오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 091210

2009/12/10 10:44


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

오늘은 총 31개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 다만 어플의 양이 많아서 모두 소개하기는 힘들고 특이한 어플만 간단히 소개하는 것으로 하겠다. 일단 아이폰(iPhone) 출시로 한글 어플의 출시가 많아 졌다. 또 기존에 있던 한글 어플은 할인해서 판매하고 있다.

먼저 소개할 어플은 SHOW Memory이다. KT에서 아이폰 사용자의 전화번호 관리를 위해 출시한 무료 어플이다. 일단 내려받은 뒤 3G 상태에서 실행하면 자동으로 쇼메모리 라이트에 가입된다. 이 상태에서 쇼메모리 사이트로 접속, 다른 휴대폰에서 내보내기한 전화번호를 가져오면 쉽게 전화번호를 아이폰으로 옮길 수 있다. 구글 연락처를 이용하거나 윈도 연락처를 이용하는 것 보다는 이 방법이 더 편하다. 다만 가져올 때 그룹을 지정하지 못하는 것은 조금 아쉽다.

두번째로 소개하는 어플은 하나N Bank다. 하나은행에서 처음으로 출시한 아이폰용 인터넷 뱅킹 어플(Internet Banking)이다. 다만 보안 문제 때문에 해킹되지 않은 순정 아이폰에서만 실행이 가능하다. 해킹 폰에서 실행하는 방법도 찾으면 있겠지만 현재는 귀찮아서 사용하지 않고 있다. 또 Yop라는 운동량 측정 어플도 국산이다. 원래 3불에서 1불로 할인 판매하고 있다. Korean App Store Developer를 방문하면 조금 더 많은 국산 어플을 알 수 있다.

또 오늘은 유료로 전환된 어플이 조금 많다. iInformationPro(2불), RPSXtreme(1불), CobbMeter(25불), OrthoMeter(12불)로 총 네개다. 가격으로 따지면 40불이나 된다. iInformationPro는 트위터에 소개했듯이 상당히 괜찮은 배터리 잔량 검사 어플이다. 단순히 배터리 남은 량만 검사할 수 있는 것이 아니라 메모리, 시스템, 프로세스등도 검사할 수 있는 어플이다. 따라서 조금 아쉽다.

CobbMeter, OrthoMeter도 트위터에 미리 소개한 어플이다. 모두 정형외과에서 사용하는 어플로 보이며, 척추나 다리의 휨을 검사하는 어플이다. 다만 이 어플은 가격이 비싸도 그리 아쉽지는 않다. 그 이유는 일반인이라면 필요없는 어플이며, 의사라면 저 어플을 구매할 재력은 충분하다고 생각하기 때문이다. 다만 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.

1Shoot은 카메라 어플이다. 아직 사용해 보지않았지만 사용해 본 분에 따르면 셀카를 찍을 때 상당히 유용하다고 한다. 평상시 3불, 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 전환될 가능성이 많은 어플이다. Pentanimals는 예전에 한번 소개한 어플이다. 그림만 보면 아이들용 어플로 보이지만 의외로 난이도가 높은 퍼즐 게임이다. 평상시 2불, 이틀간 무료로 제공된다. The Reel Machine은 슬롯머신 게임으로 평상시 1불, 반나절 동안 무료로 제공된다. 따라서 될 수 있다면 먼저 받는 것이 좋다. 고 싶다면

SHOW Memory(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: Free

휴대폰을 분실하셨나요?
기기변경을 하셨나요?
기존 휴대폰과 똑같이 복구하고 싶으세요?
SHOW 메모리가 여러분의 소중한 주소록을 지켜드리겠습니다.

KT SHOW 메모리 서비스는 휴대폰에 저장되어 있는 주소록을 KT SHOW 사이트내 SHOW 메모리에 저장, 보관 및 관리기능을 제공해 드립니다. 또한 휴대폰 분실이나 변경되었을 경우 간편하게 다시 휴대폰으로 주소록을 가져올 수 있습니다.

KT SHOW 메모리에서는 제공되는 서비스는 아래와 같습니다

  1. iPhone의 주소록을 SHOW 사이트 서버로 저장하는 올리기 기능
  2. SHOW사이트에 저장된 주소록을 iPhone으로 저장할 수 있는 내려받기 기능
  3. iPhone내 중복 저장된 주소록 정리 기능
  4. iPhone에는 없는 기능인 주소록 전체 삭제 기능

KT SHOW 메모리 서비스를 이용해주시는 고객님께 감사 드리면서, 더 좋은 서비스로 찾아 뵙도록 노력하는 서비스가 되겠습니다.

KT SHOW메모리 서비스는 iPhone을 사용하시는 KT고객님께만 제공되는 서비스 입니다.(어플리케이션/3G 네트워크 패킷 모두 무료로 제공됩니다)

Notice : KT SHOW Memory for iphone is only available for KT Customers using iPhone in South Korea. It doesn't support iPod Touch Users.

하나N Bank(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: Free

하나은행 스마트폰뱅킹 서비스가 『하나N Bank』라는 브랜드로 iPhone과 iPod Touch에서 새롭게 선보입니다.

『하나N Bank』서비스에서는

  • 편리하고 효율적인 User Interface
  • 인기 상품, 서비스 조회/가입
  • 예금조회/자금이체/대출/펀드/외화/카드/공과금 등의 은행 업무
  • 자주 사용하는 서비스/메뉴만 별도 지정하여 이용하는 My 메뉴 기능
  • 개인자산관리를 포함한 다양한 부가서비스

등을 언제 어디서나 신속하고 편리하게 이용하실 수 있습니다.

