오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100405

2010/04/05 08:08


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 20개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 원래는 오후 3~4시 정도에 올렸는데 오늘 일이 있어서 서울에 가야하기 때문에 조금 일찍 올린다. 또 글을 가져오는 AppShopper.com의 디비가 꼬였는지 가격 정보가 정확하지 않아 어떤 어플이 고가 어플인지는 알 수 없었다. 먼저 VoxNotes는 푸시 기능을 가지고 있는 음성 메신저이다. 얼마나 유용할지는 모르겠지만 나름대로 특화된 어플로 보인다. Notes n More는 문자, 음성, 그림, 영상으로 노트를 기록할 수 있는 어플이다. Ballgame은 피직스 기반의 그리기 게임 어플이다. Your Face는 아이폰/아이팟 터치용 풍자 만화를 그려주는 어플이다.

AgendA+는 학생용 일정 관리 어플이다. 4월 5일까지 무료로 제공된다. Marcel Magis는 일본 국수에 대한 정보를 제공하는 어플이다. 아이패드 출시를 기념해서 4월 5일까지 무료로 제공된다. Memphis는 Daily Texan에 가장 오래 동안 연재된 만화이다. MEGA Memphis는 이런 Memphis를 좋아하는 사람을 위한 어플이다. 부활정 기념으로 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. Defence Of The Future는 외계인으로 부터 지구를 지키는 게임이다. Claustrophobia는 위, 아래에서 떨어진 블록과 같은 색상의 블록을 맞춰 깨는 게임이다. Rock Hero Song Manager은 강력한 컨텐트 관리를 원하는 락밴드를 위해 만들어진 어플이다.

Commodore 64는 C64 게임을 아이폰에서 할 수 있는 어플이다. 총 8개의 게임이 포함되어 있다. Live FX는 사진에 상당히 다양한 효과를 줄 수 있는 어플이다. HomeScreen은 쉽게 잠금화면의 벽지를 만들 수 있는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. SmartLotto=$$$는 이름처럼 다양한 형태의 로또를 지원하는 로또 번호 발생기이다. 돼지 꿈을 꾼 사람은 내려받기 바란다. Metro AR Pro는 증강현실 어플로 우리나라 지하철을 비롯 일본, 미국, 프랑스의 지하철 주변을 검색할 수 있는 증강현실 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

VoxNotes Voice Messenger with Push Alerts Networking)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

♣ ♣ Push to Talk Instant Voice Messaging ♣ ♣

  • Send voice messages to ANY phone in the world without using cell minutes
  • Chat with your foreign buddies at a fraction of the usual cost

• • • VoxNotes is multiple apps rolled into one • • •

✔ Push to Talk:
» Fast, easy way to send anyone a voice message over the Internet
» Receive voice messages directly into the app
» Reply to VoxNotes
» Forward voice messages
» Receive push alerts when you receive a new voice message
» NEW! Send messages to any phone in the world, including land lines, whether they have this app or not
» NEW! Receive replies from any mobile or land line phone in the world

✔ Voice Recorder:
» It is the easiest Voice Notes app for the iPhone
» Record, playback, manage notes to self, music, meetings

✔ Send Contacts
» You can also use it to send contacts to others
» It lets you attach voice notes to your contacts, AND send them together

** THIS VERSION ONLY FOR 3.x PUSH-ENABLED DEVICES ** ** Different version available for non-Push phones **

Think of it like instant messaging or texting for Voice and Contacts. Why use cell minutes, why waste time listening to the phone ringing at the other end, or listening to a voicemail greeting, when you can just "push to talk" and "fire & forget".

♣ Use VoxNotes to:
♦ Create, send, receive & reply to quick voice notes to/from your friends
♦ Chat with other iPhone, other smartphone users, and now any phone user in the world
♦ Send contacts from your address book to others
♦ Attach a voice note to a contact, like "This is the guy I met at the club in Cancun at spring break’09"
♦ Send a contact with one or more voice notes attached to it, like "Bob, this is the dude that I was telling you about, who fixed my car. He did a great job. Here’s his contact. Give him a call about your car problem."
♦ Just record and keep "notes to self" voice memos
♦ Record conversations, meetings, party sounds, live events; things you don’t want to forget, or want to capture & send to someone
♦ Attach voice memos you previously created, to contacts
♦ and more stuff like that

♣ Works best on Wifi or fast 3G connection
♣ Requires (external) mic with iPod Touch
♣ Sends message as email attachment if recipient doesn't have VoxNotes

Coming soon:
♦ Send voice messages to any phone in the world
♦ Ability to tag locations with voice notes
♦ Ability to send voice comments about apps to others
♦ Set up voice reminders/alerts

♣ Check out our other products: QuickVox and Contact Send that are subsets of VoxNotes.

