오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 091110

2009/11/10 07:55


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

어제도 트위터무료 어플에 대한 글을 올렸다. 그런데 무료 어플 링크를 클릭해서 보니 무료가 아니라 유료라 받아야할지 말아야할지 모르겠다는 트윗이 올라왔다. 무료 어플을 올리기 전에 항상 링크를 확인하고 무료로 구입이 가능한지 확인한 뒤 올린다. 따라서 트위터에 올린 무료 어플이 유료라면 일단 나를 믿고 GET APP 단추를 클릭해 보기 바란다. 무료라면 바로 구입이 가능하며, 유료라면 진짜 구입할 것인지 묻는 확인창이 뜨기 때문이다.

무료 어플로 올려도 유료로 표시되는 것은 트위터에 올리는 어플은 앱 스토어에 가격이 반영되기 전의 정보나 가격이 반영됐지만 캐시가 갱신되지 않은 정보를 올리는 것이기 때문이다. 따라서 가격이 반영되기 전에는 현재 가격을 조정 중이라는 메시지가 뜨며, 캐시가 갱신되지 않은 정보라면 이전의 가격이 표시된다.

블로그에 올린 글을 보고 클릭했을 때 같은 현상이 나타난다면 이 것은 무료에서 유료로 전환 중이거나 유료로 전환된 것을 의미한다. 따라서 이런 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다.

오늘은 소개할 어플이 조금 많다. 총 23개다. 이 중 두 개의 어플이 무료에서 유료로 바뀌었다. 특히 FlipBrowser는 사파리(Safari)의 탑 사이트처럼 사이트를 미리 등록하고 웹 브라우징을 할 수 있는 아주 좋은 브라우저였다. 특히 전체화면 모드로 동작하기 때문에 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)나 아이폰(iPhone)의 좁은 화면에는 더 없이 좋은 브라우저였는데 오늘 확인해 보니 유료로 바뀌어 있다. 또 Cat Chorus라는 간단한 음악 어플도 무료에서 유료로 바뀌어 있었다.

Hide'n'Seek는 아이폰 어플(iPhone)이다. 따라서 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)에는 설치되지 않는다. 숨바꼭질을 할 때 도움을 주는 어플로 상대의 위치를 찾아 내고 시간을 잴 수 있는 어플이다. 숨바꼭질이 아이들이 즐기는 놀이지만 거리를 확대해서 아는 사람들끼리 숨바꼭질을 해도 괜찮을 것 같다는 생각이 든다. 평상시 3불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Free Kick Pro는 프리킥을 차는 간단한 게임 어플로 평상시 1불, 이틀간 무료로 제공된다.

lyricalTweet는 오늘만 무료인 어플은 아니다. 2불에서 무료로 바뀌었지만 무료 기간이 없기 때문이다. 다만 트위터 어플(Twitter)이라 무료 어플을 통해 소개한다. lyricalTweet은 노래의 제목, 가수와 관련된 트윗을 모으는 어플이다. Warty the Witch and the Vanishing VoiceiRiddles!는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 전자책이다.

i Sniper는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 찾고, 조준하고, 쏘라는 설명처럼 전형적인 저격수 게임이다. Operation iWolf도 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. i Sniper의 제작사에서 만든 전쟁터 게임이다. aToDo Map은 오늘만 무료인 어플은 아니다. 지도와 일정을 결합한 어플로 역시 아이폰에만 설치된다. 일정과 지도를 결합했기 때문에 돌아다닐 곳이 많은 영업 사원에게 적당한 어플로 보인다.

3D Fantasy Tunnel는 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)와 아이폰(iPhone)의 3D 기능을 사용하는 게임 어플로 터널을 통과하는 게임 어플이다. Shuffled한번 소개한 적이 있는 게임 어플이다. 그림처럼 같은 배경, 같은 색상의 상자를 모으는 게임이지만 나름대로 재미있는 게임이다. 평상시 1불, 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. PUSH my Fart는 회의실등에서 상대를 당황스러게 하는 어플로 보인다. 단순한 아이콘만 배치되어 있지만 페이스북(Facebook)등을 통해 희생자를 고를 수 있다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

Punchball한번 소개한 적이 있는 게임 어플이다. 그림처럼 서로 주먹질 하는 간단한 게임 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. iPuppy Schnauzer, iPuppy Chihuahua, iPuppy Husky 모두 비슷한 게임 어플로 평상시 2불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 또 이 세개의 어플 모두 아이폰에서 강아지를 키우는 어플로 보인다. Is He Cheating?은 평상시 1불, 오늘만 무료로 제공된다. 분류는 Social Networking으로 되어 있지만 연애 설명서처럼 보인다.

