
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘 소개한 어플은 총 65개이다. 이 중 50개 정도가 일본 만화책이다. G2comix에서 만든 영어, 일어판 만화책 50개 정도가 무료로 올라왔다. 모든 만화는 17금으로 약간 간지나게 야한 만화들이다. 일본 만화를 좋아하는 사람은 내려받기 바란다. Kids Math Fun은 예전에도 한번 올라온 어플이다. 아이들 수학 교육용 어플로 한글을 지원하므로 내려받기 바란다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다.

Action Buggy는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 과어 오락실의 문레이커를 연상케 하는 게임 어플이다. Dirt Moto Racing는 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 그림과 설명을 보면 알 수 있지만 오프로드 자동차 경주 게임이다. Sketch Me는 사진을 손그림으로 바꿔주는 어플이다. 툰페인트(Toon Paint)에 비해 기능은 조금 떨어진다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

LetsTans Deluxe는 오늘의 추천 어플이다. 칠교판이라는 아이들용 게임을 아이폰 어플용으로 만든 것이다. 다른 칠교판 어플과는 달리 난이도를 바꿀 수 있으며 상당히 많은 판을 제공한다. 평상시 4불, FreeAppADay.com과의 협약으로 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. 또 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다.

트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

Pi Search HD 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Search the first 250,000,000 digits of π!


Quickly and easily look for phone numbers, birthdays, lottery numbers, names and more, in the infinite digits of pi. Pi Search's simple and intuitive interface makes it easy and fun to find patterns and explore this historic number.

Unravel the mysteries of the universe on your iPad!

Saving Private Sheep 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2

The FreeAppADay.com App introduces Saving Private Sheep as Today's Featured Free App

One of the best Appstore experience ever. Average rankings 9/10 !

The War of the Sheep

General call-up (speech given by General Sheepard through the microphone of the B.B.Sheep)
The war between wolves and sheep is raging.
The wolves’ territory is expanding from one day to the next, encroaching on our green pastures.
We must fight these bloody baaarbarians if we want to graze again in peace!
We will show the enemy that we are not lambs and that we will not be led to the slaughter in silence.
It is time to launch operation “Iron Wool”!

Help the woollen warrior conquer enemy territory by leading it into the secure zone.
To do this, you will need just one weapon: your finger!
Destroy the obstacles in the surrounding area to enable the sheep to achieve its objective in total safety.
Increasingly complex structures and special blocks (indestructible, explosive etc.) coming in a variety of shapes and with different actions will make your mission harder.

Saving Private Sheep offers accessible gameplay for any player, thanks to the progressive difficulty which is perfectly paced over more than 80 levels.
Combine logic, dexterity and strategy to achieve victory!

Will you manage to unlock the bonus levels, win the medals and achieve ultimate success in the game?


  • Easy gameplay
  • Gradual increase in difficulty
  • More than 80 levels
  • Numerous elements available to unlock (levels, medals, success)
  • World rankings via OpenFeint

Languages : English, Français, Italiano, Español, Deutsch


Slide to play: 4/4 Must have. Saving Private Sheep is an entertaining, funny, and difficult game that deserves to be in everyone's collection.

Saving Private Sheep really is one of the finest physics puzzlers on the App Store by far.

Appaddict (5/5 Fantastic):
Saving Private Sheep is a challenging, humorous and addictive physics-based puzzle game, which never takes itself too seriously.

iPhone Life: 9,5/10
The atmosphere is humorous, the audio and visuals are top notch, and the game play itself goes well beyond what you’d expect from this sort of game.

allaboutthegames: I really enjoyed Saving Private Sheep and happily recommend it as a great game

touchmyapps: Saving Private Sheep is one of the more enjoyable puzzle games I’ve laid my hands on – GRAB IT!

appaday: Saving Private Sheep is a A gem! You can’t go wrong with this slick and engaging game from Bulkypix

Capsulecomputers: Saving Private Sheep is a very enjoyable puzzle game.

Appspy: Saving Private sheep is fun to get right as it is to get wrong. Worth checking out!

