오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100122

2010/01/22 06:47


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 18개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 18개의 어플 중 앞에서 소개하는 3개의 어플은 무료가 아니라 유료 어플이다. 먼저 PowerSnippet은 문자 메시지를 보낼 때 이모티콘을 편하게 보낼 수 있도록 하는 어플이다. 우리나라 휴대폰 사용자는 그림과 같은 이모티콘 문자를 보내길 좋아한다. 그러나 아이폰(iPhone)에서는 이런 이모티콘 문자를 보내기 상당히 힘들다. PowerSnippet는 이런 이모티콘 문자를 쉽게 보낼 수 있도록 해준다.

\*: /)/)((\ :\* 
\*:( ..)(..\*):\* 
\*:( づ♡て ):\*

기본적으로 PowerSnippet은 클립보드를 이용한다. 이모티콘 문자를 바로 SMS 문자로 보낼 수 있으면 좋지만 API의 제약으로 이는 지원하지 않는 듯하다. 또 이 어플을 이용하면 이모지(eMoji)라는 일본 이모티콘을 사용할 수 있다. 아울러 어제 개발자분께 연락한 덕에 따로 키보드를 설정하지 않아도 이 어플을 이용해서 이모지를 바로 입력할 수 있도록 바뀌었다. 현재 출시 기념으로 1불에 판매되고 있다.

Iron Camera는 국내 개발자에 의해 개발된 카메라 어플이다. 나 역시 써보지 않아 품질은 장담할 수 없다. 그러나 일단 국내 개발자가 개발했기 때문에 디자인이 상당히 깔끔하다. 또 상당히 다양한 필터, 비네팅 효과, 디지탈 확대/축소, 다양한 크기의 사진, 타이머, 사진 꾸미기 악세사리를 지원한다. 따라서 카메라 어플로는 드물게 아주 다양한 기능을 제공하는 어플이다. 이 어플은 평상시 2불에서 1불에 할인 판매되고 있다.

마지막으로 소개할 유료 어플은 Pocket Informant다. 일정관리 어플로는 앱 스토(App Store)어 최고의 어플이다. 달력, 할일, GTD(Getting-Things-Done)과리 또는 Franklin Covey ABC/1-99까지 지원한다. 평상시 무려 13불에 판매되는 어플로 현재 7불에 할인 행사 중이다. Awesome Note에 비해 디자인은 조금 떨어지지만 기능은 최고인 어플로 일년 중 추수 감사절에만 할인하는 어플이다. 이번 할인은 아이티 구호로 이틀(오늘까지)간 진행된다. 참고로 1월 16일 이후 Pocket Informant가 실행되지 않는 사람은 다시 내려받으면 베타 만료일 코드가 제거된 Pocket Informant를 받을 수 있다.

오늘은 일 때문에 인천에 갔다 와야 한다. 따라서 나머지 어플은 간단히 소개하는 것으로 하겠다. Free Pinball은 오늘만 무료인 어플은 아니다. 무료로 올라온 어플이지만 그래픽이나 기능이 괜찮아 소개한다. Dots은 1불에서 무료로 바뀐 게임 어플이다. 따로 무료 기간이 명시되어 있지 않지만 그래픽이 상당히 깔끔하기 때문에 소개한다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

PowerSnippet 1.0(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

★ 발매 기념 50% 세일
★ 스니펫 공유 기능은 다음 버전에서 제공될 예정입니다.

PowerSnippet은 명언이나 재미있는 문장, 이모티콘 문자 들을 카테고리별로 분류해서 보관해 놓고 SMS 문자를 보내거나 메일을 보낼 때 간편하게 사용할 수 있도록 해 줍니다.

기존 휴대폰에서는 간편하게 할 수 있는 이모티콘 문자 보내기가 아이폰에서는 매우 불편합니다.
기호 문자를 입력할 수 있는 입력기도 없고 일반 휴대폰처럼 내장된 이모티콘 문자 메시지도 없습니다.

PowerSnippet을 이용하시면 이런 불편이 사라집니다.

