오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100115

2010/01/15 09:13


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 23개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 이 중 YBM Tycoon TOEIC은 유료 어플이다. 평상시 8불에 판매되는 어플이지만 5불로 할인 판매 중이라 소개한다. 또 Flash Cards!, Sex Life, Baby Sweet Dreams는 이미 유료로 전환되었으므로 내려받을 때 주의하기 바란다. 다만 이지만 오늘은 비교적 고가의 어플이 많다. 3불에서 5불 사이의 어플이 꽤 있으므로 잘 살펴보기 바란다. 마지막으로 어플의 수가 많고 시간이 없기 때문에 어제와 마찬가지로 중요한 어플만 소개하겠다.

World of Tunes는 평상시 3불에 판매되며 사용자의 평이 상당히 좋은 게임 어플이다. 귀여운 캐릭터의 음악 게임 어플로 보면 된다. Goal Manager는 평상시 무료 5불에 판매되는 목표 관리 어플이다. Contacts Manager app라는 연락처 관리 어플의 출시를 기념해서 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Gobang Five in a Row는 우리나라 사람들이 상당히 즐기는 오목 게임 어플이다. 바둑돌이 아니라 조금 낯설기는 하지만 오목을 좋아하는 사람은 내려받기 바란다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다. 마지막으로 TKD Terms은 태권도 용어 어플이라 소개한다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

Lonely Planet Travel Guides 3.0.3(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chosen by Apple as a Top Travel App - featured on Apple.com and iTunes

New York Times: "Lonely Planet guidebooks are, quite simply, like no others."

FREE bonus: San Francisco City Guide and Mexican Spanish Audio Phrasebook included free (valued at US$25.98).

Lonely Planet’s award-winning guides and audio phrasebooks are now available to download to your iPhone and iPod Touch.

Over 75 guides and audio phrasebooks available for purchase within the App.

Our location-aware technology gives you hundreds of handy reviews, striking images and interactive maps ? all searchable, portable and easily personalised. Browse guidebook chapters, discover neighbourhoods & plan your itinerary.

Our audio phrasebooks bring you closer to understanding the local culture with hundreds of translated, phonetically written and spoken phrases.

We'd love to hear your feedback, feature requests and ideas at http://getsatisfaction.com/lonelyplanet

Chad Ochocinco Experience 1.1(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

The Chad Ochocinco Experience ? now available through your iPhone and iPod Touch*

This iPhone app gives you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into the life of the most interesting football player, Chad Ochocinco, aka Esteban Ochocinco, aka Chad Johnson.

Download this app and get the following:

  • The Ochocinco Soundboard in English and in Spanish.
  • Exclusive videos & pictures from Ocho, including highlights.
  • Pictures of Ochocinco fans around the world. If you have a nice tailgate in Cincinnati, we will find you and upload select pictures on the app.
  • What would Ocho Do? Submit questions to Chad and he will select a few and answer them within the app. Ask for advice, don't ask to meet Chad or for an autograph please!!
  • Pictures of Ocho’s family. See pictures of Chad with his family and closest friends.
  • News feed on Ocho, NFL, Bengals and everything else that Ocho likes.
  • Follow Ocho's Twitter timeline and see what he is up to.
  • In the bio section, see things you never knew about Ocho.
  • Follow Ocho Cinco on a map.
  • See Ocho’s music on his iPod in Ocho’s Jams. The same music in the lockers, his car and while he works out.
  • Cincinnati Bengals 2009-2010 schedule.
  • Ocho’s stats for the 2009-2010 NFL season.

We welcome your feedback. If you have any requests, find any bugs or are if you are having any issues please email support@rocksoftware.com or visit www.rocksoftware.com

Important iPod Touch Information - an internet connection is required for some of the functions to work properly. Some functions do not work on 1st generation iPod Touch.

YBM Tycoon TOEIC 4 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $7.99 -> $4.99

[Big Sale] 2010년 새해 이벤트!! $7.99 → $4.99 특별한 가격으로 만나세요.

