
무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 "연아와 트위터를"를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 "트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁"이라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 "도아의 QNA"를 이용하기 바란다.

FREE for today only!

아이폰 무료 어플 FAQ

오늘은 총 3개의 어플을 소개하겠다. 오늘은 고가 어플도 많고 좋은 어플도 많다. 따라서 건질만한 어플도 많다. 먼저 3불에 판매되던 iDistress는 이미 유료로 바뀌었다. 따라서 내려받을 때 주의하기 바란다.

먼저 G700-1st Soft Camera는 무료 어플이 아니다. 원래 유료 어플이다. 다만 아이폰 카메라 어플 중 실제 카메라와 가장 비슷한 UI를 가지고 있는 카메라 어플이다. 아무렇게나 찍어도 사진이 잘나오는 Hipstamatic 보다는 사진의 질이 조금 떨어지지만 Hipstamatic에 비해 가격이 싸고 1불 어플로 생각하기 힘들 정도로 다양한 기능을 제공하는 카메라 어플이다. 따라서 적당한 카메라 어플이 없다면 이 어플을 구매하기 바란다.

토정비결도 유료 어플이다. 평상시 4불에서 설을 기념해서 1불에 할인 판매하고 있기 때문에 소개한다. 인터넷에 널린 것이 토정비결이지만 설에 사람들과 모여 토정비결 하나 보기 위해 컴퓨터를 켜는 것 보다는 이 어플을 가지고 있는 것이 더 났다. 또 인터넷에서 구할 수 있는 토정비결과는 조금 다른 부분도 많다. 아마 그래서 유료로 하는 듯 하다.

RDM+는 윈도와 맥을 지원하는 원격 데스크탑 어플이다. 평상시 20불에 판매되는 어플이지만 오늘 2불에 할인판매하기 때문에 소개한다. 다만 이 어플에 대한 평은 좋은 편은 아니다. 일단 별도의 프로그램이 필요하며 조금 느리다. 따라서 구매할 때 충분히 고민하고 구매하기 바란다.

IM+는 아이팟 터치, 올인원 메신저 3종 비교라는 글에서 소개한 최고의 올인원 메신저 어플이다. 국내에서 많이 사용는 NateOn을 뺀 세상의 거의 모든 메신저를 지원한다. 또 트위터, 스카이프도 지원하며 모든 메신저의 푸시까지 지원하기 때문에 여러 종류의 메신저를 사용하는 사람이라면 하나 구매해도 괜찮은 어플이다. 평상시 10불, 제한된 시간 동안 2불에 할인 판매하고 있다.

iBattery Manager는 무료 어플로 올라온 어플이다. 배터리의 남은 량을 확인할 수 있는 어플로 12시간 동안만 무료로 제공된다. 따라서 배터리 잔량 어플이 필요한 사람은 내려받기 바란다. KeyMaster는 아이폰을 키패드로 사용할 수 있도록 하는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. Quickoffice Connect는 구글 독스 드롭 박스와 같은 웹기반 사무용 어플에 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 하는 어플이다. 평상시 1불, 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다.

Multilingual Calculator!는 계산기 겸용 단위 변환기 어플이다. 외국에서 개발된 어플치고는 특이하게 한글을 지원한다. AppBox와 같은 어플이 있으면 굳이 필요한 어플이 아니지만 디자인도 깔끔하며 한글도 지원하기 때문에 받아 두는 것도 괜찮다. 이달까지 무료로 제공되며 다음 달 부터는 2불에 판매될 것이라고 한다. Pollywog는 상당히 깔끔한 올챙이 경주 게임 어플이다. 귀여운 올챙이로 연못의 연꽃을 피해 먹이를 먹으며 결승점까지 가면 된다. 평상시 2불, 오늘만 무료로 제공된다.

World War™는 어떤 게임인지 잘 모른다. 다만 앱 스토어에서는 상당히 유명한 게임이다. 프로모션을 위해 제한된 시간 동안 무료로 제공된다. TOKYO HOT BABES에서 가장 자주 올라오는 미소녀 사진 어플이다. 다만 실제 확인해 보면 그리 예쁘지는 않다. 평상시 2불, 14일까지 무료로 제공된다. WiFiGet Plus는 평상시 3불, 잠깐 동안 무료로 제공되는 와이파이 핫스팟 검색 어플이다. iTuple는 평상시 5불에 판매되는 xTuple ERP 사용자용 어플이다.

Cube Paint Pro는 상자를 이용해서 그림을 그리는 어플이다. 이런 어플이 필요한 사람이 얼마나 될지 모르겠지만 평상시 2불, 잠깐 무료로 제공된다. Mezopuzzle는 [지능형 퍼즐 어플][]이다. 제한된 조건에 따라 조각을 이동 그림을 맞추는 게임 어플이다.

마지막으로 무료 어플에 대한 소식을 조금 더 빨리 알고 싶다면 를 읽고 팔로하기 바란다. 트위터로는 글을 통해 소개하기 힘든 100명 한정, 한시간만 무료와 같을 어플도 올리기 때문이다. 마지막으로 트위터를 통한 질문에는 거의 답하지 않는다. 트위터를 이렇게 운영하는 이유는 트위터 운영 노하우 및 팁라는 글을 보면 된다. 따라서 트위터로 질문하고 답이 없다고 서운해 하지 않았으면 한다. 질문을 하고 싶다면 반드시 블로그에 관련글을 찾아 올리거나 도아의 QNA를 이용하기 바란다.

G700-1st Soft Camera 2.1(Photography)[iTunes]

Prince: $0.99

G700 turns your iPhone into a real Digital Camera + Digital Music Photo Frame.
G700 integrated more than 19 add-on functions into one Virtual Camera, and provides 12 photo effects, 3 level intelligent Flash;
It is an Easy-to-Use Camera, an Easy-to-Share Camera, a Geo-Tag Camera, a Fun-to-Play Camera, a stylish Camera.


  • Fast Capturing
  • Digital Photo Frame ------ (turns your photos into a music slideshow)
  • Auto Focus ----------------- (3GS Only)
  • Full Resolution ------------ (1600X1200 for 3G and 2048X1536 for 3GS Resolution)
  • Map View ------------------ (views photo on Google Map/ Google Earth)
  • Instant Sharing ------------ (enable to resize image resolution before sharing)
  • Continuous Shooting ----- (enable to set shots from 3 to 10, interval from 1 to 5)
  • Instant Photo Editing ----- (apply filters, flash and vignette)
  • Soft Flash ------------------- (low light enhancement)
  • Standby Mode -------------- (Extend the iPhone’s battery life)
  • 8X Digital Zoom
  • Photo Date and Time Tag
  • Photo GPS Location Tag
  • Self Timer
  • Anti-Shake
  • Sound Trigger
  • Grid
  • Slide Show
  • Change Skins

PLUS - on line, right now, edited / enhanced photo sharing with anyone!


Once you have downloaded and installed your G700, tap the “ON” button and take some time to try the camera features. These will help you take and share better pictures!

(default mode when camera is turned on)

The large button to the right of the picture is the shutter button. Just tap it to take a picture.