인터넷과 연결된 온라인 모드에서만 동작하고, 모든 거래 정보는 암호화 되어 안전하게 전송됩니다.

향후 스마트폰에 적합한 서비스 내용과 상품을 지속적으로 확대하여 고객과 함께하는 서비스가 될 수 있도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

iInformationPro 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

The system, the memory, and information on the battery are displayed.

This application is a high-ranking version of iInformation that has been released now.
Graphical display in battery tab.
Because the tab can be customized, information that I want to see can be set to a favorite tab.
The color of cool user interface only for Pro was adopted.

Because it is an automatic reload, latest information can be confirmed at any time.

  • SystemInfo  - IP address  - Name of iPhone  - System version  - Identifier (UDID)  - Disk space (Become empty while totaling, and using it.)  - Uptime  - Average loading of CPU (for 15 minutes of five minutes of one minute)

  • MemoryInfo  - Memory capacity (graphic and percent)  - Physical memory

  • ProcessInfo
  • Main and other processes
  • Start time
  • BatteryInfo  - Power resource (graphical and percent)  - State of battery source  - Whether it is charging it or not?

  • Because liberating the memory gives the influence to other applications, it doesn't mount inadequately.

Gay - MyGayGo LGBT Lesbian Gay Pride Event Guide 2.0.1(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

2500 New US business listings Added 40 new cities!

  • A brand new redesign that is eye appealing and functional.
  • We are adding more events across the US.
  • Images of businesses are now larger.
  • Did we miss anything? Add your business or event from within the application.

Gay and LGBT Event and Business Directory

Tell us your favorite places, and what cities need more gay friendly businesses in this app. Gay-Events nationwide are being added daily.

Events added daily!

MyGayGo helps you instantly find LGBT-friendly or LGBT-owned Business and Events near you from your iPhone.

From hotels and bars to gyms, hair salons, and lawyers. We even help you find the latest events like Pride 2009!

From directions, phone numbers, to email addresses we help you learn about, and support your community.

If we missed your favorite business or area let us know. With your help we can help improve OUR community.

View the screen shots at left to learn more about the features of MyGayGo.

Look for Gay-Friendly Businesses and Gay-Events on this app.

Want more information? Visit us at www.MyGayGo.com - For Gays On The Go!

RPSXtreme 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Rock-paper-scissors (sometimes spelled roshambo) is a popular two-person hand game.

The objective is to select a gesture which defeats that of the opponent. Gestures are resolved as follows:

  • Scissors cuts Paper; scissors wins.
  • Paper covers Rock; paper wins.
  • Rock crushes Lizard; rock wins.
  • Lizard poisons Spock; lizard wins.
  • Spock smashes Scissors; Spock wins.
  • Scissors decapitates Lizard; scissors wins.
  • Lizard eats Paper; lizard wins.
  • Paper disproves Spock; paper wins.
  • Spock vaporizes Rock; Spock wins.
  • Rock crushes Scissors; rock wins.

If both players choose the same gesture, the game is tied and played again.

This version supports single player mode (i.e. against the computer). And multiplayer mode against another player with an iPhone/iPod Touch. Multiplayer mode only works over a local WiFi network connection.

Options include the ability to choose from three different gesture image sets: hands, pictures, text.

We hope you enjoy this version of Rock Paper Scissors.

Version 1.1:
Added new game play type Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock (invented by Sam Kass).

Application name changed to RPSXtreme.

Version 1.2:
Adds support for OS 3.0.

Yop 1.0(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> $0.99

◀ Big Event! SALE.SALE.SALE...! ▶

한국 아이폰 발매 기념으로 세일을 시작합니다.

2.99불 → 0.99 $

IPhone released in Korea to commemorate the sale starts. This is a unique opportunity.

Yop 은 Your anOther Pedometer 의 약자로 iPhone / iPod 의 센서를 이용하여 여러분이 걷거나 뛰는 동작을 정확하게 집계하여 Database 화 한 후, 월별 / 일자별 / 시간별 소모한 칼로리를 자동으로 계산하여 줌으로써 평소 건강에 신경 쓸 겨를이 없는 현대인에게 절실한 건강 채크 도우미라고 할 수 있습니다.

※ " Yop " 은 ? 뛰어! Yop!

  • iPhone / iPod 의 모든 모델을 지원합니다.(OS 버전 3.0 이상)
  • iPhone / iPod 의 최첨단 센서를 이용하여 사용자가 걷는 동작 뿐 아니라 뛰는 동작까지 정확히 파악합니다.
  • 최초 App 실행 시, 사용자의 신장/체중/직업을 이용하여 계정을 생성하게 됩니다. 이 계정 정보를 통해 " Yop" 은 사용자의 칼로리 정보 및 신체 특성, BMI 수치 등 보다 다양하고 정확한 정보를 지원합니다.
  • 집계된 월별/일별/날짜별/시간별 데이터는 언제든 iPhone / iPod 를 통해 확인해 볼 수 있고, 이메일로 확인이 가능합니다.
  • 총 4가지의 운동메뉴를 제공합니다. 일상 생활, 목표 시간 설정, 목표 걸음수, 목표 칼로리 수치를 지정 하여 운동할 수 있습니다.
  • iPod에 저장되어 있는 음악을 들으면서 운동을 즐길 수 있습니다. 특정 음악을 선택하거나, 랜덤. 즉 무작위로 흘러 나오는 노래를 들으며 운동을 즐길 수 있습니다.
  • 음악을 들으며 운동을 할때, 뛰어! Yop 은 대기화면에 플레이되고 있는 음악의 앨범 화면을 대기화면에 보여줌으로써 감성적인 측면까지 고려한 최고의 App 입니다.
  • 프라이버시 기능.
    자신의 신장/체중/직업 그리고 운동한 데이터들이 저장되어 있는 " Yop " App을 다른 사람이 접근할 수 없도록 설정할 수 있는 프라이버시 기능이 내장되어 있습니다.