Besieged는 성을 방어하는 게임 어플로 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. CandyClock한번 소개한 적이 있는 어플이다. Video Clock이라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 멋진 영상을 보여주는 시계 어플이다. Balls Away! Walls of Doom은 오늘만 무료인 어플은 아니다. 평상시 2불에 판매되며 무료로 바뀐 어플이다. 게임을 하는 방법은 나도 모르지만 게임의 형태가 내가 좋아하는 행태라 소개한다.

Pocket Paradise한번 소개한 적이 있는 어플이다. Ultimate Soundscape Generator라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 명상에 도움이 되는 화면과 소리를 제공하는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 오는 15일까지 무료로 제공된다. Urinals도 평상시 1불, 오는 15일까지 무료로 제공되는 게임 어플이다. 보호자를 선택, 적당한 위치로 경로를 그려 보호자를 안내하는 게임 어플이다.

Hide'n'Seek 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][1]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


This iPhone App is breathing new life into the all time kids favorite of playing hide an seek. This App converts it into an urban adventure for adults and kids alike. Never has playing hide and seek be more fun than with Hide'n'Seek. Because now you have modern technology at hand to help you finding the player who is hiding.... but the same technology also helps the one who is hiding to see you coming. So he or she can find another place to hide in case the current hiding place gets a little too "hot".

What do you need to play Hide'n'Seek?
You need an iPhone 3G or 3GS. Sorry, Hide'n'Seek does not work with the iPhone 2G or iPod Touch because it utilizes GPS and needs an online connection for tracking purposes. If you own an iPhone 3GS you're all set! iPhone 3G users need a small compass to play Hide'n'Seek. Alternatively you can use a good old fashioned map.

How many players may participate?
Hide'n'Seek supports up to five players. One who hides and four who search.
This is also the main difference to the original children's play, where several players are hiding and only one is searching.
Note:At least two players are needed to play!

How does it work?
Hide'n'Seek utilizes the built in GPS (and compass on the iPhone 3GS) to track your location, the location of the other players and most importantly the location of the player who hides. To provide location data to all players, Hide'n'Seek stores the location data in a central database. It uses the unique iPhone ID to do so. No other personal data is stored in the database. The application periodically updates location data and requests location data of the other players. The data is then displayed on a "radar screen" as colored symbols. Five minutes before the game ends the screen switches into google maps mode to provide one more chance to the players who are searching for the hideout.

Cat Chorus 1.0(Music)[[iTunes][2]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

VIDEO DEMO at www.youtube.com/mymusicalcats

Totally fun cartoon cats sing your music!

Captivates cat, music and cartoon lovers of all ages. Easily create animations of cute singing cats! Listen to and learn the built-in songs. Record your own cat music tracks and email them to your friends!


  • A full octave of 13 animated cats
  • Multi-note polyphony - play up to 4 cats at once
  • Tap or sweep to trigger cats
  • Highly responsive
  • Professional quality animations and sounds
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Learning Mode with a range of speeds
  • Record, save and email your cat masterpieces
  • Optional note display
  • Play with iPod music in the background

Cat Chorus includes the following built-in songs and free updates for new tutorials. Holiday song list coming soon!


  • Rehearsal Meows
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  • Mary Had A LIttle Cat
  • When Saints Go Marching In
  • We Wish You A Merry Xmas
  • He's A Jolly Good Feline

In the Learning Mode, the cats glow to show you where to tap. The app tracks your accuracy so you can see how many notes you played correctly. Aim for 100% musical purr-fection!

Part One of the My Musical Cats App Series. Please visit www.MyMusicalCats.com for cat music videos and updates.

Proudly brought to you by the independent animation company See Here Studios LLC, with Audio Gaming Engine provided by Applied Voices LLC. Spread the kitty love! Cat Chorus

Free Kick Pro 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][3]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free Kick Pro FREE for 2 DAYS!!!! We hope you'll enjoy it!
by Dracoders

Free Kick Pro is a truly interactive free kick simulator for your iPhone and iPod Touch

The game features simple, pick-up-and-play controls and stunning cartoon-style visuals to enjoy.

The control system is simple but precise, just point your finger on the screen on the position that you want to kick and the player will start the run-up and then release it at the right moment to try to score a great free kick.

With one finger you can decide the direction of the ball and the power of the shot, but bear in mind the wind condition which will affect the ball when it is in flight.
If you judge the wind right, it will allow you to hit incredible Super Shots to the hardest to reach parts of the goal at either posts or just below the crossbar
You can always go back and try to better your top score, or show it to you friend through the automatic replay mode and saved Replay mode.
After the first 5 levels, the ability of the goalkeeper to save your shots will improve, so easy levels will give the player a great taste of the game initially, but the keeper will get progressively harder to beat and only the brave and skilled can reach all the 21 positions to win the game.

