also can customize your photo and bowling ball style, about fifteen type ball you can select, but you need firstly unlocked it through challenge target scores in single player mode.

Penguin's Bowling offers amazing new visuals and audio effects. The latter includes about 15 type bonus and dirty that can help you defeat you competitor more quickly! Easy to learn and fun to play, Penguin's Bowling will please fans and newcomers alike.

iResponse - Classroom Responder System 1.0.1(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


For a limited time only the iResponse Classroom Responder is on sale to celebrate the release of the PC version of the iResponse Utility (previously only available for the Mac).

Note: This app requires desktop companion software that is available for free at itate-solutions.com

Note: Sample data for loading into the iMTS app is available for free at itate-solutions.com

The iResponse system provides education and training institutions with the ability to use the iPhone and iPod touch to turn their lectures into an interactive learning experience. This will help students increase their learning and retain knowledge.

iResponse Classroom Responder System

  • Allows instructors to formulate and send questions at any time directly to participants’ iPhone or iPod touch devices from the instructor’s desktop computer.
  • Transmit test questions simultaneously and at any time during a class session to all iPhone and iPod touch devices connected to the class session via Wi-Fi.
  • Instant feedback on the instructor’s computer including who is connected, responses, and averages.

The iResponse system is comprised of two components: the iResponse Utility (downloaded by the Instructor) and the iResponse iPhone/iPod Touch Application (downloaded by the student).

iResponse iPhone/iPod Touch Application

The iResponse iPhone/iPod Touch Application component works in conjunction with the iResponse Utility, and allows the students to respond to and participate in the question and answer session. The iResponse iPhone/iPod Touch Application is downloaded by the student and is required for all participants in the training session. By using this component, students are able to log-in to the question and answer session, respond to questions, view their individual progress, and view their class’ overall progress. The application enables the user to receive and display multiple choice, true/false, yes/no, and survey style questions transmitted by the iResponse Utility.

iResponse Utility*

The iResponse Utility component allows an instructor to test student comprehension at any point during the teaching session. The instructor may develop questions on their desktop computer and then transmit the questions directly to the students’ iPhone/iPod touch devices. The instructor is also able to view who is connected to the system, who has responded to the question, and what response was given. The responses can then be displayed in a graph, either to the entire class or just the instructor. It will display the correct response and the number of students who answered the question correctly. In addition, the instructor may also view and save the results of the questions and answers by teaching session, individual student, or specific question.

NOW available for the PC and Mac.

The iResponse Utility is comprised of 4 screens:

iResponse Connect Screen:
Used to create the class ID, session name, and view devices connected to the testing session.

iResponse Questions Screen: Used to create the list of questions and answers, select the question type, determine feedback status, and transmit the question and answer to the connected devices.

iResponse Answers Screen:
Used to view the respondents answers in a bar graph format, with an option to highlight the correct answers.

iResponse Statistics:
Enables the user to view the analytical data of the session, including class performance and student performance that may be further sorted by question or individual. This data may be saved/exported in an xml format.

Full description and tutorials for each component are available at ttp://www.itate-solutions.com/edu-solutions/iresponse-classroom-responder-system/

Any Mark 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


Any Mark is an image watermark app. It lets you add text, image and logo to your images to protect your copyright.


  1. Add image, logo and text watermark to your image,
  2. Watermark can be rotated, resized , flipped and placed anywhere on the image.
  3. Change text watermark color and font.
  4. Text watermarks are saved to the database for later use.
  5. Adjust watermarks transparency.
  6. All watermark images are saved to original size.
  7. The output images can be downloaded via web browser.
  8. The output images can be saved to photo library.
  9. The output images can be sent by email.
  10. Upload images to Facebook.
  11. Upload images to Twitpic.

Super Megaphone 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Super Megaphone transforms your iPhone into a megaphone when you plug it into speakers.

It is useful and fun. If you are at a party, you can use Super Megaphone as a microphone and speak. You will never need another microphone again.

And with the Pitch Voice Changer, the fun never ends. You can make your voice sound like a Chipmunk or a Vampire. Hilarity is guaranteed.