교재명 : 김대균의 타이쿤 토익‘Tycoon TOEIC’

◈ TOEIC, 김대균과 함께 본격적으로 시작하세요.
대한민국 대표 TOEIC 강사 김대균의 야심작. TOEIC 초보들도 쉽게 공부할 수 있도록 모든 파트를 쉽게 설명되어 있는 김대균의 Tycoon 기초 토익 으로 고득점 확보를 위한 학습이 시작됩니다.

◈ ETS가 어떻게 토익 문제를 출제하는지 완벽히 알아두세요.
토익 출제 기관 ETS의 공식 문제를 분석해 가장 빠르고 정확한 TOEIC 학습의 길로 안내해드립니다. 또한 New TOEIC에 새롭게 추가되는 영국식 영어를 익힐 수 있으며, 시험 직전 실전 모의고사를 통해 실력을 미리 점검해보세요.

◈ 토익 도사, 김대균을 벤치마킹 하세요.
그 동안 알려지지 않았던 김대균의 자서전과 여행기, TOEIC 비법 등을 공개하여 김대균이 어떻게 TOEIC 대표 강사가 되었는지 그 발자취를 따라 누구나 TOEIC 고득점을 실현할 수 있습니다.

※강좌 리스트※

Lesson 16 - Part 2
Lesson 17 - Part 3
Lesson 18 - Part 3
Lesson 19 - Part 4
Lesson 20 - Part 6,7

'YBM Tycoon TOEIC 4'는 총 5 Lesson으로 구성되어 있으며, 각 Lesson마다 Tycoon Special - Part 5 어휘 문제 특강과 Mini-Test가 포함 되어 있습니다.

Flash Cards! 1.1(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time only!!!

Flash Cards! is a math flash cards and quiz system. The layout and settings are designed to be easier to use by younger elementary students where basic mathematical operations are common.

While the type of math problems shown are typical of what is presented to younger students, they are still useful for anyone who wants to keep their basic math skills sharp.

Flash Cards! has both practice and quiz sections. The practice section presents the user with flash cards that are similar to the traditional paper flash cards. Once the user is comfortable with their math skills at a certain level, she can assess her skills through a multiple-choice quiz.

The user can select whether the flash cards and quiz present addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or a combination of all four. The user can also select the difficulty of the problems presented. These settings include easy, medium, hard, and progressive.

Having a strong math background begins with basic math skills. Practicing with flash cards is a good place to start.

Sex Life - all about Love Positions 1.0.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

LIMITED TIME - FREE Do you want amazing sex? Are you up to date with the latest trends? Do you think that the sexual education you got in school is all that you need to know? Do you want to become a better lover or just simply spice up your sex life? We are sure that this app will appeal to you regardless of who you are, assuming that you are interested to learn more about SEX! Sex Life contains extensive information about the following topics and more:

  • Complete descriptions of exciting sexual positions
  • Tips and advice on how to reach an orgasm
  • A thorough description of orgasm, m**********n and the act of sex, including foreplay, i*********e, and after play
  • How to sexually stimulate the female and male body
  • Informative section with what you need to know about contraceptives and STDs
  • A private black book to keep track of your sexual partners

This application should be seen as an introductory guide to sex and we therefore recommend you to continue searching for information by consulting books and/or sexual therapists/physicians, especially for issues regarding pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Balloonz! 1.2.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Don’t let the balloons get away! Pop as many as you can within the time limit!

Balloonz! is an addicting arcade game for all ages. The concept is simply to pop as many of the colorful balloons as you can to achieve the highest score! Play either in hard or easy. Play Easy and drag your finger across the screen to pop the balloons. Play Hard and you have to be a little more precise to pop the balloons!

To pop the balloons, simply just tap on the screen at the location of each colored balloon to score points. Avoid the black balloons because they deduct points. You'll receive 10 points for each colored balloon. Get a high score and get prompted to post it online and show off your achievement to the world.

