무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.
FREE for today only!
오늘은 총 22개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 먼저 오늘의 운세는 무료 어플이 아니다. 평상시 3불에 판매되지만 1불로 할인 판매하고 있기 때문에 소개한다. 이런 운세에는 별관심이 없지만 의외로 이런 운세를 좋아하는 사람이 많기 때문에 소개한다. Paddle-Ball은 직접 해보면 알 수 있지만 조금 특이한 어플이다. 아이폰을 탁구채처럼 사용해서 게임을 할 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되며, 한주 동안 무료로 제공된다.
Talk Backwards!는 약간 특이한 녹음 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 프로모션을 위해 무료로 제공된다. GROUND EFFECT는 그래픽이 상당히 뛰어난 비행 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. 3차원 비행 게임이며, 안경이 있으면 입체로 보인다고 하는데 안경이 없어 시험해 보지는 못했다. App Idea Pro는 평상시 무료 10불에 판매되는 어플이다. 로그인을 요구하기 때문에 사용해 보지 못했다. 다만 10불의 가치가 있을지는 의문이다.
Ace Glow Brick Breaker는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 벽돌깨기 게임이다. Coolibah는 평상시 5불에 판매되는 어플이다. 이름처럼 어디서나 스크랩할 수 있는 어플이다. Secret of Lost Pyramid은 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플로 고대 마야 피라미드의 비밀을 찾는 게임이라고 한다. PlayForMe는 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 입력한 문장을 읽어 주는 어플이다.
마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 트위터 가이드를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.
오늘의 운세. 1.1.2(Lifestyle)[iTunes]
Price: $2.99 -> $0.99
오늘의 운세 아직도 매번 돈을 내고 보십니까?
▶ 주의사항: 태어난 시각이 매우 중요하니 꼭 입력해주세요.
이제 단 한번 구입으로 평생 제한 없이 운세를 보세요. 가족과 친구들을 등록시켜 다른 사람들의 운세 정보도 보여주시고, 인기를 얻으세요.
중요한 시험, 거래가 있는 날, 소중한 누군가를 처음 만나는 그 날의 운세가 궁금하진 않으신가요?
이 어플리케이션은 동양에서 인간의 운명을 판단하는 최고의 학문으로 인정받아온 자평명리학을 바탕으로 하고 있으며, 한국의 유명 운명 철학자들의 감수를 통해 검증된 운세 정보를 제공하고 있습니다.
각종 유명 운세사이트에서 제공하는 것과 동일한 신뢰성할 수 있는 운세 정보를 제공하고, 더불어 기존의 운세 사이트에서는 제공해주지 못한 기능들을 추가적으로 제공해주고 있습니다.
● 제공되는 운세 정보:
▶ 총운.
▶ 애정운
▶ 방향운
▶ 소망운
▶ 사업운/직장인
▶ 금전운
● 특징
▶ 운세 정보의 자체 내장으로 오프라인에서 사용 가능.
▶ 알아보기 쉬운 내용으로 구성.
▶ 여러 명의 사용자들을 등록, 각 사용자별 편리한 조회 기능.
▶ 그날의 운세.
내장하고 있는 운세 정보는 유명 운명 철학자들의 경험과 감수를 통해 만들어진 검증된 정보이며, 각종 유명 운세사이트에서 유료로 제공하는 것과 동일한 내용을 제공하고 있습니다.
● 그날의 운세란?
오늘의 운세뿐 아니라 특별히 원하는 날의 운세를 미리 볼 수 있는 기능입니다.
● 자평명리학이란?
명리학이란 인간 운명의 이치를 연구하는 학문이며 일생의 길흉화복을 판단하는 학문입니다. 자평 명리학은 이러한 명리학중에서도 최고의 학문으로 인정받고 있으며, 중국 송나라 때 이전 운명 판단의 적중률에 대한 문제를 해결하기 위해 창안되었습니다.
자평명리학은 기존의 이론에서 사용되지 않았던 획기적인 시도와 새로운 이론을 통해 운명 철학 이론의 적중률을 매우 높임으로써, 운명 철학의 수준을 한 단계 발전시킨 큰 계기가 되었습니다.
