
내가 주로 글을 올리는 시간은 새벽 4시에서 오전 11시까지가 가장 많다. 그 이유는 이 시간에 글이 가장 잘써지기 때문이다. 최근 글의 수가 줄은 이유 중 하나는 개인적으로 여유가 없다 보니 글이 잘 써지는 시간에 에 대한 글을 주로 썼기 때문이다. 지금도 여유가 있는 것은 아니지만 사정이 조금 나아져서 이 시간대를 예전처럼 블로그에 올릴 글을 쓰는 시간대로 활용할 생각이다. 따라서 오늘만 무료는 지금까지 대부분 9시 이전에 올라왔지만 앞으로는 오후 5시 이전에 올라올 가능성이 많다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 20개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 건질 것이 그리 많은 것 같지는 않는데 다른 날에 비해 고가의 어플이 많다. 먼저 비밀주소록은 무료 어플이 아니라 유료 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매되며 출시 기념으로 20일까지 1불에 판매된다. 아이폰 사용자의 불만 중 하나는 통화목록을 삭제할 수 없다는 것이다. 탈옥(Jailbreak)을 하면 통화목록 중 원하는 항목을 삭제할 수 있지만 순정폰 사용자는 통화목록을 삭제할 수 없다. 그래서 등장한 전화걸기 어플이다. 연락처 자체를 숨기고 전화 할 수 있는 어플이다.

Jewelcart은 무료 어플이다. 모든 판을 다 제공하는 것은 아니며, 추가로 판을 구매해야 한다. 그림에서 보이는 것처럼 상자를 보석으로 이동시켜 판을 깨는 게임이다. 그러나 칸막이의 제한 때문에 이렇게 판을 깨는데 상당히 머리를 써야 한다. 개인적으로 이런 게임을 좋아하기 때문에 소개한다. AutoSearch Mobile은 평상시 5불이나 하는 어플이다. 이름처럼 구글 검색과 각종 사이트를 통해 사람을 자동으로 찾아 준다. 다만 한글과 한국을 지원하지 않기 때문에 우리나라 사람들에게는 별 소용이 없는 어플이다.

Sniper Strike는 평상시 2불하는 게임 어플이다. 나름대로 3차원 그래픽이 괜찮은 게임으로 거리를 돌아다니면 총을 쏘는 게임이다. PuncheeJoe는 조금 재미있는 게임이다. 원하는 사람의 사진을 등록한 뒤 화면을 빠르게 터치 하면 발로 차거나 몽둥이로 두드리는 장면이 나온다. 즉, 직장 상사에게 스트레스를 받고 그 스트레스를 풀 때 사용하는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Sunlight Tracker는 현재 거주지의 일출과 일몰 시간을 알아 볼 수 있는 어플이다. 별로도 원하는 지역을 추가할 수도 있다. 여행시 유용할 것 같아 소개한다.

Byki Irish는 무료 8불로 오늘 올라온 어플 중 가장 비싸다. 물론 8불의 가치가 있는지는 의문이다. 언어 학습 어플이다. Pentomino The Duel은 테트리스 모양의 블럭으로 주어진 모양을 맞추는 칠교판과 비슷한 퍼즐 게임 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매되며 지능형 퍼즐을 좋아하는 사람에게 적당하다. HouseBrowse Canada는 평상시 5불에 판매되는 어플이다. 카나다에 관련된 정보를 검색할 수 있는 어플이지만 5불의 가치가 있는지는 의문이다.

Alexia Premium는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플로 FreeAppaDay.com에서 무료로 제공하는 단어 퍼즐 게임이다. 1Password는 예전에 한번 소개한 어플이다. 맥 사용자에게는 킬러 앱이라고 불릴 정도로 강력한 암호관리 어플이다. 5불에서 잠깐 무료로 풀렸지만 원래의 가격은 8불 정도 한다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

Private Dialer - 비밀주소록 1.2(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

"고객이 만족할때까지 업그레이드하는 AppleNamoo의 Private Dialer입니다."

## 3월20일까지 오픈 기념 특별 세일 들어갑니다. 써보시고 많은 피드백 주시기 바랍니다. ##

숨기고 싶은 연락처가 있으신가요? 옛날 애인 전화번호? Private Dialer를 사용해보세요. 암호 입력시에만 비밀 그룹이 나타나는 비밀 주소록 기능이 탑재되어있습니다.

