
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

오늘은 총 23개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 다만 어제 무료 어플에 대한 글을 조금 일찍 올린 탓인지 유료로 바뀐 어플이 조금 많다. 걸인이 아이폰(iPhone)을 가지고 있다면 조금 이상하겠다. Spare Change는 잠깐 사용해 보면 꼭 구걸할 때 도움이 되는 어플 처럼보였다. 대단한 어플은 아니지만 이미 유료로 바뀌었다. Say a Secret한번 소개한 어플로 이름처럼 자신의 말을 불특정 다수에게 전달하는 어플이다. 역시 이미 유료로 바뀐 상태다.

Catch Sheeps&Pigs한번 소개한 아이들용 간단한 게임 어플이다. 3D Super Brick Breaker한번 소개한 게임 어플로 역시 모두 유료로 바뀌었다. 3D Penguin Bowling도 한번 소개한 게임 어플이다. 3차원 그래픽으로 시원스레 볼링을 하는 게임인데 역시 유료로 바뀌었다. Gremlin Empire도 간단한 게임 어플이지만 역시 유료로 바뀌었다. 다만 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.

먼저 Voice4Fun은 상당히 재미있는 어플이다. 자신의 목소리를 녹음, 다양한 옵션으로 변형을 줄 수 있는 어플이다. 남자 목소리를 빠르게 하면 여자 목소리로 들리고, 여자 목소리를 느리게 하면 남자 목소리처럼 들리기 때문에 아이들도 상당히 좋아하는 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 무료 기간은 명시되어 있지 않지만 어플의 수준과 가격 이력을 보면 유료가 될 가능성이 상당히 많은 어플이다.

두번째로 아이폰 출시 기념 할인 어플이 또 올라왔다. 바로 MoaSMS이다. 통신사, ISP, 웹 사이트등을 가입하면 무료로 제공하는 무료 문자가 많은데 이런 무료 문자를 아이폰이나 아이팟 터치를 이용해서 보낼 수 있는 어플이다. 앱 스토어(App Store)에 비슷한 형태의 어플이 많지만 가장 많은 사이트와 기능을 제공하는 어플이다. 평상시 3불에 판매되며 12월 4일부터 제한적인 기간 동안 할인 판매한다. 이외에 Play Street - 강남역이라는 어플도 무료로 바뀌었다. 강남역 주변 지도를 볼 수 있는 간단한 어플이다.

Lyric Genius - 90s Edition은 90년대 발표된 노래 가사를 퀴즈로 푸는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. Galleryify는 그림만 보면 성인 어플로 보인다. 실제 Gallery라는 이름처럼 웹 사이트의 이미지를 긁어 오는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다. HC Air Hockey Pro는 어찌 보면 추억의 어플이다. 전자오락이 등장하기 전 오락실에 가면 둥글게 생긴 판과 공을 이용해서 벽치기를 하듯 하는 게임이 이었다. 이 게임을 아이폰용으로 만든 것으로 보면 된다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다.

SixPack App 2 PRO는 평상시 1불, 아주 짧은 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. SixPack App라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 6가지 셋이 들어있는 운동 도움 어플이다. iTree - The Original Christmas Tree는 평상시 20불에 판매되는 어플이다. 20불이라고 하면 대단한 것 같지만 별것 없는 어플이다. 단순히 크리스마스 트리를 보여주는 어플이다. 그런데 가격이 20불인 이유는 등록자의 실수거나 일부러 가격을 올려 할인하려는 듯 보인다. 어플이 많아 모든 어플에 대한 설명은 하지 않았다. 이외에 Reflect7 시리즈도 오늘만 무료로 올라왔지만 어플의 수가 많아 따로 소개하지는 않겠다.

Spare Change : Got Some? 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][1]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Times are tough and everyone could use some Extra Change!

Let "Spare Change" help!

Shake the cup for your friends, press the beg button to play a random and hilarious beg sound, and then watch as the dough comes rollin in!

This app is pure, 100% unadulterated fun! Everyone that has witnessed this innovative app cracks a huge smile and then bursts into laughter!

I even got a nickel the other day! SCORE!