  • Plug the amplified speakers into the iPhone's headphone jack, launch Super Megaphone, and speak. It's that simple.
  • Change your voice with the Pitch Changer (iPhone 3G/3GS Only). Sound like a Chipmunk, or Vampire.
  • Plug the iPhone into an FM transmitter for a wireless microphone.
  • Useful for giving speeches and lectures at events, like parties.

Nukeball Bluetooth 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Nukeball BT is FREE for limited time

Nukeball Bluetooth is the successor of original Nukeball game, which was featured in "What's Hot" section on the App Store in 2009.

Nukeball Bluetooth is very fast and addictive arcade game with dynamic action gameplay and awesome graphics and visual effects. Target of the game is to destroy your opponent using your shots or the nukeball. Both players are protected by a laser shield at the beginning of each match. Shield can be damaged only by the nukeball. Shoot the nukeball to change it's direction and destroy opponent's shield so he remains unprotected.

Nukeball Bluetooth game includes real-time bluetooth multiplayer mode, where both players compete each other in a real time using the bluetooth connection. Grab your friends and defeat them in the Nukeball match!

Single player mode contains three different difficulty levels and a very sophisticated scoring system. Share your score online and prove that you are the best Nukeballer ever!

Main Features:

  • Real-time bluetooth multiplayer mode
  • Three different AI levels for single player mode
  • Sophisticated scoring system with online ranking
  • Very fast and dynamic action gameplay
  • Nice hand-drawn graphics


Bluetooth multiplayer functionality is not available on 1st generation iPhone and 1st generation iPod Touch.

Art Of War 2: Global Confederation Express 2.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free



The year 2038. For 20 years, the Earth has been under the rule of the Global Confederation that united and brought under its control all the countries and continents. The mankind entered a new era. Global territory wars that had been waged for a century subsided. The world economy no longer supported the military machine to be ready for action and turned towards the progress. The new scientific horizons on the Earth and in outer space were open.

But peace and quite in the Confederation is being increasingly disturbed by the outbreaks of rebellions of those who oppose the Senat's policies. The resistance movement is gaining momentum all over the world. The Senate throws the whole reserve of Condederation's scarce peace-keeping forces to suppress the rebellion.

In the east of Peru, near the city of Pucallpa, some signs of rebellious activity have been observed. Prior to that moment, South America was the calmest of regions. Your mission is to crush the revolt in Peru and to capture the leader of the rebellion.

You are charged with a mission on which the future of mankind depends. As a general of Confederation you are to suppress a revolt in Peru.

To attain the goal you must complete 7 missions of the campaign on diverse terrains from the Amazonian jungle to the mountain ranges of the Andes. The game features a variety of machinery, facilities and upgrades. Each side has unique equipment with its features and fighting qualities and so its own tactics. Dynamism of this game won't leave you bored through the campaign. And if you feel that campaign missions are not enough, there are many additional custom maps as well.

Game features:

  • beautiful modern 3D-rendered graphics;
  • 7 campaign missions in different locations from the Amazonian jungles to the highlands of the Andes;
  • Big variety of units and upgrades;
  • Each party has its own weapons and equipment with special characteristics;
  • Each party has its own battle tactics;
  • High dynamics of game;

Truth Or Lie - the lie detector 1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Promotion: !!! Only for a short time free!!!

Uncover the truth with "Truth or Lie".

It is the easiest lie detection software for ipod (with microphone) or iphone. Just speak and let the application analyze your spoken word for truthiness.

So uncover the truth! Is your lover really in you? Is your friend really telling the truth? Who is your real friend?

Attention: This is a real fun application. All results might not be real.

MEGA MEGA Memphis by Ryan Hailey 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

to fresh up your first days at school! :

MEGA MEGA Memphis by Ryan Hailey (with a Surprise)

Memphis, the longest running comic in the history of The Daily Texan, by Ryan Hailey

Hilarious Comics - now for iPhone and iPod touch! (Attention: The comics contain a very special, kinda retarded hilarious humor. Be aware! They are not for everyone - but hundreds of fans love them!)