이후 수 많은 학자들의 노력을 통해 계속적으로 발전해 동양 최고의 운명 철학으로 평가 받고 있습니다.
● 주의 사항
▶ 동양의 운명 철학은 음력을 기준으로 하며, 운세 정보에서 언급되는 월은 음력의 월을 말하므로 양력의 월과는 차이를 가집니다. 대체적으로 음력의 월은 양력보다 한 달 정도 느립니다.
▶ 운명 철학이 모든 경우에 구체적으로 다 맞을 수는 없습니다. 같은 운을 가지고 있어도 사는 지역이 다르고, 살아가는 주변 환경이 다르고, 유전인자와 체질이 다르기 때문입니다. 하지만 우리가 사회 생활을 함에 있어 좋고 나쁨을 판단하는데 있어 운명 철학은 많은 도움이 될 수 있으니 참고로 하시길 바랍니다.
You Park 3.0(Navigation)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
FREE for a limited time.
Very accurate GPS
You would never hear about those 1000 miles away tagging.Photo tagging
Remember your spot/parking section or anything you wish.Voice Recording
To remind you your parking spot.Parking Timer
To warn you when your parking timer expires.- Embedded Google Maps for easy access.
- Choice of Accuracy level
- Simple, elegant and user-friendly interface.
- Shake to reset
Now where did I park my car?
How many times has it happened that you try so hard to find a parking spot on a side street or a huge airport car-park, or just a parking-lot, only to forget where you parked when you come back 2 hours or worse, 2 days later!
No more remembering cross streets, building names, lot numbers and colors.
Simple but a life saver! A perfect parking companion
Worry about one less thing with You Park.
Directions to Users
- When there is no clear view of the sky/ or when near tall building (in downtowns), this application is not efficient or as is any GPS device. set the accuracy to a large number and try again if you still want this app to mark the spot.
- When in a parking-lot with no obstructions (tall buildings around), set the accuracy to the default 20 meters or less. You Park will take you right to your car.
- Shake hard to reset and start over.
If the accuracy level it set to a lower number, the time required to achieve the desired accuracy will increase. When there is no clear view of the sky, it might never achieve accuracy levels as low as 20 meters. Nevertheless in such situations, setting higher accuracy numbers might mark the spot.
Please feel free to contact us @ purplehazeapps@gmail.com with your feedback to make this application better and convenient for you.
Paddle-Ball 2.1(Sports)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Special introduction Offer - the game is free for 1 week
An amaizing new game, allowing you a realistic game of beach paddles in the comfort of your home or office.
Just use your iPhone like a paddle, and swing at a virtual ball.
You can play alone, hitting a ball coming from a virtual friend, or play with a real friend holding an iPhone
Game includes realistic sound, voice and animation
iPet Finder 1.2(Utilities)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Looking for your new BEST FRIEND?
A dog to walk with in the park, a cat to sit on your lap, a horse or rabbit to round out your farm, or that little lizard that your kids want for their room.
iPet Finder lets you find that next pet from right next door or from across the country.
All animals listed are adoptable from RESCUES and SHELTERS and are in need of a good home.
You browse by animal, bred, size and see photos and a description of each animal along with links to contact the rescue or shelter.
A map pinpoints where you need to go to get that new BEST FRIEND.
By adopting a rescued animal you can save it from an unknown future. Millions of animals are put down each year. Saving just one will make a difference.
Search from over 300,000 animals including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, reptiles and birds. You can locate animals near your location and see where they are on a map. Search from over 150,000 dogs from 220 breeds and 140,000 cat from 120 breeds.
Find the pet you want right near you and see the location on a map.
Simply click the about link to get detailed and comprehensive information about the breed you are interested in.
Simply send a link from any pet to a friend, post it on your FACEBOOK wall, or TWEET it with your circle of followers.
