무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.
얼마 전 방문자 수가 900만을 돌파했다. 500만 부터 하려고 했던 이벤트를 건너뛰다 보니 1000만 이벤트도 건너뛰지 않을까 걱정이다. 블로그를 운영하고 이런 저런 행사에 패널로 참석하다 보면 기념품도 종종 받게된다. 이렇게 받은 기념품 중 나에게 가장 쓸모없는 기념품은 USB 메모리와 MicroSD이다. 보통 기념품으로 받는 USB 메모리는 용량이 작기 때문에 다른 사람을 준다.
'MicroSD'는 휴대폰에서 사용하면 되지만역시 다른 사람을 준다. MicroSD를 다른 사람을 주는 이유는 필요가 없기 때문이다. 휴대폰으로 사진을 많이 찍는 사람이라면 당연히 MicroSD가 필요하다. 그러나 난 휴대폰으로 사진을 찍는 때는 거의 없다. 아무리 1000만 화소라고 해도 휴대폰의 작은 렌즈로 담아낼 수 있는 사진의 질은 뻔하기 때문이다. 그래서 항상 디지탈 카메라를 힙색에 넣고 다닌다.
이런 부분은 DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting)도 비슷하다. 일단 충주는 DMB 채널이 몇개 없다. 설사 DMB 채널이 많은 서을을 간다고 해도 DMB를 보는 때는 거의 없다. 아니 TV 자체를 거의 보지 않는다. 뉴스와 다큐, 시사 프로만 인터넷에서 받아서 본다. 따라서 어찌보면 DMB는 내게 가장 불필요한 물건이다. DMB를 볼 시간이 있다면 차라리 신문을 읽는다. 기본적으로 난 피동적으로 제공되는 정보 보다는 능동적으로 정보를 찾는 타입이기 때문이다.
이런 나에게 아이폰만한 물건은 없다.
아이폰의 카메라 성능은 상당히 떨어진다. 기능도 별로다. 사진을 찍을 수 있다는 것일 뿐 우리나라의 휴대폰에서 폴 수 있는 다양한 기능은 없다. 너무 단순하다. 그러나 아이폰을 사용한 뒤로는 사진을 훨씬 더 많이 찍는다. 휴대폰으로는 사진을 찍어도 쓸데가 없지만 아이폰으로 사진을 찍으면 쓸데가 많기 때문이다. 즉 아이폰의 카메라의 성능은 떨어지지만 카메라 활용도는 훨씬 높다.
아이폰에서 돌아가는 상당히 많은 어플은 아이폰 카메라를 지원한다. 사진을 찍은 뒤 찍은 사진을 트위터에 올려도 되지만 트위터(Twitter)를 사용하는 도중에 카메라를 사용할 수도 있다. 별 것 아닌 것 같지만 이 차이가 휴대폰으로는 거의 사진을 찍지 않던 나까지 사진을 찍게 만든다. 어제도 아이들과 함께 짜장면을 먹었다. 짜장면을 먹으면서 짜장면, 짬봉, 탕수육의 사진을 찍어 트위터에 올렸다. 휴대폰과 MMS를 이용하면 비슷한 작업을 할 수 있다. 그러나 편의성과 활용성에서 차이가 나기 때문에 휴대폰으로는 시도조차 하지 않았던 작업이다.
탕수육, 짬뽕, 짜장면. 수안보 조금 못가 경찰 학교 근처의 '상촌 식당'에서 먹었다. 허름한 시골 식당이지만 일요일 오후 세시에도 자리가 없을 정도로 장사가 잘된다. 또 그만큼 맛도 있다. 탕수육은 다 먹은 상태에서 찍은 것이고 짬뽕은 젓가락도 대지 않은 상태, 짜장면은 우영이가 버무린 상태에서 찍은 것이다. SnapTab이라는 시디어 어플을 설치했기 때문에 카메라를 찍는 것처럼 아이폰의 볼륨 단추를 누르면 사진이 찍힌다.
FREE for today only!
오늘은 총 25개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 이 중 두개는 무료 어플이 아니라 유료 어플이다. 아이폰의 카메라 기능이 떨어지기 때문에 카메라 기능을 보완해 주는 어플이다. 바로 Snapture과 Power Cam이라는 어플이다. 원래의 판매가는 2~3불 정도 하지만 요 며칠 1불로 할인 판매하고 있다. 두개의 어플 모두 세피아, 흑백과 사진 모드, 연사, 디지탈 줌을 지원한다.