  • 다양한 효과음 지원.
    비오는 날, 그리고 눈 오는날 눈위를 걷는 듯한 느낌을 아시나요? Yop은 기본적으로 걷는 효과음 뿐만 아니라, 눈위를 걷는 효과음과 빗속을 걷는 효과음을 제공합니다. App 의 업그레이드 시 이러한 효과음은 더 많이 제공될 예정입니다.

  • 공식 홈페이지 주소 : http://www.rainydays.co.kr/8
  • Yop get well user’s movements(ex. walking, running) by using the advanced sensor of iPhone / iPod.?In particular, when calorie information, our App is support more accurate calorie information because it uses aggregated data such as running movements.
  • You can check aggregated monthly / daily / date / hourly data through the iPhone / iPod.?In particular, And you can get into E-mail as well as aggregated 뛰어Yop App.
  • There are 4 exercise menu. Try the select one with everyday life, time, step, or calorie goals. Total of 4 different exercise menu are satisfied your preferred movement pattern.
  • You can exercise by enjoy listening to music.?
  • Privacy Features?Another person can’t access your App by built-in options then your height, weight, occupation, and stored walking data is safe in Yop App.
  • Will be updated.
    6 dated December 2009 update, version 3.0 (English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Russian) is expected to support, iPod, turn off auto-lock feature is the ability to add even more convenient to run the Job can be used .

Tipping Point - Tip Calculator 1.0.3(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Tipping Point is a simple, efficient, and attractive tip calculator.

Tipping Point provides a fast and easy tip calculator while simultaneously allowing for more advanced control. With a minimum of taps, enter a bill amount, choose a tipping percent, and instantly view the total. With several common tipping percentages and automatic decimal point insertion, Tipping Point provides the most efficient gratuity calculating experience. At the same time, Tipping Point allows for custom percentages, dollar specified tip amounts, bill splitting, and tip rounding.

Twist 'n Tilt 1.1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE! Limited time only
Bubble level and compass^ meets game.
Put your surgical steady hands to the test in this challenging tilting game.

Get a laugh by giving it to your friends and family as they try to get in the zone.

"Why didn't you release this sooner? It's so much fun"

^Compass feature is only available on iPhone 3GS

Torus 1.1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Catch tori as they fall from the sky by tilting your device to slide the base hook around the play area. You take damage each time a torus hits your base or the floor, but you can replace health points by catching the glowing green tori that appear when you are in danger.

Torus types yield different scores, compete globally on the web based high score table. Track high scores on the web site or with the Torus Facebook application. You get one chance per game, but lots of health points to start with.

Torus features ambient background music, and immersive gameplay that you can master in seconds. Sound effects are placed in 3D space as they occur, make sure your headphones are on the right way round to get the maximum experience!

CobbMeter 1.0(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $24.99 -> Free

CobbMeter is a medical tool designed to measure the Cobb angle, the kyphosis angle, and the sacral slope on vertical spine radiographs ; It is intended to the Spinal care professional, and turns the iphone into a professional measuring tool.

I designed CobbMeter with Regis Rigal as the professional tool I had always needed in my everyday practice in both Orthopedic Spine Surgery and Spinal non operative care : A tool that fits in the pocket in the very same device that I use to manage my busy schedule, that I can call immediately by pressing an icon, and which can be used on both regular radiographs or even a (vertical) computer screen to measure accurately the Cobb angle in spinal deformities, but also the kyphosis angle in spinal fractures and the sacral slope in degenerative and deformitic conditions. All that one has to do in using the device is align the side of the iPhone to the standard tracings we use routinely, and the position sensor built in the iPhone will do the rest. The precision of the device itself is 1/10th of a degree, far more precise than the precision of the measure as determined in everyday practice and the literature.

Measures are logged for further use and may be sent by e-mail to the surgeon or staff for recording purposes, with the levels of the measured curve, type of curve and patient id or number. A calibration procedure was also implemented to accurately measure the angle with the horizontal plane as in the sacral slope.

Through though the developpement, Regis has shown an extraordinary sense of patience and astounding programming skills so as to accurately provide a tool that fits the needs of the surgeon and the spine care provider to best treat the patients ; and I thank him for his efforts.

I am very proud of releasing this small software in the community, and I hope it will facilitate a little bit the life of my dear colleagues and the patients.

I thank the colleagues who gave me their kind advice on the software during its developpement and wish they will find it usefull.

Frederic P Jacquot MD

OrthoMeter 1.0(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $11.99 -> Free

OrthoMeter is a small orthopedic tool intended to surgeons to measure angles on radiographs or computer screens in the orthopedic field.

It is intended to the Orthopedic care professional, and turns the iPhone into a professional measuring tool.

“When I was a resident, I was struck by the time and difficulties required to measure angles with the instruments available at the time. Then technology evolved, and tools like the iPhone emerged, with its great angle-measurement capabilities.

I designed OrthoMeter with Regis Rigal as the tool I had always needed in my everyday tasks, to be able to catch an angle “on the fly”, and I use it all the time.

All that one has to do is grab the same device as used everyday to manage a busy schedule, align accurately the edge of the iPhone to the standard tracings we use routinely, and the great position sensor built into the device will do the rest and provide an accurate reading.

