오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100215

2010/02/15 09:12


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 26개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 오늘은 고가 어플도 조금 많고 괜찮은 어플도 몇개 있다. 따라서 사람에 따라 건질 것이 꽤 있을 듯 하다. 먼저 Daily Tracker는 노트, 할일등을 지원하는 노트 어플이다. 평상시 10불에 판매되는 어플이지만 발렌타인 데이 기념으로 3불에 할인 판매하고 있어서 소개한다. 지원하는 기능도 다양하며, 사용자 평도 좋은 어플이므로 적당한 노트 어플이 없다면 이번 기회에 구입하기 바란다.

Alchemize는 평상시 3불이나 하는 게임 어플이다. 그래픽이 상당히 뛰어난 게임 어플로 헥사와 비슷한 게임이다. OverTheLimit는 평상시 5불 하는 혈중 알콜 농도 측정 어플이다. 물론 직접 입으로 불어서 측정하는 것이 아니라 술을 마신 양에 따라 측정해 주는 어플이다. iCurrency Plus는 환율 변환기이다. 다른 환율변환기와는 달리 위치를 기반으로 자동으로 환율 변환 기능을 제공한다. 즉, 한국에서 이 어플을 실행하면, 유로, 달러, 엔화와 원화의 환율을 자동으로 제공한다.

Wapzilla Browser는 전체화면 기능을 제공하는 웹 브라우저이다. 전체화면에서 일반화면으로 복귀하려면 아이폰을 흔들어 주면 된다.또 열린 창의 전환은 아이팟 앨범의 커버 플로우(Cover Flow)처럼 바뀐다. 또 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 기본적으로 WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)를 지원한다. 평상시 2불에서 발렌타인 데이 기념으로 무료로 제공된다. 오늘은 고가의 어플이 조금 많다.

Universal Detector도 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플이다. 아이폰을 감지기로 만들어 주는 어플로 2불에 구입할 사람이 있을지는 의문이다. 이번 주까지 무료로 제공된다. Distances는 평상시 2불, 발렌타인 데이 기념으로 24시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 이름처럼 지도상에 표시한 구간 사이의 거리를 측정해 주는 어플이다. RealPostcard는 평상시 2줄, 발렌타인 데이 기념으로 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 사진으로 우편엽서를 만들어 주는 어플이다. Marcel Magis는 평상시 2불, 발렌타인 데이 동안 무료로 제공되는 전자책이다.

Navy Patrol은 평상시 5불에 판매되는 게임 어플이다. 2009년 최고의 전략 게임 후보에 오른 게임이라고 한다. 그래픽이 상당히 뛰어난 게임이다. Sudoku with Dr. Dim Sum는 이미 잘알려진 수도쿠 게임 어플이다. 꼭 칠판에 수도쿠 게임을 푸는 듯한 느낌을 주는 수도쿠 게임이다. 따라서 수도쿠 게임을 좋아하는 사람은 내려받기 바란다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다. Completed는 자신의 경험을 쉽게 목록화할 수 있는 어플이다. 이 어플도 평상시 3불, 오늘 하루만 무료로 제공된다.

군것질쉐이커는 과연 얼마큼 다이어트에 도움이 될 수 있을지는 의문이다. 다만 군것질의 유혹을 만는데 도움이 된다고 해서 소개한다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Tennis Grips도 평상시 3불에 판매되는 어플이다. 테니스를 칠 때 테니스 채를 쥐는 방법을 사진으로 자세히 설명해 주는 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

Daily Tracker 4.2(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $9.99 -> $2.99

:: Try Daily Tracker Lite for FREE
Valentine's Day Special: 60% OFF. Featured among Apple Staff Favorite iPhone Apps. A breakthrough personal organizer.

How are you spending your time, money and effort? How often do you visit the gym? Do you want to limit the nights you spend dining out? Track weight loss or progress as you are trying to quit smoking or get rid of some other pesky habits?

Daily Tracker makes it easy to keep track of the things you care about. It is a personal organizer that offers one place to gather and track notes and activities of your choice. Once you've decided what you are passionate about, choose an existing category or customize by creating your own.

Whether you are trying to achieve specific goals, want to track your vices and virtues for fun, need to organize your notes or to-do lists, Daily Tracker will be your essential companion anywhere you go.

Here are just a few examples:

• Fitness and Exercise: Track your workout routines or how long you spend at the gym. Track any activity such as jogging, biking, yoga or meditation. In addition to the timer, you can track miles, strength training reps, swimming laps and so on. Choose any activity and units you want and watch progress on monthly summary sparklines. View weekly results by swiping a calendar row and plan future workouts by adding notes.

• Dieting: Maintain your diet by tracking daily calories, body weight and journal of what food you eat and when. If you are trying to lose or gain weight, tracking multiple aspects of your fitness plan is the way to go.

• Health and Allergies: Track illness by recording medication intake, symptoms history or other information you would like to share with your doctor. Great for diabetes patients who need to monitor sugar level or people with an allergy or migraines who need to find out specific triggers. Maybe a small lifestyle change will translate to fewer headaches, reduced chronic pain or better mood?