For each level you have 10 shots available to score and go to the next level.. Your supporters won’t jeer when you miss, or if smash the ball to the face of the defenders, so be ready for the sound of the whistle and the cheering of the crowd.

More features:

  • Choose from 5 different shirt colours for the player
  • 10 slots to save your replays of the best free kicks
  • Practice Mode to play every single level with all the wind conditions.
  • Music and sound effects totally configurable
  • Scoring system based on different type of shots, wind conditions, number of shot made.

lyricalTweet 1.02(Music)[[iTunes][4]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Is the twitterverse singing to your music?

Get lyricalTweet to find out! lyricalTweet gathers tweets related to the title and artist of your songs as they are playing and displays them in a scrolling visualization that will mesmerize you. lyricalTweet includes a full-featured twitter client as well, so you can follow, re-tweet and reply to the tweets you find floating out there. Control your ipod while reviewing your friend's timeline. Never miss a tweet or a beat!

NOTE: No twitter account is required to enjoy the public twitter feed.


  • searches public feed based on song lyrics
  • play, pause, next, previous and volume control
  • copy/email album artwork
  • copy/email link to lyrics
  • tweet currently playing song
  • tweet album artwork (through yfrog)
  • music queue for the dj in you
  • reply, re-tweet, follow based on the public search
  • view "friends" and "mentions" timelines
  • post tweets complete with images (through yfrog)
  • paste images into tweets
  • #musicmonday tagging support!

Warty the Witch and the Vanishing Voice 1.0(Books)[[iTunes][5]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Download Warty for Free - Limited Time Offer

Warty the Witch is back with an all new adventure just in time for the holidays. And to celebrate, we invite you to share Warty the Witch and the Vanishing Voice with your child absolutely free.

Watch for the new Warty the Witch and the Curse of the Creepy Christmas Crackers story coming to your iPhone or iPod touch soon!

*** Sign up to receive a free email alert when the next story in the Warty series is available at www.iorbi.com. ***

Take a trip through the whispering woods, and past the hill of horror where you’ll meet Warty Boil ? the lovable witch with a knack for getting in and cleverly out of scrapes.

Oh dear, it seems Warty has lost her voice and doesn’t know where to find it! After a mishap at school, Mrs. Boil decides to teach the little witch a lesson by casting a spell that traps her voice in a jar. But when the jar is stolen by a wily-winged bat, Warty wonders if she’ll ever cackle again.

Will Warty ever get her voice back? And what is the eerie light coming from the mill on Horror Hill? Find out the answers to these questions and more when you join Warty and her friends on a wildly ghoulish adventure!

Warty the Witch and the Vanishing Voice features:

  • The iPhone option to record your own voice ? for a completely personalized storytelling experience.
  • Bright, full color illustrations ? put you right in the action with Warty and her friends.
  • Optional on-screen text view ? so you can choose to listen with or without text on the screen.
  • An easy-to-use interface that lets you quickly jump to any page by tapping on the page number.

This charming story, the first in the Warty series, is sure to be a fast favorite that will be enjoyed over and over again.

Download Warty the Witch and the Vanishing Voice today!

Other Children's Book Apps to Enjoy

Check out these other children's story apps:

  • Buddy the Bus #1: There’s Always Tomorrow
  • Buddy the Bus #2: A Scary Night
  • Sophia Wants To Be ... A Painter
  • Bear and Owl - Children's Storybook

All are available now on iTunes.

And watch for a new story in the Warty the Witch series coming soon!

Note: The app may take a few extra seconds the first time you open after downloading.

iRiddles! 1.1(Books)[[iTunes][6]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for 24 hours! Tell a friend, spread the word. If you like it, please feel free to leave a great review. Enjoy!

iPhonefootprint Apps Excellence Award Winner

People of all ages will enjoy this collection of riddles. Take some time out of your day to challenge your mind or someone else's! The variety of the riddles in this application will provide many with a fun way to pass the time.

iRiddles will continue from the last riddle read. If you want to find your favorite riddle, simply locate it in the table of contents. Want a random riddle? Shake your iPhone or iPod touch to randomly select a riddle!

  • Over 300 pages of riddles & answers
  • Easy to read format
  • Automatically continues from where you left off
  • Shake for random riddle
  • Email a riddle feature

We also recommend the iLLusions App for more highly entertaining material!

i Sniper 0.3.2(Games)[[iTunes][7]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Limit Time FREE !

