
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 26개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 어제 할아버지 기일이라 서울에서 자고 오는 바람에 조금 늦었다. 또 시간이 없는 관계로 오늘은 중요한 어플만 소개하겠다. 먼저와 요가 어플인 A Prenatal Yoga와 게임인 Clank는 무료 어플이다. 아울러 Clank은 공개판이라 총 30판 중 10판만 할 수 있다고 한다. Latte Factor Calculator는 평상시 3불에 판매되는 어플이다. 이만한 가치가 있는지 모르겠지만 라떼 팩터 계산기이다.

Enigma는 평상시 2불, 1000 내려받기 까지 무료로 제공되는 퍼즐 게임 어플이다. 아직 내려받기 횟수가 1000에 도달하지 못한 듯 내려받을 수 있었다. Song Pong은 오늘 올라온 무료 어플 중 가격이 상당히 비싼 어플이다. 평상시 3불에 판매되며 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 악보 게임 어플이다. ActivePrintActivePrint Traveler는 오늘 올라온 어플 중 가장 비싼 어플이다. 평상시 4불에 판매되는 어플이다. 별도의 데스크탑 어플도 무료로 제공된다.

0santa9ghost와 함께 빨리 유료로 전환되는 증강현실을 이용한 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 잠깐 무료로 제공된다. Math Wizards는 무료로 올라온 어플이다. 다만 출시 기념 무료이며 곧 유료로 전환될 것이라고 한다. AyeNotes는 평상시 1불에 판매되는 노트 어플이다. 뛰어난 기능을 제공하는 것은 아니지만 기본 노트가 불편한 사람은 내려받기 바란다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

A Prenatal Yoga 1.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: Free

The benefits of practicing prenatal yoga for pregnant women are endless. Yoga increases strength, flexibility and promotes relaxation. You can enjoy the benefits of yoga while pregnant. Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to stay in shape and do what is best for your baby-to-be. Prenatal Yoga is a great way to prepare for the birthing process as well as enjoy pregnancy term. Pregnancy yoga is divided into trimesters lasting three months each. The appropriate adaptations to your yoga practice for each trimester will give numerous benefits. Application has following classification and features.

  1. @MUST Read
    Pregnancy is not the time to do strenuous exercises; some light exercises enhance the freshness and pleasure in day-today life. It includes brief on benefits of yoga in Pregnancy, few easy exercises in daily routine during pregnancy and recommendations on birthing breath.

  2. @MUST Avoid
    Exercise during pregnancy is highly encouraged, but it's important to use caution and common precautions when doing so. Always listen to your body while practicing yoga and trust what it tells you. In case of any problems, it is advisable to obtain physician consent prior to practicing prenatal yoga.

  3. Recommended postures
    During pregnancy, it is very important to have correct postures while standing, walking and sitting. It has been observed that bad postures lead to certain problems in smooth course of pregnancy and delivery.

  4. First Trimester Yoga
    There aren’t many restrictions in first trimester of pregnancy. Just remember to follow general safety guidelines such as drinking lots of water, breathing deeply and regularly. This option briefs on yoga for first three months of pregnancy.

  5. Second Trimester Yoga
    With the second trimester morning sickness gets subsided and hopefully you will feel energetic. This option briefs on yoga for second three months of pregnancy.

  6. Third Trimester Yoga
    By third trimester your belly is bigger and more care is needed to avoid losing your balance and risking injury to you or your baby, while performing yoga. This option briefs on yoga for last three months of pregnancy.

  7. Sun Salutation
    A sun salutation is a series of poses done in succession such that one poses flows into the next. The pace of the flow and how long the poses are held may vary, but the movement is done in accompaniment with the breath. The purpose of the Sun Salutation is to warm up the body for further yogic exercises.

  8. Postpartum Yoga
    This postpartum yoga suggests returning to a regular yoga practice after pregnancy.

  9. General Remedies
    Few natural remedial recommendations to overcome commonly observed morning sickness during pregnancy and general pregnancy diet recommendations.

