오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 091018

2009/10/18 12:31


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

오늘은 소개할 어플이 조금 많다. 총 20개이다. 이 중 Lovely 시리즈, Cute 시리즈, Sexy 시리즈는 모두 비슷한 어플이다. 가격은 2~3불로 총 7개가 이 번주만 무료로 올라왔기 때문에 조금 많아졌다. Lovely 시리즈 중 Lovely Boys와 Lovely Girls은 무료로 바뀌었지만 미국 스토어에 없기 때문에 구입할 수 없었다. 따라서 오늘은 총 20개이지만 실제 14개 정도의 어플이 올라온 것으로 보면 된다.

먼저 The God of Organization은 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 오는 10월 23일까지 무료로 제공된다. 게임을 하는 방법은 간단하다. 먼저 등장한 판에서 키워드를 보고 전략을 세운 뒤 메인 판에서 전략대로 키워드에 맞는 개체를 움직여 모으면 된다. 키워드가 한글이라면 아이들도 쉽게 할 수 있는 게임이다. StarRapture는 평상시 1불 이벤트 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 정확히 어떤 용도인지 모르지만 지구를 움직여 은하계를 떠다니도록 하는 어플이다.

Lovely Boys, Lovely Babies, Lovely Girls, Cute Dogs, Cute Cats, Sexy GrandMa, Sexy GrandPa 모두 비슷한 어플이다. 가격은 2~3불이며 이번주까지 무료로 제공된다. 이 중 Sexy GrandMa는 17세 이상만 받을 수 있다. Lovely Boys, Lovely Girls은 미국 스토어에 없는 것으로 나온다. 터치를 손으로 문지르면 사진이 나오는 어플이다 Sexy GrandMa를 예로 설명하면 이 어플을 실행하면 할머니가 보이며, 여기서 손으로 아이팟 터치나 아이폰을 문지르면 할머니 대신에 비키니 수영복을 입은 아가씨가 나타난다. 이 사진을 트위터(Twitter)로 보낼 수 있는 기능도 제공한다.

My Battery Info, Battery Info+, BatteryWizardLite는 모두 배터리의 남은 량을 보여주는 어플이다. 단순히 남은 용량만 표시하는 것이 아니라 전화, 비디오, 음악, 인터넷등의 사용 시간까지 알려 준다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. 참고로 My Battery Info는 아이팟 터치 1세대에는 설치되지 않았다.

Swakker Doodle은 두들에 로그인하고 사진에 그림을 그려 공유할 수 있도록 하는 어플이다. 페이스북(Facebook)으로 보내는 것도 가능하지만 기본적으로 아이폰의 카메라를 필요로 한다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 10월까지 무료로 제공된다. Vectorius는 단순한 게임 어플이다. 설명을 보면 알 수 있지만 미사일처럼 날라가는 적에게 폭탄을 떨어트리면 되는 게임이다. 역시 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

Do Not Press The Red Button는 하지 말라는 행동은 더 하고 싶은 사람들의 욕망을 담아낸 어플이다. 말 그대로 누르지 말라는 단추를 누르면 메시지를 출력하는 어플이다. 물론 얼마나 재미있을지는 의문이다. Photo ID DIY는 어플 이름처럼 사진으로 증명사진을 만드는 어플이다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 오늘 하루만 무료로 제공된다.

Star Catch는 별을 잡는 게임이다. 우주에 떠 있는 별을 손가락으로 원을 그려 잡으면 된다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 다음 판올림까지 무료로 제공된다. iPossessed는 그림처럼 사람의 넋을 홀리는 듯한 화면을 보여주는 어플이다. 물론 이 그림을 보고 홀릴 사람은 많지 않을 듯하다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

Steady Ball은 중력센서를 이용하는 게임이다. 노란색 점에서 녹색 점까지 중력 센서를 이용해서 이동시키면 된다. 파란색 선에 다으면 튕겨 나오고 빨간색 선에 닿으면 끝난다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 일시적으로 무료로 제공한다. Latest 100 Hindi Songs은 설치해 보지 않았지만 그림처럼 노래 100곡을 들을 수 있는 어플이다. 평상시 2불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

The God of Organization 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][1]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

GOO is FREE for one week!
sale period : 10/16/2009 to 10/23/2009
Don't miss this chance!