Notes n More 1.2(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Notes come in many forms - text, voice, pictures, videos, ... Why spread these across separate apps when you can create and organize all of these in one app. Notes n More does just that by letting you create todos, notes, voice memos, pictures, videos and organizing them into "collections" (folders) that can contain these. Thus, all your data about a trip, project or any other activity logically stays in one place.

To help you quickly find a "note", it also automatically computes your popular and recent items in addition to allowing you to bookmark your favorite "notes".

You can also navigate and find your notes by time with the Daily and Calendar views.

Now you don't have to regret deleting something. The Recycle Bin stores all your deleted "notes" allowing you to restore with one click.

Finally, to make this app truly yours, the font, size, color, paper backgrounds can be customized.

Every activity or project you engage in contains notes, tasks or media elements like pictures, videos and voice memos. Its difficult to manage these if they are in disparate applications. A collection ties all of these in one place. It can contain tasks, notes, pictures, voice memos and videos.

A vacation trip can contain tasks (book tickets, ..), notes that you write, pictures & videos of the trip, ....

An office project can contain tasks, meeting notes, meeting recordings or whiteboard pictures.

Now you can organize all of these in one place, in one collection instead of spreading them in different apps.

A day and month view allows you to create and view items by date.
Both these views can be further filtered to just show a specific collection's notes organized by date.

The app automatically computes your most popular items and presents them on the startup screen for quick access.
You can also bookmark an item so it shows up in the bookmarks list.

Have you accidently hit the delete button and regretted it? Notes n More comes with Recycle Bin functionality.
Anything you delete is just one click away. You can delete or restore a single item or a whole collection.

Quick Tip: To delete something, swipe your finger across that item.

In addition to creating just notes, you can also attach notes to tasks, voice memos, pictures and videos.

You can search through all notes and those notes attached to tasks, voice memos, videos and pictures.

Choose from a combination of multiple fonts, colors and over 25 paper backgrounds. Create your own unique combination of font, color and paper background.

To customize, you must open the standard "Settings" app of your iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad and look for the "Notes n More" section.

Tasks, notes, voice memos and pictures can be emailed to your contacts. Due to limitations of email, large files cannot be attached. As a result, emailing of videos is not enabled.


  1. Video recording support is only available for iPhone 3GS.
  2. Picture support - on iPhone the app uses the inbuilt camera & library but on iPod Touch it will use the picture library
  3. On an iPhone device, videos (iPhone 3GS only) and pictures recorded (clicked) are automatically also stored in the devices Picture library for syncing with your desktop.

Ballgame 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Ballgame is a physics based line drawing game. There are already 50+ levels, and more are coming.

The goal is to collect all the stars, avoid the bombs, and finally reach the vortex, as fast as you can.

All your highscores are saved (with a replay), and global highscore system is on the way.

Check out the tutorial video in the game, to learn how to play.


  • draw a circle around the ball to stop it
  • draw a V or a U to hold it
  • you can jump anytime, even in the air
  • control the game with your thumbs

Your Face 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

This is YOUR FACE for iPhone / iPod touch -- the famous caricature creator

Your Face is not only a challenging puzzle/skill game, it's also a great fun app to make crazy cartoonish caricatures of your face or those of your friends:

  • In "Challenge mode" you have to match up the shown face with a small draft, by selecting the correct hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth and beard out of a tile-set of 12 tiles per organ. The time you get to make your match will decreases from level to level.
  • In "Freestyle mode" you can take a Portrait from anyone (any person? -gh) with your cam or select one from your photo library and pimp it up with our unique, all pen and paper drawn face tile-sets and save it to your photo library to share it with your friends or use it otherwise.