강력한 문장 편집기를 이용해서 직접 작성해서 보관하거나 만들기 어려운 이모티콘 문자 메시지는 사파리를 이용해서 인터넷에서 가져오거나 SMS로 수신한 문자를 복사해서 보관해 놓을 수 있습니다. 보관되어 있는 문장을 선택하고 탭 한번으로 바로 문자 메시지를 보내거나 메일 작성기의 본문에 넣어서 보내거나 아이폰의 다른 프로그램에서 사용할 수 있도록 클립보드에 복사할 수 있습니다.

여러가지 종류의 문장을 카테고리별로 분류하여 보관할 수 있으며 추가/삭제/편집을 간단하게 할 수 있습니다. 그리고 즐겨 찾기 카테고리가 있어서 자주 사용하는 문장은 자동으로 등록되어 간편하게 사용할 수 있습니다.

내장된 문장 편집기는 450개의 유니코드 기호 문자를 입력할 수 있는 유니코드 심볼 입력기가 포함되어 있어서 아이폰에서 입력할 수 없었던 다양한 기호 문자를 입력할 수 있습니다.(*☀☁☂☂☄☎☞☠☺☯♚♘♠♥♧ 등등)

또한 일본에서 판매중인 아이폰에서만 사용 가능한 이모지 키보드를 활성화 시켜 주는 기능도 가지고 있어서 PowerSnippet은 물론이고 아이폰의 모든 프로그램에서 450개 이상의 예쁘고 귀여운 이모지 그림문자를 입력할 수 있습니다

Iron Camera 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

Iron Camera는 iPhone으로 사진 촬영시 손쉽게 즉석 사진 느낌이 나도록 만들어 주는 어플리케이션입니다. 각종 필터와 비네팅 효과, 다양한 프레임을 제공해서 촬영후 바로 즉석 사진을 이미지를 만들 수 있습니다. 또한 이미지를 꾸미기 위한 다양한 악세사리를 제공하니 좀 더 풍부한 느낌의 사진을 만들 수 있습니다.

다들 멋진 즉석 사진을 만들어 보세요!!!


  • 메카닉 분위기의 재미있는 UI
  • 사용하기 쉬운 사용자 인터페이스
  • 4배 확대 가능한 디지털 줌
  • 비네팅 효과(0~100%까지 원하는 정도를 조절할 수 있습니다.)
  • 사진위에 촬영 날짜를 새길 수 있습니다.
  • 다양한 사진 사이즈를 제공합니다.
  • 셔터 타이머 기능
  • 일범 저장 및 트위터 페이스북 업로드, 이메일 보내기를 지원합니다.
  • 13개지의 사진 액자를 제공
  • 45종의 꾸미기용 악세사리 제공
  • 16종류의 컬러 필터를 제공

********** E-mail ********************

Pocket Informant 1.21.11(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $12.99 -> $6.99

All Proceeds from this sale Jan 20th through 21st will be given to Haiti-relief Doctors without Borders fund

Pocket Informant is an integrated calendaring and GTD-based tasks solution for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Our purpose is to fuse together best-of-class calendaring with best-of-class tasks into one great solution. We have been carefully crafting each new version with exciting new features in each release...and there's still plenty more to come. Here are some of our top current features:

  • Push Alarms for events and to dos straight to your phone! (Touch users require WiFi access)
  • Today, Month, Day, Week, Agenda, Task, and Search views
  • Swipe between Months, Days, and Weeks
  • Easily jump to any date in Day and Month views
  • Timebars to show your free/busy time at a glance or show mini-text on the month cells instead
  • Calendar Filtering: Filter tasks and events by one or more calendars
  • Tags and Tag Filtering
  • TextExpander support in most text fields
  • Expanded detail view to see events and tasks on any day
  • Phone Links in Notes
  • Tasks integrated with the Calendar Views
  • Task Grouping and QuickSearch/Insert
  • Full Search of Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar items
  • Send Appointment Meeting Requests
  • Getting-Things-Done (GTD) management or Franklin Covey ABC/1-99 Prioritization of tasks
  • Pre-made filters to quickly find active, due, undated, overdue, and completed tasks
  • Today View to show your current appointments, tasks, meeting attendees and alatms
  • Starring (flagging) tasks
  • Highly customizable views