Select continuous shooting by taping the button just above the large shutter button. Display will change to multiple frames. You can now use the “interval” and “shots” buttons to set the number of continuous shots from 3 to 10, and the interval between shots from 1 to 5 seconds.

Tap the “TIMER” button and then the shutter button. Allows you 5 seconds to reverse the camera and easily take arms length self photos without searching for the shutter button.

Tap “DATE” button to tag your photos with current date and time in the lower right hand corner of your photos. (single shot mode only)

Tap the “GEO” button to tag you photos with your GPS location. (single shot mode only when connected to 3G and/or WiFi)

(Tap “PLAYBACK” button to enter this mode)

Tap the “DELETE” button, then select “yes” on the photo screen to delete the photo.

Tap the “SHARE” button. Choose “save to camera roll” (iPhone camera roll), or “email” to send photo by email from your iPhone.

Tap the “FILTER” button. A variety of filter panes will appear in the bottom of the photo. Tap each filter to view effect. Different filters can be overlaid in the same photo. To remove undesired effect, tap “Original” icon to restore the original photo.

Tap “FLASH” button to turn on the soft flash mode. Select desired level of exposure.

Tap “VIGNETTE” button to add a vignette frame, then scroll the bar to the desired size.

(NOTE: Save editing changes by saving to camera roll.)

(Tap unmarked button at bottom right of screen to access settings screen)

Choose sound (button noise), vibration (button feedback), photo resolution, grid overlays, and save / share options by tapping button by each selection.

Notice for 3G &1st generation of iPhone users:
Photo resolution will be reduced to 800*600 when processing email-sharing function.

토정비결 1.3.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $3.99 -> $0.99

★ 설날 연휴까지 75% 할인 이벤트 진행합니다. 토정비결과 함께 친지들과 재미있고 알찬 연휴를 즐기세요!!!
★ 土亭秘訣(토정비결)은 풍부하고 검증된 해설 자료가 포함되어 있으며 한번 구입으로 2050년까지 사용할 수 있습니다. 사용 후 불편한 점/불합리한 점을 알려 주시면 신속히 반영해 드리겠습니다. 요즘 심사기간이 짧아 여러분의 의견이 곧바로 반영될 수 있습니다.

★★ 土亭秘訣(토정비결) ★★

四柱大典 시리즈 1편

1989년부터 20여년의 역사와 전통을 자랑하고 국내 6,000여 전문가에게 보급된 대한민국 최고의 전문 역학 프로그램 四柱大典(사주대전)이 아이폰/아이팟 터치용으로 태어났습니다. 四柱大典은 전국의 수많은 역학 전문가와 사찰의 스님들이 인정하고 사용하는 국내 최고의 역학 프로그램입니다.

본 土亭秘訣(토정비결)은 四柱大典 시리즈의 첫번째 작품입니다. 土亭秘訣은 土亭 이지함 선생의 도참서로써 예로부터 매년 정월 초에 그 해 신수를 알아보는데 사용하였습니다.

연초만 되면 많은 사람들이 이용하는 土亭秘訣!! 더이상 해마다 土亭秘訣 책을 구입하거나 온라인 서비스를 이용하지 않아도 됩니다. 온라인 서비스를 한번 이용하는 것보다 저렴한 비용으로 土亭秘訣을 평생 소유하실 수 있습니다. 土亭秘訣과 함께 가족, 친구들과 어울려 즐겁고 따뜻한 연말연시를 보내시기 바랍니다.

본 土亭秘訣은 여러명의 피감명자를 관리할 수 있으며 피감명자를 선택하면 입력된 출생일시에 맞추어 작괘하고 이에 따른 상세한 해설을 제공합니다. 해설에는 土亭秘訣 원문은 물론이고 각 달의 자세한 신수를 알려 주는 월운을 담아 흥미를 배가할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

★ 주의:
토정비결은 피감명자의 운명을 정확하게 판단하지 않습니다. 혹시 미래에 발생할 지 모를 나쁜 운에 대비하기 위한 것이니 감명 결과는 참고로 사용하시기 바랍니다.

★ 질문이나 건의사항은 support at acrosoft.kr 로 메일을 주시거나 twitter.com/acroedit 를 이용해 주십시요.

RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mac OS and Windows 3.1.27(Productivity)[iTunes]

Price: $19.99 -> $1.99

Win iPod Touch for your sweetheart at St.Valentine's day! Follow @implus on Twitter for contest details. Access your Mac or Windows computer and run any desktop applications remotely through NAT and Firewall!

Unique capability to work even through NAT and Firewall makes RDM+ the number one remote access client on all mobile platforms.

You may access one or many computers with no additional payment.

RDM+ Desktop should be installed on the computer(s) you want to have access to.
Download RDM+ Desktop for FREE at www.rdmplus.com

Features include:

  • Direct mouse control: left click, right click, double click, drag and drop, scrolling. Tap and double tap work as click and double click.
  • Keyboard control keys support
  • Direct text input from iPhone’s keyboard and easy text editing
  • Shortcuts
  • Landscape/Portrait mode
  • Panning and zooming
  • Supports Intel-based Macs with Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5, Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / 2008
  • Works in different environments; easily accessible by enterprise users through NAT and Firewall as well as by individual users with dynamic IPs.
  • Works via WiFi and your carrier's network and has the ability to adopt its work to different connection speeds.
  • Extensive technical support by SHAPE's team.
  • Free updates.

Controlling your desktop has never been easier!

Coming soon: File transfer

Best seller application for BlackBerry and other platforms.

Keywords: remote access, Windows, Mac, remote control, remote desktop

About SHAPE Services

SHAPE Services is a leading mobile apps development company. Since 2002, IM+ and other SHAPE's apps are recognized bestsellers on all mobile platforms. For more information please visit www.shapeservices.com

Visit www.shapeservices.com for more details.

See also IM+, IM+ for Skype, GPSed, VR+, Mobiscope

IM+ 3.5(Social Networking)[iTunes]

Price: $9.99 -> $1.99

Win iPod Touch for your sweetheart at St.Valentine's day! Follow @implus on Twitter for contest details. IM+ will keep you connected all-in-one to Twitter, Skype Chat, Facebook, Google Talk, Yahoo, MSN/Live Messenger, AIM/iChat, ICQ, MySpace and Jabber.

You will stay connected even when you close IM+; you'll be notified about new IM in all supported networks via Apple Push Notifications.

No cost per message! Send photo, voice and IM for free and save on MMS and SMS!

IM+ has a widest list of UNIQUE FEATURES that you won't find in any other IM client.

Get notified instantly when new email arrives in your mailbox. Supports Hotmail, Yahoo and GMail.

SPEECH RECOGNITION (as in-app purchase)
It is the first and only speech recognition service for instant messaging on iPhone. Easy as 1-2-3. Dictate messages instead of typing them in. This service is offered on a monthly basis. English only.

IM+ uses your existing data plan or Wi-Fi connection. Voice messages are sent as MP3 files - yes, playable back on any Mac, PC or mobile.

You may chat with your Skype buddies, and in addition to chat, incoming Skype call can be recorded and instantly played back as a voice message for free.

View friends' timeline, favorites, direct messages and replies. Update your Twitter with voice, photo or geo-location messages, ReTweet, Geo Timeline, Search.

