오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 091010

2009/10/10 10:04


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

오늘은 소개할 무료 어플이 상당히 많다. 총 32개이기 때문 9월 15일 부터 라는 글을 쓰기 시작한 뒤 가장 많은 을 소개하는 셈이다. 일단 이렇게 무료 어플이 많아진 이유는 간단하며 꽤 유용한 어플을 만드는 Chilli X에서 1년을 기념, 자사의 어플 16개 중 15개를 한주간 무료로 돌렸기 때문이다. 주로 시계에 관련된 어플이 많지만 Chilli X에서 만든 어플 중 Playlist Alarm Clock을 제외한 모든 어플이 현재 무료로 바뀐 상태다.

먼저 AlarmMusic은 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 경보음을 내주는 어플이다. 다만 알람에 노래, 팟캐스트등을 사용할 수 있다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이며, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. MediaSend는 어제 100명에게만 무료로 공개한다며 올라온 어플이다. 그런데 아직 100명이 내려받지 않은듯 아직까지 무료로 내려받을 수 있다. MediaSend는 전자우편 어플로서 여러 개의 사진과 비디오, GPS 위치를 하나의 메일로 보낼 수 있는 어플이다.

CoverMe는 자신의 사진으로 잡지 커버를 만들 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시에는 1불에 판매되며 제한된 시간동안 무료로 제공된다. gogoSpeak Japanese는 두번째 어플 발표를 기념해서 이틀(9, 10일)간 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 일본 원어민의 발음으로 일본어를 공부할 수 있는 어플이다. 370개의 문장과 9개의 시나리오, 500개 이상의 단어가 포함되어 있다고 한다.

PhotoShelf는 금요일까지만 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 미국 시간을 기준으로 하기 때문에 우리나라에서는 오전 중에는 무료로 구입할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. PhotoShelf는 그림에서 보이는 것처럼 선반에 액자를 두고 간단한 메모를 기록 페이스북(Facebook)과 같은 SNS를 통해 공유할 수 있는 어플이다. StarTimeChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. StarTime은 시간과 날짜를 보기 좋게 출력해 주는 어플이다.

Cam App는 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플이지만 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 사진을 잘라내고 돌리고 효과를 주는 어플이다. NightTime PlusChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. NightTime Plus는 앱스토아(App Store)의 첫번째 디지탈 시계인 NightTime의 개선판이다.

DeskClockChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. DeskClock은 시간, 날짜와 달력을 읽기 쉽게 출력하는 어플이다. Let's Share는 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 이 어플은 연락처와 사진을 쉽게 공유할 수 있도록 하는 어플이다. JuicedChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 배터리의 남은 양을 보여 주는 간단한 어플이다.

Chess Elite는 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 간단한 체스 어플이다. PhotoFrameChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 이 어플은 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)나 아이폰(iPhone)을 디지탈 액자를 만들어 주는 어플이다. Dream Girl은 오는 11일까지만 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 이 어플은 머리, 눈, 코, 입등을 원하는 형태로 바꿔 전자우편등으로 공유할 수 있는 어플이다.

Prank BioScannerChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. Prank BioScanner는 Sci-Fi 이미지를 이미자와 소리를 이용해서 아이팟 터치아이폰을 바이오 스캐너처럼 보이게 만드는 어플이다. AboutTimeChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 시간을 it's about 시간 형태로 알려 준다.

Peephole은 iPhone screen + Twitter Photos를 줄인 말이라고 한다. 즉, 트위터(Twitter)에 올라온 사진을 아이팟 터치나 아이폰로 볼 수 있는 어플이다. PlaySafeChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 차을 운전하며 노래를 들을 때 조작하기 쉽도록 만든 어플이다.

Punch Bag BuddyChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 샌드백을 치거나 권투연습을 할 때 사용하는 어플로 잽, 훅등의 명령이 포함되어 있다. The Best Deal은 이름만 보면 도박할 때 사용하는 어플로 보인다. 그러나 그림에서 알 수 있듯이 쇼핑할 때 가격을 비교할 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되며 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

DoneChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 이름만 보면 어떤 어플인지 떠올리기 쉽지 않지만 해야할 일을 알려 주는 어플이다. Festive Holiday Cocktails은 이름처럼 칵테일을 만드는 방법을 알려 주는 어플이다. 다만 디자인은 전반적으로 여성스러운 편이다. 또 다른 무료 어플과 비슷하게 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 언제까지 무료인지는 나도 모른다.

iComic Humor예전에 한번 올렸던 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 무료로 바뀌었다. 다시 유료로 바뀔지는 모르겠지만 이외에 Pure Comic Laughs, Toronto Sun Funnies가 세트로 올라와 기념으로 올린 어플이다. Toronto Sun Funnies을 보면 위에서 소개한 PhotoShelf 때문에 무료로 바뀐 것이 아닌가 싶다.

MyCalChilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. MyCal는 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 달력을 벽지로 사용할 수 있는 어플이다. Barspace는 무려 10불에서 오늘 오후 5시까지만 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 설명을 보면 나이트클럽의 모습을 스트리밍 동영상으로 보여주는 어플로 보인다. BoyPic은 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플로 한주동안 무료로 제공된다. 설명을 보면 알 수 있지만 자신의 사진에 원하는 남성을 넣을 수 있는 어플이다.

Mistletoe, StarBoy, PhotoFrame: Wild!, NightTime 모두 Chilli X에서 1주년을 기념, 한주간 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. Mistletoe은 크리스마스 어플로 실행한 뒤 흔들면 징글벨 소리를 내는 어플이다. StarBoy는 아이팟 터치나 아이폰의 중력센서를 이용해서 별을 먹는 간단한 게임 어플이다. PhotoFrame: Wild!는 PhotoFrame처럼 디지탈 액자 어플이지만 배경에 사진이 야생 동물이 나온다. NightTime는 NightTime Plus처럼 디지탈 LED 시계 어플이다.


Price: $0.99 -> Free

Get AlarmMusic while it's free!