Measurements may be done as a free angle, or against the horizontal or vertical as provided by the device. It is was designed to measure the femoral angle, or the inclination of an acetabular cup and the angle of the roof of the acetabulum; but many other angles as useful in everyday practice may be obtained.

The precision of the device itself is 1/10th of a degree, far more precise than the precision of the measure as determined in everyday practice and the literature. Measures are logged for further use and may be sent by e-mail to the surgeon or staff for recording purposes. A calibration procedure was also implemented to accurately measure the angle with the horizontal plane as in the sacral slope.

Through though the development, Regis has shown an extraordinary sense of patience and astounding programming skills so as to accurately provide a tool that fits the needs of the surgeon and the orthopedic care provider to best treat the patients ; and I thank him for his efforts.

I am very proud of releasing this small software in the community, and I hope it will facilitate a little bit the life of my dear colleagues and the patients.

I thank the colleagues who helped me with their kind advice on the software during its development and wish they will find it useful.”

Frederic P Jacquot MD

Check This 3.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Send a pre-formatted email with a photo attachment, your current GPS coordinates, the GPS accuracy, and a link to a map of the area. The Check-this application is the fastest easiest way to share the most important information: who, what, when, and where. Version 2.0 includes these templates:

  • Check-This: if you see something note-worthy and you've got to send it to someone.
  • You have been seen: to send someone a picture of themselves and a record of the time and location, or in case you see someone doing something they shouldn't and you want to let them know that you know.
  • My Coordinates: to let people know where you are so they can try to find you, or to send yourself to document where you are and when you were there.

If you like these features but want to customize and save the email template, try the "GPS Photo Report" app. For more inexpensive and uniquely valuable applications, visit www.urbananomaly.com.

1Shoot 1.1(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

Don't miss that photo. Keep shooting!

With 1Shoot photos are not saved to camera roll immediately. They are kept at the bottom of the screen (see screenshot below) where you will be able to review them before saving or throwing it away.

Keep Shooting!

There are 3 Shoot Modes:

  • Steady: photo is triggered by iPhone accelerometer
  • Touch: tap anywhere on the screen
  • Timer: 5 or 10 seconds countdown

--- Instructions ---

  • Steady Mode
    Point the phone and hold it steady until the photo is taken. Keep it steady if you want further photos of the same target. Move it after the photo is taken to change target. There is a "car mode" to use on the road leaving you phone in a stand.

  • Touch Mode
    Point the phone and tap the screen to take the photo. Use a short and fast tap trying not to move the phone.

  • Timer Mode
    Choose your time, 5 or 10 seconds, then put the phone in some safe and solid place, tap the screen to start the countdown and go to occupy your place in the picture. Photo is taken when the countdown finishes.

  • How to Change Mode
    2 taps on screen ? menu
    1 tap on menu buttons ? make your selection
    1 tap on top-left badge ? pause/resume

  • Photo Slider
    Swipe the slider left or right to see all taken photos.

    2 taps on thumbnail ? save to camera roll
    1 tap on thumbnail ? photo preview (tap the photo to dismiss)
    1 tap and hold until the thumbnail changes its size, then drag out the slider ? remove the photo

== Stay in touch ==
Write a review in the app store with your opinion, suggestions, questions, etc. Look for our answer in twitter.com/1Shoot 24 hours later.
Feel free to include your twitter handler in your review to reply you directly, otherwise we'll just mention your iTunes nick.

You can send us a message to 1Shoot@wuonm.com if you prefer to do so.

Santa's Run - Tossing Christmas Presents Around the World 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Santa's Run is FREE for today only as a Appvent Calendar promotion! Tell your friends and family before it ends!

Visit http://appventcalendar.com for more fun free games and other great surprises until December 24th. Happy holidays from your friends at Broken Thumbs Apps.

Win a $15 iTunes Gift Card!

Deliver gifts at a rate of 50% for Around the World and post to Open Feint and you will be entered into a raffle for a $15 iTunes Gift Card. Enjoy the holidays!

Ends 12/31/09.


Do you enjoy giving gifts? Do you ever wish the holidays lasted longer? Get into the holiday spirit today with Santa's Run! In Santa's Run, you help Santa deliver gifts as you travel around the world. Make sure each house gets the number of presents on its wish list, and watch out for winds that might throw your present deliveries off track. Your careful aim will bring happiness to families worldwide!

Santa's Run keeps on giving all year-round, as you enjoy the original holiday music and festive artwork, track scores and achievements on Open Feint, and countdown the days until Christmas is here again.


"The game that Grinchmas should have been..." -- CNET

"Santa’s Run is all about spreading holiday cheer..." -- App Craver

"It becomes very addicting very quickly." -- Appmodo

"If you’re looking for a fantastic application to put you in the Christmas mood, look no further." -- App Girl Reviews

"The controls work well and accompanied by the beautiful interface and lively music, make the game play a delight." -- iPhone Footprint


All feedback and suggestions are welcome at SantasRun@brokenthumbsapps.com. We'd love to hear from you!

Website: http://brokenthumbsapps.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/brokenthumbsapps
Twitter: http://twitter.com/brokenthumbsapp (no 's')

Toddler Time! 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for limited time only

Toddler Time! is a bright and cheerful, educational application, focused at the 2-4 year age group.

The eye-catching pictures, with clearly spoken words, encourages children to repeat and copy - helping to enhance their vocabulary. The fun sound effects and animated characters, add an excitement which they will love.

There are 4 different characters incorporated within each of the 4 menus; a Bee, a Ladybird, a Snail and a Butterfly. The screens can be touched in any place, any number of times, and each time one of the animated characters will appear on that spot. The character moves and disappears within 5 seconds (also with great sound effects), making each page exciting and attention grabbing.

