오늘만 무료, 아이폰 어플 091013

2009/10/13 12:20


무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

보통 일요일에는 무료 어플이 줄고 월요일에는 무료 어플이 는다. 물론 미국 시간 기준이다. 따라서 오늘은 소개할 무료 어플이 조금 많다. 총 14개다. 이 중 12개는 오늘만 무료인 어플이며, 1개는 유료, 1개는 언제까지 무료인지 모르는 어플이다. 먼저 유료 어플로는 Boxcar가 있다. 페이스북(Facebook), 트위터(Twitter), 전자우편의 푸시 알림을 지원하는 어플이다. 트위터 사용자에게는 상당히 유용한 어플인데 평상시 3불에서 오늘만 1불에 판매하기 때문에 소개하는 어플이다.

PayShieldPayPal 계정을 관리할 수 있는 어플이다. 원래 5불에서 무료로 바뀌었다. PayShield는 비즈니스나 프리미어 계정이 필요하며 무료로 프리미어 계정으로 업그레이드 된다고 한다. 물론 프리미어 계정이 좋은지 어떤지는 나도 모른다. 이 글 마지막에 소개하는 Quick Grenade오늘만 무료, 아이팟 터치 어플 090929에서 소개한 어플로 여기를 보면 조금 더 자세한 설명을 볼 수 있다.

Star Fusion은 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 한주동안만 무료로 제공된다. Star Fusion은 태양으로 별을 잡는 아주 간단한 게임이다. 태양을 끌어놓고 탭과 터치를 이용해서 태양을 조정할 수 있다. Color Drop은 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Color Drop은 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 색상을 알아 보는 어플이다. 점안기로 아이폰 카메라(iPhone)를 사용하기 때문에 자연색을 확인할 수도 있다.

Ronnie Snooker Exhibition은 평상시 1불에 판매(설명에는 1.79 파운드)되는 어플로 이틀간 무료로 판매된다. 처음에 내려받을 때는 몰랐는데 확인해 보니 용량이 200M가 넘는 어플이었다. 스누커(Snooker)라는 당구 게임을 시연하는 동영상 이다. Statistique는 평상시 1불, 며칠 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 설명이나 그림을 보면 알 수 있지만 아이팟 터치(iPod Touch)나 아이폰(iPhone)의 메모리 사용량을 확인할 수 있는 어플이다.

Interview Buzz는 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 오늘 하루만 무료로 제공된다. 설명을 보면 알 수 있지만 이 어플은 HR 인터뷰에 대한 QA를 제공하는 어플이다. Just Letters는 여러 명의 사용자가 동시에 할 수 있는 게임이다. 그림처럼 냉장고 자석으로 철자를 맞추는 게임다. Star는 회색 볼에서 시작, 같은 선의 볼 세개를 터치해서 볼을 적색으로 만드는 게임이다. 하나를 빼고 모두 적색으로 만들면 된다.

EsaClock는 그림처럼 시계와 달력을 표시해 주는 어플이다. 6각형의 힘과 단순함에 기초한 어플이라고 한다. 평상시 1불에 판매되는 어플로 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. AudioVisual Clock은 500명이 내려받을 때까지만 무료로 사용할 수 있는 어플이다. 이 글을 쓰기 전까지는 무료로 내려받을 수 있었다. 그림처럼 시계와 배경, 필요한 경우 메시지를 입력할 수 있다.

mShopping은 평상시 3불에 판매되는 어플로 오늘만 무료로 제공하는 어플이다. 쇼핑 리스트라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 쇼핑 목록을 관리할 수 있는 어플이다. 이런 어플을 거의 사용하지 않는 나로서는 얼마나 유용한 어플인지는 모른다. Parcels도 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공되는 어플이다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 소포를 추적하는 어플이다. 국내에서는 얼마나 유용할 지는 모르겠다.

Star Fusion 1.1(Games)[[iTunes][1]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Star Fusion is FREE for 1 week only

Touch, tap, and drag as you take control of the Sun in this casual arcade title. How many stars can you return to the celestial sphere?

New features in version 1.1

  • 6 new stars
  • Draggable clouds
  • Options screen with ability to change game duration
  • A new score multiplier power-up
  • Improved interface
  • Improved gameplay balancing

What people are saying

"Star fusion is a quick one to pick up and figure out, but a hard one to master" - AppsAddicts
“I can't stop playing this game!” - user review
“The game has excellent controls, uses a cool concept i've never seen before” - user review


In a not too distant future, hundreds of stars fall from the sky. With the Sun at your disposal, you must collect the stars and return them to the celestial sphere.