주의/NOTICE !!!
Apple의 개발 정책에 따라, 비밀 연락처를 통해 통화를 해도 기본 통화어플의 통화목록에 전화번호가 기록됩니다. (이름은 기록되지 않음)
또한, 수신 통화 정보 및 SMS전송, 통화종료후 iPhone기본 통화어플로의 전환등은 수정 개발이 불가능한 점 양해바랍니다.
@ 애플~플리즈...

Private Dialer에 대해 발견된 버그, 질문 또는 요청사항이 있으시면 [email protected] 또는 twitter @applenamookr로 알려주시면 피드백 드리겠습니다.

  1. 비밀그룹
    숨기고 싶은 연락처가 있으신가요? 옛날 애인 전화번호? Private Dialer를 사용해보세요. 암호 입력시에만 비밀 그룹이 나타나는 비밀 주소록 기능이 탑재되어있습니다.

  2. 그룹
    세련된 디자인의 Tab형태로 그룹을 표시하고 선택할 수 있어서, 간편합니다. Group 생성, 편집, 삭제 및 그룹 구성원 선택이 가능합니다. Tab형태로 Group이 UI에 표현되어 그룹 선택이 간편합니다.

  3. SMS편집
    자체 SMS편집기도 탑재하여 입력한 글자수를 확인하실 수 있습니다. iPhone기본 문자App은 글자수를 표시하지 않죠? 80바이트를 넘기면 MMS로 전송됩니다. Private Dialer에서는 몇 글자를 입력했는지 표시해주기 때문에 불필요한 MMS요금을 절약해줍니다. (다음버전에 KT의 무료문자와 연동할 예정입니다.)

  4. 빠른검색
    초성검색은 기본, 전화번호 뒷자리 검색 기능이 보강되었습니다. 또한 단축버튼 및 최근 통화 목록도 보기 쉬운 아이콘 형태로 구성되어 있습니다.

  5. 다양한 연락 방식
    이메일, 문자, 통화 및 Twitter로의 연결도 지원합니다. (상대의 트위터에 메시지 남기기 기능은 다다음 버전에 지원할 예정)

  6. 변환툴
    연락처의 이름과 전화번호등을 한국식으로 변환해주는 기능등이 포함되어 있습니다. 이름을 성과 이름으로 분리해서 저장할 수 있습니다. 성과 이름을 합쳐서 성이나 이름 영역에 저장할 수 있습니다. 전화번호를 (604) 099-9999 또는 604.099.9999등의 형태로 변환하는 기능도 포함되어있습니다.

What's Next
다음 버전에서는 여러분들의 피드백을 받아서 기능을 보강하고, 단축번호 기능 및 트윗팅 기능이 추가됩니다. 많은 기대를 바랍니다.


Jewelcart 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Jewelcart is great and beautiful puzzle game. If you like puzzle games, then you will love Jewelcart for sure!

Roll your cart through 27 different mines and collect all jewels and treasures hidden in them! You will face two types of mines. First type will contain the only one gem in it, but others will have lots of gems. You need to collect all jewels in each mine to complete the goal of Jewelcart! And of course it won't be easy in some mines, but we believe you'll manage it!

Jewelcart will help you to kill the time and will give some exercise to your brains! Try yourself in 27 amazing mines and get all the gems into your cart!

Jewelcart is Twitter and Facebook enabled, so you can easily share your progress with your friends!


You can control mine cart by sliding your finger over the screen, anywhere on the screen will work well. You cannot stop the cart, only wall can stop it. Sounds quite easily, but it can be quite hard to find your path to the gem. Try it yourself!


  • Brilliant graphical artwork;
  • Awesome time killer;
  • Good exercise for your brains;
  • Twitter and Facebook enabled;
  • Completely FREE!

AutoSearch Mobile 1.0(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

AutoSearch Mobile (normally $4.99) is available as a free download until March 22nd!

Find people, prospective candidates, and business leads just by typing a few keywords (such as job title or company name) and targeting a geographic region anywhere in the world. AutoSearch Mobile searches the web using a unique filtering technology – returning hundreds of matching names, profiles, and resumes.

AutoSearch Mobile simultaneously searches leading business and social networking sites: LinkedIn, Twitter, Jobster, and ZoomInfo. AutoSearch Mobile also searches the entire web for matching resumes and CVs.

AutoSearch Mobile is an invaluable tool for recruiters and sales people. You will be able to add prospects to your pipeline after your first search.

See a video demo of the application here: http://www.getAutoSearch.com/mobile

Food Trucker 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

** ********FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME - GET YOUR FOOD TRUCK ON!!********** **

Welcome to Food Trucker. We learned recently that gourmet food isn’t just for restaurants anymore.