Like all other alarm apps, AlarmMusic needs to be open in order for any alarms to be heard.

Awake to any song, podcast or audiobook in your iPod library.

All the best features you’d expect from an Alarm… but with your own playlists!

Features and improvements (version 1.1):

  • Major and minor bug fixes
  • Clearer and easier to use interface when adding a new alarm
  • Alarms overview easier to read, including bolder and more legible text
  • Seconds on clock now larger and more visible
  • And more...

Features (version 1.0 and later):

  • You can set multiple alarms, each as different or as similar as you wish
  • Pre-set how long you want snooze time to be for each alarm (1-60 minutes)
  • Choose on which days you want an alarm to sound
  • You can name each alarm, making it clear which one is which
  • Wait a few seconds on the Alarms section, and view a large and clear digital clock
  • Turn existing alarms on or off without having to delete any alarms you have set
  • Keep up to date with our latest news via the RSS feed integrated within the app
  • Visit our website or email us from directly within the app, via the Info section

Here are some possible uses for the AlarmMusic app:

  • Reward - set the alarm so that when someone else has finished some work or a job, they will be rewarded with a song they like
  • Remember - if you like to hear a certain song at a certain time each day, you can tell the alarm to repeat daily
  • Romance - you can surprise someone by setting the alarm to play a song they like, without having to be near to your iPhone

Email us with any weird or crazy ways you've used your AlarmMusic app!

1st generation iPod Touch requires speakers to hear an alarm when it sounds. All other models of iPhone and iPod Touch play alarms out loud.

For optimal battery performance make sure your device is left syncing or charging overnight.

MediaSend 1.2(Social Networking)[[iTunes][2]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Big Sale!!! Temporarily FREE!

MediaSend is FREE for the first 100 downloads. Get it now!

MediaSend is a convenient email application for iPhone 3.0 and above that lets you send multiple photos, videos, and GPS location all in one email.

Check out our other apps.

  • Secret Message: Encrypt email, SMS, and other text.
  • AudioVisual Clock: Photo customized alarm clock.

The latest iPhone OS requires you to launch the Photo Album in order to send photos or videos and you can't email both at the same time. With MediaSend, you have one convenient location to pick and add multiple photos and videos to an email without the difficulty of launching multiple apps.

With the GPS location feature, you can also include in the exact same email your current Google Maps location so that your friends and family can know where you are. Now MediaSend can let you notify your friends on where you are!


  • Attach multiple photos or videos to a single email.
  • Use existing photos from your Photo Album or Camera Roll.
  • Use the built-in camera to take pictures or videos and attach them without needing to exit MediaSend.
  • Attach multiple videos with iPhone 3Gs.
  • Include an optional subject and message body.
  • Include a Google Maps link to your current location to let others know where you are.
  • Uses your existing email accounts in the iPhone Mail app. There's no need to setup an email account again in MediaSend.
  • Send email to one or many recipients at a time.
  • Email suggestion from your address book as you type a recipient's email address.
  • Optionally adjust image compression for better quality or smaller file sizes.

All this in just one email!

CoverMe 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][3]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


CoverMe allows you to create a magazine cover with your own photo. You can become the sexiest person alive or the most popular millionaire.

With CoverMe, you can either choose a photo in your iPhone or iPod Touch photo library or take a picture with the iPhone's camera and transform it in an impressively realistic magazine cover.

CoverMe provides you with a rich set of customizable magazine covers. We will constantly provide updates with new and even more interesting magazines.

CoverMe also allows you to adjust the picture to best fit the magazine. You can put your picture in negative or scale and crop it to get the result you want.

Additionaly, you can share your results to all your friends with facebook and email publishing. You can even save your magazine as a wallpaper!

Try CoverMe now before all your friends!

Version 1.0.1 coming soon

In the next version, you will be able to select much more image types and crop them exactly how you want them.


If users like this app, we will provide! We have a team of designers ready to built more wonderful magazine covers. If users download the application, we will ship new sets of magazine every month.

gogoSpeak Japanese 1.0(Education)[[iTunes][4]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

To celebrate my second app iPinyin goes online, gogoSpeak goes from $1.99 to free for 2 days (Oct 9th, Oct 10th)
Want to know what iPinyin is, please visit [ALL APPLICATIONS BY CLIA INC.]

Do you remember how you learned your native language when you were a child?

Yes! You listened, you repeated, and you corrected your words. You imitated everybody around you. You didn't care about the vocabulary or the grammar. You just repeated and imitated.

Listen → Speak → Correct, that's the most natural way to learn a language. Listen → Record → Compare, this is how you can learn a new language on the iPhone with gogoSpeak.


  • 370 everyday sentences.
  • 9 most useful scenarios.
  • 500+ useful Kanji vocabulary.
  • All recorded by native speakers.


  • Listen to the whole text.
  • Listen, Record, Compare line by line.
  • Record using the microphone inside the iPhone or the earphone microphone.
  • Compare your voice with the native speaker's voice SIMULTANEOUSLY.
  • Add the Kanji to your flash card set on the fly.
  • Powerful and informative flash cards.
  • Search the word on Wikipedia in one-click.
  • Options to show Hiragana phonetics and/or Romaji.

Now, only available in the appStore.

Remember to send us feedback so that we can constantly improve our content and program!

PhotoShelf 3.0(Photography)[[iTunes][41]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

((Regular $4.99 pick up this amazing app on our limited time promotional sale for FREE Friday only! If you like it, please give us a great review and recommend it to a friend. PhotoShelf will resume the low $.99 promotional price tomorrow. Enjoy!!!))

Accessorize shelves, frame photos & art, create notes, earn bonus items and share your creations directly by email or Facebook with PhotoShelf!

Adorn shelves using hundreds of props, over 100 charismatic frames & the included masters art gallery.

Tap your framed photos to view them full size. Create Item Notes to capture your memories. Tap a TV or Radio to put on music or a podcast.

This application is truly unique in what it can do. Keeping & sending photos on your iPhone or iPod touch has never been this fun, stylish and customizable.