"Challenge to be the GOO: the God of Organization!"

GOO is the game that is uniquely adapting classification and organization as main themes in a distinctively unique way. In this game, a player try to go through as many stages as they can by improving their organization ability (in this game) in order to get as much score as they can, and post it to the global server to be the GOO, which is rank 1.

How to play

  • In GOO, each stage consists of two substages: organization stage and test stage.
  • In organization stage, using finger, a player organizes objects by keyword suggested on the screen within given time limit. When the player finishes organizing, s/he can press done button, which will bring s/him into test stage.
  • In test stage, all the objects are remained as the state of the organization stage right before it was ended. On the screen, the subcategories of the keyword are shown with number instead of the keyword, suggested in organization stage, and the player has to move the number of objects belonging to the subcategories to the "submit" image in order to submit them. When s/he submits all the objects required, "done" button gets activated and test will be done if s/he presses it or time limit is done. If a player can't submit all the objects required, game is over.
  • when you move an object, if it is collided with another object, it stops moving, which takes quite amount of time, so a player has to organize objects the most effectively and in an organized manner so that they can be moved without, or less collisions.
  • If a player submits an object that is not required, or submits more objects than required number, s/he can press "reset" button in test stage, which will bring all the positions of objects to the initial test stage.


If you have any suggestion or find a bug, please know that I'm listening to you ALWAYS.
Anytime email to entertainingJK@gmail.com
You are always welcome!

StarRapture 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][2]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free event - get it now!

Relax as you twirl the Earth around your finger through 12 stunning starscapes! Feel the satisfaction of flinging the Earth whichever way you please as you listen to your favorite music!

Tap the Earth to destroy it and remake it in another part of the cosmos.

Your finger on the screen creates a gravity well which affects the Earth's motion.

Q: How do I change backgrounds?
A: Tap the Earth.

Q: Why doesn't the Earth move towards my finger?
A: Depending on the velocity of the Earth, the gravity well created by your finger may not be strong enough to pull it right onto your finger. This is a good thing, however, as I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it if the real Earth suddenly hurtled into the Sun.

Q: Why is there no sound when I blow up the earth?
A: There is no sound in space. However it is a little known fact that there may be music.

Q: Wouldn't destroying the Earth be a bad thing to do?
A: That depends on your point of view.

Thanks to NASA, STScl and ESA for making the Hubble images available.

Lovely Boys 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][3]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


This is an application made to revive your day with positive energy. It allows you to reveal pictures of boy children by the tap of your finger... Scrape anywhere on screen and an handsome kid will appear softly as you will move.

That is a nice time waster, and can be a source of entertainment for all your friends and family.

And you can share pictures of Boys with your Twitter and Facebook friends easily.

Lovely Babies 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][4]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


This is an application made to revive your day with positive energy. It allows you to reveal new born children pictures by the tap of your finger... Scrape anywhere on screen and a lovely babies will appear softly as you will move.

That is a nice time waster, and can be a source of entertainment for all your friends and family.

And you can share pictures of Babies with your Twitter and Facebook friends easily.

Lovely Girls 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][5]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


This is an application made to revive your day with positive energy. It allows you to reveal pictures of girl children by the tap of your finger... Scrape anywhere on screen and an handsome kid will appear softly as you will move.

That is a nice time waster, and can be a source of entertainment for all your friends and family.

And you can share pictures of these girls with your Twitter and Facebook friends too.