The 4 menus are "Colours", "Numbers", "Shapes" and "Zoo Animals".

The "Colours" option consists of 10 different screens, each with a speech button for the colour and a picture speech button which describes the image.

The "Numbers" option consists of 10 different screens, each with a speech button for the number and a picture speech button which describes the image.

The "Shapes" option consists of 10 different screens, each with a speech button for the shape and a picture speech button which also enlarges the shape. Instead of one of the four characters appearing in this section, an animated shape will appear and disappear when the screen is touched.

The "Zoo Animals" option consists of 10 different screens, each with a speech button for the animal and a picture speech button that also switches the image to the baby version of the animal.

With a total of 42 screens, 50 images and 70 spoken words, Toddler Time! is a must-have educational application for any parent as a fun teaching aid.

Wheeler's Treasure: Tasty Voodoo Entree 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


Visit www.appventcalendar.com for more free games in the next days

Featured by Apple in "What We're Playing"

"I'm extremely impressed" - TouchArcade Hands-on Preview

"Wheeler’s Treasure is a little roller coaster ride of a game." - SlideToPlay.com Review

"A ton of different gameplay elements and some pretty challenging gameplay." - AppVee.com Review

"So overall a very good game, one that shows not only a lot of polish, but a lot of thought behind it as well as a great design." - Techulous.com Review

"[Wheeler's Treasure] is certainly one of the more original games we've seen in the App Store" - TouchArcade Review

"Wheeler's Treasure shows a great deal of polish" - HYPER Magazine (Print edition, October 2009 Issue, p. 52)

★ Update!

● First update - Tasty Voodoo Entree - is out!
● New Items and Many Changes Suggested by You!

★ Check us out on YouTube and Facebook

● youtube.com/TwoLivesLeftGames
● facebook.com/WheelersTreasure

★ Description

Discover WHEELER'S TREASURE, a spectacular pirate world filled with jungles, treasures, ghosts and more! Follow the Cursed Wheel of The Lost Pirate Captain Wheeler through endless randomly generated challenges. Jump over pits, grab the treasure and hang on to your wheel as you fly down steep hills and splash into hazards. Eighteen unique items are scattered throughout the world for you to collect, with each one bringing new abilities. Avoid dangerous skeletons, bats and ghosts, dodge incoming cannonballs, and protect your treasure from cunning crows!

The Cursed Wheel is destructible, so watch out! Roll into lava and it'll burn. Get hit by cannonballs and you'll find your wheel pieces go flying. Lose all your pieces and it's over!

★ Packed with Piratey Features

  • Online highscores, achievements and more using OpenFeint
  • Randomly generated world, no two play-throughs will ever be the same!
  • Sixteen swashbuckling items to discover in game, each item granting a unique ability
  • Roll past your friends' Tombstones to beat their scores!
  • Beautiful 2D and 3D graphics from lush jungles to burning volcanic lands and more
  • Amazing Piratey music in five unique soundtracks!
  • Splashing water! Burning lava! Sinking quicksand!
  • Unlock 3D scenes that begin to tell the story of WHEELER'S TREASURE

★ Continuous updates to be had!

  • New Items and Treasures you can use to tackle your enemies and surpass your friends
  • New Scenes to unlock and collect!
  • New Game Modes to play!

● youtube.com/TwoLivesLeftGames

● facebook.com/WheelersTreasure

● twitter.com/TwoLivesLeft

● twolivesleft.com

Qlock 1.03(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Qlock is the easiest to use, most up to date, DST compatible world clock for your desktop or pocket. Featuring a fully detailed map of the world in both portrait and landscape mode, all major cities of the world and a unique desktop mode.

iTankster 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free, Free, Free! Full Version Of Game Is 100% Free. Pre-Christmas Special!

Fun! Addictive! Action Filled Tank Game - iTankster!

iTankster is simple yet hugely addictive tank game in which players must destroy the enemy skull and enter his city; before the enemy tanks destroy your castle and enter your city. iTankster is an action filled tank game for iPhone and iPod Touch that is wickedly addictive. Stop the enemy from blowing up your castle and entering the city. It sounds easy but as more and more tanks and enemies attach, you will need strategy, skill, and luck to win.

Use either the Joystick or accelerometer to move the tank by moving your iPhone.


  • 10 Maps & 50 Levels of addictive fun.
  • Special weapons & powers to fight against the enemy.
  • Save between levels; play through at your own pace.
  • Use finger to touch and destroy enemy tanks.
  • Twitter & Facebook options to challenge friends & submit high score.
  • Use joystick or motion control to play game.
  • Gorgeous graphics.


  • During the early levels, destroy all the tanks to build up your castle points.
  • Don’t use the rockets & lasers right away. Save them for future levels when it gets too difficult.
  • If you loose you can restart from the previous level, however, you have to be smart in how you use the restart. The tip is that sometimes you have to save yourself. Good luck in figuring this out when the battle gets crazy.
  • You get one finger kill per level, in later levels. Be sure to use those finger kills when the enemy gets close to the castle.

Update History And Future Plans:

  • V1.0 iTankster Launches
  • Next: New modes, new weapons, global ranking, new levels, new enemies, plus more.

Message From Developer:

  • Thank you everyone for your support, constructive criticism, and feedback. We promise to work to make this one of the top games for your iPhone or iPod.
  • Would like to hear from you. Let us know what you would like added, improved, or bugs by emailing us at feedback@iTankster.com.
  • Please visit our site: http://www.iTankster.com for the latest updates, tips, and information on the game.
  • Please Follow iTankster On Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/iTankster & become a iTankster fan on Facebook: http://tiny.cc/itankster
  • Check out the iTankster trailer at https://www.youtube.com/itankster

Important: We have one static ad within game, which is on the menu screen of iTankster. This has allowed us to drop the price. Secondly, due to piracy, we decided to add one advertisement for the pirates. We hope we have not offended anyone! The ad allows us to recover some of our development costs without being a nuisance. Thank you for your understanding and support!