• Projects: Track ideas, homework, to-do lists or use it as a timecard. Tracking how much time you spend on a project has never been easier - simply create a category with a stopwatch and use it whenever you need to log time. Because of the powerful search feature, you'll be able to find your notes in a snap. It also lends itself well to the renowned GTD (Getting Things Done) style organization.

• Money: Track expenses, sales or tips and compare results on a weekly or monthly basis. The only way to save money is to put a conscious effort into spending less. This is a perfect tool for that.

• Memories: Happen to be in some cool new place? Write a note, add some pictures, voice notes or save your map location. Share your stories with friends and family via email.

• Gratitude: Write down all the great things you do for others or use it as a diary for thoughts and reflections.

  • It’s secure. It’s handy. It’s fast. -

We think you’ll find a thousand uses for the Daily Tracker.

• Customize to track anything
• Week, Month and Year summaries
• Trend charts
• Notes with photos, voice memos & maps
• Integrated RSS Reader
• Instant word-wheel search
• Email notes and entries
• Upload data to Google Spreadsheets
• Backup & Restore to Google Docs
• Password protection
• Portrait & Landscape orientation

But above all, a growing community and a 24hr support. Visit our website to learn more.

Use Google Docs Backup & Restore functionality to migrate your data from the Lite version.

What do you like about the Daily Tracker? What could be improved? Let others and us know by writing a review. Daily Tracker gets better all the time!

Alchemize™ 1.2.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Apple: Featured at "What's Hot"
★★★★★ AppSmile: "We’re confident in saying that we’ve found puzzling "gold""
TouchArcade: "A different kind of matching puzzler"
★★★★ TouchGen: EDITORS' CHOICE "Brilliant"
Gear Diary: "This game is excellent."
Mobile Tech Review: "I can’t recommend this game any more highly!"
Touch Reviews: "Alchemize™ Is an addictive new take on an old favorite"

Alchemize™ TV ad - "What's new?"

Group 3 or more elements to discover a new one.
ex: 3 tulips form a clover, 3 clovers form a leaf and so on...


  • 5 Game Modes (Classic, Action, Avalanche, Blitz, Gone in 20")
  • 27 elements to combine on a 9x9 board (Blitz 12 elements: 7x7 board)
  • Ghost Tiles
  • 9 special elements (Power-Ups: Bomb, Joker, Wand, 3 types of dynamite, Bowling Ball, Good Chameleon, Bad Chameleon) to help in your journey
  • unlimited saves
  • online high scores for each game mode
  • 4 music tracks
  • iPod Music
  • Anti-Cheat
  • unique graphics and sound effects

Published and developed by Schiau Studios.

OverTheLimit 2.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

Worried that you are OverTheLimit?

OverTheLimit helps you stay safe while consuming alcohol by giving you an up to date assessment of your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) using an industry-standard formula.

Had a couple of drinks a few hours ago? Just reopen OverTheLimit for an instantly updated BAC that automatically factors in the elapsed time.

And, if you've had too much to drink, OverTheLimit will even help you find a taxi based on your GPS location (iPhone only)

Don't drink without this invaluable and potentially lifesaving application.


  • Realtime BAC monitoring
  • Easy to use - even while intoxicated.
  • Perfect for college students, young professionals, or anyone who consumes alcohol.
  • Add drinks you drank throughout the night with our "how long ago?" option
  • Persistent data - just relaunch OverTheLimit to find your updated BAC
  • Locate a nearby taxi service with the tap of a button using your GPS position (iPhone only).

Note: Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is based on the physical amount of alcohol in your blood. The only truly accurate way to measure this is with a lab test. However, OverTheLimit uses an industry standard formula that has been well tested and correlates with other breathalyzers we tested. This product does not carry ANY legal guarantee, and Harmonist Inc. does not condone driving after drinking any amount of alcohol.

iCurrency Plus 1.0.0(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Limited time offer: free for the next 72 hours! An offer to celebrate the launch of our next update which is coming soon!

Yet another currency application? We do not think so: this is the first application in the App Store that sends you notifications of critical changes in the currency pairs of your choice, in almost real time! Don't you want to be told as soon as the yen gets stronger by 1% v.s. the dollar? (for example)

Of course you can also track currencies, see changes over a period of time and do price conversions on the spot.

With this app you can:

  • Add currency pairs of choice (not only currencies versus the USD)
  • See the change in value over a period of time of your choice
  • Get notified in the app if this change is larger than a percentage you choose
  • The same notification can be sent via push : no one has this.
  • See pair details for the period you chose, including min and max value
  • See several graphs to check trends: daily, weekly, monthly ... soon quarterly will be enabled automatically.
  • Convert prices on the spot, quite useful if you are travelling.
  • More than 70 currencies used in more than 100 countries.
  • Intuitive interface, very easy to use.
  • Currencies can be added per request on the fly, no need to update the application.

It is very intuitive and extremely user friendly. It works even when there are no networks available, just the latest updated rates will be shown.

Add currency pairs (yes, we hate it too when all currency applications are showing the rates against the USD only). When adding a pair, choose what period of time you want to track and the application will show the change occurred as well as the latest rate. Select to receive notification and when the change is greater than an specified percent, a push will be sent to you. The help pages inside the application explains the whole process easily and intuitively.

Currently supporting more than 70 currencies. But check what: currencies can be added on the fly without needing to upgrade the app, just tell us what else you need!

