오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 091209

2009/12/09 07:18


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

오늘은 총 19개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 다행이 오늘은 유료로 바뀐 어플이 없다. 먼저 TwitBird Premium for Twitter는 무료 어플은 아니다. 평상시 2불에서 1불로 할인 판매하고 있고 TwitBird를 좋아하는 사람이 많아 소개하는 어플이다. 참고로 TwitBird는 TwitBird, TwitBird Premium, TwitBird Pro의 세가지 판이 있으며, TwitBird는 무료 TwitBird Premium, TwitBird Pro는 유료이다. 프로와 프리미엄의 차이는 등록할 수 있는 ID의 수(프리미엄 2개, 프로 7개)에서 차이가 난다. 따라서 여러 개의 계정을 사용하지 않는다면 프리미엄을 사용해도 된다.

MyAccountBook은 평상시 1불, 다음 판이 나올 때까지 무료로 제공되는 판이다. 한국인 개발자가 만든 어플이라 디자인이 우리에게 잘 맞는다. 또 설명의 'Sorry too much bugs. Free until 1.1.2 version.'라는 부분을 보면 버그가 많아 무료로 한 것이 아닌가 하는 생각이 든다. 다만 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.

처음으로 소개한 Seoul Bus도 오늘만 무료인 어플은 아니다. 서울과 수도권 버스 노선과 주변 정류소를 알리주는 어플이다. 11호 자가용[1]을 모는 사람에게는 꼭 필요한 추천 어플이라 소개한다. 또 Movie Stars Quiz 1.1처럼 Movie XXXX Quiz 시리즈도 무료로 바뀌었다. 다만 이런 시리즈가 너무 많아 따로 소개하지 않았다.

iStacked는 젠가(Jenga) 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되며 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많아 소개한다. iHonk는 평상시 1불, 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. 다만 어떤 어플인지는 잘 모른다. Ickle Count은 차례로 증가하는 숫자를 터치하는 간단한 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 무료 프로모션을 진행하고 있다. What's My Age Pro, Xray Crack Up Pro 모두 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플로 정확히 어떤 때 사용하는 어플인지는 나도 모른다.

Waterfalls Relax는 떨어지는 폭포를 보며 긴장감을 풀 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되며 가겨 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. Asian Cute는 귀엽지 않으면서 귀엽다고 주장하는 동양 아가씨 앨범 모음이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. BugsShot은 벌레와 꽃을 섞는 간단한 게임 어플로 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Sexy Xmas는 평상시 1불, 오는 11불까지 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 얼핏 보면 야사 같은데 사진은 아니고 게임이라고 한다.

Math Monster는 평상시 2불, 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. 아이들에게 간단한 사칙연산을 가르칠 때 유용한 어플이다. tim3rs는 자신이 한 일을 추적해서 도표로 보여주는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되며 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. Jingle Balls은 간단한 게임 어플로 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Whisper는 앱 스토어에 종종 올라오는 Social Networking 어플로 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

Santa's Sack는 산타를 도와 산타가 빼았긴 선물을 찾아 오는 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료이다. Easy Cube는 따로 설명할 필요가 없는 어플이다. 오프라인에서 흔하게 볼 수 있는 큐브를 아이폰용으로 만든 것이다. Photo Notes는 이름 처럼 사진을 찍은 뒤 간단한 메모를 남길 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

Seoul Bus 1.0(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Seoul Bus provides bus information of the Metropolitan area of South Korea, including not only all regions of Seoul, but also those of Incheon and Gyeonggi-do.

With the Internet access, users can find when the bus will arrive to the certain station, and where it is servicing right now, so called "Estimated Time of Bus Arrival" and "Real-Time Location of the Bus", respectively.

Without the Internet access, however, off-line functions provide users with capability to check bus numbers, bus routes, and stations.

In addition, users can search for nearby bus stations, based on their current location. Also, users can find any station through the map service, provided by Seoul bus. ( Location service activate exactly with iPhone, which is based on GPS system, whereas iPod Touch, based on WiFi system, may have a slight relative error.

Seoul Bus는 서울특별시, 인천광역시 및 경기도를 포함한 수도권 전 지역의 버스 정보를 제공합니다.