Don’t over do these exercises and always listen to your body while practicing yoga and trust what it tells you. With any specific ailments, please consult a health care professional before attempting any of these suggested exercises. Don't make the mistake of thinking that something as simple as Prenatal Yoga won't be effective. For help and suggestion contact us at support@dawnsuntech.com

Clank 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Get into the challenging world of Clank!

You will find 30 different levels that won't give your mind a rest . Think fast if you want to solve the puzzles before time beats you. Move the metal tiles around so they complete a colored path. Looks easy? Give it a try.

Play 10 free levels for limited time

Warning: highly addictive!

Full version features:

  • 30 levels that will challenge the most demanding players.
  • Use the bonus tiles to score more points.
  • Use OpenFeint to keep in touch with your friends.
  • No ads.

iSongs Gold 2.0.4(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free



SHARE YOUR MUSIC WITH YOUR FRIENDS!! (email any of your song information)



  • save cover art with out any effects.
  • size cover art for you iPhone/iTouch wallpaper.
  • add abstract effect.
  • add blur effect.
  • add a shrink effect.
  • Save cover as B&W/effect grayscale.


Save your music cover art images to your photos album. Save and resize your cover art images for wall paper on iPhone & iTouch and add effects to your art work. Also, display 17 different types of metadata information of your selected music.

Email your friends,select any of the 17 types of metadata information and add them to a email with in the app.




** new version on it ways **

Ad Free...no ads in that app

EMAIL ANY OF YOUR SONG INFORMATION(select any from the list )

  • Title of Song
  • Album Title
  • Artist
  • Album Artist
  • Genres
  • Song Composer
  • Playback duration
  • Last Played Date
  • Rating
  • Play Count
  • Skip Count
  • Album Track Number
  • Album Track Count
  • Disc Number
  • Disc Count
  • Compilation
  • Art work
  • All (email all of your info.)

VIEW ALL MUSIC INFORMATION IN LARGE FONT,FOR EASY VIEWING.(Detail information are sorted by groups and text color)

Metadata information are song selected songs are:

  • Title of Song
  • Album Title
  • Artist
  • Album Artist
  • Genres
  • Song Composer
  • Playback duration
  • Last Played Date
  • Rating
  • Play Count
  • Skip Count
  • Album Track Number
  • Album Track Count
  • Disc Number
  • Disc Count
  • Compilation
  • Art work

Full view of cover art image

Cover art page can be view with out any overlaying buttons or texts.

Select song by:

  • Playlist
  • Artists
  • Song
  • Albums
  • Compilations
  • Composers
  • Genres


Code Creative XL
Thanks to all of supporters

Questions or comments about iSongs Gold application
please contact our support team

User Agreement
All Metadata information might not be available for all songs.The cover art images are for personal back up of user music.iPhone/iTouch OS version 3.x is needed for emailing with in application and music info.

Ice Cream Machine - Revenge of the Scoops 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Warning! Ice Cream Machine requires mental focus and lightning-fast reactions.

Lulu, the small jelly-shaped guy, has been eating too much ice cream that all the flavours of ice cream in the world have joined forces to exact revenge on this fanatic. Can you help him dodge the army of incoming scoops?

  • One-Player and Two-Player Modes
  • Worldwide Global High Scores
  • Dozen 'random events'
  • 14 Different Flavors/Levels
  • 10 Colourful Backgrounds To Choose From
  • 10 Exciting Soundtracks
  • Animated In-Game UI
  • Unquestionably Rich and Beautiful Graphics
  • Milky Smooth, 60 FPS Animations

Ice Cream Machine, already enjoyed online by MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of players, remains one of the most played flash games on Earth!

Pill Master 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Pill Master is free for a limited time from now! Special for Free.iPromoCode.ru. Feel free to download it and give us feedback. Thanks a lot.

Are you an expert of classifying?
Check this game out!!

Pill Master is a game that challenges your eye-to-hand coordination and response.
Different pills are poured on the conveyer. You must help to classify them according to their colors ASAP or the machine may be broken! Sounds easy, isn’t it?
Well, you’ve got to be careful.
The conveyer is going to speed up as time goes by.