Follow us in Facebook and Twitter to get the latest news and updates. Simply search for "iCurrency Plus" in those pages.

Eventually, for issues or requests, you can contact us directly by mail (support@limitedsecurities.com) or through our support page (limitedsecurities.com/support).

Thanks for choosing iCurrency Plus!

Wapzilla Browser 2.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Our special Valentines day gift, get Wapzilla Browser for free, only during this weekend! Share the love!

Wapzilla is revolutionary iPhone browser with a lot of features seen for the first time on the iPhone platform.

Some of its unique features include:

● Support for browsing WAP 1.x standard wml pages
≫ Wapzilla includes support for WAP (Wireless application protocol) pages in WML (Wireless Markup Language) format

● Support for displaying wbmp image format
≫ Wapzilla includes full support for WBMP (Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap) format, also saving images to iPhone image gallery is supported, just like every other image format supported by iPhone browser

● Support for browsing WAP 2.0 standard xhtml pages
≫ Wapzilla has a full support for WAP 2.0 xhtml pages written with XHTML Mobile Profile (XHTML MP)

● Multi-bar control (address-bar and search-bar in one)
≫ Wapzilla Multi-bar feature uses the idea of having one input field for typing both URLs and search queries

● Open search integration (auto-complete using search engine chosen in the preferences)
≫ Wapzilla is also the first iPhone browser with open search integration. As you type into Wapzilla address-bar you'll receive suggestions using search engine defined in Wapzilla preferences. Currently you can choose between Google, Yahoo! Search, Bing or Ask.com

● CoverFlow view of the opened tabs
≫ Wapzilla is also the first browser to have coverflow preview of the opened tabs, using which you can easily switch from one tab to another

● Favicon in the address-bar (like in desktop web browsers)
≫ Wapzilla automatically loads favicon of the opened Web-page and displays it on the left side of the address-bar, like every modern desktop browser does

Other features include:

● Full-screen browsing
≫ For easier reading of bigger web-pages, without the toolbars obstructing your view and taking useful space, you can use full-screen feature. You can easily exit full-screen by shaking the device

● Bookmarks
≫ Wapzilla includes basic bookmarks support for memorizing web-pages you visit often

● Color themes
≫ You can change Wapzilla color from the Wapzilla preferences, to make it suitable for any situation

● Customizable UI
≫ You can easily enable/disable unused UI controls from the application preferences. For example you can hide and disable page title if you don't use it or turn on/off favicon etc.

● Homepage
≫ You can set Wapzilla homepage in the preferences, Wapzilla will open that web-page on each start-up.

● Customizable rotation
≫ You can setup the rotation in the preferences, default is auto rotation, but you can set fixed portrait or landscape modes.

Universal Detector 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


Universal Detector is a fun piece of software that turns your iPhone into a locator/detector device. Simply launch the app, select one of the presets (Like B.S. Detector, Babe Detector, Stud Detector, etc.) and the program radar screen will locate, track and lock on to the desired target.

Of course, Universal Detector doesn't really "detect" anything. It simply mimics a high-tech device you might see in a Sci-Fi or spy movie. You discreetly control what Universal Detector "tracks" by slowly sliding your thumb to different positions on the grid at the bottom of the screen. The program features a really cool animated interface and code-generated audio for a very convincing performance.

Want to meet someone new? Forget clever pickup lines. Use the "Babe Detector" or "Stud Detector" to approach that attractive person and break the ice. The reaction is always surprise and laughter. Has your friend told one-too-many tall tales? He'll get the point when you use the "B.S. Detector" on him. Tired of picking up the lunch tab for your miserly co-worker? Run the app as a "Cheapskate Detector" to drop the ultimate hint.

Imagine all this amusement for less than the price of a cheeseburger!

But the fun doesn't stop there. Universal Detector's preset detector labels are fully configurable so you can create your own detectors. Need a "Spoiled Brat" detector? Then make it! You can also change the label's font and color and all your custom presets are saved for future use.


  • High-tech interface
  • Code-generated sounds
  • Included Presets:
  • Universal Detector
  • B.S. Detector
  • Moron Detector
  • Cheapskate Detector
  • Wimp Detector
  • Babe Detector
  • Stud Detector
  • Boss Detector
  • Or create your own detector
  • User-created presets offer:
  • Font style control
  • Font color control


  • Select a target person.
  • Launch Universal Detector
  • Select an appropriate detector by
  • Press the "I" info button
  • Select a preset from the scrolling list or create one by using the "T" button
  • Press "Done"
  • Face the general direction of your target
  • Targeting begins when you place your thumb on the grid
  • If your target is to your right, place your thumb on the left edge of the grid.
  • If your target is to your left, place your thumb on the right edge of the grid.
  • As you approach your target, slowly slide your thumb to the middle of the grid.
  • When your thumb is close to the center, the target will be locked and the display and sounds will go into alert mode.

Hint: if you wish to lock the current tracking position, slide your thumb up and off the grid. The targeting position will remain consistent until you touch the grid again.

Gravity Balls 1.1(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

This is a Physics based application that simulates the effects of Newton's Law of Gravity on objects called Gravity Balls.

This allows you to simulate the orbit of a planet around a sun, a random solar system, or tons of other scenarios.