There are four power-ups; STARS will increase the amount of balloons to pop (Means More Points!), BOMBS will wipe out every balloon but give you half the points for each balloon (Hit A Bomb After A Star To Get A Big Jump In Points!), TIME-CLOCK adds 10 seconds to your game (More Game Time Means More Points!), and SKULLS generates black balloons. (Careful Not To Get The SKULLS!)

Balloonz! consists of 3D balloon models, and real time lighting for the 3GS and 3rd generation IPod. The balloons are controlled by real-time physics and mimic real life balloons floating through the air.

If you don't have a 3GS iPhone or 3RD gen iPod Touch, the game will change its settings for you.


  • Real-Time Physics
  • Global Online Score using OpenFeint with leaderboards for Easy and Hard game modes and with achievements throughout play
  • 3D Balloon Models
  • Lighting and Shadow effects (Reflections on the balloons for 3GS phones)
  • Addicting Gamplay
  • 4 Power-Ups randomly generated to help or sabotage your game
  • Easy and Hard game modes where easy lets you drag your finger across the screen and hard forces you to be more precise with your taps
  • 6 Colorful Balloons - Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow and Black

DNA Trolls 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

This is a simple fast-shooting game you can play in a few minutes. It's great for quick Scoreloop challenges with your buddies, Facebook friends or other players! You can get updates on the latest challenges in the app or at Scoreloop.com

An engineered dna slurry is mutating antibodies into dna trolls, the only way to restore them is with a blast of radiation!
If any mutants escape be sure to play again and get them all, otherwise they might hide in dark places and come out at night ;-)

Tap on the radiation panel at the bottom of the screen to blast the mutants! Each blast costs 1 point and you gain 50 points for each mutant restored to a happy antibody.

World of Tunes 1.3.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

The Best Rhythm Action Game in App Store




"World of Tunes does a whole lot of things right, graphics, controls and loveable characters!" - iphonegamesnetwork.com

" This Quirky little game will have you laughing as you tap to an upbeat soundtrack" - Somedude445

"Flawless execution across its four game modes of Story, Free Play, Crazy mode and DJ shows the polish and work developer Com2Us put into this title" - Slidetoplay.com


  • 4 Different Rhythm Action Game Modes: Story Mode, DJ Mode, Crazy Mode, Free Play Mode!
  • Immerse Story line with 14 unique stages each with synchronized music and game play!
  • 4 Customized boss stages with unique music and individualized attacks!


Save the World of Tunes by orchestrating the Tuneys in defeating the invading alien overlords.
The adorable Tuneys bounce into aerobatic action as you tap along according to the rhythmic music.
Full screen touch controls immerses you in a fully interactive adventure.
Fun for all ages with easy to learn controls
Various types of beats from indigenous music to electric piano music


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@ Twitter.com/Com2uS

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@ Com2us.com/Facebook

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@ Com2us.com/iPhone


Baseball Slugger: Home Run Race 3D
The Chronicles of Inotia: Legend of Feanor
Homerun Battle 3D
9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2009
Trapped: Undead Infection
Crazy Hotdogs

Face Dance 1.2(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Face dance will make your face dance to the tune of music by simply taking a photo of a friend, family member, or even a pet and then singing into the iPhone or hold to music. The application will animate the face of the person (like their eyebrows, or their lips) to the tune of the music.

To have a different facial feature dance, just move or resize the photo by dragging/pinching. It's that simple! Now you can make any photo in your library dance.

You can watch your eyebrows dance to music, or any tune within your vicinities of the embedded mic. Move the picture up and your lips will start moving to the beat. A little down and watch your cheeks dance.

Saucy Phrasebook 2.0 1.1(Travel)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


  • This version includes: Arabic, Danish, Dutch, German, Italian, Korean and Portuguese.
  • More phrases for all languages.
  • Phrases are organized in six categories: Emergency, Dating, Food, Shopping, Shelter and Transportation.

Ever wanted to speak your mind in an array of languages? The Saucy Phrasebook, brought to you by Sosauce.com, is your answer!