  • Customize 18 personally themed PhotoShelves
  • Dozens of unique shelves to choose from
  • Frame your photos (over 100 frames)
  • Tap your photos to view them full size
  • 100 classical paintings included by famous Artists
  • Hundreds of accessories in which to decorate with
  • Tap and drag your items to easily rearrange a shelf
  • Listen to Music or Podcasts by tapping a radio or TV
  • Add spotlights to accentuate your accessories
  • Add custom titles to frames for birthdays, trips, anniversaries and more!
  • Create Item Notes to capture a memory
  • Crop your photos within the frames
  • Create custom signs for your shelves
  • Create E-Frame gifts to send to friends and family
  • Hundreds more items, frames and paintings to be added with future updates!
  • Submit your shelves & photos to our Gallery for display!
  • Email or directly upload your wonderful creations to Facebook

StarTime 1.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][5]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

Boldly go where no iPhone clock has gone before!

To celebrate the launch of the movie we're offering StarTime at a special introductory price - get it now and all future updates will be free!

Chilli X, in collaboration with LCARS Computer Network, are proud to present StarTime, a date and time clock to keep you on time in your trek from star to star.

StarTime displays the time and date in a large easy-to-read display on your iPhone or iPod touch. Authentic animations and sounds will make you feel like you're on the bridge of your favorite Starship.

StarTime overrides your auto-lock setting so your phone won't automatically go to sleep making it ideal as a desk clock when your device is on charge or even a night stand clock using the built-in dimmer function.

The sounds can be set to play randomly, to chime on the hour or switched off all together.

You can also choose to listen to music from your iPod while StarTime is running.

Coming soon - landscape mode, more skins, more sounds and an alarm function!

Version 1.0

  • Authentic sound effects
  • Dimmer function
  • Turns off auto-lock to prevent the iPhone/iPod Touch sleeping whilst it's running
  • Clean interface with hidden status bar

Cam App(Photography)[[iTunes][6]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Free for a limited period only!

Have fun with your photos!

Cam App is an intuitive, easy to use camera application. You can crop, rotate, apply effects and merge your photos, all in one single application.

Edit an existing photo or simply take one to begin.

: Take a picture or choose from existing camera roll to crop a picture.

: Apply one or more effects at one go! Choose from:

  • Auto-level
  • LOMO
  • Helga
  • B&W
  • Instant

: You can select up to 4 pictures and merge them into one single picture.

Requires no additional instruction to start, easy to use and intuitively built.

NightTime Plus 1.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][7]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

The original iPhone and iPod touch night stand clock is back. Bigger and better than ever!

NightTime was the first digital clock in the App Store and it’s had it’s fair share of imitators since then, so when we decided to update it, we wanted to make sure we came up with the perfect blend of features and design:

Size matters - quite simply, NightTime Plus is the biggest and best looking digital clock in the App Store. The huge LED numbers are easy to read even from across the room.

Shout to snooze alarm - no fiddling about looking for a tiny button to silence the alarm - NightTime Plus offers three ways to snooze (or stop) your alarm. Just tell it to be quiet and it will snooze for your pre-set time, give the phone a gentle shake or simply tap the full screen buttons.

Tip - to get the best from the 'shout to snooze' function make sure you speak during the gaps between the beeps - the phone can't hear you if it's already making a sound. Audio feedback - you'll hear a beep to acknowledge that NightTime Plus has heard you.

Any color you like - not only can your numbers can be any color you want, NightTime Plus also has the unique abilty to add textures to the colors to create a truly personalized display.

Portrait or landscape - NightTime Plus supports either mode, so whichever way you use your phone you know you’ll be getting the biggest, clearest display there is.

NightTime Plus has a clean, simple interface - just tap on the numbers to access the settings or the alarm icon to set the alarm.

Version 1.0

  • Huge easy to read portrait or landscape display
  • Any color you like
  • Shout to snooze alarm feature
  • Adjustable brightness setting
  • Picks up your 12hr/24hr settings from the phone
  • Turns off auto-lock to prevent the iPhone/iPod Touch sleeping whilst it’s running
  • Clean interface with hidden status bar

DeskClock 1.2(Utilities)[[iTunes][8]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support and please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

MacWorld - 4 mice
r88my - 5 stars - This is the perfect desk clock. It just looks so damn good.
JJ^^L - 5 stars - Just perfect!

DeskClock displays the time, day, date and monthly calendar in a large easy-to-read display on your iPhone or iPod touch.

Now features a full screen year-at-a-glance calendar! Toggle the view between monthly and annual calendars by tapping on the screen.

Ideal for use as a desk clock when your device is on charge.

DeskClock overrides your auto-lock setting so your phone won't automatically go to sleep.

You can select a 12 or 24 hour time display as well as changing the colour scheme and choose to start the week on a Sunday or Monday.

Version 1.2

  • Large easy-to-read display
  • Time/date display
  • Monthly calendar - choose to start the week on a Sunday or Monday
  • Full screen year-at-a-glance calendar
  • 12hr/24hr mode
  • Turns off auto-lock to prevent the iPhone/iPod Touch sleeping whilst it’s running

Let's Share 1.0.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][9]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Let’s Share is a convenient small utility application that let’s you share: your contact/business card, multiple contacts from the address book or photo’s from your library with other iPhones or iPod Touches. The application is easy to use and let’s you do your task quickly. It uses iPhone OS 3.0 latest features and uses the built in Bluetooth connection from your iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and 2nd generation iPod Touches.

Sharing multiple contacts in one pass could not be easier. You don’t have to select every single contact and press send. Just select the contacts you want to send and send them in one pass. The receiver can then save al the send contacts with one click.

The preview mode let’s you fine-tune what to save to your phone’s address book or photo library.

Let’s Share does not scale down any photos before sending. The 3MP photo from your iPhone 3GS will still be 3MP when you receive it on a iPhone 3G or iPod Touch 2nd generation.

No more hassle with different share applications one for photos and one for contacts, when you can share with one easy application.