  • Bite size gameplay, perfect for when you have a few minutes to kill
  • Crisp, vibrant graphics
  • Retro sound effects and a sweeping orchestral score
  • Dynamic star creation means that no two games will be the same

Color Drop 1.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][2]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Reduced price for a limited time!

Color Drop utilizes the iPhone's camera (or image gallery) as a color eyedropper. If you see a color you like out in the world, simply snap a photo and find out what colors are contained. After loading a color from a photo, you can then modify it as needed and save it to your color gallery.

View colors in hex (web), RGB, or CMYK formats. Colors can be modified in either RGB or hex formats. Every photo you snap in the application is saved to your camera roll so you can easily come back to it later.

Color Drop is a tool for anyone who deals with colors on a regular basis such as web designers, interior decorators, or graphic designers. Whether you are painting a room in your house or building a web site, you can now design on the go and take your inspiration home with you.

tags: color, eyedropper, eye dropper, hex, rgb, cmyk, camera roll, image, photo, photograph, picture, pic, design, convert, hue, alpha

Boxcar(Social Networking)[[iTunes][3]]

Price: $2.99 -> $0.99


Do you use: Facebook, Twitter or Email? Want to know as soon as something happens? Boxcar is for you!

    Boxcar sends you a push notification anytime you receive a notification on Facebook. For example, when someone comments on your status - we'll let you know! We'll automatically open the Facebook application for you as well.

    Boxcar sends you push notifications anytime someone mentions you on Twitter, or sends you a DM. The best part is, it works with what you already love: Twittelator, Tweetie, Tweetie 2, Twitterrific, Twitterfon (Lite and Pro), Twinkle, SimplyTweet, Twitterena+ (Lite and Pro), Birdfeed or Hahlo.com!

    You receive a push, then your favorite Twitter client is opened!

    Power user? We support multiple twitter accounts!

  • EMAIL: Boxcar provides you with a unique e-mail address that you forward your e-mail to. We take privacy very, very seriously and only store who it's from, and the subject. We then send you a push notification!

Your first service is included with your purchase! Additional services (Facebook, Email, Twitter Searches, multiple Twitter Accounts) are available for a small one-time fee.

If you change your Facebook password, delete and re-add the Facebook service. YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED AGAIN.


  • Facebook push notifications. Opens your Facebook application automatically!
  • Email push notifications.
  • Push notifications for Twitter mentions and direct messages. NEW: Instant notifications for public @mentions.
  • Twitter OAuth for authentication, so we never see your password.
  • Choose from 11 different clients to open automatically for Twitter! Including: Tweetie 2, Tweetie, Twitterrific, Echofon Pro and Lite, Twittelator, Twinkle, SimplyTweet, Twitterena, Birdfeed and Hahlo!
  • Badge updates per service!
  • Choose from our custom push notification sounds, per service!
  • Private alerts! We'll just show a generic message like "You have a new mention on Twitter!"


"awesome! One of the reasons I decided to purchase Boxcar is that I saw how responsive you are to user questions. Keep up the great work"- Laura

"Completely agree works every time. Boxcar is awesome. Push notifications for Twitter."- Carole

"Boxcar has a downside. It's quite serious. We no longer have an excuse for not replying to mentions. The world will never be the same again."- Chad

Sponsored by Eastmedia, http://eastmedia.com
Follow us on Twitter: @boxcar
E-mail us for help: support@boxcar.io

What's New

  • Additional services (Facebook, Email, Twitter Searches, Twitter Accounts) are available for a small one-time fee. Your first service is included!
  • Added ability to choose your push notification sound.
  • Added ability to receive e-mail push notifications.
  • Added ability to receive Facebook push notifications.
  • Added ability to view your received push notifications.
  • Added badge updating for push notifications.
  • Added support for opening hahlo.com as your Twitter client.
  • Added support for opening Twitterena+ Pro, Lite as your Twitter client.
  • Added support for opening Birdfeed as your Twitter client.
  • Added ability to "don't open anything" for Twitter push notifications.

Ronnie Snooker Exhibition 1.0(Sports)[[iTunes][4]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for 2 days, normally £1.79!!

Here is a rare opportunity to watch an 11 frame snooker exhibition in full with nearly two hours of action featuring the best and most exciting player in the world Ronnie O'Sullivan. See 'The Rocket' playing in his familiar free flowing attacking style, and taking on shots he normally wouldn't do to entertain the crowd. In the exhibition Ronnie has ten breaks over fifty including two hundreds.

