오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 100114

2010/01/14 08:30


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 20개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 다만 한글 어플은 무료 어플이 아니다. 모두 할인하고 있기 때문에 소개하는 어플이다. 먼저 실시간 가사 검색(Auto Lyrics)은 노래의 가사를 자동으로 찾아 주는 어플로 평상시 2불에서 1불로 할인 판매하고 있다. 또 넥서스 실용 옥편(Chinese Character Dictionary)도 평상시 6불에서 3불로 할인 판매하고 있다. 마지막으로 오늘의 운세는 평상시 3불에서 1불로 66%나 할인하고 있기 때문에 소개한다. 따라서 오늘만 무료인 어플은 총 17개로 보면 된다.

다만 오늘도 시간이 별로없기 때문에 일부 중요한 어플만 소개하겠다. STL Contacts Manager는 평상시 5불이나 되는 연락처 및 그룹 관리 어플이다. 어플의 품질도 상당히 좋으므로 연락처 관리 어플이 없다면 꼭 내려받기 바란다. Mappity Quakes도 평상시 5불이나 하는 어플이다. 우리나라는 지진이 별로 없기 때문에 별 소용이 없을 것 같다. 이름처럼 지난 24시간 동안 지진이 발생한 지역을 알려 준다.

Letter Land, Shape Rocket 모두 가끔 무료 어플로 올라오는 Match'Em Up 시리즈이다. 아이들 교육용 어플로는 상당히 괜찮은 어플로 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. iBeauty99, Sense Pad는 출시 기념으로 일시적으로 무료로 제공하는 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

The Quest - Mithril Horde 5.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free


The Quest - Mithril Horde is an expansion to The Quest, a beautifully hand-drawn, immersive and enchanting world full of exciting challenges. After enabling the expansion, you can continue to play The Quest with your existing character(s) to explore new areas and quests. However, if you don't have The Quest, you can also play the expansion as a standalone game.

You're a Savirian veteran of the ill-fated Lukomorian war, returning home to the west. Your sovereign, Lord Yuz, ruler of the exotic, westernmost province of the Mithril Horde, has summoned you to help re-establish his independence from the Mithril Horde. To do so, he seeks an alliance with the charming Cmonez, Princess of the last free Savirian state. However, his plans have been thwarted by Bathlusaa, a great dragon prince and by the Great Horde itself. Princess Cmonez has been captured on her way through the mountains and the Horde has sent troops to secure Lord Yuz's rebellious state. In this land of savagery and beauty, can you help your people prevail? Or will you and your nation live as slaves?

To access the new areas (not applicable if you are playing the expansion standalone), go to the harbor of Mithria and talk to captain Hanty, then select "Horde" as your travel destination. is recommended to reach at least level 35 before trying to take on the challenges of this new expansion. Please note that after you have traveled to your destination, you'll have no way back for a while (except if you have Marked a spot), so it is also recommended that you keep a save in Mithria.

The Quest - Mithril Horde has been developed by Zarista Games (www.catacomber.com) and was adapted to iPhone by Redshift.

Blue Shift 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Soar through four exciting levels in this arcade-style space shooter! Piloting an advanced starfighter designed by humanity's brightest minds, you have been tasked with defeating hostile alien forces intent on the destruction of our home world. Our fate is in your hands, pilot!

GIVEAWAY! For a limited time, get a copy of this exciting game for FREE!

Auto Lyrics - 실시간 가사 검색 (Lyric) 2.3(Music)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99

여러분의 성원에 힘입어 1만 다운로드를 달성하였습니다. 기념으로 세일 들어갑니다.

공지: 가사를 찾지 못하는 노래에 대한 Feedback을 주시면 추가하도록 하겠습니다. Feedback은 autolyrics2009@gmail.com으로 주세요. 감사합니다.

노래를 들으며 같이 흥얼거리다 지금 듣고 있는 노래의 가사가 궁금했던 적이 있으신가요?

아니면, 혹시 노래 가사는 기억이 나는데.. 노래 제목이 생각 안나거나.. 노래 제목은 혹은 가수 이름만 생각나서 답답했던 적이 있으신가요?

Auto Lyrics는 ★현재 아이폰(아이팟)에서 재생 중인★ 노래의 가사를 "실시간"으로 찾아줍니다.