Food trucks, carts, and stands are appearing en masse throughout your city! Food Trucker wants to help you find and identify them.

Food Trucker is currently eating his way through 6 cities. All cities are included in the application and more cities will be added shortly.

The Food Trucker currently covers the following cities:

  • Los Angeles
  • Portland
  • New York City
  • San Francisco
  • Austin
  • Washington DC
  • Coming soon: Toronto, Seattle, Miami, Orange County

Food Trucker monitors twitter and various other sources in real time and will update and frequently add to the app as new trucks spring up in your town.

A map feature is included as trucks are beginning to post their exact location via GPS. This feature however is only accurate if the truck is keeping its GPS current. It will get better over time!

Food Trucker does not require a twitter account, but of course if you have a twitter account, we would love for you to follow FoodTrucker himself @ http://twitter.com/foodtrucker

Sniper Strike 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Sniper Strike in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be FREE today and today only!

Combining the fast pace of action games with the satisfaction of a precision sniper shot, Sniper Strike offers exciting gameplay like never before. You eliminate targets in six distinct and beautiful environments. Rain down chaos from afar with 5 different sniper rifles and various different mods against different targets and goals.

Video Trailer:

• Previously featured in the iTunes New & Noteworthy section!!

• "Sniper Strike is an awesome iPhone game and is reasonably priced at $1.99." - crazymikesapps.com
• "This game is a great arcade game, and I had a lot of fun playing it." - PocketFullOfApps.com
• "Sniper Strike is a great game..." - TouchReviews.net


• Six maps:

••• Village - Small huts and stalls occupy this Village. Structures are small and low and rarely obstruct the sniper's view.
••• The City - Large modern buildings in this city occasionally blocks the sniper's view of ground.
••• Forest (DLC) - Big open spaces in the forest gives the sniper a clear view of everything in the vicinity.
••• Favela (DLC) - These small isolated islands of slum structure present an unique challenge to the sniper.
••• Winter (DLC) - Cold and wet, this little outpost deep in Siberia has a surprisingly large number of residents.
••• War-Torn City (DLC) - With the city nearly in ruins from constant conflict, a sniper rains down further chaos from above.

• 3 game-play modes:

••• Arcade - Kill the specified target! Out of crowd, you must locate and eliminate the target before time is up. Be rewarded with money to purchase rifle upgrades and equipment or lose money if you kill the wrong target!
••• Protect the Flag - Hands off my flag! Stop the guys from dragging your flag off the map! Upgrade your rifle to handle the increasingly difficult enemies.
••• Massacre - Sometimes with a sniper rifle in hand, you just have the urge to kill everyone you see. This is the perfect mode for you.
• Unlimited game-play for each mode with progressively more difficult levels.
• Beautiful isometric graphics
• Multiple unique rifles and equipment upgrades.
• OpenFeint integration with multiple leader boards.
• 20+ integrated achievements to unlock.
• Detailed hit summary: Head, Body, Left Arm, Right Arm, and Legs.
• Penetrating rounds for damage to multiple targets. Varying damaging to different parts of the body.

PuncheeJoe ver 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

PuncheeJoe is a high-tech sandbag for you to vent your anger. You can choose your target's photo and start beating the roly-poly doll-shaped sandbag.

### SPECIAL OFFER: 2 hours FREE download ###

(Description in Chinese available below. 隨後有中文描述)

The doll will respond to your beating with realistic facial injuries and sound. If you achieved certain scores, you will be able to acquire new skills or tools that let you torture the target with creative and funny ways. You can also show off your 'achievements' by posting your wounded target's photo on Facebook album or your blog.

This game makes use of almost ALL of iPhone's gestures (tap, flick, drag, pinch, shake, blow). The problem is whether you can use them at the right place at the right time to explore the secret torturing techniques.

Challenge yourself to achieve the highest punches-per-minute.

PuncheeJoe is the perfect tool to make you feel good again after a long day's work.

How-to play:

  1. Choose the target's photo and identify his face

  2. The roly-poly doll will display your target's photo as the head

  3. Start beating!
  4. Try to break records and acquire new tools/skills

  5. Take photos of the wounded target

  6. Share the photos with your friends/colleagues


  1. This game makes use of almost ALL of iPhone's gestures (tap, flick, drag, pinch, shake, blow). The problem is whether you can use them at the right place at the right time to explore the secret torturing techniques.
  2. Different weapons are available. Just hit the right places.
  3. Play iPod music during the game. So you can choose your own background music to suit your mood.
  4. Turn music off. So you can torture your target silently.
  5. Send captured photos directly to your Facebook album.
  6. Keep multiple targets' photo.