Gamezebo: Saving Private Sheep is a great pocket puzzler full of goofy fun and head-scratching physics puzzles

allgames: You can’t go wrong with the slick, professional & engaging Saving Private Sheep from Bulkypix!

Touchgen-I give credit to Saving Private Sheep-it game made me think more than any other physics game I’ve played

Appsmile: (5/5) Saving Private Sheep is an extremely enjoyable game, trumping its counterparts and vaulting itself into the position of the premier game of its type in the app store.

The Breaker-Upper 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Armed with her charming long hair and sex appeal, the gorgeous Sara Jonouchi is a professional “breaker-upper.” One day, Sara takes on a request from a middle-age housewife to catch her “cheating” husband in the act so that she can collect what’s hers and leave him in the dust. Sara uses every trick in the book to seduce her target - - with no results! Skeptical about the housewife’s motives, Sara asks that she be looked into. A little bit of research shows that while her serious, mild-mannered husband is at work, the housewife is dressed up and out on the town. Where is she heading every day!? 【G2comix】《DokiDoki Series》

Kids Math Fun~Kindergarten /한국어/ Korean 4.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 4.0

이것은 아이들의 산수놀이의 한글어 버전입니다. 또한 이것은 영어, 스페인어, 불어, 포르투칼어, 터키어, 필리핀어, 그리고 하와이어도 가능합니다.

우리 아이들은 아이폰과 아이팟 터치를 좋아합니다! 저희는 집에서나 학교에서 아이들이 산수를 배우고 연습하게 자극을주고 영감을 심어주는 재미있는 프로그램들을 개발중입니다.

이 프로그램은 유치원 아이들이 한자리수 (0-9) 덧셈, 그리고 한자리수 (0-9) (음수없이) 뺄셈을 연습할수 있도록 북돋아 줍니다.

아이들은 시간제한없이 문제들을 연습하면서 자신감을 얻을수 있거나, 제한된 시간내에 얼마나 많은 문제들을 답할수있는 “시간제한내에 푸는 산수” 를 풀면서 숙달됨을 쌓아갈수 있습니다. 프로그램은 10문제들과 60초로 지정이 되어있으나 이것은 아이폰/아이팟 터치의 설정에서 바꿀수 있습니다.

선생님들은 교실에서 아이들의 산수놀이 프로그램을 사용하고 있습니다. 그들의 견해들을 고려해서, 저희들은 “두배로 도전” 옵션을 첨가하여 아이들이 덧셈과 뺄셈 사이에 역수관계를 마스터함으로써 그들이 산수능력을 늘려나갈수 있습니다. “다시시도” 옵션은 아이들이 만약 틀렸을 경우 문제를 다시 시도함으로써 숙달됨을 발전시킬수있게 허용하고 있습니다.

오른편 코너에 있는 점수판은 정답과 오답의 합계와 더불어 얼마나 많은 문제들을 풀었는지 보여줍니다. 그래픽은 : 웃는 아이들, 밖에서 노는 아이들, 몸에좋은 과일과 야채스낵들, 보트, 그리고 빌딩들을 포함하고 있습니다.

연습문제 합계는 5에서 100문제까지 설정할수있고, 시간내에 푸는 산수 타이머는 1/2분에서 10분사이에 설정할수 있으며, 높은 점수는 ‘모든 높은점수지움’ 스위치를 키고 프로그램을 가동시킴으로써 지울수 있습니다. 부모님과 선생님들의 요청으로 이 설정들은 아이폰이나 아이팟 터치 홈페이지의 ‘설정버튼’내에 있습니다.

통역을 맡아주신 송인경씨 ( 미국명 Jenna Lee ? 서울과 미국 시카고에 거주)께 특별한 감사의 말씀을 드립니다.

Ben's somewhat spiffy looking but ultimately craptastic rock-paper-scissors game 1.5(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.5

Probably the most accurately titled game ever arrives at the App Store!

The following amazingly over-hyped super-duper-mega-fantastic features are included:

  • Rock, paper and scissors all in the same game!
  • Loads of words in the title!
  • Graphics!
  • Really annoying tune (honestly, just ask my wife!)
  • Nice looking icon!
  • Three different play-modes (all of which feels exactly the same!)
  • Insulting Monk(tm)

Zoo Manager 1.6(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.6

Thanks to all people who make Zoo Manager a success!"