또한, 노래가사의 일부분, 노래 제목, 가수의 정보를 가지고, 노래 정보를 검색할 수 있습니다. 노래가사의 일부분, 노래 제목, 가수 어떤 것이라도 넣어보세요.

2.0버전 이후부터 제공되는 유투브 영상은 여러분의 눈을 즐겁게 해줄 것입니다.

아이폰(아이팟)으로 노래를 즐기신다면, Auto Lyrics 와 함께 즐거운 시간을 보내세요.

ThroughView07: Difficult Bride (1847) 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For a limited time FREE

ThroughView specialises in transforming existing vintage images and works of art into a new presentation type. Our goal is to bring back famous periods and moments from our history for you to enjoy.

The main feature of each Throughview application is a looping movie letting you go inside of a photograph or painting from our history for you to enjoy.


  • Looping movie letting you go inside the painting.
  • Original image.
  • Anaglyph (3D) image which, when wearing 3d glasses (not included), shows the original image on your iPhone with depth.
  • Background information about the painter.

About the painting:
Painting: Difficult Bride (1847)
Artist: Pavel Andreyevich Fedotov (1815 - 1852)

About the company:
Next to an always growing catalog of amazing movies and 3d images such as seen in this presentation, we also produce high quality anaglyph prints (signed and provided with passepartout) and accesoires such 3d glasses.

Have a look around at:

넥서스 실용 옥편 Chinese Character Dictionary 1.3(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $5.99 -> $2.99

▶▶iTunes Store Rewind 2009 Best 어플 4종 선정 기념 고객 감사 할인 이벤트◀◀

넥서스 실용 옥편을 한시적으로 $2.99 (원래 가격 $5.99)로 할인 판매합니다. 2009년 한 해 고객님들의 큰 성원에 감사 드립니다.

A Chinese-character wordbook or dictionary is an indispensable tool for who wants to study and use Chinese characters. This dictionary for iPhone is based on published by Nexus Press, Ltd. It is convenient to carry, so you can easily and quickly look up a word and check the contents of it anywhere at any time.

  1. Book
    This book has been organized with priority given to Chinese characters and words written in Chinese characters that are more frequently used than others. Especially, headwords (6,200 characters total) have been selected with focus on the modern words that are necessary in everyday life, so that the book can be easily used by anyone from a middle/high school student, a college student to a general person.

    In addition, explanation is presented as easily and simply as possible. The elements that are less practical have been removed decisively, and items that help to understand and learn Chinese characters have been added instead.

    The origins of characters are explained for anyone to easily understand, and stroke orders of 1,800 educational, fundamental Chinese characters are contained to help study of Chinese characters.

    Chinese and Japanese pronunciations have been added as well so that it is easy to learn Chinese characters by linking a Chinese character and the corresponding word of foreign origin. Interesting stories related to ancient events are contained in the 'Collection of main fables and phrases' as an appendix.

  2. Program

    1. The program supports the real-time search function.
    2. It supports Search by side and Search by total number of strokes function.
    3. It supports the function to enter Chinese characters intuitively via handwriting recognition.
    4. In the Settings item, a user can change the font size of the list of extracted Chinese characters.

한자를 익히고 사용하려는 사람에게 필수적인 도구가 바로 옥편 또는 자전이라고 불리는 한자 사전입니다. 도서출판 넥서스에서 펴낸 으로, 간편하게 휴대하면서 원하는 장소 어디에서든 쉽고 빠르게 한자를 검색할 수 있습니다.

  1. 서적
    내용은 사용 빈도가 높은 한자와 한자어를 중심으로 구성하였으며, 특히 실생활에 꼭 필요한 현대어 위주의 표제어 선정(총 6천2백여자)으로 중?고등학생에서부터 대학생, 일반인들까지 부담 없이 쓸 수 있도록 구성했습니다.

    또한 풀이도 최대한 쉽고 간결하게 제시하였고, 실용성이 떨어지는 요소들을 과감하게 생략하는 대신 한자를 이해하고 학습하는 데 도움이 될 만한 사항들을 첨가했습니다.

    누구나 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 풀어 쓴 자원(字源) 풀이와 교육용 기초 한자 1,800자의 필순을 수록하여 한자 학습에 더욱 도움이 되도록 했습니다.

    그 밖에도 중국어와 일본어 발음을 표기하여 한자와 해당 외국어를 연결하여 학습하기 편리하도록 배려했으며 부록으로는 고사성어에 얽힌 재미있는 이야기들을 모은 ‘주요 고사성어 모음’을 수록 했습니다.