WARNING Not responsible for screen damage due to coins being tossed at the cup.

If you like to laugh and/or want to make someone else laugh, BUY THIS APP!

iPhone Touch Users If you cannot here sound, do the following... Go to Settings > General > Sound Effects > And Enable “Both”


  1. Shake the device left and right to shake up the coins and cup.
  2. Touch anywhere on the screen to return the cup to it's original position.
  3. Press the beg button to play 1 of 5 random beg sounds.
  4. Smile (you wont be able to help it).
  5. Watch the dough come rollin in!

Send any Questions/Comments/Suggestions/Hate Mail to:

If you like, iBeer, iSteam, RedLaser, I Am T-Pain, Pocket God, Koi Pond, Max Injury, ColorSplash, iGun, iGrenade, iFart, iDare Zippo Lighter and/or shotgun... You will love this App!

Voice4Fun 1.2(Entertainment)[[iTunes][2]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


With Voice4Fun you can record your voice and apply multiple sound effects to it, changing its speed, pitch, volume, or adding echoes, noises, vibrations and other effects. The final result will surprise and entertain you and your friends.
A simple "mix" function let you merge two or more audio tracks into one.
You can save and reload the resulting audio files, and you can e-mail it.

See our site www.geomago.com for further details and examples.
Please send an e-mail to info@geomago.com for any question.

Raoul the Dancing Pancake 2.4(Entertainment)[[iTunes][3]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

  • Check out our other dancing app Carl the Dancing Peanut!
  • 125th in Family & Kids
  • Coming soon new User Interface
    • Pull Down Menus
    • Banana Peal Slip
    • Whack a Pancake/ It gets harder and Harder
    • You can keep track of your score
    • You can submit your high score to social networking sites

Raoul the Dancing Pancake is an app were you can play with a pancake. You can poke him in different places on his body, you can press a button to make him dance, And you can change his mood. When he’s happy he sings, when he’s angry he whistles like a teapot. You can even play Whack a Pancake, and when you shake him he'll jiggle up and down. And Watch out because now you can give Raoul coffee!


  • He Dances and sings
  • You can change his mood
    When he’s happy he sings
    When he’s mad he whistles like a teapot
  • You can poke him and he'll get mad
  • When you shake your iPhone he jiggles up and down
  • You can give Raoul Coffee and he'll bounce around on the screen.
  • You can play Whack a Pancake!

Hopefully Coming Soon

  • Banana Peal Slip

Lyric Genius - 90s Edition 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][4]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Are you a Lyric Genius? Do you know your 90s songs? If you also like music from the 70s, 80s or songs from 2000+ era, try out our 70s, 80s or 2K Editions as well.

Are you the type of genius with an endless library of lyric trivia?

Are you the special kind of genius with a lightning fast trigger recognizing hit songs in a matter of seconds?

Prove it!!!

Test your skills with Lyric Genius a brand new lyric trivia game.

See if you an attain the ultimate title of "Lyric Genius" with our fun game and try to have your friends beat your high score!!!

Brought to you by the makers of other popular fun Trivia games from Hot Potato Media.

  • Lyric Genius - 70s, 80s, 2k Editions
  • iHum Nation - A fun music humming game
  • A Twilight Trivia Series - Books 1 to 4
  • Alcohol Quiz
  • Elementary School Trivia
  • Are You Smarter Than Your Doctor?
  • Glamrock Trivia
  • Cartoon Trivia
  • Christmas Trivia
  • Fake Caller - The Ultimate Prank Call App

Galleryify! 1.0.1(Lifestyle)[[iTunes][5]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Galleryify! makes it easy to browse the visual web by detecting and storing only the content you care about: the images. Galleryified pages are stored and viewable in a familiar photo browsing interface, even while offline.

To get started, browse to one of your favorite image thumbnail websites. Keep an eye on the meter at the top of the screen, then Galleryify! when you've found a page you like.