기능적으로는 Power Cam이 더 낫다. 지원하는 모드도 많고 사진의 크기, 연사의 장수도 더 많이 지원한다. Power Cam은 아이폰 내장 카메라처럼 카메라 아이콘을 터치해야 사진이 찍힌다. 그러나 Snapture는 화면만 터치하면 사진을 찍을 수 있기 때문에 셀카를 찍을 때 더 유용하다. 또 두개의 사진 어플 모두 사진을 자동으로 저장하지 않는다. 반드시 저장을 해 주어야 하는데 이 부분은 내장 사진 어플 보다 조금 불편하다.
두번째로 소개하는 어플도 사진 어플이다. ShakeNTake라는 사진 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되고 있으며 제한된 기간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 이 어플은 순전히 셀카용 어플이다. 아이폰을 흔들고 잠시 아이폰을 멈추면 찰칵하고 찍힌다. 따라서 셀카를 찍을 때 상당히 유용하다. 11월 5일 부터 무료로 할인 판매하는 어플이므로 아이폰으로 셀카 찍기 힘든 사람은 꼭 내려받기 바란다.
PhoneBook은 기능에 비해 조금 비싸게 팔리는 어플이다. 평상시 3불, 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. PhoneBook이라는 이름처럼 사진을 찍어 연락처를 관리할 수 있는 어플이다. Fosfour는 아주 중독성있는 게임이라고 홍보하고 있지만 간단한 퍼즐 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Lottery Power는 로또 번호를 만들어 주는 어플이다. 역시 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다.
Zequr Password Pilot PRO는 가격이 무려 5불이나 하는 어플이다. 그런데 사용하다 보면 계정 로그인을 요구하는 것으로 봐서 가격으로 장난을 친 어플이 아닌가 싶다. ePhemeride는 기념일 관리 어플로 평상시 2불, 제한된 기간동안 무료로 제공된다. Homebuy는 'mortgage calculator'라는 부제처럼 대출 계산기이다. 앱 스토어 어플 중 의외로 이런 대출 계산기가 많다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다.
Tilt 'n Sketch는 그림을 그리는 어플이다. 다만 중력 센서를 이용해서도 그림을 그릴 수 있다. 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Magic Numbers는 아쉽지만 이미 '유료'로 바뀌었으므로 따로 설명하지 않겠다. Jungle Ladder는 사다리 타기 어플이다. 총 7개까지 사다리를 늘릴 수 있으며, 폭탄은 사다리수 보다 하나 적게 설정할 수 있다. 따라서 점심 시간에 점심값을 누가 낼지 결정할 때 상당히 유용하다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플이다.
Payload는 간단한 게임 어플로 평상시 1불, 이번주까지 무료로 제공된다. iAnswer Machine+Prank Calls은 용량이 상당히 크다. 그러나 상당히 간단한 어플로 평상시 1불에 판매된다. Turbo Charger는 배터리 잔량과 사용 시간을 알려 주는 간단한 어플이다. 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. smackBOTS, Stackus 모두 게임 어플로 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.
RFC Reader는 일반인에게는 거의 필요가 없는 어플이다. 이름처럼 RFC 문서를 읽을 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 오는 10일까지 무료로 제공된다. Animals Rep는 크리스마스 기념으로 2일간 할인 판매되는 어플로 동물의 사진과 연관된 동물 울음소리를 찾는 어플이다. Smart Reversi는 이미 유명하며 앱 스토어에도 상당히 많이 올라온 리버시 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 3일간 무료로 제공된다.
FlowerOfLove는 나를 좋아하는 사람이 나를 사랑하는지 알아 볼 수 있는 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Beach Relax는 평상시 5불에 판매되는 어플이다. 시원한 해변의 모습으로 긴장을 풀 수 있는 어플이다. Pokerdash는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 포커 어플이다. College 1UP은 평상시 1불에 판매되며 가격 이력을 보면 유료로 바뀔 가능성이 많은 어플이다. 정확히 어떤 어플인지는 나도 모른다.
블로그에 대한 소식과 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 트위터 가이드를 읽고 팔로잉[1]하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.
Snapture 2.0(Photography)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> $0.99
News: Snapture 2.0 is now a TOP 100 Paid App (#59 and climbing)!
To keep up the great momentum, we're temporarily slashing the price to only ★ $0.99 ★ (our lowest ever, you save $7.00)
This is a one-time Snapture celebration sale. Hurry and download now, this deal won't last!
Featured in Gizmodo, Wired, CNET, MSN, MacWorld, Wall Street Journal and New York Times.
"In my opinion, this app is what makes the iPhone into a great point-and-shoot camera. Other apps just help improve the cell phone camera experience, but this make it as easy as pulling out my Canon and tapping the button -- all from my phone."
- The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
- You've tried the rest, now try the best ?
- 500,000 customers can't be wrong ?
No one trick ponies here. Snapture is the next generation camera app that delivers a comprehensive feature set that will truly revolutionize the way you take photos on the iPhone.
