오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100304

2010/03/04 09:42


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 24개의 어플이 올라왔다. 아주 고가의 어플은 눈에 띄지 않지만 나름 대로 건질만한 어플은 조금 있다. 먼저 CleverGo Pro는 무료 어플이 아니다. 평상시 5불에서 현재 1불로 할인 판매하고 있는 바둑 어플이다. 한글을 지원하며 설명을 보면 아마추어 1단급의 기력이 구현됐다고 한다. 지원 언어를 한국어가 아닌 '조선어'라고 하는 것을 보면 북한에서 개발된 바둑 어플이 아닌가 싶다. 따라서 이 어플을 구입하면 "북한을 도왔다"는 죄목으로 국정원에서 수사할 수 있으니 유의하기 바란다.

Peep-A-Boo, uMask, iSick, TeamViewer, Quotes Box Pro, Light Up!, Cinder, Tap Fish이 아니라 무료 어플로 올라온 것이다. 그런데 대부분 출시 기념 무료로 조만간 유료로 전환될 가능성이 많아 소개한다. 또 이들 중 TeamViewer는 상당히 괜찮은 원격 관리 어플이다. 보통 원격 관리라고 하면 윈도에서 지원하는 원격 데스크톱(Remote Desktop)과 VNC(Virtual Network Computing)를 많이 사용한다. 원격 데스크탑은 서버에 따로 프로그램을 설치하지 않아도 되기 때문에 편하긴 하지만 방화벽 뒤에 있을 때는 조금 불편하다.

VNC는 상당히 다양한 운영체제를 지원하는 원격 관리 프로그램이지만 서버와 클라이언트를 따로 따로 설치해야 하는 불편함이 있다. TeamViewer는 하나의 파일로 서버/클라이언트의 역할을 동시에 하는 상당히 강력한 VNC 프로그램이다. 서버 프로그램도 무료로 제공되며, 아이폰에서 서버에 접속할 수 있는 어플도 무료로 제공된다. 아직 한글 모아쓰기에 문제가 조금 있지만 상당히 괜찮은 어플이다.

uMaks는 이름처럼 사진을 조작할 수 있는 어플이다. 10 종류의 모자, 8종류의 머리등 다양한 옵션을 제공하지만 어플 개발자의 실수인 듯 펌웨어 3.1.3에서만 동작한다. 따라서 아직 3.1.2를 사용하는 사람은 굳이 내려받을 필요는 없다. iSick는 방귀 소리를 내는 어플이다. 조금 의외지만 앱 스토어의 어플 중 이런 방귀 어플도 의외로 많다. Toy Factory는 유치원생을 위한 게임이다. 산타를 도와 가능한 많은 장난감을 쌓는 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다.

Math Magic은 FreeAppaDay.com에서 제공하는 산수 게임 어플이다. 나름대로 좋은 평을 받는 게임 어플로 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Audio Job Interview Professional은 인터뷰 도움 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매된다. Squeezer는 긴 주소를 짧은 주소로 바꾸는 어플로 평상시 1불에 판매된다. 다만 이 어플이 얼마나 팔릴지는 의문이다. 사파리라면 북마클릿을 이용하면 주소를 줄일 수 있고, RSS 리더라면 자체에서 이 기능을 지원하기 때문이다.

Twins Snakes는 평상시 2불, 이틀간 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 전통적인 스네이크 게임으로 뱀이 딸기를 먹으면 커지는 게임이다. 워낙 유명한 게임이라 설명이 필요없을 듯하다. Camera Fun!은 사진에 다양한 효과를 부여할 수 있는 사진 어플이다. 다만 어플은 무료로 제공하지만 별로로 팩을 구매해야 하는 어플로 보인다. TWorldView는 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 지도 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

CleverGo Pro 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> $0.99

길가에서도 바둑을 즐기십시오!
아이폰안에 전문가급의 바둑프로그람 CleverGo Pro를 가지고다니면서 여가시간에 바둑을 하는 기쁨을 맛보십시오.