If you know the original flash game by finefin, you will immediately feel at home, as we used the original hand-drawn graphics from that project and ported the game to the iPhone/iPod touch with slightly adjusted controls to provide an extraordinary casual touch screen experience.

This is what people said about the flash version:

"...I can see someone getting addicted to this on their lunch hour easily..." EagleRock?

"... it looks so hand-made which sets it appart from the crowd." -- Krystman

"this was added to my favorites, because it is a crazy peice of AWESOME." -- PantyWipe?

This app will be real fun for children from age 9 to 900.

Main features:

  • Game and fun-app all in one
  • Unique Graphics all drawn by hand with real pen and paper
  • Top ten high score list
  • Store caricatures to your photo library

Stay tuned for our planned updates:

  • worldwide leaderboard
  • online gallery


  • visit our website: canupa.com
  • follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/canupa
  • watch our videos on YouTube: youtube.com/canupacom
  • add us on Myspace: myspace.com/canupa

AbreV8 2.0.2(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Happy Easter (Free for a limited time only)

Note: Because I am unable to see all the reviews from all the countries and respond to them -- Please use the support email for complains and feature requests, this way I can fully understand your request and festally deliver it

Thanks in Advance and looking forward to hear from you.

You are in the living room, with your wife and kids, watching TV and you want to tell your wife a secret in short and in one line but you do not want your kids to listen :-)

Or you are in the class/meeting room and you want to send your classmate a message in short and abbreviated what you will do

This App is your answer, it Now support a 1:1 chat with iPhn 2 iPhn or iPod to iPhn or any mix and match, more over Now it support Emotions (Emoji) shortcuts so yuo can type :) or :-) or (h) and you will get a nice emotion icons

What are you waiting for

Abbreviate your Emails
Abbreviate your Messages
Abbreviate your Chats with the 1:1 chat
Emoji/Emotions Shortcuts (for a complete list go to Info tab)

Abbreviate any text and keep it for future use
Translate Abbreviations
Save Abbreviated Emails, Messages and multi purpose text
Save Translated text
Have a favorite list where you can add favorites texts
Copy cut and paste support to all the txt you gener8

What else do you need!!!!! Be Cool Start AbreV8

Much more features are under developments :-)

Be cool persons, AbbreV8 your messages even if you do not know how to do so.

This App Let you send abbreviated Emails/chats and text messages with out the need to know abbreviations, look cool, write the text and let the app do the rest.

You received a message you do not know what it means; Let the App translate it to you.

Because we care Now you can send an email to support directly from the App for any issue or feature :-)

AgendA+ 1.4(Education)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Special Promo: free until the 5th of April 2010. Get ready for last term!

AgendA+ is an electronic student agenda. It provides two main functions to help students stay on track:

  • Organization of homework and assignments for courses / subjects. Assignments can be shown for the week or month.
  • Record keeping of marks and grades for each course / subject. Averages are calculated for each term and school year. Symbolic grades (A, B, C+, etc) are automatically calculated based on numeric marks entered. The way marks are displayed is configurable, and supports most grading systems used around the world.

Multiple school years are supported, so that students can keep a history of their records. Different courses / subjects can be assigned to different school years.

Use the Course Library to define your courses, select the courses for the current school year, configure the marking to fit your school / university, and you are ready to go!

English and French languages are supported. English is used for other locales other than French. If you are interested in another language, let me know at pfajeau@yahoo.com

Marcel Magis - My Life With Mitsu 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

My Life with Mitsu
A story about love, passion and noodle soup. Please note: This is the English version only! To celebrate iPad-Launch: free till 5th April!

Motu One is the new publisher for E-Books exclusivly made for iPhone and iPod touch.
In the series Propeller we offer fresh german literature, partly in first publication.
Unlike other iPhone apps based on EPUB, we are creating each book specifically for iPhone and iPod touch to provide an optimal reading experience, for the sake of literature.

Preface from Kai Krause, maker of KPT and PowerGoo:
Thus Marcel Magis develops images and scenes; he playfully deals with words. I neither have to compare him to anyone else, nor do need to categorize it in any special area of literature.
One should read this book on a train, travelling through a winter landscape to your loved one. One should read this book, lying on your back in an aestival meadow, right beside a blowball.