  2. 프로그램

    1. 실시간 검색 기능 지원합니다.
    2. 부수 및 총획수를 이용한 검색 기능 지원합니다.
    3. 필기인식을 통한 직관적인 한자 입력 기능 지원합니다.
    4. 검색된 한자 목록의 서체(글씨) 크기를 설정항목에서 변경할 수 있습니다.

개발 판매: 다올소프트

ReactorBots 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

ReactorBots is a real-time strategy game that puts you in command of several robots with a single mission - wipe out a viral robot infestation that has overrun the power mines.

Over 10 intricate & exciting missions to solve

A variety of unique robots

Robot explosions!

A wide range of game elements to provide a challenging experience in each mission

Unfolding storyline throughout the entire game

Robot upgrades intensify the action and provide dimensions of game strategy

Fast-paced tap and go robot destruction!
Destroy your opposition by attacking in numbers and using your robots to clear the mines.

오늘의 운세. 1.1.2(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> $0.99

★ 새해 맞이 깜짝 세일!
★ 한시적인 기간 동안 파격적인 70% 할인($2.99 => $0.99).
★ 기회를 놓치지 마세요.

오늘의 운세 아직도 매번 돈을 내고 보십니까?

이제 단 한번 구입으로 평생 제한 없이 운세를 보세요. 가족과 친구들을 등록시켜 다른 사람들의 운세 정보도 보여주시고, 인기를 얻으세요.

중요한 시험, 거래가 있는 날, 소중한 누군가를 처음 만나는 그 날의 운세가 궁금하진 않으신가요?

이 어플리케이션은 동양에서 인간의 운명을 판단하는 최고의 학문으로 인정받아온 자평명리학을 바탕으로 하고 있으며, 한국의 유명 운명 철학자들의 감수를 통해 검증된 운세 정보를 제공하고 있습니다.

각종 유명 운세사이트에서 제공하는 것과 동일한 신뢰성할 수 있는 운세 정보를 제공하고, 더불어 기존의 운세 사이트에서는 제공해주지 못한 기능들을 추가적으로 제공해주고 있습니다.

● 제공되는 운세 정보:

▶ 총운.
▶ 애정운
▶ 방향운
▶ 소망운
▶ 사업운/직장인
▶ 금전운

● 특징

▶ 운세 정보의 자체 내장으로 오프라인에서 사용 가능.
▶ 알아보기 쉬운 내용으로 구성.
▶ 여러 명의 사용자들을 등록, 각 사용자별 편리한 조회 기능.
▶ 그날의 운세.
내장하고 있는 운세 정보는 유명 운명 철학자들의 경험과 감수를 통해 만들어진 검증된 정보이며, 각종 유명 운세사이트에서 유료로 제공하는 것과 동일한 내용을 제공하고 있습니다.

● 그날의 운세란?

오늘의 운세뿐 아니라 특별히 원하는 날의 운세를 미리 볼 수 있는 기능입니다.

● 자평명리학이란?

명리학이란 인간 운명의 이치를 연구하는 학문이며 일생의 길흉화복을 판단하는 학문입니다. 자평 명리학은 이러한 명리학중에서도 최고의 학문으로 인정받고 있으며, 중국 송나라 때 이전 운명 판단의 적중률에 대한 문제를 해결하기 위해 창안되었습니다.

자평명리학은 기존의 이론에서 사용되지 않았던 획기적인 시도와 새로운 이론을 통해 운명 철학 이론의 적중률을 매우 높임으로써, 운명 철학의 수준을 한 단계 발전시킨 큰 계기가 되었습니다.

이후 수 많은 학자들의 노력을 통해 계속적으로 발전해 동양 최고의 운명 철학으로 평가 받고 있습니다.

● 주의 사항

▶ 동양의 운명 철학은 음력을 기준으로 하며, 운세 정보에서 언급되는 월은 음력의 월을 말하므로 양력의 월과는 차이를 가집니다. 대체적으로 음력의 월은 양력보다 한 달 정도 느립니다.

▶ 운명 철학이 모든 경우에 구체적으로 다 맞을 수는 없습니다. 같은 운을 가지고 있어도 사는 지역이 다르고, 살아가는 주변 환경이 다르고, 유전인자와 체질이 다르기 때문입니다. 하지만 우리가 사회 생활을 함에 있어 좋고 나쁨을 판단하는데 있어 운명 철학은 많은 도움이 될 수 있으니 참고로 하시길 바랍니다.