MINDBODY yoga 1.1(Healthcare & Fitness)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Get MINDBODY yoga and have your own personal yoga class finder with you all of the time. With a single touch, MINDBODY yoga uses your GPS location and gives you all of the upcoming yoga classes that are available in your area. MINDBODY yoga is powered by MINDBODY and lets you access the largest database of yoga classes in the country.

MINDBODY yoga lets you see who's teaching, find out what classes are available, see studio locations on a map, and read detailed descriptions of classes, studios, and teachers.

Classes are sorted by time, so it's easy to see what's coming up next. Also, you can adjust your search radius to find the classes close to you, or look in a wider area to see what's available.

Have a favorite local teacher or class? MINDBODY yoga lets you save teacher, class, studio and company favorites, and will mark your favorites with a star, with an additional option that lets you restrict your search to favorites only.

MINDBODY yoga is also great for travelers. In “settings” you have the ability to manually enter a zip code to find classes in any location that you will be traveling to, as well as specify a time for the search up to 7 days in the future.

Updated daily with more studios and classes, the MINDBODY Online yoga-scheduling database has over 100,000 classes in it. When you purchase MINDBODY yoga, you have exclusive and direct access to this information.

Thousands of studios use the MINDBODY scheduling engine, including Yoga Tree, Golden Bridge, yogaworks, Corepower, Bikram, and many more. To find out if your favorite studio uses MINDBODY as their scheduler, check out your studio's web site and see if MINDBODY is listed as the scheduling provider.

Also see our other great apps from Highest Unfolding at HighestUnfolding.com = iMantra, iChakra, Peace Alarm Clock and A Course In Miracles.

iCatcharrr!!! 1.3(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

FREE only today!

iCatcharrr is a fast, pong style game with some unique extras and effects!

  • Smooth graphics with particle effects and realtime processed water.
  • Realistic rebound physics, when multiple cannonballs are in the game.
  • 9 different extras, including lightning storms, earthquakes and walls.
  • 36 achievments to unlock secrets like a beachball or the mirror mode.
  • Multiplayer mode to fight against friends and enemies on one screen.
  • Singleplayer mode with 12 enemy pirates, each with different attributes and tactics.
  • The tutorial explains the interface and all controls in a few illustrations.

YourPairs 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

YourPairs combines memory training and enjoying your most favorable photos at once.

Temporarily for free!

A picture pairs game which lets you create your own game sets using your personal photo library. You might use photos recently taken with your iPhone camera or existing pictures from your photo albums like your last holiday or family reunion.

Every game set is unique because you create it individually. Once some game sets exist, you can use the included play-random-game option for an infinite amount of new game sets and unexpected picture pairs sets.

Furthermore the difficulty levels are up to you. By choosing pictures that look very much alike the difficulty increases tremendously.

To create a game set, you just choose the photos from your photo albums which you want to see in your game. Once created, the game set is stored internally in YourPairs, so it doesn't matter if you delete photos or change albums in your Photos app. YourPairs is completely independent from your Photos app.

The easy and intuitive user interface makes it fun to play. Simply turn the picker wheel, choose your game set, press the start button and play your game. The creation and deletion of game sets is done in the same easy manner.

A detailed animated gaming instruction is part of YourPairs. No need for a manual.

Choose the photos you like the most and have fun!

Pentanimals 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Pentanimals is FREE for the next couple days!

New from the creators of TanZen and Zentomino!

Solve a series of fun puzzles, using up to twelve colorful animal themed pieces! Based on our popular game Zentomino, Pentanimals brings a lighter feel to the game, with brightly colored pieces, fun music, and even more hints for younger players who need them. Simply move, rotate, and flip differently shaped pieces to recreate a given shape.

Great for kids and adults!


  • 72 fun puzzles, ranging from easy to hard.
  • Adjustable difficulty levels, from ages five to adult.
  • Colorful, animal themed, pieces that are easy to control.
  • Handy hint system.
  • Solve puzzles in any order.
  • Excellent replay value.
  • Fun background music by Atomicon.

If you've mastered Pentanimals, please try the advanced version, Zentomino. Zentomino offers tougher challenges, and more puzzles, all wrapped in a peaceful, Zen garden theme.

Escape Away: First Mission 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

### Free for just one day!

Run, run, run! Just run!

Escape Away: First Mission is an addictive arcade action game. It's easy to play but hard to win! You want fast action packed game? Try this!

Being a spy, the last thing you should do is to get away before they catch you. The mission is simple , the control is very handy, the levels are HARD! So, let's get escaped away!


  • Fast action packed and lots of fun;
  • Up to 12 well designed levels;
  • Easy control with Touch Screen or the Accelerometer;
  • 3 different in-game sound tracks.
  • Online global leaderboards plus Facebook and Twitter integration, courtesy of OpenFeint.

Please check out the video, it demonstrated the game play using accelerometer and touch screen: http://youtube.com/watch?v=bIqzfeDNMoE

Word Connect 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

### Free for just one day!

Word Connect is a fun and easy to play word game. What you need to do is just to put the right letter to the right place, and make as many words as you can!

