오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100526

2010/05/26 14:36


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 30개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 이틀만에 소개하는 것이지만 소개할 어플은 많지 않다. 이 중 두개는 유료 어플이다. 또 하나는 어제 트위터에 소개한 뒤 유료로 바뀌었기 때문에 실제 무료 어플은 27개인 셈이다. 먼저 소개할 어플은 국산 명함인식 어플인 MobiReader Biz+이다. 평상시 13불에서 출시 기념으로 10불에 판매하고 있다. 다만 재미있는 것은 명함 인식 어플들의 가격이다.

명함 인식 어플로 처음 등장한 어플은 WorldCard Mobile이었다. WorldCard Mobile의 가격은 언어에 따라 다르지만 한글판은 처음 등장했을 때 무려 20불이나 했었다. 그러다 CamCard가 15불의 가격으로 제공되자 WorldCard Mobile 역시 15불로 내렸다. 그리고 며칠 전 MobiReader Biz+가 등장하며 평상시 13불, 할인가 10불에 제공하자 두개의 어플 모두 현재 10불에 판매되고 있다. 역시 경쟁을 해야 가격이 내려간다.

MobiReader Biz+는 디오텍에서 만든 어플이다. 따라서 인식율이 다른 어플보다 나을 것으로 생각했다. 그러나 구매해본 골빈해커님에 따르면 인식율은 세개의 어플 모두 비슷하다고 한다. 따라서 다른 어플을 가지고 있다면 굳이 구매할 필요는 없는 것 같다. 다만 이 어플은 명함첩 기능을 따로 제공한다고 한다. 따라서 10불에 명합첩 기능이 있는 명함 인식 어플을 새로 구입할 사람에게 적당한 듯하다.

SBS 온에어는 SBS 실시간 방송을 1년간 무료로 시청할 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 5불에 판매되는 어플로 월드컵 독점 중계로 돈을 벌어 볼 욕심으로 나온 어플로 보인다. 월드컵 계약에 따라 국내에서만 방영 가능하기 때문에 미국 계정으로는 살 수 없고 반드시 한국 계정이 있어야 한다. 그러나 오늘 위키트리에 올라온 기사, 상암경기장 대규모 응원계획 SBS 때문에 취소를 보면 하는 짓이 딱 '씨방새'(SBS)라 이 어플을 돈주고 구입하기 보다는 크랙판을 사용하는 것이 더 나을 듯하다.

Irregular Verbs for Beginners는 영어 불규칙 동사의 3단 변화형을 공부할 수 있는 어플이다. 어제 능률 영어 트위터에서 "20시간 한정으로 무료로 제공한다"는 트윗을 보고 트위터를 통해 팔로어들에게 알린 어플이다. 아쉽게도 현재는 1불로 정상 가격으로 바뀌었으므로 내려받을 때 주의하기 바란다. DreamAdmin은 무료 호스팅으로 유명한 드림호스트 계정을 관리할 수 있는 어플로 평상시 3불에 판매된다.

Handy Converter는 앱 스토어에 상당히 많이 올라와 있는 도량형 변환기이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다. 다만 AppBox와 같은 다기능 어플이 1불에 판매되는 상황에서 이 어플을 2불에 구매할 사용자가 몇이나 될지 의문이다. iPositive는 평상시 3불에 판매되는 어플이다. 이름과 설명에서 알 수 있듯이 긍정적인 생활에 도움이 되는 메시지를 출력한다. Video Recipes은 파스타를 비롯한 이탈리아 음식의 요리법을 동영상으로 제공하는 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

iCut은 평상시 3불, FreeAppADay.com과의 협약으로 오늘만 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 테트리스 모양의 블럭과 색깔을 이용한 퍼즐 게임이다. Consume는 우리나라 사람에게는 거의 필요가 없는 어플이다. 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 아이폰의 사용시간을 알려 주는 어플이다. 우리나라는 지원하지 않지만 일본을 포함 상당히 다양한 나라를 지원한다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다.

Drinks Dictionary는 칵테일을 비롯한 각종 주류에 대한 사전이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다. Terracore Adventures는 평상시 2불, 오늘까지 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 땅을 파서 보석을 채취하는 게임으로 무료로 올라왔지만 첫 레이어만 무료로 제공된다. CityRover NY도 우리나라 사람들에게는 필요없는 어플로 보인다. 현출일 기념으로 3불에서 무료로 제공되는 어플로 뉴욕시의 길잡이 어플이다.

Currency Master는 이름처럼 현재의 환율과 과거의 환율을 그래프로 확인할 수 있는 어플이다. GDial는 터치 동작으로 전화를 걸 수 있는 전화걸기 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 오는 31일까지 무료로 제공된다. Outer Empires는 우주를 중심으로한 다중 플레이어 온라인 게임으로 평상시 2불에 판매된다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

MobiReader Biz+ - Business Card OCR Reader (Korean & English) 1.0.0(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $12.99 -> $9.99, Version: 1.0.0

MobiReader Biz+는 모바일 소프트웨어 전문 회사 디오텍에서 만든 명함 인식 어플리케이션 입니다. 번거로운 명함 관리, 이제 iPhone으로 간단히 찍어서 해결하세요! 모비리더는 현명한 비즈니스를 위한 최고의 어플리케이션입니다.