You may use your own status messages and set geo-location as a dynamic status message to let your friends easily find you on a map.

IM+ enables multi-tasking with a built-in browser. You may surf the web and open hyperlinks from dialogues not leaving IM+. The browser uses the same filtering as Safari. This means, if Safari is disabled on phone, IM+ won't launch browser too.

Stay connected and be notified about new IMs after you close IM+ up to 72 hrs. Note: Due to technical reasons IM+ keeps Skype connected for 1 hr now. Time session for Skype Push may be increased soon. Besides push notification for incoming messages IM+ will notify you via Push when certain contact appears online (customizable in settings).

IM+ is the only app in AppStore with fantastic looking animated emoticons. Though for those who don’t need them an option to turn off the emoticons is available.

IM+ enables Emoji smileys/emoticons on your iPhone and iPod Touch, now no need to purchase a special app for that!

Use various sounds for different events in IM+: incoming message, contact goes online, push alert, etc.

With IM+ you can be sure that new and revolutionary features will arrive every month.

Other features:

  • Customize IM+ look with cool wallpapers from your Photo library or from IM+
  • Animated emoticons
  • Avatar support
  • Copy/Paste
  • Multiple accounts per network
  • Multi-lingual support. Chat in any language supported by your iPhone/iPod Touch
  • Landscape mode convenient typing

===Notes from developers===

We cannot answer you in comments. Please contact us via Feedback right from IM+ or via Twitter (@implus).

===Notes from developers===

Follow IM+ (@implus) on Twitter to get our latest news and updates!

Visit www.shapeservices.com for more details.

IM+® is a registered trademark of SHAPE Services GmbH.
AIM®, ICQ® are registered trademarks owned by AOL LLC.
Yahoo!® is a registered trademark of Yahoo Inc.
MSN®, Windows Live™ are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Jabber® is a registered trademark of Jabber Inc.
Google™ Talk is a trademark of Google Inc.
MySpace.com™ is a trademark of MySpace Inc.
Facebook® is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.
Skype™ is a trademark of Skype Technologies S.A.

iBattery Manager 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free

Introductory Price Free for 12 hours after that $0.99

Please comment and rate if you like iBattery Manager

iBattery Manager is the most advance battery application inside App store with awesome User Interface and some of exclusive features e.g. Supercharge, Battery Management. Your search for best battery application ends here.

Exclusive features in iBattery Manager(only iBattery Manager has these feature)

*** Supercharge Mode:- Even your device show 100% charge battery till has more capacity to get charge. Supercharge Mode allows your battery to gain charge to full potential. So that you always get maximum battery life.

*** Battery Management :- Battery Management feature helps “how to manage your device features efficiently so that you don't run out of battery at the end of day”. e.g Lets think a situation where you have 40% battery left in your device and you cant recharge it in next 5-6 hours and you are in a heavy mood of listening music. But you fear to listen your favorite song because battery may die in the course and you wouldn’t be able to pick any important call or able to connect to internet in case of any emergencies. In these situation Battery Management feature helps you.

Now just tap audio button and slide the slider to 40 minutes(or whatever time you want to listen your favorite songs). Now it tells you how much time will be available for other features like talk2g, talk3g, standby, video etc after you listen your favorite songs for 40 minutes. So it helps you decide how much time you should listen music so always have some battery left in your device which could be used in emergencies. This way you will able to keep your device running without worrying about using something you need to do. You can use this feature with all the fields.

Features of iBattery Manager * Show your iPhone/iPod Touch battery charge percentage * Alert sound on battery recharge to full * Alert in every 10 sec after full recharge so that you didn't miss alert sound * Alert sound ON/OFF setting * (Exclusive) Battery Management feature helps you how to efficiently use different features of your iPhone/iPod Touch in situation where you are running on low battery * (Exclusive) Supercharge mode allows your device battery to reach its full potential * Show the remaining time for the following in hours and minutes Talk time on 2G mode,Talk time on 3G mode, Wifi Internet browsing time, 3G internet browsing time, Standby time ,Video playback time * Many Tips and Tricks to make your battery last longer. Apply these tips to get better battery life * Remaining time to recharge when connected to power * Attention mode is activated when battery falls to 20 %

iBattery Manager supports the following device model

  • iPhone 2G
  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPod 1st Gen
  • iPod 2nd Gen
  • iPod 3rd Gen

For feature request and bugs report mail us at [email protected]

KeyMaster 10 3.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

KeyMaster 10 turns you iPhone or iPod into a wireless ten-key number pad for your Macintosh Computer.

KeyMaster 10 provides the numbers 0 thru 9, plus, minus, divide, multiply, backspace and enter keys.

KeyMaster 10 Requires: a Macintosh Computer (10.5.8) with open (unfirewalled port :8080) and iPhone or iPod (3.0) connected to the same Wireless (WiFi) LAN.

  1. Download, Install, Launch KeyMaster Mac 3 on your Mac.

  2. Now, Launch KeyMaster 10 on your iPhone or iPod and open the Info Settings Panel.
  3. Enter the Computer Name and Pass Code displayed in the KeyMaster Mac Window into the Info Settings Panel on your iPhone or iPod.


Normal Operation: KeyMaster 10 will automatically connect to your computer.

KeyMaster Mac may be installed as an automatic login item to launch on login every time.

Related Applications: KeyMaster F1, Flight Sim

Quickoffice Connect 3.0.0(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

FREE for a limited time only. Download Today!

Quickoffice Connect™ service allow users to easily access, view and share files from multiple cloud storage services, including MobileMe, Dropbox, Google Docs, and Box.net. From a single, convenient application, you can access content from anywhere, manage content on-device, transfer files via WiFi, and share files via email or your cloud service provider.

With Quickoffice Connect, you’ll have easy access to your content across multiple devices, from office workstations and home computers to laptops, iPhones or the iPod touch.

Our intuitive interface is so easy to use, you can access remote content from anywhere and share files via email or save them to your remote cloud storage accounts.

With Quickoffice Connect™ you can:

  • Email, View & Access Attachments with Popular File Formats (DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, iWork, HTML, PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, TIF, MP3, etc.)
  • Remotely Access Files via Cloud Storage Services
  • Share Files via Email or Cloud Service Providers
  • Manage and Transfer Files via WiFi

Localized in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified & Traditional Chinese

If you would like to enjoy Quickoffice Connect™ functionality and services combined with Microsoft® Office editing capabilities, purchase our fully integrated, award-winning Quickoffice Connect™ Mobile Suite available in iTunes App Store Business category.