What our customers said:

"I love this game. Anyone who loves word games will have a difficult time putting this one down." - cnsoj

"a different take on word games - i thought i had played all the word type of games to be played but this one caught me by surprise. It surely is a different type of word game which can get you sucked in and realize that a lot of time has passed by. It is not easy and is definitely a challenge so if you're into word games and like to beat your scores and others using openfeint , give this game a shot" - rareoners

"Very nice twist - This is truely a different type of word game. The concept is simple and even the screenshots make it looks simple, but this is a very clever game. Its not just building words, but making strings of words within those words. This is one of those games where it is so much easier to just play, you cant go wrong with buying this one. Well worth it!" - spursrule

So, let's start making some words!

The full version features:

  • Online global leaderboards and achievements plus Facebook and Twitter integration, courtesy of OpenFeint.
  • Four leaderboards to challenge.
  • 18 achievements to be unlocked!
  • Automatic save game progress.
  • Sound and background music support.
  • Smooth animation.

Nucleus 1.01(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

New and original 3D puzzle game.

Use you brain power to master the third dimension!

Spin and turn the puzzle in order to create best possible combos.
Match different colored cells and use special powered cubes.

Conquer all 20 levels or pit yourself against toughest enemy, time.
Lets see how far can you take it!

And.... You can play it with one hand!!! ;)

The Reel Machine 1.01(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

For a half day today, it's FREE FREE FREE!

The most realistic Slot Machine is finally here!

See demo at http://reelmachine.999s.info

"Vegas Baby, Vegas! That’s what you’ll get with “The Reel Machine”, a realistic slot machine for the iPhone and iPod touch." - EverythingiCafe.com

"A classic that’s the center of Vegas, several versions have been made yet this one stands out [...] Much thanks to Chris who found this great app for me, this app’s quality, performance and graphics (especially graphics), have really surprised me. Normally I’m not one for slots games [...] but this app got me playing for a pretty long time" - iPwnAge.com


  • Pull the lever to spin reels, or tap the Spin button
  • Cash out anytime - coins go into tray
  • Bet by inserting cashed out coins into coin slot - using your finger!
  • Automagically re-insert cashed out coins by double tapping the coin slot
  • Get 3 MACHINE symbols on the pay line & win credits big time with the REEL WHEEL spinning before your eyes
  • International Top Scores ticker
  • Submit your own credit score for the world to see
  • Bet up to 3 credits
  • One pay line
  • Turn on/off reels spinning tune

CreditCool 1.0(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

You need money the reason is not important. Getting the kredit offer from the bank or lender, usually there is no way to check it proberly. Here I would like to help with this software. And not only that, if the loan is on it's way, You should be able to track the doing of the bank or lender. If big differences appeare comparing the data from the Bank whith that given by this program You should contact Your donors and discuss it.

A detailed help statement explains the details. Important concepts such as discount, annuity, special repayment, interest rate adjustment are described and can be realized by this software.

Borrow money costs money. With help of the program you can optimize the costs. For instance it may be that a prepayment saves more money than a lower interest rate. The program will tell You.

If the fixation of APR is over: what happens? Using this program you can change interest rates and reflected the impact directly.

In the credit history you can see at any time how much money you owe the bank and how big is the current interest amount You pay.

If at the end of the loan agreement debts are present, the program tells You the duration to final repayment. During this period the interest rates can be changed or redefined.

For comparison of credit offers a new parameter was introduced, namely the "cost per borroed $". That is what You really want to know; How much does it cost me to loan a $. Immediately you will discover that the rate of interest is often not essential for the cost amount.

The program offers the ability to store credit options to modify, copy or delete them.

Qiwi Credit Card 1.01(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Use Qiwi Credit Card as your credit card terminal while you're on the move. This is the simplest credit card application allowing small business owners to charge credit card payments right from iPhone. Grow business without missing any sales!

Watch video on YouTube to see how simple it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxKxfnRpioU


Ending on December 15, 2009 !!

Take advantage of a limited time offer to save more!

  • Download application for only $0.99 (originally $24.99)
  • Free Authorize.Net account set up. Price goes back to $79 after 12/15/2009

Receive special discounts only when signing up on our website at http://www.qiwiland.com/qiwi_credit.php. We offer you Authorize.Net account through e-onlinedata, a leading reseller of Authorize.Net. Once your application is approved, enter your user key and password into Qiwi Credit Card and you are good to go.

e-onlinedata= Processing for Thousands of Successful Merchants


  • Super Easy Setup
  • Accept all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover
  • Process refund and void charges by one click
  • Send email receipt to customer immediately
  • All pertinent information right on one single screen
  • Review sales history with Transaction Log
  • Ability to enter email address and invoice number
  • Ability to enter phone number and sale description if you want to
  • Secure transaction data by SSL encryption
  • Protect customer privacy: no credit card information will be stored on mobile device
  • Supports Edge, 3G, and WiFi networks
  • Supports Test Mode and Card Present


  • Receive your first 250 transactions you process per month for free
  • INSTANT ESTABLISHMENT of your Merchant ID Number. As soon as you submit the online application for your merchant account, your live Visa/MasterCard Merchant ID is issued to you and the search is over.
  • Funds deposited directly into your Personal or Business Checking Account
  • Internet accounts INCLUDE real time Payment Gateway & Virtual Terminal
  • QuickBooks Integration System INCLUDED! Allows you to download Settled Transaction Reports into QuickBooks
  • Apply for American Express & Discover right on the Application


Guaranteed = Rates will NOT increase unless Visa/MC increases Interchange*

  • NO Application Fees
  • NO Annual Fees
  • NO Address Verification (AVS) Fees
  • NO Leasing
  • NO Termination Penalties
  • 2.29% VISA/MasterCard Qualified Discount Rate
  • $0.30 per Transaction
  • $10.00 Monthly Service Fee (includes Monthly Statement)
  • $25.00 Monthly Processing Minimum


Toll free 24/7 Tech Support, daily Customer Service Support, and Online Chat Support are available.