인터넷 접속이 가능할 경우에는 임의의 정류소에 버스들이 언제 도착하는지에 대한 버스 도착 예정 정보, 그리고 해당 버스가 현재 어디를 운행하는지 알려주는 실시간 버스 위치를 간편하게 확인하실 수 있습니다.

아울러 인터넷 접속 여부와는 상관 없이 오프라인 기능으로 버스 운행 정보와 정류소 정보 등의 정보에 접근이 가능합니다.

그밖에도 사용자의 현재 위치에 기반하여 주변에 있는 정류소를 검색하실수도 있습니다. 또한 지도를 통한 정류소 찾기도 가능합니다. (위치 기반 서비스는 GPS를 이용하는 iPhone에서 정확히 동작하며, iPod Touch의 경우엔 WiFi를 이용하기 때문에 상대적 오차가 발생할 수 있습니다.

iStacked 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

iStacked is based on the ever popular classic game called Jenga.

You have probably played it but don't know the game.

Play with your friends and see who topples the tower first.
The one who topples the tower, loses!

The object of the game is to remove bricks from the tower (anywhere except the top 3 levels) without making the tower fall.

Once you have removed the brick, you need to place it on top of the tower and build the tower higher. Again, you must not let the tower fall when placing the brick back on top.

As each brick is removed and placed on top, the tower becomes more and more unstable.

The person who causes the tower to fall, loses.

Remember to tilt your iPhone in the correct way to keep the tower stable as you remove and replace bricks.

iStacked is a must have game that no fun-loving household should be without. Behind its simple exterior there’s a surprisingly daring game that builds to a suspenseful, high-spirited climax when playing with friends.

iStacked quickly becomes the life of every party and is an ideal way to make the most of your quality time with family or friends.

It’s a great game to play for fun and excitement and it’s a game which everyone enjoys. So gather your friends and family and get ready for some enjoyable fun!

****You MUST read the instructions before you play for the first time****

iHonk! 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time!!!

As a pedestrian, do you get frustrated if cars honk their horns at you and you are powerless to give them a peace of your mind? Or perhaps you are walking through a crowded area and wish people would get out of your way?

iHonk is the perfect tool to strike back! Honk back at rude cars or pedestrians blocking your path. Perfect for those late night walks back to your car after a night on the town.

Just press down in the middle of the steering wheel to honk and release to stop honking. Press and slide your finger off the wheel to continuously honk. Tap again to stop.

Select from a variety of different steering wheels resembling BMW M3, Acura RL, Ferrari, and Lamborghini. Send us your requests for new steering wheel images and we will add them in our future releases!

Select from a variety of sounds including:

  • Various car horn sounds
  • Various truck horn sounds
  • Various animal sounds such as a duck or donkey
  • Ambulance sounds
  • Train sounds
  • Miscellaneous other noises such as fart sounds or police sirens

iHonk! is for your entertainment, with more features and gimmicks coming soon. Please feel free to send us suggestions/feedback from our web-site at http://www.zealogic.com or email us at contact@zealogic.com.

Zealogic is the proud maker of popular hits such as Facebook Quick Status and Air CocoMon! Please find our apps in the App Store by searching for 'Zealogic'.

Ickle Count 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Free for 24 hours as part of the Appvent Calendar promotion! Merry Xmas chaps and chapesses from Tootle! :)

Visit http://appventcalendar.com/ for more great free games until December 24th.

From Tootle, the creators of Snow Way To Draw and Heartist, comes Ickle Count a simple pick up and play counting game that can be played just for fun or to aid with a child's numeracy skills.

Ickle count involves tapping little diver characters in sequence to count as many as possible before time runs out.

For every diver you select correctly a sea monster will grab and eat them to a satisfying friendly chomp, whilst increasing the highest number achieved so far. If you touch the wrong diver they will shake to tell you you've got the wrong one.

When time runs out you will see you're final count along with some feedback on how well you did. How high will you be able to count to before time runs out?


  • A fork
  • Ickle divers
  • A giant sea monster
  • Friendly sound effects from real sea monsters and divers
  • Vibration if you touch the wrong diver (iPhone only)
  • You're highest number reached so far always visible


Email any comments or suggestions to everyone@tootlegames.com or submit on our website where you can also keep in touch with upcoming features and future games we are developing.