Key Product Features

WiFi File Transfer:

  • Mount your device as a drive via WiFi for easy file transfer between your iPhone or iPod touch and your computer
  • Drag & drop files via WiFi between your desktop and your iPhone or iPod touch device
  • Transfer files between iPhone or iPod touch and Macintosh or PC using a web browser
  • Password protected file transfer for added security
  • Easily connect to your iPhone or iPod touch using Bonjour
  • File transfer does not require any additional desktop software installation

Remote File Access:

  • Easily browse remote files and folders while on the go
  • Download files from your cloud storage provider to your iPhone or iPod touch for offline use
  • Upload files from your iPhone or iPod touch to your remote storage account
  • Create new folders or delete or rename files & folders

Email Files:

  • Access iPhone email attachments from any email service ? no need to have MS Exchange.
  • Email files regardless of file type (audio, video, zip files,etc.)
  • Email multiple remote or local files
  • Email remote files without having to download them
  • Email any file on your iDisk folder directly from the application
  • Email address fields are integrated with iPhone contacts, making it easier to enter “To/CC/BCC” information
  • Email is sent securely

File Viewer:

  • Slide show viewing of remote and local images
  • Smooth scrolling and two-finger zooming throughout app
  • Advanced image viewer for viewing high-resolution images
  • Supports most file formats (see below for complete list)
  • View files in landscape
  • Automatic-bookmarking of your last-viewed position in documents

Extensive File Format Support:
Quickoffice Connect will list any file type without restriction.


  • Separate charges may apply from Service Providers for file storage and related services.
  • Does not support iWork '09.

Privacy and Security is our Top Priority

  • Password protection of the entire application keeps your content safe.
  • Secure personal data - your remote service provider credentials and information are NEVER transmitted outside of your mobile cloud service account.

Visit Quickoffice.com/Connect for full technical details.

Tell us your ideas on Quickoffice.ideascale.com

Visit us at Macworld 2010

Poker Tower - solitaire for rounders 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Price Drop to FREE For a Limited Time Only!

This is the FULL version of Poker Tower, there aren't even any ads in the game, we're just temporarily giving it away to get the word out. So don't wait to download because the price will be going back up shortly. But most importantly, enjoy!

Poker Tower combines two things, video poker and solitaire, to create a fun and addictive game that is extremely simple to learn but surprisingly deep in strategy.

"Genius. Someone please give this game an award!" -- www.nineoverten.com

To play Poker Tower, you’re dealt one card at a time and it’s your job to place each card in one of three potential poker hands. Once you fill a hand with five cards, you score points based on the hand and it disappears to make room for the next one. The better the hand, the more points you score, and the easier it will be to reach your target score and continue the game.

Every time you make a good hand, a corresponding box in the poker tower will light up. If you’re able to light up the entire tower, you’re rewarded with higher point values across the board that will lead you to even higher scores. The strategy needed to light up the tower may take a few games to become clear, but the rewarding aspect of the game is in the tricks you pick up with every game you play. And don’t worry if you’re not a poker expert, anyone can learn and there’s a guide to help you along anytime you need it.

We’re huge fans of the iPhone and its games, and we know there’s no shortage of solitaire games or even poker specific solitaire games out there. But we’re proud of the game we’ve created and we’re confident that not only is it something completely original, but it’s the most fun game of its kind. We’ve also added a number of features to make the experience as enjoyable as possible including:

  • Comprehensive stats tracking that will have you comparing your skills against your friends.
  • Automatically saved games that will keep your game safe from any disturbance from within your iPhone or elsewhere.
  • A card tracker that always shows which cards have been played and which remain (this game isn’t about memorization).
  • Sound effects that can be played WITH your favorite ipod music (why this isn’t standard on every game, we’ll never understand).

So for anyone who’s ever played solitaire or ever played poker, we believe this is a game you need to try. Whether you have 2 minutes to kill or 20, we think you’ll keep coming back to play one more time. Poker Tower - solitaire for rounders

Multilingual Calculator! 1.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: Free

FREE for one month! From $1.99 to $0 for promotion!


With its elegant UI and convenient operation, the converter supports the conversion of 14 types of measurement units, including ANGLE, AREA, ENERGY, FORCE, LENGTH, POWER, PRESSURE, SPEED, TEMPERATURE, TIME, VOLUME, WEIGHT as well as units used in the fields of COMPUTER and TYPOGRAPHY.

What’s more powerful, the converter can calculate EXCHANGE RATES, and update the rates in real time via internet. With the converter, you can easily handle the currencies of 44 countries, so you can save trouble when traveling overseas.

Besides,it supports 8 languages that can be conveniently switched by users, including:

  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Spanish

Undoubtedly, the converter is a wise choice for you!

iDistress 1.3(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

The best safety app you can buy!

  • Sudden heart attack*
  • Old-fashioned robbery*
  • A psycho shooter*
  • A terrible car accident*
  • An unexpected injury while camping*
  • A child away at college who is in a dangerous situation*

Imagine a loved one in any of these scenarios. How can these victims increase their chances of receiving assistance?

“There’s an app for that.”

Dubbed ‘The app we hope you never have to use’ iDistress provides users with comfort that if something terrible should occur, they have a chance of notifying authorities and three loved ones with a slide of a button.

iDistress features

  • Sends an SMS (text message) and email to three loved-ones along with the user’s location for added response time
  • Dials a pre-selected number avoiding the need to find the contact in the address book
  • If no number is selected, the country’s emergency number will become the default number, eliminating the need to know each country’s emergency number
  • Great subtle backup for transit workers, police officers, and bank managers among other professions
  • Highly recommended for travelers, wilderness lovers, the physically challenged, users with health issues, college students, and anybody looking for added peace-of-mind with their loved ones

“This should be the first app everybody downloads. iPhone games are a dime-a-dozen, but iDistress could save your life! Why this isn’t on every handset already is beyond me.” ? Tiger T., iDistress user and living with Parkinson’s disease

“Like the app says, this is a great app I hope NEVER to use. I believe the idea of living life, but being smart enough to see past modern luxury and understand the natural laws of life. This includes the unpredictability of life and mankind. Be it a car accident, a psycho shooter, or old fashion robbery. This app provides me some form of comfort, that if something terrible should occur, I have a ‘chance’ of alerting both the authorities (via 911) as well as three loved ones with the slide of a button. It’s not a full proof guarantee, but in life, nothing is.” ? Anonymous, via the U.S. iTunes Store

Mobile Photobooth 2.0(Photography)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free




Get that Old-Timey Photobooth feeling right in the palm of your hand.

Take four timed shots and create a classic photostrip - just like a real photobooth!

Or choose pix from your Photo Library.

Save in black & white or color - or both.

AND with one touch - email or post to Facebook or Twitter!

NEW - STRIP and SHARE at DailyStrip.tumblr.com

Solo Artist 1.0(Music)[iTunes]

Price: Free

To celebrate the release of our first iPhone game.

Throw on your guitar and tune into your deep expressive self as you shred like a rockstar hitting perfect notes every time, without even trying!

This innovative game allows you to take a shortcut in learning how to play the guitar and getting your fingers around those fiddly strings. Thanks to the guidance of a professional guitarist it's impossible to hit a bad note while you solo over our guitar riffs designed and recorded just for this game.

Even if you are completely new to guitars you can master this in no time.


  • Gorgeous grungy graphics and effects.
  • A classic, easy to learn guitar scale for inexperienced and experienced players.
  • Guitar Riffs composed and recorded specially for Solo Artistⓒ, including Blues and Rock Ballad.
  • Lick Demos to help you get started.
  • Help documentation for beginners.
  • Modified E minor scale, the most popular scale in rock and blues music.

Pollywog 1.0.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Pollywog in collaboration with www.FreeAppaDay.com will be Free today and today only!