Snapture's Picture-in-Picture (QuickView) feature is a patent-pending technology built from the ground up with the user in mind. Snap a picture and instantly see the result in the corner of your screen. Need a closer look? Simply press and hold the picture. Want to email a good picture or delete a bad one? Simply slide the thumbnail across the screen. You'll never have to access the camera roll again!
Need Zoom? Simply use your fingers to Pinch and Pan the viewfinder like you would with a normal photo, Snapture's patent-pending multi-touch zoom technology will take care of the rest. Capture exactly what you want. 5X zoom for the most discerning of photographers.
- But wait. There's more!(RIP Billy Mays) ?
Snapture's full-function feature set also includes:
- (NEW) Photo Sharing: Take photos and instantly post them to Facebook and Twitter.
- (NEW) Color Filters: Take photos in full color, black and white, sepia or negative.
- (NEW) Tap to Focus: Take full advantage of the touch focus capabilities on your 3GS iPhone.
- High Speed Multishot: 3 rapid fire snaps to capture every moment of action.
- Easy Snap: Tap anywhere on screen to take a photo. You know you're hot - take self-photos!
- TouchZone: Stabilize or cancel your shot using TouchZone.
- Multiple Image Sizes: Most camera apps reduces image quality, Snapture allows for capture at full resolution.
- Level Aid
- Auto/Manual Save
- Tooltips, and much more!
- Testimonials: *
"Snapture provides a wealth of handy camera tools...I particularly like Snapture's multishot feature, which can fire off three shots in rapid succession." -- CNET
"[Snapture] lets you view and delete photos from within it, rather than having to switch to the Camera Roll as you do with Apple’s version." -- Wired
"Snapture appeared on the scene and immediately presented itself as a game changer for iPhone photography.” -- TouchPodium
"Snapture is the Usain Bolt of iPhone camera apps ? it leaves the built-in app, and all others, lagging way behind." -- JustAnotherIphoneBlog
VISIT US: snapturelabs.com
FOLLOW US: twitter.com/snapturelabs
FAN US: facebook.com/snapturelabs
ShakeNTake 1.00(Photography)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
"Very useful when taking a self portrait or when you need to use the camera and don't want to fumble with finding the button. Just open this app up, shake, and it takes a photo." - One Happy User
Shake the phone, then hold it steady to take a picture. The picture is automatically saved to your photo album.
- Great for taking couple photos!
- Or for taking pictures of yourself!
- Of you and a friend!
- Of babies!
- Or pets!
- Pictures in the snow!*
- Have you tried to take a picture of you and a friend? Did you have trouble pressing the capture button? With ShakeNTake just shake, smile and hold steady!
- Photographing babies or pets? Shaking the phone gets their attention so you can get pictures of them looking at the camera!
So many uses- see how many you can come up with!
The iPhone camera does not work with some gloves.
Note: Compatible with OS 3.1. To upgrade: connect iPhone to computer, then from iTunes click "Check for Updates"
PhoneBook 2.0(Utilities)[iTunes]
Price: $2.99 -> Free
PhoneBook is a photo speed dialer that can automatically show your top contacts. Dial your best friends faster than ever - no more scrolling through a lengthy list.
You can optionally sync photos with Facebook so your friends' pictures will appear when they call!
Double-tap a photo to call. Single-tap a photo for additional options: edit, SMS,
Note: At this time, the application is only available to U.S. customers who use AT&T.
Fosfour 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Your Pics, Your Music, Our Games…
Like all Yuzu Games productions, Fosfour is a dangerously addictive puzzle game that let you play with your images while listening to your music. Fosfour is the best companion while in the subway, bus or train or waiting in line or for a friend, etc.
With Fosfour, gamers have to reconstruct 4 images as quickly as possible by moving pieces from the preview box to the board and all across the board.
Fosfour needs a good shaking to start and break down the four images in 4, 9 and 16 pieces depending on the difficulty level. After shaking, gamers need to move the pieces from the preview box to their correct spot in their original quadrant by tapping the desired location. Pieces can also be moved or swapped across the board by tapping a piece before tapping its desired location (empty or not). Pieces that have been placed in a wrong spot will start shaking after a few seconds before falling back to the preview box. Jokers are also available but will add penalty time.
Company: Yuzu Games
Lottery Power 1.1(Utilities)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Lottery Power is the most powerful app available to help you to generate and manage lottery numbers.
- Randomly pick number from a defined range
- Generate any group of numbers
- Change the changes(weight) of each number that appears in the result.
- Store the rule that how the numbers are picked
- Store the results that can be checked later
- Change the numbers in the result
Zequr Password Pilot PRO 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]
Price: $4.99 -> Free
With the inventive Zequr Password Pilot on your iPhone you can login to all your websites on the go without having to remember and enter complicated codes.