비여있는 판우에서 시작하여 일정한 지역을 둘러막는것을 목적으로 하는 단순한 규칙은 바둑을 복잡하면서도 흥미있게 이끌어갑니다. 장기나 오쎌로와 같이 전략적인 사고를 즐기시는 분이라면 틀림없이 바둑을 사랑하게 되실겁니다. 아마츄어 1단급의 강력한 기력이 구현된것으로 하여 CleverGo Pro는 겨루어볼만한 바둑상대로 되여줍니다. 하지만 사용자별로 등급이 선택가능하므로 전문선수뿐만이 아니라 초보자들에게도 훌륭한 게임입니다.

바둑판을 자동적으로 확대축소할수 있어 아이폰의 작은 화면에도 구애됨이 없이 편안하게 바둑을 즐기실수 있습니다. CleverGo Pro는 자동점수계산, 힌트, 물리기, 기보보관 및 재생 등의 기능으로 하여 사용자에게 친근감을 더해줍니다.


  • 9x9, 13x13, 19x19크기의 바둑판
  • 강력한 사고엔진
  • 빠른 응답시간
  • 자동점수계산
  • 3개의 선수등급
  • 덤, 놓기바둑
  • 힌트
  • 물리기
  • 기보보관 및 재생

조선어, 영어, 중어

Peep-A-Boo 1.1(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: Free


Peep-A-Boo is a camera application that enables you to take FULL SIZE pictures through a hidden, scaled down, viewfinder so that no one notices what you are doing!

Have you ever been in a classroom, in line somewhere, at a party, at the gym or in any public area and wanted to take an embarrassing picture of someone without anyone realizing it? Have you ever taken a picture and worried that people around you would think you’re weird? Well now you can take those pictures without anyone knowing!

Here is how Peep-A-Boo works:

  • Open the application and it’s ready to take pictures immediately
  • Use the scaled down viewfinder that is disguised as an icon located in the top left portion of your screen
  • Tap anywhere on the screen to capture a picture
  • So you don’t miss an opportunity, you have the ability to capture multiple quick pictures (by pressing anywhere on the screen multiple times) and give the images time to load after the moment has already passed
  • Pictures go directly into your camera roll

Make sure to silence your phone before taking a picture!

We area already working on future updates.

For questions, feedback, bug reports, and suggestions, please email report@peep-a-boo.com

DockScroll 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Version 1.1 Including Facebook Connect sharing has been submitted to the App Store. Get the current version for free until it arrives!

Transform your new iPhone dock into an interactive display with a large clock and current song information.

DockScroll is used while listening to music through your iPhone dock. The application displays, in full screen and large font, the song title, artist and album that is currently playing, together with a clock. You are able to view this information from a distance, for example:

  • while sitting in bed
  • driving in your car
  • sitting at your desk at work

The clock is displayed as a large image at the top of the screen, while the song, artist and album scroll across the screen underneath. The album cover is faded in the background, and a progress bar shows the duration of the song at the bottom.

Tapping the screen in the middle, pauses and starts the current song. Tapping on the left skips to the previous track, and tapping on the right skips to the next track.

DockScroll works with the native iPod App, and is fully compatible with any accessories or remotes that came with your dock.

Lockdown 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"There’s a soft spot in my heart somewhere that’s reserved specifically for old-school gaming, and Lockdown touches it." - No DPad

After suffering years in an alien detention facility, your day of rescue is here. Armed with a secretly constructed mech suit and stolen weaponry, you must plow through countless waves of warbots and alien scum to get to the landing pad to the escape ship waiting for you. In this exciting 2.5d sidescroller, you will either escape now or die trying.


  • Uses "Open Feint" for online "Leaderboards" and unlocking "Achievements"
  • "Campaign," "Survival," and "Immortal" modes
  • Ability to aim weapon
  • Exciting fast paced action
  • Deadly arsenal of 5 guns and "swipe screen" grenade throwing
  • Easy control scheme
  • Auto-save feature which allows you to continue your progress at your convenience
  • Beautiful 3d graphics, music, and sound effects.

http://www.mehware.com for gameplay video.

Forest and Farm Animals 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Special Offer: NOW 50% OFF ? only for short time!

This high-value learning program will playfully introduce your children to the animals of the woods and farms. The program has been tested by experts in the fields of education and psychology and it proves to be beneficial to the development of your children. It is possible to scroll the drawn landscape and to click on animals individually. The information provided for each animal includes its name, sound and a short video. In addition, toddlers have the chance to discover the program by using a special “toddler mode”, where the keys are bigger and no scrolling is necessary to play the videos.