On Twitter? http://twitter.com/tootlegames
On Facebook? http://www.facebook.com/TootleGames

What's My Age Pro 1.00.00(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time!!

Write a review to give us hand!

Be the hit of the party or any social setting with What’s My Age! This intriguing new app is guaranteed to amaze your friends and leave them dumbstruck. Just tap the Start screen three times to reveal the secret! You will have a blast watching the expressions on your friend’s faces as they try and figure out how the app was able to calculate their age by simply leading them through a ‘strategic’ quiz. If you and your iPhone like to be the center of attention then this app is for you!


"I had a group of 8 people staring at me in awe!! HAHA

Xray Crack Up Pro 1.00.00(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE until Christmas!!

Please write a review to help us out!

Break, Crack, Splinter, and Shatter bones with realistic sound and visual effects. Learn the name of each bone you break. Whether you find this app disturbing, calming or a little of both, we think you’ll agree there is something oddly addictive about the sight and sound of breaking bones (just ask our neighbor Guido).

"It can only be described as "Entertaining, Disturbing and Surprisingly Educational... 4 /5 Stars for XRay Crack Up"

"From 13 year olds to medical students, this app has been a hit for a reason, whatever that may be"

Quiz yourself, try and guess what bone you're about to break before you break it!

Human and Animal Body parts to Crack!

  • Beetle
  • Fish
  • Shoulder
  • Ribs
  • Arm
  • Foot
  • Pelvis
  • Skull
  • Hand
  • Teeth (one of our favorites, it still sends chills up our spines)
  • Backbone
  • And Many More!

TwitBird Premium for Twitter 2.0.1(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> $0.99


TwitBird Premium is a fast, flexible, rich featured twitter client for iPhone and iPod touch.It has a lot of cool features that you see in other twitter apps but rarely together. It offers everything you'd expect for a good twitter client, from your timeline to search. It is such a powerful twitter client with simple user interface, people will find no difficulties to use all the features.


  • In-App-Badges to show number of unread tweets
  • Landscape mode supported everywhere
  • Address Book
  • Group feature
  • Inline picture preview
  • Tweet Music/Now Playing
  • Tweet Your Voice
  • Tweet Video
  • Save link to read later
  • Two Themes
  • Custom background image


  • TwitBird-to-TwitBird push comes with the app, it is instant
  • Global Push as in app purchase, It will push any mentions and direct messages to you in minutes
  • Supports Mentions and Direct Messages


  • View your twitter timeline, replies, and direct messages
  • Manage your favorite tweets
  • Browse your following and followers
  • Compose new tweets,
  • Reply directly to tweets and send direct messages
  • Follow and un-follow people
  • Twitlonger supported
  • Uses secure connection (https)
  • Custom searches
  • Nearby searching
  • Save your favorite searches
  • landscape keyboard
  • Conversational Threaded tweets
  • Twitter API Proxy
  • Settings
  • Trending topics
  • View and edit my profile
  • Find people
  • Email tweets
  • Delete tweets from server
  • Picture preview inside message
  • Shorten ULR
  • Upload photo to Twitpic, yFrog, MobyPciture
  • Set nearby distance
  • Unread/All message filter
  • Block/Unblock

For news, supports or feedback, please follow Twitbird on twitter : twitter.com/TwitBird, or send email to service@nibirutech.com

- What's the difference between TwitBird Premium and TwitBird Pro?
Answer: The Pro version supports 7 twitter accounts, the Premium version supports 2 twitter accounts

Waterfalls Relax 2(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

5 STAR APP!!!!

Take the stress off and relax by the Waterfalls.

Waterfalls Relax has exotic locations, HD Video with Stereo Sound. All videos are fully integrated..No need to download anything.

Waterfalls relax is a unique application from the creator of Beach Relax. This App is designed help you relax by the waterfalls. 10 minutes a day will help take an entire day's stress off your back.

Great for seasonal depression!

Enjoy and Thank you

Also check out Beach Relax

MyAccountBook 1.1.0(Finance)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Thank you for your interest in MyAccountBook.
MyAccountBook puts you in control of your finances.