As a Zequr user you have only one password to remember. That one password is your personal, secret pattern on the Zequr color card. With just a few taps Zequr will log in to all your websites. Easy. Fast. Secure.
Zequr for iPhone is the perfect solution for mobile people who want instant access to their websites - no matter where they are.
Before you can use Zequr on your iPhone you must install the FREE Zequr Firefox extension on your computer and use it to create a Zequr account. It’s so easy.
- Download Zequr PRO for iPhone now.
- Go to www.zequr.com on your computer, download the FREE Zequr Firefox extension and create a Zequr account.
With Zequr on your computer, you can now add your websites to it. Then you can login to them with just a few clicks of your mouse or a few taps on your iPhone.
With Zequr Password Pilot your user information is always safe and accessible. If your iPhone or computer is stolen or lost, you can rest assured that Zequr leaves no traces of your personal information on your computer or iPhone.
With Zequr on both your iPhone and computer you can enjoy a new online life without the hassle of having to remember and enter complicated login codes.
iPhone / iPod: OS 2.0-3.0
Computer: Firefox 3.0-3.5 (Win, Mac, Linux).
(A Zequr plug-in for Internet Explorer will be released soon)
ePhemeride 2.2(Utilities)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
ePhemeride allows you to know the name days to celebrate.
It looks like a simple daily calendar and shows:
- The sunrise and sunset hours at your location using the GPS.
- Namedays to celebrate.
The "contacts" screen displays your contacts celebrating their names or their birthday.
By default, loaded namedays are those of standard french calendar but you can change them using your desktop computer. You just have to upload a new file (.xml ou .csv format) containing namedays you want to see displayed by the application (visit http://nimau.fr if you need help).
In the "Options" screen, you can change the TimeZone and the hour format (24H or AM/PM).
ePhemeride is localized in french and english.
Homebuy - mortgage calculator 1.0.1(Finance)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Homebuy is a flexible mortgage calculator that uses sensible defaults to keep you from pecking around.
Amortization tables are computed so that you can view your payment plans by month or by year. Flip your device on its side to view a chart of your balance vs. cumulative interest and cumulative principal over time.
The previous home loan configuration is kept around so that you can compare your adjustments. Great for what if scenarios. See how much a lower interest rate will save you over the life of the loan. Know how much a bigger down payment saves you on your monthly payment.
Turn on the fiscal guidelines to figure out how much home you can afford. Homebuy will give you a rule-of-thumb minimum gross income level.
- Compare loan tweaks with previous calculation
- Get answers to various what if scenarios
- Add PMI to see how it affects your loan
- Add property taxes to your calculations
- Toss in annual insurance
- Learn how much house you can afford
- View a graph of the loan in landscape mode
- Switch between monthly and yearly amortizations
Read more at http://slidetorock.com/apps/Homebuy-mortgage-calculator.html
Follow me @slidetorock, email slidetorockapps@gmail.com, or call 404-939-0723.
Send your feature requests and I'll mention your name (unless you don't want that) in the notes of a new release.
Thanks for your support!
Tilt 'n Sketch 1.2(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Anyone can use their finger to paint but how many people can say they have drawn a picture using gravity alone?
Now you can draw the iPhone way. Tilt and rotate your iPhone or iPod touch to gently coax the paintbrush-carrying ladybug around the screen. Tilt 'n Sketch is a unique and challenging way to have a bit of fun with the motion sensor that's built into your iPhone or iPod touch.
- Accelerometer-based drawing
- Paint with a full spectrum of ink colors
- Change the size and speed of the ladybug as you wish
- Tool drawers allow you the full screen as your canvas
- Pick up and drop the bug to change locations instantly
- Touch your screen with two fingers for invisible ink
- Save your sketches to your photo library
- Auto-save feature allows you to resume your drawing at anytime
- Relaxing music and interface
- Great fun for kids and adults!
Magic Numbers 1.3(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
::: $0.99 for limited time ONLY :::
Magic Numbers!
Amaze, astound, and stupefy family and friends with this numeric magic trick. The application doesn't reveal their secret number, but you will...once you know how it works.
::: What's the Trick? :::
You'll ask players to think of a number between 1 and 60. Then, you'll flip through 6 cards on the application each of which have a series of numbers. As you show each card, you'll ask players whether or not they see their number on that card. After the last card, you'll astound them by instantly revealing their secret number!
The Secret is Revealed...but only to you.
The application comes with special instructions which teach you how to do the trick. And if you're interested, you'll also be able to learn the mathematical concepts that make the trick work.
Impress your friends AND get smarter with just one application ? Magic Numbers!