제품 소개

  1. OCR(광학문자인식) 기술 적용
  2. 빠르고 정확한 인식률

    1. MobiReader Biz+는 현재까지 출시된 OCR 제품군 중 가장 정확하고, 인식률과 속도에 있어 가장 진보된 어플리케이션입니다.
    2. 전화번호, 이름, 회사명, 이메일, 주소 등 명함의 정보를 정확히 분석하고, 항목별로 자동으로 저장합니다.
  3. 한국어 및 영어 인식 지원
    한국어 및 영어 인식을 지원하며 9개의 사용자 언어를 지원하여 글로벌 비즈니스를 위한 최적의 기능을 제공합니다.

  4. 종이 명함첩을 넘기듯 실감나는 버추얼 명함첩 기능
  5. 쉽고 직관적인 인터페이스
  6. 모바일 어플리케이션 전문 업체의 노하우

SBS 온에어 1.0(한국)(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99

세상을 밝히는 SBS, 내일의 행복을 찾아주는 SBS가 iPhone과 iPod용 온에어 어플리케이션을 서비스 합니다. 이제 언제 어디에서든 SBS 방송을 시청 가능 합니다. SBS 온에어 어플리케이션을 지금 받아 보세요.

본 어플리케이션은 1년간 이용 가능합니다.

가. 방송 - SBS 실시간 생방송을 시청 가능 합니다.
나. 편성표 - SBS 방송 편성표를 보실 수 있습니다.
다. 설정 - Wi-Fi, 3G 사용을 설정 가능 합니다.

[기술 스펙]
가. 비디오 - 64K, 90Kbps, 240Kbps, 640Kbps의 Multi bitrate 인코딩으로 사용자의 환경에 따라서 자동으로 속도가 변합니다. 처음 시작 할 때 또는, 사용자의 네트워크 환경이 느린 경우 자동으로 640K, 90K로 낮춰서 전송 됩니다.
나. 오디오 - Sample rate 44KHz, Bitrate 56Kbps 스테레오를 제공 합니다.
다. 시간당 데이터 사용량 - 640K 기준으로 1시간에 326M의 데이터를 사용합니다. Wi-Fi를 이용하는 경우 문제가 없지만, 3G 네트워크를 사용하는 경우 통신사의 정액 요금제에 가입되어 있어야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 통신사에서 과도한 요금을 청구할 수 있습니다. 요금 문의는 가입하신 통신사에 문의 바랍니다.

SBS 웹 사이트 -> http://www.sbs.co.kr

iPhone OS 3.0 이상

천안함46용사(한국) 1.0(News)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

기억합시다! 대한의 아들들을!

이번 천안함 사건의 안타까운 마음에 뭔가 도움이 될 일은 없을까 고민한 하는 중에 여기 저기 대중매체에 나오는 얘기로 반짝 뉴스가 아닌 소중하고 소중한 대한의 아들들을 기억하자 얘기가 많아서 이렇게 개발하게 되었습니다.

앱의 수준으로 봐서는 많이 부족하지만 천안함 희생자를 기억하자는 의미에서 개발하였습니다. 향후 업데이트를 꾸준히 할 예정입니다.

조금 늦은감이 없지 않은 이 시점에 게시를 하겠된 동기는 처음에 설명한 것과 같이 2010년 너무나 큰 사건이 잊혀지지 않을까하는 고민 끝에 시작하였습니다 개발은 이미 되었지만 이런 류의 앱은 처음이라 개발하고도 많은 고민 끝에 게시하게 되었습니다.

많은 호응 부탁 드리며, 주위분들에게 많은 홍보 부탁 드립니다.

ㅇ 천안함 관련 소식
ㅇ 천안함가 게시
ㅇ 천안함 시 게시(시인 협조 필요)
ㅇ 그리고 여러분의 의견을 수렴하여 추가 할 예정입니다

DreamAdmin 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

DreamAdmin is an application to allow you to manage your Dreamhost account. As of May 26, all API features are supported. As new API features are added by Dreamhost, new features will be added to DreamAdmin. DreamAdmin was written with the user in mind, with a familiar iPhone OS look and feel.

NOTE: This version has been made free due to it being out of date. A new version will be released shortly.

Currently supported API Features include:

  • Viewing all Announcement Lists
  • Viewing, Adding, and Deleting Announcement List Subscribers
  • Managed and Registered Domain Information
  • Viewing, Adding, and Deleting DNS Information
  • Viewing, Adding, and Deleting Private Servers
  • Managing Private Servers
  • User Information

Current App Features include:

  • Deleting of DNS Records and Announcement List Subscribers using "Swipe to Delete"
  • Auto API Function detecting (Only the functions available with the API Key will be shown)

Future Versions will include:

  • Rearranging of Tabs
  • Any new API Features Dreamhost releases

This App was created by and is supported by Green Man Software. Dreamhost will provide no support for this App. Please visit the support link for any issues.

Some icons by Joseph Wain / glyphish.com

Calc It 1.02(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.02

The first version of the powerful calculator Calc It is now available on the App Store!

Finally a user-friendly calculator for iPhone and iPod Touch, with all the features you've been looking for.

When entering new calculations all input is handled by a user-friendly custom keyboard designed specifically for Calc It. All to give you, as a user, the best experience possible.

· Custom keyboards.
· Many SI constants pre-defined.
· Parenthesis highlighting.
· History with last 15 unique entries.
· User defined constants.

Paracute 1.01(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.01

      • OMG! IT'S FREE! * * *

To promote our upcoming game CAT PHYSICS, we are now giving away FREE COPIES of PARACUTE for a limited time only!

Tell your friends!