Toy Factory ? Christmas Edition v1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

A new game just for pre-schoolers and young kids! Help Santa and his elves build as many toys as possible, in time for Christmas. Hurry! Santa needs to deliver all the toys to kids around the world and time is running out.

Ducks, Cars, Trains, Dolls and Robots MUST be assembled in the correct order or else many kids won’t get any toys this Christmas.

Don't just sit there, you need to beat the clock!

As you master each level, you will face tougher challenges as you move along the assembly line.

Working for Santa isn’t as easy as you think!

Toy Factory is the perfect fun learning game for young kids. It's loads of fun, with charming animated toys, annoyingly helpful little elves, intuitive drag & drop game play and an original soundtrack.

We created Toy Factory in the spirit of Christmas, giving you the chance to be Santa’s Little Helper this festive season.

See how kids loved the game during our user tests: http://vimeo.com/8306999

We truly hope you’ll enjoy building toys in the Toy Factory. Merry Christmas!

uMask 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free


uMask is a funny app that allows you to easily create personalized masks and caricatures directly with your iPhone, only using your imagination and touch!

Take a photo of you or someone else, or choose one from your photo library and creatE your own exclusive masks and caricatures adding lots of gadgets upon your photo!!!

Thanks to the easy but powerful interface, you can add, move, resize and rotate all image gadges, including:

  • 10 hats
  • 16 hair types
  • 8 beards
  • 8 mustaches
  • 4 sideburns
  • 8 glasses models
  • 8 jewels
  • 8 smoking gadgeds (cigars, cigarettes and pipes…)
  • text with customizable font, size and color.

You can change in any moment the layer order to create surprising superimposition effects.

Hold your device in portrait orientation: you can drag the gadgets with a single finger, or resize/rotate them with two fingers.

Rotate your device in landscape orientation: you can finely adjust gadget position using high precision sliders.

Finally, save your funny creations (at a resolution 720x960) in your photo library and directly share them to your mail and Facebook contacts with a single tap!!!

uMask is officially released for iPhone 3GS with OS 3.1.2 and 3.1.3. Beta tests have been performed also with iPhone 3G and iPod Touch (clearly without the use of camera), but uMask cannot yet be fully guaranteed for such devices.

Please, before leaving a bad review report bugs and/or problems to


we will try to accomplish any request with regular updates!!!


iSick: Just Disgusting 1.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Free for a limited time only!

iSick is absolutely positively the most disgusting app ever to hit the App Store! Gross out your friends and horrify your family with the most repulsive fart, burp, belch, cough and vomit sounds you have ever heard. With iSick, Not only can you prank your friends and family, you can also relive your favourite moments from “Ferris Bueller's Day Off” as you call in sick with these convincingly nauseating sounds.

If you like iFart you’ll love iSick ? not only does it have over 20 of the most sickening sounds it also features a fully customised interface complete with animated backgrounds. iSick includes many features, some of which are new to the digital sound machine genre.

Q: the revolutionary Q feature allows you to queue up your five favourite sounds to play on demand without having to search for them. These sounds can also be played in quick succession to create a symphony of disgust! To use the Q simply find the sounds you like on the list and press the Q+ (Q add) button. When you have selected your favourites, you can play or edit your Q from the Qv (Q View) page.

Countdown: Simply select a sound on the list, set a time, and let one rip!

Random: Surprise yourself and everyone around you with a random disgusting sound. Either shake your phone or press the random button for a big surprise.

Trouble Shooting:
If you are having trouble hearing the sounds, simply turn your phone off silent or turn the volume up!

Get more iSick info here:






TeamViewer 5.0.7939(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: Free

TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access to PCs and Macs.