Camera ClickMe 1.2(Photography)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
FREE only until this Friday.. First app to let you take your own picture or with a friend automatically, with voice guided prompts to help position the camera to best fit yourself inside a configurable view frame using innovative face detection technology, and then lets you get ready with the perfect smile to get that PERFECT photo, and then add any of HUNDREDS of funny or themed shapes on your photo, annotate with rich text captions, or decorate with one of several frames.
Concentrate on that perfect pose instead of getting yourself in the frame.
Handpicked App on Yappler
iPhoneography says: "Over all this is one of the best and easiest to use self-portrait apps currently available for the iPhone, as it ensures you get your shot everytime.?
What I really like about this app is the way it talks to you whilst taking a self portrait, telling you to move your iPhone, up, down, left or right, and then saying "smile" just before snapping your photo"
What Users are saying:
*** Finally.......no more crappy self portraits***
*** Genius ****
*** Must Have App ***
*** Fun with photos. Perfect for the holidays ***
Contact us at info@animagik.com for any help, suggestions or feedback
No more ugly close-ups, surprised expressions, half faces, face stuck in a corner or fuzzy because of a shake. Let "Camera ClickMe" take your photo for you and get a perfect photo every time!!
Unlike other apps using face detection technology, which just take a photo without any feedback, this one is unique in:
- letting you define your expected position in the photo
- 2 face mode lets you take you and your friend together
- asks you to "smile" before it clicks to get the best picture you would want giving you time to get ready for the picture.
- gives you voice feedback to move the phone to the best position to get the photo to fit the frame you want.
- checks for shakes and stabilizes your final picture
- 2 face mode to capture you and your friends together.
- Stabilization mode to prevent photo shaking.
- Voice prompts guide you to fit your face accurately in a customizable frame.
- Portrait and Landscape mode capture.
- Text annotations for captions with a library of colorful text objects:
- Thought & speeech bubbles
- Plain text on transparent background.
- Shapes to decorate your photos
- Emoticons, Balloons & dozens of others
- Face Accessories
- Mustaches
- Beards and Goatees
- Masks
- Sunglasses and Frames
- Photo frames: to frame your valuable pictures.
- Facebook integration: Share your funny captions or your face decorations with your friends.
- Decorate not just self portraits but any photo and share with your friends.
- Use it as a mirror to see how you appear.
- Email your photo creations to your friends.
How to Use
Select Face Capture mode or manual Capture or Load from Camera Roll
In face capture mode the phone beeps until it detects a face in the frame, after which you are prompted to move the phone left, right, up, down or farther to fit your face accurately in the frame. Once it fits it will prompt you to smile and get ready for the picture.
When capturing 2 people, select the Two Faces option.
After the photo is taken you can add text captions, shapes and frames and save it locally, email, or publish to Facebook.
Talk Backwards! (BackTalk) 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Sometimes the world sounds better backwards!
Have fun saying your friends names backwards! It is amazing how many events sound better when played backwards. Boring staff meeting? Listen to a few minutes of your boss talking backwards! College lecture a bit dry? Listen to a few minutes of it backwards! Political speech? Listen to it backwards!
Send voice E-mail messages up to 5 minutes long to your friends, spouse, and co-workers. Send messages forwards, backwards, or both!
Great fun for people who want to:
- Hear themselves or their friends backwards
- Learn to say their friend's names backwards
- Practice talking backwards
- Look for hidden messages in music
- Listen to part of an event (piano recital, political speech, etc.) backwards.
- Have something they just have to say, but dare not say it forwards!
BackTalk is a high quality voice memo recorder that allows you to make recordings up to 5 minutes in length, and then play them back either forwards or backwards.
Back Talk includes an interface to the RelayPhone E-mail forwarding service, which sends recordings via E-mail as .WAV attachments - forwards, backwards, or both.
NOTE: iPod Touch second generation requires external earbud microphone accessory. iPhone will not record or playback recordings during phone calls.
For more information about RelayPhone usage terms and policies, please refer to http://www.appliedvoices.com/RelayPhone/usageguidelines.pdf
GROUND EFFECT 1.2(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Ground Effect in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and today only
Silky Smooth Arcade Racer - Unique, Simple, Fast. Set on the smoothest, most detailed landscape yet seen on the iPhone. Youtube Search "Ground Effect iPhone" or follow the link to my site for the gameplay video.