Please check our website for further details and application usage: http://www.nextinvention.nl/

What's New

  • When searching for devices, an indicator is displayed.
  • Added extra feature to reduce size before sending a photo
  • Overall stability an bugfixes
  • Added about screen

Juiced 1.0(Utilities)[[iTunes][10]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

Juiced - the ultimate battery status app.

We didn't want to make just another me-too battery reader. We wanted something more than just a picture of a battery with a bunch of numbers next to it. So we set out to create Juiced, the best looking battery app there is.

When you launch Juiced you'll see your battery fill with the mysterious glowing fluid that powers your iPhone. As it drains away the color changes from green through orange to red and the glow slowly fades.

Put it on charge and watch your battery pulse with an electric blue glow as the fluid starts to fill up.

Juiced shows you as much or as little battery info as you need. The beautifully rendered graphics accurately reflect the remaining battery charge.

Tap anywhere to toggle a more detailed overlay (lines and numbers) so you can see exactly how much juice you've got.

Rotate the screen for the landscape view which gives you a much more detailed breakdown of what this percentage actually means to you in terms of:

  • Talk time
  • Standby time
  • Internet use
  • Audio playback
  • Video playback

Note 1: Juiced can only display battery charge in increments of 5%.
Note 2: The times shown in Juiced are estimates only and your actual times will vary depending on your personal usage.

Version 1.0

  • Beautiful graphics
  • Animation
  • Sound effects
  • Tap on battery to toggle extra info on and off
  • Landscape mode gives detailed information

Chess Elite 1.2.1(Games)[[iTunes][11]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

On Sale for a Limited Period only!!!

1st Chess Game in App Store with Push Notification!

Chess Elite fuses the power of one of the strongest Chess Engine in App Store with the power of Web to keep you connected on the go and provides you with the best challenges. With beautifully rendered graphics, Chess Elite is perfectly crafted for both the beginners and the advanced players.

Chess Elite takes Chess playing experience to staggering new heights by being the first ever App to include Push Notification in the game. If you’re among the people who miss the days when you could sit down with your friends for a relaxing game of Chess, here’s the perfect opportunity to send them a request and enjoy a game of Chess, as with Chess Elite, the distance in miles no longer matters!!! Battle it out in the ‘War of the Wits’ as Chess Elite gives you the chance to play with Pros from all across the globe.

Chess Elite also lets you play locally against the iPhone/ iPod touch and against friends by passing the device to them (does not require Internet connection).


  • 1st Chess Game with Push Notification support
  • 1 Player mode against device
  • 2 Player pass & play mode with auto-flip
  • 2 Player correspondence mode
  • Play against Contacts and community of chess players
  • Simultaneously play against device and friends
  • Intuitive and easy to use UIs with spectacular graphics
  • Unlimited undo and redo
  • Shows legal moves, hints, coordinates, last moves
  • Playback of games for analysis

PhotoFrame 1.4(Lifestyle)[[iTunes][12]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

PhotoFrame turns your iPhone or iPod touch into a beautiful digital photo frame.

  • MacUser 4.5 mice - Desk clock app stands out with a slideshow feature
  • iLounge A- This app will delight users
  • Astrakick - 5 stars - Excellent app well pleased. A five star app from me. 100 percent happy!
  • Knight Lore - 5 stars - I LOVE this app. Perfect for use as a desktop digital photo frame.
  • Interact4future - 5 stars - Spectacular - This application just increased the value of my phone by a million bucks.

We've included some pictures to get you started, but you can easily customize these with favorites from your own photo albums.

PhotoFrame also acts as a digital clock by clearly displaying the time and date beneath the photo.

PhotoFrame overrides your auto-lock setting so your slideshow will continue for as long as you wish. This makes it ideal to keep running while your device is docked and on charge.

Other settings allow you to vary the length of time each picture is displayed and select either 12 or 24 hour time display.

PhotoFrame has a very clean, simple interface - just tap on the clock area of the screen to access the settings screen and change the photos. Tap on the main photo to advance to the next picture if you don't want to wait for it to change automatically.

If you're looking for a night stand/bedside clock with a great voice controlled alarm, why not try our NightTime Plus app?

Version 1.3

  • Support for up to 20 photos
  • Remove photos from slideshow
  • Show a slideshow of your favorite photos
  • Time/date display
  • 12hr/24hr mode
  • Turns off auto-lock to prevent the iPhone/iPod touch sleeping whilst it's running
  • Tap the photo to show the next one in the slideshow, or just give your iPhone/iPod touch a shake!
  • Clean interface with hidden status bar

In common with other developers, we recommend you install PhotoFrame through iTunes and not directly on your iPhone/iPod touch. If you are experiencing problems with the app, please uninstall it and re-install it through iTunes.

Any questions, please let us know!

Dream Girl 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][13]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE - only until Sunday, October 11th 2009. Download now!

Have you ever wondered what your dream girl looks like? Find out now with the Dream Girl app!

  1. Create Your Dream Girl

    • Change her hair, eyes, nose and mouth by simply moving the images
    • Let the app create a dream girl for you by using the random button (or shaking the device)
    • Create over 50,000 unique girls!
  2. Share Your Dream Girl

    • Email your dream girl from within the app
    • Save your dream girl to your photo library

Number of unique girls will increase significantly with every update!

Have you found your dream girl yet? Try it now …

Prank BioScanner 1.1(Entertainment)[[iTunes][14]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

Prank BioScanner is a fun application to use with your friends. Using sci-fi images and sounds, Prank BioScanner appears to turn your iPhone or iPod touch into a people scanner.

Have fun scanning your friends and then showing them the result of the scan. Prank BioScanner will show either a good result or a bad result for the scan. The words for the results are set using the configuration screen. We've included some words to get you started, but the really cool part is you can enter your own words and make it appropriate to the person you are scanning - it will really amaze them!

Here's the secret part - You can specify which result Prank BioScanner will show. By using the accelerometer in your iPhone / iPod touch, you can choose whether Prank BioScanner will show a good result for the scan, or a bad result, or let it randomly choose for a true surprise. You simply tilt the device to the left to show a good result, tilt to the right for a bad result or leave it level for a random result. A box at the top of the screen when scanning will confirm the position by moving to either the left, the right or middle. Nobody will know that this box is controlled by you and so will think the result is determined by the scanner!