Mappity Quakes 1.3(News)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

Mappity Quakes shows the locations of earthquakes worldwide for the last 24 hours. See exactly where earthquakes occurred with the OpenStreetMap based map view or view the most recent earthquakes as a list.


  • Custom mapping based on OpenStreetMap data.
  • Earthquake data from the USGS.
  • Handy links to report earthquakes to the USGS, look them up in Google News, or see what people are saying on Twitter.

(Mappity Quakes was formerly known as TapMap Quakes.)

Internet Translator 2.1.2(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Internet translator is a powerful translator. It uses Google translation server.
With Internet Translator you can send your translations through email.


  • Embedded Web translator: With web translator you can translate sites and surf the web with automatic translator engine (based on Google engine)
  • Translations through Google server
  • Language Auto-Detection
  • Intuitive translation, selecting the flag of the language in which you want to translate, translation will be launched.
  • Automatic saving of translations, you can enable/disable the saving engine in the settings menu
  • Possibility to view and reuse saved translations
  • Possibility to send translations through email
  • CoreGraphics Animations
  • Technical support through http://www.gecosoftware.com, where you can make reports of bugs and doing requests for future versions.

Available languages:
Auto detection, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portoguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Catalan, Filipino, Hebrew, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Robot Phone 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Robot robot Robot robot Robot

Warning! Your little guy (or gal) won't get lost in space now that he has his new robot friends to talk to!

Press the call button to hear unique space and robot sounds.

Even record you own voice!! Keeps your little ones busy for eons communicating thru time and space!

Now your kids who are crazy for robots and talking on your phone have there very own 'OUT OF THIS WORLD" phone!

Icy WoWWiki 2009.12.29(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

a FAST WoWWiki viewer that gets out of your way.

For freedom, thank Google, FREE for a limited time

Key Features

  • Instant search
  • Auto-completion on keyword
  • Built-in Table of Contents panel
  • Tweak font size for any page
  • Optimized for WoWWiki mobile

A GREAT gift for a guildie.

Letter Land (Match'Em Up Fairground) 1.0.2(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Check out our new Triotris game as well!

Match the uppercase and lowercase alphabet letters to clear the board. The theme is a happy land where cute animals work and play. The letters are all designed with nice pastel colors and letter pronunciation occurs when a match is made. This is a great game for your younger children or children or adults who are learning English at an older age.

"The Letter Land graphics are cute and I like all the options this game gives you." - theiphonemom.com

Matching of either 8, 12 or 18 pastel letters.
Great background music and sound effects.
Fun and educational at the same.
A point system that gives bonuses for extra concentration.
A system that allows children of any age to enjoy and win.
Allows for uppercase/lowercase, uppercase/uppercase and lowercase/lowercase matching.

Letter Land is part of the Match'Em Up Fairground series which includes:
Shape Rocket
Count Entyne
Count Racula
Letter Land
Alpha Botem
Zodiac Faeries

Get all 6 for the price of 2 in Match'Em Fairground! Match'Em Fairground is the app with only that name.

Please email us at support@ensenasoft.com if you have any comments or questions.

Thanks for buying Letter Land!

Shape Rocket (Match'Em Up Fairground) 1.0.2(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Check out our new Triotris game as well!

Match the shape with the same shape but a different color. There is also a mode to match the shape with its written name. Shape pronunciation occurs when a match is made. This is a great game for your younger children.

Matching of 8 shapes (of 10 possible shapes) at a time.
Great background music and sound effects.
Fun and educational at the same.
A point system that gives bonuses for extra concentration.
A system that allows children of any age to enjoy and win.

Shape Rocket is part of the Match'Em Up Fairground series which includes:
Shape Rocket
Count Entyne
Count Racula
Letter Land
Alpha Botem
Zodiac Faeries

Get all 6 for the price of 2 in Match'Em Fairground! Match'Em Fairground is the app with only that name.

Please email us at support@ensenasoft.com if you have any comments or questions.

Follow us at:

Thanks for buying Shape Rocket!

Air Horn 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Just when you needed an air horn.... FREE TODAY ONLY!


"Air Horn" is your one stop shop for the most annoying sound ever known to man!