Simply the best selling sniper game for iPhone.

The story begins when a group of terrorists broke into MASQ Corp. HQ and took everyone inside as hostages. Your squad, the best anti-terrorist unit in the world, is called to take control of this emergency situation.

However, this is just the top of an iceberg. As the drama unfolds, a long and tough path is waiting for you and your team.

Hold your breath, seek, aim and FIRE!


  • Cinematic storyline.
  • Turn and rotate your iPhone to aim.
  • 'Hold-your-breath' mode for better accuracy.
  • 8 missions set in locations all around the world.
  • 8 types of enemy.

Visit www.masqi.com for more games.

Operation iWolf 2.3(Games)[[iTunes][8]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Limit Time FREE !

The makers of iSniper brings you the hottest battlefield on the iPhone!

Same war against terrorism, same elite tactic unit, but more heat and intensity!

Operation iWolf is a new and exciting FPS arcade game for the Iphone. With a mix of classic gameplay and modern graphics it puts the player into a high voltage battlefield.

The year is 2011, and the word is in turmoil. HEAVEN, an underground united terrorist group founded by unknown financial resources has launched a series of attacks all over the world. Their purpose is to control the world order through international terrorism.

PMCs (Private Mercenary Corporations) is an UN authorized network of private light armies and mercenary companies, hired by governments for emergency counter terrorist operations.

GATO, Global Anti-Terrorism Organization is jointly formed by nations and PMCs, dedicated to quickly respond to cross-nation terrorist threats and to eliminate the HEAVEN forces.

You, 'Cobra', a former elite soldier in the US marine, and a new member of GATO Special Tactical Unit is now being assigned a secret operation, code name 'iWolf'.

Game features:

  • Fast paced gameplay on a intense battlefield.
  • Dozens of different enemies to kill.
  • 6 missions in various locations including forest, camp, airport and more.
  • Option to chose between touch or tilt control.

Visit www.masqi.com for more games.

FlipBrowser 1.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][9]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


How many web sites are you saving to your favorites on your iPhone/iPod? Don't you think that 30 would be enough?

Wouldn't you use your laptop or a desktop if you need any more than that?

Flip Browser is specially customized for iPhone/iPod.


  1. Convenient and easy favorites features.
    Flip Browser provides 30 pages (15 x 2) with a screenshot in the main page for you to conveniently browse through your favorites.

  2. Maximizes your display in full screen
    Flip Browser displays the web site in full screen, and removes useless buttons, URL, and the status bar to maximize your display. All the functions can be controlled from the flip menu.

  3. Bed time mode support
    Do you have trouble surfing while lying down because the screens flips automatically? Flip Browser allows user to fix the screen in portrait or landscape, allowing the user to freely browse while lying down.

  4. Connects to Safari
    You can easily connect to Safari whenever you need.

  • Just flip whenever you need, while surfing the web.
    (If you hate "FLIPPING" or "SHAKING", Enable Flip-Button.)

  • To use the Flip Browser:
    There is a total of 30 pages. Screenshot of a given page will be displayed if the homepage is specified and if not, it will be blank.

  1. Setting Homepage
    When you touch a specific page, the page's browser window will be displayed.

    From this point, flip (or shake) the iPhone or iPod and a small menu bar and an url bar will appear.
    You will be able to enter in the URL. Enter the URL and click the GO button to jump to that page.

    To set the current web site as Homepage, press the Bookmark button on the Flip menu bar.

    After setting the Homepage, touch the Top sites button of the menu bar and it will move you to the start-up page.

    You will be able to see the homepage set up with the screeshot.

  2. Web surfing through the Flip menu bar
    From the page menu, gently shake the device with your wrist or flip and the Flip menu will appear. (Flip again to make it disappear.)

    You can do the following things from the Flip menu.

    • Go to previous page: Go to the page displayed before.
    • Go to next page: Go to the next page displayed.
    • Go to Top sites
    • Go to Home: Go to the Homepage that has been set in current page.
    • URL typing: You may move to the URL as you wish to.
    • Stop
    • Refresh: Reload the current page.
    • Bookmark: Set the currently shown page as Homepage or it may open as a default Safari browser.
    • Rotate: Allows setting the screen to portrait or landscape.
  3. Check to verify if the page is loading
    Flip Browser will not display the status bar, in order to maximize the visible area in the iPhone / iPod. You can check the Activity Indicator to see if the page is currently loading.

aToDo Map 1.1(Productivity)[[iTunes][10]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

"aToDo Map" is simple and easy to use application, helping you in your daily task management. Unlike other task management applications, "aToDo Map" is oriented to to extensive use of Google Maps service.