Prank BioScanner features:

  • Fun searching and scanning animations with sounds
  • Accelerometer control for you to set the result of the scan
  • Configuration screen where you can choose the words Prank BioScanner will show, or even set your own!

Please note: Prank BioScanner is a fun application which doesn't actually scan people!

AboutTime 1.1(Lifestyle)[[iTunes][15]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support and please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

It's AboutTime somebody wrote a clock like this. Let's be honest, apart from New Year's Eve when do you really need to know exactly what time it is to the nearest second? In these days of obsession with atomic clocks and split second timing isn't it refreshing to just kick back and say 'it's about five o'clock'?

AboutTime tells you 'about what time it is' featuring beautifully rendered typography on a light parchment background. AboutTime is bright during the day and dark at night so you'll always know if it's day or night (alternatively, you could just look out of the window). It makes an ideal (and unusual) bedside clock.

As well as telling the time in a unique and unconventional way, you can flip the pages to reveal entertaining quotes and musings on the nature of time itself.

Nowadays the App Store is flooded with clocks - do you really need another one? The answer is 'yes' if you're looking for something a bit different. AboutTime is a great conversation piece - use it when your phone is on charge in its dock and see what reaction you get from passers by.

Think of AboutTime as the anti-clock.

Version 1.0

  • Tells the time (approximately)
  • Customizable day and night view
  • Optional entertaining quotes
  • Beautiful typography
  • Simple to use

Swipe anywhere to reveal a quote and swipe again to return to the time. Tap anywhere to access the Settings screen.

Any questions, please let us know!

Peephole 1.0.2(Social Networking)[[iTunes][16]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

For a limited time we are giving away our app like a Nobel Peace Prize. :)

Peephole = iPhone screen + Twitter Photos

Selected by Wired as one of the best ways to view photos on Twitter.

Peephole is smooth, solid and enjoyable to use. ★★★★ AppVee

Peephole shows you all the latest photos that have been posted to Twitter. It is a great way to see what is going on in the world or just nearby.

Peephole is an alternate view of Twitter that shows the photos first. You don't even need a Twitter account, just a desire to see what's going on.

NOTICE: Twitter account NOT required

Placing images center stage, Peephole provides you with a window into the Twitter-verse. Quickly explore the latest public timeline photos. Discover images associated with trending topics or just check up on your friends’ latest snapshots. Peephole not only displays all the latest photos, but also gives you easy access to email, save, follow or re-tweet those images directly from the app.


  • Thumbnail and full screen viewing modes
  • View photos from the latest trends
  • Search to find photos on any topic
  • See photos in the public timeline
  • View photos from nearby users
  • Look at photos from people you are following
  • Favorite, email, tweet, or follow
  • Slideshow mode
  • Support for photos from twitpic, yfrog, and twitgoo


  • Internet Connection to Twitter
  • Some features require a Twitter account

PlaySafe 1.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][17]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

"The idea behind PlaySafe from Chilli X is an inherently great one - one that’s hard to believe Apple hasn’t incorporated into the iPod touch and iPhone already" - iLounge

"Simple, elegant, and potentially life-saving." CNET

If you use your iPhone or iPod touch to listen to music in the car, PlaySafe might just save your life!

PlaySafe is designed to make using your iPhone or iPod touch easier to operate when driving (and therefore safer). We've made the whole screen one giant button so you don't have to take your eyes off the road and search for tiny icons. You can easily control your music with simple finger gestures without even looking at the screen!

Just tap anywhere on the screen to start or stop the music or swipe sideways to skip to the next or previous tracks.

If you do decide to sneak a look at the screen you won't be disappointed - PlaySafe looks great too. It's minimal interface leaves plenty of room for your cover artwork to shine. Touching the screen causes huge on-screen icons to fade in and out so you can tell at a glance what you're doing. The track information is displayed in a large font which intelligently scales so you won't have to squint. PlaySafe looks great even if you don't have any album cover art - the default display looks better than some of the covers in our collections anyway.

PlaySafe works in both portrait and landscape modes so it doesn't matter how you mount your phone.

The first thing to do is to choose what you want to listen to on your journey - please do this before you start driving! Just click on the ‘tunes’ button in the bottom left of the screen and add songs to your playlist exactly as you would with your iPod app.

Please just choose the music you want to listen to rather than trying to add all the songs in your library. This can cause a very large playlist and memory problems when next loading the app. We recommend you create playlist with no more than a few hundred songs.

Just tap the screen anywhere (apart from the narrow control strip at the bottom) to start and stop the track. The Pause icon will stay on screen for as long as the music is paused.

Next/Previous track
Swipe to the left for the next track or to the right for the previous one - just as if you were scrolling through albums in coverflow.

URGENT: Some users are reporting crashes when adding all their songs to PlaySafe. If this happens, delete and re-install the app and everything should be fine.

Note 1: PlaySafe doesn't make copies of your songs - it just references them in your iPod library, so if you delete the songs from your phone, PlaySafe won't be able to find them. Note 2: You can’t edit playlists within PlaySafe. Adding new songs overwrites your current playlist. Note 3: A bug in OS 3.0 prevents 3rd party apps from linking to podcasts - we're looking into it but might have to wait for Apple to fix it.

Version 1.1

  • Control music playback without looking at the screen
  • Large on-screen icons
  • Intelligently scaled fonts
  • Starts playing music automatically on launch
  • Portrait and landscape modes
  • Turns off auto-lock to prevent the iPhone/iPod Touch sleeping whilst it’s running

Punch Bag Buddy 1.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[[iTunes][18]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

Punch Bag Buddy is your personal trainer in your pocket.

Do you need the motivation of a personal trainer to push you to your limits in your next workout? Punch Bag Buddy is always ready for the next workout!

Punch Bag Buddy is ideal for exercising when using a punch bag or training partner, or for shadow boxing.