"Pollywog is an outstanding casual game, and one of the best pick up and play titles in the App Store." - App Advice

"Tremendously fun and highly polished, Pollywog’s a game that’ll have you glued to your device." - Games Uncovered

"...teases you to return to improve and play more, I believe it has hit the mark for fun game play!" - Just Another iPhone Blog

Take control of Pauly the Purple Pollywog in the ultimate quest for floating Yum Yums! Dodge obstacles at super speeds, collect time-bending powerups, and blast through levels in this fast paced 2D physics dodge'm/racer.

Tilt your device to dodge obstacles and eat yum yums to get a speed boost. Tap the screen to shoot your water jet and blast obstacles out of the way - but watch out for immovable rocks! Cross the finish line with time to spare and earn awards to unlock increasingly challenging levels.

Pollywog requires fast reflexes, memorization, and problem solving skills to achieve that elusive "Perfect" run!


  • Unlock 4 tiers and 19 increasingly challenging levels.
  • Earn Awards for Skill, Speed, and more.
  • Multiple Powerups including cool "Bullet Time" effects.
  • Fun original soundtrack.

Visit www.chaoticbox.com for more.
Watch on youtube.com/ChaoticBoxDotCom
Follow me on twitter.com/ChaoticBox

Dot Dot Dots 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


A classic pop-the-dots game with a twist: it uses the device's orientation (or swipe gestures) to set the direction dots fall to! This game, actually three different games in one, features smooth animation and cool graphics. Its addictive gameplay is sure to keep you playing for hours.

If you quit in a hurry or are interrupted by an phone call, Dot Dot Dots saves your game automatically and will resume it the next time you play!


  • Tap on a group of dots to select it
  • Tap on the group to pop the dots
  • Tilt the device or use swipe gesture to decide which side the dots will fall
  • The larger the group, the more points you make
  • Special 200 point bonus if you clear the screen (except in endless mode)
  • Don't forget to take a break every once in a while!

Dot Dot Dots uses the accelerometer to determine in which direction the dots should fall. If you prefer one-handed play, you can choose to use a swipe gesture instead.


You get three different games!


This is the classic game you know and love. When you pop a group of dots, dots above it slide down to fill the gap. When a column is emptied, all the columns to the left of it slide to the right. The goal is to make as many points as possible. Larger groups are worth more than smaller groups. You get bonus points if you clear the screen!


Similar to the Classic Mode, except the game takes the device's orientation into account. You can also choose (in the settings page) to use swipe gestures to set which side is "down". This allows one handed play.


Like the Gravity Mode, Eternal Mode uses the device's orientation, but this time, popped dots are always replaced with new ones! The goal is to pop all the groups before you run out of points! This is easier said than done. Don't forget: every time you pop some dots, you lose points.

Fans of Bejeweled, reMovem, Jawbreaker and Tetris are sure to enjoy this game!


  • Three exciting game modes
  • Three skill levels
  • Smooth animations
  • User selectable skins/themes
  • Uses accelerometer or swipe gestures
  • Score preview on selection
  • Discreet: no startup sounds and sounds are disabled by default
  • Saves High Scores using Scoreloop
  • Lets you challenge other players using Scoreloop
  • Auto-save when quitting and on incoming phone calls
  • Animations can be disabled

DOT DOT DOTS is Scoreloop enabled

That means, you don't have to play it alone! You can compare your scores with other gamers worldwide and even challenge them directly.

You can challenge just about anyone like your contacts or buddies on Facebook. Or you can simply challenge existing players by tapping their name in the high score list. You can also create and accept anonymous challenges. Scoreloop will make sure you play against someone who is about as skilled as you are.
And if you really perform well, you can win medals that show your skills to your opponents in your profile.

For more info on Scoreloop please visit www.scoreloop.com

World War™ - 24 Honor Points 1.54(Games)[iTunes]

Price: Free

World War™ reached Top 2 in the App Store

LIMITED TIME PROMOTION! Get World War™ plus 24 Honor Points for FREE!

It's the year 2012. A nuclear war has broken out. Most countries in the world have fought and many have been vanquished. 5 countries have emerged as the major superpowers in the devastating war. Which one will you be?

Start as a general defending your base from the enemy and fight to become the dominant military presence in the world as you march your way to victory in World War.


  • Massively Multiplayer ONLINE War Game!
  • Join over 2.8 million players!
  • Battle other players LIVE
  • FREE updates with new missions, units, buildings, and more!
  • Choose from 5 countries -- USA, UK, Germany, China, and Russia -- each with different bonuses
  • Show off your army with the best infantry, ground, water, and air units
  • Support your expanding army by building up your military base
  • Ally with other players to make you stronger
  • Enjoy gorgeous graphics
  • Enjoy realistic war sounds
  • Perform numerous dangerous missions
  • Get real time updates
  • Comment on other players
  • Broadcast messages to your alliance
  • ...and much, much more!

This is an online game only. iPod Touch users must be connected to WiFi in order to play.


Pebbles 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Pebbles is ideal for a quick game!
The game is easy to get into as well as get out of again. There is no troublesome saving or loading ? just end the game (by pressing the home button on the iPhone) and start exactly where you left off next time you turn it on.

Pebbles is flexible!
Pebbles has got everything: from a quick game here and there to tricky challenges.

The easier levels don’t require too much sweat; however, they are not trivial and still a lot of fun. The higher levels of difficulty get pretty tricky, though. Just the right thing when you’re in the mood to get that gray matter working.

Pebbles is pretty and sounds cute!
What’s more, Pebbles is supported by adorable visual effects (three pebble designs to choose from) and the cutest sounds.

How does Pebbles work?

The basic principle of the game is irresistibly easy: from the edge, you throw a pebble into a square playing field. When one stone lands on another of the same color, this stone as well as all bordering stones of the same color disappear. The goal is, of course, to empty the field ? so far, so good.

Yet, this simple concept leads to surprisingly challenging functions, and the variety of strategic possibilities make Pebbles an absorbing game.

A shelf above the playing field shows which stone is going to come next. Knowing which stone is going to follow is a deciding factor in the game’s strategy.

Choosing the sequence of the moves with care is also very important: a well positioned pebble can do more than just eliminate others; it can also be the basis for up coming moves, just as a badly positioned pebble can prove to be terribly obstructive.

The level of difficulty increases with the number of pebbles that are in the playing field at the start of a game as well as the number of different colors.

Rad Owen's Pro Table Tennis 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

To celebrate the launch of version 1.1. We are giving away Rad Owen's Pro Table Tennis FREE for 24h hours! Get it now!

Rad Owen's Pro Table Tennis is the ultimate table tennis experience!

Features include:

  • Single Player (Against an AI or the wall!)
  • Multiplayer over bluetooth
  • 9 paddles ( 7 paddles need unlocking by completing tasks)
  • 2 legenday paddles!
  • Full accelerometer use (swing to hit the ball)
  • Stats!

Rad Owen's Pro Table Tennis requires you to listen to the ball travel and swing your device when in range! Don't strain your eyes on the screen playing another video game! Get a friend and swing your devices together over bluetooth!

The faster you swing, the faster the ball travels!