TeamViewer is already used by more than 60,000,000 happy users worldwide and with the TeamViewer App for iPhone and iPod Touch you are able to:

  • spontaneously support your family and friends
  • have access to your own computer with all of its documents and installed applications


  • Both spontaneous support and remote access to unattended computers are possible
  • Convenient control via multi-touch gestures: left click, right click, drag & drop, scroll wheel, zoom, change monitor complete keyboard incl. special keys such as Ctrl, Alt, Windows®
  • reboot the remote computer
  • automatically decrease the screen resolution of the remote computer
  • integrated partner list - see which computer or partner is online
  • trouble-free use behind firewalls and proxy servers
  • highest security standards: 256 Bit AES Session Encoding, 1024 Bit RSA Key Exchange


TeamViewer is free for personal use, i.e. that you can use TeamViewer completely free of charge to access your private computers or to help your friends with their computer problems.

For a commercial use in a professional environment, please look for TeamViewer Pro in the AppStore.?

Quick guide

  1. Install and start TeamViewer from the AppStore
  2. Install and start TeamViewer on your PC or Mac (www.teamviewer.com)
  3. Enter your PC's or Mac's ID and password directly in the TeamViewer interface on your iPhone / iPod Touch to connect.

Note: Additional quick guides for different applications can be found at www.teamviewer.com/iphone

Quotes Box Pro 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: Free


Have you ever wondered what greatest minds of mankind would say about one aspect of life or another? What Albert Einstein thinks about love and what Thomas Edison thinks about education. Here with this app you get a chance to explore the thoughts of the most prominent citizens of the world throughout our history.

Another worthwhile mentioning feature of this app is a very simple user interface. Every quote appears on a separate screen in a large font making your reading experience more pleasant. In order to move to the next quote you will simply have to slide your finger across the screen from bottom to the top, as if flipping a real page. In order to go back simply slide your finger across from top to the bottom of the screen.

This application contains up to 10 000 carefully selected quotes on different topics ranging from love to science. You will have a chance to explore what different people would have said regarding different aspects of life and draw you own conclusions and make decisions with the help of their guidance through this application.

The short list of topics presented in this application includes:

Art, Death, Dreams, Education, Friendship, Life, Love, Politics, Religion, Science, Society, War and many other!

The list of authors presented in this app is so large that we will only mention some of them:

Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Theodore Roosevelt, Pablo Picasso, Bernard Shaw, Collin Powell, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, John F. Kennedy, Leonardo da Vinci and many, many others.

For every topic we’ve included a number of authors and their thoughts to give you a chance to explore the diversity of viewpoints because every person is different in his or her views of the world.

This app will also come in handy when you are on the move. Now instead of wasting time in transit you have the chance to explore the wonders of general knowledge directly from the thoughts of scientists, philosophers, writers and many other beautiful and influential minds of our world.

"Poetry is nearer to virtual truth than history" ? Plato
"Nature does nothing uselessly" ? Aristotle


Light Up! 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Introduction week FREE!!!

"Light Up" is a fun puzzle game. You play the puzzle by positioning and rotating various kinds of mirrors to reflect/deflect/filter color light. A puzzle is solved when all the light bulbs are lit by the same color light.

  • Drag and drop to move mirrors
  • Move circle around mirror to rotate
  • Pinch or double-tap to zoom in/out
  • Shake to replay a level
  • 30 challenging levels
  • Beautiful graphics
  • No time limit
  • No locked level

Cinder 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Cinder is the best mobile client for uploading photos and web snaps to the Ember image service. With Cinder, you can quickly snap a picture, add a title, give it a rating and tag it for upload. Once uploaded, you can then share a link to the image via Email, several popular Twitter clients, or just copy the link to the clipboard to paste into other applications. You can also snap web pages and upload them to Ember.


  • Uploading of images to Ember
  • Taking Web Snaps of webpages for uploading to Ember
  • Adding Title, Rating, Description and Tags before uploading to Ember
  • Multiple Ember Accounts Support
  • Share snaps via Tweetie, Twitterrific, Twitterfon and Birdhouse
  • Share snaps via in-app Email
  • Gorgeous Interface

Tap Fish 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

LIMITED TIME ONLY: Get second tank for free and 50 coins to start

Welcome to Tap Fish, you are only taps away from owning multiple aquariums, where you can decide what fish to grow, to sell, and to breed!

Raise beautiful baby Clown Fish, feed them to see them grow, and decorate your tanks with exotic tropical plants and sea reefs. Easy and simple as 1-2-3. (Don’t forget to clean your tanks!)