Cute Dogs 1.1(Entertainment)[[iTunes][6]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


This is an application for dog and puppy lovers. It allows you to reveal dog pictures by the tap of your finger... Scrape anywhere on screen and a lovely dog will appear softly as you will move.

That is a nice time waster, and can be a source of entertainment for all your friends and family.

And you can share pictures of dogs to your Twitter and Facebook friends easily.

Cute Cats 1.1(Entertainment)[[iTunes][7]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


This is an application for cat lovers. It allows you to reveal cat pictures by the tap of your finger... Scrape anywhere on screen and a lovely cat will appear softly as you will move.

That is a nice time waster, and can be a source of entertainment for all your friends and family.

And you can share pictures of cats to your Twitter and Facebook friends easily.

Sexy GrandMa 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][8]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


Have you ever thought about how the old woman ,living near you, looked alike when she was younger? Well, here is the first application that, in a way, will reply to that question.

How? Simply scrape the picture of the granny you'll see on screen, and a "Fountain of youthless" effect will occur while moving your finger, LIVE !

That's incredible! I'm sure you've never thought how sexy she was in her youth. Wow.

Share the fun with your friends, and laugh out aloud in parties with this, surely, nice time waster.

You can share your picture on Twitter and Facebook too.

Old women are beautiful as they are, and they were surely gorgeous babes in the past as that application will show you.

Sexy GrandPa 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][9]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free


Have you ever thought about how the old man ,living near you, looked alike when he was younger? Well, here is the first application that, in a way, will reply to that question.

How? Simply scrape the picture of the old guy you'll see on screen, and a "Fountain of youthless" effect will occur while moving your finger, LIVE !

That's incredible? I'm sure you've never thought how sexy that man was in his youth. Wow.

Share the fun with your friends, and laugh out aloud in parties with this, surely, nice time waster.

You can share your picture on Twitter and Facebook too.

Old men are handsome, and they surely were pretty guys in the past as that application will show you.

My Battery Info 1.0.2(Utilities)[[iTunes][10]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Have you ever wondered how long you can watch movies, listen music on iPod Touch or talk on your iPhone?

My Battery Info provides you the current battery status of your iPhone or iPod Touch. It advise you how long you can talk, browse web, watch movies and listen music on your current battery charge.

My Battery Info shows available hours of usage on application for each level of battery charge.

If you want to refresh battery info, just shake your iPhone or iPod Touch.

* Battery Info - Percentage of battery level - Battery state: Full charged, Charging, Unplugged

  • Usage time

    • Standby time
    • Talk time on 2G and 3G network
    • Internet on 3G and Wifi network
    • Video playback time
    • Music playback time
  • More

    • Selected battery level: scroll the battery percent bar to see the level of battery and available hours
    • Refresh battery info: shake your iPhone or iPod Touch
    • Display device name
  • Please Note:

    • Currently iPhone SDK only allows battery levels in 5% measurements.
    • Battery remaining times are based on iPhone, iPod Touch specifications.
  • If you encounter any problems or issues using the application, please do not hesitate to contact us on support@totus.com.au. We are committed in providing a highly reliable and a convenient application on the App store. All reported issues would be fixed and provided in the next released update.

Swakker Doodle 2.0(Productivity)[[iTunes][11]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Communicate with friends in ways you never imagined.


Join us in the effort to cure breast cancer and support breast cancer research.

Download Swakker Doodle for FREE through October.

For each download, Swakker and friends will make donations to:

  • Breast Cancer Research Foundation (www.bcrfcure.org)
  • MD Anderson Cancer Center (www.mdanderson.org)

Please consider making a donation to an organization of your choice.

Sketch on a photo with your friend, play hangman, tic tac toe or draw a heart and arrow for your significant other.

Its the most fun you can have doodling on the iPhone!!!


"Swakker Doodle" is a great application, offering not only fun, but also a way to have fun with your friends, and keep in touch with them wherever they might be." -www.playerzblog.com

How many times have you struggled to explain what you mean by email or phone? Imagine if you could draw a picture and your friend would see exactly what you're creating ? live. Now you can, with Swakker Doodle!