  • Auto-sync will sync changes immediately up to the server and new items from the server sync down every 45 minutes (while PI is running or next time it runs)
  • Syncs with Google Calendar and Toodledo.
  • Direct to Outlook Sync. Requires WebIS Desktop Sync software (now available). Visit our http://tinyurl.com/yggbk2a for more details.
  • Calendar Data is separate from the built-in Calendar

Proper task management is essential, but it’s only part of the picture.
Pocket Informant is a full featured PIM, so it lets you focus on everything you do in a day - not just your task list. We believe bringing your appointments and tasks together in one place is more efficient than working in isolated calendar and task management systems. Pocket Informant is designed to not force you into any one method of doing things - use our Task View as rigidly or freely as you want, using GTD principles, Franklin Covey, or your own system.

We love our iPhones, but we saw some untapped potential for a full-featured PIM. Pocket Informant fills that gap. To start with, we made navigation very natural - simply swipe between the months, or tap the month name to jump to a new date. For those of us who have several events in a day, we built a time bar so you can see how your day is blocked off at a glance. When looking at a day’s activities, we show you your appointments AND tasks together, and we give you nearly the entire screen to see them. We offer a convenient view to quickly see activities going on "today", and we built a great week view as well.

For years, these and numerous other features have made Pocket Informant a must-have application for school teachers, soccer moms, salesmen and executives alike.

If you are a user of Pocket Informant from another platform, be sure to note that while we have crafted the iPhone version from the same stock, it is a different application. Check our website to vote on your most desired features, and follow us on Twitter to provide feedback and see what we're up to ? all from our website.

Localizations: English, German, and French. New Languages will be added in future releases.

Check us out on Twitter: @webis_mobile

iMantra 2.7(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Bring your practice with you where ever you go. Select your mantra from among beautifully spoken Buddhist, Hindu, Kundalini, Universal, and Planetary mantras in several voices, and when you slide a bead your iPhone says the mantra and keeps track of the beads. You can say the mantra along with the recording, or just listen. You will even see the king bead appear when you get to the end of your mala. So that you can easily tell which bead is the one to slide, we have made it slightly see-through. Keep your practice conscious, and make sure you push it all the way over to hear the mantra.

Now iMantra is a free app! We will be adding new optional content from renowned mantra speakers.

If you want to practice a mantra that we don't have recorded, you may record your own. You can record up to nine mantras, complete with the mantra words and description.

NOTE: You can try our our less expensive version, iMantra Lite to see if this app is for you!

You can also choose to listen to music. With each mantra, we have selected either tambura in an appropriate key, or another meditative sound. You can easily set the volume for the music separately from the mantra, or turn it off altogether to hear only the mantra.

You can put your own deity image on the screen, or customize it with a photo. Just select any picture in your library. You can even email yourself an image, and add it to your library, and then select it for iMantra.

Also, set up the mala beads as you like -- anywhere from nine to 199 beads for the mala, and set up to 499 malas repetitions! This allows nearly 10,000 chants to be said and counted by iMantra.

iMantra keeps track of the number of mantras that you have said, and the number of malas that you have completed.

Or, to listen without having to interact with the phone, click the Buddha's beggar bowl and the beads slide out of view and the mantra is repeated for you to listen to. You can set the number of malas that you wish to hear, and iMantra will say exactly that number. We have even disabled the automatic phone shutoff so you are not interrupted during your practice. Hint: To avoid phone or email interruptions, set your iPhone to Airplane mode.

You can listen using the built-in speaker, or headphones. If you are connected to speakers using a dock or adapter you will hear the full quality of the mantras.

iMantra includes a volume slider that disappears when mantras are playing, so that you can adjust the playback volume. It also includes the Planetary Mantras, and more Hindu mantras.