Be sure that you pull the pills into right place.
Be quick so that you can follow the speeding-up conveyer.
Be nimble so that you’ll be winning high score.

And after countless challenges…
We sincerely believe that you will then become the “Pill Master”!!


  • Extraordinary hand-painted scenes
  • Countless pills for you to classify
  • The “Marching” background music
  • Joyful moment & excitement

Spin Puzzle 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Limited time offer: FREE on Wednesday Feb 24th!

SpinPuzzle is a new spin on puzzle games for the iPhone, a jigsaw puzzle with a difference! Gaze at beautiful anime art by completing the puzzles with slide and tap controls to move and rotate the pieces. Better than jigsaw puzzles with their cluttered screens, and more challenging thanks to the edgeless design, Spin Puzzle is classic gaming made new again!

Game Features

  • Great unique anime art
  • A new spin on iPhone puzzle games
  • 25 different puzzles to try
  • Random starts give a new challenge each time
  • Rewards for completion
  • Unlockables to earn for speedy solutions
  • Peek feature helps you if you're stumped

Coming Soon from Seremeres Games
Ruby Rust Episode 0: Eternal Nightmare - get the first peak at the new role-playing epic Ruby Rust! Trapped in a nightmare Ruby must battle to survive against her worst fears. Look for more episodes to discover a rich and compelling story with great action RPG gameplay.

Find us: http://games.seremeres.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/seremeres
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Seremeres

Latte Factor Calculator by David Bach 1.0(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

David Bach's Latte Factor has become an internationally recognized metaphor for all of those unnecessary "little" expenditures that we waste our money on every day--without even realizing how much it all adds up.

For most of us, there is no faster or more effective way to take control of your financial destiny than to find out exactly how much potential wealth you may be squandering on things like mocha lattes, bottled water, cigarettes, magazines, eating out--YOU NAME IT!

The sooner you figure out your Latte Factor--that is, identify those unnecessary expenditures--the sooner you can start eliminating it. And the sooner you do that, the more extra money you'll be able to redirect to your savings. And the more extra money you can save and invest, the stronger your financial position will be.

So take David Bach's Latte Factor Challenge and discover the power of your own Latte Factor.

Here's how:

  • Throughout each day, track what you spend. It's simple and fun. Just scroll and choose a category and an amount.
  • Don't change anything about your behavior. Simply spend money the same way you always do.
  • Add each expense as you incur it.
  • At the end of the day, use the calculator to view your total spent. You will be able to view your Daily Average, Weekly Average and Monthly Average.
  • DRUMROLL PLEASE! Now click "see savings", select a potential interest rate and discover what you could earn in 1, 5, 10--up to 40 years, if you invest that amount on a regular basis.

The fact is, it can be mind-boggling to learn where your money actually goes! Redirect that money to savings and before you know it, you'll be watching your investment grow and you'll be changing your life at the same time.

Share this app with your friends and family. And share your own Latte Factor success story with us at success@finishrich.com.

Additional features:

  • Reset the app to start from scratch or use it to continually track your expenses ongoing.
  • Read Latte Factor success stories from the Finish Rich Community.
  • Submit your own Latte Factor success story for a chance to win a Latte Factor travel mug.
  • Join the David Bach community.
  • Read an excerpt from David Bach's new book Start Over, Finish Rich.

For more information visit www.finishrich.com.

Starcraft & Broodwar - Original Sound 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Have you played Starcraft and Broodwar?

Starcraft & Broodwar provides you an unique experience in iPhone and iPod Touch environment.

These sounds are very realistic and amazing. Enjoy.

Enigma : Ad Infinitum 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Challenge Yourself!
FREE until we reach 1000 downloads.

This is an unique puzzle, like nothing you have come across. The game play involves getting to the next level. At each level, you can choose to use all the tools available to you, including browsing websites for clues. Get to the next level in whatever fashion, and try not to crack the stage using other's answers. Then there is no fun, is it?

Each stage has a challenging puzzle which will stimulate your brain. Try it and you will not be disappointed. Its addictive and obsessive than you ever thought any game could get.