Swakker Doodle is the modern equivalent of passing notes in class. Have fun and communicate with friends on the same canvas in real time!

There are practical uses, too. Professional designers and architects use Swakker Doodle to convey ideas clearly to people at a key moment, from phone to phone. The app saves times and ensures accuracy.??


  • Upload doodles to Facebook!
  • Invite friends to doodle even if they’re not connected
  • Invite friends to join doodle session in real time
  • Doodle on a new or existing photo
  • 50 vibrant Swakker colors
  • Save your work to photo library
  • Fine-to-broad thickness for doodle pen
  • Multiple backgrounds
  • Eraser (double tap to erase entire screen)

Swakker develops original apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Communication is personal. How do you swak? http://www.swakker.com

Vectorius 1.0.1(Games)[[iTunes][12]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time.

Vectorius is a combo based action arcade game. Drop bombs on groups of enemies to create screen-filling chain reactions to stay alive. Your health bar is always decreasing and the only way to fill it back up is by triggering multi-enemy combos.

As your chain reactions grow, so does your multiplier. A higher multiplier means a higher score. A higher score means your health bar stays filled.

Vectorius features:

  • 5 distinct enemy types with over 15 different attack pattens
  • Always increasing difficulty for limitless gameplay
  • Stylish vector graphics
  • High score table
  • Complete tutorial to get you started
  • Will continue to be updated with new features

Do Not Press The Red Button 1.6(Entertainment)[[iTunes][13]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Get it now and don't miss out!

Almost all of us saw this unusual and fascinating application about the "Red Button" Now you have unique chance to know the true story about the "Red Button", right on your iPhone/iPod Touch.

There are doors shouldn't be opened, there are secrets shouldn't be told, there are buttons shouldn't be pressed…:-) But, if you really love red buttons, if you love to Groundhog Day ? you are on the right way!


  • Quite fun, and not so complicated story
  • Easy to use user interface

Don't forget to show this app to your friends! :-)))

Search for these other fun apps:

Photo ID DIY 1.0(Photography)[[iTunes][14]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


A new version was submitted.

In the new version
The brightness of the photo can be adjusted.

Photo ID DIY is very easy to create standard ID photo, passport photo, visa photo and other identification photo. It includes various ID photo size, cropping function. You can make standard ID photos in minutes.

We all need ID photos for various activities such as applying for a passport,visa application,driving license or student ID card. Even you don't like to take photo, you should have ID photo for the above tasks. Photo ID DIY helps you to create ID photos for printing very easily. It saves you money and time. You don't need to go to photo booth or photo shop to take ID photos. You can print the ID photos at home or print them in a shop.

Photo ID DIY is also very flexible. In some occasion, you only want to have 2 ID photos of your kid, 2 for yourself, 2 for your mom. If the output paper allows 6 ID photos, you can put them on it and print it on demand. In photo booth or photo shop, you should make a minimum of 6 or 12 ID photos. By using Photo ID DIY, you can control what you want to print.

Getting the output : 1. You can get the output image by sending to your email account. 2. You can save the output image to photo library and sync the photo back to your computer.


  1. Standard ID photo style: 1" x 1.5" 2" x 2" 2cm x 3cm 2.5cm x 2.5cm 3cm x 3cm 3cm x 3.5cm 3.5cm x 4.5cm 4cm x 5cm 4.5cm x 4.5cm 4.5cm x 6cm
  2. Output paper : 3R, 4R, A6
  3. Supports grayscale
  4. Different ID photos of the same size can be placed in the output paper.

Note :
Using printer :

  • Before printing, you should match the correct type of output paper and the output image in your printer and set the output image to fit in the output paper. If the output image is 4R size, you should set the output paper 4" x 6".
  • The printing setting should be borderless. Print in a shop :
  • Print in correct photo size. If the output size is 3R, you should print it in a 3R size paper otherwise the ID photo size will be deformed.
  • Request borderless printing.