For questions regarding Merchant Account, contact e-onlinedata at 1-877-685-6271.

For questions regarding Payment Gateway, contact Authorize.Net.
Tel: 1-877-447-3938
E-Mail: support@authorize.net

Qiwi Mobility LLC
E-Mail: info@qiwiland.com
Tel: 1-866-610-7462

Quotia Love 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Quotia Love is FREE now for limited time

Quotia LOVE ! Humm ... Share your beautiful feelings with your wife, friends , and your loved ones... Quotia LOVE is another version of " Quotia " . Using this application requires "WIFI,EDGE" . The sentences of application are updated once every two days according to the local time of Iran .

Skidmarks 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time

Are you perpetually annoyed with terrible drivers, who brake too late.. too hard.. or unpredictably?

Or is that person you? Either way - this app is for you.

Visualize your cars braking forces.

By mounting an iPod touch or iPhone in your car, Skidmarks will overlay your braking patterns on a Google Map.

Not only will you see how you distribute your braking forces... but where.

What you might you learn about yourself?

  • You brake evenly... wonderfully.. gracefully
  • You VISUALIZE your daily commute, and correlate your driving frustrations with braking occasions
  • You find out that YOU are the problem
  • You ARE that guy who brakes too hard

Remember, Skidmarks is not recommended to be viewed while driving. All information is recorded so that you can safely review your footprints when the car is at a complete stop.

Please always drive responsibly.


Triple Dizee! 1.5(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free




Triple Dizee is a standard yahts style “dice poker” game where the object of the game is to score the most points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations. The difference between TripleDizee and similar dice poker apps is that, in addition to the standard “Single” mode of play, Triple Dizee also contains “Double” & “Triple” game modes, which add a second and third column respectively that duplicate the “Single” game mode column of 13 scoring combinations. Thus, the “Double” game mode consists of 26 “turns” and the “Triple” mode 39 “turns”. These columns have double & triple the point values of single game mode value, respectively. This feature adds more time and significantly more complexity to the standard dice poker game.


“DOUBLE” & “TRIPLE” GAME MODES - Why be stuck with a dice poker game that only has a single game mode of 13 turns? Triple Dizee offers two additional unique game modes? a “Double” & a “Triple” mode. “Double” mode is like playing two sub-games in one - the “Double” column total is multiplied by 2 and combined with the “Single” column score to achieve a Total score. “Triple” game mode takes “Double” game mode one step further, and adds a third column - the “Triple” column total is multiplied by 3 and combined with the Single column and Double column scores to achieve a Total score.

UP TO 4 PLAYERS THAT PLAY IN ANY SEQUENCE ? Play with up to 4 players that do not have to play in sequence nor have to play only one turn at a time. Each player can take as many turns as they want before switching to the next player, and players can be skipped and be returned to later as desired.

ADD A PLAYER ON THE FLY - After starting a game, additional players can be added at ANY TIME during the game, up to the 4 player limit. Start a game by yourself and add a friend that drops by while you are playing? no need to start a new game.

COMPUTER PLAYER - - Play against up to 3 computer players (single mode only).

PLAYER THEMES - Changes dice textures, color, music, and dice roll sounds independently for each player

5 DICE TEXTURES - There are currently 5 types of dice face textures that can be selected ? Shiny Red, Chipped White Stone, Smooth Veined Wood, Yellow Paper, and Green Paint.

4 DICE “SHAKE AND ROLL” SOUNDS - There are currently 4 types of dice shake and roll sounds that can be selected.

8 DICE ANIMATIONS - There are currently 8 different Dice animations with dice moving and faces changing during the roll.

MUSIC PLAYER - Create and edit on the go playlists that can be played as background music from any number of songs that are in your device's music library. All background music can be controlled in a full featured music player within Triple Dizee, including 4 looped background music provided from Triple Dizee itself.

SHAKE DEVICE TO ROLL - Of course, what would a dice game be unless you can shake your device to roll your dice? TripleDice includes this feature.

ACHIEVEMENTS: 26 achievement levels including 6 new bonus items. Move up the evolutionary ladder and go beyond Human! All achievements / bonuses can be displayed by type.

BONUS RULES & TRACKING - The standard bonus rules are fully applied in the game in all columns in all game modes, including upper bonus tracking.

SCORING SUMMARY SCREEN - At any time during gameplay, a scoring summary screen can be displayed that shows the total multiplied score for each player, including number of turns for each player.

STATISTICS: Display total score, average score, number of games for Player 1 - all by game mode (x1, x2, x3).

HIGH SCORE SCREEN - High Scores are maintained separately for EACH game mode in three scrolling High Score sections on the High Score screen.

관련 글타래


1Shoot, Check This, CobbMeter, CreditCool, Education, Entertainment, Escape Away, Finance, Games, Gay, Healthcare & Fitness, iCatcharrr!!!, iInformationPro, iPod Touch, iTankster, Lifestyle, Medical, MINDBODY yoga, Nucleus, OrthoMeter, Pentanimals, Photography, Qiwi Credit Card, Qlock, Quotia Love, RPSXtreme, Santa's Run, SHOW Memory, Skidmarks, Social Networking, The Reel Machine, Tipping Point, Toddler Time!, Torus, Triple Dizee!, Twist 'n Tilt, Utilities, Wheeler's Treasure, Word Connect, Yop, YourPairs, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 하나N Bank, 한글 어플