But what do you get when you breed?

Blowfish + Clown Fish = ?

Piranha + Yellow Longnose = ?

Leafy Sea Dragon + Longfin Bannerfish = ?


  • 8 starter fish, 27+ exotic marine life including killer whales, sharks and sting rays
  • buy, feed, love, sell and revive your fish to gain experience
  • breed your fish to your heart content and for extra coins
  • level up to 50 tanks and 50 levels
  • 11+ backgrounds including Atlantis and Stonehenge
  • 40+ decorations and plants: sea reefs, caves, mermaids, sunken ship and castles!
  • visit neighbor's tanks and level up to become "featured" neighbor tanks

NerdcoreLearning Board Review Medical Mnemonics 1.0(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

There are thousands of medical mnemonics out there. Which ones will help you BOTH during clerkships and on the boards? The ones carefully picked out and categorized by both students and attending physicians, of course!

From the creators of the NerdcoreLearning 365 page-a-day medical mnemonics calendar, comes the NCL High-Yield Board Review Medical Mnemonics App for the iPhone! Developed with the understanding that med-heads are the most devoted geeks around, we thought a pocket version of our popular database was a no-brainer.

Plus, when you're tired of reviewing mnemonics, we included an rss feed directly into the NCL site, to keep you up to speed with the crazy minds of our two founders, Drs. Francis Kong and Arun Mathews! ie Games and movie reviews with a clearly medical slant.

NerdcoreMedical - Apply Directly To Your Head

Math Magic 2.7(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"Math Magic in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and tomorrow only"

Don’t you just love how much your child has improved in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing? You never get tired of hearing, “Can I do math?” from your six year old, do you? Of course you don’t.

Thanks to Math Magic, your child can get a big jump on learning arithmetic while loving every second of that education. Math Magic teaches in a way that is encouraging and tons of fun for your little one.

Math Magic uses a combination of your choice of vibrant colours, simple interface and a reward system of stars to encourage and teach kids between the ages of 3 and 8. It’s really easy to use. The child simply has to tap on an answer to solve the problem. Whether they get the answer right or not, a real voice expresses appreciation for the child choosing a response.

Once the correct answer has been achieved, just shake your iPhone or iPod Touch and a new math problem will appear. Five successful answers results in a colored star as a reward. Math Magic lets you adjust the levels to customize them for your child. Set the maximum numbers to 5, 10 or 20. You can also set the timer to see how many problems can be solved within a specific time frame.

Kids love the Math Magic app because it’s fun. Parents love it because it helps their child get a good start in math and provides constructive use of time during car trips or waiting for food or an appointment.

Much research has gone into the development of Math Magic and it has the seal of approval from the kids involved in the focus groups. Why? Because this app has everything that appeals to a young child’s learning mind.

  • Positive reinforcement
  • Surprises and rewards
  • Very simple design
  • Vibrant colors
  • Newly added Hallowe’en themes

Want to hear your child ask you for more math work to do? Great, then you’ll get your Math Magic now. It’s that easy

Checkout the video of this app @ http://tinyurl.com/nlvlrr

Math Magic
Fun learning tool

Audio Job Interview Professional "2.1"(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Professional Version

How is this app different?

No other app we can find allows users to create an actual interview which can then be sent to employers with universal browser compatibility. Most are “tips” on how to conduct an interview or are job search data bases, practice apps, etc.

Get noticed in today’s competitive job market with Audio Job Interview.

The iPhone will audibly interview you and record your responses as if it were a prospective new employer.
Choose from a library of common interview questions to build your own interview template.
The easy to navigate platform and visual prompts will guide you through the interview gracefully.
When you are satisfied with the outcome you can individually or batch send your interview to prospective employers.
Augment your resume and practice your interviewing skills. Guaranteed to help you get noticed before your peers do!

We welcome feedback from companies or individuals wishing to explore custom branded development of the Audio Job Interview for their company or industry. We have engineered the product to be flexible around this need. Contact: Halosys Technologies Inc engineers for more information.

Recruiters and Career Consultants have raved about Audio Job Interview and employers have just begun to take notice. Many predict that this app will become ubiquitous when reaching out to prospective employers.