::: New Feature :::
A trick is only a trick when your audience doesn't know how it works. If you think someone might get a hold of your iPhone and view the secrets behind Magic Numbers, you are now able to lock them out to keep them from ruining all the fun.
You will be able to create your personal 5-digit code and lock "the instructions" page.
The next time the Magic Numbers application is launched, you'll be required to enter that 5-digit code to access the instructions page. If you forget your code, there is no way to retrieve it, SO DON'T FORGET IT! (Sorry, but it's not like we're a bank.)
::: Development Team :::
- Casey Cordry
- Brian Harvey
- Gun Makinabakan
- Scott Beardsley
- Mohamed Hamdouchi
Cross Country Autumn 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Cross Country Autumn
Ever wanted to ride a bumper car?
Fasten your seat belts - Cross Country Autumn will challange all your driving skills!
Choose among 4 different tracks and steer your bumper car using built in accelerometer, but be careful: Bales of straw, pumpkins, apples and bees will try to slow you down!
- 4 different bumper cars to choose from.
- 4 different tracks to choose from:
- Fallow Ground
- Cornfield
- Pumkin Field
- Apple Tree Course
- 4 different control modes to choose from (including controls for left handed users)
- Global Leaderboard (powered by OpenFeint)
Cross Country Autumn - Take it for a ride!
Please restart your device after installation.
Customer support is very important to us! If you experience any problems (usability, crashes, etc...) or have additional feedback for us (improvements, feature suggestions), please feel welcome to contact us any time. We'll definitely get in touch with you.
Jungle Ladder 1.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Jungle Ladder is for selection of payer for a lunch, snack etc.
How to play:
- Hit the “start” button...then the character will follow one point of the rope than to the other point of the rope.
- If your character gets to a bomb, you are payer.
- You can also sets the number of player and the number of bomb at the setting
- If you do not like the positon of player, you can change the positon by dragging the player to the others.
- Choose number of player (max 7)
- Choose number of bomb (max 6)
- Support up to 7 players
- Creating random ladder map everytime
- Changable position of player
Please visit our website for more information
Power Cam 1.0(Photography)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> $0.99
Praise for Power Cam
"Quite Simply, the #1 iPhone Camera App out there in App Store.."
"Power Cam really brings the digital camera experience to iPhone"
"Power Cam Rocks !!"
"An all-round solid camera app..""
"Power Cam - iPhone Camera on Steroids.."
Power Cam is a break-through application that advances iPhone camera experience to the next level by bringing digital camera features like zoom, multishot, timer, steady mode, color filters etc to your fingertips.
Power Cam provides non-intrusive, and intuitive user interface to capture stunning images, and slideshows.
"Color Modes" -
Supports 5 different color modes: full color, black & white, sepia, negative and night vision."Steady Mode" -
Steady mode uses the iPhone accelerometer to detect shakes, and takes pictures when the camera is steady. The intensity of vibration level is plotted in a graphical animation. Supports 3 levels of sensitivity: low, med and high."Timer Mode" -
Timer mode lets you take pictures after a delay of 5, 10, 15 or 20 seconds. Timer mode can be combined with other modes like steady mode, and multishot mode."Digital Zoom" -
Power Cam supports digital zoom up to 4x. You can zoom in and out by using pinching gesture, or zoom slider. The zoom slider can be turned on/off in the settings section."Cross hair Guides" -
Cross hair guides help you level, and align objects in a picture. Available cross hairs: angular, rectangle, sniper and tinted lens. Cross hair guide adjusts to current orientation by sensing the accelerometer."Multi Shot Mode" -
Multi shot lets you take up to 3, 5, 8 or 10 shots in quick succession with one press. Multi shot stores images only in 480x320 resolution. Multi shoot mode automatically creates a slideshow of all snaps taken."Thumbnails" -
Thumbnails let you review captured images without leaving Power Cam screen. You can tap on a thumbnail to maximize it. When a thumbnail is maximized, you can navigate through captured images, with a horizontal swipe action. Thumbnails can also be switched off in the settings section."Resolution" -
Supports capturing photos in different resolutions like: 2048x1536 (only in iPhone3GS), 1600x1200, 1200x900, 1024x768, 800x600 etc. Image resolution can be set in the settings section."Borders" -
You can add borders to enhance captured images automatically. Border types supported: plain white, camera roll and gray shade."JPEG Quality" -
JPEG Quality lets you control the quality of the saved image. Higher compression levels will provide higher quality image, but it will take more time to save the image. The JPEG quality doesn't apply in multishot, and recording modes.
- Images are saved in background. You can continue taking more pictures, while the current image is being saved.
- If you quit the application, while the save icon is blinking, the picture may not get saved to camera roll.
- Zoom feature is digital, not optical. Higher zoom levels will reduce picture sharpness.
- Since the steady mode is really sensitive to vibrations, it helps to hold the camera in both hands.