"visually stunning with extremely impressive draw distance and silky smooth framerates... The game has a really great sense of speed and movement as you find yourself bobbing over surfaces trying to make the best time, and level designs are also varied and enjoyable...the game is great fun and has kept me coming back" - TouchArcade
"What stood out to us in this game first and foremost are the stunning graphics. The environments are very beautifully rendered, and the contrails behind your skimmer serve two purposes. One is to give you an idea of the flight path of your opponents, and the other is to look really, really cool" - Slide to Play
"Its pedigree is impeccable. Created by Glenn Corpes, the legendary coder of Bullfrog and EA UK games in the 1990s, it looks great, and the accelerometer controls are a delicate combination of solid and sensitive... Like WipEout, the best levels become somewhat Zen-like" - Pocket Gamer
"Anyone who likes racing games and wants something a little different than the usual auto-racing type of game should check out Ground Effect" - cnet
Ground Effect is one of the most fun, exhilarating, addictive & visually impressive games to arrive at the App Store. Think flying, think driving, think racing, then think again! Skim land and seacapes in your high performance ekranoplan at low altitude and breakneck speed, supported by a cushion of air.
Ground Effect is set on a series of scenic, deserted islands, rich in green foliage and dramatic natural features including steep cliffs, winding coastal paths, blue lagoons and breathtaking skies. On each level, terrain varies between challenging courses dodging between rocks and islets and clinging to winding mountain roads.
Developed exclusively for the iPhone and iPod Touch and inspired by ekranoplan technology, Ground Effect boasts incredible 3D graphic detail and the gameplay itself will appeal to lovers of fast-paced, competitive action games as well as those who prefer something more sedate and relaxing.
- 14 challenging levels
- Choice of 10 Ground Effect craft
- Touch or accelerometer controls
- Stunning terrains - courses over land and sea - spanning 70 km2
- Attain speeds of over 400 kmh
- Throttle speed & boost controls
- High score recording
- Replay mode - take over and perfect your performance at any point
- Ghost race - race against your own fastest time
- Free roaming ? explore at will
- Huge draw distance
- Sensitive and intuitive flight controls
- Enjoy the in-game music or listen to your iPod
Ground Effect features “A Rock in a Pond”, an amazingly atmospheric track by Diefenbach, from their latest album "Dark Spinner", combined with dramatic sound effects.
iBlastaBall 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
iBlast-a-Ball is a fun and original game for a wide audience of gamers. Whether you like popping balls, shooting a blaster, or balancing your iPhone with precision, this game has it all!
Tilt the iPhone to move the blaster up and down using the built-in accelerometer and tap anywhere on the screen to fire the blaster. The blaster automatically reloads with a random colored projectile which can only ignite balls with a matching color. When you hit a ball with a different color it will change to the color of the projectile.
Features 4 different power ups, color bombs and 3 difficulty modes. You can save your progress at anytime simply by closing the game.
If you have any technical problems please contact us at support@xartec.com or use the form on our Contact Us page at www.xartec.com/iblastaball
App Idea Pro 1.0(Business)[iTunes]
Price: $9.99 -> Free
To celebrate our first birthday, we bring you App Idea Pro FREE for 72 hours. Enjoy!
(reg. $9.99)
App Idea Pro is the essential tool for app developers. Find out if your idea is actually worth developing!
Submit, Browse, Rate, and Comment on ideas for new apps. And get live feedback on your ideas from users around the world, just like in the App Store.
App Idea Pro is the only idea database that lets you keep all the intellectual property rights to your great idea. So when you develop it, you get 100% of the profit. Cool? We know.
"Highly recommended!" (Carseneault)
Apple's App Store now boasts over 100,000 apps, which users download more than 100 million times every month.
You can get in on that action. But before you spend thousands developing your idea, get market research with App Idea Pro and take some risk out of the game.