In case that you are stuck on a stage send us an email, we shall be glad to give you some hints.

With that said, now you are on your own to get past the 20 stages.

To navigate the app, read instruction before you proceed to play the game.

Good luck.


A Unique Challenge for everyone Elegant and attractive interface 20 brain teasing puzzles
Great to show off your mental abilities to your friends

Song Pong 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

An unique musical generator for amateurs to professionals.
FREE for a limited time.

Its a game, its a musical instrument and most of all, its great fun.

The basic concept of this musical tool is to configure various notes to be played on the sides of the iPhone/iPod touch screen walls and as the ball bounces along those sections, the tones are played back. Simple and straight forward, but can create a plethora of musical possibilities.

You can generate and compose repetitive beats for your musical composition or create a whole melody by playing it with other creations in sync with multiple players.


  • 5 instruments viz. Drums, Guitar, Flute, Grand Piano and Sax.
  • 96 notes from octaves C-0 to C-7 for all the instruments.
  • Elegant and streamlined interface
  • Easy to use and understand.

EZ Search 2.0.4(News)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

√ EZ Search is an application that lets you search the internet easily/quickly without having to type in your favorite web search website address or open multiple Safari windows. Want to quickly look something up in Wikipedia mobile? Just touch the button!

√ When the application loads, it launches you right into the site you've set as your default. Simply shake your device to set your default search engine. Search engines such as Yahoo!, Google, and Ask.com are just one tap away. EZ Search uses a slick iPhone interface complete with slidable icons that give you the search engines you need with just a touch of your finger.

√ Try FULL SCREEN reading in landscape mode!

√ Press the delete button to delete any search engine that comes with the app

√ Press the "+" button to add your own site into the app!

  • Access These Search Engines: SHAKE your Device to set your default search engine)

Alta Vista
AOL Search
Wikipedia Mobile

√ Our Website: www.iphoneezapps.com

√ On Twitter: twitter.com/iphoneezapps

√ Comments/Support/Suggestions: iphonesteve79@yahoo.com

Thank you for your interest in our iPhone/iPod Touch Products!

Dream Flower 1.0.2(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Do you want to send a unique gift to your friend?

Dream Flower can help you to do this!

Dream Flower is a flower making application. It provides dozens of different types of petals which allows you to freely combine into your dream flower. And you can send your flower to your friends via email and facebook.

Dream Flower not only have a general petals, as well as animals, candy, toys, jewelry and other type of makes you unexpected. You can use these special petals to make a lovely flowers.

Besides. the flower has 3 layers for you to put the petals in it and you can fine-tune petals' color, size and quantity.

Let's using your infinite creativity, build a fantastic gift to your lover and friends!


  • More than 30 different petals
  • 3 brilliant background and interface
  • customize the petals' color, size and quantity
  • support in-app music
  • sharing via email and facebook

For technical support or any inquiries about the game, please email iphone-support@cdegame.com.

Check This 3.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Send a pre-formatted email with a photo attachment, your current GPS coordinates, the GPS accuracy, and a link to a map of the area. The Check-this application is the fastest easiest way to share the most important information: who, what, when, and where. Version 2.0 includes these templates:

  • Check-This: if you see something note-worthy and you've got to send it to someone.
  • You have been seen: to send someone a picture of themselves and a record of the time and location, or in case you see someone doing something they shouldn't and you want to let them know that you know.
  • My Coordinates: to let people know where you are so they can try to find you, or to send yourself to document where you are and when you were there.

If you like these features but want to customize and save the email template, try the "GPS Photo Report" app. For more inexpensive and uniquely valuable applications, visit www.urbananomaly.com.

Beyond the Big Stump 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The land beyond the big stump is a place of joy and simple needs. Families grow larger and larger and their problems begin to grow as well. They begin to take advantage and abuse the rights of others. Do the abused form boundaries and fight for their rights? How do they overcome this conflict of their overlapping lives?

Beyond the Big Stump is a simple story of naive disregard leading to awareness, conflict and solution.