"It's AWESOME!" - Rad Owen

Famous People 1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for a limited time
Get it, Play it, Love it!

(Then if you are so motivated, donate the .99 to Haiti Relief, or a local charity)

Famous People is a party game!

Two teams compete guessing the names of the famous people on the screen based on clues given by the team captain. The captain can't use any part of the persons name, but can use one of three passes if stuck. Play lasts for sixty seconds, then alternates. After four rounds the team with the highest score wins.

Have FUN!

Anagram Finder 1.0(Reference)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Did you know "dormitory" can be used to spell "dirty room"?
Or that "astronomers" is a rearrangement of "moon starers"?

Anagram Finder will help you discover anagrams in words and phrases of up to 20 letters!

This application uses an exhaustive list of English words and an advanced algorithm to generate both single word AND multi word anagrams.

TOKYO HOT BABES: Kirara Asuka 1.0(Lifestyle)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

☆ Valentine's Day Special Offer: FREE until February 14th ☆
* Please confirm that the price for this app is "FREE" when you download.

"TOKYO HOT BABES" delivers you the glamor girl's very limited shots!

[Original picture book with 56 pages of new pictures]

  • Tap the screen to move to next picture.
  • Flick the screen from left to right to quickly view the next picture.
  • Flick the screen from right to left to go quickly go back to the previous picture.
  • Pinch the screen to zoom in and out on a picture.
  • Tap the upper end of the screen to see the menu screen.
    You can also choose a slide show mode.

iNew Mommy Postpartum Adjustment Quiz 1.0(Medical)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Post- Partum Depression Quiz


Thank you for supporting an independent mommy developer!

Having a new baby in your home, whether it is your first or your fifth, is an all consuming chaotic experience for the entire family.

After childbirth your body will go through many physical and emotional adjustments.Sometimes the baby blues" arrive" along with your new bundle of joy.It is very common to feel teary and sad after having a baby, and at the same time be the happiest you have ever been.

This Quiz is unlike any other Post-partum screening available. It affirms the normal stresses associated with bringing a new baby into your family. In addition, it educates and screens new mothers who may otherwise be embarassed to tell anyone how they are realy feeling.

It opens the doors of communication between new mothers and their caregivers by e-mailing them the results of the screening.

iNew Mommy lets woman know that they are not alone in suffering beyond the blues into prolonged depression or into a phase where they have weird thoughts and or worries that can't be controlled.

iNew Mommy was developed by a team of Physicians, midwives,childbirth educators, and new mommies.

iNew Mommy-helping new moms adjust, and empowering them to ask for help if needed.

Dr.Pleatman Med Apps
iCrysta Apps

Pilouz 2.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Special limited version 2.0 offer : free during a limited time!

"You can buy it with complete confidence !" - 17/20 iPup.fr

"We've really been bitten by the Pilouzing bug ! [...] A quality of execution, graphics [...] and a gameplay worthy of profesionnal studio ! " - applicationiphone.com

"The brand new iPhone game that will be a huge success !" - blogdumac.com

"That will keep you charged during your rides !" - iphon.fr

"A great game !" - iphone-apple.fr

Pilouz, the highly charged game!

Discover Pilouz, a brand new innovative game of reflection, with crazy original cartoon graphics that will keep you charged for hours.
The aim of the game is simply to increase the size of a battery by pressing on it. When it has reached its maximal size, a new pressure make it explode, releasing four lightning charges that will then charge the first battery they touch. The aim of the game is to empty the board of all its batteries in the minimum number of moves while creating the maximum number of chain reactions. Other elements, such as the plug or the energy spheres, will spice up the game.
You will learn the rules and finish a game in less than five minutes, but perfectionism and perseverance will be necessary to get to the end of the 69 levels, which will enable you to obtain the highest scores in Arcade mode.

Languages :

  • English
  • Deutch
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian

WiFiGet Plus 1.1(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $2.99 -> Free

"WiFiGet Plus" is a premier version of "WiFi Get". It is designed for iPhone/iPod users to find and connect to the nearest WiFi hotspot whether they are offline or online. It is a powerful WiFi Scanner, plus Hotspot Finder.

The FREE offer will be ended very soon.


  • WiFi Finding - Simple, Powerful

    • Scan and discover more WiFi Networks than you can image.
    • Sort networks based on Signal Strength for you to choose
    • One touch to connect
    • Remember WiFi keys for WEP/WPA/WPA2 networks
    • Show detailed network information such as WiFi Channel, RSSI, BSSID, security, IP/Netmask, Gateway...
  • Hotspot Search - Easy, Flexible

    • Over 100,000 locations world wide
    • Easy to use search options: search by current location , address, and city
    • Offline Search
    • Database is updated on a daily basis
  • Community Collaboration - Sharing, Growing

    • Users discover and share new locations
    • Users report changes on existing hotspots

In the past two weeks, thousands of users have discovered and submitted more than 10,000 Free hotspots into our database through "GeoTag". Thanks everyone! Now we have over 60,000 FREE hotspots world wide. With more and more users using this app, we will have more hotsports to share with our users.

This app comes with a pre-install Offline database for over 60,000 FREE hotspots. We update our Offline database on a regularly basis. The hotspot search options are very flexible. You can search the offline database by your current position or by a city. Even your iPhone/iPod doesn't come with a GPS, you still find hotspots near locations you want. When online, you can also query our online directory to get latest hotspot information, and save them for offline usage.

Another important feature of this app is WiFi scanning. It scans and shows WiFi networks around you. It can display more available networks than iPhone's native WiFi manager. It shows WiFi channel, signal strength, IP address and other information for each network. If a network is available to you, you can connect to it through WiFiGet Plus. When you discover a new hotspot, please use "GeoTag" to add the new location to our hotspot directory and share with other users.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email [email protected]. We appreciate and welcome any feedback.

iTuple 1.0.3(Business)[iTunes]

Price: $4.99 -> Free

You’re an xTuple ERP user. On your xTuple laptop or desktop client you have the data to help your business grow - the data that helps you effectively run and manage your business and do your job. Wouldn’t it be great if you had your xTuple data with you on-the-go? At a customer’s site, at home, on a flight ? anywhere, everywhere, anytime you need it?

iTuple, a read-only version of xTuple CRM, brings you just that: your xTuple CRM Contact, Account, and To Do information right in the palm of your hand. Sync iTuple with your xTuple instance, and enjoy the convenience of having the data you need at your fingertips when you need it.

Tap. Call your favorite customer Contacts to check on the status of potential orders.

Tap. Look up the street address of a customer you’ll be visiting later in the day ... and get a map of the location.

Tap. Send an email to your business manager letting him or her know a purchase order needs to be placed.

All from iTuple.

iTuple runs on iPhone and iPod Touch OS 2.2 or later, and is compatible with all editions of xTuple ERP - PostBooks, Standard, and Manufacturing - beginning with version 2.2.0.

Note: iTuple requires an instance of xTuple database.

Smart Drop 1.2(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Free for one day!!!

Noted as New and Noteworthy in Mexico, USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada and Australia!!!

If you ever have any problems, contact us at [email protected] -game programmer direct inbox-. We are more than happy to help!