Features include: - Browse, save, and view images from the web - Save the good images and skips things like banner ads - Images are stored on your phone for offline viewing - Go to the original source page at any time - Organize, label, and delete galleries

Say a Secret 1.11(Entertainment)[[iTunes][6]]

Price: $9.99 -> Free

★★★ Say a Secret ★★★

World’s most secretive iPhone app! Tell a secret to the world and listen to other people's secrets!

Future Updates:

  • Commenting system
  • Ability to tag a secret for removal

★★ Reviews ★★

  • "Strange, yet fascinating"
  • "After years of reading text online, listening to random people's voices is strangely addictive"
  • "Fresh break from just boring 'ol games"
  • "Innovative, though a bit creepy"
  • "I love it!!!"
  • "Who's that Italian guy?"
  • "Was that you?"


After our debut app, iHappBirthday, AppleDabble delivers its second app, Say a Secret: an alternative lifestyle app on the AppStore.

Listen to secrets told by people around the world in your app! Did you ever have a crush on someone that you never told? Did you do something that you won't dare tell anyone? Do you feel guilty for feeling a certain way? Speak your secrets into Say a Secret, and you'll feel better.


  • Listen to voices of people telling their secrets from around the world
  • You never know who's secret you'll hear
  • Vote thumbs up or down - make your secret the most popular!
  • Always stay tuned for new secrets
  • No Internet connection required to listen
  • Set an expiration date of your secret so that they are no longer displayed after a certain date
  • Alter and anonymize your voice so people won't know it's you
  • Record up to a minute
  • Updates are free (we constantly add new features)!
  • Send anonymous notifications about secrets

Please email us any issues,concerns, ways to improve to Support@appledabble.com.

Catch and Count 1.8(Games)[[iTunes][7]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

To mark the holiday season, Sai Services is delighted to offer this app for free.


Hi Parents,

Here is an extremely simple app that develops hand, eye and ear coordination of your toddler as well as speaks numbers in English, Spanish, Hindi and in your voice.

Created by a parent and a daycare provider, Catch and Count is a simple, fun, interactive game for young children to learn numbers. In this educational game, your baby will move the little red truck with the finger to catch the colorful Easter eggs that a white bird drops from the sky.

The caught egg number is spoken in the language you choose (your voice, English, Spanish, Hindi) and is shown just behind the truck and moves with the truck. Your kid would love the cute sound when the bird drops the egg.

When the child has caught the desired number of eggs you set (10, 20, 50, 100), they would hear a big cheer from other kids as a form of positive reinforcement. This is sure to put a smile on your face !!!


  1. Count till 10, 20, 50 or 100
  2. Numbers can be spoken in these languages:
    • English
    • Spanish
    • Hindi
  3. Numbers can be spoken in your voice. You will need to record the numbers just once for this. A convenient screen is provided for that.
  4. You can switch off spoken voice
  5. Easy pace for young children


  1. Pick "My Voice" on the start screen.
  2. Click on bubble on the top right of screen to see the recording screen.
  3. Record the number you see.
  4. Use the + or - sign on the screen to record other numbers.

You don't have to record all the numbers at the same time. You can come back at any time to edit or add numbers.

This game is primarily meant for children though grown-ups might also find it interesting to hear numbers in different languages.

Sai Services is a venture started by a parent and a daycare provider to help educate and entertain children. We leverage the innovative touch interface of iPhone / iPod Touch to deliver educational and entertaining experiences to young children.

Your feedback is very welcome. Please e-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to: SupportSaiServices@gmail.com

- "Voice Toddler Cards - the talking flashcards" --- Picture flashcards that speak in English OR Spanish OR your voice.

HC Air Hockey Pro 3.0(Sports)[[iTunes][8]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Simple 2D Air Hockey. Enjoy! A little difficult.

Slide your paddle from side to side. Deflect and shoot.

The goal markers do not reflect the goal size. It is between the 2 and the 8 on the number board. You can see what we mean.

Playing tip that was sent to me: If you put it down on a desk or table, it's almost like real Air Hockey! - So try that out. It worked for me.

So this is now specific for the 3.0 operating software and up.

But you are welcome to put it on 2.2.1 and up device.