Have you ever dreamt of working as a Zoo Manager in a zoo so that you can get close to all the cute Monkey, Giraffe, Lion, Rabbit & Horse?

With this game “Zoo Manager” you will be able to sample the managership of a zoo about how to deal with the animals for their daily needs: FOOD.

If you love the thrills and spills of Flight Control, you will love even more the challenging job of Zoo Manager!

Zoo Manager is the best game you could ever find, not just for you, but also for your family -- especially your kids. It’s an absolute addiction once you start to play.

Download now & try it today! You will become a fan of the Zoo Manager.

█ Very cute cartoon flavor characters & scenes.
█ Very cinematic reactions from each & every animal when fed with the food.
█ Very circus-like entertainment experience.
█ Very colorful sound effects & music matching perfectly with the game.
█ Very courageous you have to be to take good care of the animals!


In the game you will touch the direction switches (the yellow arrows) on the conveyer to let the right food go to the corresponding animals:

Banana → Monkey
Leaves → Giraffe
Meat → Lion
Carrot → Rabbit
Grass → Horse

Time limit for each level is shown as a count down timer on the top side of the screen.
You get scores for correct feeding but lose scores for wrong food fed to the animals.
To pass a level, you have to feed all animals with required number of plates of correct food before time expires.

By the way, if you like Zoo Manager, you will also love more other games from Evenwell. Check our Dance Duo, Fish Scooper, Mini Trickie & Dual Spin Ball!!!!!

Enjoy the feeding!

Action Buggy 1.00(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.00


We are giving away this PAID GAME for free during a limited time!

TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO HURRY while it's FREE, because it will turn into paid soon again.

Put yourself in the drivers seat of a moon buggy as you MASTER THE ROCKY SURFACES of a distant moon.

How far can you go? And what strategy do your prefer... blowing away the rocks and obstacles with your missile launcher, or simply jumping past them?

Work on your strategies as you try to go as far as possible! Who knows what surprises are ahead?


  • Adorable retro style HAND PIXELED graphics
  • ENDLESS VARIATION: Levels are generated in real-time as you play
  • Demolition Frenzy: Blow up things that block your way
  • Rock solid, responsive controls
  • Precision jumps
  • Precision missiles
  • Global High Scores: Submit your scores online
  • Donut Games' Collectors Icon #21
  • And much more...

Enjoy another Donut Games release!

Insulting Monk 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Is that a Monk in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

The Insulting Monk™ has arrived to help you adjust your self-image when you're getting too full of yourself. Always happy to hurl some abuse your way he'll be your favorite enemy.

Do you have to attend a funeral where you couldn't stand the deceased? He'll bring you down.
Do you need to toughen your skin against verbal abuse? The Insulting Monk is there to help.
Do you miss your mom's abuse? He'll fill her shoes!

He'll keep your ego in check and always make sure you never feel too good.

And if he steps over the line… you can always give him a whack!

Dirt Moto Racing 1.1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1.0

Hurry up and get Dirt Moto Racing for FREE!!!

Coming Soon: Aqua Moto Racing 2

Welcome to Dirt Moto™ Racing, the new release from Resolution Interactive that raises the bar yet again for Powersport games on the iPhone/iPod Touch platform.

Editors Choice Award - appVersity: "For those of you who like their racing to be unencumbered by a roof and want to see the sky as they fly through the air, Dirt Moto is a dream come true"

Hot Award - AppGamer.net: "stunts, tricks and drifts unseen by any other racer in the App Store - we’re sold"

4.5 / 5 - Macworld: "Dirt Moto Racing is the pinnacle of its genre"

4.5 - iPGN: "Dirt Moto Racing is a fun ATV racing game with great graphics, sound and content. If you are a racing fan it is a must have."