And... give us a chance:

Smart drop is an addictive and colorful casual Drop-to-break game, seamlessly combined with a puzzler for that extra grade of fun!
If you love Tetris, Drop 7 or similar games, you can´t miss Smart Drop!
Drop and match the numbers on each piece to plow through levels and levels of fun! Keep scoring for as long as you're able to. It gets more difficult as you advance levels though, so do your best!


  • Features diverse and distinct game modes
  • 5 Board options! Change the gameplay by using the strange Alien grid, Go rough on the Filme Noir set, and many, many more!
  • Endless fun with 3 grid options (7x7, 8x8 and 5x8 grids).
  • Auto Save enabled to keep your progress safe if you receive an incoming calling or device is accidentally turned off.
  • 3 Power Ups available for both column and line destruction; faster interface transitions.

Future features:

  • New Board Sets!
  • New Game Modes!

Now working on improved game loading -sent for approval-!!! And... you tell us! Write us a line, and tell us what you Want! you might even get it on the next update! [email protected]

NOTE: since some people are not reading though the tutorial they believe they must TOUCH the tiles and that´s why they think controls are BAD. Controls are perfect since you MUST touch the columns, not the TILE. IF POSSIBLE, please READ the ingame tutorial and never touch the tiles thinking they should respond... TOUCH COLUMNS ;)

World Reaction 1.0.1(Entertainment)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free


Full version with no ads!

Send us your comments to improve the game.

Play against the whole World in real time!

The reaction time (RT) is a very important skill to various activities, such as martial arts, car racing and playing games. Your reaction time can be improved with practice!

In "World Reaction" you can test and improve your reaction time in many ways:

  • reaction time to a light stimulus;
  • reaction time to a sound stimulus;
  • reaction time to a tactile stimulus; (iPhone only)
  • play against all the world in real-time;
  • compare your results with the bests in the world.
  • and you can also measure your precision, mental chronometry and speed;

Including awesome features as:

  • voice system that speak the results;
  • very accurate results in milliseconds;
  • 7 different modes to play;
  • and if you get the top 10 your message will be shown to the world;

Some modes of this game can be played by people who are blind with a little help at beginning.

:)Also get our other game GUDEBALLS!!!

AppVersity: GudeBalls is one of those games that you load up and then are very glad that you got assigned to it. And after a few minutes you forget that you’re reviewing it and you’re just having a good time.

GudeBalls is definitely a unique game.

Puzzlers can be the hardest games to review. Beyond just explaining the raw mechanics of the game, it can be very difficult to convey the "fun" aspect of the game. Fortunately, here are a couple of puzzle games with trial versions that are worth your time.

A must have if you are fond of color matching puzzle games. So just set the ball rolling and be prepared to get hooked.

Try you it now!!! Lite version available!

Sum Buddy 1.1(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

LOOK HERE Due to the unexpected explosion of Sum Buddy's sales, for a limited time only we want to give back to our loyal customers by offering this incredible app for free. Try it today for free

Sum Buddy 1.1 offers great graphic additions as well as minor bug fixes.

The creators of "Sum Buddy" want to introduce you to a new world where you no longer have to face the struggle of counting again?all that remembering how many fingers you have counted, what a pain. We welcome you to a world of infinite hands?infinite fingers. We want you to ask yourselves this one question, "How many times have you run out of fingers to count on?" Need we say more?

This is not just another ridiculous calculator with a whole bunch of those so called "buttons" (Who knows what those are all about). Let's face it, running out of fingers to count on has been a dilemma since the beginning of time. Fear not! We have just the App that will solve these perplexing problems for you. Try "Sum Buddy" today and see just how simple it can make your life.

Before you go and download another fancy calculator, think about what you really need. Shouldn't counting be fun? We think it should. Great for kids, great for adults (possibly useful too)!

Cube Paint Pro - Pixel Painting Reinvented 2.0(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $1.99 -> Free


Cube Paint is the 3D pixel drawing application designed from scratch for the iPhone which allows you to work with the color cubic pixels in the threedimensional space demarked by the helper grid.

What a mouthful.

Think of Cube Paint as of the tool to make 3D pixel painting simple. Just glue some color pixels together, make a drawing, share it with your friends over gallery or Twitter, vote for your friends' drawings, have fun!

Start by dragging the pixels from the palette, dropping them on the canvas, and tapping them. Single tap moves the pixel further behind its neighbours, double tap removes the pixel. It's very easy (even without finishing the art school).

You have full control on the 3D space where pixels live. It's even possible to create objects impossible in real life. Will you dare to reproduce some Escher drawings? A Mobius strip? Or do you prefer old-skool 8-bit pixel drawings? A Pacman cherry? Space invader in 3D? The only limit is your creativity.

Both landscape and portrait modes are supported.

For risk-free purchase try free version of Cube Paint. It gives you the possibility to draw and browse and vote for your friends' drawings.

With the free version you can only browse the gallery and vote for drawings.

With this paid version you can also upload your own drawing to the gallery.

Mezopuzzle 1.0(Games)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Mezopuzzle in collaboration with www.FreeAppADay.com will be Free today and today only!

Mezopuzzle - your portal to the Mayan lore...

This game created for fans of such puzzles as Blocked and Parking Lot made critics applaud and got tons of positive reviews.
"The icon alone should speak multitudes of how great the game's design is. It reminds me actually of that Mel Gibson Mayan movie which was released soon after his DUI bust". (The Appera)
"... if you're looking for a well done, nicely presented slider-puzzle game - Mezopuzzle fits the bill, and that's why I'm giving it a 'Grab It' rating". (Touch My Apps)
"Mezopuzzle has amazing graphics, and the Mayan culture has been brought out to the fore. The best part about it has got to be the concept, and the developers have used it well to spice up an otherwise could-be boring game". (iPhone Footprint)
"An amazing and refreshing addition to the app store. Graphics that are out of this world". (Touch Reviews)

As a researcher of an ancient Mexican culture, you discover the wall, which displays mysterious Mayan drawings. But some bits of them, alas, were crumbled and mixed up ...
Your goal is to collect fragments of paintings and to reconstruct three beautiful Mayan legends. Each story provides another level of complexity. Each level you need to put together 10 paintings and gradually recreate key moments of the legend plot. Blocks can be moved in any directions within the boundaries of the playing field - right and left, up and down. To optimize the game process you're able to slide few blocks at one time.
Picture by picture, accomplished paintings take their places in the row on the wall. The game is based on a real Mayan mythology! Maya enigmas allure you to the heart of Mezoamerica...

3 levels of difficulty and 3 various legends (30 unique puzzles)
10 pictures to complete each level
Decent ethnic art and music

You can also get other great games here: www.Avaloid.com

Soccer2GO 1.1(Sports)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Limited time offer

Download Soccer2Go completely free!!! (Courtesy of www.iphonelatinapps.com)

Limited time Offer

iPhoneLatinApps.com brings to you what you were waiting, the most complete soccer! If you are a fan, follower or you just like soccer do not hesitate to buy Soccer2GO.