This is how Punch Bag Buddy works:

  1. Set the duration of your workout
  2. Set the intensity of your workout
  3. Set the commands you want Punch Bag Buddy to use during your workout.
  4. Go!

Punch Bag Buddy uses a large number of high quality voice commands to instruct your next move - for example, "Jab", "Hook", "Guard Up!".

Just follow the commands to have an intense, varied workout every time.

Use the intensity slider to make the commands come more quickly or more slowly - Go for a longer less intense workout when you have the time, or a short, hard workout when time is precious.

Select only the workout instructions you actually like to use! Punch Bag Buddy comes with a list of 16 commands which will be increased with updates. Let us know what commands you need and we'll get them added in future updates.

Punch Bag Buddy uses an American Male voice, but we will be adding more voices from different nationalities in future updates so that you can choose your favorite.

  • Variable workout length
  • Variable workout intensity
  • Editable list of Workout Commands
  • Large, clear timer
  • Rest button to grab 10 seconds rest when you need it

Please contact us at support@chillix.net with any comments or questions.

The Best Deal 1.0(Finance)[[iTunes][19]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE - For a limited time only

Introducing The Best Deal application for both the iPhone and the iPod Touch! Don't let stores and manufacturers fool you with their clever tactics. With this app you'll always know which products offer you the best deal!

The Best Deal will save you time and money when shopping by instantly giving you a cost per unit comparison for products. Stores and manufacturers often change sizes and quantities in order to make it difficult to determine the real costs. Be it food items, cleaning products, or anything else, The Best Deal will make life a whole lot easier, allowing you to find the best deal within seconds!

Simply type in the Price, Quantity, and Size for each product, press the green button, and when you hear the bell ring, you'll see highlighted which product really is the best deal!

The Best Deal will work with any currency, so no matter where you live it will work for you. It will pay for itself after one trip to the store and take the confusion out of being a smart shopper.

Done 1.7(Productivity)[[iTunes][20]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend!

Users love the elegant simplicity of Done:

Get things DONE! 5 stars
This is a simple, easy to use task manager for most of us. Great interface and sounds. Wonderful experience to use. Recommended to everyone.

Perfect! Simple! EFFECTIVE! 5 stars
This has got to be the quickest I have ever entered tasks!

SIX STARS! Finally a To-Do list 'Done' right!
I've accomplished more today than in the last 30 years! Good job!

Done is not just another To Do list. Done is all about the joy of getting things done.

When Apple introduced the iPhone many people thought the lack of a built-in To Do list was a glaring omission. Since then various contenders have stepped up to the challenge and tried to fill the gap but, we've always felt, with limited success. Some are too simple, some too difficult and some just plain ugly.

This is where Done steps in - it's the ToDo list Apple might have made - the ToDo list for the rest of us.

What it is.

Done is an innovative task manager with some unique features that make it easy and more importantly, enjoyable to use.

We've taken advantage of the iPhone's abilities to create a To Do list like no other:

  • Shake to sort - shake your phone and your list is automatically sorted - important items at the top, completed ones at the bottom. Tasks can be sorted by priority or due date.
  • Wallpaper - Done has a unique 'SnapShot' feature which captures your most important tasks and saves them to your Camera Roll so that you can set them as your wallpaper. This means that every time you turn your phone on you can see what needs doing at a glance - without even starting the application!
  • Landscape mode - rotate the phone 90 degrees to access the powerful delete function - pressing a button has never been so satisfying.
  • Sound effects - checking items off, sorting lists and deleting items are all accompanied by pleasing sound effects.

Done gets the balance just right - not too simple - not too complex. There's no contexts, tags or locations - just beautiful prioritised lists of things to do. The intuitive user interface means there's no learning curve - you can get started instantly.

Done is the next best thing to having iCal's To Do list in your pocket.

What it isn't.

There are plenty of very basic To Do lists out there - Done isn't one of those.

There are some incredibly powerful, complex (and expensive) GTD tools available. Done isn't one of those either - try Things or OmniFocus instead.

You can find out more about Done by looking at the detailed online user guide available by clicking the Done Support link below.

We've listened carefully to your feedback and tried to implement useful new features in a transparent way. People love the speed and simplicity of Done so we made sure that the new features (Due Dates & Notes) won't get in the way and slow things down. In fact, if you don't want to use them you don't even have to see them - just create tasks in the same way as before and you won't notice anything different. However, clicking the 'Done' button (rather than the 'Save' button) hides the keyboard and reveals the new Due Date and Notes fields.


  • Create multiple, color-coded lists. Add items to your lists and assign priorities, due dates & notes. ? View lists individually, but more usefully, as a combined master list - all your tasks sorted by priority.
  • Shake to sort by priority or date
  • Rotate the phone into landscape mode to mass delete all the tasks you've completed.
  • Icon badge displays number of uncompleted tasks (all or just priority 1)
  • Totals - Done displays the number of tasks left in each list.
  • Done remembers which view you were working with last so you don't have to!

Festive Holiday Cocktails 1.0(Books)[[iTunes][21]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Festive Cocktails is the App for festive cocktail ideas no matter what’s on the holiday social calendar, whether it’s a New Year’s blowout, a bustling dinner party or just a friendly get together!

No need to sift through non-holiday drinks, all of the best holiday cocktails await you here in this unique charming collection!

  • Dozens of stunning cocktails
  • Color photos - same screen directions
  • Shake for random 'yummy drink'

iComic Humor 1.0(Books)[[iTunes][22]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Pick up all 3 volumes today, each with 100 unique comics, at only .99 cents for edition 2 & 3:

Edition 1) iComic Humor
Edition 2) Pure Comic Laughs
Edition 3) Toronto Sun Funnies - for iPhone

Tim Peckham's 'Hello Tim' series is now yours for download! These amazing editions are exclusive to the iPhone & iPod touch. Each edition is bundled with 100 unique comics inside, which you'll want to share with your friends and family. These charming masterpieces will keep you entertained no matter where you are!