  • Put the places (tasks) you need to visit on particular date on the map;
  • Store text or record sound comments for the tasks;
  • Mark the places as visited/not visited, (completed/not completed);
  • Filter tasks assigned for particular date or hour;
  • Get the reminder notifications before the specified time or distance to the task location;
  • Map drive mode: disable the blank screen and keep the map center on" Your Location". This mode is very helpful when you are using your iPhone as in-car navigation unit;

  • Map supports full set of gesture commands for zoom and span;
  • Miles/kilometers distance units;
  • Street, Hybrid or Satellite map mode supported;


  • To add a new Task, tap the "+" icon and select the location on the map. Then, tap the new created Task icon to have it selected. Blue disclosure icon will appear near the task caption ("Task 1" by default). Tap this button to select the Task time, record sound or text comment.

  • If the Task is selected, the edit buttons will become visible. You can re-assign the task location ("arrow" buttons), or delete it ("X" button).
  • "Satellite Info" screen allows to use the application as a basic GPS.
  • Some additional options - Distance Units or Map Type are available on the Preferences screen.

IMPORTANT: for more details visit the http://atoll-ordenadores.com website.


  • The program is running only on GPS-enabled iPhones 3G/3GS (second generation and higher) with iPhone OS 3.1 or higher.
  • The application needs a GPS satellite signal of good quality. We limited the application usage to the horizontal precision better then 500 meters. You can check the current GPS state by tapping the "Satellite" icon below. On open-sky spaces the signal pretty good, but under other conditions can noticeably decrease. Also, after startup it requires some time to locate the necessary satellites, so during first minutes of running the measurement can be less effective.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions about additional functionality! THE BEST AND FASTEST WAY TO CONTACT US IS SENDING YOUR REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTS to support@atoll-ordenadores.com. WE ARE REALLY INTERESTED IN DIALOG, what is not possible when you leaving the bug-report as AppStore review.

3D Fantasy Tunnel 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][11]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

100% OFF!!! FREE for a limited time.

The 3D Fantasy Tunnel is a fast and exiting action game Which requires good reflexes. The aim of the game is to get into the checkpoints and then to the finish through the choosen tunnel by emerging the different obstacles.
The game utilizes the opportunities in iPhone and the 3D characteristic of iPod Touch. (Apart from 3GS

  • 6 different, long and exciting scene with various enemies and obstacles
  • dinamic music which can be choosen by the player or we can listen to our own music with imusical
  • unique game experience
  • gyroscopic control
  • stereophic sound effects

iPhonefootprint review:

3D Fantasy Tunnel is just what the App Store ordered for some fantastic 3D action. There is something about 3D that gets you right into the game, and this application has used that element pretty well.

There are six different and uniquely designed tunnels to get through in the best possible time that we can manage. We simply have to tilt the device to move through the tunnel. But it not a smooth ride, for there are enemies that block our way, and we have to dodge them to get to the finish line. There are checkpoints along the tunnels, and the mission at hand is to pass through them as fast as we can, while at the same time avoiding the obstacles.

3D Fantasy Tunnel gives a choice between two types of music while playing the game ? Fantastic and Trancer. If we do not like them, we can always choose to listen to music from our own playlist. A feature that I liked about the controls was that we can we can use them in normal and inverted modes. The latter mode is fun, because it’s sort of like playing from a different perspective.

The first three tunnels are ready for play when we open up the application, but we have to complete them successfully to play the other three. The tunnels are named according to the way they are designed ? Aqua, Artery, Dreamland, Garbage, Mine and Volcano. We can play them at three difficulty levels.

The best thing about this application has got to be the 3D animation itself. Top that off with appealing visuals and an exciting game play, and 3D Fantasy Tunnel is a great deal for only $0.99. Once we get playing, it’s a non-stop ride as we slide through the tunnel.

link: http://www.iphonefootprint.com/2009/11/get-into-the-3d-fantasy-tunnel-on-the-iphone/

Shuffled 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][12]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Awesome offer - Shuffled is FREE for today only!

Shuffled - 2D Rubik's Cube gone crazy!

  • Slide the squares to match the background
  • Watch for circled symbols around edges
  • Double line symbol makes the lines move together
  • U-shape symbol make the lines move in circle

Check out http://twizt.com/ for more awesome games.

For latest updates and promotions, follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/TwiztGames

PUSH my Fart 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][13]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Fart on your friends wherever they are, whenever you like with PUSH my Fart!