Catch Sheeps&Pigs 1.1.3(Games)[[iTunes][9]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Catch sheeps&pigs is an simple and addictive game, you need to separate white, black and which&black sheeps and pigs into their own house, the speed of sheeps and pigs will become more and more fast, it will test your responsiveness.

if you are searching an simple and fun game, Catch sheeps&pigs is just the right game for you.

3D Super Brick Breaker 1.2.2(Games)[[iTunes][10]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

3D Super Brick Breaker is 3D brick-breaking game, two amazing game modes deliver endless excitement: Classic and Target, you can pick up 5 unique power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...


  1. Classic mode - Break all bricks to complete 20 level.
  2. Target mode - Break all target bricks to complete 20 levels.
  3. Super power-ups include Lasers, Machinegun, Fire ball...
  4. Great controls - gently slide or tap your fingers on the screen to break the bricks

Hook Me--The Creatures Of The Deep 1.3(Games)[[iTunes][11]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


Our other perfect shoot game: "GeoGeo Wars"(a fast paced vertical shoot game) 1.1 is out now!!!


"GeoGeo Wars" lite version is available in AppStore, try before you buy it!


Your mission is to catch the sea creatures as fast as possible to get more score than level score at certain time. Use the buckets to capture them, and make sure you're under the time limit! Ready, set, GO!


  • Fun ,exciting gameplay and easy to play: press creature draw a line to bucket, or press bucket draw a line to creature.
  • Online World Leaderboards.
  • Great graphic.
  • 15 challenging levels.
  • Flight Control Gameplay Mode.
  • Bigger fishes will eat smaller ones
  • You can hold your finger over creatures and they will freeze.
  • You can score 2X as many points when a line catches a creature while they are moving.
  • Shake the iPhone or iPod Touch a couple of times to cause the animals to start swimming around..
  • The longer the fish line, the bigger the bonus.

Lite version is available in AppStore, try before you buy. Full version contain more levels.

Detail: http://adotstudio.appspot.com


FOLLOW US: http://twitter.com/adot1688

CONTRACT AS: adot1688@gmail.com.

3D Penguin Bowling 1.2.3(Games)[[iTunes][12]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

The penguin sir needs your help to defeat his competitor(big dog, sea bird, little robot) and show them what the true meaning of "strike" really is! It's quirky, hilarious bowling fun just in time for the holiday season!

Penguin's Bowling have three game mode, you can challenges computer competitor, or play with your friends, or play it yourself and challenge high scores. You also can customize your photo and bowling ball style, about fifteen type ball you can select, but you need firstly unlocked it through challenge target scores in single player mode.

Penguin's Bowling offers amazing new visuals and audio effects. The latter includes about 15 type bonus and dirty that can help you defeat you competitor more quickly! Easy to learn and fun to play, Penguin's Bowling will please fans and newcomers alike.

Gremlin Empire 2.0(Games)[[iTunes][13]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time!

Webcomics meets gaming! Take control as Bee, the rambunctious entrepreneur as she ventures into the cavernous homes of the gremlins that have stolen her treasure! See how long you can last against the nearly unlimited and tenacious gremlin horde armed only with a shotgun and a grin. Unique enemies await you, such as the Piker, a weak gremlin that normally you can simply shove out of your way by running into them. Be warned however that an enraged Piker isn't so easy to push aside. The long lived Bloomer, the tanks of the Gremlin Horde, will block your escape paths. The deadly Sapper, armed with a barrel of tnt and the IQ of pudding, INSANE pudding.

Continue following the adventures of Bee! at www.beecomic.com, and visit www.jqsoftware.com/ge for news and updates on the game!

S'coolBuddy 1.2(Education)[[iTunes][14]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

From the maker of the world's meanest workout log, Gym Buddy, introducing . . . S'cool Buddy.

S'cool Buddy is the best and most complete way to gain control of your school schedule -- not just for one quarter or semester, but for your entire history moving forward.

Always know exactly when you have an assignment due or a test scheduled. Never lose track or feel overwhelmed again, because it is all right there in front of you.

Enter your assignments and tests for each class and see them scheduled on a calendar that can be flipped through the iPhone way.