Also, check out our other FREE full games during this crazy campaign:

  • "Action Hero"
  • "Traffic Rush"

Search the AppStore for "Donut Games"

It's time for a parachute jump adventure!

Guide the brave Teddy as he jumps down the rocky caves of Fuzzy Land, on a mission to collect enough hearts to propose to his teddy girl.

Don't snap the parachute and avoid Electro-Cuties, angry blobs and other wierd cave creatures.


  • Adorable retro style pixel graphics
  • 30 Caves to explore
  • Donut Games' famous 3-Star ranking system for improved replay value
  • Glide through caves filled with powerups and bonus items
  • Use switches & teleports to reach hidden areas
  • Global High Scores: Submit your scores online
  • Two control options: Choose between On-screen Buttons and Tilt Controls
  • And much more...

Handy Converter 1.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Handy Converter is a smart productivity application with hi-end conversion functionality. User-friendly interface and updatable currency rates will guarantee you orderly shopping and exchange operations. With Handy Converter you always get what you need for the right price whether at home or abroad.

Handy Converter features:

  • Updatable Currency Rates provided by Bank of Canada, European Central Bank or Central Bank of Russia – an Internet connection is required;
  • Quick and easy conversion between different currencies;
  • Conversion between different measurement systems. Switch instantly over linear, square, temperature, volume, weight, speed, torque, and power measures;
  • Fast and clear clothing and shoe size conversions separately for men, women, and kids;
  • About 100 conversion units including more than 30 world currencies and 7 major cloths size standards.

a3DTrack HUD +SpeedCams 2.3(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.3

"a3DTrack HUD+" is an advanced vehicle digital dashboard featured by combined speed, location and altitude 3D log graph with HUD mode, FIXED SPEED CAMERAS DATABASE nad IPOD REMOTE MUSIC CONTROL.

It visualizies your

  • current speed
  • average speed,
  • time,
  • heading,
  • altitude,
  • current distance to the trip start point.
  • maximum reached speed (during the current trip or all your trips), maximum altitude and maximum distance to start point.

Also it shows

  • color coded distance to the nearest known fixed speed camera;
  • it's speed limit (if known);
  • it's position, relatively to your moving track;

On approach "a3DTrack HUD+" will give you sound and visual warning. Warning also will be given in case your speed exceeds the speed limit set for that camera.

The database includes an information about speed cameras in

  • Europe (whole EU)
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Brazil
  • South Africa
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • United Arab Emirates,
  • HongKong,
  • Kuwait,
  • Russia,
  • Thailand.

NOTE: It's not guaranteed all speed cameras in your area are included into the database. However, we will release database updates right after the new information will become available.

Tapping the "HUD" icon mirrors all the text, so if you position the iPhone horizontally under your car's windscreen you can see perfectly readable half-transparent reflection of the picture displayed. 
NOTE: this mode works pretty well at night time and twilight, but on direct sunlight the screen brightness can be insufficient.

  • "a3DTrack HUD+" can keep track on 4 speed limits, giving a warning (sound and visual) each time you crossing it. Normally, it's legal speed limits within cities, local roads and high-speed motorways. "Never exceed speed" is the speed you should not exceed under any conditions. For example, it can be a technical limit of your vehicle or the point where government can arrest your driving license.
  • 3D Trip Log Graph
    Unique way to represent the speed, location and altitude data in a single 3D graph. Color coded speed and altitude chart is constantly adjusted according to your moving trajectory. At your current location point there is a digital compass, showing moving course related to the North. You can adjust the view angle by sliding your finger vertically, horizontal move changes the time scale. Tapping the "CLR" icon clears the track data, "FIT" sets the default view angle and fits the whole track on screen. In Preferences, you can adjust the transparency of all the components of the chart or switch them off completely.

  • Location Info (longitude and latitude, GPS measurement precision) and some more data is available on separate screen.
  • "Records" screen (left upper button of the Location Info), where you can see your maximum reached speed (during the current trip or all your trips), maximum altitude and maximum distance from start.
  • Tap "average speed" indicator to switch to time or altitude display. Tapping the "Nearest Camera" will switch the camera detection off and show the distance to starting point of your trip.
  • You can pause, play, skip or rewind item in your current iPod playlist. NOTE: you need run the iPod app to set current playlist;
  • You can specify different measurement units (km/h, mph, knots and meters per second), display color scheme, sounds and more.

IMPORTANT: for more screenshots and details visit the http://atoll-ordenadores.com website.

The program is running only on GPS-enabled iPhones 3G (second generation or higher) with iPhone OS 3.1 or higher.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions about additional functionality! THE BEST AND FASTEST WAY TO CONTACT US IS SENDING YOUR REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTS to support@atoll-ordenadores.com. WE ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN DIALOG, what is not possible when you leaving the bug-report as AppStore review.

iPositive 1.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

Do you think you need something have changed in your life?
Maybe your mate or friend need assistance while improving themselves?

Be the first in companionship to support, or just to impress on others.
With this program you will be constantly iPositive and it will change your life by carrying your sadness away.

iPositive will receive one motivating message per day.
You may also toss for it when you would need it.

Every message is keept that you can browse them whenever you want.

You also may change the hour when messages will arrive and customize your backgrounds!

GET YOUR DREAMS BECAME TRUE and stay all time motivated with us.

Limited price, only now: 2,99 (365 days-1 daily message costs 0,8 cent for each!)

Video Recipes - Pasta 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0


Eight delicious and healty recipes, explained throught a complete video.