Star Catch 1.3(Games)[[iTunes][15]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Promotional price FREE until next update

What reviewers have said:

"The game has far exceeded my expectations. Excellent graphics and awesome sound effects make this game fun to play. Keep up the updates." - iTunes reviewer

"This looks simple on the outside but a deeper (look) reveals a lot more."

"I really enjoy games like this. My fiance couldn't put it down."

Episode 4: Energy Consumption

Finally we have an energy globe to collect that precious energy the stars release. Using this energy you can now spend some of it (also your points) to unleash a fireball that will lob to the location you tap three times at. This will cost you 100 points but it will stun the stars that are near the blast allowing you to circle them. What other great things can we do with this energy? The possibilities might be endless.

Challenge your friends to the highest score over OpenFeint’s leaderboard and unlock achievements.

For more information check out:


Star Catch is a line drawing game that requires you to match as many similarly colored stars as you can by drawing a line around them. The more stars you circle the more points and bonus points you can get. There are four main colored stars; Blue, Red, Green and Purple. Each star is worth the same points but they are worth different amounts depending on the mood they are in.

For example, these stars will express emotions like Happiness (their normal mode), Awe (when you circle a lot of stars it impresses them), Shock and Angry. Each of these emotional states comes with different point values. If you circle a Happy star you get 10 points for example. Here is how it breaks down.

Happy = 10 Points Awe = 20 Points Shock = 10 Points Mad = 5 Points Steaming Mad = 1 Point

Stars will get mad if you circle just one of them or circle them with a different colored star. This adds to the challenge as more stars are introduced and they move around making it more difficult to circle greater numbers of stars without making any of them mad. As you may have noticed if you get them in Awe and then circle stars you will get the most points.

Circle the girl star with other stars (no matter what color they are) if they are in love to get the highest points possible.

Tap three times on the board to let loose a fire ball that can stun stars making them easier to catch. It costs 100 energy points do this though. Don't run out of points or your lasso will stop working.

Episode 1: (8/17/2009) Get Together
Episode 2: (9/4/2009) Anger Management
Episode 3: (9/17/2009) Love is in the void
Episode 4: (9/28/2009) Energy Consumption

Each episode includes the previous episodes features and is always free to owners of the game

If you like Star Catch please take time to share it with other by giving a rating or review

iPossessed 1.0(Entertainment)[[iTunes][16]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


iPossessed is now FREE! Sale ends October 19th! Get it now!

iPossessed is an iPhone app that allows demons and spirits to possess your iPod or iPhone device. Symptoms include demonic whispering, violent screams, and in some cases violent rattling. DISCLAIMER: Because of the fickle nature of demons, spirits, and the like, plus the security features of the iPhone OS, there is no guarantee that possessed devices will appear on any of the usual paranormal detectors. We apologize for any inconvenience that may arise.


-Timer to delay the ritual up to 999 seconds. -10 total demonic sound effects. -4 different pentagram colors to represent the various spirits and demons. -Mix and match the spirits and demons being summoned. -Pentagram flares up when spirits or demons speak. -Pentagram can be hidden to give a more innocent appearance.

Works best on iPhone but supports iPod Touch (no vibration).

Battery Info+ 1.1(Productivity)[[iTunes][17]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Version 1.1 is now AVAILABLE! 24hr sale!!!

Ever wish that you knew how much battery life you have left? In class, at the airport, in the office and you know if the battery is going to last..

Well, now you're know how much talk time or video time/game time or even standby time is left.

Do be fooled by other apps that doesn’t detect your device.

Get the most accurate battery monitoring app. Battery Info+ will determine what device you are using (iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone Edge, iPod Touch, etc) and determine your remaining battery life. Compatible with all versions of iPhone and iPod Touch!