The narrator invites Mitsu to a good cup of noodle soup - and Mitsu enters his life like a whirlwind. Their only possessions she carries in a red cooler, she trys to establish a family with strangers and brings kitchen tables to collapse. Perhaps this has to do with a bird, that nightly cries moves the world a little bit in an other direction ...

The book is also a tribute to japanese literature. The prefyce is written by the software legend and inventor Kai Krause. With this novel Marcel Magis has written his widely acclaimed debut with lightness of heart and depth. A book you can read again and again. Also in App Store you find "Summer with Sheep" by the same author.Magis lives in Berlin and works as an editor for macnews.de and macmagazin.de.

Technical notes:
E-Book with 158 pages.
Browse: Touch left and right. Menu: Touch in center of the screen. A bookmark will be set automatically as you return to the menu or quit the application.

We are improving the app over time, please feel free to contact us for comments and suggestions: send us an E-Mail to info@motu-one.de.

MEGA Memphis by Ryan Hailey 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Enjoy MEGA Memphis with 8 Memphis Comics!

Memphis, the longest running comic in the history of The Daily Texan, by Ryan Hailey

Hilarious Comics - now for iPhone and iPod touch!
(Attention: The comics contain a very special, kinda retarded hilarious humor. Be aware! They are not for everyone - but hundreds of fans love them!)

If you like the Memphis humor try also MEGA MEGA Memphis with twice as many comics!

Memphis, excrutiatingly funny - as already know and popular in Austin, Texas:

"Memphis is at once the FUNNIEST COMIC I'VE EVER READ and the most retarded. Ryan Hailey gives a good name for retarded people everywhere." - Todd Ferguson

"Ryan Hailey's Memphis comics are like if the cast of Sesame Street and the Canadians from South Park stayed up all night drinking Mountain Dew and had an existential crisis." - Bart Mclumsy

"In the best possible way, Memphis is like a five year old's interpretation of all the world's religions and philosophy's since the beginning of time." - Jackie Lake

"Memphis makes me question my own reality everytime I read it, to where I ask myself, 'Am I even alive right now reading this, or is it a dream?" - Julie Vernon

Defence Of The Future(DOTF) 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

In the far future, the earth is being invaded by extraterrestrial beings. As a defender of the earth, you are expected to save the world from the invasion of extraterrestrial beings. What you have to do is to destroy the three cannon towers of enemy, and at the same time defend the three defending tower of the earth from enemy's attack.
There are 8 heroes and each of them has different skills. Choose one of them and give them a thorough training in any aspect of the battle.

  1. Move your hero by clicking the screen.
  2. HP recovering of hero is slowly and automatically.
  3. Cast a skill when the skill button is flashing.

We are trying to add more heroes, skills, scenes and monsters to a upgraded version in future. Also, we are considering of an online battle system in the upgraded version.

Claustrophobia 1.5.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

The goal of Claustrophobia is simple: keep the blocks from crossing the center line.

To do this, fire differed colored blocks to match the colors coming at you from the top and bottom of your screen. If you hit a group of 2 or more blocks of that color, all of those blocks will be removed. But beware, these blocks don't float! So if any of the blocks on the top suddenly lose the block above them, they'll fall. And that can cause problems for the bottom rows of blocks!

The larger the groups of blocks are, the higher your score gets! And if any of the falling blocks hit other groups of blocks those will be removed as well, giving you an even higher score!

In addition to the normal colored blocks are special blocks. These blocks have symbols on them and can only be activated by hitting them head on with your block. Watch out though, if they fall they're gone! And not all of them are good. Try to hit them, see what they do!


  • Global score ranking
  • Listen to your iTunes while you play
  • 4 types of special blocks to switch things up
  • 5 different modes of play:
  • Classic Mode - The Claustrophobia you know and love.
  • Crazy Gravity Mode - Hit special gravity toggle blocks to change the direction blocks fall. Or just rotate your iPhone!
  • Pure Mode - Like Classic Mode, only with NO special blocks.
  • Intense Mode - No holds barred. Special blocks are activated if they fall and the board closes in faster every minute!
  • 2 Player Battle Mode - Battle it out with a friend via Bluetooth! When you clear blocks your friend's blocks get pushed in further! (2 player battle mode requires an iPhone 3G and above, or a 2nd gen iPod Touch and above with OS 3.0 software)
  • Brag about your score to Twitter or Facebook with the touch of a button!