It's simple to create a new gravity ball, just by pinching on the screen. As you create each ball, it joins the simulation and is attracted to the other balls through the Laws of Gravity.

The App fully supports multi-touch and allows you to interactively create new balls of various sizes. You can also drag any of the balls and move them around.

This interactivity allows you to see the effects of position, mass and velocity on the Gravity Balls.

This app will be one of a series of educational physics-based applications. With a theme of "Learn", "How?" and "Play".

"Learn" will give you a brief overview of the Physics and equations involved.

"How?", shows you how to use the app.

"Play", allows you to run and play with the simulations.

This is my first application, I would therefore appreciate any feedback and suggestions for improvements before giving me a low rating. Especially if negative as this will allow me to make the necessary improvements. You can email me or visit the website www.gravityballs.com

SWAPit ! 1.1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Thanks to FunTouch & FrenchFree.net : SWAPit is FREE for 24 hours. Happy Valentine's day. ***** Bring three identical shapes together in vertical lines to make them disappear. Explore new ways to play by swapping colourful columns (and the way you play puzzle games) in SWAPit.


To understand the game (and to have a look at it), just check our promotional video on Youtube or on our website :


Discover a simple and addictive new game that is sure to become an instant classic. Explore new ways to play by swapping colourful columns (and the way you play puzzle games) in SWAPit.


Bring three identical shapes together in vertical lines to make them disappear! Sounds easy? You will need to change the way you play puzzle games because you can only manipulate the blocks that are already on the ground.

Select two columns with the blue selectors, and double tap on the screen to swap them. Act fast to catch the falling blocks.


To gain more points and unlock bonuses, you will have to make sure that the rows stacked together share the same colors tints as well as the same shapes! (reach even better scores by combining pieces that share the SAME color) .


The game itself is made to perfectly react to your iPhone's many features. To pause, simply press the sleep/wake button of your device. It will also automattically pause itself if you receive a call, a push notification, or even if you open the music controller window. If you quit in the middle of your game to answer a call, or to listen to something else, your game will automatically be saved and you will be able to continue right were you left it.


SWAPit uses the online system OpenFeint to synchronize scores. Gain OpenFeint points by achieving multiple goals.

Plus Ou Moins - Puzzle Game 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Want a simple addictive game? Discover 'Plus Ou Moins', a french addictive game.

Recover the maximum of positive numbers and thus to obtain the best score! You play against your iPhone or iPod Touch in a grid made up of 64 numbers. The player beginning is randomly selected, and will play horizontally

The horizontally moving player will play a number on the lit line, that moving vertically on the lit column. The selected number will determine the line or the column on which the adversary will move.

The positive numbers are located in green, the negative ones out of orange. According to the level of difficulty, boxes mysteries indicated by one ? will appear Be vigileant in your displacements and trap your adversary! Use strategists to force it to take the worst numbers!




Distances 1.1(Navigation)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

To spread some love on Valentine's Day, Distances is available for free within the next 24 hours!

Distances lets you measure just about anything on a map - for example the Niagara Falls, the Brandenburg Gate or St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In contrast to the Maps application that ships with your device you are not bound to streets or routes.

Distances lets your share saved measurements with the whole world using our free web service DistanceSharing. Once uploaded, you can publish what you measured via Facebook, Twitter or email. And ? of course ? you can copy & paste the link to your measurement just anywhere else. Shared measurements can be viewed using any Mac, PC, iPhone or iPod touch connected to the world wide web.

  • Measure without limits
  • Intuitive and beautiful user interface
  • Save your measurements and view, rename or edit them later
  • Share your measurements with the world using DistanceSharing
  • Share via Facebook, Twitter or email
  • Supports Echofon, Echofon Pro, Tweetie, Twittelator, Twittelator Pro, Twitterrific and Twitterrific Pro
  • Search saved measurements
  • Full landscape support
  • Choose between satellite, hybrid or standard map material
  • Search for places or pick an address from your address book
  • Supports yards/miles or meters/kilometers

For more information visit http://www.phaps.de or follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/phaps

Toy Pilot 3D 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Welcome to "Toy Pilot 3D"!

Defend the universe riding your starship toy! Fire photon torpedoes, destroy your enemies, turn your ship into evasive maneuvers to avoid colliding with the armored enemies . Total fun in 3D, at a introductory price of $ 0.99.

Test your skills in one of the best first person spaceship shooter game full of adrenaline and speed. No complex and boring missions or objectives. It is simple: fly, shoot and destroy.

Want a quick game? Try the Survival mode.


  • Advanced 3D graphics, high-performance real-time
  • High performance sound effects
  • Precise control system, with adjustable sensitivity and calibration
  • Two game modes: Arcade and Survival
  • Highscores
  • Design is inspired by the games of the 80's
  • Advanced technology

Guaranteed fun! Enjoy!

Do you want to participate of the improvements of this game? Write a review and make a suggestion. 10 reviews will be selected to be implemented in the next version. ;-)

Alt Wallpaper: Hearts 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Alt Wallpaper: Hearts is a collection of heart themed wallpaper specifically designed for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Alt Wallpaper: Hearts offers a new and unique way to discover wallpaper. If you find a wallpaper you like simply shake your iPhone and you'll get an alternate version of that wallpaper. Shake it and watch hearts break, colors change, and many more surprises.