Pure Comic Laughs 1.0(Books)[[iTunes][23]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Tim Peckham's 'Hello Tim' series is now yours for download! These amazing editions are exclusive to the iPhone & iPod touch. Each edition is bundled with 100 unique comics inside, which you'll want to share with your friends and family. These charming masterpieces will keep you entertained no matter where you are!

Collect all 3 volumes today at only .99 cents each:

Edition 1) iComic Humor
Edition 2) Pure Comic Laughs
Edition 3) Toronto Sun Funnies - for iPhone

Toronto Sun Funnies - for iPhone 1.0(Books)[[iTunes][24]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

'PhotoShelf' our newest application is now available! Accessorize shelves, frame photos, create notes, earn bonus items and share your creations directly by email or Facebook with PhotoShelf!

Tim Peckham's 'Hello Tim' series is now yours for download! These amazing editions are exclusive to the iPhone & iPod touch. Each edition is bundled with 100 unique comics inside, which you'll want to share with your friends and family. These charming masterpieces will keep you entertained no matter where you are!

Collect all 3 volumes today at only .99 cents each:

Edition 1) iComic Humor
Edition 2) Pure Comic Laughs
Edition 3) Toronto Sun Funnies - for iPhone

MyCal 1.1(Productivity)[[iTunes][25]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

MyCal allows you to create beautiful calendar wallpapers for your iPhone or iPod touch. It's as simple as:

  1. Choose a picture from our selection of our original designs or pick your own from your photo albums
  2. Pick the calendar style that works best with your image
  3. Adjust the transparency until it looks just right
  4. Preview your masterpiece then click 'Save' to finish or 'Cancel' to go back and adjust your settings

Your calendar will be saved to your Camera Roll where you can then set it as your wallpaper in the normal way (using the Photos or Settings apps).

We've included a large library of unique pictures to get you started, but you can easily use any photo from your own albums (or the web). You can create as many calendar wallpapers as you like and even share them with friends. You could even switch the calendar off and just use this as a collection of original wallpaper designs.

We'll be regularly updating MyCal with new image libraries and running competitions to choose the best designs to include.

Version 1.0

  • Create unique wallpaper calendars
  • Different calendar styles to suit different images
  • Adjust the calendar transparency to create subtle effects
  • Built in image library
  • Simple to use

Any questions or problems, please let us know! There's a fully illustrated user guide available by clicking the MyCal Support link below or you can email us directly from within the app itself.

Barspace 1.0(Social Networking)[[iTunes][26]]

Price: $9.99 -> Free

Barspace App for iPhone


Barspace has teamed up with Outspring to bring you one of the coolest iPhone apps around.

The Barspace service has brought the future to the nightclub industry by introducing live streaming video! Start your night by knowing how busy it is in our participating venues. Never roll to a dead club again, or find a quiet place to nurse your favorite beverage. With Barspace’s live web cams you have the ultimate tool in picking out a club for your night out. No longer will people rely on background noise pumping through their friends phone to determine which venue is the most popular at a given time. Check the scene with your own eyes on your iPhone!

For more info about the Barspace service, visit http://www.barspace.tv

While the Barspace service, and this app, only currently cover Northern California venues, we are rapidly deploying cameras all over the US and soon, all over the world. Currently we cover these venues:

Sonoma County, California:

  • The Cantina
  • Stir
  • Stout Brothers
  • Friar Tuck’s Pub
  • Cotati Yacht Club
  • Spancky’s Bar
  • Maguires
  • Kodiak Jack's

San Francisco, California:

  • Siberia

Coming soon In San Francisco, California:

  • The Vin Club

Coming soon In Sonoma & Marin Counties, California:

  • Club Vine
  • Tex Wasabi’s (currently under renovation)
  • Finnegan’s Marin

...and many more venues are in the works!

BarspaceApp Features:

  • Streaming Live Web Cams (avg. 1 FPS)
  • Clear, high-quality images
  • Easily swipe navigate through all available live cams
  • Info button provides data about venue and camera operation hours
  • Extremely fast loading times
  • Auto-venue update: as we add new venues, they are automatically added to the app. No needed for app updates to see new venues.
  • Click to dial venue phone number (iPhone only)
  • Click for map directions

We hope you enjoy using this app as much as we do! We have many, many cool new features in the works and hope to be providing free updates soon. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. Thanks!

BoyPic 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][27]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Your man is jealous ? Test him with BoyPic !!


BoyPic allows to add your favorite boy on your pic. You choose between gentleman Brian, Greg, Steven, Nikos.
And in 1 click, you can either save it in your album, or share it by e-mail, or share it on your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon) An application fun and intuitive to spend good moments Only with your best friends.

  1. Get the picture :

    • "Album" button : pick the picture from your albums.
    • "Camera" button (only for iPhone) : take a picture and use it directly.
  2. The objects positioning

    • Boys : Brian, Greg, Steven, Nikos.
    • Tap a button name (bottom of the screen)
    • Tap an object to interact with it :
    • Move (touch the screen to drap and drop the object)
    • Zoom effect (touch the screen to Stretch the object)
    • Delete Button : The current object is deleted.
    • Foreground Button : The current object is put on the foreground.
    • Miror Button : The current object is modified with a horizontal mirror effect.
    • Reset : all the objects are deleted.
    • Continue : the picture is validated with the objects. Switch to the next step.
  3. The picture processing :

    • "Save" button, save your picture in your album.
    • "Post" button, put online the new picture.
      The picture will be posted on your account twitpic. The picture link is ready to be posted everywhere on the web if you want (step 4 publishing).
      If you want to delete the picture, just go on www.twitpic.com website ("home" tab).
  4. The picture publishing : The picture can be posted online

    • On your Facebook account
    • On your Twitpic account (Twitter credentials). You'll be able to share the link by email or on the others social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Stumbleupon, Delicious and Digg).
  5. The picture Sharing :

    • The picture has been successfully posted, you can now share it with your friend and everyone on the web.
    • You can share the picture link by email or on your favorites websites (you can join a message if you want) : Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Digg.
    • If you want, you can post on every website on one click ("All" button on the top right of the screen).