  • Determines if you are on a iPod Touch, iPhone, 3G, 3GS
  • Tips on how to improve your battery life
  • Displays the following remaining battery life for: -Talk Time -Internet on 3G -Internet on Wi-Fi -Video Playback -Audio Playback -Standby Time
  • Changes color as your battery degrades.
    Green (100%-60%), Yellow (60%-20%-), Red (<20%)

Due to limitations on the iPhone software, the application only updates in 5% increments of battery life. The estimated life are estimates and results will change depending on usage.

Steady Ball 1.3(Games)[[iTunes][18]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


In the tradition of classic "Accelerometer" games, Steady Ball realistically simulates gravity and "bouncing" to provide an exciting, highly addictive romp through 50 levels of challenges.

The aim of Steady Ball is extremely simple: Roll your ball from the YELLOW starting point towards the GREEN goal in the shortest time possible while avoiding anything RED! But that's easier said than done when you have those pesky RED projectiles being fired at you. And some of the tunnels you have to maneuver through have RED walls and are so narrow that only the steadiest hands with the calmest mind can make it through! Occasionally you'll be saved by a BLUE wall you can bounce off or rest against. But sometimes those will cause you to lose control as well! Play level 18 and you'll understand why we call it Steady Ball.

Once you make it through the 50 included levels you'll no doubt want more. So why not create your own levels? Use a painting package of your choice or the built-in Level Editor to create your own levels. Be creative! Make them challenging! It's simple. Just use the special colors, draw features and save level images. Import the level images to Steady Ball and watch them come to life! Since each level is an image in a standard format(.PNG, .JPG, .BMP etc.), it's easy to share them with fellow Steady Ball players. Simply email the level images or post them to a website for download.

Take a deep breath, clear your mind and stay loose as you play and Steady Ball is sure to have you hooked for many hours!

BatteryWizardLite 1.0(Utilities)[[iTunes][19]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

BatteryWizard is an app that makes you promise your iPhone/iPod touch that you will never let it to die because of low battery.

Next version

ver 1.0 is pushed with stunning features so follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/vigu360 for more updates, sale and giveaways.

Watch this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPGvFv6Iyqw

In this version

Highly accurate stats including 3d and 2d game data on different scenario. This app provides you with a slider so that you can change the battery percentage and check the usage times. Graphics? Oh no we keep it low because we save battery(a battery utility app should be doing this).

What you're missing from full version? (50% off on full version)

  • Remaining time based on your usage(Calibrations free)
  • Charge calculator(never seen feature)

Note: This version only supports 5% updates to the battery level and this app doesn't support iPod touch 3rd generation(support in version 1.0).

Latest 100 Hindi Songs 1.0(Music)[[iTunes][20]]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Top 100 Latest Hindi Songs

Diwali Promotion: Free for a limited time!!

Application Description:
Listen instantly to top 100 latest Bollywood songs compiled through airplay charts in India, UK and US.

Sing along with corresponding lyrics, watch related videos, and get detailed song info without leaving the application.

A small one-time fee lets you play a constantly updating chart of full-length songs. The application is fully integrated with iTunes Music Store for when your heart desires to purchase that song for your collection.

Requirements: 100 Latest Top Hindi Songs requires an active 3G, Edge, or Wi-fi connection for over the air playback.

Specification: Version: 1.0

Support: Contact us at iphone-support@ganeshane.com if there are questions about this application.

관련 글타래


Battery Info+, BatteryWizardLite, Cute Cats, Cute Dogs, Do Not Press The Red Button, Facebook, iPod Touch, iPossessed, Latest 100 Hindi Songs, Lovely Babies, Lovely Boys, Lovely Girls, My Battery Info, Photo ID DIY, Sexy GrandMa, Sexy GrandPa, Star Catch, StarRapture, Steady Ball, Swakker Doodle, The God of Organization, Twitter, Vectorius, 무료 어플, 아이팟 터치, 트위터, 페이스북