Whether you have a beginner's mind, and want to have examples to follow and learn, or you are a soul with an established practice, you will find iMantra a wonderful tool to use every day.

We have added 10 new Hindu mantras, in a new category. These mantras are sung by Kabir, a world renowned musician and scholar of Indian raga music. He has studied, taught, performed, and composed Indian music in the U.S. and India for over 35 years. Additional mantra with Kabir's Tamboura will be coming in the next release. We have more information about Kabir on our web site.

A special Universal mantra is also included: the Ascension Mantra. It is said that chanting this mantra is so powerful, you will feel the medicine working the very first time you hear it. Since this is a longer mantra (over four minutes in length), you can play the full mantra using the Buddha's bowl method, or, to learn it in smaller segments you can use the beads. We have posted the full text of this mantra on our website for you to download.

Many mantras are included, and we will be adding more in the future. When you download this app you are eligible to receive all the future updates and additional mantras for free as we add them. Please email us with suggestions for mantras you would like to have. Namaste.

Free Pinball: Super-Tilt Baseball 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

This is a free one inning version of Super-Tilt Baseball.

Super-Tilt Baseball takes your pinball experience where no other game has dared go ? a pinball table you can TILT! With Super-Tilt Baseball, you can control the direction of the pinball by tilting your iPhone or iPod Touch, but take care to avoid the fielders ready to turn your perfect hit into an out.

Based on classic baseball pinball machines, Super-Tilt Baseball is like no other pinball game on the iPhone with its outstanding 3D graphics and realistic physics. Swing for the fences and hit the ball out of the park for a home run, or drive the ball to one of the targets to advance the runners and score even more runs. The game plays just as a regular baseball game does with 3 outs to an inning.

The physics will give you the sense that you are playing a real pinball machine. Bumpers snap the ball across the table just as real pinball machine bumpers do. Super-Tilt Baseball gives you the control to pull the plunger back precisely for spectacular skill shots. You can even adjust pinball table angle to get faster action.

Forget about games that pretend to be 3D and force you to endlessly punch flipper buttons, get yourself into the realistic pinball action of Super-Tilt Baseball and GET TILT!

My Girlz Rock 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

!!!!!!! Free for a limited time !!!!!!!

Are you a Pop Star wanna be? American Idol your next stop? Or do you just love to sing along with your favorite pop sensations?

Well, with My Girlz Rock you can live out all your pop star fantasies. It's a dream come true! Rock out with the My Girlz and even get feedback from them on your performance.

After that try to keep the beat with the latest pop sensations like: Pink Army, Chessie Chaney, Abi Hoffman. It's time to rock and roll with your MyGirlz friends: Tessa, Tia, Blake and Brooke.

Sing along with their new songs, record yourself, play your song for the judges and get your score. Find out if you can be the 5th member of the band.

Look for hidden treasures. It's time to rock, ladies!

FYI--use your headphone when recording and play back for the best sound!!

Marketing Built by AppMakr.com Marketing 1.0(Business)[iTunes]

Price: Free

For a limited time, the $4.99 Do It! Marketing app is FREE

Marketing expert David Newman offers you a streamlined view of the ongoing marketing conversations from the best minds in business.

Grab this app for your iPhone or iPod Touch and in 60 seconds you'll have access to some of the best small business and entrepreneurial marketing minds on the planet...

  • Seth Godin
  • Chris Brogan
  • MarketingProfs
  • Find & Convert
  • Bob Bly
  • CopyBlogger

...and about two dozen more.

PLUS you can "surf and go" - this app supports offline reading in planes, trains, and tunnels. Once you download the posts, no need to stay connected!

Rated "5 stars" by my Mom and "4 paws" by my dog - but you'll love it, too!

PLUS - no ads, no gimmicks, no nonsense... just pure marketing smarts to help you grow your business. Enjoy!

This app was built through AppMakr Visit our website at www.AppMakr.com for more information.

Dots 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Dots - A Puzzle Adventure.

Dots is the brilliant new puzzle game from Cobra Mobile.