4/4 Must Have - Slide To Play: "Dirt Moto Racing is a great new entry to the racing genre, and it is one we can recommend highly"

4.5 Exceptional - 148Apps: "Due to superb controls and an extensive career mode complete with vehicle upgrades, Dirt Moto Racing, surges to the front of the pack as the premiere freestyle racing game for the platform."

5/5 - AppSmile: "Dirt Moto Racing takes the torch and powerslides its way into our adrenaline-fueled hearts."

8/10 - Pocket Gamer: "Dirt Moto Racing revs up great gameplay, controls, and graphics"

90/100 Gold Award - Games-Review: "Resolution Interactive have all the trump cards - the latest idea, excellent implementation and first-class graphics"

Touch Arcade: "The controls feel "right," the physics are solid and it's just a great off-road racer that stands as the king of the genre in the App Store"

Dirt Moto Racing will put your ATV riding skills to the ultimate test. Start off with participating in a tour for beginners, race well to unlock new tours, game modes, achievements and tuning points as you climb your way towards the world elite. Collect medals in Career, Time Trial and Freestyle modes by beating opponents, set target times and scores. Events take place in 4 different and beautifully rendered North American locations; British Columbia, Death Valley, Toronto, Florida Keys. Perform stunts, powerslides and wheelies to power your boost. Enable online mode for your profiles and compare your event results with friends all over the world. Download ghosts and challenge the records of other Dirt Moto Racing riders.

Key Features:

  • 8 Tours ranging from easy to extremely hard
  • 4 True-to life environments: British Columbia, Death Valley, Toronto, Florida Keys
  • 36 Unique Events and 5 Game Modes
  • 21 Achievements to unlock
  • 12 Stunts with 3 difficulty levels to perform
  • 4 Mega-Stunts such as backflip and three-sixty
  • Time Trial mode with Gold, Silver and Bronze Target Times
  • New Freestyle mode with Gold, Silver and Bronze Target Scores
  • Tuning of Top Speed, Acceleration, Steering, Grip, Brakes, Shocks and Lift
  • Ghost Play – Download and race against the World's Best Riders
  • Online Leaderboards
  • Original Soundtrack with 12 Tunes

Follow us on Twitter
@ResolutionBlog - Tweets about Promo Codes, etc
@ResolutionNews - Tweets about Press Releases
@ResolutionFeed - Tweets about Game Updates

Arena Arcade 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.0



Without a shield and a sword, a gladiator must find ways to defend himself or even lure numerous enemies to death for only one reason… SURVIVAL! Simple gameplay and funny action bring an endless excitement with “Oww!” and “Ahh!”


How long can you survive, in an arena of brutal gladiators, beasts and obstacles? Use tilt control to run and dodge harmful elements. Don’t worry! You can always pick up useful items to get well armed (shield) and powerful (invincible) against them. Can you become the toughest player in this Arena Arcade?


  • Shield item, Invincible item that help you survive longer
  • Enemies: homicidal knights, rolling rocks, crazy beasts and an immortal giant
  • Light and sensitive tilt control
  • Fast pace gameplay helps improve your sensibility and dexterity
  • Local & global leader board

How to play:

Use tilt control to run and avoid dangerous obstacles as long as you can for the high score.

Collect shield and invincible items to survive longer.

Play with a headphone for awesomeness!

Football – Real Kick 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Qneo World Cup Special: Football Real Kick temporarily for FREE

Turn your iPhone into a real football player. This is the pocket version of table football (foosball) without the table. Check YouTube, search for "QneoDotNet". With this app you can “kick” a small ball by blowing air out of the speaker opening! Setup your own match and play with your iPhone friends at a party or pub.

✓ Kick the ball with an air blast from your speaker opening
✓ Play together with multiple iPhones in one match
✓ Real stadium experience with cheering crowds



Note: only works on the iPhone

For maximum kick effect, use a small light-weight ball, use your iPhone without additional protective covers/casings, and ensure no dust has accumulated in your speaker outlet.

Sketch Me! 1.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

!!! FREE for a limited time !!!

Sketch Me! is a simple, fun app that lets you convert your images and photos into sketches by applying a special image effect.

Top 20 app in Entertainment in Japan, Italy and Kuwait.