Enter your grades and see them graphed by letter grade, percentage, or any other number for each school term or for each class individually.

Run reports that tell you how much time you've spent in class and how much time you have left, just for example, and much more.

Do other apps expect you to delete all the data you've entered when you start a new school term? Not S'cool Buddy! You can sort your classes by terms and have your entire school record -- from junior high all the way through your Ph.D. -- ready at your fingertips.

And you can be sure your data is safe because S'cool Buddy allows you to backup the database via wifi to a computer. (If any other app expects you to enter crucial data and doesn't provide a way to back it up, don't waste your time. Eventually you will lose it.)

Edit or add any data very easily with our innovative screen called The Selector. Changing anything in S'cool Buddy is just a few touches away.

Comes with three different themes: space, sky, and default.

With the two convenience buttons on the front screen, you can see your entire schedule for today or tomorrow, including any assignments due or tests scheduled, with just one button.

Please see my website for videos of S'cool Buddy in action.

And all this is just the beginning! S'cool Buddy will be updated indefinitely and I can't wait to hear your suggestions.

Why not come along for the ride?

Play Street - 강남역(Gangnam) 0.5.1(Travel)[[iTunes][15]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

걸어다니는 지역정보 플레이스트리트(http://www.playstreet.net)의 아이팟 버전입니다.

인터넷 연결이 필요없이 상세한 번화가 지도를 볼 수 있고, 해당 지역 상점을 검색할 수 있습니다. 이번 첫번째 버전은 강남역 주변 지도 및 지역 정보를 담고 있습니다.

플레이스트리트 웹 서비스에서 제공되는 다른 지역들 또한 아이팟 버전으로 만들어질 예정이고, 길 사진 보기 기능 등도 추가될 예정입니다.

Play Street(http://www.playstreet.net) is now available on iPod touch.

Play Street offers offline map and local information on downtowns. This first version contains map and information near Gangnam subway station.

You don't need to find WiFi connection to see the map and search local infomation with Play Street.

More downtown maps and information will be released soon. And more features like viewing street photos will be added in a later version.

Totemo 1.20(Games)[[iTunes][16]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE FOR ONE DAY! Visit www.appventcalendar.com for more free games in the next days.

Unloose the spirit. Break the spell.

TOTEMO is a game designed to soothe your mind and train your brain.

Uncover the mystery hidden between the realms in a unique puzzle game. Travel to enchanted places of the past with your witch doctor guide and solve over 60 logic tasks.

Play at your own pace. Think hard and weight carefully your next move, or just stroke your moves intuitively and let the solution emerge in front of your eyes.

Play the survival mode for extra challenge, make your stand against the time and write your name into the on-line leaderboards.


TOTEMO is #2 winner in the Casual/Puzzle category of the Android Developer Challenge 2!


"For $0.99, it is hard not to justify a look into Totemo at least, particularly if you consider yourself a puzzle fan." - TouchArcade.com

"It carves a new path through the well-trodden Match-3 territory and puts on a lot of polish as well." - SlideToPlay.com

"By the time you realize you're in love with Totemo, now, you're twenty levels in already." - DroidNews.net

"Puzzle fans will absolutely love this title as it is one of the more complete games on the App Store, and the visuals are more than I could ever ask for." - NoDPad.com


E-Mail us at games@hexage.net
Follow us on http://twitter.com/hexage

MoaSMS-무료문자전송 1.7(Utilities)[[iTunes][17]]

Price: $2.99 -> $0.99

12월 아이폰 출시 기념 이벤트~!!!!
12월 4일 부터 2.99 -> 0.99달러로 한시적 인하!
많이 구매하셔서 문자비를 절약하세요..^^

MoaSMS 는 여러 한국사이트에서 제공하는 무료문자를 아이팟이나 아이폰에서 손쉽게 이용할 수 있게 만든 어플리케이션 입니다.

윈도우용 어플로는 ExtremeSMS, OpenSMS 등과 비슷하다고 보시면 됩니다. 무선망만 좋다면 위 프로그램보다 속도도 빠릅니다.