Gameplay video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yryzTJA2cxs

To keep track of what I'm up to, follow @davidleblond on Twitter!

SoWhat 1.4(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

SoWhat is the new quiz game for all German speaking people on the iPhone and iPod touch. Master questions in the following 15 categories and train your brain:
Allgemeinwissen (General knowledge),
Film und Fernsehen (Film and TV),
Fußball (Soccer),
Geographie (Geography),
Geschichte (History),
Klassische Musik (Classical music),
Literatur (Literature),
Philosophie (Philosophy),
Physik (Physics),
Religion (Religion),
Sport (Sport),
Technik (Technology),
Chemie (Chemistry),
Politik (Politics) und
Kunst (Art).

All questions and answers are in German language only. This is a good opportunity to train your German language skills, as well.

Play in three different levels of difficulty and try to beat your score.

OpenFeint enabled: Try to beat other players' online highscore. It is not enough to answer the questions right. You have to be faster than others, too. Can you climb to the top of the highscores?

Achievements: Get 9 different achievements and be "Professor SoWhat".

Challenges: Challenge your friends online, with OpenFeint.

The learning effect is guaranteed because of random repeating of the questions. Play SoWhat and be sure to know the answer to a lot of questions after a few days of playing.

Most of the questions are taken from school subjects.
Did you know what „Theogonie“ means?
Where did William Shakespeare die?
When did the first Olympic Games take place?

You will find the answer to these and many other questions in SoWhat!

Wild Pony Races is OpenFeint Enabled 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Free until 4/6/10!

Dust off your cowboy hat, cinch up your saddle and break open your piggy bank. It's time to go to the races!

Wild Pony Races is the fun new race derby game people are falling in love with everywhere!

Open Feint enabled!

  • Get rich quick in "Free Play mode" and put your lucky picking skills to the test.
  • Challenge yourself in "Derby Mode" to unlock new race tracks.
  • Compete online with users all over the world and see who's the luckiest better of them all.
  • Earn Open Feint achievements and share them with your friends.
  • Go for the highest challenge number, best game, most race wins, most races played or most losses on the online leader boards.
  • Keep track of all your horse and race stats and use them to become a race master.

Get ready to show those city slickers how country folk race ponies. Get Wild Pony Races today!

Rock Hero Song Manager: Guitar Hero Edition 1.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

"The graphics for RockHero looked awesome" - iHappyTouch.com

"We are very excited for the release...Congratulations on this amazing app!" - TouchAholics

The perfect addition to any Guitar Hero session.

Rock Hero Song Manager: GH Edition is made for Guitar Hero players who want powerful content management at their fingertips, personalised ratings and quick playlist creation.

With cool features in abundance:

  • Quickly catalogue the songs you own for yourself and others to view
  • Rate each song and its individual instruments to allow you to sort by difficulty or personal preference
  • Not your turn but want to choose the next song? Select a catalogue of songs and create a playlist
  • Updated regularly to keep track of released and upcoming songs

All names are copyrighted by the original owners.

Rock Hero Song Manager: Rock Band Edition 1.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

"The graphics for RockHero looked awesome" - iHappyTouch.com

"We are very excited for the release...Congratulations on this amazing app!" - TouchAholics

The perfect addition to any Rock Band session.

Rock Hero Song Manager: RB Edition is made for Rock Band players who want powerful content management at their fingertips, personalised ratings and quick playlist creation.

With cool features in abundance:

  • Quickly catalogue the songs you own for yourself and others to view
  • Rate each song and its individual instruments to allow you to sort by difficulty or personal preference
  • Not your turn but want to choose the next song? Select a catalogue of songs and create a playlist
  • Updated regularly to keep track of released and upcoming songs

All names are copyrighted by the original owners.