What people are saying:

"A wonderful yet simple idea, this app turns your pictures into pencil sketches, and makes them look all arty" - iphonesoftwarereviewsblog.com

"Very cool little effect. Great for messing with your Facebook profile pics" - Irish App Review

Main Features:

  • Supports Facebook and e-mail so you can easily share your sketches with your friends, as well as save them to your iPhone.
  • Features an easy-to-use interface. You can use your finger to move an image around on the screen to find its best position. You can also zoom in and out through the pinch gesture.
  • Split screen mode (as shown in icon), where only one half of the photo is shown in sketch.
  • Adjustable sketch parameters mean that you can have extra control over how the sketch effect turns out.

The Sketch Me! effect can be applied to any image. Best results are obtained by using a picture with a bright/white background.

LetsTans Deluxe 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

The FreeAppADay.com App introduces LetsTans Deluxe as Today's Featured Free App!

Now, after a year of developing here is the DELUXE version of LetsTans. It contains NO adds and NO in-apps! ALL new puzzles will be added for FREE!! Discover the biggest tangram app ever - 1250 puzzles and counting.

Main Features:
• 1250 hand-crafted puzzles.
• 10 addictive modes from easiest to hardest.
• 7 different skins in Classic+ mode.
• 50 colors in Junior and Silhouette modes.
• Guest Player option: get your friend to play!
• Need help? Use advanced hint system.
• Time counter with pause option.

BallSelector 1.0(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Ballselector.com is the most popular technical bowling ball resource on the internet. With over 90,000 advanced and tournament bowlers, its the only source where the average to advanced bowler can compare current equipment by its technical factors across all manufacturers.

With so many balls by so many different manufacturers out, it is increasingly difficult to accurately find bowling balls that todays bowler's need. Your local pro shop may have 50 balls on display, but which one to select is always difficult without going through manufacturers spec sheets.

This app will alleviate that by giving your IPhone/Ipod Touch access to Ballselectors massive database and comparison engines.

Ballselector answers questions like: "I need a ball that hooks more than the one I have", or "I want a ball that hooks more on the backend".


You must have an existing account on ballselector.com, just visit the site and signup, its totally free.

Iphone/IPOD Touch with a live internet connection (3G/Edge or WIFI)



Search Ballselector's massive database of bowling balls, comparing them by RG, Differential, Coverstocks, Cores, and many more technical factors across all the manufacturers.


Compare your current equipment against the database to find similar or differnet reactions based on the technical specifications of your current equipment.


See how other bowlers with a similar style as you rate the equipment. And on all searches, see how people rate the equipment on various lane conditions.


See youtube videos on many of the manufacturers bowling balls, and find that perfect reaction.

Manufacturer Info:

We also carry the manufacturer recommended drill patterns and spec sheets on most balls.

Crack O’ Lantern — A Smash Hit! 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

To celebrate Halloween in the summer — Crack O' Lantern is free until the end of July, so snag your copy today!

Highlighted by Apple for Halloween 2009

TOP 50 in Family games Halloween 2009
and TOP 50 in Kids games Halloween 2009 on iTunes


The game works well because of its family appeal, but that’s not to say that we can’t play it on our own. The amazing graphics and soundtrack complement the game well. I can see myself playing this game all round and not just at Halloween. Five stars to Artisan Dream! — iphonefootprint.com

“I like that Artisan Dream came up with a fairly original idea for a Halloween game. I mean, how many Halloween memory matches do we really need? With so many apps crowding the App Store originality is rare, so I have to applaud the effort put into Crack O’ Lantern.” — iphoneappreviews.net

“I just downloaded a handful of the Halloween games recently released for the iPhone. Without a doubt, this was the best one. It starts out simple but quickly becomes difficult” — Zabumafoo — GameSpot

Great fun for every one in your family! Kids will love to play the game in Easy mode. Adults will love the challenge of hard.

Game play is simple, drag pumpkins to the ground to crack them — and smash them on the walls for points. Avoid obstacles and weapons. Power ups can help and hinder your play.