Details on the publishing :

  • Twitter : publishing of the twitpic link and the message (115 characters maximum).
    You can logout from twitter (button on the bottom left on the main screen).
  • Email : you will be redirect on the email interface. Subject : "Watch this Picture !". The body is composed by the message if you have written one and the link of the picture.
    Before sending the email, you have to choose the recipients and, if you want, modify the subject and the text.
  • Facebook : You have to connect with a facebook account. Then, the picture will be posted on your wall.
    The connection will be retain even after the next restart of the application.
    You can logout (button on the bottom right on the main screen).
  • StumbleUpon : anonymous publishing of the picture link.
  • Delicious : publishing of the picture link with the account "failpic".
  • Digg : anonymous publishing of the picture link.

Mistletoe 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][28]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

Chilli X are getting into the festive spirit early with the release of Mistletoe, a light-hearted 'interactive mistletoe simulator'.

With the Christmas party season rapidly approaching there's no excuse to get caught without that vital Christmas Party accessory.

Simply hold Mistletoe above your head and shake the phone to produce the sound of tinkling bells to attract your prey, then pucker up and wait for the fun to start.

If you strike out, console yourself by pressing the screen and seeing a pair of luscious lips complete with kissing sound effects.

Better luck next time!

Chilli X's Mistletoe has the following advantages over real mistletoe:

  • the berries will not squish in your pocket
  • does not need watering - lasts forever!
  • plays jingle bells when shaken
  • gives you a consolation kiss if you can't find the real thing

Version 1.0 - Never get caught without your mistletoe - Shake to lure your prey - Touch the screen to kiss - Real music and sound effects

Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch (original iPod touch requires earphones to hear sound effects)


Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

StarBoy is a fun game with simple, easy-to-learn controls - but is difficult to master.

Guide StarBoy through the sky, hitting stars to make him fly higher. Earn points for every star that is hit. StarBoy also has a small amount of fuel to thrust him onto the next star. StarBoy will fall back down if you don't keep moving him onto the next star.

StarBoy features great sound effects and fun gameplay. For each yellow star that StarBoy hits, you gain points. Hitting a red star will give StarBoy a speed boost, and hitting a green star will refill the fuel tank. Beware of fuel sapping black holes.

Control StarBoy through the Accelerometer. Tilt your device side to side to make StarBoy move sideways. Tilt up for rocket thrust.

StarBoy has 3 lives to score as many points as possible.

StarBoy features:

  • Fun Accelerometer-based gameplay
  • Great sound effects
  • Challenging gameplay
  • 3 lives
  • Top 10 high scores table

PhotoFrame: Wild! 1.0(Photography)[[iTunes][30]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

PhotoFrame: Wild! is a special, limited edition version of Chilli X's popular PhotoFrame app.

This version is populated with some spectacular wildlife photography courtesy of Shamwari - voted the world's leading game reserve for eleven consecutive years.

PhotoFrame: Wild! also acts as a digital clock by clearly displaying the time and date beneath the photo.

PhotoFrame: Wild! overrides your auto-lock setting so your slideshow will continue for as long as you wish. This makes it ideal to keep running while your device is docked and on charge.

Other settings allow you to vary the length of time each picture is displayed and select either 12 or 24 hour time display.

PhotoFrame: Wild! has a very clean, simple interface - just tap on the clock area of the screen to access the settings screen. Tap on the main photo to advance to the next picture if you don't want to wait for it to change automatically.

If you enjoy PhotoFrame: Wild! but would like to be able to personalize it by adding your own photos then please consider purchasing the full version of PhotoFrame.

Version 1.0

  • Shows a slideshow of beautiful wildlife photography
  • Time/date display
  • 12hr/24hr mode
  • Turns off auto-lock to prevent the iPhone/iPod Touch sleeping whilst it's running
  • Tap the photo to show the next one in the slideshow, or just give your iPhone/iPod Touch a shake!
  • Clean interface with hidden status bar

In common with other developers, we recommend you install PhotoFrame: Wild! through iTunes and not directly on your iPhone/iPod touch. If you are experiencing problems with the app. please uninstall it and re-install through iTunes.

Please feel free to contact us via our web site or blog: http://chillix.wordpress.com

Any questions, please let us know!

NightTime 1.1(Lifestyle)[[iTunes][31]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Chilli X's Crazy Free iPhone Apps Birthday Bonanza

We're one year old and to celebrate all 16 of our apps are free this weekend. Thanks for the support, please go and help yourselves and tell your friends.

NightTime is the original digital LED night stand clock for the iPhone or iPod touch. This is the free companion to NightTime Plus, our more fully featured bedside clock which features a voice controlled alarm clock, landscape mode and the ability to choose any color for the display.

Application description

NightTime turns your iPhone or iPod touch into the perfect bedside clock. The large red digits are easy to read from a distance - perfect if you leave you phone on charge overnight.

NightTime overrides your auto-lock setting so your clock will stay on all night.

You can dim the display if you find the glow from the screen distracting and choose either a 12 or 24 hour clock.

NightTime has a very clean, simple interface - just tap on the clock area of the screen to access the settings.

Version 1.1

  • Large easy to read time display
  • Adjustable brightness setting
  • Toggle flashing seconds on/off
  • 12hr/24hr mode
  • Turns off auto-lock to prevent the iPhone/iPod Touch sleeping whilst it's running
  • Clean interface with hidden status bar

관련 글타래


AboutTime, AlarmMusic, App Store, Barspace, BoyPic, Cam App, Chess Elite, Chilli X, CoverMe, DeskClock, Done, Dream Girl, Facebook, Festive Holiday Cocktails, gogoSpeak Japanese, iComic Humor, iPod Touch, Juiced, Let's Share, MediaSend, Mistletoe, MyCal, NightTime, NightTime Plus, Peephole, PhotoFrame, PhotoFrame: Wild!, PhotoShelf, Playlist Alarm Clock, PlaySafe, Prank BioScanner, Punch Bag Buddy, Pure Comic Laughs, StarBoy, StarTime, The Best Deal, Toronto Sun Funnies, Twitter, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 앱 스토아, 트위터, 페이스북