This is the full version with twice as many Comics as MEGA Memphis with a FUNNY SURPRISE after the last Comic!
Don't miss it ;-)

Excrutiatingly funny - as already known and popular in Austin, Texas:

"When I first saw Ryan's Comics I had to put them on my door so I could laugh every single day!! Already just the funny drawings full of emotions are just pure genius!" - Hans Hilfuld

"Memphis is at once the FUNNIEST COMIC I'VE EVER READ and the most retarded. Ryan Hailey gives a good name for retarded people everywhere." - Todd Ferguson

"Ryan Hailey's Memphis comics are like if the cast of Sesame Street and the Canadians from South Park stayed up all night drinking Mountain Dew and had an existential crisis." - Bart Mclumsy

"In the best possible way, Memphis is like a five year old's interpretation of all the world's religions and philosophy's since the beginning of time." - Jackie Lake

"Memphis makes me question my own reality everytime I read it, to where I ask myself, 'Am I even alive right now reading this, or is it a dream?" - Julie Vernon

Astro Fighter Alpha 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Piloting your Astro Fighter Alpha, you must escort the Space Frigate Zeta through the Elrutian Quadrant.

The Elrutians have sent wave after wave of their Epsilon Ramships to destroy you and the Space Frigate Zeta.

Using your laser weapon, you must defend the Space Frigate Zeta from the never ending onslaught of Elrutian Epsilon ships.


  • Innovative accelerometer controls
  • Fast paced arcade action!
  • If you have the skill, the game will never end!
  • Really cool music!


  • Rotate the iPhone away from you to move the ship up
  • Rotate the iPhone toward you to move the ship down
  • Tap the screen to fire your laser
  • Every sector has bonus ships that appear. Intercept them to collect the bonus!

Costa Rica National Parks 1.1(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Featured in the TOP 100 TRAVEL APPs in iTunes Canada App Store

Costa Rica National Parks App is the perfect offline reference guide for a traveller to discover the many fascinating and charming national parks of Costa Rica. It provides useful information on 27 National Parks in this beautiful country: scenic pictures, location, nearest city, area, creation date, flora, fauna and history.

Our App also integrates Google Maps (requires 3G or WiFi) allowing you to: see the location of each National Park on the map; search for cities, towns and points of interest (with automatic filtering for Costa Rican results), determine your current location and switch between standard, satellite and hybrid map views. If no search results are found, the App provides you a one click option to perform the same search through iPhone’s Maps App, which will automatically focus the search near the current point of interest. The map also display the distance of the national park from your current location.

A picture speaks a thousand words. That’s why Costa Rica National Parks App has the biggest photo collection of Costa Rica among the Apps available in the App Store. The photo album showcase pictures of Arts and Craft, Buildings, Festivals and Celebrations, Local Food, Golf and Country Clubs, National Parks and People. Each photo is also tag with a description to give you more information about what you are seeing.

Through our App, you will also find information on just about everything you need to know about Costa Rica. You will learn about Costa Rica’s history, geography, flora and fauna, politics, provinces, economy, national parks, demographics, culture, get in, get around, stay safe, stay healthy and more. When you travel to Costa Rica, it is always a good idea to have some good Costa Rica information at your fingertips.

This App is truly indispensable to anyone who wish to visit Costa Rica National Parks and experience the best that Costa Rica has to offer. If you are planning to travel to Costa Rica for your next adventure vacation, be sure to download our app.

Pura Vida!

Aigoo Software

관련 글타래


3D Penguin Bowling, Any Mark, Art Of War 2, ArtCalendar, Astro Fighte Alpha, Books, Brain Balance Pro, CameraMagic Effects, Constellation Story, Costa Rica National Parks, Dokdo is Korean Territory, Education, Games, iPod Touch, iResponse, Lifestyle, LonelyID, MEGA MEGA Memphis, Music, Nukeball Bluetooth, Photography, Prankimoto, Productivity, Spider Alert, Spy Remote, Super Megaphone, Trace It, Travel, Truth Or Lie, Utilities, Whisky iOdic Table, Zombie Pizza, 무료 어플, 별자리 이야기, 아이팟 터치, 한글 어플