*** This APP doesn't require a network connection to see videos ***

Eight way to cook pasta with the unique Italian Style:


For each recipe you get a Video, a Full Text Description, Quantity to Serve 4 people, Calories, and some nutritional hints (during the video).

Fluttr 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2

Fluttr is good, simple fun! Help support a 2 man start-up studio!

Fluttr tasks you with saving a butterfly from an explosive end by sweeping aside flowers, poking away bees and pinning up spiders. Easy to pick up and play, with quick, fun gameplay paced gently in a unique artistic setting.

The longer she travels without interruption, the more points the more points you bag yourself, but the harder it gets.

With unique artwork and play style, it looks good and plays great!

Also available for PC and Mac at http://www.indiespring.com/

Space Storm 3.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 3.1

In collaboration with OpenFeint's Free Game of the Day, Space Storm is Free for TODAY only.

A breathtaking space-shooter game. Every minute on thin ice, face to face with merciless enemies. You are the one to save the galaxy.

Strengthen your forces with cool weapons: from common machinegun to plasma gun and ion shell. In time of need you can't go without homing missiles to annihilate the enemy.

Enjoy various bonuses making you win in mortal combat.

After completing every three levels you'll meet a super-boss on your way. This ship-killer has unique skills and super armaments, which can in a matter of seconds reduce you to ashes. It's only your skills and weapons that will help you to survive. If you don't want to die at the very start of the game, you need powerful guns!

Top Features:
Lots of enemies with sophisticated skills and heavy armaments
Multiple bonuses to improve your fighting skills
Superior graphics will take you out of this world
Tutorial to help you make first steps
OpenFeint support

iCut 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

iCut in collaboration with FreeAppADay.com will be FREE today and today only!

Discover a brand-new puzzle to get your brain skills to a new level! Cut different shapes into congruent parts. Sounds easy? Give'em a try!

Main Features:
• 432 hand-crafted puzzles (288 ones to unlock).
• 4 levels: cut shapes into 2, 3, 4, and 5 parts.
• 3 distinctive modes: Basic, Shift, and Domino.
• Neat graphics, smooth play, and fun logic.
• Got stuck? Use hints or simply skip a puzzle!

Consume - Mobile, ISP, Packages 1.62(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.62

Keep track of your usage for your mobile phone, broadband, packages, toll cards, rewards cards and more with the best usage app on the app store. Consume features a stunning interface plus more then 100 providers from 10 countries are supported , Including AT&T, Orange, O2, Fido, Rogers, Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, Virgin, 3 many more.

Consume is powered by plain text configuration files known as ‘Recipes’ that tell it how to find your usage. In the event that a provider changes there usage page, Consume can download updated Recipes. This means provider issues can often be fixed within minutes.

If you find your account doesn't work for some reason, please contact us and we will try to fix it for you via a Recipe Update if needed.

❘❙❚ 2009 MacTalk App Awards winner — Best Designed App, Best App Icon and Most Useful App ❚❙❘

✔ Global Package Tracking providers
Apple Order Status, USPS, FedEx, DHL (USA), UPS, Canada Post

✔ Global Transport providers
Air NZ, Lufthansa Air Miles & More, Singapore air, British Airways, Flying Blue (Air France/KLM), Skywards, Thai Air Royal Orchard, United, Virgin Atlantic

✔ US providers
Mobile Phone - AT&T (Contract), T-Mobile (prepaid), AT&T GoPhone
Broadband - Comcast (Portland only)
Transport - Amtrak Guest Rewards, Orca
Package Tracking - DHL, FedEx, UPS, USPS

✔ Canadian providers
Mobile Phone - Rogers, Fido
Broadband - Rogers cable, Videotron, Bell
Transport - Oyster, Air Miles

✔ Europe mobile phone providers
Italy - Vodafone
Austria - Orange
France - Orange, Simyo (Prepaid)
Netherlands - T-Mobile, Vodafone
Germany - T-Mobile (Vertrag)
Belgium - Mobile Vikings (Prepaid)
Greece - Vodafone (Prepaid)

✔ Europe broadband providers
Belgium - Telenet, Belgacom

✔ Europe transport providers
Sweden - SJ

✔ Europe package tracking providers
Germany - DHL

✔ UK providers
Mobile Phone - O2, Orange, T-Mobile (Pay As You Go), Vodafone (Pay Monthly), Tesco (Pay Monthly)
Broadband - Plusnet
Transport - Oyster, Air Miles
Clubs - Nectar, GAME, Tesco Clubcard, Boots
Package Tracking - Royal Mail

✔ Indian providers
Airtel Mobile (Postpaid), Airtel Broadband, Airtel Landline

✔ New Zealand providers
Mobile Phone - Vodafone, 2degrees (Prepaid)
Broadband - Slingshot, TelstraClear, Telecom, InspireNet, Xnet, Snap (Prepaid)
Clubs - FlyBuys, Subway Subcard
Package Tracking - Fastway

✔ Australian mobile phone providers
Optus, Telstra, Virgin, Vodafone, 3, Everyday Mobile (Prepaid)

✔ Australian broadband providers
3 Mobile Broadband, AAPT, aaNet, Adam, Amnet, Bigpond, Clear, Comcen, Exetel ADSL, Exetel HSPA, Exetel Wireless, Grapevine, iiNet, Internode, Internode NodeMobile, iPrimus, Netspace, Netspeed, Optus, People Telecom, Telstra Wireless (Prepaid), TPG, Vodafone Wireless (Postpaid & Prepaid), Westnet, Unwired