Soccer2GO has the following functionality:

  • Current Tournament Schedule.
  • Results of the current day.
  • General standings.
  • Group standings.
  • Scorers.
  • Squads. (With coverflow)
  • Photogallery. (Upload your photo to photo galleries of all teams)
  • News on your favorite team.
  • Videos of your favorite team.
  • History of your favorite team.
  • Awards of your favorite team.
  • Stadium Information (note your location and the location of your team's stadium on the map).
  • Live scores of leagues: Argentina, Brazil, Spain, France, Holland, England, Italy, Japan, Portugal and USA.
  • Live scores of the tournament: FIFA, UEFA, CONCACAF, CSF.
  • Live scores of friendly games.
  • Participates in the "Football" and show the world that both know football!
  • Internationalization (Japanese / German / Italian / Spanish / English / Portuguese / French)
  • Alerts Live Performance (Apple Push Notification) ***
  • Consult information and take it with you because information is stored in cache, so no matter if you do not have connection.

Soccer2GO application is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and best designed to have the information of the sport we love.

Currently we cover the World Cup South Africa 2010, the Premier League, Spanish league,Mexico League, Italian league, Portugal league and soon Brazil League, French League.

The App requires Internet connectivity.
Requires subscription (see subscription products within the application)

MemoryAid 1.1.2(Utilities)[iTunes]

Price: $0.99 -> Free

Have you ever wanted to remember a word but just could not find it? And then when you do remember it, it slips your mind again the next day? Happens all the time!

With this simple but useful memory aid you can quickly write down anything that springs to mind for later reference. No more middle-of-the-night rushing to find a pen and paper to scribble down a word that you were thinking about for days! :)


  • Include a note or example for each entry
  • Search as you type: after just 3 letters results are instantly displayed based on the entries and their notes
  • Deleted entries are not permanently gone but conveniently placed in a 'Deleted' folder... just in case
  • Simple and intuitive to use

관련 글타래

author image
운영체제의 모든 것을 운영하고 있는 IT 블로거. IT 블로거라는 이름은 현재 시국때문에 시사 블로거로 바뀐 상태다. 그러나 나는 아직도 시사와 사회에 관심이 많은 IT 블로거일 뿐이다. 컴퓨터, 운영체제, 시사, 가족, 여행, 맛집, 리뷰등과 살면서 느끼는 소소한 일상이 블로그의 주제이다. 왼쪽의 아이콘은 둘째 딸 다예가 그린 내 모습이다.
2010/02/11 09:23 2010/02/11 09:23
오늘의 글
인기있는 글
조회수 많은 글 | 베오베
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Trackback Address :: https://offree.net/trackback/3029



  1. masi 2010/02/11 09:25

    와. 기다렸는데 금방 올라왔네요 오늘도 감사합니다

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  2. 꿈꾸는자.. 2010/02/11 09:29

    내용보고 몇개 받아갑니다..
    항상 좋은 정보 감사드립니다..

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  3. 홍성국 2010/02/11 09:35

    공짜어플을 찾아 해메는 하이에나,,,,,,,오늘도 도아님께 문안인사 드리고 갑니다
    새해 복 많이받으시고 항상 건강하시길 기원합니다 (_ _)

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:44

      저도 비슷합니다. 저도 매일 매일 찾고 있습니다.

  4. 무다 2010/02/11 10:16


    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  5. 연금술사 2010/02/11 10:16

    이번주는 비도 오고 눈도 많이 오네요

    풍족한 한해가 되었음 합니다.

    새해복 많이 받으세요 꾸벅~

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:44

      예. 정말 비도 많이 오고 눈도 많이 오더군요.

  6. blueblood 2010/02/11 10:19

    눈이 오네요;;;

    오늘만 오고 다~ 녹아야할텐데....

    짧은 연휴 더 짧아질까 걱정이네요...

    오늘도 감사합니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:45

      예. 올해는 눈도 많이 오고 비도 많이 오더군요.

  7. 라제 2010/02/11 10:52

    오늘도 수고 많으셨습니다 ^-^
    새해 복 많이 받으세요~

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:46

      감사합니다. 라제님도 새해 복 많이 받으세요.

  8. 무다2 2010/02/11 10:54

    저 무다님이 제가 아는 무다님이 아닐지.ㅎㅎ
    첨으로 들어와 봅니다. 글 감사합니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  9. wellcontrolled 2010/02/11 10:56

    아침에 앉아서 읽고, 또 받다 보면 한시간이 훌쩍 지나갑니다.
    유용한 것들 잘 쓰겠습니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:47

      감사합니다. 글을 올린 보람이 있군요.

  10. mr.류 2010/02/11 10:57

    오늘도 좋은 정보 감사합니다

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  11. type-b100 2010/02/11 11:31

    매일 좋은 정보 감사드립니다.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  12. dbwlswkd 2010/02/11 11:52

    항상 너무너무 감사해요
    좋은정보 잘보고있어요~~^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:47

      감사합니다. 도움이되셨다니 다행입니다.

  13. skydon 2010/02/11 12:18

    항상 도아님 덕분에 좋은 어플 많이 받아 가네요. 친절한 어플설명덕분에 제가 필요한 것들을 다운 받을수 있어서 항상 감사드려요.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  14. 이본 2010/02/11 15:21

    어제 미처 확인하지 못했던 만큼 오늘 많이많이 가져갑니다. ^^

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
  15. 게을뱅이 2010/02/11 15:41

    날씨가 참.. ㅡ.,ㅡ
    감기 조심하세요
    오늘도 감사합니다

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:48

      감사합니다. 게을뱅이님도 감기 조심하세요.

  16. 데굴대굴 2010/02/11 16:52

    G700은 버그가 하나 있었습니다. 예전 버전에 GPS와 Time 도장을 화면에 찍어주게끔(GPS정보를 EXIF에 저장하는게 아닙니다) 설정한 다음에 종료했다가 다시 실행하면 화면에는 설정된 걸로 나오는데, 정작 찍히지는 않는... 그런 버그였죠. 버그 있다고 알려줬더니만 업데이트하면서 이 부분을 아예 저장이 안되게끔 바꿔버렸더군요. -_-a

    이 회사의 다른 카메라 앱도 비슷한 버그가 있습니다. (저는 G60과 G700을 갖고 있습니다.) 언제 고칠련지... 고치기만 하면 거의 최강 카메라앱이라고 할 수 있는데 말이죠. 버그를 완전히 고쳐주기 전까지는 주변 분들께 추천하기 좀 그렇더군요.

    perm. |  mod/del. reply.
    • 도아 2010/02/15 06:49

      확인해 보니 날짜는 정상적으로 저장되는데 GPS는 저장이 되지 않더군요. 위치 정보를 가져오는 방법 때문에 방법이 없을 것 같기도 하더군요.

    • 데굴대굴 2010/02/15 10:57

      애플이 GPS 정보를 사진에 자세한 정보 입력을 막고 있습니다. 현실은 EXIF로 넣는 걸 막고 있는거죠. 그래서 개발자들이 우회하고자 (timestamp 처럼) 사진에 자막처리하기 시작했고요. 자막 처리할 때에는 자세한 정보는 빼고 시도까지만 나오도록 했습니다. 이렇게 하니까 문제가 없는거 같은데.....

      문제는 프로그램이 오동작한다는거죠. -_- 자막처리를 했다말았다....

(옵션: 없으면 생략)

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