  • Sorry too much bugs.
  • Free until 1.1.2 version.


  • Report Tab

    • Calendar view style report.
    • Weekly view sylte report.
    • Monthly category budget report
    • Monthly account budget report
    • Monthly category usage report Daily, Weekly report view has Edit/Delete bill mode.(Default is Edit mode)
  • Write Tab
    Paid bill
    Unpaid bill

    • Next update have expire date option.
      Unpaid bill manager.
      Account manager
      You can manage multiple account.
    • You can easily manage your account.
    • Account budget support. Catagory manager
      You can manager category info.
    • Multiple category support
    • You can setting group & subgroup
    • Category budget support.
  • Tools Tab

    • Compare price : Multiple compare item price.
    • Saved compare : Save best price and list view best price.
    • Currency tool : simple and fast setting major currency.
  • Sync Tab

    • Export to Google Docs.
    • Import from google Docs ( support next time )

If you have any question or suggestion.
Please use support email link or teamhb@naver.com

Asian Cute 1.2(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

$$$Time Limited Free!!! $$$

online cute girls slide show.

you could also view the albums that had been viewed before on offline mode.

contains many albums with lots of cute babes.

34 kinds of slideshow effect.

The album number is keep increasing.

2009/12/07 add 2 albums new*
2009/12/06 add 3 albums new*
2009/11/15 add 2 albums
2009/11/14 add 2 albums
2009/11/13 add 2 albums ...


  1. configurable slideshow delay in "Settings"
  2. automate offline mode
  3. finger move left/right on slideshow mode will move to preview/next photo

BugsShot 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

BugsShot is a newcomer to the App Store that incorporates colorful bugs and flowers into a shuffleboard style game. The challenge of BugsShot is to use the right trajectory and power to launch tiny ladybugs across the screen towards their corresponding colored flower. You have to get the bug more than just partially on the flower to score any points and your points go up the closer to dead center you end up.

In BugsShot there are a total of 30 levels, designed to become increasingly more challenging with progress. You are provided with three lives at the start of each new game, which translates to three failures. If there’s not at least one bug on each flower when you are out of bugs, you’ll have to repeat the last level.

The ladybug “inventory” at the top of the screen tells you how many bugs of each color you have available for the level. You can tap a bug and change to that color to help you complete the level. BugsShot uses touch control, which is fairly responsive and consistent. The angle the bug will go can be adjusted along with the power of its launch, which is indicated by a power meter to the right. There are a total of 30 levels and though you must complete levels in order to unlock them all, you can go back and replay completed levels at any time. BugsShot enables world scores to compare to your own.

BugsShot may lack the addictive nature and action of similar target games, but BugsShot is an aesthetically pleasing, simple little game that you can store away and pick up and play to pass the time in quick spurts.

A resume game function enables you to quit mid-level and return anytime. If you enjoy colorful, simple games that mimic pool, shuffleboard, and similar target aiming games, then consider giving BugsShot a look.


  • The 30 incredible and colorful levels.
  • Global and local scoreboard to keep you staying challenged.
  • Original gameplay with using the touch screen.
  • Incredibly simple but amazingly engaging.

Outstanding reviews:

"BugsShot is no Big Shot, but Still a Fun Little Game" ? AppCraver.com, http://www.AppCraver.com/BugsShot

"This is one of the better titles in my book. It plays well, have online leader boards, cute graphics and is based on skill and strategy instead of luck." - iPhoneGameNetwork.com, http://www.iphonegamenetwork.com/bugs-shot-quick-review

"Don't let the Ladybug fool you, this is a great strategy game for both, kids and adults." ? TheKrazyRussian, http://www.toucharcade.com

Sexy Xmas 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Sexy Xmas is a sexy game where you uncover gorgeous Xmas girls to the rhythm of engaging music.

You have to rely on your eyes and fingers speed to unwrap true sexy surprises...


  • Amazing Xmas sexy girls
  • Funny Xmas-themed graphics
  • Listen Xmas carols and songs by OILVILLE CHRISTMAS DYNASTY rock band!