Alt Wallpaper: Hearts formats images perfectly for your iPhone and iPod touch. These are not images pulled at random from the web. Each one was specifically created for your iPhone.

Use Alt Wallpaper: Hearts to email wallpapers to your friends, the sexy girl who sits next to you in class, anyone you want. Post your favorites on facebook, myspace and twitter.

Users who like the following apps will probably enjoy Alt Wallpaper Hearts: Sally's Spa, Backgrounds, Emoji

Heart themes include: emo heart wallpaper, heart pattern backgrounds, love heart wallpaper, broken heart wallpaper, gamer heart wallpaper, and many more heart themed wallpaper and backgrounds.

Social Player 1.1.1(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Our gift for you: Social Player if free on Valentine's Day.

"If you like sharing your music listening habits with friends, the Social Player is the best application I’ve seen to do so." ? Nick O'Neill, www.allfacebook.com

"If you want to share information about your current musical listening habits or hear what your friends think of your favorite songs, then this is an app to acquire today.", Amanda Fox, www.smokinapps.com

Social Player is a music player that lets you share music from your iPhone or iPod touch with your friends.

Just tap the cloud to share the track you are listening to either with friends on Facebook or via email with everybody else. Social Player will try to link your musical message to the iTunes Store so that your friends can even listen to a preview of the music you sent.

Let your friends know the great music you are listening to just now.


  • Facebook themed grapical user interface that is easy to use
  • Send the music track you are listening to as a status update or a wall entry to Facebook by tapping the cloud
  • Send the track you are listening to via email by tapping the cloud
  • iTunes Store integration: If possible, your Facebook wall entries will be linked to iTunes Store to allow playback for your friends in iTunes
  • Works together seamlessly with the standard iPod music app: You can listen to your music in the standard player, quickly switch to Social Player and share it, and then return.
  • Works well with Facebook's iPhone app: Share with Social Player and see your friends' reaction in Facebook's app.
  • Control music playback: Play, pause, fast forward, fast backward, skip, shuffle and repeat, volume control
  • See music information like title, artist, album, title number
  • See album art and rating
  • Browse your iPod library to play back certain titles, albums, playlists etc.

Thanks for trying Social Player! We hope you and your friends will have a lot of fun. If you should have any questions, problems or feature requests, please send us an email to socialplayer@projectme.eu. We appreciate your feedback very much, it will help us to improve Social Player for you and everybody else.

project.me team

PS: Social Player was featured in the "New and Noteworthy" section of the App Store in January. Thank you Apple! And many thanks to the hundreds of new customers from all around the world. It's great to see you share your music everywhere, we are absolutely overwhelmed. Welcome aboard!

RealPostcard 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

RealPostcard is FREE for Valentine's day only !!

RealPostcard is not just another postcard application. Here we are bringing good old printed cards back to life. Based on an advanced steganography technology, ADJ-soft is proud to present a REAL postcard.

ADJ’s RealPostcard is an ordinary JPG photo, saved in your photo library. BUT, if you open the photo (postcard) with RealPostcard application, you will be amazed to find that this regular photo actually has two sides. Yes. A RealPostcard is just another photo.. but has two sides.

--- HOW TO USE ---

Three possible modes :

  • NEW POSTCARD. Load your photo that you want to appear on the photo side. You will be automatically switched to POSTCARD PREVIEW mode.
  • VIEW POSTCARD. Choose a photo from your photo library to watch it as a postcard. If the chosen photo IS a RealPostcard, you will be automatically switched to PREVIEW MODE. If not, you will be notified and asked to choose another photo.
  • POSTCARD PREVIEW. In this mode you will view your postcard as a real postcard. Use your fingers to flip the postcard from side to side. Tap The screen to raise the actions menu. If you started on NEW mode, you can choose to edit, send or save your postcard. Note that edit responds only if you're on the text side. If you started by VIEW mode, the actions menu will contain only SEND option. Tap the screen again to remove the actions menu.

Using RealPostcard, you can :

  1. Create your own postcards, send them by mail or save them to your photo library
  2. Open your postcards which were earlier saved to your photo library
  3. Use your fingers to flip the postcards in order to see both sides.

A user that got a RealPostcard by mail will enjoy the postcard as an ordinary photo saved to his photo library and also as a printed postcard retro if he chooses to open the photo using the RealPostcard application.

Features :

  • New postcard. Choose a photo from your library for the photo side of the post card and edit the text side of the post card using the given tools. You can choose to save the postcard TO YOUR PHOTO LIBRARY or send it via mail to your friends.
  • View postcard. If you have previously got a RealPostcard by mail and saved it to your photo library(or created it by yourself and saved it to your photo library), the application will open the photo and will reveal the two postcard’s sides !
  • Send-By-Mail. Use the in-app mail functionality in order to be able to extract the postcard on the receiver side.
  • Finger flip. Use your fingers to flip the post card from side to side. Tap the view screen to pop up the action menu.

RealPostcard is optimized to be used with photos taken from iPhone 3G or 3Gs cameras.

RealPostcard provides a main message field which can contain up to 250 chars and four secondary text fields which contain up to 15 chars each.

A real postcard, One photo, Two sides.

iCatcharrr!!! 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for 24 hours!

iCatcharrr is a fast, pong style game with some unique extras and effects!