Now, when you're traveling through Tokyo and you've had one too many sakes out comes "I drank too much and I'm going to puke" in a perfect Japanese voice. Or maybe you just got ripped off by a rickshaw driver in Mumbai, you can hold up your iPhone and play "Help! I just got swindled" spoken in Hindi.

The Saucy Phrasebook is your helpful travel companion to all those moments when you're lost in translation but your tongue is itching to speak. The Saucy Phrasebook provides you with useful emergency, flirtatious, and necessary phrases, all recorded by native speakers translated in thirteen different languages.

Over forty phrases in each of thirteen languages (Arabic, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish)

The Saucy Phrasebook is brought to you by Sosauce.com, a bunch of travel loving, yet foreign language deficient, travel geeks.


Feel free to contact us:

Goal Manager 1.2(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time to celebrate our release of our Contacts Manager app. Get it while it's hot!!

Goal Manager lets you create and manage goals around your life that can be tracked with numbers and dates. Examples of these include:

  • Go from weighing 210 pounds to 175 pounds in 6 months.
  • Save $5000 in the next year.
  • Learn 1500 words of a new language in 10 months.

Any goal you can think of that has a number attached to it can be managed in this app by helping you do the following:

  1. Create a goal with a target number and target date. Application will then calculate short term targets to reach.
  2. Create actions that you have to do regularly to help you reach your goal.
  3. Create affirmations (with pictures) that can be shown to you daily to keep you motivated.
  4. Keep track of your results and make sure you stay on target.
  5. Brainstorm ideas to help you achieve your goals.

This app is actually 3 apps in one - a sophisticated goal manager, a slideshow creator with titles and an idea organizer. Future updates will expand on these areas. Please send in feedback to our support website below.

Terraphone - Avian Edition 1.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Free For A Limited Time!!!

After the success of the original, award-winning Terraphone which focuses on geology and fossil exploration, now there is Terraphone - Avian Edition!

The Avian Edition of Terraphone brings a new tool to bird-watching iPhone users - The ability to see exactly where birds are reported to have been observed!

Many people are familiar with some of the great bird field-guides that are available for the iPhone and might wonder what another bird app could possibly bring to the table. Well, Terraphone - Avian Edition is the answer.

Avian Edition's primary purpose is not a field guide...in other words, it's not simply an advanced book in iPhone form...It is an advanced viewer of millions of reported bird sightings throughout North and Central America. By using this application, you can choose a location to study then view the bird sightings that have been reported for that area, including the date and time of the sighting, the person who recorded the observation, and the comments and field notes they left.

This kind of access to actual observational data provides a level of accuracy and resolution that is critical to bird-watchers. Many applications will show you maps of a continent with colored splotches covering thousands of square miles to show you where you might find a particular kind of bird, but Terraphone - Avian Edition shows you EXACTLY where a particular bird was reported to have been found. This is tremendously helpful for finding specialized birds which prefer very specific habitats. For instance, if you want to find pelicans in Wyoming, simply knowing that pelicans have been sighted in the state will probably be insufficient to help you find one. Instead, Avian Edition shows you on a map the geographic coordinates were pelicans have been sighted to help you in your search.

This application does display a nice collection of field guide styled content, such as bird images, bird songs, continental maps with splotches (see above), bird identification data, bird breeding data, and more...but these things are not the primary goal of this application. If you are looking for a field guide, we highly recommend iBird Pro or one of the other birding field-guides for the iPhone...they are a great compliment to Avian Edition and give you a well-rounded set of bird watching applications.

Terraphone - Avian Edition also includes an interface to the physiographic conservation plans for birds from the Bureau of Land Management, as well as a nice glossary of bird-related terms. Altogether, Avian Edition is a powerful, scientific, and fun application for both casual and serious bird-watchers alike. We hope you have fun and learn a lot with this application, and we love to answer any questions or comments about this or any of our products. Drop us a note and we'll be as helpful as we can.