Additional feature in the paid version:

  1. Choose your 'favorite' target. You can select anyone's photo from your iPhone album, from the web, or capture from the iPhone camera, and drop it onto the doll.

Join us at Facebook to share your techniques and achievements!

Sunlight Tracker 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: Free

FREE for a Limited time

Plan your photographic activities by finding the best times to shoot, find the best spot and time to view Sunrise and Sunset, know how much daylight you have and then plan any outdoor activity ahead of time, even use it before you go camping or on a hike and use sun's position to your advantage.

View sun's position on a map at any time of day on any location. Zoom in all the way in and find out the exact time the sun comes into the angle and elevation you prefer. Perfect for timing the right moment for the ideal light.

No internet connection required for looking up the Sunrise and sunset times. You need network connection when using the maps to browse for locations.

Move the time slider and watch how the sun changes position during the course of the day.


  • Sunrise time
  • Sunset time
  • Twilight begin
  • Twilight end
  • Daylength
  • Lookup info for any date in the past or in the future
  • Angle of Sun / Azimuth (in degrees measured from North)
  • Elevation of Sun (in degrees measured from the horizon)
  • Switch between multiple locations, drag & drop or search by address and add new locations or simply enter gps co-ordinates
  • View sun's position plot on Google map for any given location
  • Internet/wifi connection NOT required to get Sunrise, Sunset, Daylength, Azimuth and Elevation info. (Network connection required only when using the map feature)
  • Works well on both iPhone and iPod touch

Day of Death - Are you going to die today? 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Start calculating your day of death NOW!

Top Seller from TV available NOW on your iPhone / iPod touch

Check it out now!

Check out how beer, smoking & fast food shorten your life!

Have you ever wondered, how drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and eating tons of fast food influence your life time?

Thanks to the brand new application "Day of Death" you will find out how your habits influence your life span and when you will die!

Are you tough enough to find it out?

For entertainment purposes only.

This app is unique and different from all you have ever seen (like Death, Celebrity Day of Death, Lebenstest, Erfahren Sie Ihr Todesdatum, Truth or Dare?, Analysator des Vorlebens, Beer Battery, BatteryLife or AppBox) and is recommended for fans of beer, girls, fishing, iBeer, iShoot, iFart, mafia, iSteam, KoiPod, foopets, enigmo, Movies, fun, wooble, cubecheater and all fart and weather apps. And people of both sex will love it! Enjoy!

• Partner Tracker DELUXE - What is your Partner REALLY doing?
• Kissing Test - Are you a good kisser?! (REAL KISSING TEST - NO FAKE!)
• Cute Battery Life Check Fun

• Bad Manga Girls - Trip to Ibiza
• Bad Manga Girls - Fun at the Farm

Byki Irish[iTunes]

Price: $7.99 -> Free

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a free Byki for iPhone app, now through March 17th!

Learn Irish Fast. Know It Forever!

Byki is the fun and addictive way to learn a language. Byki locks Irish words and phrases into your memory so you can recall them perfectly and remember them forever. Over 3 million people have used Byki to learn a language on their computer, and now the same proven learning method is available in an iPhone app!

Byki leverages the fact that people learn foreign languages by collecting words and phrases in their memory, like items in a basket. The more items you master, the more effective you will be at speaking Irish and the easier it will be for you to become fluent.

Byki Irish will teach you over 1000 words and hundreds of phrases with an easy, addictive, and lightning-fast 3-step learning process. Plus, Byki Irish for iPhone now integrates with Byki.com’s List Central Community to give you free access to hundreds of additional Irish flash card lists created by other Byki users. Owners of the Byki Deluxe software can also create their own Irish study lists on their Mac or PC and download them to their iPhone app!

Building vocabulary is only part of language learning. Now Byki helps you use your new vocabulary in real world context. Byki’s Twitter integration lets you see how the words and phrases you are learning are being used in real time and in context on Twitter! Note: This feature requires a network connection.

Byki also tracks your learning progress with statistics on the number of items you have learned and lets you test your knowledge with quizzes.

More Features:

  • SlowSound - Improve your pronunciation by slowing down the native speaker sound to hear every nuance.
  • Search both English and Irish words and phrases – Use Byki as a phrasebook.
  • Download Irish lists created by other users from Byki.com List Central.
  • Byki Deluxe Mac and PC users can create their own Irish lists, then download and use them in Byki for iPhone.
  • Track your learning progress with statistics on the number of items you have learned.