Welcome to Dot World where Dot scientist Professor McDotty is flung into the distant past whilst an ancient Cave Dot is thrown into the present. McDotty must make his way home through a series of Time Portals, whilst also guiding the Cave Dot as it travels backwards in time.

Dots is a puzzle adventure game, where you control two characters on screen at once. Using a straightforward and intuitive ‘touch and drag’ mechanic, you guide your onscreen characters through forty increasingly difficult levels, over four distinct Time Zones.

Keep a look out for Items that will aid you in your puzzling quest such as flint to make fire with, and spears to throw at hard to get to switches.

Avoid making contact with anyone else on your travels or a Temporal Explosion will be the awful result.

Your concentration and puzzle solving skills will be severely tested in this pixel perfect puzzler!


  • A new twist on puzzle games.
  • Inventory based puzzle solving.
  • Medal based acheivements.
  • 40 Levels of puzzle & adventure fun.
  • Exclusive free Bonus Material included.

See Dots in action at - www.youtube.com/cobimobi

Barrel Defender 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Todays special: 24h free - Arcade Shooter Fun

Barrel Defender is an old school retro Arcade Shooter. Protect your Energy Barrels, collect extra weapons and blast away waves of aliens!

Barrel Defender is easy to control. Your spacecraft follows the slide of your finger and is in 'auto shoot' mode. It is the ideal game for the casual player. Enjoy blasting aliens for a couple of minutes...


  • 2 game modes ( wave game and quick game )
  • a bunch of different aliens and movement pattern
  • a bunch of extra weapons
  • 2 GFX Sets ( Solid and Vector )
  • different backgound gfx
  • easy to control
  • quite easy play

Quick Game:
In this mode the game play difficulty increases rapidly so pickup your extra weapons on time...

Wave Game:
You play 5 stages with 5 waves each. Each wave uses predefined enemy patterns. After a specific amount of kills, you enter the next wave. This mode is quite easy in the beginning and no real challange for the experienced gamer but still fun to blast everything away...

Note: if you tap once on 'Start Wave Game' or 'Start Quick Game' the high score display shows the high score for the chosen mode.

If you tap on the top of the screen while playing you get the in game option screen.

For more information visit the games website, see the in game instuction or just give it a try! http://preussie.miscstuff.de/iphone/

Yovi 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited period

Yovi - a true challenge to your brain!

Dare to try?

An ultimate game, developing your memory and language skills

Old school-fashioned interface and unique gameplay makes Yovi the most wanted word game!

Feeling lucky today? Try to reach TOP10 then!!!

Based on SOWPOD Dictionary

Your goal is to find as much words as possible. You can combine words by highlighting them letter by letter. You can move in any direction, but each letter can be used only once. The highlighted word (if spelled correctly) will disappear and new letters will fill the space.

If you stuck during the game, having no chance to find any word, you can change letters by holding them for a few seconds and pressing a "replace" button then. Each converted/changed letter will cost you several points though.

TomeRaider 4 1.0(Books)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


TomeRaider was the first application to get multi-megabyte ebooks on a handheld device and now, ten years later, it’s breaking new ground on the iPhone.

TomeRaider allows you to download and keep an increasing range of ebooks, specializing in education and reference works such as Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, Guidebooks and Classic texts.

These files are available in this version:

CIA World Fact Book
King James Bible and the Apocrypha
The Fundamentals of Buddhism
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
The Dhammapada
The Holy Quran

Key Features:
Fast: TomeRaider’s innovative indexing system works great on the iPhone, both for browsing and the Quick Find feature. We think it’s the fastest way to get to reference information, with or without internet connection.

Useful: With so many reference and educational works in one place, TomeRaider will become an increasingly useful application, handy and quick, whenever you need it.

Attractive: TomeRaider on the iPhone makes great use of the new interface possibilities. It has its own picture display system and the books are all individually styled.

Other Features:

  1. Fast subject search
  2. Ergonomic Interface
  3. Many more TomeRaider files are being prepared.
  4. TomeRaider Tab view

How to use:

Browse the free "Online Library" for ebooks that you are interested in. Tapping on the item will take you the book's description from where you can download the book.