An internet connection is required to download observational data, but once downloaded the data can be saved for offline use.

Thanks, and enjoy Terraphone - Avian Edition.

Music Master 1.3(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


To mark the return to school after the holidays, Music Master is now free for a limited time!

Practice your sight reading anywhere!

Music Master is a high tech set of flash cards for practicing reading music that you can carry with you at all times. No more "killing time" when you're stuck in a line - start up Music Master and practice your sight reading!

A note, chord, or key signature is displayed on the front of the card and when the card is flipped over, the answer is revealed. For single notes, the note's position on the keyboard or fretboard may also be displayed. And for notes and chords, double tapping the card will play the displayed note or chord!

All content has been custom designed for Music Master. From the staves and notes to the high quality audio, I have obsessed over every component to bring you the highest quality content. If you would like to send feedback directly to me, please use the link on the Music Master Support website available below.

What the Voice! 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


What the Voice?! is the most fun app on the AppStore. Just record something and see how ridiculous it can get with What the Voice?!.

Convert your recording ALMOST INSTANTLY using 15 different effects such as robotic, annoying, weirdo, trembling, chorus, gargle, rough, reverse, echo and more.


  • 15 fun fun fun effects
  • Record only once and try all effects without re-recording
  • Almost instantaneous conversion
  • Save your voice and replay later
  • Share your voice via email

You need an external microphone to use What the Voice?! External microphones are not supported for 1st gen iPod Touch devices.

Note: What the Voice?! cannot convert voices of an ongoing phone call.

Gobang Five in a Row : 오목 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Gobang, the board strategy game, (Chinese: 五子棋, Pinyin: w?z?qi; Japanese: 五目?べ; Korean: 오목, Hanja: 五目, Russian:Крестики Нолики) is known under different names including Fine in a Row, Connect Five, Gomoku, Omen.

Black plays first, and players alternate in placing a stone of their color on an empty intersection. The winner is the first player to get an unbroken row of five stones horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.


  • 5 levels of artificial intelligence implementing different algorithms and game strategies
  • Board sizes from 8x8 to 15x15
  • Play with AI or with human opponent
  • Elo rating system

LinkLines 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a short while. Also updated soon!

LinkLines is a remake of the classic Lines arcade puzzle game, and a direct conversion of one of my most popular games for Mac and PC. The object of the game is to link five balls of the same color to form a line in any direction. Create lines to stop the board from filling up!

Take all the time you need as this game is not about speedy play. You can take as long as you need to chose the best moves using brain power and logic! This is a bright and highly polished version of a classic game. LinkLines doesn't attempt to baffle you with features and bonuses, this is simply an addictive puzzle game for all ages!

Compete against others on the online High Score table!

If you enjoyed my BoXiKoN and CornerChaos games, you're sure to enjoy this also!


  • Very simple to learn
  • 20 Levels to work through
  • No time limits (relaxed game play!)
  • 9 Patterned Balls and a Joker Ball
  • Online Score Tracking and World Tables.
  • Auto-save and auto-continue
  • Simple game play with unexpected depth of logic

Baby Sweet Dreams 1.0.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE only for a limited period

A great app for toddlers and babies !

The app has 4 themes including Christmas, Desert, Jungle with a variety of animals and soothing music. Engage your toddler with movements of different animals. The calm music will help put the baby to sleep.

Only 99 cent !

Check out our other apps

First Animals: This is an app that contains many extra features to Baby Sweet Dreams.

Baby Engage : This app contains animations in various Themes

Art 'n' Trace 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Virtual Tracing Paper. FREE - only for a day !!!!!!!!

As the name implies, using this app you can create traced copy of your saved photos or images direct from the camera.


  1. Choose your source image by touching the camera button. you can pick images from photo library or from the saved images in your device.
  2. Move or zoom the source image to choose the part you want to trace.
  3. Touch the compose button. this will bring up a virtual tracing paper above the source image.
  4. Draw with your finger on the tracing paper and complete the visible part.
  5. Hide the tracing paper by pressing the eject button.
  6. Reposition or change the zoom level of source image, then repeat 3 and 4 to complete the whole image trace.
  7. After completing the trace, (or you can do it in between) choose the action button to save the trace image to your photo album, or you can send it to an e-mail id.