Also available for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Tagalog.

Luck O the Irish 1.2(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Luck O' the Irish is the ultimate tool for celebrating St Patrick's Day! With personalised photo ecards, themed cocktails, drinking games and worldwide event lists, whether you're going out to celebrate, or partying at home, we have everything you need to celebrate in style! ♣ Free for 3 Days until Friday 12th 2010!

✔ Send e-cards using one of many built-in themes, then personalise them with your photo and text.
✔ Organise your day with a worldwide list of events and parades.
✔ Enjoy a wide range of cocktail recipes.
✔ Play drinking games and find out the history of St Patrick.

♣ St Patrick’s Day countdown
♣ Personalised e-cards
♣ Loads of themes to choose from
♣ Cocktail lists
♣ Irish sayings with clickable audio pronunciation.
♣ Irish Drinking games and parade lists

View a countdown to St Patrick’s Day so you don’t forget to get organised!

Create personalised e-cards with your own photos, save them to your photos, text or email them and even set as your wallpaper.

View a comprehensive list of St Patrick’s day themed cocktail recipes to enjoy while you are out, or to make for yourself and friends.


Includes specially selected backing theme music.


Information on 2010 St Patrick's Day Parades around the globe.

Crank Round Timer 1.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Help us out by trying out the app and giving us an honest rating. We also appreciate your feedback.

Crank Round Timer is a Timer designed for circuit training, boxing, and any other forms of exercise that alternate between periods of Work and Rest.

It allows the user to customize the number of rounds, round time, rest time, as well as set warnings which alert the user to the start or end of a round. Those settings are all editable while the timer actually is running so a change can be made without stopping the action.

It also provides customizable sound effects and it interacts with a selected iPod playlist which plays while the timer is running. You can select a playlist from your iPod that already exists or you can build one from your song database without leaving the app. The music lowers in volume to a customized level during a rest period.

All settings, including the current state of the app are saved when the app exits so if it's interrupted or quit, you can leave off at the exact round and time that you were at.

Pentomino The Duel 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

If you are keen on board games and enjoy competition this game is just for you.

Unlike a classic version of Pentomimo, this game’s major objective is to defeat your opponent rather than just to piece together a jigsaw puzzle.

This is a very fast game, during which you and your opponent take turns in placing tokens on the chessboard. It is a bit more difficult than checkers but easier than chess to play. You may place your tokens in any given place provided that they do not overlap or stick out of the chessboard.

You may turn the tokens as you wish. The player who puts a token on the chessboard as the last one wins the game so try strategizing your moves to bar your opponent.

If you use a full version of the game, you do not need to wait additional 30 seconds for your opponent’s move.

Sizzling Hearts (Photo-Gallery & Wallpapers) 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Sizzling Hearts is a photo-gallery and wallpaper application. Our editors have handpicked some romantic images to sizzle your hearts.

Live the moments with your partner or when they are not around. Let romance float in your device & air as well. Happy Romancing to all the young hearts out there.


  • Decorate your screen with images especially hand-picked for you. Images are optimized for iPhone & iPod Touch, and are saved & stored in Photo -> Camera Roll
  • The application has additional feature of slide-show, which lets your device turn into digital frame. Images are cycled through at given time interval, with music in the background.
  • The application takes care of auto-lock, so that you can enjoy classy slide-show, when the device is charging or placed on dock.

Click on the "All applications by Webdunia" link below.
Have fun!!

HouseBrowse Canada 1.1(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

HouseBrowse Canada is THE Canadian real estate portal. Includes listings search, Canada's most expensive homes, real estate news & price trends.

All packaged within our unique and convenient browser!

Find your home in Canada with HouseBrowse Canada!

Alexia Premium 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Alexia in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and today only.

Alexia is an addictive and fun word puzzle game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. If you are a fan of games like Boggle and Scrabble you will love the unique challenge of Alexia. Train your brain, build your vocabulary and show your friends who is the real verbalist.

How to play Alexia? It is dead simple and simply addictive. Build words from the constantly falling character orbs. You will need to build words quickly to avoid orbs piling up. The game is over when an orb leaves the screen to the left or right in the black and orange danger zone.