"What employer won’t be impressed with a technological platform they’ve never seen before? Especially when it makes their job easier and capitalizes on the iPhone app sensation everyone is talking about…this is buzz worthy and relevant for job seekers and employers….” Terri Peterson- Recruiter Denver, CO

Download Audio Job Interview today and be one of the first to get noticed!

iRave 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


iRave is your number one glowstick party app. Hit the music icon to get some bumpin' house/techno beats. Once you've got your groove going shake the glowstick to make it glow and flash realistically.

If you're ready for a real trip hit the strobe light button and get your trance on.

You can also touch the glowstick to go through hundreds of different colors!

Click the happy face to get trippy colors!

Squeezer 1.0.1(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Long Story Short
Squeezer allows you to shorten long URL's that you may have enjoyed and copied form safari, and then share it with your friends in Facebook and Twitter you may also send the shortened URLs as Emails and SMS's. all of that in one application.

All you have to do is copy the URL From safari then launch Squeezer, and let the application do its things; the long URL get magically shortened. You also have the choice to type in the long URL into the text field.

Squeezer currently support four main shortening services:

  • http://bit.ly
  • http://to.ly
  • http://is.gd
  • http://RFly.me

Squeezer can also be used as all in one status updater for both Facebook and twitter, so you don't have to use different application for each service to do only one simple thing; updating your status.

Twins Snakes 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Free for 2 days!!!

Original puzzle game. Snake eats the berries and grows up more and more. But all is not so simple as it seems - he has a crazy brother. You are controling the cute little green snake, who absorbs berries scattered everywhere on the playing field, grows more and more, filling his body as a result almost the entire screen. His crazy brother does the opposite. For eaten berries you get points. Creep, eat and grow, but the main thing - do not eat your tail and each other in the end!

Nice gameplay, ...will be entertained many good hours. And be warned: this game is insanely addictive!

This game is completely new. You will not find its analogs.
Download Twins Snakes right now and you'll learn how to eat a kilogram of strawberries did not receive any calories :)

Stunning graphics, great music and animation
15 levels + many bonuses
Easy and convenient control
Pauses/save game to continue later
High scores

You simply must own Twins Snakes on your iPhone/Touch! It's that good! Get it NOW!

Camera Fun! 2.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

100% OFF SALE: To celebrate the launch of Camera Fun, you can download the app for FREE for a limited time. Download it NOW while the SALE lasts!

Ever wondered how the world around you looks through X-Ray lens? Or looking through a Canvas lens so that the world looks like a painting?

Wonder no more! Now with Camera Fun, you can put on different lens on your iPhone camera and look at the world differently. Yes, you can take pictures while you are doing that!

Effects/lens Available:

  • Canvas
  • Neon
  • Sepia
  • Sketch (our favorite)
  • Swirl
  • X-Ray
  • Avatar (Color Fun Pack)
  • Black & White (Color Fun Pack)
  • Emboss (Color Fun Pack)
  • Pixel (Color Fun Pack)
  • Poster (Color Fun Pack)
  • Thermal (Color Fun Pack)
  • Ascii (Distort Fun Pack)
  • Bulge (Distort Fun Pack)
  • Glass (Distort Fun Pack)
  • Stretch (Distort Fun Pack)
  • Tunnel (Distort Fun Pack)
  • Wave (Distort Fun Pack)

Other apps let you apply the effects AFTER you take the picture. Camera Fun is the only app on AppStore that lets you see the effects in real-time BEFORE you take a picture. You have to see it to believe it!!

Rave Reviews:

...one of the most innovative apps on the App Store - New York Times

... this app will simply blow you away - there is no other app like this!! - Engadget

... this app is so cool, you have to check it out to believe it! - Wired


  • Use any of the lens/effects with your iPhone camera.
  • Take a picture (with effect) and save it to Camera Roll. Use the cool pictures as your profile picture on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Instant Messenger, iPhone address book photos etc.
  • Share the pictures with others by Email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Have fun watching the world with different lens/effects applied to your iPhone camera!! ???


Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE FOR LIMITED TIME Knights is a classical old-school strategy game. Up to eight players take part in a combat to take the control over then Kingdom of Illumia. It can be played by one to eight people against each other or agains iPhone/iPod AI.