Wifi만 연결이 되어있고 여러 사이트의 계정만 있다면 손쉽게 이용 가능합니다.

지원사이트는 수시로 업데이트 되며 인터넷과 연동되는 특성상 프로그램이 자주 바뀌기 때문에 해당 프로그램의 공지를 확인하시고 자주 업데이트 해주세요.

Ver1.7 2009.11.25 현재 모든사이트 이용가능하십니다.

  • 엘지텔레콤 문자전송시 20바이트가 넘어가면 전송안되는 버그 수정
  • 어플 실행시마다 남은 문자개수 업데이트과정을 옵션으로 설정가능하도록 추가( 처음에 어플을 실행하면 무료문자개수가 ? 로 표시되어있는데...이때는 화면에 표시는 안되어있지만 백그라운드로 무료문자개수를 확인하는 도중입니다. 이때 또 문자를전송 하게되면 에러가날 가능성이 크고 어플이 꺼질수도 있습니다. 궂이 매번확인할 필요가없는 무료문자개수때문에 어플이 처음기동시 느려지는것이 마음에 안드는 이용자분들께서는 옵션에서 설정가능하십니다..^^)
  • 전송중 혹시 어플이 튕기더라도 썼던문자는 그대로 남아있게 하였으면 좋겠다는 의견을 주셨습니다. 안정화도 좋지만 그 안정화 기간동안 조금이라도 편하게 사용할 수 있게 해달라고 구마 님께서 의견을 제시하셔서 이번 버젼에 적용토록 하였습니다.
  • 보낸 문자함 삭제시 잘못클릭할 경우를 대비하여 전체를 삭제할 것인지를 묻는 Alert창을 띄우도록 하였습니다. (무료문자 님께서 의견을 제시해 주셨습니다. 예전부터 제시해 주셨는데 조금 늦었네요..^^;)

SixPack App 2 PRO 2.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[[iTunes][18]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

PRO VERSION - FREE for a very limited time!!

  • Logging Feature: http://www.sixpackapp.com/log
  • Built-in 1 Rep Max Calculator
  • Featured on "THE DOCTORS" TV Show.
  • Featured in Men's Journal "The Strongest Apps"

Check out the iTunes reviews...

★★★★★ - "Excellent App...!!! - The best fitness app in the iTunes store" - UK
★★★★★ - "This app is AMAZING" - USA
★★★★★ - "What an app! - Best app ever" - UK
★★★★★ - "Best - Most used app I have and I have over 100." - Canada
★★★★★ - "This app is awesome!" - USA
★★★★★ - "Amazing App! - I luv luv luv this app!" - Canada
★★★★★ -"Its definitely the best Fitness app in the entire Store" - Germany
★★★★★ - "Great app - This app has everything I need to work out at the gym! - USA

  • RECORD YOUR WORKOUTS with our new "Workout Spinner"

With over 50,000 words of descriptive exercise text and 400+ Pictures, SixPack App is one of the most comprehensive exercise libraries available on iTunes.

Please consult with a physician before performing any exercise or pose or starting any exercise program.

iTree - The Original Christmas Tree 1.3(Entertainment)[[iTunes][19]]

Price: $19.99 -> Free

  • THE ONLY CHRISTMAS TREE THAT YOU CAN SEND TO FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES AS AN ELECTRONIC POSTCARD! They don't need an iPhone to receive your exclusive seasonal greetings! +

SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE: For a short period only, iTree - The Original will be available at its current price if you decide for a Christmas tree NOW.

In times of global warming every single tree counts. Go for a GREEN Christmas and choose the one and only original iTree! Get the iTree and decorate it the way you want. Or use the magic tool and with a single tap get wonderfully designed iTrees in seconds.

Watch how the snow falls down, follow the sun as it walks the horizon during the day and get sleepy as scenery turns into night in the evening hours.

Once you've finished decorating your iTree turn the device by and send a beautiful electronic postcard along with your personal greeting message to your loved ones. Your individually styled iTree will be automatically included into the postcard motive.

(The recipients don't need an iPhone. Your greeting card will be available free of charge via the web!)