“Air Horn” has the simple interface of an Air Horn and when you simply click the horn a sound like no other will play. Everyone will hear the sound and it will drive them crazy guaranteed.

Sounds Include:

  • Loud and Annoying Air Horn
  • Classic Air Horn Sound
  • Car/Ship Loud Horn

Multiple Uses and features include:

  • Annoying you teacher or your boss,
  • Making your dog go crazy
  • Getting to watch people stick their fingers in their ears
  • And many more...
  • A simple to use but stylish interface makes "Air Horn” a aesthetically pleasing application to use.
  • An amazing icon and graphic representation.

Air Horn now includes a Stop Sounds button so you can quickly stop the current sound you are playing.

It is compatible with the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPod Touch 2nd Gen, and the iPod Touch 1st Gen with headphones.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please use the contact form on www.markgurman.com/contact or
Please go to www.YouTube.com/Markgurman to leave feedback and for any direct answers, and please subscribe to the channel. Also visit Markgurman.com

Thank You So Much! and please comment with all the ways you have used “Air Horn”

Icon created by the greatest icon designer ever, Artur Kotlicki. - http://tr.im/arturkot

Thank You Jason Aftalion for your help.

Please Also Check out: Can You Hear It? 2.0, Can You Hear It? Classic, Can You Hear It? Stealth Edition, U.S. Presidents, Air Sounds, and Quick Grenade.

STL Contacts Manager 1.02(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time! Get it while it's hot!!

WARNING: After using this app, you will NEVER go back to using another Contacts app again.

This app has been designed from the ground up to let you do all your basic contact tasks MUCH more efficiently.

Features include:

  1. Quick launch time
  2. Call, SMS, map and email any contact with a single click.
  3. Better keypad dialer that searches for contacts as you type.
  4. Easily create groups and smart filters, such as all your friends in New York, or coworkers with birthdays etc.
  5. Add new contacts faster - suggestions are given as you type, so you don't have to retype the same last name or business name again.
  6. Integrated email and maps, so you don't have to leave the app to access them. Email all the contacts within a group at once.
  7. Create networks of contacts, so you know how your contacts are related to each other. For example, I click on a contact and can see which other contacts on my list they know and how.
  8. Maintain a permanent (and editable) call out history of every contact you have.
  9. Fresh new interface to find contact information quicker.
  10. Synchronize your contacts with Facebook (requires version 3.1 of Facebook iPhone app).

Visit our support URL for more screenshots and description. Please send any stability issues to our support email address below. We will be releasing free updates that incorporate your feedback.

Sjoelen 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Sjoelen (pronounced "shoo-lun") is a traditional Dutch variant of shufflepuck. It is played on a wooden board with four compartments at the back. The aim is to slide 30 wooden pucks ("stones") into the compartments in three rounds. After each round, the stones left on the board are collected for the next. The four compartments are good for 2, 3, 4, and 1 point, respectively. One stone in each compartment yields a bonus of 10 points, so it pays to try and distribute the stones evenly.

This game is played by Dutch people of all ages, from "old enough not to try and eat the pucks" to "young enough to stand losing from your grand children". Why don't you join in and try your aim

Space Dock 1.11(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Lines in SPACE! Soon to be the most popular game not just on the iPhone but in the known and unknown universe!

Space Dock, from Pixel Mine Games, creators of the smash hits Underworlds and Super Collider!

The Press
"Space Dock will have you frantically picking flight paths for the never ending number of starships entering your space station." - appversity.com

The Game
Do you like Flight Control, Harbor Master, or Trace? If you liked controlling planes, or ships, don't you think you will love controlling spacecraft?

Space Dock has space sounds, space aliens, space travelers, spacecraft, space stations, space lines, spacemen, even a space girl!

You begin as a lowly space station controller on the shiny new deep space station. Starships, space shuttles, and space fighters start to hyperspace into the station's quadrant. Some ships are running from aliens, some from asteroids, some are low on fuel. You must dock them quickly and safely on the station.

But wait, there is a problem? Aliens in the docking area? Are they dangerous, or perhaps wanting to make first contact? Did they just abduct your astronaut? Are the aliens actually probing our people?