You can see which books are currently downloading in the "My Downloads" tab. Downloads can be cancelled, paused and resumed.

In the "My Books" tab you can browse and read the books that are stored on your iPhone. When a ebook is opened for the first time you will be taken to the subject index for that ebook. This list can be scrolled or you can use the Text box to quickly navigate to the subjects by typing their name.

Page Turning: The Previous and Next buttons allow you to move through the book's pages sequentially.

Hyperlinks: If the TomeRaider ebook contains links to other pages then you can navigate through the history of those links using the arrow buttons, which will become highlighted.

Image zooming: When there is a large image in an ebook, a small version of the image is created and displayed inline with the text with a magnifying glass icon overlaid. The original large image can be viewed in a separate image viewer by tapping the small version.

Rating ebooks: You can rate ebooks by clicking the "Actions" button on the subject index view. Books can only be rated once.

If you have any questions or suggestions for TomeRaider on the iPhone please don’t hesitate to contact us.

TomeRaider is developed by Yadabyte Ltd

A 2nd Grade Pattern Recognition Game 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

One day free 2nd Grade pattern recognition game is part of "Most Popular" Top 100 pattern recognition app series.A 2nd grade pattern recognition game is part of pattern recognition app series, each app that is part of this pattern recognition series comes with unique pattern sequences that are suitable for appropriate age groups and grade level. This game is appropriate for ages 7 and 8. Pattern recognition game is a fun app to help children build logical thinking and accelerate their brain development. Children develop visual discrimination when matching shapes and patterns. This app is a great introduction to pattern matching and spatial relationship. Each puzzle provides different pattern sequences that kid needs to recognize and choose from one of the four alternatives pictures to complete the sequence. Research studies show the act of looking for patterns can be an effective method to help children learn problem-solving techniques.

Pattern recognition game in Advanced mode helps the children to learn just finding "a pattern" does not automatically mean it is the right answer, they will learn and understand the use of multiple patterns is needed to justify an answer.

A new pattern matching game from "Nth Fusion LLC" designed specifically with younger children in mind, "Pattern Recognition" app provides children with an enriching and fun play experience.Your child explores picture patterns to find matches, a skill that lays the foundation for recognizing order in the world around us. If your child has difficulty finding the patterns by sight alone, encourage your child to say the names of the objects out loud. Ask questions like - When does the picture starts repeating? Reinforce the concept by saying the picture pattern out loud.


  • 2nd Grade kids
  • Parent home schooling
  • Elementary/primary teachers

GAME Rules:

  • Analyze the pattern shown on the screen. Fill in the missing pattern by "drag & drop" or double tapping on the image listed on the bottom row.
  • If your choice is correct then background of the app will turn green for brief moment and you will be taken to next patterm match puzzle.
  • If your choice is incorrect then background of the app will turn red for brief moment and the app will automatically show the correct answer. After a brief pause, you will be taken to next puzzle.


  • You can select between easy and advance patterns.
  • You can pick the number of puzzles that you want to solve in a session.
  • You can pick categories of pictures you want to see.

Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later

Please direct support questions to appsupport@nthfusion.com If you want us to add new features that would help children to enrich their learning, please send us an email.
And also to improve future version of the game, please provide us constructive feedback from your kid's perspective.

Touch Dance Revolving 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

FREE until 31 January!

Multitouch revolving on the dance floor with highly addictive gameplay that makes your body come alive.

This is not a time-based dance game as most of the dance games out there. This means that there is no visual feedback on when to take the next dance step. It is up to you to listen to the beat and dance, get into the rhythm just as on a real dance floor.

Multitouch dancing never seen before!

★ Disco dance floor consisting of 120 touch sensitive tiles. From 1 to 4 multi touches with 15 unique dance moves, unlimited combination of dance steps and 4 unique dance styles.