About the Author:

Barbra has a passion for our living planet, from the sea squirt at the bottom of the ocean to the tallest tree. She has been drawing nearly non-stop since childhood. Good fortune has allowed her to travel to the world's wild places, to watch the drama of life unfold. She attempts to capture precious moments in a sketch or photograph and then a painting. "It is my heart's desire to create little worlds". Her whimsical nature applies human-like personalities to what she witnesses in the natural world. "I want to attract attention to my characters in a hope that they will be compelling enough to inspire people, especially young people, to protect the real animals in the world".

Additionally Barbra is a wildlife photographer her work has appeared on the Guinness Presentation of Amazing Animals, the History Channel as well as other broadcast TV spots, National Geographic, magazines, encyclopedias, natural history books, calendars and advertisements. Her photography is available through www.Corbis.com.

Barbra also produces Giclee prints of her original paintings, sold through galleries.

Barbra is studying animation so she can some day bring her characters to "life". Many of her characters can be found at www.bleighgallery.com

Ace Glow Brick Breaker 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Ace Glow Brick Breaker is glow style brick-breaking game, two amazing game modes deliver endless excitement: Classic and Target, you can pick up 5 unique power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...

Key Game Features

  • Classic mode - Break all bricks to complete 20 level.
  • Target mode - Break all target bricks to complete 20 levels.
  • Super power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...
  • Great controls - gently slide or tap your fingers on the screen to break the bricks

Brick Breaker 3D 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Brick Breaker 3D is 3D brick-breaking game, two amazing game modes deliver endless excitement: Classic and Target, you can pick up 5 unique power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...

Key Game Features

  • Classic mode - Break all bricks to complete 20 level.
  • Target mode - Break all target bricks to complete 20 levels.
  • Super power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...
  • Great controls - gently slide or tap your fingers on the screen to break the bricks

Air Music Jump 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Music Jump is a music tap game and launcher game, your goal is launch the game character more and more higher via tap arrow button through beats as the arrows arrived. if you like Rock Band or Guitar Hero game, you maybe also like Music Jump. Let's go!

Key Game Features

  • Realistic 3D graphics and physics engine
  • Awesome music and sound effects
  • Free upgrades to new versions
  • Full technical support

Bowling 3D 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Bowling 3D is a fun bowling game on iphone and itouch, you need to beat AI compter opponent.


  • Realistic 3D graphics and physics engine
  • Awesome music and sound effects
  • Free upgrades to new versions
  • Full technical support

Blop 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Blop is an addictive and tricky puzzle game about making shapes with blocks of colored tiles.

Using a combination of skill, planning and luck you must clear away the brown game board tiles in order to complete the levels and be rewarded with an animation.

To master the later levels of the game you must use wit and cunning to correctly place your colored tiles, to avoid getting blocked in.


  • Simple and addictive gameplay
  • Easy to use touch controls
  • Help and instructions included
  • Hand-drawn cartoon graphics
  • Three different animations
  • Automatic save game feature
  • Difficulty increases with each level
  • Sound effects with settings toggle
  • Good for all ages

eTodo - simple and elegant to-do list 2.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

eTodo is free from 2/24 to 2/25!

Download eTodo if you have iPhone OS 3.0 or above.


  • Custom startup list: e.g. start to your 'Action' items or your 'All Tasks' list.
  • Custom wallpaper: select from your photo album
  • Landscape mode available when entering notes

"The most beautiful and promising to-do list. The BEST you can get at this price." --- Customers

eTodo means EASY, EFFICIENT and ELEGANT task management!

Simplicity and elegance are put together within eTodo. With every UI detail polished and work-flow optimized, task management has never been easier and faster.

In eTodo, GTD becomes as simple as four lists:

  • Inbox: collect your to-do's and ideas
  • Action: things you're about to do; overdue tasks will also appear in this list
  • Next: things you may want to do later
  • Someday: a good place to put future plans

With the help of batch edit, All tasks can be quickly moved to different lists.

eTodo provides an innovative, highly compact and effective filter menu that shows task count by due date and their tags. Using multiple filters and sorting options together, you are simply able to see everything you need right at your fingertips.