- You can create a slideshow from a set of different snaps. The slideshow save option is available on maximizing one of the thumbnails.
- For best results, try to keep the camera steady in slideshow recording mode.
Payload 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
!! Launch week Sale !!
**********************? ABOUT? ************************
Drive Buck and his truck across the landscape from job to job, catching falling items to earn his Payload. Drive through Quarries, Forests, Cities, and the Arctic Tundra (More levels to come!).
Catch as many items as you can, but beware of items too big to catch. A two ton boulder could crush the truck.
Complete levels and get paid. Miss too many items and it’s game over. Catch items to increase the Payload. Catch more than a few items in a row to multiply your score and get medals.
************************? FEATURES? ************************
- Progress is saved and restored automatically when play is paused, stopped or interrupted.
- Catch multiple items in a row to unlock Medals of Achievement
- Tap the screen to obliterate items with dynamite!
- OpenFeint Integration
- Online Leader Boards
- Challenge Friends Online
- Chat with Other Players
- Art by Eric K Stevens
- Original Music & SFX by Ben Long
- Bonus Items
- Anti-Bonus Items
- Power-Ups
- Power-Downs
- Monkeys, Bears, Penguins, and Cats!
iAnswer Machine+Prank Calls 1.05(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Now Includes Funny and Hilarious Prank Calls!!
iAnswer Machine is a simple free app that allows you to easily email and look through over 160 different ideas that can be left for your answering machine's message or even your mobile phone's answering machine. If you like one just email it to a friend and they can share the same enjoyment as you. From funny ones to serious ones this is the app for everyone who has a phone!
- Note app just gives you ideas for thoughts of what you can record for your own message-
Turbo Charger 1.4(Productivity)[iTunes]
Price: $1.99 -> Free
Save time! Use Turbo Charger to cut the charging time! Read the rave user reviews!
Turbo Charger has a full charge alert, so you don't have to baby sit your iphone or ipod.
It also has the low battery warning. Please note you still need to run Turbo Charger to get this low battery warning.
Turbo Charger also estimates the remaining talk time, game time, game time and music & video play times.
- Talk Time (both 3G & 2G)
- Standby Time
- Internet Surfing (3G / EDGE / Wifi)
- Gaming
- Audio Play
- Vidio Play
smackBOTS 1.4.2(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Merry Christmas and check out KatchUp our insanely fun bottling game in the Appstore.
Visit www.appventcalendar.com for more free games in the next days.
Rated 4 out of 5 by 148apps.com
SmackBOTS is a fun game. Nothing entertains me more than a game I can dive right into without having to worry about strategy and story lines. The animation is simple, yet amusing and the game play is challenging in spite of the deceptively easy controls.
Read more: http://bit.ly/smackbots_148apps
Reviewed by TheAppEra.com
"If the game reminds you of an old classic toy, then you are right on target! It’s a RockEm SockEm fighter on your iPhone. It’s fun and doesn’t take up hardly any room on your device. Sometimes you just need to beat the crap out of a robot."
LeftRight Studios introduces to you our first title for the IPhone and IPod Touch. smackBOTS is an action-packed game with an intriguing story line where robots battle each other in an arcade style setting. smackBOTS promises fun and excitement with thumb smashing speed, special combo moves, complemented with excellent graphics and audio. Gamers who have played smackBOTS felt like they were playing Rockem Sockem in the new millennium; filled with action-packed sequences like streetfighter.ouTou will battle 6 levels with other robots in a single player mode. Your defense budget gets a boost beating each evil bot that comes after you. Use your defense budget to buy upgrades such as combo moves. Speed up that swing of yours and attack by buying the Oil lubrication.
- Single player mode with 6 levels; battle against computer with a single player story line.
- Multiplayer over WIFI. Now you can battle other players over the internet. Win the fight and get a boost to your defense budget.
- Customize your robot with different color and head attachment options.
- Use tilt control to move your smackBOTS!
- Buy and unlock secret combo moves.
- Upgrade your attach speed by buying oil lubrications.
- When the battle gets tough, hit the berserk button and your quick smashing robot arms will crash your opponent. Or protect yourself from your opponent's berserk moves.
- Unlock additional robot head and color options when your defense budget gets a boost from winning fights.
- Two levels of difficulty. If you think you've seen it all, try "I'VE GOT CRAZY THUMB SPEED!" and take up the challenge.
Stackus 1.01(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Enjoy The Physics Puzzle.
Stack It!
Stackus Lite.
Homostackus, man the stacker.
-- Stackus Review --
"The game gives you a mysterious feeling. I'm lovin' it." (Gold Award) - projectnext.eu - Mobile Gaming
"Overall I find this game worth the price of $.99. 90%" - trozlabs.com - Flesh And Games
"It's an extraordinarily fun physics game, right up there with Topple." - jayisgames.com - Mobile Monday
Game Features:
- Stack blocks, keeping them in balance.