  • Smooth graphics with particle effects and realtime processed water.
  • Realistic rebound physics, when multiple cannonballs are in the game.
  • 9 different extras, including lightning storms, earthquakes and walls.
  • 36 achievments to unlock secrets like a beachball or the mirror mode.
  • Multiplayer mode to fight against friends and enemies on one screen.
  • Singleplayer mode with 12 enemy pirates, each with different attributes and tactics.
  • The tutorial explains the interface and all controls in a few illustrations.

Blackjack 2.1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


The best blackjack application you’ll ever play. And the ONLY Blackjack app that has OpenFeint 2.4!

This game is otherwise known as pontoon or "21".

The object of the game is to get as close to 21 as possible by adding up the value of successive cards dealt to you & ensuring you do not exceed 21.
You're faced against the dealer who is also trying to better your score.

e.g. Your cards add up to 16 and the dealer must get 16 to tie or 17 or over to win.

It's an easy game to pick up, but hard to put down!


  • Easy to use UI
  • 24 - 48 hour support response time!
  • Stats screen
  • A help screen
  • Statistical guidance (requires internet connection)
  • Realistic animation!
  • Play against famous figures like the Mona Lisa and Blackbeard! (Customisation Pack)
  • Change the background you play on, choose one of our preset tables, or choose from your photo library! (Customisation Pack required)
  • Accelerometer Gestures
  • OpenFeint V2.4
  • Leader boards 101 gamerpoints to be won!
  • Crashing? What crashing?

We review any suggestions for improvement you send us! Send suggestions to blackjack@inspirosoftware.com

Other Apps from Inspiro Software:
Pong & HelloWorld (FREE) QuickUpdate (FREE)

The Pill 2.1(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Have you ever forgotten to take your birth control pill ? It can happen to any of us but now with The Pill iPhone App, it may never happen again.

The Pill will remind you to take your birth control pill every day at a time you choose, with a Push notification alert (similar to an SMS). The application does not need to be running in order to receive the alert.

See it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALcF-0NjVFM

Why not set yourself an alarm on your mobile?
The Pill iPhone app is much more than a simple alarm.

The Pill automatically calculates the 7 days stop period, and the 21 days when you are actually taking the pill. If you are using a 28 day pack then alerts will be sent to you every day. Alerts will not be sent during the 7 days stop period, they only occur during the 21 days when you are actually taking your pill.

You can see exactly when you have to take your pill, compare your real package with the one in the actual application and see if you have missed a pill or not.

Other features include:

  • Customizable alert sound and background color
  • Alerts received via email
  • Extra alert request option

The female contraceptive pill is the most popular method of contraception, with 38% of women currently taking it. However, the Pill needs to be used consistently and correctly in order to be effective. Some types of contraceptive pill have to be taken at exactly the same time every day. This is why this iPhone app, The Pill, is so important to help prevent unwanted or unplanned pregnancies.

If you do not have internet connection you will not receive the Push notification but by opening the application you will still be able to check whether you have forgotten to take a pill, or when you should be taking it. This is a useful feature, especially if you are traveling.

Advice: take your pill in the morning, if ever you forget to take it, you still can remember it during the day, it won't be too late (after getting asleep, you increase the risk to be more than 12 (or 3) hours late).

terms & conditions

In order to receive the notification, you must allow the notifications (settings menu on your iphone) and be connected on internet. WiFi connection may cause problems with notifications especially if the iPhone is in sleep mode, we advice to stay connected with 3G. The Pill also work without internet be you need to let the application running to hear the alarm.

We cannot be held liable for any breakdowns or faults on our application. Receiving the push notification is not 100% guaranteed even if we do our best to make it work all the time.

Marcel Magis - My Life With Mitsu 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

My Life with Mitsu
A story about love, passion and noodle soup Free for Valentine's-Day!

Motu One is the new publisher for E-Books exclusivly made for iPhone and iPod touch.
In the series Propeller we offer fresh german literature, partly in first publication.
Unlike other iPhone apps based on EPUB, we are creating each book specifically for iPhone and iPod touch to provide an optimal reading experience, for the sake of literature.

Preface from Kai Krause, maker of KPT and PowerGoo:
Thus Marcel Magis develops images and scenes; he playfully deals with words. I neither have to compare him to anyone else, nor do need to categorize it in any special area of literature.
One should read this book on a train, travelling through a winter landscape to your loved one.
One should read this book, lying on your back in an aestival meadow, right beside a blowball.

The narrator invites Mitsu to a good cup of noodle soup - and Mitsu enters his life like a whirlwind. Their only possessions she carries in a red cooler, she trys to establish a family with strangers and brings kitchen tables to collapse. Perhaps this has to do with a bird, that nightly cries moves the world a little bit in an other direction ...

The book is also a tribute to japanese literature. The prefyce is written by the software legend and inventor Kai Krause. With this novel Marcel Magis has written his widely acclaimed debut with lightness of heart and depth. A book you can read again and again. Also in App Store you find "Summer with Sheep" by the same author.Magis lives in Berlin and works as an editor for macnews.de and macmagazin.de.

Technical notes:
E-Book with 158 pages.
Browse: Touch left and right. Menu: Touch in center of the screen. A bookmark will be set automatically as you return to the menu or quit the application.