Make their iPhone or iPod touch ringing with a rolling and loud Fart when they are enjoing a beer at the pub or while on the staff meeting! Or just at the bus stop or even in the elevator! Thanks to the most advanced technologies, Push Notification Service and Facebook integration, PUSH my Fart allow you to make jokes with extreme simplicity, but surefire success. Just select you friend, choose the fart and... FART!


  • Make your friends fart with just a tap!
  • Choose between 30 different high quality farts to send or play directly on your device.
  • Add friends with Bluetooth or trade contacts through E-mail
  • Find even more friends from around the world with Facebook Connect
  • Send fart thanks to Apple's Push Notification Service
  • Send farts from the Web pushmyfart.com or through Facebook on http://apps.pushmyfart.com/pushmyfart/ .

Become Fan of PUSH my Fart on Facebook and help spreading this amazing application, or just find more unaware victims of your jokes!

Visit pushmyfart.com for ideas and jokes to realize with your friends, you'll find amusing videos and nice gags.

Sending and reception of Fart, and Facebook Connect, require Internet connection.
Bluetooth doesn't work with iPhone 2G and iPod touch 1G.

Punchball 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][14]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Awesome offer - Punchball is FREE for today only!

Punchball - space boxing in action!

  • Play against the machine or your friends (via Bluetooth)
  • Move player on the field by dragging
  • Punch by touching the target
  • Hold touch before punching for more power

Check out http://twizt.com/ for more awesome games.

For latest updates and promotions, follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/TwiztGames

iPuppy Schnauzer 0.4.1(Games)[[iTunes][15]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Limited time FREE !!! Get it now!!!

iPuppy is simply the best virtual pet application for the iPhone.

True 3D vital Schnauzer in your iPhone! Schnauzers are active, friendly and need a lot of care. They always want to be your best friend and can play with you all day.

Enjoy being a good friend to your vital Schnauzer:

  • Full 3D vital Schnauzer, with real puppy motions
  • Touch your puppy and play with it
  • Feed you puppy with food and water.
  • Take a shower and touch it to make a lot of bubbles.
  • Pet your puppy using your fingers.
  • Want to make your lovely puppy even prettier? Buy clothes for it!
  • Change the look and feel of your entire room.
  • Take your puppy out for a walk.
  • Don't forget to let your puppy sleep when it's tired.

Full version features:

  • Watch your puppy grow bigger, smarter and stronger.
  • No top-limit on $, earn more money and buy more clothes.
  • Choose the color of your puppy.
  • More options for your room decoration.
  • More and better looking clothes.
  • More and funny toys.
  • Wide choice of items for care and play.
  • Name your puppy and change it anytime.

TIPS: Don't worry about not enough virtual $ to spend. Stay longer and play with it more, you will always be rewarded :)

Also check other puppies on www.masqi.com. We present your the "Elf" - Chihuahua, the "Guardian" - Husky, and the "Old Mr." Schnauzer.

Visit www.masqi.com for more games.

Is He Cheating? 1.0(Social Networking)[[iTunes][16]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Whether we want to believe it or not, all typical straight men who are happy in their relationship fantasize about being with another woman........they simply can't help it. It's part of their innate male genetics- to ensure population growth.

It's OK for your guy to fantasize. it's not OK to act on those fantasies while in a committed relationship.

Most men can be very easily seduced in the right ( or wrong) situation, if they think they wont get caught.

Would your guy cheat on you and why ?
Does it mean he doesn't love you?
Should you forgive him, or leave him behind ?

This app teaches you how to stop him before he cheats.It teaches you what to look for (in the quiz) and allows you to intervene and discuss your relationship before it takes a dangerous turn.

TAKE THE QUIZ- The cheat meter will then score and rate your current risk level.

This Quiz teaches you how to:

  • Spot subtle changes in men when they are about to cheat
  • How to spy on him without being caught.
  • How to handle confronting him.... or the other woman.
  • How to handle your grief with grace.
  • Emergency REVENGE button:
    Journal your revenge fantasies and "burn" them off the screen, instead of acting them out.

Find out in this app.....
how this amazing theory can change how you view yourself as well as how you relate to others.

Besieged 1.2(Games)[[iTunes][17]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time!

"The game is balanced exceptionally well"
"The controls for this game is a simple mechanic that works extremely well" From our first review, at nopad.com

Currently the freshest app at freshapps.com!

Currently on the front page under "Games" in the app store!

In Besieged you control an army of archers, which you must use to defend your castle from an invading horde of the undead! Skeletons are attacking your walls, including infantry, archers, wizards and worse. Using your mighty bow, you must rain arrows on the attackers before they can reach your walls and destroy your castle.