We are building a community of users who provide honest, high-quality feedback to make the App Store even better.
"Now that I've used it, I couldn't develop without it." (StephyBoo5)
- Submit your app idea and get live feedback from other iPhone and iPod touch users.
- Keep the rights to your ideas, and take 100% of the profit if you develop them.
- Rate other users' ideas to earn more idea submissions (rate 5, earn 1).
- Browse a complete database of other app ideas, and get inspired!
- Tap "Updates" in the app to stay in touch with us and get news on future developments.
- Do all this with a simple, professional interface that's quick and easy to use.
Here's to the next 100,000 great apps! Now take a look at some of the best ideas already submitted using App Idea Pro.
- MythBusters Library (5-stars) a searchable database of myths, confirmed and busted, from the team's experiments.
- Apple Berry (4-stars) allowing iPhone users and Blackberry users to exchange instant (non-SMS) messages, like Ping!
- Pool Doctor (4-stars) to help maintain chlorine, PH balance, etc. in swimming pools.
- Eye Test (4-stars) a medical app with eye tests, descriptions of eye conditions, and medical solutions.
- Plus many, many more!
Take the first step toward your dream of owning a top-selling app. Download today.
Free Boston 3.2(Travel)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Special promotion: Free Boston app is now available free for a limited time!
Bostinnovation recently names Free Boston as one of the top 10 apps for Boston!
No other place in the US compares to the richness of American history of its revolution. The city of Boston is a rich historic, academic and cultural center of the New England region. It is one of the ten most popular tourist locations in United States and attracts millions of visitors every year from around the world.
Free Boston provides dozens of listings for free exhibits, museum admissions, tours and events in and around the city of Boston! For each listing you will find the phone number, address, web URL and other relevant information to help you plan the free trip or visit.
The app lets you mark your favorite items and go through just the favorites in a separate tab. Just touch the star in the list or on the details page to add to the favorites. You can make new suggestions (please do, it is much appreciated) and report errors/updates to information. Periodic updates will include newer listings and corrections to the listings.
Free Boston is a matter of providing you valuable information, not price. To understand the concept, you should think free as in free speech not as in free beer! That is why Free Boston is nominally priced!
Free Boston is part of a series of apps that include Free London, Free San Francisco, Free Los Angeles(LA), Free New York City(NYC), Free Paris, Free Rome and Free Toronto. Also coming soon: Free Hawaii.
PicHunt Snowboarding 1.0(Sports)[iTunes]
Price: Free
Jirbo presents PicHunt Snowboarding!
Part of the Jirbo Social Gaming Network, with 17MM+ downloads world wide!
Yet another classic pichunt game from your friends at Jirbo. Celebrate one of the most enjoyable snowy mountain sports ever -- join in the spirit of this year's Winter Olympics and check out professional snowboarders, wanna-be's and everyone inbetween hit the slopes and try to pick out the differences between two seemingly identical photos.
Special Offer! FREE!
- Perfect for the snowboarder in all of us!
- Utilizes iPhone/iPod Touch's unique multi-touch capabilities!
- Look sharp and try to find the 5 differences before time expires!
- Just getting started? Tap on a hint -- you have 3!
- Amazing artwork done by Jirbo's professional graphic designers!
- Professional music and sound effects!
- Compete on the worldwide highscores list!
Push Penny 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Free for a limited time.
Relive the experience of Push Penny with 30 levels of this challenging and innovative game.
Push Penny uses the iPhones and iPod Touches accelerometer to tap the penny into the scoring zones.
Try to get the pennies into the scoring zones using as few taps as possible.
Good Luck.
- Use your finger to grab and drag the penny so that it is hanging over the edge of the table at the bottom of the phone screen.
- Tap the end of the iPod/iPhone (where the charging cable connects) to push the penny along the table. Just like you are trying to tap a real penny.
- Try to get the penny to stop inside the scoring zones.
Please take care of your iPhone or iPod Touch, this game requires you to tap the end of your device. Make sure that you hold it tightly.