FEATURES: * GTD lists: Inbox, Action, Next, Someday * Setting recurring tasks (every x days/weeks/months/years) * Adding notes to a task * Emailing a single task or an entire list * Batch editing (move/delete) * Instant filtering with due date, status, or tags * Showing task counts in the overview filter menu * Instant sorting by creation date, due date, priority, or name * Quick adding a task by shaking * Task searching * Colored check boxes for overdue(red), today's(golden), and other(gray) tasks * Scrollable task icon selection bar * Adding star to important tasks * Five priority levels: none, low, medium, high, urgent * Choosing due date with shortcut buttons * Tags support: assign multiple tags to a task * 20+ intuitive task icons * 6 wallpapers with diverse styles * Fresh looks: custom tables, toolbar, and buttons * Clean and elegant interface * Customizable task details on list: icons on/off, due date on/off * Customizable home screen app badge

≫ BitAlpha on Twitter

≫ BitAlpha Studios

≫ Contact

Bubble Chaser 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Bubble Chaser is a fun family game to test your reaction time and accuracy. Greater coordination between your brain, eyes and fingers will help you achieve higher scores. The better concentration and attention to details you demonstrate, the better you will score.

The game is about popping the right colored bubbles in a grid of different colored bubbles. Beware, the color to pop may change by the time you spot the right bubble and decide to pop it. You have to be really quick. Well, sounds easy? Test and see for yourself.


  • Pop right colored bubbles and gain points
  • If you pop a wrong colored bubble, you lose a life
  • Regain lost life by touching the heart appearing for short durations near the top left corner
  • More points for popping bubbles under higher difficulty settings
  • Popping all bubbles on the screen gains bonus time and refills the screen
  • Bubble colors are randomly generated. Number of colors increase with the difficulty level
  • 4 difficulty levels - easy, moderate difficult and extreme

ActivePrint 7.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free

ActivePrint 7 is the industry leading mobile printing solution, and now its the easiest way to print from your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch! Print photos, web pages, notes, and more from your iPhone or iPod to almost any printer in the world.

With ActivePrint 7 on your iPhone all you need is a network or internet connection, something to print, and the free ActivePrint System application (available for free below) which will run on any Windows PC.


  • Print photos from your photo album or your device's camera
  • Print the contents of your device's clipboard, letting you easily print content from other apps!
  • Print contacts from the address book and web pages
  • Print plain text from a built in notepad screen
  • Support for multiple copies, portrait/landscape printing, different quality of printing, and color or black & white printing
  • Print via any internet connection (WiFi or EDGE/3G network)
  • Support for practically any printer available in the market
  • Password lock for the built in internet browser for parental control

Check out this demo video by TheDailyAppShow.com

Download the ActivePrint System App for free at:

ActivePrint Traveler 2.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free

ActivePrint Traveler is the easiest way to print from your Apple iPhone and iPod Touch. Now you can print photos, contacts, web pages, and plain text no matter where you are.

ActivePrint Traveler for the iPhone and iPod Touch enables you to print your information no matter where you are. With ActivePrint Traveler on your iPhone all you need is an internet connection, something to print, and the free ActivePrint Traveler Helper Application (available for free below) which you can run from a USB flash drive on any Windows PC.

No juggling IP Addresses, port numbers, and network security. Simply print from your iPhone or iPod Touch no matter where you go.


  • Print photos from your photo album and device camera
  • Print contacts from the address book, web pages
  • Print plain text from a built in notepad screen
  • Support for multiple copies, and both Portrait and Landscape paper orientation
  • Print via any internet connection (WiFi or Cell Network)
  • Support for practically any printer

Download the ActivePrint Traveler Helper Application for Free at:

0santa 1.08(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Santa and his reindeer are not far, just look around you! 0santa (ZeroSanta) is an Augmented Reality (AR) game that you can play on iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS. 0santa features proprietary Augmented Reality (AR) Technology by 0cog Inc.

Looking for Santa? Just press the Start button to start the game. When you see Santa, throw snowballs at him and receive gifts in return. Be careful not to hit the reindeer or they will return to the North Pole with Santa.