✔ Australian home phone providers
Telstra, Exetel

✔ Australian Package Tracking providers
Australian Air Express, TNT Express, Aus Post Domestic (Barcodes), Express Post Platinum, Fastway, Couriers Please

✔ Australian transport providers
CityLink, E-way, EastLink - Breeze, go via, Myki, Roam, Roam Express, RTA E-Toll, SmartRider, TransLink, Metro Greencard, Rexflyer

✔ Australian club providers
ANZ Rewards, Boost Juice Vibe Club, Cinebuzz, EasyWay Tea, Everyday Rewards, FlyBuys, Hudsons Coffee, Katies, MYER one, Priceline, Qantas Frequent Flyer, Rivers, Starbucks, Tattslotto, Velocity Rewards, Westpac Altitude Rewards

✔ Australian store cards
David Jones

Please contact us if you'd like your provider added. Please note that some mobile phone providers require you to register online to view your account usage.

See our website for more information about each provider.

♥ Follow us: twitter.com/bjango

Rocketards 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.1

Rocketards is a beautifully simple yet addictive dynamic line drawing strategy game where you control a team of crazy aliens with rocket packs called Rocketards.

Rocketards like to collide into each other and you need to make sure they can collide with enemy rocketards without crashing.

If you liked Flight Control but just wanted to collide for the fun of it sometimes..then Rocketards will scratch that itch. It's like bumper cars in the sky.

Draw a path for your Rocketards with the aim to collide with the front of your rocketard into the side and back of the enemy Rocketards. The game will increase with difficulty by requiring you to manage multiple Rocketards and deal with smarter and more aggressive enemy Rocketards.


  • Draw smooth curved paths
  • Need to hit enemies in back and sides
  • Don't get hit on back and sides
  • Damaged Rocketard will travel slower
  • Aim path to where enemy Rocketards are going
  • Rocketards get faster on long path
  • The faster the Rocketard the more damage it will do
  • Fast Rocketards will drift off path on bends
  • Use multiple Rocketards to corner enemies


  • fun and addictive line drawing game play
  • play your own ipod music during game play
  • auto save (e.g. phones calls) to easily resume game
  • polished graphics, animations and sound effects


Check out www.rocketards.com for more info.

Doodle Pubbox 1.0.5(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.5

A challenging and addictive puzzle game Inspired by famous flash game OrboxB. A Puzzle type which is totally new in App Store. As challenging as Guide the box to the exit. As addictive as you will still thinking about the puzzle when sleeping. As challenge as you may spend hours to finish a level in Expert difficulty.

How to play:
Mode: Lead Pubbox to exit Exit

  1. Drag to move Pubbox
  2. Observe and discover the path to exit.
  3. Use blocks with special ability to help you reach exit.

Mode: Blow all bomb

  1. Find a path to trigger all the bombs.
  2. The path may not as obvious as you think. You need to plan carefully.

Mode: Push wooden box to exit

  1. Push the wooden box to black spot.

Features: * easy to learn, hard to master * 3 difficult level to challenge with * 10 different blocks * 30 unique levels * More than 30 hours of gamplay, depends on how good you are. * Addictive and a brain killer, it get really hard in expert level * Keep track of which puzzle you have cleared

You can watch the gameplay trailer on youtube.

If you like Doodle Pubbox, do not hesitate to buy Doodle Pubbox Premium.

  • It contain 60 challenging level.
  • Will update to 90 level in coming months

More Game:
Also check out our game below. It is as fun as Pubbox
- Uggy (A falling game with tons of item to help you fall deeper)

Join Us on Twitter:

If you have any problem. Email us at paperplanegs@gmail.com

Drinks Dictionary 1(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1

Exhaustive drinks dictionary; cocktails, mixed drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, kids drinks, teas and coffee.
Each drink contains a detailed ingredients chart and precise instructions so you make it right.
Search feature lets you filter based on alcohol or non-alcohol, and with over 6000 drinks in the dictionary you need an easy way to find the drink you want.

This app is only for the iPhone not the iPod. The reviewer below did not read the app details before posting his feedback.

Irregular Verbs for Beginners 2.1(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

영어 불규칙 동사의 3단 변화형(현재형?과거형?과거분사형)을 정리한 애플리케이션입니다. 헷갈리기 쉬운 불규칙 동사 변화형을 쉽고 간편하게 익힐 수 있습니다.

구성 및 특징

  • 170여 개의 불규칙 동사 수록
  • 유용한 예문을 수록하여 학습과 이해를 높여 줌
  • 3단 변화형과 예문에 원어민 발음 제공
  • 퀴즈 형식의 연습 문제 제공
  • 검색/북마크 기능

Terracore Adventures 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.2


Note: Terracore Adventures used to be called Mole - Quest for the Terracore gem.

Review: Touch Arcade

If break-neck arcade action is what you're after, then Mole – Quest for the Terracore Gem! will disappoint, but for the gamer that can weigh risks and keep their eye on the goal, this one is a true hidden gem.

Terracore Adventures!

Enter the world of Terracore and play as a mining mole as you take on an epic quest to dig for the fabled Terracore Gem!

Game Features:

  • An easy to play touch-screen game with no complex and cloggy GUI controllers. Simply touch any location to have your miner dig to it!
  • Explore the deep underground and dig to find randomly generated Gemstones and Rare Metals. Each dig is a new bite sized mining adventure!
  • Collect metal to upgrade your digging equipment so your miner can dig deeper, faster and for longer periods of time!
  • Post your best dig scores onto the EscFactory leaderboards!
  • Progress through 4 different mining Ranks, unlock 12 challenging achievement Medals and find all the rare Artefacts!