Ace Glow Brick Breaker 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Ace Glow Brick Breaker is glow style brick-breaking game, two amazing game modes deliver endless excitement: Classic and Target, you can pick up 5 unique power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...
Key Game Features
- Classic mode - Break all bricks to complete 20 level.
- Target mode - Break all target bricks to complete 20 levels.
- Super power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...
- Great controls - gently slide or tap your fingers on the screen to break the bricks
Coolibah -- Digital Scrapbooking 1.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]
Price: $4.99 -> Free
A fun way to get creative with your iPhone photos!
Robin B., Albuquerque, NM
If you like to scrapbook...you will love Coolibah!! - Cora R. North Benton, Ohio
If you're like me, you've already collected a few hundred photos on your iPhone that you're going to "do something" with someday. Let's face it, when you finally manage to get a few minutes of quality time at your computer, scrapbooking your iPhone photos is probably pretty far down on your list.
But with the release of Coolibah, all that has changed. Now you can scrapbook anywhere, anytime! Coolibah lets you create beautiful, high resolution pages using your iPhone photos and hundreds of gorgeous scrapbooking kits from talented designers like:
Amy Teets
Laura James
Danielle Young
… and many others
So install it today and you can start filling those "lost" minutes spent waiting for your kids at the doctor's office, the dentist's office, at gymnastics, baseball, or soccer with something that's fun and productive.
Coolibah features include:
multiple scrapbooks with multiple pages
slideshow mode
pages with unlimited photos, elements, and text
50+ built-in fonts to choose from
SmartPalette™ color chooser
move, size, and rotate elements anywhere on the page
control element overlap with forward and back controls
drop shadows
choose from 100+ (and growing) premium scrapbooking kits in the Coolibah Gallery™
export pages in iPhone (480 x 320 pixel) or high (1056 x 690 pixel) resolution
For more information or to see a demo video of Coolibah in action, visit our web site (www.coolibah.me).
Adam’s Trouble Full 1.2(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Free for a limited time
Trapped in the deep down darkness of the underworld, is a cute little creature “Adam”! Who is waiting for YOU, to rescue him from the life threatening challenges. Thrilling, panicking and even suffocating at times, this rescue task is strictly not for amateurs; so be prepared to prove your might as Adam’s trouble is the toughest challenge you have ever faced on your Iphone.
There are various valves, dripping pipes, slimy liquids and dangerous creatures around him. The only way to come out is to open the valves; but beware of the misleading valves or you might end up in hell!
Move and navigate by stretching Adam’s tail and try to keep him safe from the enemies around. But it’s not only about moves, use your brain at the same time to open the right valves, kill or dodge the enemies, free up his friends, use the power ups and finally go to the open exit door safely.
Full version of Adam’s Trouble offers 25 levels of Horrifying experience, spooky places, creepiest enemies, troubled friends, jails, locks, keys, Toxic liquids and gases. Good enough to test your nerves or may be to blow them out!!
If you consider yourself a hardcore Iphone gamer, check this out to get rid of your misconceptions.
Play THE TOUGHEST GAME EVER on Iphone, Hmmm…. Are you still thinking or you have already made up your mind to play it?
Warning: Be prepared to get frustrated
Guarantee: This is game which will make you speak @&^#@#.
CloxX 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
"What is your highscore? Find out! The more you think before you click, the further you will advance in levels - but watch out - the clock is ticking...".
CloxX is a great exponent of Same Games like Bejeweled.
The objective is to clear the screen via tab. If adjoining pairs or whole groups of "CloxX" of the same color appear, select them via tab and with a second tab they will disappear. The more disappear at one time the higher your score. Somtimes you might find a bomb which enables you to delete "CloxX" regardless of their color.
But be careful: If there are still "CloxX" left at the end of a level, you will lose one life for each remaining one. You start out with 10 lives. But hurry - time is of the essence.