You have to land the spacecraft quicker and quicker, but now asteroids are overwhelming the station's defenses. Your spacecraft are being plastered by the asteroids, and spacemen from damaged ships are floating stranded in space. They are your crewmates and are in grave danger and you must rescue them. If one of your spacecraft hits them, the game is over. Use all your skills to deftly guide a rescue craft to them to save their lives. In the meantime, the starships, fighters, and shuttles keep coming and coming.


  • Awesome iPhone/iTouch touch space control mechanism. Control entire spaceships simply by touch!
  • Upgradeable Space Station defense capabilities!
  • Unique spaceman rescue missions during game play!
  • Local and online high scores and achievements!
  • Connect with friends, and compare scores and achievements!
  • Post your accomplishments to Twitter and Facebook!
  • A fantastic musical score by Voodoo Highway Music!

Download Space Dock today! The stranded spacemen need your help! Save them!

StickSiege 1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for 1 day ONLY! All we ask for in return is high amounts of praise and many 5-star reviews! Who knows: Maybe our next game will be free if we get enough!

Go against the odds and battle of legions of the stick armies in your quest for victory!

Inspired by the popular online flash game, Champion Archer, with a unique twist and upgraded graphics.

Manage your resources, your military, and your equipment as you defend yourself from the hordes of enemies bent on total destruction.

Civil War has erupted in the land of Sticklia. The peace of all citizens, nobles and peasants alike, is threatened. A surprise attach has been launched against Pilo Village, a town once considered a safe haven.

You, a simple hunter, must take up arms and join the townguards in defending your home and loved ones.

StickSiege is the first game from PixelSticks but hopefully not the last. We hope to bring you an entire armory of Stick Figure games and it is your reviews and ratings that will allow us to do so.

StickSiege Features

  • The stick figure art style that the AppStore has come to know and love
  • Epic music that really engages the player in the battles
  • Online leaderboards and achievements through OpenFeint
  • Customize your military through an in-game armor

iBeauty99 1.0 beta(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: Free

-- Only For FREE for a Limited time!! --
-- Get it now to have ability for Free Update in the future versions! --


Get board of your iPhone/iPod black home screen? Get angry because of 11 pages limitation on your iPhone/iPod?

No problem! No JxB! Just install and launch iBeauty99, you'll see your app icons in home screen are all become into IconBeauty!

  • The FIRST and the ONLY ONE lifestyle app that can automatically online grabbing the hottest beauties pictures for you, and directly push to your iPhone/iPod!
  • All pictures are grabbing by Z10 specialized program "Gear of Girl", automatic search internet board for the pics link of beauties, and store into our online database.

-In this edition of iBeauty99, we specialized search online for Taiwanese Asia Beauty.

  • Thousands of beauties are stored in an online database build by Z10, we call it "Cloud Combeauty", every time you lunch the App, it will push 320 new IconBeauties to your iPhone/iPod.
  • iBeauty99 provides you the most native and fantastic experience to view tons of IconBeauties on your hand, by simply slide, tap to then a touchy and smoothy relaxation time is coming for you!

All pictures were gathering from the hottest BBS site "Ptt" in Taiwan and its sub-forum "Beauty Board".

All pictures are still rights reserved by the owner.


Sense Pad - Magic Heat Sensitive Surface 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Free for a limited time, get it while it's hot!

Feel the magic at your fingertips!

"Sense Pad is taking the heat pad simulation concept into a brand new, stylish dimension."

Slowly run your fingers over the screen to see grass growing, clothes dissolving, or colors appearing.

Ready for a sexy, fun and relaxing experience?

Six themes available at launch, more to come!

  • Sexy
  • Colors
  • Nature
  • Lava
  • Winter
  • Pixelated Black & White

It is of course not sensing heat directly but simulates it using touch information and a realistic physics engine.

We're listening to your suggestions so please take a moment to rate us or write a review!

관련 글타래


Air Horn, Auto Lyrics, Blue Shift, Chinese Character Dictionary, Difficult Bride, Education, Entertainment, Games, iBeauty99, Icy WoWWiki, Internet Translator, iPod Touch, Letter Land, Lifestyle, Mappity Quakes, Match'Em Up, Music, NEWS, Productivity, ReactorBots, Reference, Robot Phone, Sense Pad, Shape Rocket, Sjoelen, Space Dock, StickSiege, STL Contacts Manager, The Quest Mithril Horde, ThroughView07, 넥서스 실용 옥편, 무료 어플, 실시간 가사 검색, 아이팟 터치, 오늘의 운세, 한글 어플