The exhibition has been recorded with a single fixed camera without commentary, and has been optimized for viewing on an iPhone or iTouch.

Statistique 1.00(Utilities)[[iTunes][5]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Statistique is must have utility for all iPhone and iPod Touch users. With an amazing interface you can track your memory, check your battery or browse for other device information.

Track Memory

You can monitor your memory, (Free,Inactive,Active,Wired).

Battery Information

You should be aware of the iPhone battery.
Statistique displays the current percentage left on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Calculation depending on your hardware to calculate the remaining hours and minutes for different uses such as: Standby,Internet on Edge or 3G, Internet on Wifi, Video Playback, Audio Playback

Device Information
Useful stuff like Model type, OS and e.t.c and the ability to quickly email your UUID.

Interview Buzz 1.0(Business)[[iTunes][6]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


An app with complete Q&A material for Behavioral or HR interviews. No need to buy an expensive book or search through 100’s of websites. This app covers almost all questions that you might expect on an HR, Behavioral or round one of interviews. It includes Do's, Dont's and attire tips for the interview.

From software engineers to financial analysts, graduates to mid-career professionals, this app is a valuable tool for successful interviews. It is great for last minute interview preparations as you can skim through the content while on sub, tram, train saving you precious time.

The app contains a list of more than 250 behavior interview questions with answers including answers for difficult and wild card questions. The Q&A are organized into various topics for easy reference. You can mark the questions as favorites for later reference. It includes a list of Do's before, during and after the interview. It also has a comprehensive list of things to avoid during the interview. Moreover, there are dress tips for both men and women.

The app also has a worksheet that you can email and edit on your computer.

The app includes a subscription to selected RSS feeds that are downloaded allowing you to browse these offline. The feeds are automatically downloaded when you connect to the internet for the first time and subsequently can be download manually by click of a button. You have the option to mark feeds as favorites, read or unread or delete the feeds you don’t fancy. You have the option of reading a particular feed within the app or in Safari which takes you to the complete article on the web. References to external web sites and SCRIBD documents are also included.

This app is fully loaded with features to help you crack the behavioral interview.


Q 1. Why should i hire you?
A 1: Describe in detail your skills and capabilities. Explain how you would be able to contribute in the particular job position and to the company.

Q 2. If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be, and why?
A 2: The list could be: Galileo, Martin Luther King, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lincoln, Newton, Feynman etc. Many of these personalities are known for their creative, out-of-the-box thinking and brilliance. Most of them remained positive in life inspite of all odds and focused on their goals. Some of them made contributions in wide areas rather than concentrating on one particular field.

Q. 3. Describe your ideal company?
Q. 4. What are your strengths ? What are your weaknesses ?
Q. 5. What are your 5 year goals ? How are you going to achieve them ?
Q. 6. How did you add value at your position?

Look alert and interested.
Maintain eye contact, and have a friendly expression during the interview.
Sit still in your seat; avoid fidgeting and eye-rolling.

Do not answer questions you are not sure of. It is better to say politely that you do not know rather than trying to guess and giving random answers.


  • More than 250 frequently asked interview questions and answers.
  • Includes answers to difficult, wildcard questions.
  • Q&A organized into topics or sections - Browse them separately or all of them together.
  • Do's and Don't's before, during and after the interview
  • Interview attire tips for men and women
  • Ability to mark specific questions, attire tips as favorites. Favorites can be viewed separately instead of traversing all the content
  • Subscription to RSS feeds with complete RSS capabilities.
  • References to websites and SCRIBD documents
  • A worksheet to help prepare for interview

Just Letters 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][7]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Just Letters: Fridge Magnets with a twist! Play live and in real-time with other users around the world.

You all know those fridge magnets that allow you spell out words from individual letters, right? You can now do the same on your iPhone or iPod Touch, but with a catch: other players are competing with you on the same fridge, stealing your letters and messing up words. Things get hectic as everyone tries to grab the same letters.

Just Letters is a real-time multi-user game that will keep you engaged for a long time. We dare you to play it just once!

Note: persistent internet connection required (you're playing live with others after all). Best enjoyed over 3G or Wi-Fi. The application will automatically connect you to the next available fridge - and there may be dozens depending on how busy it gets.

Star 1.0(Games)[[iTunes][8]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Sale!- Free download for a month.