- Animated "CloxX"
- Optimized for color-blind people
- OpenFeint integration with:
- HighScore list
- Friends list
- Chat
Created with Cocos2d
Developed by Tim Muders
Eco Punk 1.0.4(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
✩ “I really can’t recommend it enough...perfect for pick-up-and-play gaming.” 148apps.com ✭✭✭✭½
✩ “E-Punk is simply amazing in every aspect of the game. It’s also the most addicting game in the App Store” AppAdvice.com ✭✭✭✭½
✩ "fantastic new action shooter ... Eco Punk quickly sucks the player in!” AppSmile.com ✭✭✭✭✭
✩ "extremely fun and unique!" Nodpad.com
✩ "The second you start up the game you’ll see there is no other game like it!" Thebombsauce.com
✩ Featured by Apple under new and newsworthy! Sweet:)
✩ E-Punk is already in the top 50 paid adventure & Top 100 paid action games! Wicked:)
If you experience any bugs please contact us immediately at beta@nitako.com!
From the creators of Rasta Monkey, featured by Apple under "Best Swinging Games", comes the next unique masterpiece - E-Punk! Pick it up now at this sweet intro price!
Take the role of the eco-friendly blood-thirsty skateboarding punk bunny. Defend your neighborhood from pollution by cleaning up the streets and blowing up polluting vehicles in a raging killing spree... what what? BLOWING UP VEHICLES TO SAVE THE ENVIROMENT?! Let this raging environmentalist blow you away with some REALLY AWESOME AVOIDANCE & SHOOTING ACTION.
-- Features --
✱ Highly original and addictive, pick-up-and-play action
✱ Intuitive and innovative touchpad controls, specially designed for the iPhone!
✱ 3 different & addictive gameplay modes
✱ Adjust control speed sensitivity
✱ Stunning stylish pre-baked isometric 3d art!
✱ One level that starts easy and becomes very hard a-la doodle jump , let’s see for how long can you survive!
✱ Rude and insulting voice talent, designed to make you ROFL.
✱ Original Hardcore rock soundtrack or Listen to your own music in game!
✱ 7 types of enemy vehicles!
✱ 4 types of power ups!
✱ Hippie motorcycle boss!
✱ Eco Punk is Open Feint enabled with high scores and achievements
✱ Tons of garbage to collect;)
Now let’s clean up these streets!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Nitako
New facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nitako-Games/298151443684
Website: www.nitako.com
Cross Game 2.0.1(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Cross Game is now free!
Check out my youtube demo at http://joeisanerd.com/apps/crossgame/
You like puzzles?
Are you ready for a challenge?
Challenge yourself with this classic cross solitaire game. With 30 different puzzle layouts you will be busy trying them all.
Game Play:
Chromes pieces are the "pegs". You can tap a chrome peg to jump an adjacent piece (horizontally or vertically) if there is an open spot on the other side of the adjacent piece. When tapping a peg if there is only one place it can go, then it will immediately go there.
If there is more than one place it can go, then each of those possible locations will be highlighted. Tap a highlighted spot to confirm your move.
Board layout and time elapsed are saved on exit. Best times saved automatically.
All of the layouts in this version can be solved done to 1 piece.
Do you have what it takes?
Note: as is the case with a number of apps if the app seems to crash on open, then reboot your iPhone or iPod touch. I may be that there is not enough memory available for the app to run.
Bug Fix coming. When you first download the program and pass the first 2 layouts it doesn't go passed the second layout. The fix for right now is to close the program and reopen it or just tap More and select the next puzzle.
Scoops - Ice Cream Fun For Everyone 2.3(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Free for a limited time for Dizzypad Awareness Month
Stack your ice cream cone high into the sky by tilting the phone left and right, catching as many scoops as you can while avoiding the vegetables (veggies ARE great apart from icecream!). The higher you go, the faster they fall, and the more wobbly your tower! Stack similar colors together for extra points.
Can you stack your cone past the MOON? Throw on some tunes in iPod, and start stacking! Scoops is fun for kids and adults alike, everyone in the family can take a turn.