- and, enjoy well-designed 50 stages.
- Basically, you will clear the game if you move all the color blocks in the left side to the other side.
- You win only if
- All the blocks in the left are removed onto the right stage. and
- The stacks of the blocks should stay in balance during given time (just a few seconds).
- You fail if
- Any of blocks slips off the stage.
Blocks with different shapes and weights
- Three shapes: triangle, square and circle
- The darker the color is, the heavier the block is. The weight of a block is not depending on the difference of colors but depending on the luminosity of the color.
- Compatible with iOS 3.0
How to play
- Pick up a block from the left stage.
- Drag and release the block anywhere in the right stage, even possible to put in a crack between other blocks.
- In the right stage, no further chance to move it again.
Stage Preview
- Check the stage previews to get the glimpse of the challenges.
Meet the Five Challengers: Monkey, Yuki, Mason, Gerry, and the one behind the veil
- Monkey ? a very clever challenger with a good sense of physics, having succeeded to frustrate a great number of humans with the various arrangements of blocks.
- Yuki ? a small girl cute and smart. She loves playing the block stacking games and wants to be a pro ? a master of block stacking.
- Mason ? an expert player of block stacking. He is highly regarded from his great skill, though his malicious temper keeps him away from people.
- Gerry ? a legendary master of block stacking. Only one loss throughout his whole career.
- Nobody knows who she or he really is. But no doubt that this one is the one who once beat Gerry.
- The five challengers convince you that every puzzle in the Homostackus world is solvable.
- Anyone who challenges the gamers with unsolvable puzzles will be banished from the Homostackus world.
You can preview a game play movie in YouTube.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA7oEee1vx0 or click OnlyGo Stuio Website Link below
RFC Reader 1.0(Books)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
The best RFC Reader is here ! All the RFC s are now in your palms presented in a specially designed interface. Save offline copies, add page markers to jump to that specific location within the RFC, build your list of favorite RFC s. You can search the complete list of RFC s in by keyword and the results are presented in iPhone friendly format.
Check out the screenshots and mail us your suggestions to info@nuvus.com
More features are coming up !
- Search RFCs by keyword
- Save and Read RFC offline
- Build your favorite list
- Add page markers to mark sections within an RFC
- Go to an RFC by number
Note: We are in no way related to IETF.
Animals Rep 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Developped for the 2-12 years kids, the goal of this application is to associate animals picture and sound. The presentation of the application is under graphical repertory. The advantage of this application is that we display the name of each animals in English, French and Chineese, which allows to learn some other language.
Smart Reversi 1.2(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Get Smart Reversi for FREE for only 3 days! Enjoy the challenging board game in the holiday season.
Smart Reversi 1.2 was just released! Smart Reversi version 1.2 fixed a crash and optimized the AI algorithm in Expert mode. I also polished the graphical user interface. I added a setting option to enable/disable the multi-touch gestures. Version 1.2 also included some minor bug fixes. Version 2.0 will be a major release for Smart Reversi. I plan to add flip animation effects when you play the game. ***
Smart Reversi is a classic Othello/Reversi strategy game. It leverages artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in the game play.
- It has four difficulty levels - easy, medium, hard and expert. If you want to play the game in a casual way, you can choose the easy or medium level. If you are an proficient player for Reversi game, you can choose hard or expert level. When you choose hard or expert level, it will take a little time for your iPhone or iPod Touch to find the best move.
- You can play the game against your iPhone or iPod Touch. You can also play the game with your friends.
- You can turn on/off the sound effect of the game.
- You can undo the game to any previous step. You can also undo/redo the game through multitouch gestures - swipe from right to left on the screen to undo a step; swipe from left to right to redo a step.
- Shake your device to restart the game.
FlowerOfLove 1.10(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Do you like a particular person?
Do you think She/He love you?
Ask to the flowers!!!
Flower of love is a funny game to see if the person that you like love you.
Using kid's draw it renew a classic game "Love/Not love" with flower. All in a very nice interface popolated of kids drawed with a simple ink pen.
You can chose what flower to use to play and than see de response. If the response in negative, don't worry. You can retry with an other flower or with an other name.
Nothing i ever say, especially in love ;)!
Beach Relax 2.0(Entertainment)[iTunes]
Price: $4.99 -> Free
Enjoy this free app....try it and let other know if you like it.
Check out Waterfalls relax also!!!
Enjoy different exotic locations with HD video and stereo sound. This application is fully loaded from start to finish (no need to download from the web)
Beach Relax is a one of a kind application that is designed to help you take a mini vacation to the Beach.