Math Monster 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Math Monster

Math Monster is a timed math test program for anyone, young or old. It helps students improve their math skills by identifying areas they should focus their attention on -- not just the problems they got right or wrong, but the problems they responded slowly to. Instructors can use Math Monster to create blank math tests and keys. Math Monster also facilitates remote testing with user-selectable, pseudo-random tests and e-mailing of test results.

What can Math Monster do?

  • Timed testing of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  • Randomness can be controlled (totally random, or pseudo-random)
  • Test times of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes
  • Number of problems: 10, 25, 50, 100
  • Control the upper range of math problems: 10, 11, 12, 13, 20
  • Control the Common Multiplier: 0 - 13, or random (based on upper range)
  • Enable/Disable automatic advancement to the next question if the answer provided is correct
  • E-mail report of the actual test, the duration, the number correct and percentage. Wrong answers (with correct answers) and "slow" answers are highlighted, too!
  • E-mail Blank Test and Answer Key - very useful for teachers who'd like to print tests.
  • Pseudo-Random: This feature was added for instructors to be able to tell their students, "using Math Monster, take test # 348 (for example)." Any student using Math Monster will get the exact same problem set!

Common Multiplier: This is useful for teaching a small set of multiplication. For example, a student might want to brush up on his or her, "4s." The tests that would be generated would all have 4 in them.

Automatic Advancement: We found that forcing the student to click OK after each answer slowed them down. By enabling Automatic Advancement, right answers would automatically move the test to the next question. However, this also opens up the possibility of the student easily seeing that the answer they provided was wrong (because it wouldn't advance!), so they'd correct it. It's a useful feature for building confidence and learning the math, but better when it's turned off to more closely approximate the time used during written tests.

How did Math Monster get started?

A couple of weeks after school started, my 8-year old daughter complained to me about a boy in her class who passed his 4-minute/100-problem addition test. She was nowhere near finishing. What upset her most was that she ended the previous school year working on multiplication, and here she was having problems with, "simple addition!"

"I can write an app for that!" I thought.

Over that weekend I wrote a bare-bones version of Math Monster for my daughter to practice taking timed math tests with. The following week her score had improved. She went from completing 85 problems in 4 minutes to completing 98 problems in 4 minutes! The timed math drills were helping!

Another week went by, but she still hadn't managed to get all 100 problems done during the test. Something else was wrong.

I printed a few test sheets for her and watched her take them. On certain problems she'd stop and count. She'd actually make dots on her paper and count them! In her case, she always got stuck on "8+5."


I coaxed (more like bribed) her into taking one more test. Only this time, I had her repeat, "8+5=13!" a few times before taking the test. Not only did she finish all 100 problems, she did it with time to spare. Over the rest of the week she repeated the routine, while I integrated the idea of looking for, "unfriendly numbers," in Math Monster's report.

Friday rolled around and she got another crack at that math test. She passed the test… in 2 minutes and 40 seconds! She passed both the 4-minute AND the 3-minute test she'd eventually have to take! She repeated the feat a week later, completing her subtraction test in 2 minutes, 55 seconds, relying solely on Math Monster to practice with.

tim3rs 1.0(Education)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

So, what is 'tim3rs' all about??

A while ago, I read an article online about the CEO of a company who tracked his time at work in three categories: Teaching, Creative and Other. He'd carry around three stopwatches and would track his time with those stopwatches. At the end of every day, he'd plug the times into a spreadsheet and, voila, out would come a series of percents, showing how much time he spent on each of the three categories.?

This seemed like a great idea. I mean, how many people run around saying, "I have so many meetings, I have no time to actually do the work my company hired me for!?" Probably a few. How many have proof to show their boss? Not many.?

Think about it: for school, you could track homework vs. class time vs. personal life; you could track time spent with girlfriends: Betty vs. Veronica vs. Big Ethel; if you're a politician, you could even track the time you spend kissing babies vs. stealing lollipops vs. making promises you won't keep! GOOD FUN!

But, the whole, "carry three stopwatches, fire up a PC and launch a spreadsheet," thing seemed like more of a waste of that same, very precious time that was being tracked (especially the PC part!)?