Star is first in the series of games from Ogatoo which stirs creative thoughts in your mind. The puzzle though looks simple is quite challenging.

This puzzle was introduced to me in my childhood days and it has always been fun trying to solve this.

Ogatoo's goal is to present puzzle games which are simple in design but challenge wits of the player.

Ogatoo will be releasing many such games which will be intriguing and thought provoking.

PayShield 1.2.1(Utilities)[[iTunes][9]]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

PayShield is the most powerful way to have access to your PayPal account. It is based on the PayPal API Credentials and it is available worldwide.

With PayShield you can easily check your online balance, get transaction details, refund a transaction, send money to anyone with an email address and much more.

Key features are:

  • Complete Balance information (also on multiple currencies)
  • Advanced search for all the past transactions
  • Complete transaction details
  • Refund transactions
  • Send money to anyone with an email address
  • Password protect access to your data

In order to obtain your PayPal API Credentials just log into your PayPal account and then goto:

  • Profile
  • API Access
  • Request API Credentials.

PayShield requires a Business or Premiere PayPal account (if you have a personal account it can be upgraded for free to a Premiere one).

The error is due to the fact that you entered the wrong information into the username/password or signature field.

The problem is probably the signature field... PayPal is not too smart in computing the signature ;-) so most of the time what it seems an uppercase I (i) is really a lowercase l (L). Just try the difference combination of L and I and everything will work fine.

In case you want to try another set of API Signature, revoke the one just created and request other API Credentials from PayPal in the hope that the signature field will contain characters with less troubles.

EsaClock 1.1(Lifestyle)[[iTunes][10]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Time. Reinvented.

Tired of the traditional clocks? You deserve something more exciting and innovative than just reading plain numbers on a screen. EsaClock is a revolutionary clock based on the power and simplicity of hexagon, one of the most perfect geometric structures ever created by nature since the beginning of time. Relax with the evolving shapes created by EsaClock and discover a brand new way of "thinking" Time and its deeper meaning. EsaClock includes a native clock interface based on hexagons, as well as traditional, numerical digits. Decide by yourself if you want traditional time with numbers and digits or if you are ready to switch to the pure, elegant simpicity of hexagons alone and nothing else. EsaClock also includes calendar and seconds and every feature can be activated separately through the control panel. Discover a new, exciting dimension of Time with EsaClock.

  • Original hexagon-based-time
  • Green/dark LCD style (double tap the screen to switch)
  • Hours, minutes and seconds in traditional, numeric format with 12 Hours option
  • Calendar with day, weekday and month
  • Sound effects
  • Dimmed display, great at night
  • "Keep Active" mode to avoid the device to go in standby mode (for long use with the display on we strongly suggest to connect the device to an USB source to avoid the batteries to drain)

Visit our Web Site (www.exedria.com) to find out more about EsaClock.

AudioVisual Clock 1.3((Utilities)[[iTunes][11]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

!! Big Sale !!

AudioVisual Clock is temporarily FREE! Free for the first 500 downloads!

AudioVisual Clock is a customizable alarm clock app that uses your iPhone/iPod Touch's music library as an alarm! Now you can wake up in style!

Be sure to check out our other apps:

  • Secret Message
  • MediaSend

You can also customize your own clock theme using an image from your photo album. There are a lot of free iPhone applications that let you download background images that you can use in AudioVisual Clock.

It also features a notepad to write down your notes or ideas. Want to remember something in the morning? Write it down in the AudioVisual Clock notepad.

As a bonus, AudioVisual Clock includes a battery percentage remaining indicator to accurately see how much battery you have left!


  • NEW Customize your own backgrounds from your Photo Album!
  • Clock display with time and date.
  • Battery percentage remaining indicator.
  • Customizable notepad for lists, reminders, or ideas.
  • Alarm works even with screen off and iPhone/iPod Touch on standby.
  • Alarm clock that uses your iPod music library. No more boring alarm tunes!
  • Select multiple songs for the alarm to play one after another.
  • 15 min snooze button.

Look for more updates to come!


  • Tap on the time to setup the alarm clock
  • Tap on the note to enter your own note.

AudioVisual Clock app must be running for the alarm to sound. The screen can still be turned off by pressing the black button at the top of your device and the alarm will still sound at the set time.


Please leave positive reviews/ratings to keep updates coming. Updates can only come from your positive support! If you have issues or recommendations, please email us directly below!