20 Levels of Play
3 Modes; Easy, Hard, Simply Impassable

Puzzle Domino 1.1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1.1



Puzzle Domino is a modern twist on an old classic, using Domino pieces, Tetris like mechanics and Match 3 Gameplay!

*** GAME TACTICS gives Puzzle Domino an 8 out of 10!!! ***

*** GAMING EVOLUTION gives Puzzle Domino an 8 out of 10!!! ***

*** MODOJO gives Puzzle Domino a 4 out of 5!!! ***

"We know that the iPhone has a bajillion puzzle games, but Puzzle Domino is among the best." - MODOJO -

"Puzzle Domino is one of those games that could easily become a big hit. It’s simple, it’s fun and, above all, it’s addicting as hell...." - BLAST MAGAZINE -

"Puzzle Domino is a new game for the Apple iPhone from 415 Games. It’s basically Tetris meets match 3 gameplay and it works remarkably well..." - GAME TACTICS -

"Puzzle Domino is a nice and welcome surprise for those who enjoy puzzle-based games. It’s well worth the $2 price point." - GAMING EVOLUTION -

Watch out! Think fast! Stack the falling dominos! Match three-in-a-row and clear the playing field. Horizontal, vertical or diagonal combos all make the dominos shatter and disappear. Turn the dominos by tapping the screen and move the dominos by dragging the pieces to where you desire. Be warned! The more combos you make, the faster the dominos fall. Don’t forget to use your bombs and the changing dice to help you out of tight jams. But be careful you don’t get addicted! Time flies when you play Puzzle Domino.

Puzzle Domino gives you hours of engaging match play, similar to other popular puzzle games such as Stack’em, Mah-Jong Quest and Poppit.

How to Play

  • Match 3 or more blocks of the same number to score.
  • Matches can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
  • Matches/Combos longer than 3 scores more points.
  • Making multiple matches in a short amount of time gives you a score multiplier.
  • To rotate the domino clockwise or counterclockwise tap the right and left side of the screen.
  • To move the domino left and right drag your finger across the screen, you do not have to touch the domino.
  • To move the domino down by dragging your finger down the screen. The domino will continue to move down if you keep your finger on the screen.
  • Flick the domino downward to make the domino fall faster.


  • Fully optimized for the iPhone (OS 3.0 ready) and iPod Touch
  • Addictive match 3 gameplay.
  • Utilizes simple proven Tetris like mechanics.
  • Easy to pick-up and play.
  • Play your own Music! (Must be playing music desired before starting game)
  • Helpful tutorial to get you started.
  • Endless combos. Endless chaining. Infinite levels.
  • Can be fun for minutes or hours.

Join us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/415Games

Puzzle Chess 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0



This is NOT your ordinary Chess game!

This is a Chess Adventure!

Your Enemies move like Chess pieces, but the similarity to Chess ends there...

Impenetrable walls, Trapdoors, Teleporters and Time Bombs? Set them off and see what happens!

Things can get tricky but don’t despair, for along the way, there will be Gold Coins to give you Extra Life and Power-ups to help destroy your Enemies.

Puzzle Chess is a fun original twist on a classic game that will have you off on a puzzlicious Chess adventure!


The goal on each level is to pick up the Golden Key and use it to open the Door to the next Level, without falling into a trapdoor, getting blown up, or eaten.

Much like Chess, your enemies are drawn from the ranks of the Pawns, Knights, Rooks, Bishops and even the great King and Queen can be drawn into battle.

All enemy pieces move like Chess pieces and you can destroy them or avoid them much like Chess.

Complete all Regular and Bonus Levels and you will have a chance to save the Princess from the clutches of her evil Stepfather, the Black King!


  • Original Twist on Chess
  • Randomly generated levels for endless, addicting, replayability
  • Over 150 levels with 18 Bonus levels to conquer for hours of fun!
  • Enemies, Gold Coins, Runes, Teleporters, Trapdoors, Bombs, Power-ups and more!
  • Simple, animated, and helpful Tutorial
  • Brush up on your Chess moves & get better at Chess!
  • 3 levels of difficulty (Easy, Medium and Hard)
  • Game Saves! Just press Continue!

Join us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/415Games

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