Myths and Facts — 100% Awesome [ ON SALE ] 1.8(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.8

• • • • • O N — S A L E — N O W ! • • • • •
Limited Time! 100% OFF!
Get it now and don't miss out!

Living in the modern world we are still surrounded by myths, tales, rumors and legends and many of us always wanted to find out whether these stories are true. This application offers a unique opportunity to check out thousands of amazing myths and curious facts that will astonish you and bring a lot of fun!

The application is divided into four sections:

➊ "Myths Quiz" - scientifically-entertaining part of the applications, which will confirm or deny the most interesting myths of the 21st century and give an awesome explanation to each of them. You can use this application as a myth encyclopedia and test your knowledge in an entertaining quiz mode.

Do you know whether the following myths are true or false?

  • Alcohol is a good way to warm yourself when you're feeling cold.
  • To easily pass a Breathalyzer test after drinking simply put a penny under your tongue or suck on it.
  • The strength of spider silk is equal to that of the Kevlar, the most durable bulletproof material
  • You may get suntan sitting behind a closed glass window.
  • Your body needs approximately 7 years to digest a chewing gum.
  • Chocolate stimulates acne disease.
  • Human mouth is much dirtier than a dog's one.

You'll find answers to these and many other amazing rumors in our encyclopedia!

➋ "Did you know?!" - This chapter consists of a huge collection of funny and interesting facts. The application has a convenient and user-friendly interface, allowing you browse random facts or choose a topic you're interested in. We put a lot of effort to make learning of these facts a joyful and useful experience.

For example, did you know, that the actress who played Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter is actually 37 years old?
Or that McDonald's is the largest employer in Brazil?
Or that tickets to Obama's inauguration were sold online for as much as 40,000 each?!

We have 10.000 of such facts, and we're pretty sure you won't easily put it down once you get your hands on it.

➌ "On this Day In History". This part of the application will let you know about all the important events in history, which happened on the current day. You'll find out what happened on this day several years ago, a century and even a thousand years ago! We have collected a huge database of events - more than 10.000 of them for each month!

➍ "Famous Birthdays". Here you will find the dates, when famous people were born. Get to know the stars, who were born on the same day as you!

✓ Myth encyclopedia with a full explanation to each of the myths.
✓ 30 topics to any liking (Computer Myths, Animal Myths, Food Facts, Cars Myths, Money Myths, Sports Myths, Weather Myths and more...).
✓ Random mode, quiz mode with points for the correct answers. Arrange a competition with your friends!
✓ Thousands of amazing facts (the current version consists of more that 10.000 of them).
✓ The largest collection of interesting facts among the similar applications. The collection grows with each free update!
✓ We have made learning of the facts an entertaining and useful experience!
✓ Huge database of famous birthdays - about 200.000 of historical events and birthdays of famous people!
✓ Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
✓ Internet connection is not required. Our database can be accessed in a complete offline mode.

We are updating the app several times a month, and adding new features and facts all the time. All of our updates are totally free of charge!

★FreeMegaBonus from AppZap!★
iAmazing app is free for everybody who bought Myths and Facts! It's really awesome!
So don't loose your chance – buy Myths and Facts and grab your copy of iAmazing for free.
Search iAmazing app from AppZap!

Best Value - Compare costs and save money 1.0(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

TODAY ONLY - LEAVE A REVIEW AND GET FREE! - Fair and constructive reviews would be appreciated. Of course, you can get it without leaving a review but that is not the deal! :-)

Best Value lets you easily compare the cost of two products no matter their package quantities, sizes or units. The perfect tool for price-conscious shoppers!


  • Single screen interface with custom keypads
  • Display costs per unit (using either items unit)
  • Display discount and premium percentages
  • Supports both Metric and English measurements


  • Mass: g, kg, oz and lb
  • Volume: mL, L, fl oz, pt, qt and gal
  • Lenght: mm, cm, m, in, ft and yd

Works best with currencies that use decimals

QuoteDeck 2.5(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.5

►►►FREE until May 31st! Hurry, before it switches back to 0.99!!!◄◄◄

★ AppSafari.com gives it 5/5 stars "Bottom line is I love this app!"
★ Yappler.com hand-picked for week of March 28th.

New name, new icon, new design. More quotes, more features, more power.

✔ 30,000+ quotes
✔ 2,600+ authors
✔ Post to TWITTER and FACEBOOK or Email Quotes!!!
✔ ♫ Music, 7 songs built-in designed to put you in surge mode!
✔ Text moves and breathes across screen
✔ Swipe, flip, slide, peel or shake to see the next quote
✔ Rate quotes with touch star system ★★★★★
✔ Save to favorites
✔ Wikipedia author built-in
✔ Author Google images built-in
✔ Quick Themes - 250+ backgrounds and 100+ table designs to instantly toggle between
✔ POWERFUL Search Engine, search by keyword, author, or author info
✔ Search Bars added to every category
✔ Web-enabled accesss to Most Viewed and Trending Quotes and Authors to see what quotes are most popular and Top Rated by everyone using the app in real-time!
✔ 160+ topics
✔ 90+ author types
✔ Streaming @HollywoodQuotes directly from Twitter
✔ History tracks up to 100 of your latest quotes
✔ ♣ Random mode, you may find exactly the right quote at the right moment, see what happens!
✔ Timer automatically gives you a new quote every 15 seconds
✔ Notes mini-app so you don't have to lose any million dollar ideas that pop into your head!