"Scoops acheives what almost every game should have, simple but immesely fun gameplay. Not is it just good fun, this game will have you flicking through your home screen’s right back to it." - iPhoneAppReviewer.com
- Daily world wide leaderboard
- Tilt based controls
- Color matching bonuses
- Local high scores
- Pause on touch, and during iPod controls
- Send scores to friends
Alien Glyphs 1.1.2(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Best October statistics:
Top-5 paid puzzles in five countries including US
Top-25 paid arcades in twenty-five countries including US
In fact, this puzzle game has the feature set of apps well above it’s price point. It’s easy to see why the App Store reviews are overwhelmingly positive. - AppCraver
With its attractive graphical style, simple gameplay, and exciting power-ups and power-downs, Alien Glyphs is poised to take its place as one of the app store’s newest puzzle phenoms... - AppSmile
"Game quickly changes your perception of the genre by adding flavor and much more to present to you something surprisingly delightful for your gaming pleasure. Now there seems to be one game that wants to break the mold, Alien Glyphs." - Mobile TechReview
"Alien Glyphs is an interesting new perception/matching game that has you exercising your mind in a surprisingly pressure-filled scenario... the real strength of the game is the individual mental challenge it presents in what is a seemingly simple task." - Touch Arcade
Alien Glyphs presents an original conception of an arcade survival game, which gives you the chance to meld with mysterious hieroglyphs of an alien race. While playing you have to find glyph pairs in the allotted time, activate power-ups, fight against mutators and escape penalties. You can train all your attention and reflexes to razor edged sharpness.
Play just for fun or train yourself to grandmaster skills! Earn achievements and challenge your friends on the OpenFeint social network! Submit your best scores and compete with the best players all over the world! Listen to an outstanding in-game sound track or play along with your favorite iTunes music!
Alien Glyphs is a puzzle-based arcade game. The goal is simple but challenging - to find the pair for each target glyph on the alien control panel and then strike it. You have a limited time for each glyph. If the time expires another glyph appears on the bar. If the bar is filled with glyphs, the game is over. Power-ups and penalties can slow down or speed up the timer, mutate or mix glyphs, and more. For each completed game you have the option to create challenges and send them to your friends.
★ Infinite survival challenge
★ Multiplayer up to four players (Bluetooth & WiFi)
★ Voice notifications
★ Four gameplay modes -- Survival, Quick Play, Time Attack and Count Down
★ Four Difficulty levels
★ OpenFeint ready (including 20+ achievements and two challenge modes)
★ Perfect suitability for touch controls
★ Personal and Worldwide high-score boards
★ Hi-score progression in real-time (both personal and worldwide)
★ Eight different visual themes
★ Complete tutorial
★ In-game news
Visit homepage VKlimov.com for gameplay video and trailer.
Secret of Lost Pyramid 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
★ Check Web Site vklimov.com for Gameplay Video! ★
"With its terrific graphics, great music, and exciting game play, Secret of Lost Pyramid is one Uno clone that’s worth its weight in Mayan gold. Worth the dollar and fun to boot, Secret of Lost Pyramid is a 5-Dimple gem." (AppSmile)
Ancient maya pyramid keeps its secrets. You have to help archaeologists to find the store treasures. To get there, you need to challenge ancient pyramid guards and win 41 jade stones fighting against them in the ancient card game.
★ Exciting and not complicated game play
★ Campaign with three episodes.
★ Full 3D graphic
★ Three different arenas
★ Ethnic soundtracks
★ Suitable for children
★ OpenFeint 2.4 ready
At the beginning of the game you and guard get some playing colored tiles with signs on it. Players one by one place tiles on the altar if player tile matches with current tile by color or by sign (except some special tiles). The winner is the one who first drops all his tiles.
iPhone or iPod Touch, firmware 3.0
PlayForMe 2.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
PlayForMe is an artificial human speech generating application, can transforms any given text into speech in real time.
This new version free for 5 days. ?
PlayForMe literally reads any given English text. The default mail voice with this application is too natural and smooth.
You can write whatever you want using English alphabet, PlayForMe will transforms that into human voice and play for you.
Fetcher of voice modification also available with this version.
Make fun with your friends, children, little brothers or sisters.