★ Dance to your favorite tunes, just load from your iPod library and play. Yes you read it right Touch Dance Revolving is one of the first dance game ever using whatever songs you like!. This means the game never gets boring, buy new smashing hits from iTunes, load your boom box and just dance.

★ Unlock new dance floor effects as you progress and get bonus multipliers for higher scores. Play with both thumbs & index fingers or just one hand.

★ Facebook integration. Publish feeds to Facebook regarding your progress and challenge your friends. Upload album covers to your photos. Follow us on Facebook for upcoming news or just to tell us what you think. We don't save or monitor any login information, all communication with Facebook is done through Facebook’s own API. Furthermore we don't publish feeds without your approval.

★ Need help? Tapping the logo during play returns to main screen. Rotate your device to find the best position for your fingers. The first 4 moves are your upcoming dance steps. Fourth move from left is your next dance step. Focus on all 4 moves for more fluent play.

★ Too hard for you? Change to another song or dance style. Songs with constant beats are easier to play. Songs with varied beats are harder to play.

Follow us for upcoming news: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=205957191803

Trailer available at www.codemonkie.com

Cloudz 1.0.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For a limited time, Cloudz is free to celebrate our release of Grizzly, the only street fighter style game for the iphone!

What people are saying about Cloudz:
"OMG! This app is amazing! Sure, all you do is bounce around and collect stars, but it's fun! Addictingly fun! Beautiful artwork and stunning 3D graphics" - iTunes reviews (US)

Experience the relaxing, immersive 3D arcade game from Artwerkz! But beware, Cloudz is highly addictive! Blubob the Bat cannot yet fly and must glide to bounce off blocks that blink, spin, shake, and move in waves. Tilt your device to make Blubob soar through his jade bat cave, pick up stars, and race to the finish.


  • Stunning High Resolution 3D Graphics
  • Smooth, high-speed flying action at 30-60 fps
  • Five music tracks
  • High Scores and best racing times for levels
  • Grab yellow, blue and pink stars for better times and a higher score


  • Rotate the iPhone left/right to turn Blubob left and right
  • Rotate the camera forward to move Blubob forward
  • Rotate the camera back to make Blubob slow down and move backward
  • Push the down button to make Blubob drop faster

Youtube video of Cloudz in action:

1A2B 1.0.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


1A2B is a classic number puzzle game, It takes only a little time to play, but it’s very addictive.

When the game starts, it randomly generates 4 different numbers from number 0 to number 9. The 4 random numbers are what you need to figure out at end of the game. First you have to guess 4 numbers to start your supposition. After that there’s a hint for you to amend the first supposition. There are servel chances for you to amend your suppostion base on the hint till you find the right answer. If your suppostion shows right number and in the right position, you will gain an A. If your suppostion shows two right numbers in the wrong positions, you will gain two B.

The random 4 figures: 9527
Your suppose: 7593
Hint: 1A2B (the “A” refers to “5”, and the “B” refers to “7” or “9”.)
The "A" and "B" is HINT, Get 4 "A" to win the game.


  • Challenge Mode: Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty. steps and time limited, get more scores.
  • Free Mode: No any Limited, just enjoy it.
  • OpenFeint -
  • Scores: Challenge, Free Mode and Total scores on world wide.
  • Achievements: Some funny achievements waiting you unlock.

Video: http://j.mp/trl1a2b
Follow on Twitter @iceward

Android's Odyssey | AmbiScience™ ? Mind Aid 1.5(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Check our BUNDLE Packs and SAVE!!
Type 'Tesla Audio' in Search.

The Best in Ambient Music and Brain Wave entrainment to sync your mind.

"I cannot imagine this being better"-ronda
"Enjoy" - Dasystem
"They did it again!" - Xill
"Another winner"- Well its just me
"These guys are the real deal!" - 5Front
"Amazing for EDM artist!" - Armando C
"Made of Stars" - Chontler

"The AmbiScience series from Tesla, in my opinion, is the best of the bunch." - TUAW.com


Ambience meets science, AmbiScience.