This is the first chapter in a series of games that will let you earn weapons and accomplishments that help you in later chapters. Future chapters will include defending the kingdoms of the Elves and the Dwarves from the undead army. Battle will escalate to include zombies, dragons and siege machines!


  • Fast-paced, easy to learn gameplay
  • Purchase upgrades for your castle and archers
  • Buy powerful special attacks
  • Your castle grows to reflect the upgrades you make
  • Battle the undead over 12 nail-biting levels!


  • We are currently adding a major social network solution that will include Achievments, Online Highscores, Chat, and much more.
  • We are also well underway building chapters 2-5! Expect new enemies, environments, weapons and more!
  • We have a new build with difficulty levels Easy/Medium/Hard about to go to approval.

Visit our forums at: squiddlegames.com/forums where you can suggest new features, post bug reports, discuss strategies, request to be a beta tester - and more.

Check out the youtube video of gameplay by searching for "Besieged Squiddle"!

iPuppy Chihuahua 0.4.1(Games)[[iTunes][18]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Limited time FREE !!! Get it now!!!

iPuppy is simply the best virtual pet application for the iPhone

Get a lovely 3D Chihuahua on your iPhone! Everyone loves Chihuahua, the smallest breed of dog in the world. Chihuahuas are smart, active and open minded :)

Enjoy being a good friend to your lovely Chihuahua:

  • Full 3D lovely Chihuahua, with real puppy actions and dynamic motions
  • Touch your puppy and play with it
  • Feed you puppy with food and water.
  • Take a shower and touch it to make a lot of bubbles.
  • Pet your puppy using your fingers.
  • Want to make your lovely puppy even prettier? Buy clothes for it!
  • Change the look and feel of your entire room.
  • Take your puppy out for a walk.
  • Don't forget to let your puppy sleep when it's tired.

Game features:

  • Watch your puppy grow bigger, smarter and stronger.
  • No top-limit on $, earn more money and buy more clothes.
  • Choose the color of your puppy.
  • More options for your room decoration.
  • More and better looking clothes.
  • More and funny toys.
  • Wide choice of items for care and play.
  • Name your puppy and change it anytime.

TIPS: Don't worry about not enough virtual $ to spend. Stay longer and play with it more, you will be always rewarded :)

Also check other puppies on www.masqi.com. We present your the "Elf" - Chihuahua, the "Guardian" - Husky, and the "Old Mr." Schnauzer.

Visit www.masqi.com for more games.

iPuppy Husky 0.4.1(Games)[[iTunes][19]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Limited Time FREE !!! Get it now!!!

iPuppy is simply the best virtual pet application for the iPhone.

True 3D elegant Husky in your iPhone! The mysterious and loyal friend to human, the closest breed to wolf with a sharp eye and arrogant face.

Enjoy being a good friend to your elegant Husky:

  • Full 3D elegant Husky, with real puppy actions and dynamic motions
  • Touch your puppy and play with it
  • Feed you puppy with food and water.
  • Take a shower and touch it to make a lot of bubbles.
  • Pet your puppy using your fingers.
  • Want to make your lovely puppy even prettier? Buy clothes for it!
  • Change the look and feel of your entire room.
  • Take your puppy out for a walk.
  • Don't forget to let your puppy sleep when it's tired.

Buy this full version with many more interesting features:

  • Watch your puppy grow bigger, smarter and stronger.
  • No top-limit on $, earn more money and buy more clothes.
  • Choose the color of your puppy.
  • More options for your room decoration.
  • More and better looking clothes.
  • More and funny toys.
  • Wide choice of items for care and play.
  • Name your puppy and change it anytime.

TIPS: Don't worry about not enough virtual $ to spend. Stay longer and play with it more, you will always be rewarded :)

Also check other puppies on www.masqi.com. We present your the "Elf" - Chihuahua, the "Guardian" - Husky, and the "Old Mr." Schnauzer.

Visit www.masqi.com for more games.

CandyClock - A Video Clock 1.3(Lifestyle)[[iTunes][20]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free until Friday the 13th at 11:13 PM. Enjoy!

CandyClock is a simple alarm clock app that displays the time with eye-pleasing, tranquil, ambient video backgrounds. It comes with 10 different never-ending videos of various hypnotic happenings. It also makes for a great addition to your night stand or desk top. Also, I love you.

You can preview all the backgrounds at Candyclock.com and can even try it out before you buy with "CandyClock Little". CandyClock Little is also small enough to be downloaded over a 3G connection.

Thanks to everyone who has shared their thoughts about CandyClock. I appreciate the feedback and will do my best to please.