The objectives in Knights game are simple: to eliminate all the opposition to your rule. To do this, you will have to control all eighty two cities in the Kingdom of Illumia, and eliminate all the opponents.

There are many ways to achieve this, and brute force is just one of them. You might ally with Dragons or Wizards. Clever military tactics and even economic warfare are also the possibilities! The Kingdom of Illumia is divided into eight parts, each one controlled by one of the eight fractions: White Lords, Giants, Gnomes, Orcs of Rock, Green Elves, Corsairs, Nomads and Black Lords.

Wise Buddha 2.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Get Buddha's wisdom at your fingertips!

Get inspired whenever you feel the need, wherever you are.
Wise Buddha offers you a selection of the most inspirational words of wisdom.

Do you have doubts, questions of fears about your life?
Read these wise words and find the answers!

A way to use Wise Buddha is to read every morning a different quote and to meditate about it through the day. You'll be amazed to discover how things can get less complicated when you see them in a new light, the light of Buddha's wisdom.

Makeout Mania! 1.4(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

--- Makeout for FREE for a limited time only! ---

"Makeout Mania is like popping a mint before making your move." - Bronze Award, Pocket Gamer

"humorous interactions between each character, the delightful animations and the social score sharing features make it a good, whimsical distraction" - Games Uncovered

App-reciation Reviews:
"..this highly entertaining and easy to pick up title will definitely delight the iPhone's pool of casual gamers. What's more, the concept and animations are simply hilarious, and at a mere $ 0.99, we promise you won't regret pressing the 'buy' button" -- 4.5/5

"Silly, fun, flirty, sassy! Challenges players to think of new twists and solutions to the puzzles. Great music, cute noises, colorful graphics, and adorable animations. I can't put it down!" - Phyrephlye

Next update is coming soon!!

  • 4 new songs
  • major improvements to Mania mode!
  • New levels for your frenzy fun

Your great reviews keep the updates coming!

This chain-reaction puzzler puts you in the shoes of a cupid playing match maker! As the God of Love and Mischief, you'll shoot unsuspecting students with your magic love arrows and watch them grab somebody for a kiss!

It’s up to you to help kids find love and avoid the hall monitors. Play through 24 levels of frenzy inducing puzzles and then graduate to Mania Mode where you can compete with friends on Facebook and Plus+ social play networks. But be careful - that makeout frenzy spreads quickly! High School has never been this much fun!

· Play 24 levels of increasing complexity and mania!
· Meet a variety of students from the hippie class-clown to the love-immune emo.
· Great characters, voice-overs and animation bring Makeout Mania to life.
· Check out the High School Yearbook for character backgrounds and gossip.
· Create awkward moments and big combos!
· Avoid detention at all costs!
· Explore unique puzzle mechanics with totally unique gameplay
· Free new puzzles coming shortly after launch
· Mania Mode gives nearly infinite replayability
· Social play powered by Plus+ and Facebook.

Follow us @ twitter.com/puppetgear

TWorldView 1.1(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

### For a limited time - TWorldView is on offer ###

TWorldView is a twitter client - but one that gives a different view of Twitter - a Geographical One.

Select the global time line, people near you, a trend, or any search you can put together. TWorldView will collect tweets, work out where they come from, and plot them on a map.

You can look at individual tweets, or have TWorldView show a constantly updating tour of tweets.

Possibly you'll come across someone interesting to follow on a permanent basis - if so, just hit the follow button!

Found something illuminating - retweet it!

Great as a stand alone client - and great as alongside a traditional twitter client.

Had a profound thought while watching the world go by - tweet it!

관련 글타래


Audio Job Interview Professional, Camera Fun, Cinder, CleverGo Pro, DockScroll, Education, Entertainment, Forest and Farm Animals, Free Apps, Games, iPod Touch, iRave, iSick, Knights, Light Up, Lockdown, Makeout Mania, Math Magic, Medical, Music, NerdcoreLearning Board Review Medical Mnemonics, Peep-A-Boo, Photography, Productivity, Quotes Box Pro, Social Networking, Squeezer, Tap Fish, TeamViewer, Toy Factory, Twins Snakes, TWorldView, uMask, Wise Buddha, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 한글 어플