Commodore 64 1.6(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

** Voted Game of the Year (People's Choice) at slidetoplay.com : http://bit.ly/5bmfTQ **

  • OpenFeint Support
    Thought you were the best at Uridium, Lemans or Paradroid? Now is your chance to prove it with global leaderboards using OpenFeint. Initial support for Uridium, Nebulus / Tower Toppler, Paradroid, Jupiter Lander, Lemans and Arctic Shipwreck. Achievements are also enabled for select games, including Jupiter Lander, Paradroid and Lemans.
    Note: You must be playing with the trainer disabled to participate in leader boards.

In App Purchases

  • Free titles include:
  • Samurai Warrior, B. Lee, Laser Squad and many more
  • Paid titles
  • Space Taxi, Wizball, Uridium, Paradroid, Storm Lord, Nebulus / Tower Toppler, AlletKat, Boulder Dash® II, Bristles™, Flip & Flop™, Panic Button™, Super Pipeline I & II, and so many more!

Ever wondered where the 80’s went? Well, they’re back!

Kiloo and Manomio bring back the best selling personal computer of all time: the one and only officially licensed Commodore 64 for your iPhone and iPod Touch! This version provides an authentic reproduction 8 original games.

Included are Dragons Den, Le Mans, International Basketball, International Soccer, International Tennis, Jupiter Lander, Arctic Shipwreck and Jack Attack.

Key Features:

  • Authentic C64 gaming experience
  • Portrait and landscape play
  • Additional titles via in-app purchases, both paid and free
  • Classic sounds
  • Fullscreen gaming
  • Auto-save, to continue exactly where you left off
  • And some of the best games from the golden era…

For more info:
Please visit: http://www.c64iphone.com/
Kiloo: http://www.kiloo.com
Manomio: http://manomio.com/

Live FX 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

FREE just this Easter, then back to 1.99 "Bestcamera on steroids and so much better."(armand45), "beautiful and stunning results" (LemonPale),"Super tasty app" (Max E. Pad)

Live FX for iPhone/iPod Touch allows you to easily create and apply thousands of unique photo effects in a new way of filter stacking/layering, using iPhone camera to preview all effect live. It has never been easier to share created filters between users - simply copy/paste a special code automatically generated for any combination of effects.

Swipe button row to scroll for more filters, and shake iPhone/iPod to to get new random combo, when random filter is set on.

You can select up to 10 out of 30+ basic effects and save this combination as a custom effect. After that it is very easy to combine your newly created effect with any other filters in any sequence. This approach gives you a fantastic possibilities to create your own, unique photo effects.

Here is the best part - ability to copy and paste codes of created effects. Imagine you have created an amazing combination of effects and want to share it with other users. With Live FX it is easy - simply copy filter code to the clipboard to send via email or text message. You can also put a signature with that code on the image itself.

If you find on the Internet some interesting Live FX effects and corresponding codes, you can paste codes via clipboard into the app - and effects will be instantly recreated in your own app.

Live FX includes the following standard effects:

  • Flash (2 kinds), Lomo, Sepia, Black&White, Inverse, Frames (light and dark, thin and wide), Vignette (dark and light) - 11
  • Dichromatic effects: black + red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, orange, purple - 8
  • Trichromatic effects: black and white + red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, orange, purple - 8
  • Unique random effect generator - shake iPhone to get a new variation out of carefully selected range - 1
  • Red&White&Blue - 1
  • Radial Blur - highlights objects in a center by blurring other image parts - 1
  • Square Crop of image center - 1
  • Date stamp (Mar 30, 2010)
  • Signature (©2010 My Name)

Image size options - original (2048x1536px or 3564x3052px with wide frame), 1200, 800, 480.

Live FX also allows to:

  • zoom with live effects on/off
  • automatically save unprocessed original photo (with correct orientation).
  • take photos or load images from library.
  • set default combination of filters.
  • post photos directly to Facebook, Twitter (via TwitPic) or email (with different jpeg compressions) from within Live Fx.


Say you want to create a custom effect which adds a 'classic' look to your photos, by adding sepia hue, black vignette and white frame: Here is how to create and save effect for later re-use:

  1. Swipe upper row of effects from right to left, find and select Sepia filter as #1, black vignette as #2 and white (beige. frame as #3.
  2. Press '+' button in the lower left corner. The combo of effects will be saved as a single effect with easily recognizable preview.
  3. Clear all effects by pressing a button in the lower right corner.
  4. Press your newly created effect and sepia, vignette, frame will be applied to the image.