Hot Babes - Sexy Bikini Girls 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

App name says it all.


HotBabes are unique because these are the hottest babes! All categorized into lingerie, blonds, African-American, Asian, Latinos, brunettes, etc. These are fully licensed images. You can save them into your photo gallery and make it as your wallpaper. Add it to favorites for later viewing. Browse these steamy hot babes via thumbnails, swipe through the gallery and slide show. New sexy/hot babes are added regularly.

Tap on the images to see high quality full screen images and rate your favorites. See the hottest girls rated by all other users.

Initial load will be little slow since we have lots of HIGH QUALITY images. Once the images are downloaded you don't need wi-fi/3G to view them. You only need them to get new images.

Thank you for your Support and your 5 ?'s will make us to add more images frequently. ENJOY!!!

iSphere 1.0.22(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iSphere will bring the power of the "magic ball" directly on your iPhone: all the original sentences plus many others!

Just ask a question and shake the device: your answer will appear at the center of the sphere!

Next release will include localization in French, Spanish and German

MyPlaylists 1.2.9(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

With MyPlaylists on iPhone and iPod touch, you can create and edit your playlists without iTunes.

Feel like listening to your album in a particular order? Feel like making your own compilations? Need to modify playlists created with iTunes? And this wherever you are? With iPlaylists, your expectations become reality.

Create, edit, import existing playlists. Play, pause, skip, repeat, shuffle.


  • Create and edit new playlists with songs from your iPod library
  • Import and edit existing playlists (the original playlists can’t be edited, it’s just a copy)
  • Control the music : play, pause, skip, repeat, shuffle

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Shoe Splat 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Shoe Splat is a new and interactive game that brings the slum of a NYC apartment to you. Sit in a recliner and hurl shoe after shoe at scurrying roaches on the wall.

Splat them all over the wall and earn points and bonuses as well as defeating challenges and goals with over 80 unique levels.

Get on Hot Streaks and your shoes will heat up and catch fire. Earn points by Killing, Shoe throwing accuracy, Splatter Streaks, Wall and Bank shots.

Play in one of two different modes, Free for All or Challenge Mode. With 80 unique Challenges Shoe Splat grabs at your attention and doesn’t let go.

Shoe Splat uses a combination of detailed 3d models, physics, art, sound and everything the iPhone has to offer to create a fun and entertaining game that will leave you wanting more.

TKD Terms 1.4.3(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Tae Kwon Do Terminology

If you want Terms and Forms, check out TKD Pro.

Our application will allow you to select the English word, then you will SEE and HEAR the Korean version. You can select a random term by shaking the phone or selecting the "Choose for Me" button. You can even filter on the type of terms you would like to see.

Want to learn the Korean terms the instructors are using during your Tae Kwon Do classes?

Have kids that are in Tae Kwon Do and want to excel?

100 unique terms in version 1.4. We are currently adding more advanced terms and phrases.

A key part to the Martial Arts experience is knowing and understanding the culture and language.

This is a great learning tool on both your iPhone and iPod Touch.

Try it today!!!

관련 글타래


all about Love Positions, Art 'n' Trace, Baby Sweet Dreams, Balloonz, Chad Ochocinco Experience, DNA Trolls, Education, Entertainment, Face Dance, Flash Cards, Games, Goal Manager, Gobang Five in a Row, Hot Babes, iPod Touch, iSphere, Lifestyle, LinkLines, Lonely Planet Travel Guides, Music, Music Master, MyPlaylists, Productivity, Reference, Saucy Phrasebook, Sex Life, Sexy Bikini Girls, Splat, Sports, Terraphone, TKD Terms, Travel, What the Voice, World of Tunes, YBM Tycoon TOEIC, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 오목, 한글 어플