And... that's where tim3rs came in. After reading the article, I decided I could do this as an iPhone/iPod Touch app. While I was at it, I figured it might be good to add some features that went beyond what that CEO was doing, like a pie chart (he just wrote his percents on a white board) and a line graph that one could scroll backwards and forwards through time with (what good is progress if you can't see it being made over time?)?

Okay, enough blabbing. The interface is intuitive, but just in case, it works like this:?

To start a timer: click one of the three timer buttons. It will look depressed (sunken below the glass, not sad).?

To stop a timer: either click the depressed button again, raising it, or click another button. Doing the latter will stop the first timer and start the second. The pie chart will update as will the line graph.?

If you start a timer and leave the application (like to answer the phone or play Ms. Pac Man or the battery dies), the timer will still run in the background (yes, even with the phone turned off!) Then, when you return to the app, you can either let it keep running or switch to another timer. Nice, eh?

If you fill the line graph with data, you can scroll through the history you've accumulated (up to 1,500 events) by finger scrolling it. Just drag it right or left to see history.?

You can also send yourself the data, via the email data button.?

Don't like the button titles? Want to erase your data and start over? Easy! Visit Settings, tim3rs - you'll be able to re-title and reset, if you wish.?

ⓒ2009 W. F. Paez

Jingle Balls 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time!

Get into the Christmas spirit with Jingle Balls!

Roll your ball around the garden, collecting Stars before your time runs out whilst avoiding those nasty Puddings and flying Icecubes... Collect random appearing presents to increase your time limit. Don't lose your balance on the SeeSaw.

Easy game play for any age to enjoy.

15 play Levels plus Easy and Hard modes for all Levels.

Whisper 1.0(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


In a class and want to send someone a quick sketch? In a meeting and want to send a colleague a quick note or a business card?

Try Whisper!

What is Whisper? Whisper is the new and innovative local chat client for iPhone and iPod Touch. It works over either Bluetooth or local WiFi so you can chat to anyone nearby. There is no server involved, and no need for a cellular connection.

Whisper lets you:

  • Send and receive Pictures, from your Photos or taken with the camera
  • Send and receive Text messages
  • Send and receive Contacts, selecting which details you want to send
  • Send and receive Sketches, drawn with the doodle tool
  • Save received contacts to your address book
  • Save pictures and sketches back to your photo album
  • Whisper keeps a complete history of your exchanges, including pictures and contacts sent and received
  • Set a profile picture and status message to share with other users
  • Tired of writing in the cramped portrait mode keyboard* Every screen in Whisper will smoothly rotate to landscape
  • Clear your chat history

Whispered with someone before and want to pick up where you left off? If they're nearby, but don't have the app running, just use Whisper to send them a chat request using Apple's push notification service.

Whisper uses a new, specially designed reliability protocol, so it keeps working smoothly even if the network is slow. Even so, if a message doesn't get through for some reason, Whisper shows this by turning the message red. If you send a text message while a large picture or contact is being transmitted, Whisper gets the text through while the other transfers continue in the background.

Tips on Getting Connected for the First Time

  • Getting connected with Wifi:
    Both devices must have Whisper installed, and both must be connected to the same Wifi access point. Simply start Whisper on each, and they should find automatically locate each other.

  • Getting connected with Bluetooth:
    Both devices must have Whisper installed, and each must be an iPhone 3G or better, iPod Touch 2G or better. Turn Bluetooth on in Settings in each device. Then start Whisper! It may take up to 30 seconds for the devices to pair, so be patient.

We want your feedback! Whisper has an in-app feedback button, so if you think of any features you want added, please just drop us a line. Anyone who submits a new feature may also be offered the opportunity to try out new versions before they make it to the App Store.

Find more tips, screenshots, and general information about the application on our website!

Santa's Sack 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Get Santa's Sack for FREE for a limited time!

It’s Christmas Eve and Santa’s Grotto has been invaded by angry animals. They stole all of the presents destined for the children of the world...

Your mission is to help Santa recover as many presents as you can so that he can make his delivery to the children's homes.

Take control of Santa by tilting your iPhone/iPod and guide him under the falling presents dropped by the angry animals.

Keep your eyes open and reactions quick because if you miss ten presents your game is over.

The angry animals won’t make your task easy for you. They don’t just drop presents they sometimes drop snowballs that will slow you down and bombs that will flip your tilt controls. These can really hinder your progress so watch out.