NOTE: The new alarm feature only works on OS 3.1 or higher. It may also work on OS 2.2.1 but I cannot verify this. Also due to current limitations it is not possible to play music while CandyClock is open. This is due to the fact that the part of the iPhone software that plays videos also plays music and has been designed to do only one thing at a time. This will be corrected as soon as a solution is made possible.


  • Aqua Dye
  • Neon Jelly Fish
  • Moon Clouds
  • Fish Tank Life
  • Park Bridge Life
  • Street/Library Life
  • Beach Waves
  • Snow Bricks
  • Dryer Reds
  • Sunset Branches

FEATURES: * 10 Original Video Backgrounds (and more to come) * Alarm Feature with 10-Min. Snooze [OS 3.1 Only] * Shake-For-Options * Random Tall Background Mode * Random Wide Background Mode * 24-Hour Mode * Show/Hide Date * One-tap light-dimming for bedside time-telling. * Support for Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish languages (accessed via the Settings App on your homescreen). * CandyClock now downloads in about half the time. Average download time is currently 2½ minutes.

Balls Away! Walls of Doom 1.2.1(Games)[[iTunes][21]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

"New and Noteworthy!!" - Apple

A fun ball physics game and toy designed exclusively for the iPhone from the designer and programmer of "The Incredible Machine"!

Just tilt your iPhone to make the balls roll around realistically.

Get as many balls to the goal as you can before time runs out. Continue to advance through the levels for as long as you get at least one ball to the goal.


  1. Alpha Ten (10 levels)
  2. Beta Five (5 levels)
  3. Trinity (3 levels)
  4. Dante's Inferno (4 levels)

Upcoming Courses:

  1. Walls of Doom (already submitted)
  2. Classic
  3. Whirlpools
  4. Balls of Doom

Built-in Editor:

  • Add and Remove Balls from Levels
  • Select Ball Type
  • Select Ball Size

Several Ball Types

  • Normal
  • Bouncy
  • Golden

Watch the youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE-DoWZgilM

Pocket Paradise - Ultimate Soundscape Generator 1.22(Healthcare & Fitness)[[iTunes][22]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Pocket Paradise is more than a soundscape generator. Create a truly unique and dynamic soundscape to enhance the ambience of any room while the scene magically changes before your eyes. Experience sunset in Hawaii, a soft tropical rainstorm, or a moonlit beach fire. Set the rate for the passage of time, control the wind with your fingers, add rainbows, sailboats, clouds, music and marine life as desired. Once you select your sound and visual preferences no two moments will be the same. Save your favorite creations or choose from a list of presets to create a world you can carry with you and visit anytime.

For the best experience, plug it into speakers or headphones.

Create your perfect soundcape by adding elements like:

  • lapping water
  • gentle waves
  • heavy surf
  • full wind control (swipe for gusts)
  • light rain
  • heavy rain
  • distant thunder
  • lightning
  • sea birds
  • whales
  • crickets
  • burning campfire
  • rainbow
  • sailboats

Control every aspect of your scene.

Control the passage of time and experience your world in real-time or in accelerated time as you watch the moon speed across the night sky.

Choose from a soothing collection of original music to create just the right setting.

Save your favorite creations, or load presets like Hawaiian Sunset, Perfect Day, Rainbow Jungle and the Still of Night.

Press the shuffle button to randomly explore infinite sensory combinations

Built-in sleep timer allows you to gently drift off to sleep.

Completely dynamic audio experience.

Perfect for sleeping, reading, and relaxing.

Urinals: The Game 1.02(Games)[[iTunes][23]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


The skills of a Flight Controller
The instincts of a Harbor Master
combined with the prestige and responsibility of being a RESTROOM ATTENDANT.

You call that service?

Urinals requires a keen sense of concentration and might be best played sitting down.

In any case, don't expect your superiors to go easy on you. Managing restrooms is serious business.

Find out for yourself what's the BIG STINK everyone's making about Urinals.

관련 글타래


3D Fantasy Tunnel, App Store, aToDo Map, Balls Away! Walls of Doom, Besieged, CandyClock, Cat Chorus, FlipBrowser, Free Kick Pro, Hide'n'Seek, i Sniper, iPod Touch, iPuppy Chihuahua, iPuppy Husky, iPuppy Schnauzer, iRiddles, Is He Cheating, lyricalTweet, Operation iWolf, Pocket Paradise, Punchball, PUSH my Fart, Safari, Shuffled, Ultimate Soundscape Generator, Urinals, Warty the Witch and the Vanishing Voice, 무료 어플, 사파리, 아이팟 터치, 앱 스토어