• Supports English and German dictionaries
• Leaderboards for best score and best word
• 400.000 words for each language
• Knows words you probably don´t, like dichlorodifluoromethane!
• Collect 1.000 OpenFeint points in over 40 achievements
• Challenge your friends through OpenFeint
• Alexia uses the accelerometer to challenge your dexterity
• Listen to music in the background while you play (iPod)
• Beautifully animated orbs with realistic physics

Remember: Your 5-star iTunes ratings and reviews keep the updates coming! Thanks for playing Alexia.

Contact us at [email protected]

Boggle is a registered trademark by Parker Brothers and Hasbro

Scrabble is a registered trademark of Hasbro and Mattel

iRafting 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

You are going to transform from a newbie floating in a raft into a professional defying ruthless currents.

You are going to have to withstand the power of the river one second and learn to trust it the next, letting your boat float downstream. You are seconds away form subduing the elements and reaching the shore.

Still want to try?

You decide....

At the end of each level you'll be able to pick your own boat and your own river.

  • There are 15 levels of rough waters flowing through insidious cliffs;
  • 6 excellent 3D style tracks;
  • 4 types of boats (You are due to master the most widely used types of boats).

Become the best of the best!

1Password 2.4(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

1Password is an award-winning password and identity manager with nearly 1 million worldwide users. NOTE: The Pro edition of 1Password is now also available in the App Store. Please compare the features of both editions before making the purchase.

1Password will securely store your important information and can automatically log you into websites with a single tap. There's no need to remember the username, password, or even the website address. With the ability to save and sync text notes, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information, everyone from Macworld to Apple itself loves 1Password!

••• Recommended in Apple's "Apps for Getting Things Done" Guide •••
••• Winner of the First Annual AppAwards in Best Secret Keeping App category •••

"Keep it secret, keep it safe." -- Apple's Guide to Apps for Getting Things Done

"From the 50,000 or so downloadable apps that Apple offers for its iPhone and iPod touch, we choose ten that are worth the time and money." -- 2nd Pick in Times' Ten of the Best iPhone Apps

"Four out of five stars" -- iPhone Alley

• Securely store your website names and passwords so you never forget them again
• Save important information like credit cards and membership numbers
• Jot down other notes too sensitive for stickies or bar napkins
• Synchronize it all with 1Password for Mac via Wi-Fi (sold separately, available at http://1password.com)
• Automatically log into Web sites on iPhone and iPod touch to avoid remembering and typing usernames and passwords
• Hardware-accelerated AES encryption and Auto-Lock keep your data protected even if your iPhone is lost or stolen
• All cryptographic operations are performed using standard iPhone libraries to ensure there are no security gaps or backdoors
• Two-layer defense with Unlock Code and Master Password to combine security and convenience
• Data Backup & Restore option available on Mac, Windows and Linux.

Even more features availabe in the Pro edition of 1Password!

Please visit http://agile.ws/products/iphone for more information.

DrakeEQ 1.3(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for two days! Tired of that “alone in the Universe” feeling? More freebies coming...follow us on twitter @onomaly

Based on the famous equation by Dr. Frank Drake, DrakeEQ provides an elegant 3-D simulation of the Milky Way Galaxy and the number of computed intelligent civilizations it contains. DrakeEQ is an entertaining, fully interactive utility featuring our galaxy in motion.

The Drake equation states that:
N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible

R* = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fℓ = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

Drake equation. (2009, April 28). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:05, April 30, 2009.

Thanks for the honest, objective reviews of 1.2 below! We have added all of the requested features (and more!) in this version, 1.3. Let us know what you think. We'd love to cap the reviews with your feedback on this latest version. We will not review our own apps at any cost.

Follow us on Twitter! @onomaly

HomeMarks 1.0.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Simple project-based bookmarks and your own personalized bookmark startpage. Allows you to organize your bookmarks into a simple column and box system. Boxes can be customized with a title of your choosing and colored to match the nature of the bookmarks within them. Our bookmarklet enables in-page bookmarking while you browse the internet with Safari.

Great for anyone that constantly reorganizes their current bookmarks for quick visual access based on topic and interest. Great for researchers, projects, hobbies or any task oriented bookmarking that continually changes.


  • Access your HomeMarks.com bookmarks.
  • Automatically syncs all activity to your online account.
  • Create columns and boxes to organize bookmarks.
  • Boxes can have custom titles and colors.
  • Sort and arrange columns, boxes, and bookmarks in any order.
  • Save bookmarks to HomeMarks from Safari.
  • Convenient inbox and trash.

iTweet Now V.1.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: Free



iTweet Now is another twitter client, but this app is special because you can simply post a tweet in less then 10 seconds. The app has a nice interface and most of all for a limited time it is free.

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