All is not in vain though as a friendly fairy will fly in and drop stars that give you an extra life.

With fun and addictive gameplay, great music and stunning graphics Santa’s Sack is the perfect game to get you into the Christmas spirit.


  • Addictive gameplay
  • Intuitive controls
  • Stunning graphics
  • Ability to allow your iPod music to continue whilst you play
  • Auto Save function so you can continue your game from where you left off

Easy Cube 1.4(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Easy Cube was developed regarding the well-known puzzle called Rubik's Cube. It makes you a fantastic 3D cube in your pocket that you can play it anywhere and anytime.

Easy Cube provides you two gaming modes - Teaching mode and Playing mode. If you are new to Rubik's Cube, choose Teaching mode to learn how to solve a cube with a step-by-step instruction; Otherwise, choose Playing mode to practice cube solving or just kill the time.

In Teaching mode you are introduced a beginner method called "Layer Method" which requires memorizing only a few algorithms and can achieve solves of 60 seconds or faster when done efficiently. For more details about beginner method for solving a cube, you can google "Beginner Rubik's Cube Solution".


  • Solving algorithms are displayed vividly for you to remember.
  • You can practice each solving stage by yourself to enhance the learning.
  • Undo and redo function allows you to try moves without risking losing your progress.
  • Auto-save function makes a quick save of the playing status so that you can resume the application anytime.
  • Time and move counters are displayed as a reminder.
  • Optional background sound for better experience.
  • Auto-shuffling at the start.


  • Rotate any cube slice by touching and swiping along its edge with ONE finger.
  • Rotate the whole cube by touching and swiping the middle layer of the cube with ONE finger.
  • Change the cube orientation by touching and moving to the direction with TWO fingers.
  • In Teaching mode, swipe the step-blocks to go forward/back.
  • In Showing Steps mode, you can NOT rotate the cube but change the cube orientation.

Enjoy your cubing!

Photo Notes - Make your Photo 1.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Let your picture be worth more than a 1000 words?with Photo Notes!

Show off your clever and witty side by adding hilarious thought bubbles, captions, and speech balloons to boring old photos. It's quick, sharp, and EASY! In seconds you'll give new meaning to Ansel Adams famous words: "You don't take a good photograph?you make it."

How it works in three steps!

    Design the shape -- thought bubble, speech balloon or caption -- to fit your PhotoNote visionary masterpiece.

  2. WRITE
    Type your brilliant wit in text in the shape.

    Save your creation to your photo library, e-mail it straight to your adoring fans, or upload it directly to Facebook.



  • Add thought bubbles, speech bubbles and text shapes to your Photo.
  • Works in portrait or landscape orientation.
  • Zoom and scroll your image.
  • Choose an image from your photo library or use your camera from within Photo Notes.
  • Shapes rotate 360 degrees.
  • Re-size your shape, words wrap and resize automatically.
  • Drag the pointer on speech or thought bubbles.
  • Choose your font style.
  • Use the "copy" tool for an efficient way to create multiple shapes.
  • You have full control over text and background color, opacity, and brightness.
  • You can adjust your shape's transparency for a watermark effect.
  • Publish your image with in-app email, save it to your photo album or upload to Facebook.
  • Comprehensive help screen.
  • Change default settings in the Settings application.

관련 글타래

  1. 보통 걸어서 다니는 뚜벅이를 11호 자가용이라고 한다. 두 발로 걸어다니기 때문에 11호 자가용이라고 한다. 남자는 111호라고도 하는데 걸을 때는 두발만 사용하기 때문에 111호 보다는 11호가 더 타당한 것 같다. 


Asian Cute, BugsShot, Easy Cube, Education, Entertainment, Finance, Games, Ickle Count, iHonk, iPod Touch, iStacked, Jingle Balls, Math Monster, Movie Stars Quiz, MyAccountBook, Photo Notes, Productivity, Santa's Sack, Seoul Bus, Sexy Xmas, Social Networking, tim3rs, TwitBird, Twitter, Waterfalls Relax, What's My Age Pro, Whisper, Xray Crack Up Pro, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 트위터, 한글 어플