Now you can use this combo as a building block for other effects, by combining it with filters #2, 3, ...,10.

A quick help reference is available within the app.

The app has been thoroughly tested to ensure you have fun while creating your next photo masterpiece.

See video: tinyurl.com/LiveFXapp

Follow LiveFX on Twitter @LiveFXApp,
send images to Flickr.com/groups/LiveFX/

! SWIPE dock left to see all effects !
! SHAKE iPhone/Ipod with random filter !

See great examples from actual users:

HomeScreen 2.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free


You can easily create a custom iPhone wallpaper for your Lockscreen with this App.

you can choose one of our wallpapers or choose one from your photo library !

its possible to enable a avatar image, you can choose one of our avatars or choose your own photo from your photo library !

you can choose from three templates

  • business card with angle
  • business card without angle
  • two lines on top (useful for codelocked phones)

SmartLotto=$$$ 2.0.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Happy Easter (Free for a limited time only)

Note: Because I am unable to see all the reviews from all the countries and respond to them -- Please use the support email for complains and feature requests, this way I can fully understand your request and festally deliver it

Thanks in Advance and looking forward to hear from you.

Most lottery systems allow you to guess exactly X amount of numbers (5,6, ..) and you have to guess all of them right in order to win

Imagine You got the chance to guess More numbers Y (Y greater that X) (12, or even 15 numbers instead of 5 or 6) and you do not have to guess all of them to win wouldn't you take this opportunity and guess more numbers?

This is exactly what this Application letting you to do: You guess or let the application pick (guess) for you more than the required numbers and if the lottery results are part of your guesses you are more likely a winner

  • If You win just write it up in the review
  • This App is suitable for most of the lottery systems in the world : (Lotto Max select 7-49) Lotto 649 select 6-49) (mega million select 6-56) (super 7 select 7-47), (euro million 5-50 and 2-9 or 6-50) (Australia 7-45) ... and more

Good Luck in this Smart Way

Note: Please send e-mail to SmartLottos@gmail.com for any feature request or concern and I will make my best to answer you concerns.

Metro AR Pro 1.5(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

Sale of Limited Time Now.

Metro AR Pro is a AR application program to be able to retrieve the nearest station from a present position within 5km easily automatically.
It changes into AR (Augmented Reality) mode if it shakes it on the retrieval result screen.

Metro AR is ad included.
Metro AR Pro is no ad.

Support Area
Japan All subways.
South of Korea All subways.
United States NewYork and Chicago, mexico.
All subways of Paris of France.
All subways of London of Britain.

3g and Wi-Fi are supported.
E-mail touchinside@gmail.com
Twitter @touchinside

Daily Bible Proverbs (KJV,NIV,ASV) 1.4(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: Free -> Free

FREE for Easter! Today only.


Need some inspiration from a chapter from Proverbs? The Daily Bible Proverbs is the perfect application for you. Each day, a new chapter will display corresponding to the current day. Want to read ahead? Just use the arrow keys.

***************Try our other apps!*************
Daily Bible Verses
Psalms KJV
iEmergency+ (The top selling ICE medical app)
iEmergency ICE Family PRO
Wallpaper Pro Labeler
Love Tips
Lost n Found

NEW: NIV and ASV Versions

  • King James Version Bible
  • Quick Read Ahead Feature
  • Access to all chapters
  • No Internet required
  • Email your favorite proverbs
  • Rotating Pictures

Send us your feedback for what you want in the next release!

Visit our website at www.kavapoint.com
Follow us on www.twitter.com/kavapoint

** Compiled and iPhone 3.0 Ready!

관련 글타래


AbreV8, AgendA, Ballgame, Books, Claustrophobia, Commodore 64, Daily Bible Proverbs, Defence Of The Future, Education, Entertainment, Free Apps, Games, Guitar, HomeScreen, iPod Touch, Live FX, Marcel Magis, MEGA Memphis, Metro AR Pro, Navigation, Notes n More, Photography, Productivity, Reference, Rock Hero Song Manager, SmartLotto, Social Networking, SoWhat, Utilities, VoxNotes, Wild Pony Races, Your Face, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치