CityRover NY 1.0(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0

Memorial Week Special
From May 25th through Memorial Day, May 31st, CityRover NY will be available for download FREE of charge, vs a regular price of 2.99. Get it today!

Do you try to avoid tour buses and cliché to-do lists when you travel? Do you have a limited budget? Have you spent more than 20 on bulky guide books, where many things didn’t apply to you? Do you enjoy answering trivia questions? If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, then this App is for you.

CityRover NY is actually many apps in one. It is part city guide, part personal tour guide, part trivia, part media, part past, part present, but entirely fun, innovative and intuitive.

This app offers twelve exciting functions, covering hundreds of great places across Manhattan and Brooklyn. Best of all, most of the content is available without a data connection!

Here are some of the innovative features contained in this app:
· Walk: Exciting step-by-step walking tours, which include embedded trivia links, photos, video previews, as well as complete audio guides for those that prefer listening over reading.
· Answer: Learn more about the city in a fun and interactive way. Answer our “City Trivia” and “Fact or Fiction” questions, which can be filtered by category. Test your knowledge with over 60 questions! Check the Score button to see how well you know the city.
· Hunt: This great function takes the interactive city experience a step further by sending you out and about the city, in search of solutions to interesting “Scavenger Hunt” assignments.
· Choose: Many guide books will tell you what to do if you “only have one day” in the city. We care more about how you feel than about how many days you have to spend. With this in mind, we designed our intuitive Choose function, which allows you to select itineraries based on your mood. Feeling lazy? We give you a detailed guide to a day at the Russian Baths. Feeling athletic? We offer several fun bike tours around the city. Check out the rest!

We have eight other functions, which make this app even more special. Browse local coffee shops, dive bars, music venues, cafes and restaurants, parks, independent cinemas, and much more! These features were designed with you, the user, in mind. You can filter by neighborhood, by type, by mood, or by special features (like “Late Night Food” or “Free WiFi”). See what subway stop you need and quickly pull up the embedded subway map. See what’s near you. Create your own list of favorite places. There are so many other functions to list, but we will spare you the reading time.

Download CityRover NY and discover all of its features for yourself! To preview the app, check out this short video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrCiIzImKMc

Tank Wars 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1

Due to the release of Turf War, we are making Tank Wars free. Be sure to check out Turf War, 0.99 for this week only.

Revapps is proud to bring you Tank Wars. Prepare to obliterate enemy targets and claim your spot on the global scoreboard.

Scoring System:
Easy - 50 points for each target
Medium - 125 points for each target
Hard - 250 points for each target

Each unused rocket at the end of each round will yield the same points as a hit target

Double your points if WIND factor is on

Thank you for your support.

Currency Master 1.3(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.3

Currency Master is the most practical currency converter on the iPhone. Now with historical rate charts.

Designed to be used on the go, while abroad. Great care is taken not to connect to the internet unless you explicitly allow it to (to avoid any unnecessary roaming fees). It starts fast, gets you back to the last pair or list you were examining.

Don't get stuck abroad without this great tool :)

Find more info and see video demonstration at http://esmiler.com


  • Sparklines and historical price charts
  • 4 units for metals: ounces, grams, kilograms and pounds
  • Currency pair view for quick on-the-go conversions, while traveling abroad for example
  • Easily re-arrangeable currency lists and currency pairs
  • Last list or currency pair viewed is remembered and shown on startup
  • Automated updates that can be turned on/off very easily
  • Favorite currencies, for finding quickly the currencies you most care about
  • Links to Wikipedia articles for each currency
  • Shake to bring up or dismiss keyboard on currency lists
  • 159 active currencies
  • 17 legacy currencies (all ex-European currencies basically)
  • 8 commodities (gold, silver, platinum, palladium, aluminum, copper, barrel of oil)
    • IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDR), classified as a commodity for simplicity

GDial - Speed Dial with Gesture 1.7(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.7

Limited time special: Free. Expires 5/31.

Speed dial with gesture, an innovative and elegant way of making calls. Swiping your finger across the touch screen calls one number, making a circle calls a different number. Over 40 simple and cool gestures give you 40 speed dial numbers. Gesture dial is accurate, easy, fast and fun.

No more typing on a tiny keyboard, tapping a small picture, or trying to get your voice recognized. Your call can be made with just one smooth movement of your finger, no need to even look at the screen.

GDial features:

  1. Over 40 simple gestures, including easy to remember numbers and alphabet letters
  2. 1-hand eyes-free dialing. Start calling by simply drawing the gesture with your finger anywhere on the screen.
  3. Voice confirmation can be recorded for each contact. If the gesture is matched, the voice will be played through speaker. This feature eliminates the need of ever looking at the screen.
  4. Speed dial contacts are linked to the built-in address book of iPhone
  5. Support phone call, text and email

How to use GDial?

  1. Swipe your finger over the screen according to the gesture. The dot of each gesture shows where the movement should start.
  2. If the guesture is matched, its corresponding contact will be highlighed in blue.
  3. If the confirmation is on, voice confirmation (if configured) will be played though the speaker. Tap the greenish (bottom half of the screen) to continue the call, or tap the redish (top half of the screen) to cancel the call. Or tap the icons shown at the bottom to use the alternative numbers of the contact.
  4. Double tap anywhere to redial the last successful call.

Spaceballs 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.3

★★★ FREE for a WEEK.
★★★ From the creator of GEARED, the #1 App

Spaceballs in a brilliant action packed space themed Match-3 puzzle-chain shooter like nothing else out there; complete with four modes that are sure to fulfill every kind of gamer's desires.