  • 13 Long Seamless Ambient Music Loops
  • 10 Quality optional Entrainment effects
  • Countdown Timer with fader
  • Alarm Feature with fader
  • Auto Quit Feature
  • Volume Presets
  • Adjustable independent volumes
  • The smallest available file sizes
  • High quality audio
  • Easy instructions
  • Free updates...more to come

AmbiScience is the BEST in ambient MUSIC plus the added BONUS of BrainWave Entrainment. Experience great music while syncing your mind with entrainment.

The following 10 QUALITY TRACKS are included:

  • A Baby Android is Born
  • First Steps
  • Exploring a New World
  • Learning Ones and Zeros
  • The Mysterious Humans
  • Memory Purge
  • The Android's Dream
  • I am Android
  • The Search Engine
  • Gammaville

Plus as a bonus, 3 NOISE tracks:

  • Brown Noise
  • White Noise
  • Pink Noise

The following 8 ENTRAINMENT EFFECTS are included (the 2 sleep effects are at very low frequencies and are not audible through the iPhone/iPod speaker headphones, earbuds or external speakers are required)Isochronic can be listened to with or without headphones. Binaural must be listened to with Headphones:

  • Caffeine/Alertness (Isochronic)
  • Focus (Isochronic)
  • Meditation (Binaural & Isochronic)
  • Sleep (Binaural & Isochronic)
  • Deep Sleep (Binaural & Isochronic)

AmbiScience uses the most EFFECTIVE pitch/carrier frequency rate paired with the desired brainwave frequency to achieve the best results - according to the research from noted American computer scientist J.C.R. Licklider.

AmbiScience uses an AMAZING entrainment process, that has been scientifically proven to gently and naturally sync your mind. Just play one of the tracks listed above, tap the entrainment button, pick your desired effect and you’ll be achieving states of consciousness that have taken years to achieve. ENJOY!


Push Penny 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Special Promotion, Get this App free for 2 weeks

Relive the experience of Push Penny with 30 levels of this challenging and innovative game.

Push Penny uses the iPhones and iPod Touches accelerometer to tap the penny into the scoring zones.

Try to get the pennies into the scoring zones using as few taps as possible.

Good Luck.


1: Drag the penny so that it is hanging over the edge of the table. 2: Tap the end of the iPod/iPhone to push the penny along the table. 3: Try to get the penny to stop inside the scoring zones.

Please take care of your iPhone or iPod Touch, this game requires you to tap the end of your device. Make sure that you hold it tightly.

Save Benjis 1.6.1(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE Today Only. Also Check out Save Benjis+ which is HALF PRICE today.


"Best App for Price Comparisons, Save Benjis" -- Best iPhone Apps, O'Reilly, available at your local bookstore.

Save Benjis gives you the best internet prices while you shop in the real world. Compare prices on your iPhone (or iPod Touch) for millions of products from hundreds of stores. When you find a better price using Save Benjis you can buy the item right from the app. It's a great way to save money.

Sometimes there is no substitute for shopping in a physical store. You get to try an item out or try it on, but in today’s economy you can’t afford not to get the best price, and online price comparison shopping (with coupons) is the best way to guarantee that. Save Benjis gives you the best of both worlds, by letting you do a worldwide price check.

Search By:
product name, product number, bar code (UPC, EAN & ISBN), manufacturer, author, actor, publisher etc.

Product categories:
Appliances, Baby Supplies, Books, Cameras, Car Parts, Computers, CDs, DVDs, Games, Tools, Toys, TVs etc.

Coupons and specials not available on all products.

관련 글타래


1A2B, A 2nd Grade Pattern Recognition Game, AmbiScience™, Android's Odyssey, Barrel Defender, Books, Business, Dots, Education, Finance, Free Pinball, Games, iMantra, iPod Touch, Iron Camera, Lifestyle, Marketing Built, My Girlz Rock, Photography, Pocket Informant, PowerSnippet, Productivity, Push Penny, Revolving Cloudz, Save Benjis, Super-Tilt Baseball, TomeRaider, Touch Dance, Yovi, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 한글 어플