We are improving the app over time, please feel free to contact us for comments and suggestions: send us an E-Mail to info@motu-one.de.

Navy Patrol: Coastal Defense Advanced 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

2009 Best Strategy Game Award Nominee

FreeAppADay.com Founder ICS Mobile Introduces:

Navy Patrol:Coastal Defense Advanced

All NPCD Advanced Maps will be FREE Today and Today Only! Share the Valentine love by donating a good rating to your Daily Free App Provider!:)

IGN.com: Impressive! "The current download is a lot of fun and it looks like more chapters are on the way, making Navy Patrol a solid value"

CNET.com: Navy Patrol Among The"5 Awesome iPhone Tower Defense Games"

TheAppera.com: This game is just B-A-N-A-N-A-S! The level of quality and polish put in the game are just outstanding. The whole theme works because of the high level of execution.

Only 999,999,993 more Free apps to go! Enjoy and remember We are just getting started: The Bigger We Are The Better Apps We Get!

What to expect in 2010 from ICS:

  • Get ready for "Modern Pirates:D.S.R"
    A New and Unique Online & Local Mutiplayer Strategy game with a twist!
  • NEW NPCD Chapter and Turrets

What's New:

  • Chapter VI:"Alone In The Dark"
  • 22 Achievements!
  • Fast Forward
  • Optimized Balancing
  • New Leaderboard
  • Water Effects Off/on Option
  • And much more.....

Chapter VI:"Alone In The Dark"
The long fought war took its toll on both sides, the mounting civilian casualties over the past 5 years lead to 4 months old cease fire agreement. But today,at 2.17am without a warning, The Alliance broke the mutual non-aggression pact and resumed resume their offensive with a renewed ferocity.

They are setting they sight on Barren Island our South Pacific outpost. The Island is a strategy refueling location for our Pacific Fleet on their way to the Indian seas.At this juncture a defeat will be the beginning of our demise. The Island must be protected at all cost! And remember always remember....

Be Smart, Be Strong, Defend!


  • Introducing ICS Mobile's Breakthrough AWS™ Realtime 3D Fluid Simulation Engine
  • Fully Integrated iPod Controls
  • 3Warfare Styles:
    √ Sea Level √ Undersea √ Aerial
  • 15 Unique Specials Incl:
    √ Touch-Controlled Satellite Laser Attack√ Accelerometer-Enabled "Storm" Special √ Long Range Missile Barrage √ Tsunami Wave Special √ Bomber delivered Nuclear Strike Special
  • Dynamic AI Pathfinding System
  • 9 Unique Upgradable Offensive Turrets
    √ IR Laser √ Quantum Laser √ Leach Orb √ Fighter Jets Equipped Airfield √ Large Cruisers √ Mines √ Machine Gun Turrets √ Missile Turrets √ Attack Submarines
  • 8 Enemy Forces Including:
    √ Submarines √ Fighter jets Equipped Aircraft carriers √ Dreadnoughts √ FAS
  • Turret Targeting System
  • Embedded RPG/RTS inspired “Skills Tree System”
  • 3 Difficulty Levels
    √ Seaman, √ Lieutenant, √ Admiral
  • 2 Fingers for Pinch Zoom & Sub and Battleship Turret Rotation
    √ Place a second finger on the screen before dropping a sub or battleship turret to rotate it vertically or horizontally
  • Endless Mode
    √ Beat a level and the endless mode option for that specific level will appear during the next game session

Amazing Hearts Wallpaper 1.2(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Shake It Hearts Wallpaper is a collection of heart themed wallpaper specifically designed for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Shake It Hearts offers a new and unique way to discover wallpaper. If you find a wallpaper you like simply shake your iPhone and you'll get an alternate version of that wallpaper. Shake it and watch hearts break, colors change, and many more surprises.

Shake it Hearts formats images perfectly for your iPhone and iPod touch. These are not images pulled at random from the web. Each one was specifically created for your iPhone.

Shake it Hearts also plays music from your iPhone while you view wallpapers in sideshow mode.

Use Shake It Hearts to email wallpapers to your friends, the sexy girl who sits next to you in class, anyone you want. Post your favorites on facebook, myspace and twitter.

Users who like the following apps will probably enjoy Shake It Hearts: Sally's Spa, Backgrounds, Emoji

Heart themes include: emo heart wallpaper, heart pattern backgrounds, love heart wallpaper, broken heart wallpaper, gamer heart wallpaper, and many more heart themed wallpaper and backgrounds.

Sudoku with Dr. Dim Sum 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

You no longer have to search newspapers for a Sudoku puzzle to solve, all you need to do is launch ‘Sudoku with Dr Dim Sum’ on your iPhone or iTouch. With over million Sudoku puzzles to solve, this is the one stop application for all Sudoku fans. Get going with Dr Dim Sum, through various difficulty levels including the ability to customize the puzzle grid as per your own liking. Keep Solving!

Features ?

  • Great graphics: A visual treat for your eyes as well as your mind.
  • Smart features: Intuitive game play and touch sensitive controls make it easy to play. Hint system available for those difficult moments.
  • Challenging: A Sudoku generator, developed by Maag Studios, with over a million possible board permutations and 4 modes of play, from a beginner to an expert.
  • Global Scorecard: Compare yourself with other Sudoku fans around the world. The more puzzles you solve, the higher up the rankings you go.