You might have seen other christmas trees in the App Store. This one is different:

  • With its artwork created exclusively for the iPhone and iPod touch by Peter Dahmen it truly captures the unique spirit of the upcoming season.
  • Sending your iTree as a personal electronic postcard delivers seasonal greetings with style.

Cashmain Equity Charts 1.1(Finance)[[iTunes][20]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

-- Cashmain『Providing good quality finance software』---
Cashmain Chart@iPhone
Cashmain can help you to maximize the usage of iPhone screen for showing charts of stock market.
Cashmain will provide the following features in the first version:

  1. 320x429 pixels for showing price charts (i.e 90% of iPhone's screen)
  2. Support 3 chart types: Line Chart, BarChart, CandleStick
  3. Support 1 minute, 5 minues, 30 minutes, 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks charts.
  4. Suport cursor
  5. Support Log scales
  6. Support New York, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nasdaq、London listed shares
  7. Support 4 languages English 繁體中文, ??中文, 日本語

New Features Supported in version 1.1:

  1. Support Simple Moving Average (10, 20, 50, 100, 250)
  2. Support Bollinger Bands (14, 20)
  3. Support Top Charts, easy to access most viewed charts
  4. Added markers on Cursor

GadgetsToGo 1.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][21]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free



Gadgets ToGo is a utility application that combines 5 applications on one. Global Clock, Sticky Notes, Map, GPS Info and iPod Controls are the 5 "Widgets" of Gadgets ToGo (More will come with a free update). With Gadgets ToGo you can track you location using the Map and the GPS info widgets, take quick notes with Sticky Notes, customize their look, watch the local time of almost all major cities around the world and control the iPod through a very minimal user interface.

Global Clock: Place on the wall as many clocks as you want each for a different city. Launch a clock and it will automatically detect your current timezone and location.

Sticky Notes: Use Sticky Notes for taking quick notes in a great and simple user interface. Launch as many Sticky Notes as you want, place them on the screen and customize it by choosing one of the seven great colors!

Map: Use Map widget to track your location on the map, zoom in and out, pan around and center to your location.

GPS Info: Use GPS Info widget to get a quick and easy look of the data provided from the GPS. Track your coordinates, altitude, speed and heading from a great and simple user interface.

iPod: iPod widget gives you a nice and handy way to control the device's iPod. Place the iPod widget on the wall, tap play and rock!

Battery info: With Battery info you can track the status of your battery and the charge percentage.

Device info: With Device Info you can see the name of the device and information about the operating system.

Hit the info button and customize the look of the application by selecting a background image from the application's library, or go straight to your image library and choose your favorite photo as a background.

Gadgets ToGo will runtime store all the information needed so that when you relaunch it, all widgets will be there, just like you didn't quit the app. Gadgets ToGo protects your data even from crashing by updating the database on every change you make.

SingKids - Baa Baa Black Sheep 1.1(Entertainment)[[iTunes][22]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Entertain your kids with this old classic brought to live with colorful animation.

The lyrics for the song is also included.

Run Settings app and look for "Black Sheep" to configure settings for:

  • Enable/Disable playback controls while video is playing. Disabling the controls is recommended if the baby/toddler is holding the device.
  • Show/Hide the Lyrics button
  • Show/Hide the More Songs button

csBingo 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][23]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)

Chicken S**t Bingo is a blast when we barbecue or have other outdoor events. In the country we mark a numbered grid on the ground, surround it with a few bales of hay and toss in a chicken. Everyone bets on a square, then we wait... That's not too practical in the city or indoors but with csBingo you can wait for chicken poop anywhere!

More fun apps from Tech Center Labs...

Bot Hive. New with Scoreloop!

  • Little Hal.
  • Shell Game.
  • Splashdown.
  • Tornado Alley. Scoreloop enabled!
  • Apollo Lunar Lander game. Scoreloop enabled!
  • Docking the LEM game.
  • Pirate Bones 3-D.
  • Clinometer for your Yacht
  • Clinometer for your Sailboat
  • Nebula (handy list)
  • Pig Sticker (wild boar hunting)
  • Pin the tail on the donkey
  • Virtual Sextant

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