Stuck in an all day meeting??
All out of vacation days for the year and it’s March??
Is your cubicle getting smaller and smaller by the day??
Take a vacation to the beaches of Tahiti, Cancun, Caribbean and many more..
You can visit 11 beaches in 4 minutes or stay at one beach for over 9 minutes.
All Upgrades are free.
This app is AD FREE.
Bonus: I also included HD Waterfalls
Enjoy and Thank you
Pokerdash 1.0(Games)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
★★★ OMG! IT'S FREE!, For a limited time only, Pokerdash is FREE! Tell your friends! ★★★
Pokerdash is combined with the strategy and fun of Poker with the simplicity of solitaire along with elements of classic puzzle games.
The idea is to build the best poker hands possible by placing cards in any one of three hands.
If your points for each round match or beat the target you will advance to the next round. The better the poker hands the more points you will be awarded.
Sound simple? Pokerdash is a highly addictive challenging game of skill that will provide many hours of fun!
How high can you get? Will you become the World Champion on the Timed leaderboard?
"Poker's a day to learn and a lifetime to master." ~Robert Williamson III
- Top 50 Card/Casino App in United Kingdom
- Top 50 Casino App in Germany
- Top 100 Card App in Germany
- Top 100 Card/Casino App in Ireland
- Top 100 Card/Casino App in Canada
- Top 100 Card/Casino App in Australia
- Top 100 Card/Casino App in Denmark
- Top 100 Card/Casino App in Italy
- Top 100 Card/Casino App in Norway
- Top 100 Card/Casino App in Austria
- Top 100 Casino App in El Salvador
■■■ REVIEWS ■■■
"Attractive graphics with a well-laid out design. Pokerdash can be pretty addictive, for it is a relaxing game and yet with a challenging edge to it." www.iphonefootprint.com
■■■ FEATURES ■■■
Pokerdash has high quality rendered graphics with an intuitive user interface including:
- Addictive game play
- Simply tap hands to place cards
- Classic mode for a more relaxed gaming experience
- Timed mode for frantic action, but hurry as if the timer runs out a random hand will be chosen for the next card
- Game is automatically saved on exit or when interrupted
- Game can be paused and then resumed at any time
- Post your in-game events including high scores to social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter
- Fun achievements that can be unlocked in Timed mode including Poker Donkey, Royal Flush, World Champion and many more
- Compare your top scores with local and global leaderboards for both Classic and Timed game modes
- Chat rooms, allowing you to chat to other players and catch up on the latest news from www.My-Software.co.uk
- Game music that automatically switches off when playing other music on your iPod/iPhone
- Right and left handed play
- Vibration support
- OpenFeint enabled
■■■ CONTACT US ■■■
If you experience any problems or have any ideas for future versions please contact iphone-support@my-software.co.uk
College 1UP 1.0(Education)[iTunes]
Price: $0.99 -> Free
Also discover...
---- Reasons For Construction:
Apple does a great job in their software (iPods/iPhones). I live on my iphone! However it doesn't have a method to organize my class schedule. And especially here at college, students are balancing 19 BILLION things in their heads.
We created a to-do list...on steroids...for specifically college students. Our priority was to eliminate having to remember your assignments, and create a organization method that adapts to your life.
And there are three cool ways College 1UP uniquely does this:
Joins Your Devices
College 1UP marries the students two most important technological devices; their computer and their phone or ipod. This app lets you email your daily tasks to your email account for future review on computers, which brings what you need to do, and when you need to do it, to your eyes far more often. Cool.Living List
The second way College 1UP adapts is what is called a, "Living List:. This is a new method some of the more aggressive organization apps are just coming out with. The premise is simple, when you check that you have completed an event, It will delete itself at the end of the day. And once the user has passed the due date for an event, after a full day, the event will clean itself from your list. This makes the clutter non-existent on your device with College 1UP.Add An Event In 4 Seconds
Finally, and my favorite feature, is the Quick Add option for all your events. College 1UP lets you create a class list that you can use over and over. For example, the student can create a "Chemistry" tag, and then re-use that event. Super easy. But the best part of is: when you get that random request from a professor to visit Blackboard that night, all you have to do on College 1UP is tap on Add >> Quick Add "Chemistry" and it will automatically be added to your days events. In essence, you can create an event in under 4 seconds.
In conclusion, College 1UP is a app tailored to the students life. Utilizing a, "Living list", the application keeps your events list clean. College 1UP joins your computer and device with, "Email Tasks", and with Quick Add this app lets you add an event in under 4 seconds.
$0.99 cents. Party more, organize less.
---- DIRECTIONS: www.college1up.com
---- VIDEO: www.youtube.com/college1up
---- QUESTIONS?: questions@college1up.com
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