Completed 1.0.1(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Spend time getting things done…not just making lists about it.

Completed is designed to provide you with the easiest list making experience possible. No alarms, no due dates, no adding items on a separate screen, nothing to distract you from just quickly making a simple list.

Adding Items

Adding items is as simple as writing a list on paper. Add an item, press Done, you are automatically adding another item. To finish adding items just leave the new item blank.

Edit an item

When adding items just scroll to the item you wish to edit and tap. Bingo, now you're editing that item. Press Done and you're back to adding new items.

Complete an item

When not editing just tap an item to mark it as completed. It will move down below uncompleted items so that you're uncompleted items are always at the top. No more missing an item because it was out of view.

Reusable lists

A list can easily be reset so that all items are uncompleted. This is great for packing lists. Complete items as you pack them; on the return trip reset and do it again.

Multiple Lists

Have as many lists as you want. The Lists screen shows you all your lists. Each informs you of how many items are left to complete as well as listing the top 8 items without even opening the list.

군것질쉐이커 1.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

군것질의 유혹, 아이폰을 흔들어 날려버리세요!

군것질쉐이커는 다이어트 최대의 적인 군것질을 참을 수 있도록 돕는 어플리케이션입니다. 군것질의 유혹이 몰려올 때 군것질쉐이커를 실행해 먹고 싶은 음식을 선택합니다. 화면에 선택된 음식이 가득 차고 아이폰을 흔들어 열심히 운동을 하다 보면 어느새 식욕도 함께 사라져 있습니다. 해당 음식의 칼로리만큼 열심히 흔들고 나면 다이어트를 향한 당신의 의욕도 다시 한 번 강해질 것입니다.

매 순간 군것질의 유혹을 견디지 못하는 당신, 뒤늦은 후회는 그만, 이제는 아이폰을 흔들어 주세요.

제공 기능

  • 음식 리스트에서 먹고 싶은 음식을 선택
  • 해당 음식 1인분의 칼로리 확인 가능
  • 추후 사용 기록 그래프 등 업데이트 예정

E-mail: bleafstudio@gmail.com
Twitter: @bleafstudio
Cafe: http://cafe.naver.com/snackshaker

Face It! 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

★★★ FREE - Few Hours Only! ★★★ We love Face It! - but for some reason people just don't know about it.
So for the next few hours it is completely free! try it out, write a nice review, and tell your friends!

Like puzzles and want to kiss your free time goodbye?

Face It! is the game that can make all of your free time magically disappear!

The goal is simple: Get the faces to match the color of the station they are on.


  • There are 5 faces and 6 stations, which means there is one station empty at all times.
  • You can only move a face to the empty station if there is a line connecting both stations.
  • To move a face to the empty station, simply tap on it!

There are 40 different puzzles in increasing level of difficulty, and you can solve them in any order you like.

We challenge you to finish all of the levels in as few steps as possible!


If you liked bloon, blocked, parking lot, topple, tetris, bejeweled, or one of the other classic puzzle games, Face It! is the game for you!

Tennis Grips 1.0(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

This Application contains detailed Photo Illustrations with diagrams on the recommended grips to improve your Tennis Game!

A break down on what grip to use for:

Forehand: Flat or Some Topspin
Forehand: Lots of Topspin
Forehand Slice
Backhand: Flat or Some Topspin
Backhand: Lots of Topspin
Backhand Slice
Drop Shot

Detailed illustrations designed for ease of understanding with 2 angles of perspective for each grip.

My Telephone Game 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

The classic game of Telephone!! Now you can play it with the entire world, LIVE.

Unlimited Game Play, participate in as many games as you want!!!

As an added bonus we give you 5 bonus credits to create 5 of your very own games.

Who knows? Maybe one of your games will travel the world without any static!

If you are a part of the minority who haven’t played or heard of this game before, just imagine what happens when you create a message and ask five, ten,one hundred or even thousands of people to repeat what you say. They can only listen to the message one time before repeating it and passing it to the next player. Did I mention that you get to listen to each player turn if you choose to?

This game is played in a live fashion, GPS enabled, search-able and out of control. You can join a game in just a few seconds. Go ahead and create a game for a small circle of friends or for the entire world, you decide!

My Telephone Game comes with push notifications to keep you posted, invites to keep you and your friends in the same game, tracking for popular games and search, making it easy to find your friends and remain active in the game.

관련 글타래


Alchemize, Alt Wallpaper, Amazing Hearts Wallpaper, Blackjack, Books, Completed, Daily Tracker, Distances, Education, Entertainment, Face It, Finance, Free Apps, Games, Gravity Balls, Healthcare & Fitness, iCatcharrr, iCurrency Plus, iPod Touch, Marcel Magis, Medical, Navigation, Navy Patrol, OverTheLimit, Photography, Plus Ou Moins, Productivity, RealPostcard, Social Networking, Social Player, Sports, Sudoku with Dr. Dim Sum, SWAPit, Tennis Grips, The Pill, Toy Pilot 3D, Universal Detector, Utilities, Wapzilla Browser, 군것질쉐이커, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 한글 어플