It's so simple a Bengal tiger could do it. Fire projectiles at the chain and connect three or more of the same color.


  • 4 Game Play Modes
  • Original Music
  • Original Sound Effects
  • Online High Score Table
  • Sound FX, Music, and Vibration Mute
  • Help/Instruction Screen
  • Settings Menu (PAUSE THE GAME TO SEE).
  • Original Music Composed by Steve Lehmann.

iWallFlower HD - World Art Project - Participate! 3.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 3.0

iWallFlower is an 'emotional networking' drawing App which lets you 'auto-magically' share doodles and drawings with everyone in the world.

View, Search, Vote for your favorite, Send to friends at www.iWallFlower.com, you'll smile for sure. Amazing artists.

Also check out:

iWallFlower is both fun and addictive to anyone who enjoys the universal language of art. Turning on iWallFlower will automatically start scrolling fascinating and creative drawings from other iPod touch and iPhone users from arround the world. You watch the drawings being created while a 3-D world globe rotates and pin-points the location of where each new drawing is coming from. You don't need to draw anything to enjoy iWallFlower, but it is easy to join the fun and add your own drawings to the iWallFlower world. See and compare your creations with other iWallFlower artists from all over the world! Or just view drawings within configured distance around you.

Become an iWallFlower artist with one tap on the big 'Crayon' icon. If you have ever made a drawing on a steamy bathroom mirror, you know enough to use iWallFlower. With iWallFlower you select colors and 'brush' sizes, and you can make ultra-simple doodles in a few seconds, or draw as detailed as you like with fine brush sizes and many colors. Then, when your creation is complete, tap on the submit icon, and your drawing is instantly added to the scrolling display. The moment your drawing is submitted, people from around the world see what you have done, and if your doodle or drawing is liked, you get votes, and with more votes, the more your drawings are displayed..

By watching the constant scrolling of drawings, you start to see the emotions of the people who are sharing this amazing, networked world. iWallFlower will make you smile.

iWallFlower icons and instructions are graphical and iWallFlower is truly a global application!

View, Search, Vote for drawings at www.iWallFlower.com

2.1 Features:

  • iWallFlower.com account creation in App
  • iWallFlower.com PDF and EMail Links generation of drawings
  • Easier UI for Voting anywhere and Navigation
  • Background music for drawing
  • Ability to reply to a drawing
  • New drawing view filters
  • Help System Landscape viewing
  • See who voted on your drawings
  • See all the drawings you have submitted

Outer Empires[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version:

Outer Empires is a space based massively multi-player online game created for both the iPhone/iPod Touch and desktop browsers.

Every player can create an online persona in a persistent galaxy; from that point on they can choose from a number of different careers to progress through the game. The game is set up in a sandbox style, to allow players to choose how their character develops.

Players will have a variety of options, including:

  • Fly missions (transport, freight, exploration, bounty)
  • Set up colonies (Mining, Food Production, Manufacture, Refining and much much more)
  • Run/join factions (guilds/clans) within the game.
  • Take control of and fight for systems (either themselves or as part of a faction).
  • Research new ship items from existing blueprints in the world to create your own product line.
  • Buy/Mod/Build/Sell ships using a number of variable items that can be created from the manufacture plants players set up.
  • Trade with other players and the system.

This game is an entirely online game and will require an internet connection (Wifi, 3G and EDGE recommended).

PATCH SUBMITTED : Version 1.0.1-15 is with Apple for review to fix a number of crash bugs with the current version.

TouchArcade.com (Preview Quote)
"The cool part about Outer Empires is that the game runs both in a browser on your computer, as well as in the app on your iPhone. Accounts are shared between both versions of the game, and you can literally log out in your browser, log in with your iPhone, and be exactly where you left off with all the same functionality of the desktop client on the go."

PocketGamer.co.uk (Preview Quote)
"It all begins quite innocently. You're given a small shuttle to flit between star systems allowing you to run odd jobs. Scanning systems and delivering the results to a space station, transporting goods, buying and selling ore as you travel - there are lots of ways to find your space legs and bring in enough credits to buy fuel and supplies." ... "The sheer scale is at once mesmerising and intimidating."

Some things our beta players have said :
"The first real MMORPG for the iPhone and iPod Touch." - Soul

"A multi-faceted, in-depth game that continues to expand and it will hold your interest for many days, not hours due to its enormous size. Complemented by a very attentive Developer team that never sleeps." - Gaius Codex

"There really is no way to describe this game. It is huge. There is no set plan that you have to follow, You can follow your own path in this game. To under stand how big this game is you would have to actually enter it to see just how vast this universe is and how many different avenues there are to pursue." - Blue

TapDestruction 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0


Test your mind.

The object of the game is to destroy or remove the object on the screen without running out of time.
To destroy an object you must draw on the screen an object that destroys it. For example if a fish is on the screen draw a hook to remove it. If a boat is on the screen draw a wave. If a gangster is on the screen draw a gun to shoot him. Draw a bomb to destroy a building. Some object can be destroyed by multiple different items.

The game starts with 10 seconds on the clock.

Time penalties are given if you draw something that cannot destroy the current item.
Time bonuses are given if you draw the correct item.

Points are added for each correct item drawn.


  • online high scores
  • gestured based drawing
  • training Mode
  • In game tips for incorrect drawings
  • comical animations
  • crazy sound track

관련 글타래


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