SUPPORT & COMMENTS: support@codeshim.com

mShopping - Powerful Shopping List 1.1.0(Productivity)[[iTunes][12]]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

mShopping is a powerful "shopping list". It possesses many functions not only for a simple "shopping list" but also for a "wish list" and "library catalog". From daily "shopping" to "collection management", please utilize it in various uses.

iPhone Studio 1st Anniversary.
One Day Special Sale.
mShopping is FREE today only!


  • Can register item photo up to 3 pieces.(Use built-in camera or photo album)
  • Can search for item information on the Web.(Amazon, Google, Yahoo!)
  • Can register item image which searched on the Web.
  • Can easily register items of series by series registration function.(Automatically copy the contents of the previous registration)
  • Can register tags and manage the multiple lists.
  • Can manage items classified by category and date.
  • Can manage purchased or non-purchase (check or uncheck).
  • Can display only non-purchase (unchecked) items.
  • Can delete all purchased (checked) items at once.
  • Can delete all items of the list at once.
  • Can change tag or category of all items of the list at once.

How to Use:

  • Even if you don't know the model number and manufacturer of item, you can register the photo, show it to the clerk, "This one, please" you can say.
  • If you register the item page that searched on Amazon, you can order it online anytime when the item is necessary.
  • When you register a series of novels and DVD, using the series registration function, you don't input the same information many times (author and title, publisher, etc.). You can register even voluminous series easily.

Promotional Movie:
There is a promotional movie of "mShopping" in our site. Please visit. http://blog-en.iphone-studio.com/

Free version:
Try out free version "mShopping LE".

Parcels 1.0(Business)[[iTunes][13]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Parcels is FREE for a limited time.

Quick and easy management of tracked parcels showing delivery status, date, time and details of deliveries with link to full information on CourierPost website (including signature if applicable).

Currently supports CourierPost and NZ Post with national and international tracking.

Parcels is the first iPhone app by Lucid Design and we've put a lot of effort into it but it may still contain little gremlins. If you find a bug or it crashes, we would really appreciate if you would email support@luciddesign.co.nz before giving it a low star rating.

If you just want to kick the tires and try out Parcels, you can try these CourierPost tracking numbers SJ066537599NZ, SA405177059NZ, SH015858210NZ, EQ032574235NZ, ET012209635NZ

Quick Grenade 1.3(Games)[[iTunes][14]]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

-You Can search "Quick Grenade Pro", click the "More Apps by Mark Gurman" button, or go to http://www.bit.ly/HAoiX to find Quick Grenade Pro.

Free for a very limited time!

Created by 15 Year Old Developer!
Quick Grenade is your one-two punch for all annoyance and mosquito repelling apps. Quick Grenade is the first of its' kind. This app allows its users to play the annoying sound right from the iPhone's home-screen. All the user must do is click the icon, and the sound will play. Once the app is loaded up after the initial sound plays, the user is given three main grenades to choose from. The first grenade plays the replays the sound played upon entrance. The second grenade plays a version of the sound in which only people under 30 years old can hear. The third grenade plays a long version of the standard sound so the annoyance and/or repelling can linger on. Quick Grenade will give you loads of fun, and can eliminate mosquitos. The first sound is a great way to annoy all people, and to repel mosquitos. The kids grenade is a great way to annoy your teenager, or young child. The long grenade is the best way to annoy and/ or repel mosquitos for long periods of time.

Compatible with the iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 2nd Generation, and iPod touch 1st Generation with earphones or external speaker.

Please check out our other applications on the App Store such as U.S. Presidents, Can You Hear It? 2 (CYHI?), Can You Hear It? Classic Edition, Can You Hear It? Stealth Edition, Air Sounds, and Bagpipes.

Thank You Artur Kotlicki for the awesome icon. - http://tr.im/arturkot

If you have any questions, or need support please feel free to visit markgurman.com

For demos of the app please subscribe to youtube.com/markgurman

Thank You!!!! and have fun Quick Grenading!

Reviews: "It's a pretty handy app. You never know when you'll need it to fight off those pesky mosquitoes.." 10/10 and highly recommended. - YouTube.com/Kdp8791

"It's definitely a really good application to go to school with an annoy people" - YouTube.com/TheAppleHacker101

관련 글타래


AudioVisual Clock, BoxCar, Color Drop, EsaClock, Facebook, Interview Buzz, iPod Touch, Just Letters, mShopping, Parcels, PayPal, PayShield, Quick Grenade, Ronnie Snooker Exhibition, Snooker, Star, Star Fusion, Twitter, 무료 어플, 스누커, 아이팟 터치, 트위터, 페이스북