There are 2 modes in which you can play the game. The default allows you to find Santa around you at eye level. The other mode is called the "Wheel Mode", and it allows you to use your iPhone like a steering wheel. The Wheel Mode gives you additional controls when you try to find or aim at your target. You must enable the Wheel Mode in order to have the additional control. Users with older iPhone models may only be able to experience some aspects of AR.

0santa is an Augmented Reality (AR) game that requires spinning and fast body movements and therefore it may cause motion sickness. For your safety, please play in a safe environment free of obstructing objects. For more information, please visit our website at http://0cog.com.

ABOUT 0santa
0santa (ZeroSanta) is developed by 0cog, Inc., a leader in Augmented Reality (AR) and advanced software development located in Silicon Valley, California. 0santa features proprietary Augmented Reality (AR) Technology. Visit us at 0cog.com and check out more of our exciting and innovative products in the near future.

Game Concept and Design: Christophe NEY
Game Programming: Guillaume RIVIERE
3D Graphics: Eric WEISS
Graphic Design: Daryl TEMPESTA
Marketing & Coordination: Glen CARL

Many thanks to the following individuals who have contributed in many ways to this game: Maria CUSIMANO-CARL, Mathieu & Lisa NEY for testing, - daveincamas, Bristolstories, FreqMan, rettalo and freesound for providing sound samples on freesound.org, and Alex RESTREPO for his MP3 library.

Math Wizards 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: Free


Math Wizards is a math game designed to improve your basic math skills, but don't let its simplicity fool you!

In Beginner mode, smaller numbers are used and the calculations display themselves as you work from left to right, making it easy to check your progress and visually see what might come next.

In Intermediate mode, smaller numbers are still used, but calculations are no longer shown, forcing you to do all the math in your head!

Advanced mode builds on the Intermediate mode by increasing the size of the available numbers.

Scores in several game categories are tracked locally for competition between siblings, family members, or friends. In addition scores are submitted to our game servers and the top 50 scores worldwide can be displayed, along with the total number of users and your rank among them!

A thought provoking soundtrack keeps the math-centered parts of your brain working while you work through each level and, while there are frequently multiple ways to solve each problem, if you get stuck, you can always press the "Solve" button to see one way you might have done it.

**** Think I can do something better? Would a slightly different or new capability motivate you to give me a higher rating or a positive review? Please email me! I'm always open to suggestions and new ideas! ****

AyeNotes (notes with shorthand) 1.3(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

AyeNotes offers the ability to write notes quickly and easily using the most sophisticated templating scheme available on the iPhone/Touch.


  • Launch AyeNotes on a blank page or open a specific note every time you launch
  • Type faster and more accurately by defining text you frequently use. Having defined this text, just type its shorthand and have it expand instantly. Generate rich notes with less typing!
  • Find your information fast by viewing your notes and clips by name and date. Jump to your note using the index.


  • Use the most sophisticated text clipping technology (snippets) to define frequently used text. You can specify timestamp information as well as designate where you want the cursor to be after insertion. Think Blackberry AutoText on steroids!
  • Create notes and clips in wide or portrait mode.
  • Define how you want AyeNotes to behave when the application starts. Are you a GTD fanatic and need a fast Inbox? Start AyeNotes on a blank page. Do you keep a diet log on your phone? Configure AyeNotes to start on the last page viewed. AyeNotes is designed around your note taking workflow.
  • Use programmer mode for green-on-black, high contrast note taking.
  • E-mail completed notes.
  • Protect data during interruptions; Text is saved when working in AyeNotes.


  • Personal journal - add the names of family and friends as clips.
  • HTML editor - add HTML tags as clips.
  • Draft - outline or brainstorm a larger project and sync online.
  • E-mail - save time writing messages by using your templates.
  • Mass E-mail - create a clip with a standard e-mail message for multiple recipients.
  • Workout log - use clips with timestamps to track workouts.
  • Shopping list - type in all of your recurring items as clips.
  • Sticky note - jot reminders and to-do items.
  • GTD system - use a new note for each context and the note itself for lists.

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